• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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47: A Ruin Courting Death...

Equestria spent her days traveling to see how the ponies and other creatures of the world were faring with Oblivion missing. As more time went by she was realizing that the effects of his loss were beginning to spread. Ponies and other creatures were being drawn to despair with not truly knowing the cause. As she walked the cities and towns the more she could sense the failure of the spirits of the ponies she could see.

“Oblivion.” She whispered aloud.

She began to speak further when the wailing of a foal caught her ears. The mare went to a near window and gazed into the front room of the home. Within in a family sat in the front room, various activities in front of them. The youngest, a foal of a few months old was crying endlessly and his mother was doing her best to placate him. She narrowed her focus and she could almost make out the light of the foals spirit and she could see that it was not hunger or normal afflictions that tormented the tiny foal. She looked to the family and they were in the same state.

“Without their spirit, they will die. Our spirits give us our will to live and to continue with our tasks. Without a guide, the World Spirit can falter. If that should happen the results could be devastating. I am no longer able to command the world Spirit. It only answers to Oblivion, and him alone. There must be a clue to his location. I cannot give up searching for him either.” She whirled and took to her heels once more.

The snow-white mare galloped over the lands and they fell away under her hooves. She slowed as the desert stretched out before her. She had last seen some of those connected to Oblivion traveling that way. She focused on their beating hearts and her hooves cast the sand into a storm behind her. The winds tore over her form as she followed their essence and it led her deeper into the desert. As she drew upon them the storm behind her angled away from their camp, she would not allow any harm to come to them while she was near. As she listened her ears flicked was they spoke about their search and the destination they had in mind. She paused as the faint essence of another caught her attention. She looked to the tent and walked through its sides and into the tent. A pony lay wrapped in a blanket and nestled gently on a bedroll. She went up to the figure and she paused as she recognized a friend of Oblivions, Blue Blood. She could tell that he had exhausted not just his magic but his body as well. He was struggling under the strain and she laid down beside him.

His breathing was shallow, but even and he gasped for breath occasionally. She lowered her head and laid as close to him as she dared. Her presence would help him in time but she paused as she considered what her interference might wreak. She looked away from him for a moment and her thoughts fell to the black Alicorn once more. Oblivion himself was tending to this one, strengthening his spirit and helping him along. She sighed and looked at him once more. She reached her snout out to him and gave him a gentle, but firm nuzzle. She breathed over him and her proximity would help to strengthen him and allow him to rest easy. She closed her eyes as she stayed close to him for several minutes. She raised her head away from him and looked to him as she got to her hooves. His essence was strengthened and his magical reserves were quickly regenerating, relieving the strain from his body and mind.

“You have done well.” She whispered to him. “I will do all I can as well. Do not lose heart.” She gave the sleeping pony a gentle nuzzle as she left him behind her.

Equestria was silent as she left the tent behind and listened into the other ponies at the camp. Her hooves came to a stop as she came to a stop next to Shining Armor. All of them were in good shape considering the deserts atmosphere but her presence would bolster them a bit for the rest of the journey.

Shining was quiet as he listened to Comber relate to them the rest of the journey and about when they would reach the ruins. From what they had been told, Oblivion had intended to return on his own and had not asked Comber to wait for him. While the Captain was not too surprised about the circumstances he found himself wishing Oblivion had left messages or anything that could be used to track him. But in that same thought, he knew that the Witcher would not permit any track to be done or any trace of himself to be found.

“So you didn’t go into the ruins with him?” Silver asked.

“No. That place is cursed. Ponies either come out changed or don’t come out at all. I can’t help but wonder if it got him as well?” Comber replied.

Silver shivered and looked to the Shining who shook his head. “I doubt there is anything nefarious inside. If there is then we will find a way around it and see if we can locate our missing Witcher.” Shining said aloud.

Vantage was quiet as he watched around them for any snakes or scorpions that were drawn to the fire. He sat quietly next to Striker as he listened to the others. Comber shrugged at the Captains words.

“I know that it’s hard to imagine such a curse or things of that sort. But how can ya explain an Element of Harmony not coming back from it?”

Shining shut his eyes for a moment before opening them once more, his face grim. “I know it seems to give credence to the thought of a curse. But the way I understand it a Witcher is a master of many things. Including understanding curses. If there was a curse then he would have been able to get past it. Is it possible that the ruins stretch out further underground?”

“It is possible. Most explorers didn’t get very far inside. Said something about unknown doorways and strange creatures.” Comber admitted. “Most that came out either left with more questions and no answers and nothing to show for it.”

“That’s discouraging.” Striker spoke up.

“It sounds that way. But if Oblivion is inside then we owe it to him to do whatever we have to do.” Silver said to them.

“I agree. We need to bring him back or find a trace of him to lead us to him. We can only hope he slipped up and left a trace behind that we can use as a clue.” Shining admitted.

The other nodded and Vantage got up from his place and headed for the tent to check on Blue Blood. “Be right back.”

“I am regretting leaving Cross behind,” Shining said as the Thestral vanished into the tent. “We could use his medical training.”

“We all know basic, but he has the advanced training.” Silver explained at Comber's look. “He went to further training that the rest of us passed on. In hindsight, I’m wishing I had the forethought to look into it anyway.”

“Hindsight is twenty-twenty. We can regret all we like but it won’t change anything.” Shining said to them as Vantage returned to the campfire. “That was quick.”

“He’s doing great. His breathing is steady and even, doesn’t seem to be in any pain. He’s just sleeping it off now.” The Thestral sat down and shrugged at the confused looks from the others.

“Well. Don’t; look a gift horse in the mouth.” Comber advised.

“Agreed. I’m glad to hear that he will be all right. I have to admit I am feeling better after sitting out here for a while and relaxing to an extent.” Shining admitted to them.

They nodded and Comber got to his hooves. “Well. I’m gonna hit the hay for the night. We should reach the ruins by late morning if we up our pace a bit. We’ll see how every pony is in the morning.”

Shining nodded in agreement and led the others in behind the earth pony. The Captain glanced around the campfire and his eyes focused on a figure that was moving away from them. He jumped past the fire and stared at the figure vanished into the sands and was gone. He shook his head and the image of a tall mare vanished from his mind. The stallion convinced himself he was simply tired and that he was seeing things in the sand. He went back to the tent and laid down in his own place beside Blue Blood and was pleased to find that Vantage had not been exaggerating about his improved condition. The Captain laid his head down and pulled his own blanket up over his back as he settled down to sleep till morning rose.

Equestria left them as they retired for the night. She was glad to see their improved conditions when she left. While she did not hold the Spirit of the world at her call, she was still the Heart of the world. Oblivions' place was to safeguard their spirits while hers was to bring life to the world and allow it to grow and breathe. She galloped over the sands as she looked for the ruins they had mentioned. While she had been walking the world since its creation it was in a constant state of flux and change. She loved nothing more than to walk the world and see how those who had grown in it lived. She crested a tall dune and looked down to find old ruins.

“Must be the place.” She whispered aloud and allowed herself to slide down the sides of the dune.

She started for the wall, ready to walk through it when she paused as a feeling of uncertainty went over her. She reached out a hoof and set it against the wall of the structure. The ruins seem to have a pulse of their own that she was beginning to see as she analyzed the outer wall. She began to trot around the structure, searching for an entrance when she saw a set of hoof prints in the sand. They were far too small for it to have been Oblivion. They appeared to belong to a mare. Equestria trotted inside and stopped just inside the broken entrance. Her own hooves thudded dully against the stone floor as she began to walk slowly forward. Her steps echoed through the room as she turned a corner and found an old camp. It had not been used in a long while. She poked at a few of the items but nothing piqued her interest as possibly belonging to the missing Spirit Guardian.

“Well. What's down here then? She whispered as she angled to look into the next room.

She paused in her steps at the strange shimmering doorway. The edges reminded her of Oblivion's own azure flame but the center was of the purest black. The flames seemed to reach to the center and she approached the doorway slowly. She paused outside of it and her own magic poured forth as she reached out to try to discern what she was looking at. Her magic rebounded to her and she saw no change in the appearance of the door. She was quiet as she began to look around the room. It was a large circular room with a center that was sunken in and had more of the doorways that she was standing in front of. The others appeared to have other colors and some were dead and held nothing in their frames.

“Oblivion. Did you fall through one of these?” She asked aloud as she tried to see any other sign of him.

She groaned quietly as she looked back to the first one that she had found. As she was passing by it she paused. Her eyes focused and she saw a chunk of silver hair caught in the stone frame. She smiled at the sight of the mane hairs.

“This one then?” She whispered aloud as a smile crossed her muzzle. “So you went through this door? You must be stuck somewhere that is blocking your magic. Imagine a fabled Witcher getting stuck in a ruin? I will tease you endlessly for this.” She laughed as she trotted into the doorway, her smile wide.

She closed her eyes as the strange door passed by her as she walked into it. Her eyes opened, expecting to find a separate room that she had been sent to. She looked around and found herself in the other room looking at the center of the room with the other doors. Her smile faded, giving way to a look of confusion. She looked back up to the other door and then to the other ones at her level. She looked at the new doors and found them to have varying colors inside their frames. One appeared to be the same type as the one she had used before but it was rimmed with a golden light instead of the azure flames. Others had the appearance of purple ripples on water, others purple flames covered the entire doorway. She shied away from the purple flames and looked to the golden-hued door. She advanced on it but paused at the sight of another doorway rimmed in red flames. She spun to look at each door as an uncertain grumble broke from her.

“How do I know what one to use?” She asked aloud. “Oh, Oblivion. How did you know what one to use? I have changed my mind. I don’t think I will be teasing you at all.”

The white mare trotted up the golden door once more and breathed in before she stepped through it and closed her eyes. She opened them to find herself outside and on the other side of the ruins. She spun around and there was no active doorway, just a dead frame. She gave a frustrated sigh and trotted around the ruins once more to get back inside. She returned to the blue door and trotted through it, once more in the other room.

“Okay. So not the gold door.” She looked to the others and scanned each one, trying to decide which might be a better choice. “Oh by the Worlds…Purple it is.”

She walked up the doorway framed in purple fire and pushed herself forward, closing her eyes. She yelped as she walked out of the doorway and there was no floor. She fell through the air and landed in the deep water. She broke the surface and scanned the room around her.

“Oh geez.” She groaned. “Okay, now to get out of the water. I’m not certain I want to think if there is anything in it.”

She saw a small pathway and jumped out the chilly water and up to the small platform. Her eyes scanned the area and she slowly mounted the steps that spiraled up from the spot she had come to find. Her steps were slow and cautious as she made sure to look around any corners. She had no way of knowing what might be in the area. While she was curious about her surroundings but cautious enough to not race headlong ahead. She came to a large arched doorway and she looked slowly around the door jam and looked to the great stone room in front of her.

“What in the Worlds could this be used for?” She asked aloud.

She walked into the room and found that the room was empty aside from another doorway at the far end. Its doorway was the same red flames that had brought her to her current location. She trotted up to the door and looked over it. Her first thought had been to walk through it, but she paused.

“The last red one brought me here. So will this red one send me back? Or to a new place?”

She looked around her and found that the doorway was the only thing in the room aside from herself. She sighed and walked into the red doorway and opened her eyes on the other side. She was back in the room with the other portals once more. She grumbled and made a mark in front of the gold and red, showing that she had tried them already.

“Okay purple water or purple flame?” She looked between the two and paused as she tried to make up her mind.

She looked up and her eyes scanned the stone ceiling above her. Her thoughts sharpened as she steeled her heart and walked into the purple flames of the doorway. Her eyes screwed shut and she only opened them when the subtle warmth of the flames died away. She looked cautiously around the room and slowly walked forward. The room was barely lit and shadows danced along the walls and ceiling. She paused as a sound caught her ears. The sound of something being dragged across stone caught her focus. Equestria was silent as she stopped in her tracks and waited for the sound to give her an idea of its location. She began to walk forward once more as the sound stopped and all fell silent. The white mare jumped when braziers blazed to life around the room and the ground she stood on lit up with a pattern under her hooves. She whinnied in surprise and backed away from the markings. A growl caught her ears and she listened intently. Her eyes widened at the sight of the creature on the other side of the room.

It was on all four legs and its skin was discolored and small spiked came from its back and ran down its shoulders. Its limbs ended in foot-long claws that made her cringe away from the monster. Its mouth opened and it roared at the white mare, who raised her head high to watch the creature. The Worlds Heart was quiet as the creature began to move to the side, its eyes on her. She began to mirror its movement and made sure to keep a fair distance from the creature across the room. It stopped its pacing and charged at her. She whinnied and took to her heels as it lunged for her. Her hooves thundered over the stone floor as the creature caught up to her. The room’s size prevented her from gaining a sizable lead on the monster at her heels. She looked back as it lunged for her hind legs, she bucked as it neared her and her hooves struck it in the face, sending it rolling away from her.

She paused and then chased after it, rearing up to try to crush it with her hooves. Her hooves thudded against the stone as the creature rolled away from her. She charged after it, a scream tearing from her as she continued to chase after it. Her teeth flashed as she dug her teeth into the monsters hide and dragged it backward and tossed it away to the side as it cried out and swung to strike her. It was silent as the mare snorted and stamped her hooves, ready to chase after it once more. She stared at it as it began to pace away from her. She scanned the creature’s body and noticed that it appeared unnaturally thin and gaunt. As she watched it slunk away from her and she trotted after it, ensuring its retreat. It collapsed a way from her and she allowed herself to check more of the room around her.

As she scanned the room she was not seeing any sign of an exit doorway. Her mind went over the possibilities as she stopped and glanced back to where the monster still lay. She could not sense anything from the monster and chose to leave it alone and keep her distance. She grumbled after a few circuits of the room and walked back to the original door. It was still active and she walked back through it, her eyes opened to find the first room once more. Her hoof made a mark in front of it like the others and turned to face the door of purple waters. She paused in front of the doorway and tried not to think of what horrors could be behind it. She steeled her nerves once more and trotted through the door. It rippled over her fur and she shuddered at the strange feeling it left in its wake.

Her eyes opened wide as the unmistakable smell of death assaulted her nose. She screamed in horror and scrambled backward, trying to go through the doorway once more. Her flank collided with the wall and she looked back to find the doorway had gone dead. She looked forward once more as the bodies of ponies and other creatures lay before her. She remained in her place as her eyes searched among them. She saw a path off to the side and plunged down it, desperate to get away from the bodies and the scent of blood, death, and decay. Her nose burned and her eyes watered as the scent followed her steps. She slid to a halt as a wall loomed ahead of her and she turned left to go down the next set of stairs. As she reached the bottom of the stairs her hooves splashed into the water as she looked down at the liquid she stood in. The smell was less intense and she allowed herself to try to calm.

“Oh, by the Worlds.” Her voice stammered out of her as she tried to calm her nerves and end her own shaking.

Her legs shook under her and she closed her eyes as she breathed, focusing on breathing evenly to calm herself. She opened her eyes and began to walk through the knee-deep water and deeper into the room. The smell of death permeated the area but it was beginning to fade the more she walked. A splash sounded in front of her and she stopped once more to listen. Her hair stood on end as the sound began to draw closer. It sounded like a fish thrashing on the shore. She could hear the sound of breathing, panting, and gasping as it drew near. The white mare’s eyes widened at the sight of the hunched creature before her. She looked past it for a moment and saw the active doorway. The creatures white sightless eyes stared at the mare as she began to dance on her hooves. Its teeth were dagger-sharp and varied in color from green to yellow. Its skin was pulled tight over its frame and varied in color from blue to red and pink. Its long arms ended in four-fingered hands with two-inch claws. Its forearms were covered in bones that were lashed in place with rope. If the monster stood up it would have been close to the mares own height. Its skin was pockmarked and wart-covered and it made very little sound. The creature stayed a safe distance from the mare and both of them were still and made no move to advance or retreat.

The monster suddenly charged the mare and she startled and veered to the side, avoiding the monster's touch. Her eyes were trained solely on the purple light of the doorway. She cried out as the creature's hand landed on her flank. Its claws dug in and the mare bucked as hard as she could and sent the creature rolling, a wet sound echoing in the mare's ears. She plunged ahead and galloped through eh door and slid on the stone floor of the room as she fell to her knees and went still, panting. Her body shivered as she tried to regain her composure. Her flank fell to the ground as she covered her face with her hooves and tried not to break into sobs. She had been alive as long as the world had been alive and had seen many horrors. But what she had seen in that final room had shaken her badly.

The white mare cried quietly as she laid on the floor of the room. After several minutes she pulled herself to her hooves and looked to the blue flame doorway above her. She gathered her own magic and used what she could gather to jump back to the top of the room. Her hooves landed and she swayed on her hooves for a moment. Her magic was once more pushed back to her as she sat down and rubbed her face with her hooves.

“What other horrors does this ruin hold?” She whispered aloud. “Those creatures are from your world, aren’t they Oblivion? You said you could combat the monsters of the world, but never did I imagine that those were the ones you meant. Your world…is truly a more different place than I had known.” Her words echoed against the stone walls and fell silent around her as she looked to the blue flames once more. “If your friends go through those doors with the purple coloring they could be killed by those monsters. No doubt that all the ponies that didn’t get out of here were killed by those creatures and left to rot and were food for those things. If those that are searching for you end up down there?”

The shallow cuts to her hip hurt and she looked over her shoulder to check on the cuts. Her magic was still being interfered with so she knew that she would have to get back outside to have the cuts heal within a few moments. She shook her head and began to leave the room, heading for the outside. She paused as she looked to the random belongings on the floor. An unused scroll caught her eyes and she looked back to the blue flame door. She picked up the scroll and the quill with it, scrawling a note to the ponies she knew would be reaching this place by late morning.

To those who come into this ruin,

Do not use the gateway this note is attached to. All magic is negated while inside this place. Unless you wish to use all the magic within you to escape you will be heading for a fate worse than death within the strange doorways. I have been through them and barely escaped. The black Unicorn you search for is not here any longer. Please heed my warnings. Those who have come before us did not leave this place and are no longer with us. Please take heed of my words. I give you my word that he is no longer here. Look next to this note and you will see that he brushed against the doorway.
Please be careful!

A Friend of Oblivion, Element of Spirit

She pinned the scroll to the doorway, close to the chunk of Oblivions silver mane. “Please listen to me.” She said aloud and backed away from the gateway, her hooves carrying her out of the doors and into the light of a new dawn.

She inhaled as her own magic came back to her and she sighed in relief at its return. AS her wounds healed she glanced back to the ruins and a sigh escaped her once more. She missed the black Alicorn as his friends and family did. She hoped that he was well, wherever he had been taken. While she was sure that he had been in the ruins, she was not so certain of what happened to him after that. The white mare debated on staying and making sure that the ponies did not use the portals. She considered going back in and labeling the golden doorway as safe but decided that she had interfered enough. She reached out to the world and her body vanished as she went back to her own plane of existence to rest after her own search. “Good luck, my ponies.” She whispered as her form vanished.

Blue Blood opened one eye and glanced around him to find Shining and the others asleep close by him. His other eye opened and he was shocked to find himself wrapped into a warm blanket and he struggled to escape it without waking the others. He finally was able to free himself and he rolled carefully to his hooves, still trying to avoid waking his companions. He opened the tent flap and looked out to find Comber sitting quietly by the fire. The Prince of Equestria walked out and sat down across from the earth pony.

“Good to see you up again, Prince.” The other stallion said to him as he sat down.

“Thank you. I apologize if I slowed us down.” He replied and hung his head a bit as he spoke.

“Not at all. If we kept pushing some pony might have been hurt. So you actually did us a favor. I wanted ta thank ya again for your help.”

“I barely helped, Comber.”

“You give yourself far too little credit. You held that wagon back and gave me and the Captain and the other two a chance to breathe so we could handle it. Otherwise, we might have gotten run over by it.”

“I doubt Shining would have let that happen. His magic is stronger than mine, after all.”

“Maybe. But can he do it while he is holding back a wagon, trying not to fall down a dune, with his eyes closed, and holding a wagon in a full stop? I think not.” Comber replied.

Blue Blood was quiet as the other pony spoke to him. His mind went over the memory of the day before and he tried to tell himself that he had done what the others thought he had. “I suppose you have a point. But I’m sure he could have helped more.”

“If you insist. But I doubt it.” Shining piped up as he came out of the tent and sat down. “I was barely keeping my hooves under me.”

Blue Blood looked as the other spoke up. “So you say but…”

“No. Enough Blue Blood. You did more than you give yourself credit for. You said that you hadn’t used that much of your magic in a long time. I believe that but at the same time, you did a very good job of saving all four of us. Silver and Striker, while strong in flight, are not the greatest on the ground. Their strengths lie in the air. So they were lashed to the wagon as well. So they could not go to the air. In essence, you saved all of us by giving us a chance to breathe. I am certain we would have been run over if not for that burst of magic.”

Blue was quiet as he listened to the words of the other stallion. “Perhaps, you have a point.” He finally admitted.

Shining chuckled and nodded. “No reason to lie to you.”

The ponies laughed and Comber nodded to them. “Time for breakfast lads.”

The earth pony gathered his materials and Shining helped him to cook while Blue went to awaken the two and get them out to the fire. The group sat in silence and waited as the food was made. Vantage sat down next to the Prince and yawned.

“Feeling better?” He asked.

“Yes thank you.” Blue replied.

“Glad to hear it. You went down really fast and I have to be honest I was kind of worried you had gotten hurt for our sakes.” He admitted with a sheepish look.

“I’m a bit surprised that you bounced back so well. Last time I saw a Unicorn drain themselves like that they were pretty out of it for a couple of days.” Striker spoke up as he took his breakfast from Comber’s outstretched hoof. “Thank you.” He said to the Earth pony and smiled.

“To be honest I feel perfectly fine. I am a bit surprised as well. I have done that once before but I was much younger and bounced back after a couple of days. So I am a bit surprised that I don’t feel sore or even a bit tired.” Blue responded.

“Odd. I’m not complaining but that is a bit of a shock.” Silver spoke up as he took his breakfast and began to eat.

“Agreed. But as you said I’m not complaining that you’re back to normal.” Shining piped in as he gave the Prince his food and sat down with his own as well.

“Is it normal for a Unicorn to drain themselves like that and then be laid up?” Comber asked. “I only know a couple of Unicorns and they have never mentioned it. But none are on the level as the Unicorns I have met recently.”

“It’s not a good idea to drain yourself often like that. It will eventually cause permanent injury. I’ve overdone it as well but bounced back after a couple of days. It can often depend on the pony for how long it takes them to recover. Some a couple of days, others a couple of weeks.” Shining informed them as they all sat around the fire.

“Wow.” Comber looked shocked as he looked to the two Unicorns. “Had no idea magic could be that dangerous. I never thought about it. So the magic that Oblivion does?”

“Is beyond what a normal Unicorn can do,” Shining admitted with a shake of his head. “That Unicorn has an Element of Harmony backing him up as well. Even without it, I am certain he is a strong Unicorn. But I have never really spoken to him about it. Teleporting to Canterlot and back is a feat I have never heard of. Though I have never seen him accomplish it.”

“I have.” Blue admitted. “He and I meet on Saturdays for lunch and he teleports to the gardens and then back to Ponyville when we finish.”

Shining nodded. “I believe it, but it’s still hard to imagine.”

The others nodded as Striker suddenly chuckled. “You haven’t seen anything. Ask him to train you and see how long you last.” The Solar Guard said with a laugh.

“By Equestria no.” Silver replied and Vantage nodded with him.

“Once was enough for me.” The Thestral replied.

“He couldn’t be that bad.” Shining said to him.

“Ask him then.” Silver replied, a clear challenge in his voice. “He will run you into the ground and then tell you to get up and keep going.”

Shining looked at the three guards who nodded at Silver. Blue Blood looked to them. “He’s that bad?”

“Worse.” Striker piped up. “Plus he has Sasa. He set her on us a few times to keep us running. You want to try to outrun that cat and his magic?”

Shining looked nervous as the other spoke. “I’m not certain any longer, to be honest.”

“A Witcher is not to be trifled with. He had a couple of his claws yanked out in an accident with that mare Winter Snow. So when he was training us he set the cat on us. So we tried to include him in the fight and we found out that three legs or four, does not matter. He will destroy us one way or the other.” Vantage said and leaned haughtily back on his haunches.

“That was an awful idea.” Striker said to them, his mouth slightly agape at the others words.

“It was yes. Cross and I got slapped around by a tag team of a Witcher and a giant feline.” Vantage replied with a laugh.

“Ouch. Just the thought sounds painful.” Comber admitted. “How big is this cat of his?”

“Her shoulders are level with Oblivions chest.” Blue replied. “But she really is a sweet kitty.”

“When you’re on the same side.” Silver replied. “We saw her in an actual fight, and it was terrifying.”

“Oh?” Shining asked as he set his empty plate aside.

“Yeah. That crazy mare set a bunch of monsters on us and Oblivion was not with us, he was resting at camp. She put those front teeth of hers through a monster and killed it in one bite. Those claws shredded her fair share by the time she had called out to the Witcher for help.” Striker said aloud.

“Geez. It’s hard to think of a monster that could do what I have read about in those reports.” Shining replied. His expression grim as he recalled the details.

“Cross and I saw the Leshen once. And it was terrifying to look at. I couldn’t imagine how any pony could fight against something like that. But Oblivion did and won.” Vantage replied.

“Was it proven?” Shining asked.

Vantage and the other guards smiled and nodded. “He brought the head back to Canterlot as proof.”

Shining startled. “That’s…oh by Equestria, seriously?”

“Yes.” Silver laughed at the baffled expression from their Captain. “When we asked he said that it is normal to bring back the head or some proof of the animal's death. So bringing back the head is normal where he is from. So he was acting out of habit.”

Comber looked ill as they spoke of the decapitated head of a monster. “That’s an odd habit.” He said aloud and began to pick up the dishes from the rest of the group.

“It worked well though.” Silver replied. “No pony could argue that he didn’t really fight and kill it. Which I guess is the point. When ponies don’t believe you then you need proof.”

“True enough.” Shining admitted. “Okay we should reach the ruins by lunch so let’s get moving.”

The guards nodded and began to help break down the camp and set the wagon and prep it for travel. As Comber killed the fire the others finished packing their supplies and were dressed and ready for travel once more. They stayed with him as the wagon moved easily over the now still sands.

“If we get another sandstorm, I quit.” Silver hollered from the right side of the wagon.

The others all laughed at the proclamation from their companion. “Your resignation is not accepted and I do not tolerate desertion. If you do I will be forced to ask the Element of Spirit to hunt you down.” Shining called back to him.

“…On second thought, I love my job.” Silver replied and plastered a smile on his muzzle.

Striker laughed as he flew a few feet above the wagon. “Good choice. The last thing I want is to try to stop a Witcher from dragging you back to Canterlot.”

“Yeah, no.” Silver replied with a laugh.

The group made their way over the sands and the dunes were small and made for an easy journey as they crested a dune they were greeted with the sight of the ruins a half-mile off. Comber nodded to the ruins and tried to smile.

“There they are. This is close to where I left Oblivion when I turned back. I’ll wait down there for ya.” He said to them and led them down the small dune and to the ground on the other side.

“Sounds good, Comber.” Shining said to the nervous pony and nodded to the gathers. “All right. Our turn guys.”

The five ponies made their way cautiously to the ruins and began to walk around them to try to find a way inside. Striker trotted ahead and hollered to the rest to join him when he found an entrance. The other three joined him and they all looked cautiously inside the ruin before they all backed away from the front and looked back to each other.

“So, who’s going in first?” Silver asked. “Not It!”

“Not it!” Blue Blood, Vantage and Striker were next to opt out, leaving a stunned Captain.

“Are we really going to use that foal’s game to decide who goes in?” They all nodded as he groaned and then a stern look went over his face. “I outrank you.”

“You don’t outrank me.” Blue Blood said to him, a smirk on his muzzle. “I technically outrank all of you.”

Shining and the others guards looked to the now smirking Prince of Equestria, a mix of horror and laughter on their faces. Silver looked away as he was close to losing himself to laughter at the smile on the Prince's muzzle.

“I think you should go and be the first Captain,” Blue said to him.

“You’re kidding me. Now you pull rank?” Shining said to him.

“Yes.” Blue replied, his voice flat as he looked back to the other pony.

“Damnit all.” Shining cursed under his breath and looked into the doorway of the ruins. “I expect help if something comes after me.” He said and he looked over his shoulder.

They nodded and smiled as he looked ready to thrash each of them in turn. Blue Blood still smirked as his friend looked at them. “We all called out of going first, you didn’t. I’m just upholding the rules.”

“Rules my ass.” Shining cursed back.

Silver leaned against Blue Blood as he laughed, no longer able to hold it back. Vantage chuckled behind a hoof, while Striker laughed as well. Blue Blood smiled wider and a chuckle escaped him. “Don’t worry. If you need help, we will help. And we won’t tell anypony if you scream.”

“HAHAHA!” Silver laughed himself to the ground with Striker and Vantage now having to sit down at the Princes taunting of their Captain. “Okay now that we are all much less tense, shall we?” Blue said aloud and then motioned for Shining to get going with a hoof.

Shining mustered a glare for the Prince and then looked back to the dimly lit ruins. “Great, just great.” He whispered to himself and walked inside, his head on a swivel as he scanned the small room. “Left all of our armor on the carriages back with Cross.”

He scanned the room and made sure to watch in every direction as he moved forward. He crossed the first small room quickly and then into the next one. He looked back and the others were sitting at the entrance waiting for him to give the call that it was safe. He was quiet as he moved out of their sight and into the next room, which was just a bit larger than the other one. He saw the remains of a camp in the room and walked over to it, hoping to see something that would be of use.

“Nothing that looks like it was Oblivions.” He whispered and moved forward, his steps slow and cautious.

“Anything?” Blue yelled to him causing him to jump and nearly yell curses back at them.

“No!” He yelled back.

He went around the next corner and through the doorway to find a shimmering door on the left side of the room. “What in Equestria is that?” He advanced on the strange door and reached out to it when a scroll caught his attention and he gently gripped the bottom of it and read it to himself. As he finished reading it and saw the chunk of mane that had to be Oblivions he groaned.

“Get in here!” He yelled back at them and waited for them to join him.

Blue was the first to reach him with the three guards at his hips. “What did you find?”

“A letter from a friend of Oblivions. Sounds like somepony else is looking as well and beat us here.” Shining reported and pointed to the note. “Look at the side of the stone doorway.”

Blue leaned in and his eyes widened slightly at the chunk of mane. “That’s Oblivion mane. So he was here but is gone?”

“Yeah. This friend of his already checked this door and apparently, it leads to nothing good.” Shining said to them.

“What's it say?” Vantage asked from his place behind them.

“To those who come into this ruin,

Do not use the gateway this note is attached to. All magic is negated while inside this place. Unless you wish to use all the magic within you to escape you will be heading for a fate worse than death within the strange doorways. I have been through them and barely escaped. The black Unicorn you search for is not here any longer. Please heed my warnings. Those who have come before us did not leave this place and are no longer with us. Please take heed of my words. I give you my word that he is no longer here. Look next to this note and you will see that he brushed against the doorway.
Please be careful!
A Friend of Oblivion, Element of Spirit.” Shining parroted to them and waited as they responded.

“Well damn.” Silver said aloud.

Vantage groaned and looked at the others. “Well, now what?”

Blue Blood sighed in defeat and went to the middle of the room. “Wow. I think the letter means these doorways.” He said aloud and pointed down the circular chamber below them.

The others came up to him and nodded in agreement. “Geez. I don’t even want to know.” Striker admitted.

Shining nodded at the Solar Guards comment. “If our ‘Friend’ is right then its suicide to mess with these…doorways.”

“Agreed. Now what?” Blue asked.

Shining looked grimly to them and shook his head in defeat. “As much as I hate to say this, we go back to Canterlot.”

“With nothing to show for our efforts?” Blue replied.

“We know he was here. We have proof of that.” He nodded to the note and the mane hairs in the stone door jam. ”we use what we have and see if the others found anything. I don’t like it either, believe me, but we don’t have any leads.”

“Trying to track a Witcher.” Silver said aloud, his voice a whisper. “The way he spoke made it seem like you couldn’t track his kind. I kind of believe it now.”

Blue nodded. “I agree. Well. We had best get back to Comber and see about heading back home.”

They nodded and began the slow walk out of the ruins. Shining stopped as they left and looked back to the ruins. “Damn you, Oblivion. Where are you?” He asked in a whisper as he turned to go back to where Comber awaited them.

“Captain!” Silver suddenly yelled.

Shining looked ahead and saw a group of ponies flying to them. He trotted to join the others and waited as they landed. They had the chariots that they had brought with them plus one more. Princess Luna stepped off the new carriage and walked to stand in front of the group of them. They bowed their heads to her and waited as she spoke.

“We have received word that the mare that Oblivion Shadow had been asking about has returned to Canterlot. Her grandmother sent word of her return.” She said to them.

Blue cringed as the Princess of the Night used the Royal Canterlot Voice to address them all. “Aunt Luna?”


“We can hear you just fine.” He said to her.

“Oh. My apologies, nephew.” Blue shook his head and a warm smile crossed his muzzle.

“So Asmara is back?” He asked the Alicorn mare.

“Yes. She returned a couple of days ago. Her grandmother wished to give her a couple of days to rest before she alerted us to her return.” She related to them. “How did thee fare here?”

“We know that he was here. We are not the only ponies searching for him. A friend of his got here first and left us a warning that the ruins inside are deadly and that we shouldn’t go into the magical doorways inside. We also found a good chunk of his mane in the stone next to one of the doorways. So we know that he probably went through one but is not in the ruins anymore. Meaning he most likely already got out of them if they had any effect at all.” Shining reported to her.

“Thee have the note?”

Shining showed it to her and she read over it. Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she looked at the chunk of silver mane. “That is his mane. Well, we had hoped though would have better news. But it is refreshing to hear that we are not the only ones searching for him. Any idea of who it could be?” They shook their heads in response. “So we will head back to Canterlot and see what we can find out about this mare.”

“If Oblivion came here then I would assume that the mare he was after was as well. So she may know something.” Shining replied.

“We agree. We expect her to explain herself.” Luna said to them as she went back to her carriage. “We have brought your means of travel as well and also brought ponies to carry you home. Thee must be tired from the journey.”

“What about Sand Comber?” Shining asked.


“He’s the pony that brought Oblivion out here and then brought us as well,” Blue replied. “We need to get him back to the edge of the desert as well.”

“We understand. Where is he?” Luna asked them after a moment of thought.

“Should be over this way,” Shining replied and trotted off to the side, leading them to the waiting Earth pony. “Comber!”

The gray pony peeked out from under his wagon and slid out from under it at their approach. His eyes went wide at the sight of the Alicorn princess and threw himself to the ground at her hooves. “Your Highness!”

“Thou are Sand Comber?”


“We will make sure that thou are brought back to the edge of the desert. Thee have done a great service and will be rewarded as well. We are grateful for the help thee has given to our search.” Luna said to him.

“I’m glad to have been of help, Princess. Oblivion is a good pony, no reason not to help try to find him.” Comber spoke up.

Shining and the others stood off to the side as Luna organized how to get Comber's wagon and himself back to town. The Captain sat down by the carriages and heaved a short sigh. “Damn.”

“He will come back. Not in his character to vanish and never come back.” Silver said to him and sat with him, the others slowly joining him.

“I know. It’s difficult to accept that we did not find more evidence of him. But for now, we will have to trust that he will make his way back on his own.” The Captain reasoned t them.

“He will.” Blue Blood said as he sat down with them. “He will come back.”

“Blue is right. We just have to wait and trust him.” Vantage added.

They sat in silence and waited as Luna finished her tasks and bid them get into the carriages and they would return Canterlot. The group nodded and did as she asked of them. Shining and Blue Blood both looked back to the ruins as they were lifted and were flown away from the desert. The ruins became nothing more than a speck on the horizon and the Captain looked back to the front and waited as the land fell away from under them.

Author's Note:

Here we go! The next update is ready and all set for the next few chapters. I have basic outlines done but am going to look at the other stories I have to update them into the new year! Enjoy and as always thank you for reading!

Edit: 1/9/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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