• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,589 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

I really don't like you

Chapter 11: I really don't like you

"That had to hurt,"

"It did, but it's still funny as hell"

"You were hit at your horn's base. That's not-"

"It's the equivalent of a nut shot for a unicorn! I don't even care that it still hurts" I said while I was walking beside Arrow and Button.

"Why are you laughing about it? Aren't you mad?"

"I was pissed for about 5 seconds. Then I said fuck it all," I quickly covered my mouth after saying that before looking over to Arrow. He was glaring at me for swearing in front of him yet again. He never liked my swearing so I tried to cut back on it around him because he wouldn't say anything other than it's bad character. That respect is why I don't swear around him to often; it's kind of a mutual thing I suppose.

"You still got hit pretty hard. Are you sure you're okay?" Button asked walking up to my side. He was eyeing the new wound just below my horn.

"You should've met my brother. He would randomly hit me in the nuts for fun!"

"You had a brother?" I realized what I had just said and looked toward Arrow who's ears were currently angled toward us. I never told Arrow about my brother because there wasn't a reason to. That's what I told my self anyway, but I really just didn't want to think about Ryan.

"I did,"

"Why'd you say it like that?"

"I don't want to talk about him, alright" One thing Button seemed to understand was when to lay off. He didn't push the topic any further until we got closer to his house. He gasped before sprinting ahead toward a cream colored earth pony that had a guitar slung across his back; Loving was talking to him about something with an extremely happy expression. When Button got Close enough to the Stallion he yelled,


The stallion's expression immediately changed from a smile to one of annoyance. That couldn't be a good sign, but Button kept on going as if nothing was wrong until he finally tackled/embraced the stallion who kept his annoyed expression. After a literal second he pushed Button off of him with a hoof before checking that guitar for scratches I assume.

"Don't tackle me Button," The stallion simply said.

"But you just got back!"

"I was only gone for a month,"

"I know. wait, you haven't met Chance yet!" Button said before running over to me and Arrow. He bit into my vest before dragging me toward the stallion. I don't like being dragged around so I tried to plant my hooves into the ground only for button to continue pulling me and a big pile of dirt.When I was finally face to face with the stallion he face hoofed before speaking,

"Dear Celestia. Button I don't care about your friends,"

"You don't have to be an ass about it" I said which earned the attention of everybody nearby. Arrow was once again glaring at me while Loving's mouth was wide open. The stallion however had to say something because I just called him an ass,

"Listen to me you little shit I-"

"Watch you fucking language; there is a god damn kid here!" I said before pulling Button beside me to emphasize that there was a colt here.

"CHANCE! Can you stop cussing for 5 minutes?" Arrow asked rather harshly which was weird for him. I think that everything that's going on for the past few days might be getting to him so that milkshake is definitely on the to-do list. I sighed before nodding my head and backing away from the stallion who Loving was currently whispering to.

"Why didn't you tell me before I got home?"

"He got here two days ago, and we didn't even know until a week ago," Loving said to the stallion who appeared to be very frustrated.

"Just keep him and Button away from me,"


"I just got back home. I don't want to deal with them right now," I really wanted to sock this dude in the face right now, but Arrow would stop me before I could give him a proper beating. Loving sighed while Gibson walked into the house before giving me a dirty look and closing the door behind him.

It was silent outside with Button walking over toward me with a smile on his face for some reason. I was just about to ask when Button started talking,

"That was my brother, Gibson!"

"He seems a little..."

"No, he just likes to hang out with his friends. He sometimes lets me help him with his music!"


"Yeah! I get them water, snacks, a cactus-"

"A cactus?"

"One of my brother's friends asked for one. I had to ask the Cutie Mark Crusaders to find it," I wanted to ask him who the hell the Cutie Mark Crusaders were, but I realized that Arrow was currently looking toward me with a questioning look.

I told Button I'd talk with him more later which he was fine with for now. I walked over to Arrow who was still waiting for me to walk over to him; once I was next to him he asked,

"You remember your family?"

"I do,"

"Where are they?"

"I don't know where my brother is if that's what you're asking," I said that with a little more spite than intended, but every time I talk about my past everyone dismisses it. Even Arrow did because humans are myths and legends here, but that only served to make me even angrier when I talked about it.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to talk about it,"

*** 2 years ago***

"Get up, Chance," I stretched my arms out, and they 'accidentally' hit Ryan's face.

"Whoops, sorry," The air went out of my lungs after I said that and a pain began to manifest itself between my legs, "Cheap shot man" I said between gasps.

"Don't punch me then,"

"Stop being an ass then," Once again the air went out of my lungs and the pain surged through me again.

"We're going on an adventure. Now get the fuck up,"


"You remember that legend about the abandoned church in the woods?" I remembered that legend involved spirits, and those who fucked with them dying so I told Ryan exactly how much I liked the idea of going there,


"Don't be a pussy,"

"The pussy tends to live longer in movies," I thought he would give up after that, but instead of leaving he flipped the mattress I was on.

"We're going,"

"Why do you want me to go with you anyway?"

"Because I haven't been here in four years,"

"So college made you forget about everything?"

"Just fucking come on!"


I shook my head of the memory before it went any further. I was not going to remember that fucking nightmare, and I was not going to remember how I fucked up! Arrow was behind me with his expression remaining completely unchanged from how it was when we left Button's house.

"Where are we going, Chance?"

"Trust me. you'll be happy when we get there; speaking of which..." Sugar Cube Corner came into view which caused Arrow to give me a perplexed look before asking,

"Why are we here?"

"You'll see"

We took a few steps into the bakery where the pink pony was currently behind the counter. She looked over to me before smiling an inhuman smile that literally went beyond her head

"Hi, Chance!"

"Hey. Do you think I can get a Super Duper Splatter milkshake?" Arrows eyes widened when I asked that and I'm pretty sure I saw a faint smile cross his lips.

"Here you go,"

"Really? I just ordered it,"

"I knew you were coming," I am not going to even begin asking questions because the less you know the happier you are most of the time. After handing pinkie over fifty bits Arrow and I sat in one of the corner booths; I was facing toward the door because I prefer knowing where an exit is at all times.

Arrow was happily slurping away on the milkshake as if it would disappear in the next five minutes. It was good to see him smiling over such a simple thing since he seemed to be really stressed since we got here. I felt a smile creeping onto my face as well until I saw a certain mare walk in from the door.

Her coat was a mint green, and her mane was a similar shade with white being mixed in with it. Why I noticed her of all ponies was because that was who kidnapped me six months ago! She simply did something with her hair to brighten it up so nobody would recognize her, but I did. You can never forget the eyes of someone that cruel to you.

My heart started beating faster, and before I knew what was going on I was halfway down the street with bits of window glass in my hooves. She found me again, and that was terrifying considering that this is the third time since I escaped. I realized that no matter where I went I couldn't get away from her.

That was when I noticed a forest when I was on the edge of town. She's found me in every city I've been too so I figured that maybe she wouldn't be able to find me in the forest. I changed direction so that I was now on a course that would lead me directly into the trees; I heard Arrow calling behind me to stop but I couldn't risk her getting me again so I ran in. That was a big mistake.

Author's Note:

Sorry for no posting yesterday; my brother got Until Dawn for his ps4 and wanted me to watch. I liked the game, but I realized it was midnight when we were halfway through so I didn't have time to write. Speaking of brothers who knew it was going to be Gibson in this chapter? I bet a lot of you. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

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