• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,608 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

The Cold Shoulder

Chapter 32: The Cold Shoulder (Bad pun is bad!)


"What's up?" My pony self asked me as I was back in that featureless room.

"What did I say last time? Because I recall saying exactly what we were doing. It's not up for debate," I said before the fucker could even start.

"Why not? It's a lot to think about so why not list all the good things from staying?"

"We never get to see our actual mom again, Ryan is damned for all eternity, we can't possibly have a normal life. I could go on, but you get the point." My old human self said as he walked into the room.

"We have a chance we never had back home. Do we really want to give up having a family that isn't broken?"

"Our family isn't broken! We just need to-"

"I WANT BOTH OF YOU OUT!" I shouted before my human self could finish. Both versions of me went silent, and the world started to shimmer again. "I don't want to see either of you again,"


"It's time to get up Chance,"

"I don't wanna," I grumbled in my bed before pulling the covers over my head. Loving wasn't amussed with my antics and proceeded to steal said covers from me.

"I said to get up Chance," She repeated."

"The bed has finally accepted me as a pillow. Don't take this away from me," I said rather drowsily as I waved my hoof in the air. Don't even pretend you haven't been in the same situation before!

I curled up into a tight ball to bring back some of the stolen warmth when Button hopped up onto my bed. He started jumping up and down repeatedly in an attempt to get me up. Since I ended up falling to the floor because of it I'd say that it worked.

"Why can't I sleep in anymore?" I asked out loud as I slowly rose to my hooves and looked up at Button and Loving. "It's Monday, isn't it?"

"You did go to Insight yesterday so..." Loving said before turning towards the door," I made a special breakfast!"

Oh right, that whole Insight fiasco. It's not like I could really forget yesterday since so much happened so suddenly. Hell, I even saw Cold again. What was he even doing on the train to Ponyville? My stomach started to grumble which put an end to my thoughts so I trotted over to the door with Button behind me.

"Are you alright?" Button asked me out of the blue.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You were talking in your sleep. you talked about something being broken," I was talking in my sleep? That can't possibly be good especially if I say something that I might regret.

"Don't worry about it Button. Dreams are weird so who knows what was going on in here," I said while tapping on my head. He gave a slight frown before walking past me into the hallway. He has to deal with enough already I don't need to drag him into more of my problems.

I followed him out before I smelled one of the best things ever. PANCAKES! I quickly sprinted down the stairs as fast as I could. I even jumped clear over Gibson who was about half-way down the stairs when I was at the top. Remember that the power of pancakes makes you superhuman.

I don't think Gibson noticed because he just kept walking down the stairs like a zombie. How could he possibly not be excited when there are pancakes to be eaten! When he finally reached the bottom of the stairs was when I noticed why he wasn't excited. The guy was sleep walking.

I didn't want to mess with him if he was asleep because that just isn't right. Then again he tried to do something similar to me yesterday morning so...

"*snort* huh what? What's on my head?" Gibson asked while trying to remove me from his head. I'll have you know I make an excellent hat.

"I am. Now carry me to the table!" I said while Gibson tried and failed to get me off of his head. Messing with him while he was sleep walking probably wasn't smart but he didn't try stopping me from climbing up here.

"Get off or I'll cream you," Gibson said while once again attempting to get me off of his head.

"Fine. You really are a kill joy, you know," I said as I used his head as a diving board. That probably wan't a good idea because I face planted onto the floor. Gibson started laughing like a hyena while I peeled my face off the floor.

"Who wants...Why is Chance's face flatter than the pancakes I made?" Loving said as she poked her head out of the kitchen door. I shook my head until everything went back to it's proper place before speaking up.

"I blame the economy."


"I don't know. I do know that I'm hungry though so food sounds good about now," I said while walking over toward the kitchen door. She just shook her head as I stepped into the kitchen. My stomach dropped the moment my eyes fell onto seas.He smiled at me and I smiled back even though I had to force it a bit.

"Good morning, Chance. Did you sleep well?" He asked. He never gave me a reason to not like him, but something about him just felt really off.

"Yeah, Can you slide me a plate?" I asked as I sat down at the other end of the table. He did as I asked before he spoke up again,

"So...you got your mark. That's nice."

"I got it a few weeks ago."

"Right, right..." Someone get a knife because the tension here needs to get cut! Seriously he was trying to make small talk when he probably realized I don't have anything to say to him. The rest of breakfast was quite even when everyone else came to the table. It couldn't be just because of me because Loving kept glancing over to seas for some reason.

A knock came from the door which thankfully gave me a reason to get out of the situation. I quickly got up and bolted out of the kitchen to answer the door which had Arrow standing behind it.

"Ready for school?" He asked. I nodded before calling out for Button to meet us at the door. When he walked out a very disgruntled Seas followed him out.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a spiteful tone.

"Do you have to do this every time you see me? Especially in front of the kids?"

"Hey Arrow, I'm ready for school and so is Button so lets just go," I said as I walked out of the house with all of them looking at me confused. I did not want to go through this again especially since Seas is acting more and more like a bitch each time he sees Arrow.

Button and Arrow followed me soon after since I sure as hell wasn't stopping to listen to that bullshit. The walk to the school was the same as any other day's except I felt like I was being watched again. I don't know what's going on, but something definitely isn't right around here. The school house came into view and so did Cheerilee which made Arrow slow down his pace slightly.

"Good morning, Chance!" Cheerilee said while giving me a big smile. She looked up at Arrow and gave him a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to me. "Do you mind showing our new student around?"

"Wait, we have a new-"

"Hey Chance." Cold said as he walked out of the school building. For the love of god, why did he have to be here?

"You two know each other? That's great! It will be much easier for Cold to feel at home by already having a friend," Cheerilee said happily before walking into the building.

"Let's set a few things straight. I don't like you, and you hate me so lets just suck it up and get along." I said while walking into the school. Cold decided to trip me as I walked past him, I guess he doesn't want to play nice. He got close to my ear while I was still on the ground before whispering.

"You ruined me back home so I'm going to ruin you here," This guy is playing with fire, and I mean that semi literally. He walked into the building while I got back to my hooves. It wasn't bad enough that I had to pretend to be getting better, but now I have to deal with a jackass that doesn't understand karma. Why does the universe hate me?