• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,608 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Never Free: part 3

Chapter 14: Never Free: part 3 (like every boss fight)



"Sapphire is better!"

"they're the same game, but Ruby is better!"

"Why am I even arguing about this with a dragon?"

"Because you saw the Joyboy in my hoard!"

"Oh yeah... Sapphire!"

"Shut up Chance," F.C said as I tried to continue our battle over the ponymons! I don't care that I'm eighteen this shit will never die and these ponies understand that.

I didn't even realize that it was nightfall until I noticed a bright orange glow on the walls. We had been arguing over this for four hours which is surprisingly short in comparison to some of my other arguments with the ponies. The glow on the wall I would of just chalked up to my fire going, but it was brighter and a lot bigger than it should be. I turned my ears toward the cave entrance to see if I could hear anything; I could hear a lot of hoofsteps entering the caves entrance.

"CHANCE!" I heard Arrow call out from the entrance. F.C heard him as well and had his claws come out.

"WAIT! I know him Fire," He let his claws fall back to the ground and nodded for me to go meet arrow. I began walking toward the entrance where Arrow was waiting. His expression was one of worry until he saw me then it was pure relief.

"Dear Celestia, Chance!" Arrow said as he started hugging me tightly.

"Hey Arrow..."

"Are you okay? Lyra came back into town saying a dragon was holding you hostage and -"

"I'm fine, Arrow," I wasn't looking him the eyes while he asked me all these questions. I mean how could I when I ran away from him and caused him to worry about me for 2 whole days. He finally let me go to inspect me for any injuries when he caught sight of one of my hooves which were still covered in scars from the glass.

"I'm so sorry, Chance,"

"About what? You're sorry about my fears because you shouldn't be,"

"I'm supposed to protect you, and I let this happen to you," He said motioning toward my hooves. He pulled me back into the hug and I heard something from Arrow I didn't think possible. When I felt the tears hit me I knew it; he was crying over me. Why is he so worried about me when I caused him all this grief because I couldn't simply let him handle everything.

"It's not your fault, Arrow. I shouldn't have ran away," I felt tears welling up in my own eyes the more I thought about how much I fucked up. I couldn't cry though I'm a man for fucks sake! Tears started to leak out of my eyes anyway so I just let it go and began crying with Arrow; it felt good to let that out.

"Lets get you home, Chance,"

"Arrow I...I-"

"I know,"

"Before we go. let me say goodbye to Fire Catcher,"


"The dragon who looked after me while I was out here,"

"Oh shit!" I was about to ask him why he just said that when a very tall white alicorn walked by him with a very angry expression on her face. I was confused as to why she was here when I heard roars from the inside of the cave that were definitely not pony.

"FIRE! LET ME GO ARROW!" I yelled as I tried pulling away so I could help my friend who roars became louder and louder each passing moment. Arrow wouldn't let me go however so I had to do the one thing I could think of and bit his hoof causing him to drop me suddenly. I ran toward the back of the cave where Celestia and Fire were currently though Fire was a bloody mess and Celestia was still her pristine white.

"Back away little one. I'll protect you," She said giving me a small smile before pulling a boulder out of one of the walls and raising it over Fire's head. I couldn't let her kill him because of my stupidity so I did probably the worst thing possible and tackled her before rushing toward Fire who was barely concious.

"I'm here, Fire. I'll protect you,"

"Bad things happen..."

"...but you shouldn't let them destroy you,"

"Good kid, now go on and leave before they decide that you are dangerous too," Celestia had walked up behind me during our conversation and picked me up and handing me to arrow who had just caught up to us.

"I think he has Stockholm syndrome. Bring him by his therapist tomorrow," Celestia said before picking the boulder back up in her magic which caused something in me to snap.

"YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HIM!" I yelled as fire erupted around me. I don't know what exactly was going on, but I didn't care they were going to kill something that had done nothing wrong. I was not going to let that happen because of my incompetence. "I will kill you if you try..."

*** 2 years ago***

"This place is really freaky,"

"It's just an abandoned church, Chance,"

"Demons like taking these places over man. For the irony of it I think," I said as I slowly walked toward the center of the small building. This place just felt wrong in every sense of the word.

"You really believe that shit?"

"Yes I do. People get stuck between worlds sometimes and demons like stealing souls,"

"It just seems a little childish to me,"

"You can't explain everything with normal logic so I use superstition to fill the gaps," He was looking at the podium and his eyes went wide at whatever it was he was looking at.

"I don't think this is a bible man," he said as he lifted up a book that's cover was completely blank and seemed to be made of some kind of leather. This was really fucking weird so I took a few steps toward Ryan, but the closer I got to him and the book the more I felt like something was wrong.

"It sure as hell isn't. I don't think we should mess with it,"

"I want to see whats inside," He opened up the book and a chill ran down my spine. A feeling of dread enveloped me as he began reading. He was also one of those people that speak when they read; I couldn't understand what he was saying but it sounded evil. When he reached the last word flames erupted near us revealing a creature of fire.

"RUN!" I yelled to him which he gladly obliged.


"STOP THIS INSTANT, CHANCE!" Celsestia said with an authoritative voice in an attempt to get me to stop defending Fire.

"DROP THE ROCK AND I MIGHT!" Celestia didn't lower the rock and instead shot a beam of magic at me. I jumped to my right before sending a fire ball directly at her. She dodged it with ease before attempting to throw another magic bolt at me which hit one of my legs making it go numb.


"I WONT LET YOU KILL MY FRIEND!" I yelled back at her before tossing another fireball at her which she dodged. The fire went flying for a few feet before it hit something.

I heard a yelp of pain from behind Celestia causing us both to turn toward it to see Arrow was on the ground with severe burns on his legs. The flames around me died instantly as I limped toward him in hopes that it was just an illusion, but when I got there they were as real as could be.

"I'm so sorry, Arrow! I didn't mean to-" I blacked out before I could finish my sentence.

Author's Note:

Oh shit, Chance really fucked up here didn't he? Anyway I have a new question to pose to all of you as before you all did have interesting answers so. If you found a dragons den in the woods and knew that the dragon could speak what would you do? Anyway thank you for reading and I hope to see you all again in the next chapter.