• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,608 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

I'll just sit here

Chapter 8: I'll just sit here

That Sunday passed without anything note worthy happening aside from Button coming back home with eight sets of mustaches. Where did they come from; I have absolutely no clue and Button wont tell me! That is beside the point though because aside from that nothing happened for the rest of the day, and I mean literally nothing. However my first day of being grounded is over, and if Rarity decides to come by for the apology I am a third of the way done.

Staying in this house all day wasn't exactly the best thing to happen, but I at least didn't have to go back to-

"BUTTON, CHANCE! TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" Loving called from down the stairs. I just happily sat up from my bed, and said the one thing I always said on school mornings,

"I can already feel my soul being crushed," Unlike me Button was already up, and he was still glued to the T.V. like I left him last night. I remember Loving telling Button to not play those games all night earlier so when she came in after a few minutes; I pulled out some popcorn that I had stashed earlier in my nightstand.

"Have you been playing those games all night, again?" she asked in a rather stern voice to a delirious Button Mash. I'm not sure he even knew where he was because he replied with something about a salad; she was not amused to say the least. She ended up unplugging the neightendo, and taking it somewhere Button wouldn't find it while he cried out for it's return. I didn't care since there were better ways to spend my time, but I realized something. I have school today.

Last time I had to wait a week before being forced back into school which brought up a certain question for me; why the hell do I even have to go to school here? I've already proven that I know more than a filly or colt would normally know, and even if they don't believe me about my history they should be able to tell that making me go is a waste of time.

I decided to go through my normal morning routine since it was basically the exact same as my school morning routine back in Manehatten. On my way to brushing my teeth though I stumbled across Loving who was walking down the stairs so I decided to ask her about why the hell I'm going to school my second day here.

"Well, Chance. We knew you were coming ahead of time so we went ahead, and did all the paper work,"

"I literally got here three days ago! Don't I need more time to adjust to my surroundings?"

"Arrow said you'd try that. In other words no" Loving said before continuing down the stairs leaving me at the top to decide how to properly kill Arrow without his notice.

I sighed before making my way into the nearby bathroom for Brushing my teeth with some hay toothpaste. I always wondered why they made literally everything out of hay, but that would probably never be answered. When I finished up in the bathroom I made my way back toward Button's room so I could get my vest before heading out.

I was the opposite of happy when I walked back into the bedroom because I saw Button wearing my vest, and one of his mustaches that he brought back last night.

"Button, would you kindly remove my vest,"

"But it's-"

"Don't care. That vest is mine," I said while walking toward him with one of my hooves outstretched. He looked at me then my hoof then back to me before removing the vest. He wasn't happy about me taking back my vest or about me cutting him off, but he has no idea what me and this thing have been through so he just needs to suck it up. I didn't take his mustache along with the vest so he shouldn't complain about taking something that has literally been with me since I was freed.

The rest of the morning went off without a hitch until I met open seas by the door where Arrow was waiting to take me and Button to school. Button had forgotten something in his room so I decided to talk to see what was up. Seas was apparently aggravated about Arrow's being there; I wasn't sure why until I got close enough to hear what was being said,

"I'm taking my son and Chance to school. Not some random stallion my wife is sleeping with," Arrow was staying calm and collected while Seas kept on with his rant; for about three seconds.

"Hey, you do not, and I repeat DO NOT insult Arrow or I swear I'll-"

"Calm down, Chance. You don't have to help,"

"Let the boy speak, whorse" OH HELL NO!

"YOU DO NOT CALL HIM A WHORE!" I started moving toward him when Arrow grabbed me by the barrel so I wouldn't rip seas' face off of his god damn head! "LET ME GO SO I CAN RIP HIS DICK OFF!"

"Chance, calm down. This is below both you and me" Arrow said still as calm as ever. I've never seen Arrow get angry, and that was one of the reasons he became my personal guard; I might not have said that right. He only became my escort because I asked for him to be because he saved me from that crazy mare when she came back for me.

***Canterlot, 2 weeks after freedom***

"No one is out here, Lucky.No princess to hide behind this time" The mare said as she started to circle around me like a wolf. The fact it was about 2 AM only added to the Illusion; the fact we were out in the park didn't help things either.

I was backed into a tree, and had no way of escape that I could exploit. No matter what I did I couldn't get away so I did the only thing I could,

"HELP ME!" I know you're going to ask why I didn't fight back; you see I couldn't use my magic to well and using my horn to impale her would require me to surprise her. She laughed at my pitiful attempts to call out for help, and she even started yelling for help to just to mock me even further.

"See, Nopony is coming for you" When she said that a shadow swept past her before disappearing. She didn't seem to notice it, but I did. Even if I wasn't sure about those Pegasi that were around; it did give me a little hope that one of them actually was around. She took another step toward me when we both heard someone shout from nearby,

"Step away from the colt." We both looked toward the brown pegasus in golden armor who was currently walking out of a nearby bush.

"I don't think so," with that she threw a few magic bolts at the pegasus who just shirked them off as if they were nothing.

"You realize that this armor isn't just for show, right?" The mare started to get annoyed at the fact her magic had absolutely no effect on him. She turned toward him, and charged at him with her horn. She wasn't able to get far however as one of her back hooves was smacked by a stick; the one I had grabbed to be specific.

The guard made his way over to the mare so he could arrest her, but she teleported away before he could disable her magic. I was really shaken up by the whole encounter, and the guard took note of this before making his way over to me.

"Hey, hey. It's okay little buddy. She's gone now." I hugged one of his legs while I thanked him, repeatedly. "Where are your parents?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you"

"Try me," So I told the guard everything, and of course he didn't believe me about my humanity. He did however recognize me when I brought it up however as I was the talk of the town for the past month.

"Wait if you're Lucky Chance, that means that must of been Jungle Vine. 500 bits gone like that,"

"What do you mean?"

"She's got a bounty on her for using that magic she used on you, Chance"

"Well thank you sir,"

"My name is Arrow Dodger, sir is for the higher ups" He took me back to where I was staying then. He would check up on me to see if I was okay from my close encounter which was another reason I liked him. From that point on Arrow became some what of a big brother to me, and I believe he sees me as a little brother all things considered. Either way he has kept me safe from that mare every time she found me; which is why I get really defensive when someone insults him.


I was certain Seas was going to say more, but Button had finally returned from his room with his propeller hat on and his saddlebags. Seas just grumbled, but didn't continue the issue for now so Button and I walked with Arrow toward the school this morning. I wasn't even able to give seas a thrashing, but I suppose beating the hell out of one of your guardians is not proper so I would wait another two weeks before doing so.

Arrow kept on walking as if nothing had happened, and Button didn't say anything probably because he didn't know what had happened. I hope he doesn't find out about it because I want to keep my friend, but I don't want to ruin his and his dad's relationship either. That however isn't a problem as long as no one brings it up.

Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I had a feeling that would happen which is why I gave two chapters on Monday to try and balance everything out. I might have to do this more often, but I'll try to get these chapters out every two days. I'd prefer to give them daily, but school work will get in the way very often. Also I kind of lied about Chance getting to the school this chapter; you already know why so I wont go into it. Anyway enjoy the chapter, and don't forget mustaches are awesome. :moustache: