• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,608 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

I'm still a Person, Right?

Chapter 20: I'm still a Person, Right?

I was released from the hospital about four days ago. If I'm thinking right that means today is Monday; didn't think I had been in town for two weeks already.

Even though I was discharged from the hospital I still have to go there daily. After all Arrow still has to deal with those burns, and I'm his new assistant so I have to do a few things for him. Things like turning the channel, bringing him news, throwing a banana at the bitchy nurse. The usual things he'd do if he was able to move more freely.

Today though was his day to finally get out of there. When I saw him yesterday he said that we were going to have a serious conversation about what happened, and about this assistant thing. That wasn't what I thought was important though because I still had to make sure that I didn't destroy his life.

I shouldn't have gotten angry like that. I can't control myself if I get to emotional, and bad things happen. I shook my head of these thoughts as I made my way up the grassy hill to the ponyville hospital.

"Hey, Chance," Diamond said when she walked up behind me.

"Hey, Diamond. What's up?"

"I saw you so I figured We'd talk about your new cutie mark," I stopped in my tracks when she said that. I didn't pay much mind to the new ass tattoo, but it was these ponies destinies. That begs the question of why I have one if my destiny is to go home.

"I'd rather not talk about it,"

"Why not?" She asked as she picked up her pace to walk in front of me. She turned around to look me directly in the eyes before continuing,"It's a big deal,"

"Not to me. All this thing says to me-" I said as I patted the picture on my rump, "- is that I can roast marshmallows"

After saying that I moved around her so I could get to the hospital at the top of this hill. I knew she was still with me, but I didn't turn to face the filly. This mark doesn't make me any more of a pony than I already was, right? Yeah, yeah I'm still the same old Chance who likes cake and hates jackasses.

When I finally reached the top of the hill I saw Arrow standing by the entrance talking with a grey unicorn. Why was my therapist here; he isn't supposed to be around for another week? Arrow noticed me and directed Insight toward me as well before walking over.

"Good to see you, Chance," Arrow said with a grin plastered across his face. "I was just talking with Insight about you,"


"We were discussing your problem," Insight said as he walked up beside arrow. Of course they'd go back into my humanity when I didn't need help with it.

"I don't need help," I said in a spiteful tone. Insight held up a hoof before continuing,

"No, no we meant your magical problem and your fear of Ms. Heartstrings,"


"The unicorn from the day you woke up," Arrow interjected. I remember that unicorn; she seemed almost identical to Jungle Vine except her fur was a lighter tint of green. "I have a solution to both,"

"I really don't believe-" Insight tried to voice concern, but Arrow cut him off with.

"He's a quick learner, and if she teaches him he'll lose his fear,"

"I know how to use my magic. I don't need teaching," Of course they'd try to get me to be taught magic over that surge, but really that only happens when I'm extremely angry.

"Chance, you need to learn to control your magic. That is why I've requested a professional teacher," Insight said. In all honesty I hated both options because one I'm near someone that might be a sociopath, and the other is a professional. So my choices were crazy and hostile or boring and excessive amounts of work.

"Like I said, I know how to use my magic,"

"We can have this conversation another time. Arrow, please ask him when you get the chance," That was a strange request, but Arrow just nodded. I was about to ask what he was going to talk to me about when Diamond spoke up,

"My daddy can find you a teacher. I can ask him if you'd like,"

"I know how to control it. I just need to stay calm and it's fine,"

"I can-"

"It's fine!" I couldn't stand it when people kept pushing me for something. They just don't know when to stop harassing me about things I don't need.

Diamond looked a little hurt by my outburst, but she didn't say anything and instead trudge back down the path. I looked at Arrow who had a disapproving gaze across his face.

"Don't say it," I said to him before walking back down the path with him beside me. We were about half way down when he began speaking,

"Things have been pretty rough for you, haven't they?"

"What gave it away? My lack of judgement, my fear of that mare, the fact that I keep hurting people?"

"You know, we can help you," What did he mean by help me? What could he possibly do to help me out of this situation? "Insight knows a spell that-"

"NO!" I yelled at Arrow before he began. I didn't want to lose myself; I can't lose the only part of me that's still me. I still have my mind, but everything else is gone! My brother GONE, my body GONE, my life GONE. The only thing that keeps me from breaking down in tears is the fact that I might have a way back and that is fucking sketchy at best.

I felt Arrow start to hug me, and he wiped away the tears that I didn't even notice had formed in my eyes.

"I don't want to lose myself Arrow. I don't want to," I started hugging one of Arrow's legs. They were still covered in bandages, but I had to hold something to keep myself from curling up.

"You won't lose yourself, Chance. I promise," I felt him pat my head before letting me go. "Now, we are going to have to talk about what happened in that cave,"

I wiped the few tears left on my face away before giving Arrow my full attention.

"First is the fact you attacked Celestia. She is one of the princesses, Chance. If it wasn't for the fact you are a kid, and she knew about your mental health she could of given you a much harsher punishment,"

"I understand," I said looking down to the ground,

"If any one else was in there you can bet it would of been worse. She wants me to keep tabs on your treatment Chance,"

"Why?" I asked looking up at Arrow with a perplexed expression.

"She wants you to get better Chance, but if you keep fighting your treatment she'll force that spell on you,"

"She wouldn't dare," I could feel anger starting to rise in my tiny being over this. She can't do that, and even if she tried I'd just jump of a damn cliff first. If I forget who I am it was going to be my choice!

"She would, Chance. Now you have to understand she wants you to get better Chance, but you aren't leaving us much of a choice."

"I thought you understood that I can't forget myself Arrow!"

"If it wasn't for me you would of woken up without any of your memories!"


"They wanted to go ahead and erase your memories. I told them not to because I believed you could get better on your own," They were going to make me forget? I really screwed up didn't I?

I looked back down to the ground in shame. I wanted to be angry; I wanted to do something to spite them but that really wouldn't help my situation would it?

"Just try to get better, for me," Arrow asked in a low voice.

"If I try, will you stay with me? I mean afterwards,"

"I'm supposed to protect you, Chance. I wont leave until I have to,"

"Thanks Arrow. Can we go home now?"

"Only if you get me another Super Duper Splatter milkshake,"

"I am not buying another one of those! It took up half the money I won from you!"

"I'll fly us there," Once he said that I jumped up onto his back and yelled,

"Onward Buttstallion!"

Author's Note:

Thank you once again mix-up. Here is Chance with his cutie mark. I know it's the same as before, but I like it so deal with it!

Look at it! Look at it! I want all of you to look at it! Anyway this is the last of the daily updates until next weekend. Sorry to those of you that thought this was a permanent thing, but I've got school and other things to worry about. Thank you all for reading and I hope to make this worth your time.:rainbowdetermined2: