• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,603 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

The Home front

Author's Note:

I've realized that I have neglected a large part of the story lately. That being the family aspect that was originally intended. Since all the big world shattering parts of the story are mostly done however; I figured it was time to ease back into the real story by having Button and Gibson starting this chapter. Enjoy everyone.:twilightsmile:

Ps: That moment when you realize that half the comments are you replying. seriously over 200 comments of me talking to you all!

Chapter 21: The Home front

***Button Mash***

Just one more dive attack and this boss is done for. I climbed on to the the ladder of the tower where the hollow archers were at the beginning of the boss fight. The were no match for my Black Knight sword however, and neither was this boss. When I was about halfway up the ladder the boss cheated!

"That was so far out of my hit-box!" Why did Chance have to get me to like Dark Souls, why? He made this game look easy with all the fancy rolling and secret passages, but I can't even get past the first boss.

"BUTTON!" Gibson yelled as he burst into my room. He was definitely angry about something because his face was twisted in a really funny way. "Where is it you little prick?"

"Where's what?"

"My guitar pick!" He yelled out again as he started searching my room for his guitar pick. I don't know why he thought I would have it... again. What, I just wanted to play his guitar that one time.

"I don't have it,"

"Yeah, just like you don't have mom's special spoon,"

"She doesn't need it!" It's my special spoon now anyway. If you find it it's yours; that's what dad said anyway.

"Whatever, just give me back my pick," Gibson said while looking under Chance's bed for it. While looking under there he found Chance's bag that he brought along when he got here. "What do we have here?"

"It's Chance's." Gibson unzipped the bag and dumped the contents out onto the floor.

"Let's see what he brought then,"

"I don't know, Gibson. Chance doesn't like it when ponies look at him. I don't think he'd like it if-" Before I could finish a book fell out of Chance's bag.

The cover was blank except "Chance" was written in gold lettering. The book itself was a simple blue and seemed to have been well taken care of.

"A diary? Really. Let's just see what he's keeping secret,"


"Button, don't you want to know more about Chance?"

"I suppose, but this still feels wrong."

"It's not wrong if he doesn't know about it," After that he opened the book to the first page. I was curious too, but what if Chance found out? He'd be angry and probably wouldn't want to see me again, but maybe there was something in there I can help him with. Scooting over to Gibson I looked into the book and began to read.

Dear Journal, I suppose?

It's been about two weeks since I was finally freed from that mare and her damn magic. Thankfully I haven't seen her since then, but I still have to be careful. I suppose I should say why I'm writing this so anyone who decides to invade my privacy knows that they are assholes, and this is not my choice. My new 'therapist' says that writing my thoughts might help me to get over certain things such as my fear of unicorns. It's not a universal thing, but when I see one using magic I have flashbacks and it scares me. They are worried about me going off the wire when I have these memories so I'm always with a guard, but I know there patrols now so it's time to go explore. I'll write when more interesting things happen.

Sincerely, Chance

That wasn't what I expected to be in here, and I also had to ask,

"Gibson, What's an asshole?"

"Don't say that, Button!" Gibson half shouted while I laughed at his expense. "Twerp. Let's see what else is in here,"

Dear Journal

Nobody has claimed to be my parents so that's good. However they have put me into some kind of foster program or something. So I'm heading to a cherry farm of some kind tomorrow. The idea is that being away from crowds might help me with my distrust of others. I'm actually kind of sad to be leaving since I don't get to chill in a castle anymore, but Arrow is coming too so that's good. I suppose I haven't said who Arrow is, have I? Well he's a guard that I met a few weeks ago, and to say the least he's actually pretty cool. I met him when that mare found me that night I snuck away from the guards; I don't want to think about what could of happened otherwise. That is beside the point however because that is said and done. My flashbacks are happening less often now, but they're getting worse. Last time it happened Someone had to get my attention before I realized that my leg wasn't in a chain. I suppose that getting away might be a good idea after all.

Sincerely, Chance

ps. Arrow got me this vest! I'd prefer pants but clothing is clothing and I don't feel so naked now. That was all I wanted to say.

"I don't think we should read anymore, Gibson," I said turning to my big brother who was nodding his head in approval.

"That's right. You shouldn't be reading that!" Chance said from the door.


"I finally get out of the hospital, and I come back to you guys looking through my shit!" I said exasperatedly over this annoyance.

"Sorry, We just wanted to find out-" Was all Gibson could say before I cut him off with,

"I don't fucking care. Now Give that back before I break that guitar of yours!" I threatened before extending a hoof for my journal. No one can fucking respect my right to privacy, can they?

"I said we shouldn't go through it!" Button quickly said. I knew he was only trying to cover his own ass here. Throwing your bother under the bus to save yourself; that is fucking despicable! Whoever does that kind of thing doesn't deserve anything they have, and should take their brothers place because of it. I sighed,

"Just give it back. If you want to know me just ask,"

"Chance? What's it talking about with flashbacks?" Button asked while handing the book back over to me. I didn't want to go into those times, but they'd probably just look into this thing again so I started,

"I occasionally have flashbacks. They are caused by seeing things that remind me of certain events that happened. It's part of the reason I ran..." Button seemed to not expect me to answer it that way, but he asked. Gibson was listening attentively, but I wasn't going to let him and Button just get away with invading my privacy this way.

"We're sorry, Chance," Button said before I looked at him with a large smile across my face.

"It's no problem, Button. All I want in return is for you to get me something,"


"I want you to go get me a blue flower that grows in the everfree," I knew exactly what I was telling him to get, but I doubt he knew. Gibson probably didn't either so I asked him to go as well. I watched them returned later that day; Button was a lot fatter and Gibson was now balding.

"You are so dead!" Gibson said when he saw me. He started running toward me with Button though Button was wobbling more than running. I ran back into the house and locked the door while they hit it with as much force as they could muster. I was between laughing my ass off and dying from lack of air.

"What are you laughing at, Chance?" Loving asked as she came down the stairs. Oh shit.

"Nothing..." Loving walked over to the door and looked out the peephole to see the two.

"CHANCE!" Time for me to run.