• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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103: Giants and Time

Oblivion said nothing as the group walked into the trees. The ponies with him were nervously watching in all directions as his ears flicked and his eyes scanned the area around them for any sign of the monster. Sasa rumbled a low sound in her throat as she stopped and her head pointed to a broken tree off to the right.

“Could that be a sign of our quarry?” She asked.

“Perhaps.” He replied as he moved to inspect the tree.

“What are we looking at?” Soarin asked as he followed him.

“Depending on a few things this might be a sign of our monster.” Oblivion pointed out to him.

“Oh,” Soarin said as he neared the tree with the others. “What are we looking for?”

“Tracks, scent, gouges in the wood.” Oblivion listed off for them.

“Oh. Okay, so we can be of some help.” Silver said cheerfully as he made for the other side of the tree.

Vantage kept an eye on the perimeter as the others surrounded the broken tree. Cross nervously approached the tree and his ears flicked desperately around him. Silver and Striker were quiet as they left the deep analysis to the Witcher. Oblivion’s eyes narrowed as he scanned the tree trunk for any sign of hands or claws. A scent caught his attention as he put his nose close to the tree. He could not immediately identify the scent but it reminded him of winter and the scents that came with it. Though it bore a resemblance to that it also had an earthy tone to it. He had not thought to ask Geralt what the Giant had smelled like.

“Hey Oblivion,” Soarin called out from the other side of the tree.


“Do Giants have claws?” He asked.

“Not that I am aware of but I would assume that they could if their nails get long enough.” He advised.

“Then can you look at this?”

Oblivion moved to join the Wonderbolt and he could see what he was pointing at. Several deep furrows had been dug into the bark of the fallen tree. He extended his claws and held them up close by the furrows. They were similar to what he would have been able to do but at the same time, they were dull and short.

“I don’t think it has claws.” Oblivion said to him. “I think these were made by him just gripping the tree.”

“That’s good news right?” Silver asked as he hovered behind the Witcher.

“It can be if you wish.” Oblivion replied. “At the same time, he is more likely to ball up his fist and hit you with it versus using claws. So it depends on what you view well.”

“You just love to throw ice water on a possibly good thing.” Vantage teased.

“Reality is often upsetting.” Oblivion said back to him.

Sasa chuckled as she rubbed her shoulder against his side. “Let them have their good things.”

“But I suppose that having a fist hit you would be less punishing.” He said to them as he moved away from the markings in the bark.

“Liar,” Soarin said to him with a bark of laughter. “I’ve been punched before it’s no fun.”

“Have you ever been clawed open by a monster?” Oblivion asked him.

“Well no but… Oh, I see what you were saying.” He said to him with a shake of his head.

“I have and I would prefer the punch.” Oblivion commented as he backed up from the tree.

“How about we get none of the above,” Cross asked as he tried not to look as afraid as he felt.

“I can get behind that.” Striker agreed.

Oblivion looked around them and his eyes narrowed as he looked for signs of tracks or further scents. Indents in the ground stood out to him and he moved to follow them a few feet to ensure that they were large enough to have been made by his quarry. After following them for a minute he looked over his shoulder and a shrill whistle escaped him and the ponies all looked to him as he motioned for them to rejoin him. Sasa had remained at his side and she simply grumbled at the shrill noise. The five ponies rejoined him and he began to lead them forward once more. Soarin brought up the rear as Sasa stayed at his shoulder.

“Find something?” Silver asked.

“Tracks.” Oblivion said back to him as he led them.

“Oh. Where?” He asked as Oblivion stopped to listen to him.

Oblivion didn’t respond immediately as he simply pointed after a moment. “That’s one of them.”

“I don’t see anything,” Striker said to him.

“They’re not as deep as I would have thought they would be but they are there nonetheless.” Oblivion said as he began to walk forward.

“Got it.” Silver said as they fell in behind him.

Oblivion watched as the terrain flattened out and the grass gave way to rocks as they followed the trail. Sasa said nothing to him as his eyes remained trained on the tracks as they grew less clear, even to him they were becoming hard to see. He stopped and raised his head to see if the track would give way to common sense. As he trained his eyes forward he could see a gap in the far stones. The Witcher said nothing as he began to lead them toward the gap, further away from the forest that they had spent the day tracking through.

“Oblivion?” Silver questioned using just his name as they stayed in formation behind him.

“The track is fading into the stones so I am using different methods to see if we can find it. Without Sirens or tracks, we are at a disadvantage. But it can still be worked through.” He assured the nervous ponies.

“Why would we need the Sirens?” Soarin asked from behind them.

“They are often not far from the Giants themselves. They use them to hunt and the Sirens will often be fed by the Giant which means they work somewhat together to feed each other. So typically they are not far apart if rumor and Geralt’s experience are anything to go by.” He replied.

“I see,” Soarin called out. “So if we come across flying monsters should the five of us drive them down to you?”

“You could.” Oblivion replied as he glanced over his shoulder for a moment. “Or just kill themselves yourselves.”

“And how do we do that?” Silver asked.

“Drive them to the ground where they are vulnerable and put a hoof through their skulls.” He said to him.

“Oh… Oh no.” Vantage groaned. “Please don’t let there be any Sirens.” He prayed as he walked behind the Witcher.

“Hail to that,” Silver said to him.

Sasa chuckled as they spoke and she put her nose into the air as Oblivion paused and did the same. “Chosen?”

“Wait.” He called out and the ponies went still.

The scent from before had his attention as it was growing in strength. While it was not as strong as he would have liked it to be it was still usable. It was an old track but it would do the job that he needed. He slowly moved forward and let his nose lead the way for several strides before his ears began to flick and listen intently around him. His ears strained for any sound as his eyes narrowed to allow him to see if anything stood out to his enhanced sight. Behind him, the guards and Wonderbolt watched him intently. He could sense their nervous energy as Sasa drew closer to him.

“Anything stands out to you Chosen?” She asked as she stopped by him.

“Maybe.” He muttered as he slowly took a step forward.

Oblivion fell quiet as his ears perked as a sound came to him. The sound of crunching gravel caught his focus and he leaned his ears forward to focus on the sound. It was too heavy to be a pony and he looked over his shoulder to his team and they saw him give a short shake of his head to tell them to stay where they were. Sasa did the same as he took several tentative steps forward. A groan caught his ear and he broke into a swift trot to reach a small copse of trees twenty feet away. He reached the trees and used them to hide his body as he looked beyond them.

“Where are you?” He whispered to himself as the sound of walking slowed and then stopped. “Dammit.”

He sighed as he went to look back as a smell hit his nose. He put his nose high into the air and sniffed deeply. He could smell the same scent as earlier, it was musty and smelled damp. He said nothing as he narrowed his eyes further and focused ahead of him. As he watched the giant came lumbering out of the side of the mountain wall.

“Sasa, get them into hiding.” He ordered the feline.

“Oh no.” She uttered as she did as she was instructed.

The giant did not seem to have noticed any of them as it moved sluggishly out of the shadow of the mountain. Oblivion was certain it had found a cave nearby but he did not intend to hunt it down at that moment. He said nothing as the guards and Sasa joined him and he waited as all of them seemed to give a quiet gasp at the sight of the enormous monster before them.

“By Celestia…” Soarin whispered as he stared at the giant.

“Quiet.” Oblivion whispered as the giant headed toward them.

Oblivion said nothing further as he watched its movements. It moved slowly as though it was truly in no hurry to reach them. He was quiet as he was sure it had not even seen them at that point. It did not focus on them as he said nothing to his nervous team. Sasa remained still as stone as the giant moved away from them. It reached the small copse of trees and then went past it. He turned to look back as it went past him and he spun to watch it.

Oblivion said nothing as he considered what his best options were. He was sure that the giant was heading for the cherry trees. He watched as it lumbered away before he started to turn to the guards with him. A sound from behind him caught his attention and he looked back as a single Siren crawled out of the shadows. It did not fly, as it just dragged itself across the ground. Oblivion said nothing as he watched the Siren. The Witcher said nothing for several seconds before he left the shade of the trees. It seemed to not see him as he watched it wriggled across the ground.

“What is it doing?” Sasa asked as he moved.

“I have no idea.” He whispered back to her. “It could be blind?”

He walked slowly up to it as it continued to wriggle forward. It paused as it seemed to smell him and he stopped when it stopped. It began to make a crooning noise as he watched it closely. Oblivion said nothing as he could sense something from the Siren. He looked closely at it as his medallion began to tremble on its chain. He stared at the siren as a roar broke out from behind him. He spun back to see the giant coming back. The siren began to scream in alarm as the giant returned.

“Oh shit,” Soarin yelled as he looked at Oblivion, asking for orders.

“Get in the air!” He yelled to the five of them.

Each of them took to the air and remained far above the giant. Oblivion called on the crystal blade and it came into his magic and he allowed it to hover silently beside him. Soarin and the others said nothing as the Giant seemed to have either forgotten about them or was intent on ignoring them completely. Sasa remained close by him as she snarled loudly at his hip and he watched as the giant started to walk faster as the siren screamed and wriggled on the ground behind him. He cast a glance back as the siren seemed content to scream and wriggle on the ground. Oblivion looked back to find the giant bearing down on him and he analyzed his options quickly and chose his next few actions swiftly.

“Sasa harry its heels!” He shouted as the feline leaped away from him and swung wide to do as she had been told.

He watched as it broke into a faster gait and stormed past him and Sasa. He watched as it grabbed the siren and turned around to throw the smaller monster. He thought he was about to throw it when the giant went back into the gap in the stones.

“Oblivion?” Soarin called out.

“Stay high.” The Witcher called back.

He waited for several seconds before he took several steps forward to allow him to listen or even see what the monster was doing. The sound of metal gave him pause and he backed up the same amount of steps he had gone forward.

“Chosen?” Sasa said to him through their connection, her voice uncertain.

“Wait.” He instructed as the sound of heavy footsteps caught his attention. “Back up.”

Sasa jumped back and he followed her example as the giant came out of the gap with the siren on its shoulder, its tail wrapped around his neck. Above him Soarin and the others gasped as the giant came out further into the sunlight, dragging what looked like an anchor or something similar.

“Oh shit.” Silver cursed from above them. “Now what do we do?”

“You stay up there for now. Soarin?” He shouted the Wonderbolt’s name.

“Sir!” Was the spirited reply.

“Watch for an opening to see if you can lead the others in a way to knock it off balance.” Oblivion instructed.

“Yes Sir,” Soarin shouted as the others fell in around and behind him.

Oblivion refocused on the giant and its new weapon as the siren screeched from its place on the giant’s shoulders. Sasa looked at him and he gave her a slight nod as she swung wide once more to do as he had instructed of her. Soarin led the guards into a new position as he watched intently for an opening. Oblivion tapped his hoof to send Quen over his form. Its golden light was bright against his black fur. The giant roared as Oblivion kept his blade up and ready for the giant's next move. It leaned back and slung the weapon toward him and he jumped away from where he believed it would land. It thudded dully into the ground and he charged forward to strike at the back of the giant's legs. The front of its legs were covered in wooden guards that had been lashed in place by rope.

“Chosen beware.” Sasa gave a sudden warning as the giant lunged forward with its arms raised.

“Oh.” Oblivion grunted as he backflipped twice to get away from the giant's raised arms.

It slammed its hands into the ground and he simply watched as it raised its arms and straightened its body to look at him. Sasa leaped onto the back of its leg and dug her teeth into its thick skin. It roared and kicked out as her claws dug in and she remained in place. Soarin shouted and the guards fell from the sky in formation and each one hit the giant broadside. All five of them landed against its side and began to push, their wings furiously beating. The giant roared as the siren began to screech and it swung its arm toward the group he heard Vantage shout as the siren claws got his shoulder but he didn’t peel off from the others. The giant tilted as it tried to maintain its stance but the force from the guards and the feline on its leg made it overbalance and it toppled to its side as Oblivion charged in.

“Get him Oblivion!” Soarin shouted as the five of them took off for the sky once more.

Oblivion spun his blade in his magic as the giant flailed and the siren screeched. His blade snaked out and he cut the head off the siren in one swing and the next one cut into the thick neck of the giant. It roared and its arms reached up and would have grabbed his neck had he not fallen to his knees and commanded his magic to dig the weapon deeper into the giant's flesh. The giant rolled to his side and Oblivion yanked the weapon free as he called on Yrden to slow the giant’s movements. As the giant slowed down he jumped to its chest dug his weapon into the front of its neck and twisted the weapon cruelly in its skin. The giant reached for him and he twisted the weapon again as it roared and blood fountained from the wound.

“Chosen?” Sasa called out as she had lost sight of him from her position.

He didn’t reply to her as blood sprayed across the front of his chest and he growled under his breath as the giant began to weaken and go still. His sword remained in its neck as the siren's body slid off its shoulder and onto the ground. The giant’s arms fell to the ground at its sides and he sighed as it went still. He heard the sound of wings above him as he looked up to find the guards all watching him intently. He yanked the weapon free and spun it to remove the blood and viscera from its surface. Quen still glowed over him as he jumped off the giant’s chest and onto the ground.

“Anyone hurt?” Sasa asked him as he shook himself to try to relieve some of the tension in his body.

“Anyone hurt?” He asked them as Vantage nodded.

“Not bad but a little bit.” The Thestral replied as he turned to show the gashes to his shoulder.

Azure flame flowed from Oblivion's horn as it covered all of the guards and healed any wounds it could find. The wounds to Vantage healed in a few seconds and the guard looked thankful as he saw the renewed flesh of his shoulder.

“Thanks.” He said with a wide smile.

Oblivion nodded as he turned back to the two corpses. His magic lashed out as he searched for the parts of them that he could use.

“Careful.” Silver nudged Soarin and the other Pegasus turned to look at him. “This part is kind of nasty.”

“Why?” Soarin asked and Silver simply motioned for him to watch.

Oblivion yanked one circle of magic from the siren and it carried pieces of it for him to use later. He focused on the giant’s corpse and its belly suddenly bulged as he pulled the circle of magic carrying the parts he wanted from it. Soarin yelped at the sight and Silver snickered as the Wonderbolt stared.

“Oh… that’s what you meant,” Soarin commented as Silver chuckled.

Oblivion sent the parts to separate vials in his saddlebags and turned to lead them back the way they had come as his azure flames burned the two bodies to nothing but ash. Sasa fell in at his side as he led the way back to the farmer to inform him that the giant would no longer be stealing his produce.

Oblivion caught sight of the farmer and he walked toward him, his hooves silent even on the fallen leaves. Soarin watched as the farmer did not turn to look at them and he began to stomp his hooves a bit to alert him that they were there. The farmer turned around and found all of them waiting for him to greet them.

“Well Ah’ll be. Yer all still alive I see. Don’t seem to be ‘urt at all either… Or maybe ya are.” He said as he caught sight of the blood that covered the Witcher.

Oblivion looked down and he sighed as his horn lit to remove the now dried blood from his body. “Forgot about it.” He admitted. “We are unharmed.”

“Well, that’s good ta hear. Ah suppose that monster won’t be botherin’ me no more?”

“No. It will not be seen around here again. Your trees should be safe from anypony eating them in great quantities.” He assured him.

“Tha’s good ta hear. Ah was losing money the longer that thing was around. Ya have my thanks all o’ ya.” The farmer said as he smiled brightly at the group of them.

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to assess his team for exhaustion and whether they could fly back now or in the morning. “All right to fly again or do you need rest?” He asked.

“I’m fine. All we did was knock it over.” Silver said with a laugh.

The others nodded and Oblivion nodded as they went to get the chariot from where they had left it. The farmer started laughing as they came back with it a few minutes later.

“Tha’ thing got a lot o’ attention while ya were gone.” He said through his chuckling.

“Oh?” Oblivion asked as the pony laughed.

“Yup. Ah had ma family over fer lunch and they all had ta get a good look at it. They were shocked when Ah told ‘em why it was here.” The farmer continued to chuckle as Silver and the others stopped in front of Oblivion to allow him to jump in. “Fly safe, ya hear?”

“We will. Thank you.” Striker said to him as Oblivion, Sasa, and Soarin got into the chariot. “Ready?”

Oblivion nodded as the guards took flight, their wings beat in time to ensure the flight was smooth. Sasa said nothing for a moment as she settled into cleaning her fangs with her tongue.

“That was not as bad as some of the fights we have been in.” She said to him.

“I agree.” He said back to her. “Having them bring it down to my level was what made it faster.”

“Definitely.” She agreed with him as she groomed her front fangs.

The moon was low in the sky when they returned to Canterlot. He walked into the front doors as Celestia walked past him and she saw him and he could see apprehension go through her spirit. She looked at him then at Sasa and he was about to ask her why she was watching so closely when he realized she was looking for the head of the giant. He chuckled as he shook his head.

“You said not to bother bringing them anymore.” He said to her as he approached her. “Though I am sure I can draw one for you if you wish…”

“No, that is not necessary.” She replied quickly. “I trust you, Master Witcher. I trust since you are back so quickly that the monster has fallen?”

“It did. Was an Ice Giant that had made its home in a mountainside gap on the rocks with a pet siren.” He replied as he drew up close to her.

“Pet siren?” She asked him.

“Yes, Sirens are typically allied with the giants due to them providing food and materials to the giant and it provides protection and food when needed. So they would work together oftentimes. This one was crippled and could not fly and appeared to be blind. But it could still be used by the giant as a weapon. It put the siren around its neck and shoulders and it fought when things got too close.” He informed her.

“Oh my.” She said back to him as she shook her head. “Well at least I trust it is gone and no longer endangering my subjects?”

“No. It has been removed.” He assured her with a nod.

“Oh good. Oh!” She suddenly looked at him. “Twilight is here as well if you wish to see her. I am not sure what she is up to but she is up by the Library.”

“What is she doing up there?” Sasa asked him.

WE will be finding out.” He said to the feline as he began to look around him to locate the mare’s spirit. “Oh Pinkie and Spike are with her.”

“Oh… This is either good or very bad.” Sasa said to him with a chuckle that rang through his mind.

He focused on where they were and his horn lit as he nodded politely to Celestia and teleported himself and Sasa to the mares and Spike. They yelped as he appeared and Twilight stared as he looked at her.

“What in every God's name are you wearing?” He asked her. “And why are you in Canterlot?”

She was standing in front of him wearing a skin-tight black outfit with a bandage around her head, an eyepatch, and the cut to her face still visible. She looked nervous as she tried to come up with a good reply.

“Well we are here to try to stop time before Tuesday morning, which is already here, and she got hurt by trying to do things all week. Now she looks like future Twilight.” Pinkie explained.

Sasa snickered and tried not to laugh at the mare’s misfortune. “I see.” He replied. “I recall telling you to not overdo it, or something similar.”

“I know you did,” Twilight replied. “But I figured I needed to be ready and I guess I did not listen.”

“I can see that.” He said to her as his horn lit and the World Spirit reared up to heal her wounds and he burned through the bandage and eyepatch. “Have we learned anything?”

Twilight said nothing for several seconds before she sighed. “Maybe trying to, I think Sasa called baby proofing, is not going to work typically. And maybe letting the future come and become present is better than overreacting.”

“Perhaps.” Oblivion said to her as he shook his head. “Maybe solve problems when they come instead of making ones up?”

She cringed and nodded. “Yeah, that might be a good idea.” She admitted with a sheepish look.

“Hey Twilight I found something,” Pinkie called out. “I found something! It doesn't stop time, but it lets you go back in time. It says you can go back once, and it only lasts for a few moments. Does that help?”

“Pinkie you’re a genius,” Twilight said to her as she looked at the spell. “Now I can go back and tell past Twilight that she doesn't need to go berserk with worry about a disaster that's never gonna come!”

“Are we certain this is a good idea?” Oblivion asked them as they both looked more excited. “Are we sure that this isn’t exactly what future you were trying to say?”

Twilight stared at him for several seconds before she looked at the spell and began to giggle. “You know you might be right. If it was me from the further then that would be accurate. Which means my past self did not listen and here we are now.” She replied. “Well to keep the timeline right then I should do the same thing right?”

“Perhaps.” Oblivion admitted. “Be careful with it at least.”

“I’ll be right back.” She giggled and cast the spell.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I am back but things might be slow for a while while I relearn my own OC and how he works. It's been a while since I played around with him. Lol. THank you for sticking with me and I appreciate you taking the time to check-in. Enjoy!!

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