• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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80: Helping Another

Oblivion opened his eyes and he was surprised to see another pony with Blue Blood. Soarin looked nervously from the Prince to the Black Unicorn. His horn lit once more as he summoned Sasa to his side and the she-cat stared at the pale blue stallion before a purr rumbled through her in greeting.

“Hello Soarin,” Oblivion said to him and approached them with Sasa at his hip.

“Hi.” Soarin replied quietly. “Sorry if I’m imposing or…”

“I told you it was fine,” Blue assured him with an easy smile. “You’re always welcome among us, right?”

Oblivion nodded in agreement and Sasa continued to purr loudly. “As he said. You are welcome to join us Soarin.”

“It’s good to see him again.” Sasa said to him and Blue Blood spoke for her and Soarin seemed to take heart from the cat’s easy acceptance of his presence.

“Shall we?” Blue said and motioned for them to move out of the menagerie.

“Lead on, Blue,” Oblivion said as he fell in behind the white pony.

Oblivion sat down after greeting Joe and affirmed that he was asking for his normal and Blue followed suit. Soarin got his order set and joined them at the booth. Sasa sat down beside the table and regraded the ponies with her.

“So what is on your mind, Soarin?” Oblivion asked him, his voice quiet.

The Pegasus breathed in and looked from the Unicorns to the table and back to Oblivion once more. “I was going to reach out to you sooner but between practice and the Wonderbolts public image I just haven’t had the time.”

“Understandable,” Oblivion replied. “I am here now.”

“I just…you asked me what could have been hurting me before.” Soarin began and he paused.

“I did yes.”

“What do you see?” He asked, his voice hesitant.

“I can see that you are being choked by something. I can see that it is slowly breaking your spirit.”

“I just…I don’t hate the Wonderbolts. Let me make that clear right now.” He said to them and Oblivion nodded as he spoke. “I just…”

“You resent them,” Blue said to him and leaned back into the booth.

Soarin’s eyes were wide as he nodded slowly. “They put performance and awards above their ponies. I am just so…tired.” He admitted with a small rush of air.

“How did you come to be among them?” Oblivion questioned.

“I tried out a few years ago and was accepted. I was sold the spiel about how they help protect Equestria and at the time I was looking for something. I didn’t know what it was but they knew.”

“You were looking for a purpose.” Oblivion supplied and Soarin nodded. “They preyed on that state of mind and sold you a rosy picture of what it would be like. And you fell for it.”

“Yeah. Hook, line and sinker.” Soarin admitted bitterly. “I thought it would solve that feeling of being out of place and not having any idea what I wanted and for a while it did. But as time went on I found out what it was really like and as it went on I was trapped by it.”

“Have you ever thought of just leaving?” Blue asked him, a look of concern on his features.

Soarin barked a laugh and nodded. “I have thought about it so many times. But I also don’t know how to do anything else except fly.”

“What would you rather be doing?” Oblivion asked.

“I’m not sure. I would still like to be involved in flight in some way but not as a Wonderbolt.” Soarin said in reply.

“Have you talked about it to anypony else?” Blue went on.

“I tried to talk to some of the others but they were less than receptive. I was told pretty plainly to suck it up and deal with it.”

Blue cringed and shook his head as Joe came to their table and set their orders in front of them. He lowered Sasa’s plate to the floor and patted the feline before he left them to their conversation. Oblivion took a sip of his coffee and leaned against the back of the booth before he spoke.

“Have you considered simply leaving the Wonderbolts?” He paused at the angry look he got from Soarin. “I ask because I do not know how the system works.”

Soarin’s expression softened and he nodded as he sighed. “I could but I would be dishonorably discharged. It’s not anything detrimental to me so they don’t acknowledge it. I’m not hurt in a fight, I’m just tired of it. That blemish on my record would stop me from being able to get a better position elsewhere. The Wonderbolts are a, you retire or you’re a quitter type of organization.”

“Meaning?” Oblivion went on.

“Meaning if you’re not a Wonderbolt when you die then you are nothing to everyone around you. It should be that your military record is hidden from an employer but it’s not. They can look at it and see that I quit and was discharged instead of retiring.”

“And you’re not of the age to retire,” Blue muttered. “I know what you’re talking about.”

“You do?” Soarin said to him as he sipped his coffee.

“I’ve read through the military records and he’s not wrong.” He said with a glance at the other stallions. “He would be discharged but that would stain an otherwise exemplary record and it would prevent ponies from hiring since the Wonderbolts are in the public eye and you’re fairly well known.”

Oblivion was quiet as he listened to the explanation from the Prince and he sighed quietly. “Now I understand it.”

“I can see why you’ve just put up and shut up about it,” Blue said to him.

“I just am tired of putting up with it and you’re not wrong. I feel like I’m slowly cracking.” Soarin admitted as he put his hooves over his face and leaned into them.

“Pretty heavy case of burn out,” Blue said and the Pegasus nodded. “Don’t they allow you to take a break in that case?”

“I’ve taken a break because of that and it didn’t help though. I came back and it was all the same thing.”

“Even if you take a break from it, it will not change the damage.” Oblivion pointed out and Soarin sagged into the booth. “You need to find a new career.”

“If you can think of one let me know.” The Pegasus growled.

Sasa stood up from her meal and nuzzled his foreleg. The Pegasus turned to look at her and he stared into a vibrant pair of aqua blue eyes. He put his hooves on her fur and ran his hooves through it. He looked back at Oblivion and the stallion said nothing as Sasa purred.

“We are with him Chosen. He needs to be heard.” She said to him and he nodded to the cat.

“We are with you Soarin,” Oblivion said to him, his tone quiet. “While I cannot change the Wonderbolts I can assure you that you are not alone.”

Soarin looked back at the Unicorn, his eyes wide and a shocked expression went over his features. Blue nodded and a smile went over the Prince's features. Sasa put her head under his chin and her purr grew in volume. Soarin gripped her fur and he laid his head to the side and leaned his cheek against her fur.

“Oblivion is right. You aren’t alone and we will always listen.” Blue assured the Pegasus. “I may not know much about flying but I do know how it feels to be used and thrown aside. Which is what the Wonderbolts are doing to you.” He said as the Pegasus let go of the cat and sat back in his seat. “I do not think it can be fixed instantly but I will do what I can to try to find a loophole to help you. There has to be something.”

“Don’t go out of your way.” Soarin began but stopped at the dismissive wave of Blue Bloods hoof.

“Nonsense.” Blue interrupted. “It’s not any trouble. You are now a friend to us and we will back you up as best we are able. I saw you at the Gala talking to Rainbow Dash. Is she another you can talk to besides us?”

Soarin shrugged and leaned against the table. “Kind of. She was fun to talk to but she is pretty set on joining the Wonderbolts and I am not sure what I can tell her about them. I don’t want to make her regret her desires about joining. They have good points and bad. Just I ended up more on the bad side of it.”

“How do you deal with the pressure that comes from the performances and public appearances?” Blue questioned.

“I don’t deal with it well. I’m not very good at smiling and nodding like some of the others. I tend to just move forward and stay out of the limelight. I just can’t do it anymore. I can fake it for some but not all the time.” Soarin admitted.

“He needs an outlet to either talk to someone or do something else that might help rejuvenate him a bit. I can’t see his spirit very clearly but his body is close to spent.” Sasa said to the two stallions that could hear her. “Can you help that a bit Chosen?”

Oblivion looked at the stallion and he could see what Sasa meant by the pony being nearly spent. He said nothing in reply and Blue opened his mouth to speak when Oblivions horn lit. Soarin looked up at the azure flame as it grew in strength and slowly covered his body.

“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice uncertain.

“It’s okay,” Blue assured him. “Sasa noticed that you seem to be on your last legs in terms of your body tiring out. She doesn’t want you to get hurt so she asked him to see what he could do to help.”

“Oh. He can do that?”

“You’d be surprised,” Blue said with a chuckle.

Sasa put her head under his hoof and he petted her fur absently as the glow grew stronger. Oblivion reached out to the World Spirit and it was able to guide his magic to allow him to help re-energize the Pegasus’s body and give his Spirit a bit of a boost as well. His control of the World Spirit had grown in strength and he knew enough to be careful when using it. Soarin’s eyes went wide as the magic began to do its work and he stopped petting Sasa as he looked at his hooves and then to the Black Unicorn. The azure flame began to die out and Oblivion could see that he had been buoyed by the influx of power form the World Spirit and Oblivions own magic. The glow faded and Oblivion said nothing as the stallion breathed deeply.

“Wow.” He breathed out and looked at the Black Unicorn. “How did you do that?”

“The Element of Spirit is able to sense those that are failing and it can help when needed. It can’t fix what is causing the hurt at the moment but it can help to support you as we work on it ourselves.” Oblivion explained.

Soarin looked at his hooves once more as Sasa nuzzled his hip and he patted her once more. “Thank you.”

“How do you feel?” Blue asked him, concern etched on his face.

“Better,” Soarin admitted with a slight smile. “I mean the weight of what I do is still there but I don’t feel so exhausted by it. I can feel that my muscles aren’t as worn out and I feel like I could fly for longer than normal.”

“Thank Equestria.” Blue breathed.

“What has it done for you?” Soarin asked the Prince.

Blue Blood looked at him for a moment before understanding went through his eyes. “Well. It was a little bit different. He actually removed what was wrong with me when I was ready. Sasa?”

Sasa purred and looked at the stallions. “Basically you were being smothered by a monster. So you needed a Witcher, but more than that you needed a friend and to be understood. In that respect, you and Soarin are the same.” She replied and Oblivion spoke for her. “The difference is that there is no monster that needs to be removed from you.” She said as she looked at the Pegasus. “You need to be heard and understood along with a new career.”

Soarin nodded in understanding and he sighed. “I do need a new job.” He gave a raw chuckle.

“You do. But for now, you need help to be able to survive the one you have. It is slowly breaking you into pieces and you have never had the chance to be heard without being told to toughen up. With Blue, he needed to be heard first and that helped his spirit become stronger and was able to withstand the forced removal of the monster that was attached to him. So we will help to strengthen you and to support you through your trials and help you in any way we can.”

Oblivion finished speaking for her and Soarin stared at the feline as her bright eyes looked back at him. She reached out and set her nose against his fur and breathed steadily, warming his skin.

“Wow. You did all that to help Blue Blood?” He asked her and she nodded. “Suddenly I don’t feel like I’m on my own.”

“You aren’t,” Blue assured him and Oblivion gave a quiet nod.

“We are with you,” Oblivion said to him, his voice calm.

Soarin opened his mouth to speak as the shop door opened. A courier looked around the building and looked at the group of ponies. Soarin turned around in the booth and Oblivions aw the look of dread cross the pale blue Stallions features as the courier caught sigh to him.

“Commander Soarin. Message for you sir.” He said and presented the note to the stallion.

“Got it.” He said and took it from the pony.

The courier turned and left the shop as Soarin read through the letter, his expression becoming concerned. He looked over the top of the note and looked at the Black Unicorn.

“You live in Ponyville right?”

“Correct. Why?”

“I just got ordered to fly to there to tend to a dragon attack.”

“Dragon attack!?” Blue yelped and then leaned down when Joe looked at him. “Sorry.”

“Yeah, apparently we fly out now. I’m the backup lead in case anything gets out of hoof. The others are already on their way there now. Any ideas?”

“The only dragon in town is Spike and he’s a baby dragon. And he…was acting a bit out of sorts last I saw him. I will meet you there.” Oblivion said and slipped out of the booth.

“Go, I’ll pay,” Blue said to him and the black Unicorn nodded.

Sasa growled as she got to her paws and he set a hoof on her shoulder as she stood close to him as he teleported both of them.

He looked up as his magic had dropped him in the middle of town and he heard a roar coming from just outside town. He galloped out of town with Sasa on his heels and he could see an enormous dragon as it headed for the mountains.

“That can’t be our little Spike!” Sasa shouted to him.

“It is.” He replied. “The spirit is the same color. Even if the body is not the same size.”

He watched as the Wonderbolts flew over his head and he headed for the dragon's legs. Spike was halfway up a mountainside when Oblivion reached the bottom of it. He kept his swords in place since he had no intention of using them on the baby dragon. The black Unicorn dug his claws into the compact stone and dirt and began to move up the mountainside, intent on the dragon. He watched as Spike trapped the Wonderbolts and then slammed the water tower into the side of the mountain, trapping the Wonderbolts inside it. His horn flared and he teleported to land on top of the water container.

“Oblivion!” Rarity’s voice caught his attention and he looked up as she was wrapped in the dragon’s tail.

His eyes went wide for a second at the sight of her and his magic reached out to take her when Spike caught sight of him and soon the dragon's face obscured his sight, preventing him from seeing the mare. He kept his orange eyes on the dragon’s snout and stared back at him. Spike raised one paw to slap him to the ground and Oblivion teleported to land on his back. He didn’t dare lay into the baby dragon with his claws, instead, he simply held on. Spike looked around for him and then he seemed to feel the weight on his back and he looked back to see the black Unicorn.

The Witcher said nothing as he held on and Spike reached back for him. He teleported once more and landed on the water container and he began to reach out to Rarity once more. The dragon caught sight of him and reached out for him. Oblivion backed up as far as he was able on the water container, preventing Spike from getting a grip on him. The dragon roared in anger as it stared at the black stallion. He could hear Rarity calling out as he teleported to Spikes back once more and turned to her. His magic gripped the mare and the dragon’s tail tightened on her and he released her. He didn’t dare pull on her in case the dragon's grip tightened on her and risk harming her.

“Look out!” Rarity yelled and he looked back as Spikes paw got ahold of him and pulled him to face him.

Spike roared at him once more and turned to throw him back toward Ponyville. Oblivion dug his claws into the dragon's hand to avoid being thrown through the air and Spike growled at the sudden pain.

“Sorry Spike,” Oblivion growled and held on tighter.

The dragon opened his paw and found Oblivion had dug in and was refusing to move as he waved his paw, trying to dislodge the stallion. The dragon closed his paw and squeezed. Oblivion grunted under the pressure, his horn lit as he pushed his magic out, forcing Spike to open his paw. The dragon pulled back his paw and threw the stallion. Oblivion growled as he was thrown from the dragon's paw. His wings spread from his back, under their illusion, as he summoned them and they righted him in the air, allowing him to teleport back to the dragon. He landed on Spikes back and he opened his mouth to speak when the sound of Rarity’s voice caught his ear. His wings were sent back and he listened as Rarity spoke to the dragon, telling him about his generosity and kindness. Oblivion nearly spoke but he stopped as the dragon's body shook and began to shrink.

“Oh shit.” He cursed as they were suddenly in the air and then plummeting.

The Unicorn reached out and gripped the other two in his magic as he teleported to the ground. In the back of his mind, he knew that he had not teleported more than one pony before but that thought was pushed to the back of his mind. He heard Rarity gasp as they appeared on the ground.

“Oblivion?” She called out as the stallion righted himself and looked over to her and the baby dragon.


“You’re all right?” She asked him.

“I’m fine. Are you?” He replied to her and approached them.

He was a dozen yards away when the others joined them, Sasa galloped to them and she nuzzled Oblivion's shoulder to check on him, and Spike looked upset as they all looked at him.

“I’m fine dear.” She assured him.

“Spike?” He asked as the baby dragon looked at the ground.

“I’m fine.” He whispered out as he looked at the small gashes in his hand.

“I don’t believe you.” He replied as his magic went over the injury and slowly healed it.

Spike sniffled and looked at the group of them as they watched him. “I did all of that.” He said and pointed to the town and the damage that had been done.

Rarity smiled and approached the baby dragon. “Spike, I just have to tell you how absolutely proud I am of you.”

“Proud of me?”

“Yes. It was you who stopped... w-well, you, from destroying Ponyville. You are my hero, Spikey-wikey!” She said as she leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. Spikes' eyes widened and he put his hand to his face.

Oblivion sidled up to Twilight and leaned his head down to her. “What happened?” He asked her.

She giggled and patted his shoulder. “I’ll tell you later.” She replied and he nodded in reply to her.

“Does this one look like it?” Sasa asked as they went through the language books Twilight had brought down that they hadn’t tried yet.

He held up the small piece of paper for her to look at and compare and he heard her growl and he brought it back to his book and began to go through the pages of language samples.

“Chosen we have been going through these books for two weeks.” She grumbled to him. “I don’t think anything will compare to it. The map piece is older but the language could be even older.”

“I am counting on it being older.” He replied. “The odds of it being something simple are remote at best. So we should start with the oldest and work our way forward.”

She growled and leaned her head to the side and laid her head on the table. “By my claws this is tedious.”

“Research usually is.” He countered. “If there is nothing in this set of books then we may need to ask Luna about the books within their Library.”

“Oh goodie. I’ll hide my enthusiasm.” She grumbled and looked back to the book in front of her.

He ignored the sarcasm from the feline and flipped the page in his book. Time ticked past him as he neared the end of the book and a side note caught his attention. It spoke of an older version of the language and its writings with a footnote of the page to be checked. His claws flipped the pages of the book and he looked closely at the writings on the page. He placed the map piece next to the sample and he found that it was similar but not exact. The writing was different but the language itself seemed to match closely.

“Maybe.” He whispered out and Sasa’s ear flicked to listen to him as she stared at a page in her book. “This is close.”

“How close? Close as in exactly the same or close as in kind of?”

“Kind of.” He clarified.

“Great.” She muttered and laid her head on the table once more.

Oblivion looked closer at it and then his magic opened a second book and he flipped through the pages intently as he searched for a second language. He set the pages close to each other with the sample in the center and his eyes widened when he realized that they matched each other when combined.

“Son of a bitch.” He cursed quietly and the feline looked over to him, her aqua eyes bright.


“It’s a combination of two or more languages. This piece has these two and it looks like one other. I’m not sure what it says though. If I can get my claws on a copy of both languages and their wording I might be able to translate it.” He said to her and she looked intently at him.

“Any ideas?”

“No. But I get the feeling the language might not matter.”

“Don’t tell me that. We have been buried in books for two weeks. Every day after work we come to look over them. Don’t even tell me that it was for nothing.” She snarled to him.

He bit back a snide remark and looked at the shelves around them. His magic gripped a world geography book and it hit the table with the other books and he began to flip through it with the torn piece in his magic.

Sasa growled as Twilight came down the stairs and his ears flicked to her as she neared them.


“Maybe.” He replied as his horn glowed brightly in his magic as his map of Equestria appeared in his magic.

“Haven’t seen that map in a while.” She said to him and he nodded.

“Haven’t needed it in quite a while. Have you seen these two languages used together before?” He asked her as he spun the two books to face her and she scanned the contents of the pages and after some thought, she shook her head.

“Can’t say that I have. I admit I am not as well versed in language as I would like to be. You already know more than I do.” She admitted with a regretful glance to him.

He looked up as her horn lit and a small suitcase appeared and she began to look around the room and setting items aside. Sasa sat back and arched her back to work out the stiffness and she got to her paws.

“Is she almost ready for the play?” Sasa sked and Oblivion spoke for her as the mare looked uncertain for a second.

“I think so. Are you two going to come to watch it?” She asked them.

“I don’t think so. If I’m right I know where this is now.” He said to her and showed her the map. “Oh, it fits in there if you hold them close together. So you’re going to go see what is there?”

“I wish you would come with us.” She said to him, her tone unhappy with his choice. “But I can understand why. You said that it was connected to what you were investigating last time you were out of town. I can understand it but I still wish you would be there to see it.” She admitted.

“Normally I would simply go and wait until later. But since the last place I was had to be protected, I do not wish to leave wherever this is without help.” He replied and she nodded.

“I understand it. I just don’t have to like it.” She replied with a smile.

He gave a chuckle and went folded his map and sent it back to his saddlebags. “You will have to tell me about it when you return.” He said to her.

“I would rather go to the play.” Sasa grumbled.

Oblivion looked at the feline as she groused and growled. “You can go if you would prefer.” He said to her, his tone clipped.

Sasa startled and a sheepish expression crossed her face as she shook her head. “No. I’ll stay with you.” She replied quietly.

“Uh oh.” Twilight laughed. “Be nice to her.” She teased.

“I am nice.” He replied. “I am simply pointing out her options.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight teased.

“I mean if she wants one of us to go then I will go.” The feline amended and a soft laugh broke form her.

“If you want one of us there then Sasa will go in my place.” He said to the Unicorn mare.

“If she wants to go then she is more than welcome. But I think she should stay with you.”


“Yeah. You tend to get into trouble on your own.” She teased with a wide smile.

He shook his head and looked back at the laughing mare. “That is true. It does seem to find me often enough.”

Twilight laughed and began to gather her things. Oblivion began to put away the books back in their place and Sasa watched as his magic copied the names of the languages and summoned his saddlebags. Sasa sat down close by him and waited as Twilight finished her preparations and began to recheck her items.

“I’m sure you have it all accounted for.” He said to her and she startled as he spoke.

“It never hurts to double-check.” She replied.

“True. But I think you’re on your fourth double-check.”

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away from the pile and away from him. “Anyway. Good luck. Are you heading out now or?” She stopped at the sight of his saddlebags and she sighed. “Never mind. So will we see you when we get back?”

“I’ll be here. If not I will send a note to you about it.”

“Okay. Be safe and try not to get into trouble. Sasa it’s your job to make sure he doesn’t.” She said to the feline who purred in reply.

“If you need anything send me a note and I will do what I can,” Oblivion said to her.

“Got it. Have fun.” Twilight said to him as his horn lit and he vanished. She shook her head and went back to her own preparations.

Author's Note:

Here we go. And we are moving on. Let me know if there are any mistakes and I will try to correct them as quickly as I can. Thank you for reading and please enjoy!


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