• Published 5th Aug 2015
  • 6,602 Views, 1,516 Comments

The Other Button - One of the Crowd

Of course waking up as a horse was on my bucket list as well as said horse being extremely young. As nice as it is to not have to worry about going to college I'd rather be at home rather than in horsey hell! At least button believes me or I'd go mad

  • ...

Fort Epicness (No pirates allowed)

Chapter 10 Fort Epicness (No pirates allowed)



"CLOSE THE GATES, AND USE THE CANNONS PRIVATE CHANCE!" I rushed to the front of Fort Epicness. Two boxes were lying beside the entrance to our fort which lead to the battlefield where private Button was currently fighting the dastardly pirate Pipsqueak! Looking through the opening I pushed the two boxes together sealing the fort from invasion.




"I don't know actually,"

"Well I'm stopping; it's kind of hurting my throat," After that I remembered that Button was still out there while Rumble and me were talking this entire time. I than ran over to the side wall where our 'cannons' were stockpiled; grabbing a handful of the pine cones I moved over to the side wall and looked out over the battlefield.

Button and Pip were locked in sword combat, and by that I mean they were using sticks we found near the edge of the school yard. It was actually kind of funny watching them bash the sticks together with such determination when this was just a game Button decided to start with his friends.

The only reason that I'm part of it is because I literally had nothing else to do other than chill beside the wall and pretend that I don't look like a creeper. I could of went with Applebloom and her friends, but they were only talking about getting their cutie marks which I had no interest in. I mean really, who wants their destiny decided by a tattoo on their ass?

"FIRE!" Rumble cried which snapped me back to reality. I levitated one of the pine cones and took aim at Pip or rather his general direction since magic is a bitch to use. Right when I was about to throw the pine cone a voice sounded behind me,

"Surrender, Chance," Dinky said excitedly over having snuck up on me and Rumble. I dropped the pine cones and let my hooves down in defeat while Dinky smiled at her victory for about four seconds.

"surprise!" Rumble said before pouncing on Dinky from the side.

"Hey, that's cheating!"

"nuh uh,"

"yuh huh,"

"Nuh uh,"

"uh huh," I facehooved over the fact they were actually doing this right now. If I see a llama that says it's an emperor I am done, and I will NOT go on an adventure to turn him back into whatever the hell he was!

"Did we even make any rules?" I asked as it just crossed my mind that the only thing we said was that we were supposed to either capture or defend Fort Epicness. That was it, we never said anything about what we could and couldn't do so how do we keep this from becoming unfair exactly? I mean what if someone was to hit me while I'm having an internal monolo-

"Suprise!" Dinky said as she whacked my head with her stick sword thing. I was dazed for a few minutes to say the least as I spent most of that time trying to figure out why there were four Dinkys in front of me. Something wet and warm was sliding down my head as well, and I swear I could smell copper.

Both Dinky and Rumble's eyes went wide before they ran out of the fort calling out for Cheerilee to come and help me for something. I reached up to feel what it was sliding down my face, and when I pulled my hoof back was when I realized it was blood. I should of realized it sooner, but I was a little busy trying to ignore pain while counting Dinkys.

Three very familiar fillies came into the box fort in a few seconds instead of one mare which made me think either something was wrong or they just show up at the worst times.

"Are you okay, Chance?"

"Of course he isn't okay scoots, He's bleeding!"

"I bleed when I fall off my scooter; it's not big deal!" Did they really only come in here to argue about this? Yet again sweetie seemed to be the one that wanted to see if I was okay.

"Do you need help getting up?" Sweetie asked extending a hoof to me. I shook my head side to side to indicate I didn't need her help, and proceeded to get up on my own. It wasn't that bad of a head injury as far as I could tell so why were they all acting like I was crippled? I took a few tentative steps towards the entrance of the box fort before my head felt like it was being split open by a shovel.

I hissed in pain but kept going despite my heads protests to being awake in general. I just kept on moving until I was outside the box fort where everyone else was waiting for something. They all gasped when there eyes fell upon me which didn't bode well for my 'it's a scratch' theory.

"Can I get an Ice-pack?" After I asked that everything went fuzzy before I fell over onto the ground. Everything around me started to swirl and distort. Even the voices of the various ponies around me were becoming hard to understand. Just before everything went black I could hear Dinky say,

"I'm so sorry,"


"Just...Fucking...Break already!" I cried as I kept pulling the chain around my leg as hard as I could. She put this damn thing on me the day after I was almost free; If that damn horse didn't stop me I wouldn't be here! I kept pulling on the chain in hopes that it might break somehow, but I had been pulling for hours and it hasn't moved an inch. I kept pulling until I could hear those damned hooves coming from outside the door.

"Lucky, it's a beautiful day isn't it?" The mare said as she trotted happily into the room. Her leg was wrapped in bandages from where I stabbed her with my horn.

"It's always a beautiful day when I get to see your leg like that, Bitch!"

"Oh my, Lucky. That is incredibly rude!"

"No, trapping me here against my will is rude,"

"It's for science!"

"There is this thing called ethics; I think you should get some." She started charging her horn up before facing me directly,

"I enjoy these big days with you, Lucky," She pressed her horn against my head. I can't even begin to describe the pain of it all; the only thing I could compare it to would be breaking every bone in your body seven times while a conga line of elephants went over you. I could see glimpses of my old memories as she continued on.

"Where are you?" She asked as I began to lose focus and lose consciousness from the pain.

Author's Note:

I just want to say that we've hit 50 likes! That might not seem like a big deal (or it does I don't know), but It is a milestone in my eyes. So thank you for taking the time to read what I write, and As always I hope to make this worth your time.

Also sorry for the shorter chapter today, but I don't want to go into what is going on with chance yet. The only thing I'm leaving here is that a certain character is finally going to make an appearance. Who it is, well you just have to read to find out don't you.