• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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79: Birthdays...

Oblivion looked up as Twilight came back into the room with several books hovering in her magic. His magic took several of the books from her and set them on the table in front of him.

“Why are you needing so many books on language?” She asked him.

He showed her the little slip of cloth that was hidden in the silver tubing. Her purple eyes scanned the map piece and she tilted her head and looked back at him.

“That’s why.” She quipped.

“I don’t know what it means or even what it is. This is a good place to start.” He replied.

Sasa rolled onto her side on the floor and looked at him for a moment before she yawned. “Do not forget to give her birthday present to her.”

He glanced down at her and bit back a reply. His magic opened the first book as Twilight sat down on the other side and regarded him for several seconds before she opened another of the books.

“You do not need to help if you have better things to do.” He said to her and she waved a hoof at him.

“It’s fine. I’m waiting for a letter from Rarity about my party anyway.” She said and dove into the book ahead of her.

“If you insist.” He replied.

He fell silent as he began to scan through the pages of content. His magic held the map piece and he held it up next to several samples of writings and languages.

“Can I ask you something?” Twilight suddenly spoke up.

He looked up from the book he was reading and waited for her to go on.

“Do you ever regret leaving your land behind?”

He looked at her for several seconds before he shook his head. “I have played my part there and I am needed here.”

“So you say but are you really okay with it?”

“I am a Witcher Twilight. I tend to not dwell things like that.”

“I know but still.” She said to him. “There was a lot that you left behind. All your fellow Witchers and friends.”

He stopped reading and looked at her for several seconds before he spoke. “I do know that I have left them behind. But that does not mean that I have forgotten them. They are with me so long as I do not forget.”

Her eyes widened and a smile crossed her mouth. “That’s true. It just seems that you never talk about them so I was wondering if it was hurting you.”

“I am fine.” He assured her. “I came to terms with the reality that I may never see them again and I have come to terms with it in my own way. Witchers tend to do things in a way that is hard for most to understand. We do not grieve publicly and we do not show what is in our minds so easily.”

“How does a Witcher grieve?”

“In silence.”

“What do you mean?”

“I spoke of this with Sasa once. When one of our numbers died months before I came here we burned the body as tradition demands and we stood by in silence.”

“You burned him?”

“It is traditionally how our dead are honored. We stayed with the body until there was nothing but ash remaining. That was how we grieved for him. Others do not understand it because they are not Witchers.”

“How did he die?” She asked quietly. “Was it old age?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “No. We have a saying about how a Witcher dies. No Witcher dies in his bed. We die in battle, not of age.”

She fell quiet as he spoke and opened her mouth to speak as there was a knock on her front door.

“Excuse me.” She said as she went to the door.

She came back into the room after a moment and her magic opened a letter and she scanned it as he watched. “It’s from Rarity. She’s staying in Canterlot because Opal is sick.” She said aloud for him to hear.

“The cat?”

“Yeah. I hope it’s not too serious. I’ll get with the girls and maybe we can move my party there. Do you mind if we move it?”

“It’s your party, not mine.” He replied as he turned to look at her. “Do you want your gift now or later?” He asked her before Sasa nagged him again about it.

Her eyes lit up as he spoke and she closed the door behind her and regarded him. “Is it okay if I have it now?”

“It’s up to you.” He said to her and his horn lit as he summoned the wrapped gift and set it in front of her.

Her magic covered the gift and she pulled the wrapping paper off of it and pushed it aside. She tilted her head and opened the second box, which fell open on its own and she stared at the contents. A complete set of spell books done by Starswirl the Bearded sat in front of her with a small notebook on top of it. She opened the notebook and her smile widened as she beheld what was drawn inside. He had drawn out several of the monsters and items from his world and made notes about what they were for her. She had always asked him about his world so he went ahead and drew many of its details out for her. She set down the notebook and jumped the box set and collided almost violently with his back as she hugged him.

“Oh by Equestria thank you!” She gushed as she held him.

He tried not to pant as she squeezed his windpipe and patted her shoulder as he tried to turn around. She let him go long enough for him to turn around and hugged him again.

“How did you know I needed that set to complete my collection?” She asked him.

“I asked.” He replied. “You mentioned that you were missing it but had never been able to find them together.”

She let him go and sat down in front of him. Her magic gripped the notebook and boxed set and brought them to sit beside her. “How did you find one? I’ve been looking for years and never found one.”

“I had some help from Blue Blood. He knows a few rare booksellers in Canterlot and other areas so I sent letters to them through him. One of them came through.” He admitted.

“I’ll have to send Blue Blood a thank you letter for his help.” She said and then help the notebook to her chest. “You drew all of this?”

“Yes. It holds a few monsters you have asked about in greater detail and what little I know about dragons as well. I also detailed a few of the other Witcher schools.”

Sasa came over and Twilight eagerly hugged the feline as she purred. “Thank you as well, Sasa. I know you helped.”

“Actually this is from her.” He replied and his magic summoned a small envelope.

Twilight’s magic took her from him and she sat back down and opened it. Inside was a small fang on a necklace. Her magic levitated it out of the envelope and it spun in her magic. The fang was just over two inches tall and curved as one of her fangs. The coloring was translucent and its color changed depending on how the light hit it. The mare looked at Sasa who ran her tongue over one of her fangs. Upon closer inspection, it was smaller than the other and appeared whiter.

“Is it one of her fangs?”

“Yes. Where she is from it is a gift one gives to someone who is close to their heart. Far more personal than a book.” He supplied as Sasa nodded her head. “She insisted.”

“How did you…?”

“I may have broken it off and then healed it for her.” He admitted and the mare looked horrified. “It did not hurt her as much as it gave her a sore mouth. The fangs do not have nerves going through them as our teeth do. They can be broken and they will regrow in time.”

“Oh thank Equestria I was afraid it hurt her.” She admitted with a breath. “Sasa it’s beautiful. Did you shrink it down for her as well?”

“I did, yes.” He reached out with his claws and gripped the thin silver chain and opened the lock. She turned around and pulled her mane out of the way to allow him to place it on her. “There.”

She turned around and looked down at the small fang around her neck. “It’s so pretty.” She reached out and hugged Sasa once more and nuzzled the cat. She backed up and her hoof touched the fang and she hugged him once more. “Thank you so much both of you. I can’t even imagine how hard it was to find those books and how much time it took to draw all of that out. Sasa your gift is so personal and I will always treasure it.”

Sasa looked at him and he nodded. His magic covered the feline and she grinned under the azure flame.

“Your welcome.” She said to her.

Twilights eyes went wide as she could hear the cat talking. “I can hear you.”

“I asked Oblivion to allow me to speak to you through his magic if I wished. Where I am from if we are impacted by another in our lives we give a gift that symbolizes that bond. I gave you one of my fangs to symbolize the bond we have. It shows that you and I have been through many trials and we have not bent, nor have we broken. We do not have birthdays where I am from but this is the perfect time to give that to you. It is also connected to me through the same magic that binds me to him.” She said and looked at the Black Unicorn. “If you should ever be in great need then you can call out to me and I will help you. He can send me anywhere you are and I will stand with you. That is my gift to you.”

Twilight smiled as the feline spoke to her and tears were in her eyes as she listened. The magic faded from the cat and she purred in place as Twilight lunged to hug her once more. “You wonderful tiger.” She whispered.

Oblivion was quiet as the mare sniffled and backed up from the feline. The mare wiped her eyes and regarded both of them, a wide smile on her muzzle. “Thank you both so much.”

“Your welcome,” Oblivion said to her and leaned back against the table as she gathered herself.

“You guys are one of my very best friends.” She said and smiled wider for them.

“Not going to admit the small fortune you paid for those books?” Sasa teased as the mare gushed over the necklace and her new books.

“Never.” He replied.

Sasa laughed and nodded at him. “Good idea.”

“You’re going to be in Canterlot tomorrow right Oblivion?” She questioned.

“Yeah, I’m meeting with Blue Blood. That’s why I was going to end up missing your birthday party.” He replied.

“Want to bring Blue Blood to my party?”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly at her. “Pardon?”

“Rarity can’t make it so I am going to see if we can move my party to Canterlot. Then you won’t miss it either.” She explained. “I know you meet Blue Blood every week so I was thinking he could join us if he wanted to. Otherwise, you can still have your boy’s day in the morning and meet with us in the afternoon?”

Oblivion considered what she was saying and he nodded. “I can ask him if that is all right with him. It’s up to him if he is up to it.”

“I’ll talk to Pinkie since she is organizing my party.” She said as she got to her hooves and her magic carried her books toward the stairs. “I’ll be back. I’m going to put these away so I can read them later.”

“He will probably be fine with it. Though he might panic about not having a gift for her.” Sasa said as the mare vanished upstairs.

“I don’t think he needs to worry about it on such short notice.” Oblivion replied as his horn lit and scroll and quill appeared in his magic.

Oblivion opened his eyes and Blue Blood greeted him with a hoof bump as he summoned Sasa.

“I hope you don’t mind while I do some quick shopping,” Blue said to him as they began the walk into town.

“Not at all. What are we looking for Blue?” Sasa asked him as they moved forward.

“I know you told me I don’t have to worry about it but I simply cannot attend Twilights party without a gift for her. What did you two get her?” He asked as they walked.

“Remember those books I was looking for?”

“Yes. The ones from Starswirl if I remember correctly.” Blue said after a moment’s thought. “Did you ever find a copy of them?”

“I did and I purchased them for her birthday present,” Oblivion replied.

“You did what?” Blue said as he stumbled. “I can’t even imagine what those would have cost.”

“It’s fine,” Oblivion replied with a dismissive nod. “I also got a notebook and filled it with information and drawings from where I am from for her. She has always been interested in where I am from so I included things about it for her.”

“Wow. That’s well thought out. What about you Sasa?”

“I gave her one of my fangs.” She replied simply.

“You gave her a fang?”

“Yes. Where I am from the better the bond you have with someone the more personal the gift. I asked Oblivion to break off one of my fangs and shrink it down for a necklace for her. She might be wearing it today and you can see it then.” She said to him.

“You broke off one of her fangs?”

“The fang does not have nerves going through it like you and me so all it did was give her a sore mouth for a day. I healed it and a new one grew in.”

“Wow. That’s quite the gift Sasa. You both gave her well thought out gifts and now I need to find something for her.”

“She will be pleased with anything you get her Blue.” Sasa told him, her voice soothing as the pony began to look stressed.

“Still. I should ensure that it is suited to her and she will enjoy it.”

Sasa sighed and shook her head as the Prince moved forward, determination in his steps. The cat looked at the black Unicorn and he shrugged as they moved to catch up to the Prince’s faster pace.

“What about a new dress?” He asked the other stallion.

“I think we would need to have her sized for one.” Oblivion breathed out.

“Damnit.” Blue cursed under his breath as they passed a dressmakers shop. “So she loves books and anything else?”

“Not that I can…Astronomy.” Oblivion replied as he thought back to what he knew. “Now that I think of it she is fond of astronomy.”

“Why didn’t you mention that sooner?”

“I had forgotten,” Oblivion admitted.

Blue blood huffed and changed direction. “Okay come one. How are we on time?”

“We are late,” Oblivion replied. “I already sent a note to her about it.”

“How late?”

“About an hour,” Oblivion grumbled.

Sasa sat down as Blue Blood looked stricken and turned to get his bearings and began to trot down a nearby street. Sasa got to her paws and growled as she and Oblivion kept up with him.

“In here, come on.” He said and raced into a storefront.

Oblivion looked up at the sign and it had the celestial bodies adorned across it. Inside were several telescopes and accessories for them. Blue Blood was looking almost frantically down an aisle as they rejoined him.

“Does she have a telescope?” He questioned.

“Yes.” Sasa grumbled.

“What is the scope on it?” He asked, ignoring the temperamental feline.

“I have no idea Blue,” Oblivion replied.

“Okay without knowing what it is then getting her a new one is an option.” He spoke to himself as he began to walk down the aisle. “But without knowing if she has a preference about brands that might be ill-advised.”

Sasa hung her head and leaned on Oblivions legs. “He’s going to make me crazy.” She said to the Black Unicorn.

“What does she have for it?”


“Does she have a carrying case? Or a kit to shine the lens?”

“As far as I am aware she does not have a case for it. As far as the kit I do not think so.” Oblivion replied. “I have never asked about it.”

“I know what to get her then,” Blue said after a moment's delay. “A new carrying case with a few maintenance accessories will be perfect for her. Plus, a new book on the constellations.”

Sasa heaved a sigh and followed the pony as he led them deeper into the store.

“Truth be told I have never been to a friend’s birthday party.” Blue Blood admitted as he balanced the box on his back with its bright wrapping paper.

“Really?” Sasa said to him and he nodded to her. “I find that hard to believe.”

“I have been to the parties of nobles and their ilk but not one for a friend. Not since I was a foal anyway.”

“That’s sad to hear Blue.” Sasa said to him, sadness in her voice.

“It’s okay. I get to experience that now. Better late than never right Sasa?”

“That’s true.” She admitted. “No doubt Twilight and the others will be overjoyed to see you. Even if we are almost two hours late.”

Blue cringed at the reminder of the time and looked at the gift on his back. “It was worth it. I hope.”

“She will be very pleased with what you have chosen for her,” Oblivion assured him.

“So it’s in the ballroom right?”

“Yes. According to the direction it’s easily found.” Oblivion replied.

“I think I know where it is,” Blue said to him and they changed direction as he led them.

Sasa purred and fell in behind him with the black Unicorn. They reached a set of grand doors and the sound of music could be heard and Oblivions magic pushed the doors open and a loud boom went off.

Oblivion startled and one of his swords was in his magic before the sound had faded from his ears. Blue dropped to the ground behind him and Sasa roared a challenge. His orange eyes searched around them as the mares all stared at the group of them. Twilight put her hoof over her mouth and a giggle broke from her.

“Oh no. I tried to tell her that was a bad idea.” She giggled out.

Pinkie was off to the side looking up from the side of a table that she had hidden behind. “Oops.” She whispered out.

“I think you scared them all to death Pinkie,” Rainbow said to her.

“By the Gods.” Oblivion cursed as the blade vanished back into the band around his leg. “Do not do that again.”

Pinkie nodded as the others began to laugh. Blue Blood got to his hooves and panted through the fright and his magic picked up the box from the ground and Sasa growled at the pink mare as he walked toward the mare.

“I am sorry we are late. It is wholly my doing.”

“You okay Chosen?”

He looked at her before she broke into a laugh of her own as he waited for the adrenaline to fade before he moved. Twilight giggled as he finally began to walk toward her and the others. He noticed that Rarity was missing as he looked around and did not see her with them.

“I know its last minute but here. I dragged poor Oblivion and Sasa around to find something perfect for you.” Blue said to her as he set the gift on a nearby table.

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” Twilight said to him. “I know we interrupted your meeting with Oblivion.”

Blue shook his head and waved away her explanations. “It is customary to always have a gift for somepony when it is their birthday.”

She finally gave up and shook her head with a wide smile. Blue Blood set it down on the table with the others and he began to look around them for the missing Unicorn mare as well. Oblivion opened his mouth to speak as he saw Rarity’s spirit coming through a far door heading toward them. He tilted his head at the croquet mallet she was carrying in her mouth. He watched as she came to a halt at the sight of the Prince.

The white mare joined them and Oblivion looked up as Rainbow tilted her head slightly. “Uh, what's with the croquet mallet?”

“What croquet mallet?” Rarity asked as the mallet muffled her voice.

Blue blood said nothing for a moment before he pointed to the mallet in her mouth. “That one, dear Rarity.”

She looked down at the mallet in her jaws and she quickly put it aside with a sheepish glance to the group of them. “Ooh, that croquet mallet. I- well I, you know, the truth is... the truth is…”

“Were you at that other party in the garden?” Twilight asked her with a smile.

“Well, I…I…” Rarity stammered out as the purple Unicorn addressed her.

“It’s the annual Garden Party.” Blue Blood supplied. “It’s pretty exclusive.”

Rarity looked at him for a moment and her expression screamed for him to be quiet. “Well yes…”

Oblivion nudged the Prince into silence and he stepped back to be level with the black Unicorn's own shoulder. Sasa came up to him and nuzzled the Prince's shoulder.

“Let it be.” She said to him gently. “I think there is something to be explained here.”

Blue looked nervous for a moment before he nodded in understanding. Twilight’s eyes were bright as she regarded the other Unicorn.

“Rarity, I'm surprised at you.” She said to her.

“Twilight, I assure you I can explain…”

“I never realized that you were such a savvy business pony.” Twilight gushed.

“You must understand! I…” Rarity began to speak but stopped as Twilight’s words registered with her.

“All of those ponies look so posh. And with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up, I bet you could totally get some of them to buy your dresses. Very smart!” Twilight went on.

Rarity stared at her for a second before she picked her jaw up off the floor. “Woo, why yes, I-I didn't want you to think I was being rude, so that's exactly the reason I didn't tell you. The one and only reason.” She said with a nervous smile.

Twilight smiled brightly and patted the mare on the shoulder. “Oh, well, you didn't have to do that. You should totally go over there and mingle!”

Rarity’s eyes went wide and she quickly hugged the Unicorn mare. “Twilight, you really are the best friend a pony could ever ask for. I don't know why I ever thought you wouldn't understand.”

“Understand what?” Oblivion said to her. His tone sharp.

“Nothing.” She quickly said to him as she released the other mare. “See you girls, later.”

“Hey, wait up! We're your friends! I'm sure they won't mind if we check out the party too! C'mon, you guys! Let's show them how to party Ponyville style!” Rainbow said to her and led the others toward the doors.

Oblivion watched as Rarity’s eyes went wide as she stared after them. “Oh no.” She whispered out.

Blue looked at the mare as she fled out the door after them. He looked at the black Unicorn who stood in silence next to him.

“Did I miss something?” He finally asked.

“Yup,” Sasa replied. “But that’s okay.”

Blue walked forward and headed for the garden. They walked out to see a pale grey stallion with a blue mane and tail talking to Twilight.

“That’s Fancy Pants. Not surprising to see him here.” Blue informed them. “He probably invited a couple of the ponies that are here.”

“You’re being stared at Blue.” Sasa advised him as she bumped his shoulder.

“Damn.” He breathed out and held his head up higher.

Oblivion said nothing as ponies turned to look at the Prince and they backed up at the sight of the large feline. Sasa stayed close by them as she held her head up to show the collar around her neck, using it so show that she was no threat. They reached them as Rarity came up to the posh pony and pointed away from the purple Unicorn.

“Fancy Pants! Come with me! I'd like to show you this, er, thing that's over there. On the other side of the room.” She said as she pointed.

“In a moment, my dear. This lovely filly from Ponyville was just about to tell me who made her charming dress.” He said to her as he once more looked to the purple Unicorn.

“That dress? Oh, who cares it’s just a plain…” She started.

Twilight looked at her closely for a moment before her smile widened. “Oh, don't be so modest! This dress you made is beautiful!”

Oblivion ears flicked as glasses shattered around them and Rarity looked as though she had swallowed something. Fancy Pants turned to look at the white mare.

“You know these ponies?” Fancy Pants asked her.

“Oh, here we go,” Sasa muttered.

Rarity looked about to panic before she seemed to gather herself and breathed in a deep breath. She looked at each of them and then smiled for Blue Blood. “Yes. Yes, I do know them. They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends. And they are without a doubt the most important ponies I know.”

“Important? Those ruffians?” One pony said to her.

“Don’t make me laugh!” Another called out.

Others nodded and agreed with her. Oblivion saw Blue Bloods hackles start to rise as he opened his mouth to speak.

“I, for one, find them charmingly rustic.” Fancy Pants said and beat him to it.

Blue Blood nearly bit his tongue as he deflated. Fancy Pants looked around them at the other ponies who were now simply openly staring at him.

“And I think the dress you made for your friend is lovely.” He said with a look at the fashion-forward mare. “I dare say every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one.”

One mare came forward and addressed her quickly. “I’d like to order one.”

Fancy Pants gave her a sidelong look and then turned back to Rarity. “Er, yes, now then. How about you introduce me to your friends?”

Rarity smiled and turned to them once more. “It would be my pleasure.”

She pointe each of them out as she introduced them and Fancy Pants said a word or two to each of them. The party began again around them and Twilight seemed pleased with the direction her birthday had taken. Oblivion hung back with Sasa as the party moved around them.

“Not going to join in Chosen?” She teased.

“No.” He replied simply. “I think I can see enough of it from where I am.”

He watched as Twilight began to open her gifts from her other friends and she was thrilled with each item. She came to Blue Bloods and Oblivion could see the nervousness in the stallion’s body as he watched. The purple Unicorn squealed with delight at the sight of the carrying case and other small items. Oblivion breathed a sigh as he leaned his flank against the wall and waited for the evening to go on.

Author's Note:

Here we go. I will be working on the others for a little bit but I will keep this one going as quickly as I can and thanks to Acadians6545 for checking the flow and allowing me to bounce ideas off of him. Thank you as always for reading and Enjoy!


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