• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,634 Views, 1,277 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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57: Dresses and Suits...

Oblivion was silent as his magic pulled a few apples from the tree and he tossed them into the bucket and then he lifted the buckets and he set one onto his back as Sasa picked one up in her jaws. Mac had fashioned a bucket with a handle that would allow her to carry the apples as well. His hooves were silent on the ground as he moved toward the barn. He broke into a trot as he neared it and he trotted through the open barn door and set the buckets down as Sasa tipped her bucket over and the apples inside slid into an empty bucket that had been set aside for her to use. He walked out of the barn and made to go back to the field as a shout caught his attention.

Applejack loped toward him and she slid to a stop as he waited for her. “Rarity said fer ya ta come by ta check on yer suit.”

“Very well. Did she ask for me to arrive now or later?”

“She said now if ya can.”

“Understood. Sasa?”

“I’m here.” She said to him as she set her bucket down and joined him.

He walked out of the farm gates with the feline on his hip and into the town. It had been about a week since Rarity had taken his measurements and Sasa’s as well. The black stallion trotted through town and reached the boutique doors. Sasa knocked her paw against the door and a shrill call sounded from inside.

“That was an odd noise.” Sasa said to him and he nodded in reply.

“I agree.”

He pushed open the door and walked back down the back hall as he could sense where she was located. He was greeted with five dresses on mannequins and Rarity sitting among them, prodding at the hem of one dress that looked like it had been designed for Applejack. Sasa stopped and stared at the dresses around them.

“These are beautiful, Chosen.” She said to him.

“Sasa says that the dresses are beautiful Rarity. She is quite taken with them.” He said to the mare.

He could see that her spirit had taken a little bit of a hit and she looked up at the feline and got to her hooves.

“Thank you, dear. But it seems they are not quite what the others wished for so I will be redoing them.” She admitted and walked away from the mannequins.

“Redo them!?” Sasa yelped and went to the mare. “They are lovely. What could possibly be wrong with them?”

Oblivion parroted the cat’s words and Rarity seemed to take heart from the felines words. “Thank you again, dear. But the customer is always right.”

“Not really. The customer is often an idiot. A sword merchant said that to me once after I saw him arguing with a customer that refused to pay the agreed on price.” Oblivion said aloud as he walked up to one of the dresses and looked at it closer. Rarity stared at him as he raised a hoof to look at the collar of one of the dresses. “What do they expect from you?”

“I am not sure, to be honest. Perhaps the colors are not correct?”

“They did not tell you what was wrong?”

“No, not really.” She said to him as she moved to a separate bench. “Over here, dear. I have your jacket and shirt ready. I am toying with the idea of a vest for you so bear with me.”

Oblivion stood still at her request as the mare set pieces of the suit jacket in place. It was a deep black with a layer of shimmer over it to distinguish between it and his natural coat. The fashion mare removed the pieces and sewed it in place as he stood there and he slipped it on to help her tailor it as needed. He pulled it off and she gave him the shirt and he slid into it and buttoned it in place while Sasa sat patiently off to the side.

“Okay try this vest. I’m not sure if I want to keep it on you or if the jacket and shirt are enough.” She said to him as he did as she had asked. She reached out and began to move the jacket around on his chest to show the bright silver vest from under it. “What do you think Sasa dear?”

Sasa came to stand next to her and Rarity shifted the jacket to hide the vest and then show it again. The cat grumbled and used her nose to hide the vest. Rarity nodded to her. Oblivion removed the jacket and the vest, replacing the jacket in place. Rarity once more tailored it on him and she was careful of the pins to make sure that he didn’t get poked by one of them. She pinned the sleeves and then helped him get out of the jacket and shirt.

“Thank you, dear.”

“Are you all right?” He asked her as there was little improvement in her spirit.

“Why do you ask?” She asked him as she motioned for Sasa to come over to her.

“You are not your normal self.” He replied as she pulled out a sheer fabric in rich blue color.

“I suppose it was a little bit of a shock when they did not like even a single piece of what I had made.” She admitted as she tied the fabric gently around Sasa’s neck and then wrapped it loosely around her forelegs and then looped it back to go up to her legs once more.

“That would be a shock I agree. I am unsure why they said nothing for you to change or improve on. One would think that if they had a complaint they would have voiced it.” Oblivion said to her.

“I agree.” She said as she changed the size of the blue fabric and tightened it around the cat’s legs. “But I will try again and they will certainly love them this time.”

Oblivion said nothing as she finally smiled at the cat who nodded in agreement with the new design of the fabric. “If you need anything, let myself or Sasa know.”

“I will darling. Thank you for asking about me. I should have the collar I designed for you later in the week Sasa. I trust you will not be participating in our fashion show Oblivion?”

“A what show?” He said and Sasa moved to stand next to him. She focused on him and he got a hint at what the mare was talking about. “Oh no.” He replied once the image left his mind form the feline. “That will not be something I will participate in.”

Rarity nodded and ushered them out of the boutique. They began the walk back to the farm and Oblivion shook his head. “Do ponies truly participate in those?”

“It’s quite popular among the fashion community.” She replied to him. “She seemed pretty upset about those lovely dresses.”

“She did. I am not sure why they would have turned them down. Are they paying for them?”

“Not that I am aware of.” Sasa admitted.

“Then do not look a gift horse in the mouth. Get grateful for what is freely given.”

“Your right. Perhaps we can ask Blue to help?”

“Perhaps. I will be there tomorrow so I can ask him about it. Maybe there is just something that both of us are missing.”

Sasa nodded to him as they walked out of town and toward the farm.

Oblivions eyes opened as his teleport faded and he looked to Blue who waited for him in their usual place. Blue Blood approached him as he summoned Sasa.

“Welcome my friends.” He greeted them as he hoof bumped Oblivion and hugged Sasa. “It’s been too long since we had our day out.”

“I agree.” Sasa said to him as they left the gardens and made their way out of the palace complex.

“How have you been since you came back. You said that you had been forbidden to teleport here for a while. You finally got permission?”

“It took time to convince Granny Smith I was fine to travel but yes,” Oblivion replied, his exasperation clear.

“Well in her defense…” he said and poked the other stallion in the ribs. “You do look like your being starved.”

“I am fine. I am beginning to think I need to start wearing my cloak once more.” The black Unicorn commented.

“Not needed. Just put on weight and you should be fine.” Blue assured him.

“You say that like he can.” Sasa chuckled to them.

Blue Blood looked to the stallion who shrugged as they walked. “That’s true. I don’t think I have ever seen you weigh more than this. Well, maybe a little but not by much.”

Oblivion sighed in annoyance as they reached the donut shop. The pony looked up, surprise on his face at the sight of the stallion and feline.

“Well, I’ll be. Been a while since I saw you two.” He called out as they approached the counter. “Usual?”

“Yes please, Joe,” Blue called out as they sat down in their usual place. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem just hang on colts and kitten.” He called out to them and the cat who purred in reply.

“So what else is new?” Blue asked.

Oblivion began to explain why he had been placed under house arrest and what had been happening since then. He went on about how the ponies had reacted to his return and for the most part, they had adjusted easily. Joe brought over their food and refilled the coffee twice as they talked and ate.

“So Rarity is looking to have a fashion show with her friends and you?” Blue asked, a smile on his face.

“Not with me, no. Though I am uncertain how it will work out.” Oblivion replied.

“What do you mean?”

“They denied the lovely dresses she had made for them.” Sasa said from her place on the floor. “They are gorgeous.”

“Why did they decline them?”

“I am not sure. They did not tell her what they wanted instead and I assume they think she can figure it out on her own. I am to meet with her in a couple of days to check Sasa’s sash and my suit.” Oblivion informed him.

“A fashion show huh?” He said and a hoof went to his chin as he thought it over. “I know of a few ponies in the city that love to see new fashion ideas. Perhaps I can bring them to Ponyville to see her designs. From what I have heard the designs are amazing. If what you two have said is correct.”

“If I could I would wear a couple of them.” Sasa said to them.

“High praise.” Oblivion teased at her.

Sasa batted at his hooves and chuckled in reply. “I clearly don’t have the form for them though so I will default to the mares themselves. Would you wish to come down to see the show with us Blue?”

The stallion stiffened at the mention of it but he calmed after a moment of thought. “Do you think she would mind?”

“Not at all. I think she would love to see you. Might help raise her spirits a bit as well.” The cat assured him and nuzzled his leg.

“I think I will then. I am not busy later in the week so I think it would be good for me to get out of Canterlot for a little bit.”

“I agree,” Oblivion said to him. Oblivion looked to the wraith that still held onto the stallion but it had been beaten well back by this time and it was becoming opaque in color. Oblivion would mention it to him one day and remove the remainder of it by force.

“Should I take the train or use a zeppelin?” He asked.

“If you are able try to work on teleporting him Chosen.”

Both stallions leaned out to look at her from her place on the floor. “I have yet to teleport anypony Sasa. You know that.” Oblivion chided her.

“I am aware. But it is not all that different from summoning me. Simply think of the act with Blue at your side and you should be fine to move him as well. If Blue is willing to trust you enough not to hurt him.”

“I trust him just fine.” Blue snapped at her. “Sorry.” He said to her at her startled look.

She chuckled at them and nuzzled him again. “No harm done. I am simply saying that the stronger a bond to the other pony is easier. Who better to try it with than Blue Blood?”

Oblivion sat back up and considered what she had said. “She’s not wrong in that sense.”

“That’s true,” Blue said and righted himself as well. “How about we go back to the garden and do short-range teleporting.”

“That’s a better plan that trying the long-range first. Safer.” Sasa agreed and Oblivion nodded.

They got up and paid while Joe wished them a good night. The moon was rising as they made their way back to the palace complex. Blue Blood led him into the gardens, close to the menagerie. He looked around them and a breath escaped him as he looked to the trailing black stallion.

“Okay, this should be good enough,” Blue said to him. “So we can see if you can teleport me to…” He looked around and then up to the towers. “That tower.”

Oblivion looked to where he was pointing and he could see that there was no sign of any pony inside the towers. “Very well.”

“Just include him in the spell, Chosen,” Sasa said to him alone.

Oblivion reached out and his hoof gripped the stallion's shoulder. Blue Blood closed his eyes as Oblivions horn charged. Oblivion released the spell and he tried to include Blue within it. He teleported to the tower and he looked to the stallion next to him and found that Bluer had not teleported with him.

“You left him here, Chosen.”

“I noticed.” Oblivion said back to her and teleported back to the others.

Blue opened one eye as Oblivion reappeared and he looked around to see that nothing had changed. “Forgot me?”

“It seems so,” Oblivion replied.

“Focus on moving us to a different location,” Blue instructed. “It’s not the spell that you need to focus on. It’s the act of moving both of us more than the use of the spell itself.”

Oblivion nodded as he listened to him. He reached out and gripped the stallion's shoulder again and his horn charged once more as he focused on moving the pair of them. His eyes closed as he teleported once more and he could feel Blue’s shoulder under his hoof.

“Did we move?” Blue asked.

“Yes. It seems this time we got it right.” Oblivion replied s the other opened his eyes and looked over the edge of the railing.

“Well done,” Blue replied. “Normally when teleporting a pony for the first time it’s pretty disorienting but I feel fine so the spell is smooth upon application.”

Oblivion charged his horn again and teleported both of them back to Sasa. The cat purred in praise as they reappeared back with her. She nuzzled them both as they stood in place.

“Well done. I think you have the hang of it now.” Sasa praised. “Now try to teleport greater distance. Perhaps back to the front of the shop?”

Oblivion nodded and gripped the other's shoulder once more. His horn charged and they teleported to the front of Joe's shop. Blue looked at him, a smile on his muzzle.

“Well done. I am pretty confident in teleporting further now that I am seeing how smooth the movement itself is.” He said to him.

“Should be easy enough to go further if needed.” Oblivion agreed and his horn sent them back to the waiting feline.

She purred at their reappearance and nuzzled them. “I do not think it will be an issue to bring you to Ponyville in a few days, Blue.”

“I agree. Thank you for indulging me in testing it first my friend.”

“Not a problem. Thank you for the instruction in the mechanics.” Oblivion replied to him. “Till next time then?”

Blue nodded as he backed up to allow them to leave for Ponyville. Oblivions horn charged and he teleported back to Ponyville and summoned Sasa a moment later. The stallion breathed and the pair of them looked to the farmhouse ahead of them.

“Home again.” Sasa said to him. “Are you going to go inside?”

“No. I think I will go hunting. Care to join or will you make sure they do not panic at my absence?”

“I’ll stay with them. Can you write a note that I can give them to make sure they get the message?”

Oblivion nodded and his horn summoned a scroll and he wrote out a note for the adult ponies and unformed them that he had gone hunting and would return in time. Sasa took the scroll in her teeth and he opened the front door for her and then trotted toward the orchards to leave for the Everfree. His stride lengthened as he broke into a hard gallop and released the spell on his body to allow his wings to show as he broke into the Everfree and galloped deeper.

Oblivion walked into town to meet with Rarity about his suit and Sasa’s sash. He knocked on the front door and a cheerful voice called out to him and he walked deeper into the boutique. He found the white mare sewing a swath of dark purple fabric with designs over it.

“What is that?” Sasa asked.

“Sasa is wondering what that fabric is.” He said to her.

“It’s part of Twilight’s dress.” She replied and set it aside as he approached.

Sasa looked closer at it and gave him an uncertain look. He shook his head as the mare picked up a black jacket with silver borders and silver accents. Her magic picked up a dark blue shirt and held it out to him. He nodded at her implication and he slipped into the outfit as she waited. The Witcher was quiet as she looked at it and a wide smiled went over her muzzle.

“Simply perfect.” She said to him. “Now to decide if it needs a tie or not.”

“Not.” Sasa said to him.

“What did she say?” Rarity asked him as the feline pushed against the mare’s hooves.

“Not.” He parroted.

The mare giggled at the feline and nodded. “She is a better judge I suppose. Well now to leave the shirt slightly open or buttoned up.” She looked uncertain and then looked to the cat who nodded t her. She unbuttoned two of the top buttons and then backed up to look to him. “Darling?”


“Can you make the chain on your necklace a bit longer?” She asked him.

Oblivion looked down and his magic covered the medallion and the chain lengthened slightly at her instructions. “There?”

“Perfect. It was just needing something in that space.” She explained.

Oblivion watched as her magic brought a mirror to him and he looked at the jacket and suit combo and raised his head to allow himself to see the full effect. Sasa walked behind him and grabbed his tail in her teeth and pulled him to the side. He shifted and she released his tail as he came to a stop and he could see that the jacket ended just in front of his hips.

“And it has a bit of size for you to gain any weight.” She added as he looked at her. “I know you’re naturally very lean, but still, you never know.”

Oblivion removed the suit and his magic held it aloft as she took the pieces and set them back onto the mannequin to keep it in order. Oblivion watched as she looked at it and her hoof ghosted over the fine fabric and her eyes roved over the clothing. Sasa walked over to her and sat down at her side. Oblivion looked around and he could see the dresses that had been made for the others still in place on their mannequins off to the side. His eyes went over them and he knew that they were made specifically for each mare. He said nothing as a sound from the mare got his attention.

“And your collar is here Sasa dear.” Her magic gripped a fabric wrapped item and she walked over to Oblivion and allowed Sasa to see it as well.

Oblivion watched as Sasa danced on her paws and watched as the mare unwrapped the item for the excited feline. Oblivion saw the glint of the gemstones as the black leather was unveiled. Sasa purred as the sight of the collar. It was close to three inches wide and had small sapphire stones inset into the leather. It had designs that went over the leather, they looked similar to the designs that went over his own armor. He looked to Sasa who had gone still at the sight before her. Rarity looked to her and a look of uncertainty went over her features at the still cat. Oblivion said nothing as the cat looked to the mare and a wide toothy smile and her tongue went over the mare's face.

“It’s beautiful!” The cat shrieked in his mind.

Oblivions magic picked up the collar as the feline nuzzled the mare happily and she stumbled under the affection. He cringed under the happy crying of the feline and he gave a hoof to Rarity to help her back to her hooves as the feline backed up to allow them to move. Rarity took the collar in her hooves and she put it around Sasa’s neck and buckled it in place. The cat walked to the mirror and looked at the collar that she wore. Rarity picked up the sheer fabric sash and wrapped it around the cat’s neck and then wrapped it down the cat’s forelegs. Sasa purred loudly in pleasure at the sight of the completed look.

“It’s good to see her so happy with it.” Rarity said to him at the cat’s clear pleasure.

“You have done very well with both our outfits Rarity. Though nothing less is expected of you. I did not doubt that it would be exactly what was needed. Now she will feel better about ponies seeing her and perhaps they will not be as afraid of her as they once were.”

“Is that her reason for it?”

“Yes. That was her explanation to me.” He explained. “Perhaps this way they will not see her as a wild tiger.”

“That is a good point. Well as long as it helps her then it is more than worth it. I added the designs and gems after I got it back from Torque.”

“I figured that was where you sent it. Your dedication to your craft shows.”

The mare seemed happier as he spoke and he waited for the spectral tiger to finish watching herself in the mirror. Sasa trend and went to the mare to nuzzle her once more.

“I love it. It is lovely.”

He parroted to the mare who smiled widely at the cat in response.

“What is she going to wear?” Sasa asked him as she left the mare and sat next to him.

“She is wondering what dress you are going to wear.” He said to the mare who looked startled and then looked at the desk on the other side of the room.

“I haven’t been able to finish it yet.” She pulled over the unfinished dress and the design that she had drawn of it to show them.

“That is gorgeous.” Sasa said to her and purred.

“She says it is lovely and will suit you well.” He said to the upset mare.

“It will be done later.” She said as Oblivion looked at the drawing and then to the rough dress. Her magic set it aside and pushed the mannequin it sat on to the far back of the room.

Sasa looked uncertain as the mare took the sash off the cat’s body and set it over the mannequin that held his own suit. She looked to them and Oblivion started for the door, Sasa on his heels. “Off you go dears, I still have a few things to finish for the day after tomorrow.”

“That’s when this show of yours happens?” Oblivion asked her.

“Yes. It should be…fine…” She said to him and her magic opened the door and the pair left the room as she closed the door behind them.

“That was not very confident.” Sasa said to him.

“I agree.” He replied and began to walk back to the farm to finish his own tasks.

The day dragged past and he watched as the sun began to lower in the skies and he followed Applejack into town and once he saw the stage. He left Sasa with them and the cat happily trotted toward the back of it to join Rarity and the others. Oblivion teleported to the Gardens to find Blue Blood waiting for him.

“Ready?” Oblivion asked him.

“Yes. I have to admit I am looking forward to this. It will be nice to show Rarity my support for her work. How has she been?” Blue asked him.

“I am not sure. She was a bit uncertain last I saw her.”

Blue looked concerned as he approached the black Unicorn and he reached out to grip the stallions shoulder. Oblivion horn charged and they both were sent to the center of Ponyville not far from the stage. Blue saw the stage and a smile went over his mouth as they began to approach it. The stallion stopped in his tracks as Spike began to speak and his eyes went wide.

“Break the lights.” He said aloud.


“Break the lights! Oblivion break the lights!” He shouted and looked to the stallion.

Oblivion’s horn charged and the light bulbs shattered in response. The cream stallion galloped ahead, Oblivion loping behind him. Spike was trying to calm ponies as the pair of them crashed through the cloth that hid the back of the stage. The Prince was quiet as Oblivion came up next to him.

“Why in the Gods name did I need…to…” Oblivion began to question him but his voice went silent at the sight before him.

He could see the dresses that the mares wore as they looked angrily at the two stallions. Twilight wore a single piece of fabric that went from shoulder to past her tail and obscured her from behind the same fabric that he had seen when he had visited Rarity a day before. She had a head piece of four stars in wires that were held on her head. Pinkie had an enormous yellow bow on the front of her chest with a green shirt behind it. A cupcake sat on the top of her head and a frilled skirt that reminded the stallion of a frilled lizard sat around her body. A set of balloons was tied in her tail and held it aloft. Fluttershy had a bird’s nest on the top of her head and two-colored flowers around her neck. Her dress went off the back of her body that had odd shaped flowers on it that were pink and white. It had flowers that looked like they were growing out of the bottom of it. Applejack had a pair of mud boots on all four hooves with a tall red hat that had a green apple on the front of it. An apron sat across her body with a green bandana around her neck. Rainbow Dash wore a helmet on her head that had all of the same colors as her mane. Her forelegs were covered in gold boots that had rainbow colored fabric that went around the whole of her leg.

“What in the God's name?” He said as his eyes took in the sight before him.

He could feel a sense of revulsion coming over him and he fought back a gag. He looked at Sasa who was laying on the ground with a paw over her snout.

“I know. Their awful.” She said to him.

Rarity looked at the two dumbfounded stallions who were now reduced to blinking and staring in revulsion. “Hello, Blue Blood and Oblivion.” She said to them.

“Rarity my dear, what is this?” Blue asked her.

“They designed them.” She said to him, misery in her tone. “They are exactly what they wanted. What happened outside?”

“I was asked to break the lights and now I know why.” He explained to her.

“I asked him to,” Blue admitted and approached the mare. “I asked him to so…those...” He pointed to the dresses. “Would not be seen by the ponies outside.”

“They're perfect,” Rainbow said to them at the stallion expressions.

“Why did ya have at do that?” Applejack asked him.

“Have you honestly looked in a mirror?” Oblivion asked them.

“Of course we have,” Twilight said to him.

Oblivion looked to Rarity who looked as though she would like nothing more than to crawl into a hole and hide. “You must be kidding. Even though I am Witcher even I can tell that what you are wearing is hideous and do nothing for any of you. You look as though you got dressed in the dark.”

The mare’s looked to him as he spoke and Rarity giggled at his words. She approached him and hugged him tightly. “Thank you.” She said to him as she released him and went to Blue Blood, hugging him tightly as well. She looked at the others and breathed in to explain. “I was trying to do exactly as each of you asked even though I agree with Oblivion's description. These are the worst dresses I have ever made and I hate them.” She said to them and they looked at each other.

Oblivion could see the understanding coming over them and they looked around to the stallions and the mare that had been trying to help them. Twilight looked at her friend and her face was a mask of apology.

“Rarity I am so sorry. We didn’t even give the dresses you made a chance. We should have looked at them as they were intended, as a wonderful gift. I am so sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’m just glad that you understand.” She said.

“We ruined this right proper.” Applejack said to all of them. “It’s a good thing Oblivion broke the lights.”

Oblivion looked at the mare and he saw her look to the stage and a look of regret went over her features. His horn lit up and he summoned the dresses to appear with them. The mares looked at them and then to him. He summoned his suit and Sasa’s sash and then looked to the mares and Blue Blood.

“Put them on. I will distract the crowd with Sasa while you get ready. Once you are ready I trust you can handle the rest?” He asked and they nodded. “Good. Blue Blood?”


“Can you help Spike to announce and make sure that it goes well?”

“Of course. Are you really going out there?”

“As much as I would rather not, we need a distraction. I will repair the lights as well. Sasa?”

“I am here.” She nosed Rarity who set about getting her sash in place.

Oblivion pulled his suit close and his magic set it in place. He shuddered at the thought of what he was about to do as Blue Blood slipped through the shroud and went to Spike.

“Since the beginning of time Ponies have sought after the perfect suit and dress to bring their features out into the light. The art of expressing one's innermost beauty was thought to be unattainable! It is no longer! Ponyville’s own Rarity is the mistress of the art! Behold the beginning of her art!” Spike shouted into the mic and the shrouds pulled back to reveal Oblivion.

The black stallion pranced slowly forward. The shine in the fabrics doing exactly as he wished and sparked in the low light as his magic slowly repaired the lights, adding to the effect of the colors. The silver lining of the jacket shone against the black jacket and he pranced with his head raised to the end of the runway. His silver mane and tail glittered in the light as he moved slowly forward. He stood tall at the end of the stage, his head held high as the floor began to rotate slowly. He looked back as Sasa walked slowly out, her stride calm and the sheer around her forelegs shone with the small gems that seemed to have been added at the end. They were not there last he had seen. The feline’s collar shone in the light, the sapphires shining in the glaring lights. Oblivion looked to the crowd and they stared at the spectral tiger's form, her natural coat shone and the ethereal mist that came off her added to the effect.

She joined him at the end and he looked carefully around and then back to the end of the stage. Blue Blood had moved back and was motioning for him to come back. Oblivion nudged Sasa gently and the feline pranced back, in step with him as they walked down the stage as the pony’s applauded. He reached the end of it and dipped out of the light and into the back of the stage. The mares were ready to go out and they began to slowly walk out there on their own.

“Gods.” Oblivion cursed under his breath as he looked to the mares.

“Well done,” Blue said to him.

“Never again.” He vowed.

The last mare went through the shroud and the Witcher looked to Rarity who had regained her joy and watched.



“Her dress?” She whispered to him, through their link. “Can you bring it here and make it for her?”

Oblivion looked to her and nodded. His horn flared and the half-made dress appeared. His magic flared once more and he focused on the image he recalled from the drawing. The fabric moved and gems went into place. Sasa watched and Blue stood in stunned silence as the dress came together. Rarity looked back as the glow from the azure flame of Oblivions magic became brighter. His magic peaked and he released the spell, leaving the completed dress in place. The golden tiara sat on the dresses back and the stallion panted for a moment before he looked at the stunned mare.

“It’s perfect.” She whispered. “How did you do…this?”

“I remembered the drawing and did it to your specifications. Perhaps you should get into it and join them.” He said to her and pushed the dress toward her.

The mare had tears in her eyes as she moved off to the side and got into the dress. Blue held out his hoof and she took it and he guided her out into the light as well. They heard Spike announce her as well and Oblivion watched her join the others at the end of the stage.

“You’re a genius,” Blue said to him.

“Sasa’s idea.” He admitted as the cat purred.

“You’re not a bad model.” Blue teased.

Oblivion snorted and shook his head. “I will never do that again. Pomp and circumstance at its finest.”

Blue laughed at his tone and looked to the end of the stage. “I’m glad you asked me to come. She’s brilliant at her craft. I can see the couple of ponies ZI told about this at the end.”

“You were able to get them to come at such short notice?”

“I may have made it seem really important and that as a Prince I wouldn’t dream of missing it.”

“Well played.” Oblivion praised.

“There is no way they will not want some of her designs in their own shops now. I can see Hoity Toity already practically drooling over them from here.”

“That is an actual name?” Oblivion asked.

“I know, right?” Blue laughed.

Author's Note:

Here we go. I was working on another one and realized that I had not gotten this one ready yet. I looked at the time of the last released and nearly kicked myself for not getting it ready sooner. Anyway, here we go. Oblivion is no model but he can fake it with the best of them! Thanks as always and Enjoy!

Edit: 9/8/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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