• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,589 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Stepping Up

Chapter 36: Stepping Up

"Why should we get involved? It's not our problem," My human self said while taking a sip of water. I was back in that featureless room that these two seemed to be obsessed with meeting me in.

"It's our problem because Button shouldn't have to go through this," My pony self countered before smacking the water out of my human self's hand. "Quit being selfish!"

"I'm just saying that all we'd do is make things worse,"

"The least we can do is be there for Button," I was just sitting in a chair I conjured up while listening to both of them. Normally by now I'd tell them both to fuck off, but this is the only time that I can truly think about the situation and how to fix it.

"I feel bad for the kid, but he needs to learn that life sucks,"

"Are you even hearing yourself talk? Chance, do you really think Button should go through this?" I looked up at my two selves. They both were staring at me with big eyes. Why can't they leave me out of their arguments?

"He's eight. My dad left us then and I turned out fine," I said while looking away from them.

"You promised you'd fix this!" My pony self practically yelled at me. I know I promised to help Button, but I have a lot of my own problems to deal with. Do I really want to add more to them for Button's sake?

"Why should we care?" My human self said while folding his arms. The pony me walked up to me before looking me in the eyes.

"He already has to deal with his brother being turned into a slave! Do you really think that you can live with yourself if you left him alone?" I focused on my pony self. He had a point; what kind of person would I be if I left Button alone. The last thing he needs is to be in this alone.

"Alright, I'll try to help him. You guys just...just don't talk to me while I'm awake." I said while walking over to the door of the room. I turned the handle before looking back at them, "I'm still not sure about that mind wipe,"


I woke back up in my bed early in the morning. At least I think it was early since the sun was just peaking out over the horizon; damn dreams making time keeping impossible. Looking over to Button's bed I saw that he was still asleep after last nights revelations.

"I'll make things right," I whispered to myself as I went through my normal morning routine until I got downstairs and saw Loving asleep on the couch. I sighed before making my way to the kitchen so I could try to make breakfast again. These guys have been through enough so I should try to make things a little easier on them.

When I was in the kitchen however I smelt smoke and burned hay. Looking up I saw Gibson looking over the stove with a small mushroom cloud coming off it.

"Dude, the microwave is where you nuke things," I said while walking up to him. He just looked at me with a annoyed expression,

"I just figured I'd try being helpful," He sighed after that. I guess I thought Gibson wouldn't have known about the whole situation yet, but I guess he put 2 and 2 together. It was nice to see him trying to be helpful, but cooking clearly isn't his specialty so I grabbed the pan and dumped it's contents into the trash can. "Hey! I was-"

"I'll cook breakfast. If you don't mind, can you go get me some blueberries?" I said while I began to recreate the pancakes that I made my first day here. Gibson just stood there a minute before he started searching for what I asked for. I know that this isn't going to fix anything or make anyone feel better, but maybe it will take their minds off their problems, even if it's for a moment. Gibson returned a few minutes later with those blue berries I asked for.

"Here you go," He said while dropping the berries next to me which I quickly added to the pancakes so that they had a bit of extra flavor.

"Thanks...Gibson can I ask you a favor?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Can you keep an eye on Button? He's...He's going to be in a very dark place for awhile," I said while looking up at Gibson. His expression was unreadable, but he gave a firm nod before walking out of the kitchen to let me work in peace. "I hope you can help him," I said to myself as I looked out the window towards the rising sun.

***10 years ago***

"It's alright mom." I said with tears in my eyes as I hugged my mother. She was crying at the dining table with my brother to her other side. She didn't even seem to notice that I even said anything as she continued to sob even harder into to the table.

"I'm sorry *sniffle* I couldn't fix-" My mom broke down into more sobs before she could finish what she was saying. I just hugged her tighter. This stuff only happens in movies so how could it have happened to us.

"Don't be sorry. Let the fuck rot for all I care," Ryan said while storming away from us. He was hit the hardest by all of this if you ask me because after we got the letter he's just been so angry all the time. It still didn't give him a right to be an ass to mom though so I decided to try talking to him. *Whaling* after mom stops crying.

***Back to now***

I was pulled out of my memory when a small ding rang next to me. Looks like breakfast should be done. Piling up all the pancakes onto a plate I carefully used my magic to levitate it over to the table. Thankfully it didn't burn while I did that. A moment later a very bedraggled Loving came slowly into the kitchen and sat down at one end of the table.

"Morning," I said with as much of an upbeat attitude as possible. I was hoping that acting happy might rub off on them, and make everything seem a little less bad. She looked up toward me with very dark bags under her eyes.

"*yawn* Good morning, Chance," She said while stretching out her hooves and back. A few minutes later Gibson came in with Button resting on his back with tears still staining his face's fur. I really wish he had listened to me when he could of.

"Good morning!" I said faking my enthusiasm again in hopes of spreading a little bit of cheer. Button just raised his head and looked at me with a pitiful expression on his face before laying his head back down on his brother's back. This is not good especially since this is all still new.

I set up four stacks of pancakes on the table while taking a seat opposite of Loving. Gibson set Button down next to their mother before taking his own seat on her other side. Loving took agonizingly slow bites of her food while Gibson just ate as he normally did, but Button...Button wasn't eating at all.

"Button? You need to eat," I said to him. He just looked at me before grabbing his fork and almost took a bite of food, but he pushed his plate away instead.

"I'm not hungry," He said. This has definitely hit him hard so I got up from my chair and made my way over to him.

"Button, please eat. If not for me do it for your family,"I said while motioning towards his brother and mother who were looking at him with worried looks. He reluctantly took back his plate before taking a bite of his food. That's good, If I can keep him from shutting everyone out then I can help him through this.

A knock resounded from the front door which I reluctantly excused myself to answer. Making my way over to the door I opened it to see Arrow with a worried expression on his face.

"Chance, are you alright?" He said while examining my face with a hoof. I swatted it away before I spoke,

"It's just been a long night. I think I might be the only one heading to school today," I said while looking back towards the kitchen where Button had begun crying again with Loving hugging him close to her chest.

"What happened?"

"It's a long story. Can we just get going?" I asked while walking out of the house. I really don't need to deal with anymore problems today or I think I might just snap.

Author's Note:

I have too many ideas!:twilightangry2: I have over 20 different story ideas and only a few are on that blog of mine. :facehoof: why do I keep having these ideas, but lack the time to write them? Anyway thank you all for reading. :twilightsmile: