• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,608 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Never Mind, I Regret Everything!

Chapter 6: Never Mind, I Regret Everything!

"Where in Tartarus have you been, Chance! It's eight!"

"Oh, give me a break, Arrow. Besides I would of been with you if you didn't pawn me off!"

"I didn't-"

"You let three random fillies take me away while you laughed!"

"You needed friends so I figured that-"

"It's a good thing you were right." I gave Arrow a huge grin before hugging his leg, "I was with them all day,"

"You still didn't check in with either me or Arrow. We were worried sick!" Loving said when I finally let go of Arrow's leg.

"I didn't think about that."

"Chance, you have to check in with us. What if something happened to you?"

"It'd be my problem, not yours!" I said raising my voice a little by accident which only served to make them angrier with me. I didn't wait for their response since I knew it would only be more angry words for me so I pushed past Loving and made my way upstairs. They of course were calling for me the entire time, but I ignored them which would bite me later.

I made my way into Button's room before borderline slamming the door shut behind me. Why should they be able to get angry with me when I do exactly what they wanted? I hated this back home, and I hate it just as much here; just make up your damn minds before getting me to do something instead of getting pissy because you changed your god damned mind afterword!

So I decided to say fuck this, and moved over toward the window so I could get out without their noticing. I may have been on the second story, but there were a few bushes just below the window to cushion the fall albeit a little painfully. I was just about to jump into the bushes when a voice sounded behind me.

"Chance, what are you doing?" Button said taking a few steps toward me.



"Because of... you know what. you don't need to know,"

"You sound like mom and dad," That caught my attention as he said it with a rather sad tone. I took a step away from the window so that I could have a more face to face conversation with Button.

"What do you mean by that, Button?"

"When they argue and I ask why; they say I don't need to know," I took a few more steps away from the window so I could get closer to Button who was sounding more and more depressed. By the way he was saying all of this it made me think that leaving might not be a good idea; not because of me but because Button is going to need someone who understands what he will go through.

I was finally next to Button and gave him a hug which he responded with trying to push me off. I however kept my grip on him, and he eventually stopped and just accepted the hug. When I go home I think I might take one of these ponies just because they are so freaking soft; I mean they are literally as soft as... I'm getting off topic aren't I?

"Listen to me, Button. I wont leave until I've found a way home,"

"But you are home,"

"No, my home Button,"

"Why can't you just go there?"

"Because of... because..." I couldn't tell him why I was trapped, could I? Those fillies didn't make fun of me so maybe Button here wont either. "Because I'm from another world, er universe... actually I'm still not sure about that,"

"Really?" He asked in a rather skeptical voice,

"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but-"

"That's so cool,"

"Wait, what?" did he just say cool instead of 'Oh my Celestia he's a freak'?

"Yeah, I mean you probably get to go on lots of adventures,"

"I don't, but what I want to ask is; you actually believe me?"

"Sure! Its happened in video games so why not real life?" I couldn't argue with that logic, and it means that Button might help me to get home in the near future. All I needed was to find a book that held the spell that brought me here in the first place; with Button here I might be able to find said spell faster.

Looking over to the clock I saw that we had been standing here for awhile actually as it was about 9:30 now. I decided that going to bed might be a good idea as being bitched at was my near future, and I needed all the energy I could get before dealing with it. Button however wanted to have another night of gaming, but I got him to agree to let me sleep while he played his games on a low volume. Climbing into my bed, I snuggled into the pillow and drifted off as I began to dream; in this case however it was another horrifying nightmare.


"I LEARNED HOW TO WALK AGAIN! NOW COME IN HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!" I yelled as I repeatedly hit the door with my front hooves. I've been in this god damn room for about a week now and ever day that crazy horse would come in here and fuck with my head whether or not I agreed to it.

I kept hitting the door with all my might, but it wouldn't move an inch; I was however able to cause a bit of damage to it when I kicked it as hard as I could. It wasn't much, but it meant progress so I started kicking the door even if I fell onto my face repeatedly. I had to get out of here if I ever wanted to see my home again; the more I kicked the more chips would fly off in random directions causing the floor to look like a beach made of saw dust.

I kept at this for a few hours until I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door which made me realize she was coming! I quickly made my way over to where she left me last time she saw me so she wouldn't realize something was wrong. My plan was all on the hope that she didn't hear my yelling earlier so she would leave the door open like usual.

"Lucky, are you ready for another big day?" She said as she opened the door and walked into the room. She looked over toward me with her damned smile, and started walking toward me at a cheery pace which only served to make me more horrified.

"Before you do that magic mumbo jumbo can I ask you something?" I asked hoping she would take the bait and by me the time I needed.

"Well, I suppose that you deserve at least some answers. go on ahead,"

"Alright, can you tell me if THIS HURTS" I yelled as I rushed toward her causing my horn to impale on of her front legs. She cried out in pain as I pulled my horn out of her leg, and booked it out the door into a dark hallway. I didn't have time to think so I rushed over to the stairs to my left so I could get lower, and hopefully find a way out of this hell hole!

I rushed down as fast as I could, but seeing as I just learned how to walk again I tripped and face planted on to the floor causing my nose to start bleeding. It really hurt, but I couldn't focus on it as that mare was now at the top of the stares with a wicked grin across her face before she spoke,

"You can't get away, Lucky. You are mine!"

"Say that when you don't have a hole in your fucking leg," I yelled back as I booked it through the hall way I had entered toward a door. I threw the door open, and quickly shut it behind me which resulted in a thump from the other side, "You really fell for that!" I called back before turning and seeing a window that lead to the streets. I decided that getting cut up by glass isn't the worst possible thing so I jumped for the window causing it to shatter under the force.

Once I was through the window I did a small victory dance before realizing that there were more of these horses all around me. My heart started to race as they all stared at me with varying expressions, and a few of them started to move toward me. I was not going to let any of them grab me so they could start fucking with my head so I ran in the opposite direction. I darted into alleyways, dumpsters, and even jumped through a hole in someones fence at one point to avoid being caught by any of those damn horses; I was almost out of there too but one of those horses wearing armor grabbed me.

He told me my mother was worried about me which confused me because how could he possibly know who my mother was. I realized he was talking about that mare when she came into view with a grin and thanking him for finding her 'son'.He handed me over to her without question, and I wasn't able to protest because when she used her magic on me she did something to my vocal cords so I couldn't speak; when we were back at her home she spoke quietly into my ear,

"That was a bad idea you know. Now I'll have to speed up our day so I can keep schedule!" her smile only grew larger when she realized something, "I've read that these spells work better when you're awake. Are you ready for a really big day, Lucky?" I whimpered silently before the door shut behind us; freedom was so close but it was stolen away from me.

Author's Note:

Gah, morning writing only makes me more tired! Anyway here is half of what I offered yesterday so hopefully I wont get distracted, and forget to write the other chapter. Anyway thank you for reading, and I hope to make this story worth your time.