• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,603 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Back to not so normal life

Chapter 28: Back to not so normal life

This is amazing! The wind flowing through my mane and the view is just to die for. I could see for miles up here from Canterlot to Ponyville and I think even Detrot! This was what I always loved about flying with Arrow, but he could never get this high because of his wings.

"You two okay back there?" Fire asked while turning his head to look at us. He offered to give us a ride back to Ponyville so we wouldn't get lost on the way. I think it was actually avoid another misunderstanding though considering one of his eyes were still healing.

"We're fine," I yelled back toward him. He went back to focusing on flying while I turned back toward Button, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Button answered a little downtrodden.

"Button, I'm here for you. Anything you need just let me know," I said while patting him on the back. "Remember my promise a few weeks ago?" Button looked up at me confused before thinking very hard. He shook his head to confirm he did not remember so I decided to repeat it, "I wouldn't leave until I found a way home. Until I help our brothers I'm not going to try to get home,"

Button's expression brightened when I said that, but it was obvious he was still sad over everything. Who could really blame him? He thought his brother was dead or missing for three years and now he sees him working for a monster. That would mess anyone up.

I turned my head to look at the skyline as Ponyville grew closer to us. I was always scared of heights back home, but ever since I've been here that fear was gone. I think Arrow's catching me after falling off a building might have been what helped me with that fear. He always was there when I needed him.

When we get back I'm going to have to express how much he means to me somehow. I just had to figure out what he would really appreciate. Maybe two of those crazy expensive milkshakes would work. If I did that I would be flat out broke though...better win all his money before doing that then.

"We're almost there. I'm going to be keeping an eye on you from now on, Chance. Maybe you wont find anymore evil books if I do," F.C yelled back to us as we descended toward Ponyville. This might not have been the greatest idea because I could already hear the screams of everyone in town, and we were at least a half a mile high!

"I guess they haven't seen a dragon before!" I shouted towards F.C as we landed in the center of town. He extended a wing for me and Button to slide down to the ground where a crowd had started gathering.

"CHANCE!" Dinky shouted when I hit the ground. She ran up to me before giving me a big hug and turning to Button. "You go to find Chance, and you bring back a dragon. How'd you pull that off?"

"I actually know Fire," I interrupted before Button could even speak. Looking toward the crowd I could see all the other foals from school looking at me with awe. I guess riding a dragon into town isn't the most common occurrence in Ponyville, but the weirdest shit happens every other week here. Seriously, I saw a flying orange at one point!

This was when I saw Arrow finally emerge from the crowd with a mixture of relief and pure anger. I guess riding F.C back to town was enough to tell him where I was all day. How am I going to explain all of this to him without him getting angry?

"Chance! what were you-"

"He was looking for me!" Button interrupted Arrow. There was a series of 'what's coming from everyone in the crowd as well as me. "I ran into the forest and Chance went looking for me."

"Is that true, Chance?" Arrow asked. I looked toward Button who gave a slight nod.

"No. I went into the forest because I got angry over something stupid. Button's just trying to cover for me," I said while bowing my head in shame. I can't let Button get in trouble over my mistakes so I had to be the bad guy here. "He went to help me, and we got lost." I still didn't have to to tell the whole truth though.

"I'm glad you're being honest with me, Chance. You still shouldn't have gone back in there though," Arrow said before turning towards Fire. "Thanks for bringing them back,"

"It wasn't a problem. They're good kids; they just need to be a little more careful," He looked toward me after he said that. I knew he was talking about the book, but wasn't saying anything to Arrow. I guess he understands my desperation, and is going to let me do what I have to. Who knows maybe I could convince him to teach me some dragon dialects to help me figure out the language.

"I know what you mean. Chance can be a hoof full whenever he has an idea," This was when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw the CMC and Diamond standing there with worried expressions.

"Are you alright, Chance?" Applebloom asked,

"Never better! I could go for a milkshake though," I said while turning toward Arrow who was still chatting with F.C. Looks like my plans are on hold until later so I turned back toward the fillies. Diamond was looking down toward the ground in what I think was shame maybe?

"We're sorry," Diamond said while looking up toward me. "We should of just told you what happened,"

"What's done is done. There is no point in being sad about it. Besides I was going to go in there anyway to check of Fire there," I said while pointing toward the big ass dragon in the center of town. The fillies looked at me confused before putting two and two together and giving a collective 'oooooohhhh'.

"You are friends with a dragon?" Scootaloo asked,

"Just like Spike!" Sweetie interrupted before I could speak,

"Wait, who's Spike?" I asked genuinely confused.

"He's Twilight's assistant, and he's a dragon!" Sweetie said enthusiastically.

So there has been a dragon in town this entire time, and I'm just NOW hearing about it. How has no one told me about this for the past few weeks? This isn't exactly the most common thing in any world!

"You should come with us to Twilight time so you can meet him," Applebloom shimmed in.

"Didn't Twilight say to stop inviting every foal to Twilight time?" Scootaloo added.

"I'm sure she wont mind meeting Chance. Besides she hasn't met him yet," Applebloom said with her unparalleled logic. While it was true I never met this Twilight I'm sure that she probably doesn't care to meet me. Still if she has a dragon the princess that lives here probably keeps a close eye on her just in case.

"If she doesn't mind my coming along then I'll go," I said though I'm pretty sure neither of them could hear me. Sweetie moved up beside me to watch the shouting match that was starting. "Do they ever not shout at each other?"


"Any idea on what time it is?" I asked. Sweetie looked toward the sun before saying,

"About 6:00. Why?"

"I should probably get back home. I have to see Insight tomorrow morning,"

"Who's that?" Sweetie asked while giving me a questioning look.

"My therapist. It's time for my next appointment, and I have a few things I need to talk to him about." I finally have a chance to get my brother back so I have even more of a reason to pretend to get 'better'. I can't risk that mind wipe and leaving Ryan and Combo in the clutches of that monster. So I'm going to have to do the one thing I didn't want to. I'm going to have to act as if I think I'm a pony.

Author's Note:

:ajsleepy: I wanted to hit 200 likes before we hit 20 dislikes. I know it was a little bit of a big goal, but I thought we could do it. Still we got pretty freaking close to it so I still feel like we achieved something. Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

Nearly forgot to add this, but do any of you think I should change DT's tag to a Dinky tag since she's had more of an impact on the story?

Edit: Can someone please tell me what gets a story featured! I'm pretty sure it's just pulling my leg now because I know I shouldn't get featured every time I release a chapter!