• Published 5th Aug 2015
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The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

What happened?

Chapter 22: What happened?

"How's the leg?" I asked to Arrow who was currently taking me and Button back to school.

"It's fine. Still can't take the bandages off though," Arrow replied.

"I'm still sorry,"

"Don't be, Chance. Besides if it wasn't for you that dragon would be dead," He had a point there. If i didn't do anything F.C would be dead right now so maybe I did some good with my temper. That's a first since every other time has resulted in a lot of people getting hurt, but then again this time it wasn't directly caused by a flashback.

When I think about it maybe I should go see him and apologize for all the trouble I caused him. Would he want to see me though? I mean the only reason he got hurt was because I was using him as a shield. It probably would be a good idea to see him though even if he never wants to see me again. Maybe I should bring him a piece offering.

"Good morning, Chance," Cheerilee said with a bright smile across her face. She was making an effort not to look at Arrow who was standing beside me. After a moment though I noticed Button had latched himself onto her leg. He was holding that leg with a certain look in his eyes and then it hit me. Button had a crush on the teacher!

"Good morning, Cheerilee. How have you been?"

"I've been good. You?"

"Life is a rollercoaster, but right now it's at a mid point." Was my reply before I walked past Cheerilee into the school house. Before I past the threshold however I pried Button off of her leg, much to his disappointment. I'd deal with that situation later, but right now I had to do some simple math problems.

I walked over toward the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they call themselves. I didn't know that until I pieced they shouted that everytime they did something extremely dangerous and stupid. Those were some fun adventures with those guys, whoops I mean girls.

"Bull fighting is totally safe," Scootaloo was saying to her two other friends. They held a 'you are fucking crazy' expression their faces. Sweetie was the first to notice my presence and ushered me over.

"Hey Chance. We were just talking about how to get our cutie marks tomorrow," She said while looking toward the other two who were still arguing over bull fighting and Ninja training. I swear these kids need to chill with what they try doing.

"Wait, Tomorrow? You guys tend to do these thing everyday,"

"Yeah, but today is Twilight time. She helps us learn some skills," Who was Twilight? I knew that there was a princess in town by that name, but it couldn't possibly be her right?

"Alright, what kinds of skills does she teach you all?"

"She helps Scootaloo work on her scooter, Applebloom with alchemy, and she helps me with magic," Wait Magic? That could be useful to me. I'm assuming these kids are similar to me in the sense that these kids also hate people with sticks up their asses so maybe I could talk to Arrow about me learning magic with this Twilight.

"Chance? What are you doing talking to the blank flanks?" Diamond said as she walked into the building. That was strange for her to say since she never said that to me while I didn't have my ass tattoo.

"You mean my friends?"

"How could you be friends with them?" She said with spite in her voice. She was pointing toward them as well, but she seemed to be more focused on Applebloom for some reason.

"They drag me along to try and 'help' me. When that didn't work they offered to let me go pranking with them and BOOM friendship,"

"I wouldn't stay friends with them for long. Especially her!" Diamond said while pointing to Applebloom. She walked away after that leaving all of us confused.

"What was that about?" I asked Applebloom who wasn't looking at any of us. This was weird and diamond had said all of that with such hatred. There was definitely something going on here, but Cheerilee walked in and told us to get to our seats. Whatever is going on I'm going to have to get the story from both Diamond and Applebloom.

"Alright class, it's time I taught you about fractions..." Fuck you school!

After awhile it was once again time to head to recess. Rumble and Pipsqueak asked if me or Button wanted to play knights vs. pirates again, but I was going to try and figure out what Diamond had against the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Button decided to help me by writing down whatever I told him to which would be a great help to me. I'm surprised he hasn't held that poison joke thing against me, but he did seem to be remorseful about poking at my history.

They asked how I knew about those plants and all I told them was to read a little. It's actually funny how much alchemy goes into rituals that open portals. That's beside the point however as I had an investigation to begin.

I saw Diamond and Silver talking beside the swings when me and Button walked over to them. Diamond saw me and said something to Silver before she nodded and walked over to me.

"Diamond doesn't want to talk to you," She said in a snarky voice.

"Too bad. I'm going to speak to her" I said side stepping Silver and making my way toward the swings when Silver got in front of me.

"I said she doesn't want to talk to you!"

"Listen Lap Dog, I just want to speak to one of my friends. If you have a problem with that you can fu-" I remembered she was only a kid"-fudge off!"

I tried moving around her again, but she would just get in front of me again and again. I couldn't get past her until Button walked over to me and whispered into my ear,

"I've got the notes," I was wondering what he was saying when I noticed where he came from. He had been talking to Diamond this entire time while Silver was trying to stop me. I whispered back to him,

"Good job," before turning around and walking away. "So what did you get?"

"Not much, but she did say that her and Applebloom used to be friends,"

"Really? I swear this sounds like a cliche T.V. show episode,"

"Yep," We were ready to go speak to Applebloom when Dinky walked up to us,

"Applebloom said that Diamond was lying," Dinky said.

"About what? Also when did you talk to Applebloom?"

"I don't know. She just pointed yo you saying to tell you Diamond was lying. I was asking what their problem was when I over heard you guys talking."

"I'm not sure whether to be mad at you for eavesdropping or thankful for you saving us time," She was blushing again,

"It was no problem," I gave her a smile before grabbing the notes Button took, and taking Dinky to the side to compile everything.

Button had more than what he let on because it goes into a little more detail than they used to be friends. Apparently Silver, Diamond, and Applebloom all used to be best friends before something happened. Neither of them said what it was that caused them to break apart, but there was one lead that Button was able to get. A filly named Twist was there before whatever it was that broke them up.

"I know Twist. Maybe I can help you," Dinky said while giving me a smile. It would make getting information easier if Twist knew the person asking the questions so I gave her a nod. The smile on her face doubled in size after that. "I wont let you down, Chance!"

"I don't expect you to. Meet me after school and we'll discus how we will go about this."

"Sure thing" We could of gone to speak to Twist during recess, but I took enough of everyone's time so that was why I decided to do the rest after school. Whatever the reason for these two hating each other Twist is the only one that may give a direct answer.