• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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88: A Wager of Apples

Oblivion was silent as his magic picked up the apples as they fell from the tree and began to place them into the barrels around him. He issued a magical command to the Elemental for it to carry the barrels back to the barn and then return to the Witcher for the next barrel. His magic flowed easily as the apples fell from the tree and into his magic. He paused and sighed as the sun began coming up. They had been up earlier than normal to make cider ready for the day. He had been in the back getting the apples for the next batch ready. He watched as the sun began to peek over the horizon and he rotated his shoulders to relax for a moment.



“You need to come up here. There are some unknown Unicorns with a machine of some kind. And they are all singing. Please make it stop.” She said to him.

“Stay.” He commanded and the Elemental went still in place and his horn flared as he teleported.

His eyes opened and he was greeted with a pair of Unicorns moving around the group and singing to the ponies assembled. His horn lit and azure fire covered the muzzles of the Unicorns and they looked startled as their mouths were clamped closed. He looked at them and he could tell that they were twins with a light yellow coat. They had light green eyes with red and white striped manes and tails. They were dressed in suits that were blue and white stripes with black bowties.

“What in the God's name is going on?” He asked the group as he released his magic from their mouths as he looked to the machine that Sasa had mentioned. “What is that?”

One of the stallions approached him and leaned against his shoulder. “Well hello, my friend. I am Flam. And you are?”

“Oblivion Shadow.” He replied and allowed the stallion to lean on him.

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you my good stallion,” Flam said to him and motioned for the other stallion to join them. “This is my dear brother Flim.”

Oblivion could see the spirits of both brothers and that allowed him to tell the difference between them. He looked from them to the machine that they had brought with them. He deftly moved out from under Flam and moved to the side to look at it. They watched him closely as he looked at the machine closely.

“Interested in the Super Cider Squeezy six thousand?” Flim asked him.

“The what?” He asked and then shook his head to stop them from speaking. “Never mind. So I assume from the name it’s meant to make cider?”

“You would be correct my friend,” Flam said as he sidled up to the Black Unicorn. “Why it can make twenty barrels of it in the time it would take a smaller operation to make five.”

Oblivion said nothing as his ear flicked back to listen to Granny Smith grumbling about the quality and care they put into their cider. He said nothing in further reply as the pair of ponies went back to the other members of the family and he watched as Sasa came to sit with them, listening carefully. His ears flicked as he listened intently.

“With the use of the use of our machine we could triple the amount of cider that you produce,” Flam said to them.

“Ah don’t know ya’ll. We’ve made cider the same way for so long.” Applejack said to her family and she looked past the Unicorns to the Witcher as he came to stand behind them.

“Here’s an idea,” Flam assured them and went on. “We can work together. You supply the apples, we supply the Super Cider Squeezy six thousand and then we share the profits.”

Both brothers leaned against each other as they looked at them as Film spoke. “Seventy-five.”

“Twenty-five.” Flam went on.

Oblivion snorted and he saw Applejack look perplexed for a second. “Wait a minute. Who gets the seventy-five?”

“Why we do of course,” Flam said to her. “And we will throw in the magic to operate the machine for free.”

“Cider sales keep our business afloat through the winter. We'd lose Sweet Apple Acres if we agreed to this.” Applejack lamented.

Oblivion moved out from behind them and joined the family as he raised his head to look down on them. “I think not.” He said to them, his voice was quiet but it held his usual strength under it.

Mac and the others nodded in agreement and Sasa snarled as the pair of stallion backed up. “Hmph. Very well. If you refuse our generous offer to be partners, then we'll just have to be competitors.”

Applejack looked shocked as she stared at the pair of them. “Ya wouldn’t dare.”

The brothers turned to look at the assembled group of ponies and smiled brightly. “Don't you worry, everypony! There'll be plenty of cider for all of you!”

Oblivions ears flicked as he heard Flim whisper. “Once we drive Sweet Apple Acres out of business.”

Oblivions' eyes narrowed slightly as his ears remained perked forward. He watched as they bundled up the machine and turned it to leave. “What was that?” He growled.

The brothers quickly moved away from them with the machine leading the way. Oblivion said nothing as Applejack and the others watched them leave. Sasa sat close by him and he felt her lean against his leg and rub her head on his shoulder. He knew that they would see more of them if their vow to run them out of business was anything to go by.

Oblivion stood close by the fence as the cider inevitably ran out and the bell was rung to alert the ponies in line about it. Twilight moved to join him and she looked nervously as the sound of clunking caught his ears.

“Here they come.” He said to her and she grimaced in reply.

The machine came to a stop after knocking down a fence and the brothers jumped to the ground and looked around them at the crowd.

“What seems to be the problem here?” Flim called out.

Flam joined him and a grin crossed his face. “Oh my, are they out of cider again?!”

Twilight leaned against his shoulder as Sasa growled. “Oh no.” She whispered.

The brothers walked around them and Oblivion was already working out how to put these two in their place. He moved away from Twilight and the feline as he moved to stand close by the machine. He tuned them out as his horn lit and he called on the Elemental to come to where he stood. He gave it the command and he could sense it come to life as his magic faded. He looked back to the group as the Apples began to speak more animatedly to the brothers.

“What's the matter, Granny Smith? Chicken?” Flim taunted.

Obion could see the elder mare’s hackles rise at the taunt. “What did you call me, sonny?” Granny Smith replied.

Oblivion bit back a deep sigh as they fell into the brother’s trap. He knew what they were doing and he was not going to sit back and allow it to happen if he could prevent it. He moved several steps forward and strained his ears to listen to the conversation and to listen for the heavy steps of the Elemental.

“If you're so confident in your cider, then what's the problem?” Flim went on.

“Tomorrow mornin', right here!” Granny Smith vowed her expression set.

“But I’m afraid we do not have any apples.” Flam lamented.

Oblivion heard the steps of the Elemental and his horn lit to stop its advance until he was ready for it.

“Ya can use our south field! It'll be worth it to teach y'all a thing or two about cider making!” Granny said to them.

Oblivion could see the surprise that went over the sibling's faces as their grandmother spoke.

“Excellent; we have a bet. Whoever produces the most barrels in one hour wins the exclusive right to sell cider in Ponyville.” Flim agreed with a wide grin.

“And after we beat ya, Ah don't want to see you bambahoozlers around here again!” Granny spat at them.

Oblivion stepped forward and Sasa joined him after several seconds. “What does a creation like this cost?” He interjected.

The brothers went silent as they turned to look at him. Applejack waved a hoof at him and he ignored her as the brothers look at him. They recovered fairly quickly and turned their full attention to the Black Unicorn.

“I assure you my good stallion is out of your farm's price range,” Flim said to him.

“Is it?” Oblivion replied and moved to the machine.

The brothers shared a quick look as he pretended to not see the greedy looks that crossed their faces. They had no idea of the funds he had at his disposal and that intrigued them and he knew that they would fall for his ruse if he could get their full focus.

“Even with your farm, you would not be able to afford it.” Flam started and Oblivion turned his head to look at the pair of them.

“I never said I was wagering within the farm.” He taunted and he could see their eyes widen and their interest was now his to command. “Would you be willing to put a bet on it?”

“We are not selling it, my friend.”

“That’s fine. What would it take to wager it?”

Applejack jumped from her place with the others and ran up to him to try to silence him. His magic picked her up and silenced her as he levitated her close by. He looked past the stallions as they spoke quietly amongst themselves and he could see the shock in the eyes of the mares and the family. Mac was staring at him in shock but at the same time, Oblivion could see the trust that was held in him reflected in the stallion’s expression.

“And what would you be wagering?” Flam asked.

“So you would be willing to make a bet with me?”

“If the terms are suitable then perhaps,” Flam said to him.

“Since I do not doubt that the Apples will win this little wager of yours I will stake the cost of the machine twice in their favor.”

Both brothers’ jaws fell open as he stared at the machine and tapped his hoof against the cold metal for a second before he looked sideways at them. He watched them balk slightly as they looked at him.

“You will wager the machine and any and all rights to the cider in Ponyville.” He went on at their continued silence. “The Apples are wagering the quality of the cider and if the ponies say that it is better than you lose.”

“So the ponies make the choice?” Flim asked him once he had recovered from his shock.

“Yes. Seems simple enough, no?”

“What more can you tell us?”

“The ponies will taste-test the cider from both of us, in conjunction with whoever makes the most. The final barrel will be the test from each of us.” Oblivion explained.

He saw them balk and then turn to whisper to each other once more. Applejack waved her hooves at him as she hovered just behind him. He could see her out of the corner of his eye. They turned to look at him and he tilted his head to the side to look at them as a slight smile tugged at his mouth. He saw Twilight shiver at the sight of the small smile and Sasa growled and nodded to him.

“You seem conflicted.” He taunted. “Shall I sweeten the deal perhaps?”

They both stared at him and Flim finally nodded dumbly. Oblivions horn lit as he called on the Elemental to join him. Its steps echoed through the silence. Both brothers looked up and around them as the sound grew louder. The monster came around the side and his horn guided it to his side. The brothers stared once more open-mouthed at the sight before them and he leaned his weight off one hind leg as it went still and his horn went dormant.

“I will wager our harvester.”

“What is that thing?” Flam asked him.

“It’s an Ice Elemental. It is commanded through magic and it can carry many hundreds of pounds more than a pony can. It is also used for defense and protection.” He replied, working to make it seem friendlier than it looked.

“It is commanded through our magic?” Flim inquired.

“Once it has been calibrated yes. Currently, it is attuned to my magic and will not answer to any other master.” Oblivion replied. “Should you lose the cost of such a creature would be wagered as well.”

He saw Twilights eyes go wide as she looked at him and then to the monster. She was well aware of its limitations and had asked him several times about the monster. She was aware that it was unable to be used by anypony besides him. His smile remained in place as they talked amongst themselves again. His ears heard their agreement before they spoke to him directly and he turned to face them.

“You drive a very hard bargain, my friend!” Flim called out. “But we agree to the terms!”

Oblivion gave a slight nod and the pair reached out to shake his hoof. His claws spread as he shook Flim’s hoof and the both of them stared at the claws that now grasped his hoof. He repeated the action with Flam and they both backed up, looking unsettled by the sharp claws. Both of them fled from him and moved the machine away from the area once more. Oblivion released Applejack and she stared at him as he simply sighed.

“What were ya thinkin’?” She shouted at him.

“I have no doubt that we will be able to win against them. I ensured that.” He replied.

“How did ya manage that? It sounded like ya bet yer life on it.” She argued.

“Flim and Flam have the superior machine there is no arguing that fact.” He explained and the Apples flinched.

“How can you be so certain?” Twilight asked him.

“They will inevitably make the machine overwork. By doing that it will create issues with the final product. All we need to do is push them a little bit.” He replied.

“Why in tarnation did ya wager the monster if they can’t use it?” Granny asked him.

“There is nothing to worry about with it since they will be losing and they will owe us their shirts.” He countered.

“Ah hope ya did the right thing, young in.” She replied, her voice nervous.

“It’s nothing to worry about.” He assured her and moved to lead the elemental back to the barn. “Besides, they did not say anything about who can and cannot help us.” He replied.

Twilight stared at him for several seconds before she teleported to land in front of him. “What does that mean?”

“I mean that if we want to push them enough to make a mistake we need to have all of the family helping out. When it comes a time you ask to join in. They will agree since they are confident their machine can outwork a workhorse.”

“Oh.” She was quiet as he moved around her and back to the barn. “Oh that’s devious.”

He paused and looked over his shoulder. “I always win a well-placed bet.”

Oblivion stood off to the side as the family prepared for the competition to start. Just behind him, the elemental stood in silence as Sasa pushed apples toward Granny Smith for her to inspect. The feline held them up and the mare would sniff them to check the quality then she would toss them toward the waiting barrel. Oblivion moved the elemental into place by the barrels that were being set up and his horn stayed alight as he commanded it to move the full barrel to the next station. Big Mac was getting warmed up to run the treadmill to keep the cider moving and being pressed. Applejack and Apple Bloom were getting ready as well. Oblivion saw Twilight and the others off to the side and he gave her a slight nod as she looked at him, a small smile on her mouth.

His ears flicked as the machine's signature sound caught his ears. “Here we go.” He said to the family.

“Attention Everypony!” Mayor Mare called out as the machine rumbled into place. “The teams have one hour to produce as much cider as they can, after which the barrels will be counted and the winner will be named the sole cider provider for all of Ponyville!”

Oblivion could hear the growing crowd as the mayor spoke. He remained silent as the ponies gathered. Each pony got into place and Sasa moved to join Granny Smith and Oblivion ensured the Elemental was ready and in place before they started. He had given it the command to move full barrels of apple cider into place off to the side.

“Are both teams ready?” Mayor Mare called out and looked at each of them.

“Ready!” Applejack replied as the family stood ready to move.

Flim and Flam both yawned and barely moved from their couch. “Ready!”

Oblivion looked up as the hourglass was turned and the time began. Applejack and Apple Bloom began to gather apples and set them in front of the elder mare. She began to sniff each apple and Sasa held one up to her snout while she was reaching for a new one. She sniffed out which ones were good and which needed to be thrown aside and they were then thrown into a shaft that put them to a press that Mac was running on. The Elemental stood ready to move the filled barrels as one was quickly filled and it moved it to the side.

“Great job, y'all! We've already filled an entire barrel!” Applejack hollered.

“I'll bet you those guys don't even have…” Apple Bloom replied as the whole group turned to look at the brothers.

They all gasped in shock as the barrels moved through the machine and were set to the side. Oblivion said nothing and he was not surprised that they were behind them. He simply moved to command the Elemental better from a closed position and it allowed him to look at the mares that stood on the side, where Twilight waited for him to signal her to step in. His magic flared as he sent a small bolt of magic at Apple Bloom to get her moving once more.

“Sorry!” She shouted out and went back to gathering apples and setting them in front of her grandmother.

“Forget them. Focus on your tasks.” Oblivion called out.

Time ticked past and after a half-hour, he looked at the mares that were waiting. He gave a slight nod to Twilight who did the same in reply. She moved toward the Mayor and addressed her easily.

“Um, Miss Mayor! Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?” She asked innocently.

“Well, I'm not sure... Flim, Flam, would you object to honorary family members helping?” She asked the brothers as they lounged in place.

“Are you kidding?” Flim replied with a laugh.

“We don't care if the whole kingdom of Canterlot helps. It's a lost cause.” Flam added.

Mayor Mare looked uncertain as she looked at the tiring Apple Family. “Hmm, I guess it's okay. Applejack? What do you think?”

“We have no objections,” Oblivion replied.

“He’s right. Ah'd love to have the rest of mah family helpin' out.” Applejack called out in response.

“Okay, everypony, we're not gonna let those smooth talkers take our friend's farm,” Twilight said as the other mares cheered in response. Each mare ran into the area and Twilight joined Oblivion and began to issue orders.

“Fluttershy, help Applejack with the trees.” She called out.

“Got it.” She replied.

“Pinkie Pie, you're on apple catching detail.”

“Yessir, ma'am, sir!”

“Rarity, you've got a discerning eye. Help Granny Smith at the quality control station.”

“Of course.”

“Rainbow Dash, do you think you can help Big McIntosh press?”

“In my sleep.” She hollered as her wings carried her to join the stallion.

“Alright, everypony, let's save Sweet Apple Acres!” Twilight shouted.

She cast a look at the black Unicorn as his horn lit as the production began to ramp up. Twilight’s horn lit as the barrels were moving faster than the Elemental could move them. Both Unicorns kept them moving and set them in place off to the side. Oblivion cast a glance to the brothers as they took notice of the upgraded production. ‘Only a matter of time before they make a mistake that will cost them it all.’ He thought to himself as he and twilight kept the barrels moving. The black Unicorn moved to stand just off to the side as the barrels piled up and the other side began to pick up speed as well.

“Chosen?” Sasa’s nervous tone came to him as he watched the barrels stacking up.

“Wait for it.” He assured her. “It will work in our favor.”

“I hope your right. We have all three of us working this station and their pile is only getting larger. I hope your bet was worth it.” She replied.

He knew they would outdo them in terms of raw numbers. What he was counting on was quality. Raw power could be battled by strategy and thought. He was counting on their integrity outdoing the brother’s hubris.

“Times up!” Mayor Mare shouted.

Oblivion looked up as the others each dropped in place as the fatigue caught up to them. He caught Twilight before she hit the ground and she smiled at him in response.

“How did we do?” She asked him.

“We did well.”

She smiled as he set her down close to Applejack and the others. He looked at the pile of barrels to theirs and he knew they had lost badly in terms of numbers of barrels. His magic gripped the final barrel and he set it next to the Mayor and she placed a hoof on it as Flim set theirs down beside her as well. The black stallion was silent as he walked over to the Mayor and stood a few feet away as the brothers did the same.

“Flim and Flam have won in terms of the number of complete barrels.” Mayor Mare called out to them.

He heard a series of groans from the mares and Mac as Sasa joined him. “That’s not the end of the contest.” He pointed out.

Mayor Mare nodded as a small table was brought up and the barrels set on either side of it. Each of them was broken into and a spigot attached to them. Three mugs were filled from each one and six random ponies were pulled from the crowd. The ponies each sat down in front of one of the mugs and the Apples waited for the taste test to begin. Sasa rubbed against his shoulder and he ran his claws over her chest. Twilight and the others came to stand close by him and he commanded the Elemental to stand a few feet behind them.

“Now go ahead and try them out, my friends.” Flim cajoled.

Oblivion said nothing as each pony took a drink of the mug in front of them. The stallion watched as the faces of the three ponies who had drunk from the brother’s barrel paused in shock. Each of them spun to face the other direction as they spat out the cider and coughed in revulsion. The Witcher bit back a slight smile as they coughed and hacked. He looked at the other stallions and they looked horrified by their reaction. The other three quickly downed the contents of their mugs and looked pleased by the flavor.

“That was awful.” Comet Tail cried out as he pushed the mug away from himself. “I wouldn’t pay a single cent for that dreck.”

Sweetie Drops ran her hoof over her tongue. “Mine had rocks in it.” She growled.

“I can't get the taste off my tongue!” Cherry Berry said as her tongue hung from her mouth.

They looked enviously at the other three as they sat smiling. He glanced over his shoulder as the Apples and the other Element Bearers smiled at the looks of uncertainty that had crossed the brother’s faces.

“I think we know the outcome of the taste test.” He quipped.

The stallions cringed as he spoke and they looked at him, and emotion much like fear came to their eyes as they realized that they would now need to pay him. He walked past the group and approached the other stallions.

“I believe we had an agreement.” He said to them and they cringed. “What was it again? Oh yes. The machine, cider rights to Ponyville, and the value of the Elemental.”

They pulled back as he spoke and he could see they were thinking of running for it. His horn lit and the Elementals steps thudded against the grass. They stared as it approached and they gulped as he watched them. His horn went dormant as it came to stand just behind them.

“Not thinking of trying to flee from our agreement are you?”

“Never. We would never do such a thing right brother?” Flam said, his voice strained.

“Of course not.” Flim agreed quickly.

“That’s good to hear. I would hate to have to stop you.” He crooned to them and he lowered his head slightly to look at them.

Both of them looked at him and he could see them trying to think of a way out of the situation they had put themselves in. Sasa came to stand close by him and they looked at her as she bared her teeth menacingly.

“Well, we did have a deal that’s true…” Flam began and Oblivions horn lit as the Elemental took a step to land directly behind them.

“Not trying to find a loophole are we?” Oblivion asked as he paused for a second before he went on. “I suppose I can let you go… for a price.”

“They looked hopeful for a second before you said that last part.” Sasa chuckled.

The pair waited as he spoke. “I will let you keep the machine sconce I have little use for it in truth. But I want its worth.”

Their eyes went wide as he gave them his terms. They both looked at each other and then to the monster that stood behind them.

“And how much is the machine worth?” He asked them. They looked back at each other and he could see they were trying to think of what to tell him. “Unless you wish me to guess.”

“No.” Flam quickly replied. “May we speak in private?”

Oblivion nodded and moved off to the side with them on his heels. “What do you wish to say?”

“Can we leave?” Flim asked. “I will be honest and tell you we do not have the machines worth or the monsters with us. Given time we may be able to pay you a portion of it.”

“You wish for me to allow you to walk away and have no assurance that you will pay up? Do you take me for a fool?”

“NO.” Flam once more spoke up. “We underestimated you once already. We would be fools to do it again.”

Oblivion sighed as they looked pleadingly at him. “In truth, I created our bargain to trap you just this way. You let your machine do the work for you and you tried to run a family out of their home. You are swindlers of the worst variety and I was not going to stand by and allow you to harm them.”

“You knew?” Flim asked him.

“I have been around for longer than I look and have been haggling and bargaining for my pay for just as long. You picked the wrong family to try to harm.” Oblivion snarled. “You owe me more than your lives are worth and I will make sure you pay for it. I can assure you that I can have a contract written up in under a minute of what your payment schedule is going to be. There is no more negotiation, only the end result.”

They both stared widely at him as he laid out what had happened. Both of them looked more afraid of him than before and he could tell that they were now realizing that they had stepped into his territory and were now paying for it.

“Write up your contract then,” Flam said to him.

Oblivions magic flared as it appeared in his magic and he set it before them. They stared at it and realized that he had it ready ahead of time and they read over it.

“Your first payment is due next week.” He said to them. He leaned forward, placing his muzzle as close to them as he dared. “Do not trifle with me. I know more than a few ponies that can help me hunt you down.”

Both of them leaned back on their haunches as Oblivion's orange eyes bore back into them. Their own magic flared and they signed the contract. Oblivions magic flared and it was duplicated and one copy went to them with the information where to send the bits and what account they should be placed in. They slunk away and back to the machine as he spun on his heel and rejoined the now celebrating ponies.

Author's Note:

Here we go. Sorry again for the lack of chapter last weekend. I am finally back in town and able to post the chapter. Here we see a Witcher bargain and we see how it turned out for the two idiots. As usual if there are any errors please let me know and I will work to fix them quickly. Thank you to Acadians6545 for the help with the flow and ideas. Please enjoy!

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