• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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46: A Race and a Memory Stirred...

Ciri stared as Oblivion finished his story to her. He had explained everything that included how he had come to return to The Continent. The young woman listened closely to him and when he finished she had sat down on a near bench with Geralt. Her eyes traveled over his form and then back to his eyes. She stood up and looked under the rug at his shoulder and he flicked a wing underneath it to show her as much of it as he was able. She released the rug and then looked to his head and pushed the helm off as much as she could to see the long curved horn.

“I have never been to a world that sounds anything like the one you are talking about.” She admitted to him, sadness in her voice.

“I do not doubt it. I simply need to know if you can think of a way I can get back to it.”

“What about using a portal in one of the Elven ruins we have?”

“I don’t think that will work here,” Oblivion admitted. “I would need to find the rest of that ruin. Then I hope that the portal in Equestria connects to the one I found.”

Geralt nodded in understanding and was quiet once more. Ciri sat back down and the stallion stood closer to them as they considered their options.

“Perhaps a Sage can help us?” Ciri mentioned, looking to the Witchers.

“I’m not sure about that.” Oblivion replied. “I did speak with Johnny and he mentioned a tale he had heard about a forest that contains a tree that is connected to the other worlds. It's constantly moving and cannot be reached by natural means. According to what he read the tree holds the worlds in its branches and roots. Only someone who can see the seams of the worlds and trip over them can find it.”

“That’s just a story though.” Geralt replied.

“Normally I would agree.” Oblivion responded. “But this told of those who could use the roads the tree creates. I have learned that even stories have truth buried within them. We would be wise to look at all avenues.” The Elder Witcher replied.

Geralt nodded again. “Your right. I discounted it too quickly.”

“What story is it?” Ciri asked. “The library here is huge and I bet I could find it.”

Oblivion went back to his saddlebags and reached within one. He pulled the book from inside it and walked three-legged back to the young woman. “I brought it with me.” He admitted. “The story was called The Forest of Time and Space.”

Ciri nodded to him and opened the book, her hands flipping through the pages as she searched for the story he spoke of. She paused as she found it and began to scan through it. Oblivion waited as she read through it. When she was done with it she leaned her elbows against the open book and closed her eyes in thought.

“Okay. So I have to admit that some parts are kind of similar to how my powers work. But a Forest that holds the tree?” She went quiet for several minutes as she scanned the pages once more. She suddenly startled and a smile spread over her features. “I have seen a few really big forests. Maybe some of them can help? The people in them were quite wary of humans though. Maybe they will react better to you?”

“It’s possible. There should be some way…” He stopped and nickered in the direction of the entrance to the garden.

Ciri stood up and a barely hidden groan escaped her. A man toddled into the garden and fixed his gaze on her. Oblivion held back a snort at the oafish man’s attire. His tunic was a faded brown while he had placed a yellow vest over it. Oblivion could almost hear the fabric pulling as it was stretched over his stomach. His leggings were of the same brown and he wore a short pair of boots.

“Lady Cirilla.” He said to her. “You left in such a hurry that I was not able to finish my tale to you.” He said to her.

Oblivion gave a shake of his head as the man’s voice went over his ears. It grated but he chose to ignore it. One look to Geralt and he glanced at the Alicorn who blinked to him. An unspoken message that if needed they would try to help the young woman escape the noble that had found her hiding place.

“Yes. Well. I was asked to help my…”

“Yes. I saw. But I suppose being out here is a much more, pleasant location to continue our talk.” He began to walk toward her.

Ciri cast a look back to Geralt and Oblivion, who gave a slight nod to her plaintive glance. Geralt stepped up and gripped Oblivions rope in his hand handing it to Ciri with a slight flourish.

“Ciri. I was able to find your beloved horse and brought him back to you. I was not able to run him due to him accepting no rider aside from yourself.” He said to her and motioned to the stallion.

“Huh?” She glanced at the stallion who gave her a gentle nip. “Oh. Right. Yes of course. I simply cannot get anything done without him. His disappearance was devastating.” She replied, her back now to the noble, who had stopped at Geralt’s words.

“You would ride that old nag?” He said, his voice growing nasally and congested. “Well. I have horses that would shame that beast in my stable. I would be happy to gift one to you.” He said to her and resumed his slow advance.

Ciri looked to Oblivion who lowered his body and she finally vaulted onto his back. Allowing her to avoid the man’s hands as he reached her. She looked down at him and was able to hide her look of disgust. “I appreciate the kindness of your gesture but, this stallion is the finest anywhere.” She replied. “He was a gift.”

“From who?” He immediately asked.

Ciri was quiet as Geralt stepped forward once more. “From the Master Witcher of the School of the Wolf.”

Oblivion managed to choke back the bark of laughter in his throat and held his head higher above the nobles head, succeeding in dwarfing the rotund man.

“Bah. A nag for sure then. I assure you, my dear, I can offer much greater. The beast I have with me could surpass this sad creature.” He replied a wave of his hand had him slapping Oblivion in the shoulder.

The Witchers exchanged a glance and a slight quirk of Geralt’s mouth told Oblivion they had the same thought. The stallion snorted and snaked out his mouth to nip the man’s upper arm in response to the strike to his shoulder. Geralt immediately interposed in between them as the man began to shriek in supposed pain.

“Oh! That beast bit me. Such an uncultured, untrained beast. I demand it be put down.” He wailed.

Ciri broke into laughter as he flapped his arms and backed frantically away from the now still Alicorn. Her arms propped her up as she leaned into Oblivions neck. She leaned over his neck once more after composing herself, her smile wide. “Good one.” Oblivion arched his neck and pranced in place as the noble finally stilled.

“My Lady. That beast needs to be put down immediately for its attack on my person.” He began.

“Oh be quiet.” She snapped at him. “You hit him first. He was letting you know that you were too close and he didn’t appreciate your hitting him. He is well trained and quite the gentle horse when asked to be.”

Her voice silenced him and he stared at the woman as she defended the stallion under her. His eyes were huge as he stared at her. “Well. Then I will have to bring this up with the Duchess.” He replied.

“Go ahead.” Ciri snapped at him. “No one listens to you. You seem to think you’re so much better than everyone when in fact you hold no lands or respect.” Oblivion snorted and nodded in reply. “You can tell Anna Arietta whatever you want. I will also tell her that you are calling for the destruction of a horse that is worth more to me than anything and that you are reacting to a little nip. You act as though he disemboweled you. I don’t think that will even bruise.” The noble stared at her as she finished speaking. “But since you claim to have the superior animal then I will make you a deal. If your horse can beat…Kelpie…In a race then I will end him myself.”

Oblivion glanced back to her and she shrugged at his glance. ‘Kelpie…Gods.’ He complained internally at her choice of name. The man sputtered at her direct challenge and finally nodded.

“Very well. I will get the beast and my best rider and meet you at the track.” He rushed out and began to waddle back to the castle.

Ciri jumped off of Oblivions back and looked at him, her expression sheepish. “Sorry, Oblivion. Was the only way I could think of to get rid of him. While I’m certain that the Duchess would side with me I would rather not include her.”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Very well. While I agree that Anna would not have touched me, it is better to avoid conflict with her directly.”

“Okay if you are going to race then we need to get your swords off your back.” Geralt spoke up. “Unless having Ciri sit on them is fine with you?”

“I wondered what I was sitting on.” Ciri chuckled.

“I would rather she did not dig them into my back.” The Alicorn admitted.

Geralt unbuckled the front of the rug around his shoulders and reached for the blades buckled around the stallion’s body. Ciri helped him pull the rug back until they could easily find the buckle for the baldric and unbuckle it. Ciri rubbed her hand over the visible chafe marks on his barrel. She glanced at him and he shook his head. Geralt held the three swords and looked to the second steel that he carried with a glance at the stallion.

“I’ll explain that another time.” Oblivion whispered as the tug was replaced and buckled in place once more.

Ciri trotted out of the garden and called for Roach to be brought back. Geralt and Oblivion joined her as they waited for the mare to be brought to them. The young woman looked back to the stallion and hid her face his neck and mane as she spoke to him. “Are you sure it’s okay?” Her whisper would have gone unheard were it not for the Witchers keen ears.

”It will be fine, little sparrow.” He said to her, his own voice a bare whisper.

Ciri nodded to him and stepped back from the stallion. Roach was brought out to them after a few minutes and Ciri vaulted to Oblivions back after tying the end of the rope into the bottom of the mock halter on the stallions head. They trotted down the winding castle road and down into the market and through the city. As they neared the tourney grounds they slowed and waited by the starting point of the racetrack. It was an idea that had been implemented at the end of the grand tourney to allow for more use of the grounds.

Ciri began to move around on his back and he flicked his wings against her legs to give her an idea of their general location. She moved around a bit more and then found a spot that allowed her to not sir directly on the appendages and waited for their competition. As the sound of hooves drew closer Ciri turned on his back to see the noble and several more riding up to them. A few carriages had driven up as well. As the mob gathered Ciri looked down to the stallion, who looked back to her and a sly wink removed her concerns about the crowd.

“You have raced against larger crowds.” Geralt replied. “Plus I don’t think Oblivion will allow you to lose.”

“Gods no.” Oblivion replied. “My pride will not allow it.”

Ciri laughed and ran her hand through his long mane. “This should be fun then.” She said aloud. “Thanks for this Oblivion. That man has been following me around for days.”

“This should shut him up then.” Geralt replied.

Oblivion nodded and waited as their competitor pranced toward them. The mare was a fine animal. Even to Oblivions less informed gaze, he could see that she was well-bred. Her chestnut coat gleamed and her eyes were bright. As the mare came to a barely controlled stop a couple of feet away the young man on her back looked to the relaxed stallion and the woman on his back. The lad was no older than thirteen if Oblivion had his age’s right.

“My Lady.” He said to her and bowed his head in respect to her.

Ciri smiled at him. “It’s a nice day for a race. Should be fun.”

“I hope so.” His voice was quiet as the noble approached on foot.

“Well now. This will be quite the race. This mare comes from one of the best stables in Toussaint. Her sire is a champion racehorse and she has many wins to her name as well. I must apologize to you, My Lady. I had meant to use a different horse for sport but she is the one that is the most rested. So I am sorry for the loss that will happen.”

“I appreciate your apologies. I will try to mimic them when I say them back to you. This stallion comes from the very best that any world has to offer. The one who gifted him to me assured me of his strength and courage. There is no horse that can win against him. He is a Witcher's horse.”

The man snorted through his nose and looked to the lad on the mares back. “Be sure to allow the mare to get a good work out. After all, she has the bloodline of champions.”

"Blood isn’t everything.” Ciri snarled at him. “Heart is the most important.”

The noble scoffed and walked back to the crowd as a young woman held the rope that would be dropped to signal the start of the race. Geralt walked Roach away from them and stood off to the other side to watch the race as it was run. As the woman held the rope then stallion stood with his head outstretched slightly and his muscles bunched under him. Beside him the mare pranced, biting at her bit.


The rope dropped and the two horses surged forward. The mare pulled ahead of the stallion and her rider kept her moving as he watched behind them to keep her in front of the stallion. Oblivion snorted as Ciri leaned over his neck, her legs clenched on his sides and wings. Oblivion glanced back to her as the dust began to hit him in the face. He looked down at the mare's hooves as they tore over the dirt track. Inside the track was a ditch that had been dug to hold a small water moat. He lunged to gallop outside the track and through the grass. His stride lengthened and the boy on the mare glanced back, his eyes wide as the stallion gained on them ion the outside. Ciri held his long mane in her hands as she stayed as still as possible on the stallions back.

Oblivions claws dug into the turf and he surged forward his long legs racing as they came around the turn and he drew up next to the galloping mare. The boy leaned over her neck, asking her for more as the stallion began to gain a lead on her. The mare lengthened out as she strove to keep the taller stallion at bay. Oblivion dug in and his long strides carried him ahead of the mare. He remained on the outside, giving him an easy path. Ciri suddenly yelped and he looked back as the boy tried to kick at her. Oblivion was about to slow so he could land a punishing bite to the lad as the child began to yell apologies to Ciri.

“I’m sorry!” He shouted as he tried to unseat the young woman.

“Oblivion!” She yelled at him.

In response, he veered wider and gave them distance from the mare. The stallion’s claws tore up the earth under them as he pulled ahead of the mare slowly as they neared a gate. It was designed to keep the horses in the track but since Oblivion was outside the track it was now in his way. Going back to the track meant he would have rammed the mare and her rider. He gathered himself and leaped the gate as it came up to them. Ciri held onto him as he landed and once more pulled ahead of the galloping mare. He heard the boy yell as the stallion veered back to the track and thundered toward the end his lead increasing with each stride. The black Alicorn sheathed his claws and thundered past the finish line. He slowed down slowly and trotted back to the front as the mare crossed the line a few seconds behind him. Oblivion rejoined Geralt who congratulated Ciri as she ran her hands through the tangled silver mane. The Witcher reached out and ran a hand over Oblivions neck as well.

“It matters not that you crossed the line first!” The noble yelled.

“I thought it was the point to cross the finish line first?” Ciri replied to him, her voice sarcastic as the noble's face reddened.

“Your nag left the track. That disqualifies that beast from the race. My mare could have walked at that point and she would have still won.” He replied, spittle coming from his mouth.

“Oh please,” Ciri replied. “You’re just angry that her rider couldn’t kick me off my horse.”

He stiffened and the lad went still as stone as the accusation was made. “I knew of no such thing.” He replied.

“Oh really? That poor kid was yelling how sorry he was as he was doing it. You terrified that poor kid into winning no matter the cost. You are a disgrace.” She snarled. “I might tell the Duchess about your poor sportsmanship myself.”

“The Duchess would no doubt take my side. My family has known hers for many years. You would be laughed out of court.” He sneered.

“I doubt that.”

Oblivion wasn’t able to hide the smirk that crossed his muzzle at the voice that sounded up from the other side of Geralt’s mare. From behind the mare, a young woman in a black hood emerged. Her clothing was well fitting as she crossed her hands in front of her and waited. Her boots were heeled as she stood easily on them. Their black leather went up to her calves and ended just below her knee. Her black riding pants were fitted and sat well on her frame. Her hood covered the majority of her tunic but its fine craftsmanship could not be mistaken. She waited as she knew had the attention of everyone in the area. The boy on the exhausted mare stared at her and the noble blinked at her appearance. She reached up and pushed back her hood. Revealing the long chestnut hair of Anna Henrietta, Duchess of Beauclair.

Geralt stayed mounted on Roach’s back and he bowed his head politely to her. Ciri slid off of Oblivions back and mirrored his actions. Oblivion watched as Her Grace stepped forward. Her stride flowed despite the uneven track ground. She waited till she was at the black stallion’s hip and then turned to address the crowd.

“I witnessed the entire race from my place beside Witcher Geralt of Rivia. The mare was in the front at the beginning and the stallion took to the outer shoulder to gain an easy running lane. Despite the horse running on the grass, it does not disqualify him. Nor does it mean that his rider wished for him to do this. Young Cirilla allowed the stallion to have his head and the horse chose what to do.”

Her voice rang clear as she spoke. The noble shrank back as she laid her eyes on him and then passed him over. Oblivion watched as she seemed bored with his foolish posturing. The Alicorn was still as she stood at his hip and went on.

“Now. Due to the fact that I watched the lad trying to kick Cirilla from her horse is an action that is reprehensible. Impertinence and rudeness are something that I cannot allow.” She looked to the lad on the mares back and he slid slowly from the horses back. He came to kneel in front of her, awaiting her punishment. “Now. Toussaint is a place of honor and fairness. I will only ask you once why you acted as you did. While I have my suspicions I would ask that you speak truthfully.” She addressed him.

The lad gulped and looked up to her. “I…was told that if I lost that I would be thrown out and my hands removed.” He whispered.

The Duchesses' eyes widened and she knelt down, placing her hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Who told you this?”

The boy said nothing as he turned his head to look at the noble that had started the argument. The woman stood up and held out her hand to him. The boy took it and she pulled him to stand safely behind her. She looked to Geralt and gave the boy a gentle push in the Witchers direction. Geralt nodded and moved to stand just behind her. She approached the noble and addressed him, a sneer on her pretty face.

“I will ask you only once about what I have heard. I expect truth and nothing more.” She said to him. “Lord De-achy. Did you threaten this child with injury and then intend to render him homeless? If you did I expect a good reason to be brought up. There will be no torture in my court. Speak.”

The noble sputtered and looked to the lad hiding behind her. He approached the Duchess and smiled at her. Oblivion shifted and walked a few steps closer to the both of them. No one moved to stop him as a horse was allowed to move as it felt like. The noble waited for a few beats before speaking. “I did say that. But in truth, I have no intention of harming the child. He has been a good servant and the mare seems to enjoy his company. I am ashamed to admit that I let my anger get the better of my better judgment when I spoke.”

“And why did you lose control of your temper then?” She asked, her head high as she spoke.

“Lady Cirilla’s horse had bitten me earlier as that is why this race was held. I must admit that I did let myself lose some of my composure. I would not have hurt the boy.” He said to her and hung his head.

Oblivion snorted as he listened. ‘Lies.’ He thought to himself and remained close to the Duchess as the youth hid behind her. The black stallion was silent as he stood as close he dared. She looked down her nose at him as she regarded her options.

“Very well. I have heard your take on the situation and I can assure you that the race was fair. So I give the victory to Cirilla and her black stallion.” The Duchess said aloud, her voice carrying across the crowd, who nodded in agreement.

De-achy nodded and smiled at her as she spun away from him. She placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder and handed him the reins of the mare. He took them from her with a smiled and rubbed the horse’s nose. Oblivion was quiet as the Duchess turned to Geralt and Ciri.

“That was a well-done race, Cirilla. I would beg to know where you found a horse of such quality. But I heard that he is of Witcher stock and was gifted to you by a Master Witcher. I trust you will be returning to the palace? Or will you go to Corvo Bianco for some rest?”

“I will be joining Geralt at Corvo Bianco, Your Grace.” Ciri replied to her, a smile on her features.

“Ahh. Well, then enjoy your free time. I enjoyed your race.” She smiled back and made for her own mount.

Ciri stood next to Geralt and scratched Roach’s ears. Oblivion watched as the Duchess stood in her stirrups to catch a last glimpse of the area. Oblivion watched as the noble’s features darkened and he lunged for the boy. He grabbed a handful of the lad’s hair and yanked him away from the mare. Oblivion watched as he raised a hand and it thudded heavily against the boy’s skull. Oblivion snarled and lunged forward. His jaws went around the man’s forearm and he bit down with as much force as he dared. The mare screamed and the boy fell to the ground as the stallion reared up and the man dangled in the air from his arm. The boy scrambled back as the stallion stayed on his hind legs, his knife teeth tore into the skin of the man’s arm. Blood flowed from between his jaws and down the man’s arm, staining his clothes. Geralt and Ciri both reacted fastest and Geralt pulled the boy away from the stallion’s hooves, while Ciri called to the stallion to release him.

“Oblivion! Drop him. We saw what happened! The kid is safe, we got him.” She tried to reason as the stallion finally spat out the man’s torn and bleeding arm.

Ciri went up to him and laid her hands on his neck and gripped the rope halter. She pulled him away from the mow screaming and moaning human heap on the ground. Oblivion gave him a passing kick to the ass as he went by. The boy clung to the Witchers arm as the stallion was brought to stand by them. Ciri looked up as Anna returned to stand in front of the fallen noble.

“Did you see that animal!? It attacked me!” He screamed. “I want it dead and then I want its hide!” He screamed, his eyes maddened and rolling.

The Duchess looked at him and then walked away from him to the small group. She reached out for the boy and he cringed away from her hand. She walked up to him and put her hands on his head. “Are you hurt?” She asked him. He looked up at her, his eyes welled with tears as he looked down from her face fear in his gaze. “You are in no danger from me, my child.” She said to him, her voice gentle. “I wish to ensure that you are unhurt by that fool.”

The lad startled and then looked at her. “I think so.” He whispered to her.

“Good. Cirilla?”


“That horse. He is more than he seems, is he not?” She asked the young woman.

“He is trained to protect. He chose to protect the boy as well as us.” Geralt replied to her.

“Ahh. That is a well-trained horse. I recall a Witcher that had the name of Oblivion as well. Or did I hear wrong?”

“No. You heard right.” Ciri clarified. “And, yes same name.”

“I see. Well. I would love to bring all of you back to the castle and get you cleaned up.” She held the boy's hand and turned back to the noble who was now clutching his arm as he stared at her. “You are a disgrace. You would harm a child that did his best to race within the rules. Do you have any family there child?”

“No. Just me, Your Ladyship.” He said to her, his voice quiet.

“Good. Well in that case. I would like for you to come to the castle as well. I need a youth that is good with some of our more skittish horses and has a gentle hand for them.” She regarded the boy as his eyes widened to an almost comical size. “Also that young mare. Can anyone else ride her?”

“No, My Lady. She’s terrified of most people.” He said to her as he looked to the upset mare a few feet away.

“Please go and get her.” Anna said to him and she watched as he approached the mare and was able to calm her enough to bring her to the Duchess. “I think this mare needs a new home.”

The noble’s eyes widened as he heard her. “But she is one of my…”

“Enough from you. You have disgraced my court and I will not allow it to continue. This boy is now under my home and the mare is now his. Do you wish to argue with me?”

De-achy shrunk and shook his head at her declaration. “No.”

“Good.” She spun back to the boy and smiled at him. “Now take her back to the castle and give the stable master this note.” She penned out her commands and gave the note to the boy who nodded, starring at her with wide eyes. “He will get you settled and see to it that your mare is fed and stabled comfortably. Go ahead.” She said and patted his shoulder, urging him onto the mare and on his way at her command.

He turned and bowed low to her. “Thank you, My Lady. I will do all that I can to be worthy of your kindness.” He vowed and took to the mares back and raced away from the still lingering crowd.

Anna turned to the crowd and made a shooing motion with her hands. The crowd began to disperse while the attendants for the injured man came to collect him. Once the area was deserted Anna turned to them and reached her hand out to lay on Oblivions cheek. Her eyes lingered on his brilliant orange eyes and she smiled.

“I know only one man who had eyes like those.” She said aloud, her voice quiet. “One who knew me many years ago and helped me through many difficult days.” She said and her hands moved along his head and muzzle.

Oblivion reached out his snout to her and a whisper of his own caught her ears. “Show the world the heart that beats within and they will see you as you are.”

Her eyes widened and she backed away from the stallion. Ciri and Geralt stared, surprised at the stallion speaking up to her. She put a hand to her mouth and stared at the black stallion. Her eyes roamed over his form and fell to the curved spiral horn. She reached out to him and he tilted his head forward, allowing her to run a hand over the horns smooth surface. She looked to Geralt and Ciri who looked uncertainly back to her.

“You have much to explain.” She said to them.

Ciri opened her mouth but was silent. Geralt simply nodded to her. Oblivion raised his head and nodded to her as well. The Duchess turned and walked back to her tethered horse. She mounted the calm mare and looked to them. Geralt mounted Roach and Ciri jumped to ride double with him. Oblivion tossed his head and the rope halter landed over his head and slid down his neck, out of the way. They joined her and began to the slow trot back to the city and the palace. Oblivion paused as they left the tourney grounds and looked out over the land once before galloping to catch up with them. His medallion had begun to shake and he had paused to look over the grounds. When it faded to nothing the medallion stilled he was forced to ignore the crawling feeling going over his skin. He reached the others and stayed with them as they left the grounds.

Author's Note:

I am on a roll. The next chapters will move pretty quick. I have the next one for Oblivion outlined and it should be fun to write. We see that it is not really the first time he as met Anna Rietta but the first time in a few years. I will go into more details later I think. But for now a full chapter of just our beloved Witchers and Ciri. Fun times are had by all! Enjoy the new chapter! If there are mistakes...I blame the four cocktails that I downed before this chapter...thats my excuse!

Edit: 11/14/2019

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