• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,603 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

I Don't Need Anyone

Chapter 24: I Don't Need Anyone

Who the hell did Button think he was? I've never lost my brother he says. I don't remember who I am he says. He can go to hell for all I care! I actually started to think that he could be a good friend, but NO fuck you Chance! You don't deserve friends, you don't deserve family, you don't deserve a brother because you fucked all that up long ago!

The more I thought about all this the more tears fell from my face. Why did he have to say all of that? All I was doing was trying to get him to calm down, but he just had to do that. I still remember who I am, right? I'm a human trapped in a colt's body aren't I? I shook my head to clear the thoughts, of course I am a human. I can do higher forms of math than these kids.

'What if that's because you always were smart?'

"Who was that?" I asked aloud. There was no one on the path that I was on, and barely anyone had the guts to go near the everfree for some reason.

'I'm you, sort of. your old self.'

"I haven't changed" I replied to the voice.

'You need to accept that you are wrong.'

"I'm not though! I remember my mother,my brother-

'do you remember their faces?'

I tried to think hard on what they looked like, but nothing was coming to mind. My eyes widened in horror at the realization that I couldn't remember what they looked like. I can't remember my family, I can barely remember what I looked like!

"I...I don't remember much..."

'That's because there is nothing to remember'

"Please, just stop."

'you need to accept that-'

"I said stop! I will be whoever the hell I want, and if you don't like it go to hell" I shouted at nothing. I waited for the voice to say something else, but nothing came. That was good because I don't need a distraction in the everfree anyway.

I finally entered the forest, and started to explore the very dark place. It was just after three when I left so why the hell does it seem like it's midnight out here? The dirt under me was more like mud because every step required more effort than it was supposed to and I'd hear a sucking sound every time I lifted my foot.

The trees were growing more and more dense as I proceeded deeper into the forest. You know something is wrong in a place if even the trees look like fucking monsters. I couldn't focus on the tree's because I knew there was some dangerous things in that forest. How I got through without a scratch last time is amazing, but then again adrenaline mixed with dragon is a formula for safety.

Fire. I completely forgot about him! Wow I really need to chill with my forgetfulness or bad things are going to start happening. Wait they already fucking happened! I really need to stop getting so caught up with myself and go check on him. This was when I realized that I had no idea where his cave was or where I was for that matter. fuck.

"Alright. You've been in this situation before so the best thing to do is...is." shit I don't know what to do here.

"Are you lost?" A voice sounded behind me. Turning around I saw a blue earth pony with a brown mane.

"Sort of. You know where we are?" I asked the pony,

"I know we're in the everfree, but that's it. Have you seen my friends?" This kid is just as lost as me and he has friends in here too. Well I can't just leave them out here alone so I did the decent thing.

"No I haven't, but I'll help you look for them,"

"Thank you," He said with a smile. We began to look throughout the forest as best we could though it was difficult since it seemed to make us go in circles. I swear we passed that tree with the tuba seven times already.The kid took the lead, and he seemed to have no idea where we were going though he covered it up very well.

"I never got your name by the way," I said to the kid as we passed the tuba tree once again.

"I don't remember it,"

"You don't remember your name?"

"I only remember waking up here, and looking for my friends,"

"That's a little weird. Do you remember who your friends are?"

"Sort of. I remember one of them had a pink coat." This was getting weirder and weirder. This kid shows up from nowhere and asks me to help him look for his friends. Then he doesn't remember his name or the names of his friends, but remember their coat colors.

"What were you doing out here anyway?" I asked to try and get a better understanding of what was going on.

"We were exploring and found this weird book. A creature came out of nowhere and started chasing us." That was strangely similar to something that happened to me.

"Was the creature made of fire?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Because I've seen it before." He found a book that is very similar to the one I had back at home. If this was the same book maybe I could still find Ryan. Maybe I can still save him from that thing. Maybe I can redeem myself.


"You're not the only one to have to run from that thing. Do you remember where-" A roar resounded through the forest. I turned to look in the direction it came from, and saw a fire rapidly growing. I was going to focus on how far away that fire was when I felt the other colt grab my leg and pull me into a sprint.

"It's coming for us!" He shouted as we started running away from the flames that had now taken the shape of a pony sprinting toward us. I thought that thing disappeared, but nope because there it fucking was. It was gaining on us fast too so I had to make a plan.

"YOU GO LEFT, I'LL GO RIGHT!" I shouted toward the colt who nodded in response before we split up in the two directions. How did this thing appear here anyway? I thought someone had to summon it or something?

I turned my head to look behind me, and boy was that a mistake because it was right behind me and it was within grabbing distance. It reached for me, but I jumped into a nearby ditch to try and avoid it's reach. This was a horrible mistake because now I was on the ground and that thing was looming over me.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" shouted a familiar voice as a branch smacked the creature in the face. "RUN, CHANCE!"

I wasn't going to complain about the opportunity to run away from this thing. I got back to my hooves and started sprinting in a random direction to try and get as far away as possible from the scene. That thing had almost gotten me again and if it wasn't for that branch hitting the thing it would of gotten me.

I knew exactly who saved me. I just ran away again while he has to deal with that thing. I swore I'd save him if I ever had the chance, but I'm doing the same thing as I did two years ago.

"I'm sorry Ryan," I whispered to myself as I ran deeper into the forest. Who knows maybe that wasn't really him and was that colt instead, but I swear that voice was almost too perfect...

Author's Note:

:pinkiesad2: You guys are awesome. we've almost reached 150 likes, and all I was hoping for was 30 when I started. I know I keep writing this thank you to you all, but i feel the need to state that you guys are awesome people that I am glad to bring some enjoyment to. stay awesome my friends and enjoy the story. :rainbowdetermined2:

Edit: we got featured again... I'm confused because it's like featured, not featured, then featured again. I'm not sure what's going on so should I be happy or indifferent now?:rainbowhuh: