• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,603 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...


Chapter 43: Memories


Why should I even be helping this prick? I thought for a few moments over exactly why I was helping Chance when he ruined everything for me back home. All I wanted was for him to say that I beat him in a fight so I could look cool. I even offered him some bits in exchange, but he just had to be hard headed about it.

Still, I can't just leave somepony that needs help; even if they're pricks. I'm not just going to let something bad happen to him; my dad would be ashamed of me. He always said that he became a guard to protect people even if he didn't like them.

The mare finally reached her destination; which was the side of a cliff for some reason. Her horn glowed revealing a doorway that wasn't there a few moments ago. After she walked through the door the wall reappeared in front of the door causing it to once again disappear. I slowly inched my way over to where the door was and started to push against the wall.

It was solid as a rock and wouldn't move. I thought maybe it was just an illusion, but it wasn't. What would dad do if he was in this situation?


I finally have him back! I finally have my son's body back! I spent so long carefully planning on how to capture him without that guard getting in the way. Imagine my surprise when I saw Lucky walking all alone at night; I just had to jump on the opportunity.

I heard a small groan come from my back which made my smile drop a little bit. That thing inside of Lucky was the worst mistake I ever made. All I wanted was to have my son come back to me, but I got a monster in his place.

The monster twisted everything so it looked like it was the victim when in reality I was. Sure, I might of not been the nicest host to the thing, but I had to figure out what went wrong during the spell by going into it's memories. This was how I knew that it was a monster rather than a pony in my son's body.

Walking further into my humble home I lit up a few lanterns with magical fire. It took me years to learn how to conjure up doorways that lead you anywhere and even longer to learn to do it without a door. It's been really useful in keeping myself out of the Canterlot dungeons.

I looked back towards the body lying on my back and tried to remember a happier time before he disappeared.

***3 years ago***

"Mom, Mom! I finally figured out how to make Roxy water proof," Lucky said while running up to me with his familiar Roxy on his back. He was always so worried about that bird getting hurt you'd think it was his only friend.

"That's nice honey. Do you mind lighting the stove for me?" I asked as I slowly pulled out some hay fries for dinner. He focused on the stove intently until finally a small fire was lit. "Thank you sweetie. Now how about you tell me about you making Roxy water proof,"

"In class we were learning about bird and how some have feathers that don't hold that much water. So I used my magic to mimic those feathers and-" He kept on going about the process he used on his bird. He was always so passionate about whatever it was he was talking about to the point that you could listen to him all day.

I just couldn't believe that I was able to have such a wonderful son when I could barely hold a job. When I had him it was the happiest day of my life.


*Snore* Was that thing snoring? I knocked it out not read it a bedtime story!

I finally made it back to Lucky's old room where I was holding him originally. It was still rather dilapidated, but that was more my fault than anything. I just couldn't stand going in there when Lucky disappeared and our home suffered.

I slid the sleeping colt off my back before chaining him back to where I originally had him. This time however I had acquired a more sturdy chain to hold him with. Before I forgot I focused on Lucky's horn until I saw it glow in return sealing his magic for now. I don't want him to escape after all.


"OH GOD I CAN"T GO BACK TO THAT!" I yelled as I scurried around the dark room in a panicked state. My other selves sat quietly at a table with uneasy expressions on their faces.

"Chance, you need to calm down," My human self said as he got up and started to walk over to me. "Panicking isn't going to get us out of the situation."

"I agree. If you waste all your energy running around we're screwed!" My pony self said as he got up to speak to me as well. I didn't exactly listen to either as I continued to run about in a blind panic.

That mare had me again and I couldn't just sit there and let her hurt me again. I can't just let it all happen again when I was finally getting over everything that happened. I can't let her stop me from saving everyone because she's a lunatic!

"WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled again as I bashed against the walls even harder. I couldn't be trapped with her again for the love of god I couldn't go through this again!

Author's Note:

I was going to write more today, but something from my childhood just came back into my life. If you need me I'll be playing destroy all humans 2