• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,608 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

The Fire of Learning

Chapter 37: The Fire of Learning

"I thought we were going to school?" I said when Arrow to a left turn down a street instead of just going to normal way to school.

"You were suspended, remember?" He retorted as he continued down the path with me right behind him. Oh right, I beat the shit out of Cold for being an asshole...worth it.

We were now going down the street where all the vendors set up there shop. They sold all kinds of things from what I could see which was really only hats, cats, bats, mats, and flowers. Why did they sell so many things that ended in ats I'll never know because we were walking up to that candy shop in town.

It was the same as most of the other buildings except it had large windows out front which gave a view of what was within. You could see baskets filled with jellybeans, suckers, and even jaw breakers. Sitting right behind them however was the biggest chocolate bare I have ever seen. I swear I was getting diabetes just looking at all this candy.

"Why are we here? Don't tell me you want me to buy you one of those chocolate bars! It's bigger than me," I said while pointing to the sugary treat.

"No! Okay that's part of the reason, but the real reason is to help you," Arrow said while grinning at me. What could he mean by help me though? I don't know of too many things that a candy shop could actually do other than make you have a sugar rush.

"What do you mean by 'help me'," he just looked down at me and gave me a serious expression.

"Do you trust me, Chance?" Oh god why would he ask this?

"Yes?" I said giving him a questioning look. He just smiled before patting my head and telling me not to worry about it. When he opened the door I was instantly hit by the really sugary smell of everything in the shop. Why is that smell always so strong in these places?

"Welcome to Bon Bon's...oh hello again, Arrow," A cream colored mare said from behind the counter. I recall seeing her when I went into the everfree forest after telling Button to fuck off. I still feel horrible about that.

"Hey Bons. Is your roommate here?" Arrow asked weirdly.

"You mean Lyr-"

"Yes. Is she here?" Arrow asked again after he shoved his hoof into Bons' mouth. She slowly nodded before pointing to a door behind the counter. Wow this is getting insanely creepy and I fear for my butt.

"Arrow, Why are we looking for her roommate?" I asked while slowly walking past the counter towards the door Arrow didn't say anything and just stayed behind me the entire time. "Arrow?" I asked again, but again he said nothing.

This was when I started to hear a really beautiful instrument being played. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but I'd say it could be a harp, maybe. Arrow picked up on the music to and slowly walked over towards the door that the music was coming from. Before opening the door he turned to me.

"You know I wouldn't put you in harms way, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, what's going on Arrow?" I asked again when he opened up the door and pushed me inside. I was really confused as to what was going on until my eyes landed on a mint green unicorn holding a lyre in her hooves. My heart started to beat faster and my legs started to freeze up in terror.

"Chance, I need you to look at me," Arrow said while putting a hoof on my shoulder. I couldn't move let alone turn my head so Arrow just moved in front of me breaking my sight with the mare. This was when I realized I was holding my breath that entire time. "I promise this isn't Jungle. I'd never let her near you,"

"A-Arrow....C-can We P-Please go?" I asked in a shaky voice. I could feel the mare starring at me through Arrow.

"I need you to listen to me, Chance. Lyra has offered to help teach you to control your magic, and it might help you stop being scared of her," He said with a very serious expression plastered onto his face. I can't argue with his logic, but I couldn't stop shaking. "I promise I wont let her hurt you again,"

My shaking stopped as he said those words. I was still terrified, but something about how Arrow said that made me feel safer for some reason. I decided to look past him to look at the mare that had nearly caused me to panic.

She was sitting on a bed looking at me with a sad look. I started to shake again, but I felt a hoof rest on my back. Looking up I saw Arrow giving me a smile before nudging me closer to the mare on the bed.

"Hello, Chance. My name is Lyra and Arrow tells me you want to learn to control your magic," She said in a calm low voice while looking me in the eyes.

"I Can control it...mostly," I said that last part a little quieter, but I believe she heard me.

"How about you show me how well you can control it then?" She said while levitating her lyre over to me. "Pluck a few strings for me,"

I did as she asked and started to use my magic to pluck various strings in a random order. That was until the lyre started to glow a little orange which caused me to panic and drop it on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly said while she used her magic to move the lyre to reveal a scorch mark in the carpet.

"I was going to get this replaced soon anyway. That proves that you can't control you magic though," She said very calmly. I ws about to protest when she levitated a small bottle from a nearby dresser to me. "Drink this,"


"Just do it," I took the bottle with my magic and drank it's contents. It didn't have much of a taste to it for some reason. "That should keep you from accidentally burning anything,"

"R-really?" I asked shocked by what she just said. I didn't have to worry about burning anything anymore?

"Now, I want you to try lifting up my lyre again, and play a few strings," She said as calmly as before. Looking over toward Arrow for reassurance. I saw him give me a smile and give me a wings up (Which is oddly enough like a thumbs up).

Carefully I picked the lyre back up and started to play the different strings again, but this time the instrument didn't start to glow from any excess heat from my magic. It just stayed in the air while I played it.

"I did it! Look Arrow, I actually did it!" I said gleefully while jumping up and down a few times. I may be older on the inside, but I was just as excited as any other foal right now.

"I told you she could help you," Arrow said while giving me the biggest grin I've ever seen on him. That smug bastard was right about all of this!

"You did good, Chance. Now let's go into into manipulating multiple objects at once..." I was so excited that I finally was able to use my magic without worrying about it hurting someone. I could finally start using my magic for something useful rather than random bullshit like I've been using it for.

I began to learn various things about magic including a few minor spells that Lyra picked up over the years. I learned how to heal small cuts and bruises in a few minutes, and I even learned how to use my levitation more precisely. These weren't really useful, but I loved learning from Lyra all the same. I didn't even remember that she looked like that monster that kidnapped me so long ago until I looked at her, and even then I didn't care.

"I believe our time is up. Come back tomorrow and we'll see how you are with conjuring small things," Lyra said while ushering me and Arrow out the door. I didn't even realize that it was 4:00 pm until she had said anything. I was sad that I had to go so soon, but I could practice all that I learned while I was at home anyway. When we got outside of the candy shop Arrow looked down at me and spoke,

"Sorry I had to trick you like that. Can you forgive me?"

"I can, but only if you buy me that chocolate bar that's bigger than me." Arrow just shook his head while giving a small laugh before walking back into the store and buying me a normal sized chocolate bar. Today was a good day after all.