• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,603 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Broken Promises

Chapter 41: Broken Promises

"HOW CAN A FUCKING WOLF JUST REASSEMBLE LIKE THAT?" I shouted while everyone was running in the opposite direction of the wolves. When those wolves surrounded us earlier the one in front of us pounced on Arrow and bit one of his wings which is still bleeding rather badly. If we could stop I would try to help with the bleeding, but those wolves are still right on our tails.

"MY TAIL!" Cold shouted when one of the wooden wolves latched onto his blue tail. I wasn't sure when, but Arrow had moved backwards and kicked the wolf in the head releasing Cold from its jaws. One of the other wolves took the opportunity to jump onto Arrow's back and bit his neck.

"Get off!" Arrow shouted as he started to buck wildly causing the wolf to go flying into his friend that was just getting up. We don't know where that other wolf went, but I wasn't going to complain about not having to run from another one especially with Arrow like he is.

"I don't suppose anyone here has a plan, do they?" I asked while looking towards the other ponies in the group. No one spoke up so I suppose that that would be a no to that question. "Well fuck,"

We had to keep running or because those wolves were already right back on us. How can they re assemble like that when Arrow literally broke every single stick in them. I'm not lying he literally stomped on them multiple times, but they just came back together anyway because fuck us right.

Arrow now had a permanent look of pain on his face, and I could tell all those bites were starting to get to him. Each step he takes I can hear him let out a pained breath especially when it's on the his right side where most of the bites were located. We had to get him to a hospital as soon as we get out of here.

"Look! We're almost home!" Dinky shouted overjoyed while directing us towards a light at the end of the forest. This was great news since we'd finally be able to get out of here, and get Arrow some help. This was when my blood froze however because of a certain pony walking in front of the light.

"Hello again," Lucky said as we ran towards him. I wasn't going to let this fucker stop us from getting Arrow some help so I lowered my head as I ran full speed towards him.

"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted as my horn pierced his chest. He grunted in pain as I carried him through the light towards the edge of a cliff. The light lead to a fucking cliff!

"Whoops, did you think you were about to get away?" Lucky said as he pushed me off of him and onto the ground. Dinky helped me up to my hooves while I just stared at Lucky who had a hole in his chest now. Scratch that the hole had closed almost instantly.

"That's fucking cheating man!" I shouted as those timber wolves finally came out of the forest to cut off our escape. We were surrounded and we all knew it.

"Maybe, but then again I never played fair. I'm more surprised that your friend there is still alive let alone moving around," Lucky said motioning to Arrow who was struggling just to stand up now. He was still bleeding for some reason and it was obvious it was effecting him somehow. "Timber wolves are such interesting creatures. I tried to get them to follow us, but they run off pure instinct and wont take orders."

At this point both of the wolves were right behind us and a few more growls emanated from the forest. After a moment three more wolves appeared from the forest and joined the others. Looks like that one that disappeared called in a few friends.

"I'm going to give you all a choice here; either come with me and work for my master or I let the wolves kill you,"

"I don't think so," I said as I focused on one of the wolves as hard as I could. Eventually smoke started to pour out of it causing the other wolves to look at it in confusion until fire burst out from it. "I prefer going home and kicking your ass over the other choices."

"That's a shame. I guess I'll just have to kill you myself," Lucky said while fire started to erupt near him. "I suppose you can still be useful minions even without your minds,"

"CHANCE!" Dinky shouted for some reason causing me to look at her instead of Lucky. She was looking towards my hooves where a red circle had surrounded me. Does he have anything else o use other than this bullshit! I quickly jumped out of the way though part of my tail got caught in the flames as they shot up out of the ground.

At this moment Lucky had called up his bird thing and had sent it to peck out Arrow's eyes.

"Why do they always go for the eyes!" Arrow shouted while covering his eyes as he back away over towards the ledge while swatting at the bird.

"ARROW, STOP!" I shouted as I saw Lucky grin at me before forming a fire ball beside him.

"Careful, there's a ledge there," He said as he tossed the fire ball at Arrow hitting him square in the chest. The ball hit him with such force that he was pushed off the ledge. I...I could hear him screaming on his way down.

"ARROW!-" I shouted as I ran over to the ledge and looked down it only to see trees. "-ARROW! NONONO, ARROW!"

"Now that problem is solved how about you reconsider my offer," Lucky said in a very smug voice. I turned toward him with a glare that would melt stone.

"I'm going to kill you and use your skull as a fuck toy," I said while fire started to erupt around me though instead of it's usual orange color it was blue. "I'm going to kill you and then find a necromancer to bring you back so I can kill you again and again."

"This should be interesting," He said with a smug look. Those wolves that were surrounding us had ran off as soon as the fire began to appear around me. That was too bad since I could of used some of their sticks to shove up Luck's ass!

"Chance?" I heard Dinky ask in a scared voice as I stared Lucky down. I didn't respond to her, but instead used that same spell that Lucky seemed to have an obsession with. He just stood there with a smug look on his face before I set it off.

"Don't you remember that I can't burn?" He said as I let loose the fire. I'm pretty sure that smug look on his face was gone since he was actually shouting in pan from within the torrent of fire. When the fire ceased Lucky was standing there with a pained look on his face and steam coming off his back.

"That isn't normal,"

"I said I'd kill you, and I'm a man of my word," I said as three fireballs formed around me which made Lucky's eyes widen before he just surrounded himself in fire. When that fire of his dissipated he was gone. "YOU FUCKING FUCK! GET BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!"

I was so angry, and I couldn't get back at the person who fucking caused all this! I swear I will find that bastard and tie him to a chair so I can have some fun before getting my revenge. I will-

"Chance, you're scaring me," Dinky said in a very scared tone. Looking over towards her I realized that those flames around me only grew bigger the angrier I got. I tried to calm down, but I just couldn't I had to get my revenge!


I groaned from the pain as I slowly woke up. Looking up I could just barely see the top of the cliff I fell off through the trees, and I could see some kind of blue fire coming off of it. I tried to stretch out my wing, but quickly stopped when the bite on my wing started hurting to much. Looks like I'm going to have to walk back up the cliff if I want to help Chance.

I tried to get onto my hooves, but this was when I realized that one of my hooves were bent in the wrong direction.

"SHIT!" I shouted when I noticed. I stayed there for a few minutes to try and form a plan when the bushes next to me began to rustle and a glow started to emanate from them. Slowly that fire pony from earlier emerged, and walked slowly over towards me while I tried to crawl away.

It started to speak in some weird language as it grabbed a hold of one of my hooves. I felt a burning sensation in my hoof, but it was only for a minute before everything started to seem really distant. I stopped fighting when I could barely feel anything, and everything went black. The last thing I remember before finally blacking out was me saying.

"I'm sorry, Chance."

Author's Note:

:fluttercry: I hate that I had to do that to Arrow, but it's an important part of the story. I was going to do it last chapter, but I felt that he would be able to fight back until he was barely standing like he was here. I hope to see you all next time and remember revenge is a great motivator.