• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,608 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

I Missed You

Chapter 42: I Missed you

We all were silently walking back through the forest back towards Ponyville. Cold had found a path shortly after the incident with Lucky was over with, and those flames around me died down. When I finally calmed down enough I started feeling extremely sad in a way I could barely describe. I had lost the only pony that cared about me in this world, and I couldn't do a damn thing to save him.

Dinky was walking extremely close to my side to my great annoyance. If she didn't come in here then Arrow wouldn't be dead, and me and him could be relaxing at a lake or something. He came in here to save her stupid ass from something he knew nothing about and it cost him everything. Why did he have to try and be a hero?

Cold on the other hand was also being dead silent and would occasionally glance my way with a pitiful expression on his face. Was that bastard feeling sorry for me?It's his fucking fault too! If Arrow didn't have to slow down for him so much he wouldn't have gotten bitten so much and could of kept on fighting. We should of left them to their fates.

'you don't truly believe that, do you?' the voice of my pony self spoke. I thought I told them not to speak while I was awake so I didn't appear to be crazy.

'Arrow went the extra mile to protect you so why shouldn't he do the same for them?'

"Because he was my friend, not theirs," I said under my breath which caused Dinky to look at me perplexed.

"Did you say something?" She asked while looking me in the eyes.

"It's nothing, just leave it alone," I didn't want them to go and say I was crazy now of all times. Arrow was the only one that could actually stop Insight from mind wiping me. Without him the crown will leave the decision up to Insight only because 'he knows best'. The best probably involves erasing Arrow from my mind.

I started to feel the tears welling up in my eyes though I kept on walking as if nothing was wrong. I have to be strong, I can't go back to being that scared kid I was when I first came here. I have to hold onto the confidence Arrow had given me while he was here.

"I'm sorry," Dinky said quietly which earned her a slight glare from me which she shrank away from. I wanted to yell and scream and tell her that it was all her fault my best friend was dead, but I realized it wouldn't solve anything. It wouldn't bring him back and it would only serve to make things even worse for me.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just get out of here and I'll...I don't know. I don't have anything anymore," The tears started to well up even more in my eyes as I said that. I 'm trapped in a land of horses with no guarantee of a way home, and the only pony that I could trust was dead. My brother was enslaved by a demon and I made a kid witness his parents fight that will most likely lead to their divorce. I'm just a shitty person who can't do anything right.

The trees were starting to part and light began to pour into the forest though it wasn't much. It turns out that we had been in there almost all day, and it was currently sunset. I just had to go home and do something.

"Where are you going?" Dinky said while stopping me with a hoof.

"Back to Button's. I'm done for today," I said while taking her hoof off of me.

"We have to tell the princess or-"

"They wont believe a word we say. They'll chalk up Arrow's disappearance to wild animals and forget about it." These people wont look into anything we say. They'll just call us insane and tell us that they'll handle it while they sat on their fat FUCKING ASSES!

"They have to! We all saw it happen," I really wanted to believe that they would believe us, but they didn't believe me when my brother went missing so why would they believe us now? I felt a hoof rest on my should which caused me to turn and face Cold.

"I'm sorry about what happened, but we have to get help. If we don't then Arrow will have died for nothing," When Cold said that my blood began to boil. What gave him the right to say that Arrow would have died for nothing. I threw his hoof off of my shoulder before I semi screamed at him.

"You didn't even know him! The only reason you even care is because you need more ponies to say what happened! Well if you want me to say anything then bring my friend back! Oh, wait you can't because he's fucking dead!" Cold shrank away from me as I yelled that last part. "I'm going home,"

I stormed away from them completely angry over everything that happened because of their stupidity. Why would they think that anyone would even believe us about this bullshit. Turning a corner I was finally on the street that Button's house was on. Something felt wrong however, almost as if someone was watching me.

"Hello, Lucky," A terrifyingly familiar voice rang in front of me. Out from one of the alleys on the street came a forest green unicorn with golden eyes and pale mane. I froze when I saw her, and a chill ran up my back every time she said a word. "It's about time I found you all alone. I was beginning to think I would have to deal with that guard myself."

She smiled after saying that and slowly began to walk towards me. Her horn began to glow a full yellow and a tingly sensation covered my entire body before I realized I couldn't move. I tried to scream, but nothing would come out of my mouth. My heart began to pick up its pace, and I was about to go into a panic attack when everything started to go dim and eventually black.


What was that mare doing to Chance? I tried to follow him and talk with him more about going to the authorities when I saw that mare come out of nowhere. I hid behind a trashcan so she wouldn't spot me, but after a moment she wrapped her magic around Chance while calling him Lucky for some reason.

Wasn't that kid in the forest named Lucky? Now that I think about it they look extremely similar, but why would she be kidnapping Chance. I could see him trying to scream when her horn glowed even brighter and he stopped moving in her magic.

She started walking down the street with Chance on her back. I have to follow them or who knows what will happen to Chance.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading, but I would like to take a moment to ask you all something. What I want to ask is why my story is as popular as it is. I know the plot is kind of...everywhere and the pacing is still probably the worst on this site so why do you all enjoy this story? I didn't want to ask this because I don't want to seem like I'm trying to be told I'm good at something, but I just want to know why this story is so popular even with all the flaws that liter this story. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you to those of you that will take the time to answer my question. Enjoy your days and stories. :twilightsmile:

As a side note we're finally coming to the finale in a few chapters. I know it doesn't seem like it, but we are. It's a good thing to because I'm really starting to want to get started on another story. As you all know that blog of mine has all the ones that I'm willing to write next.