• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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55: Explanations and Parties...

Oblivions eyes closed as his horn lit and he teleported to join the others at the Ponyville train station. His eyes opened as the train whistle sounded. He gave a low sigh as the exhaustion bit at him once more. The Unicorn could feel the weariness deep in his muscles and he was beginning to understand the reference when the phrase bone-tired was used.

“There ya are.” Applejack called out to him.

He looked up as the mares and Spike trotted out of the train and Sasa was close on their heels. The stallion nodded to them and waited as they reached him. Sasa nuzzled him as they all turned to walk into Ponyville. The mares had surrounded him as they walked and their voices went over his ears as they walked. He was quiet as they moved slowly through town. His muscles had begun to tremble as he walked and he could feel that he didn’t have the strength left in him to go to much farther without rest. He had not rested fully in between leaving Equestria and journeying through the Continent. He had not slowed down even after his return to them.

“Chosen?” Sasa voice came to him.

“Yes?” He said back to her.

“They are asking you a question.” She replied.

The stallion shook his head and looked to the mares who were looking to him as they stopped in the center of the street. “My apologies. I did not hear the question.” He said to them.

“Are ya okay, Pardner?” Applejack asked him.

“I am simply worn out. Nothing more.” He replied and waited as they looked to him.

“I was asking if you wanted to have your party today or tomorrow.” Pinkie asked him, her eyes wide as she waited for him to reply.

“Tomorrow might be for the best.” He replied to her.

“Will give him a chance to get some rest, Pinkie.” Twilight reasoned to the exuberant Earth pony.

“That works for me.” She replied in a sing-song voice.

He regarded the mare and gave a slight nod in agreement with her and began to walk forward with them at his sides. The stallion’s ears flicked as he tried to listen to them closely. He growled when he stumbled and managed to get his hooves back under him and keep up with the mares. At his side, Sasa purred and bumped his hip. He swayed and she yowled quietly as she pressed her head against his hip to steady him. The black unicorn was quiet as the cat edged up closer to his shoulder and gently pushed the pink mare to the side and took her place.

“Chosen? Are you going to make it to the farm?” She asked him.

“I should be fine. I do not think I can go further than that.” He replied. “I do not have the energy left for more.”

“Have you slept at all since you left?”

“I did. But it was not a frequent occurrence.” He admitted to her.

“You still need to explain what happened to Mac and Granny.” She reminded him.

Oblivion held back a loud groan at the feline’s words. “I had forgotten about that.”

“I can tell. They're talking to you again.”

“Gods.” He glanced to the mares and they were quiet as he regarded them. “Again?”

“You sure you’re okay?” Fluttershy asked him.

“I will be fine.” He said to her.

“Ah was asking if ya wanted to talk to Granny now or later.” Applejack asked him as she turned to face him from her place next to Twilight.

“I…” Oblivion paused as he stumbled. He sighed as they looked to him. “I suppose that doing it now is for the best.” He replied.

At his side Sasa snarled and bumped his shoulder, causing him to stagger. His body lurched to the side and Twilight placed her hooves on his shoulder and pushed against him.

“Nope. Yer goin’ ta bed.” Applejack said to him. “A quick bath, though yer not very dirty anymore, and then sleep.”

Oblivion cast an annoyed glance to the smug feline at his side and she looked away, her expression veiled. “I had to swim a bit to replace the gem back where it belonged. It cleaned me up a bit.” He replied. “If I need to explain to them then I will.” He replied.

“In tha mornin’. Yer gonna drop where ya stand if we let ya.” Applejack said to him.

“Possibly.” He responded quietly.

“Then ya have to tell us what happened.” She went on. “But first we get ya home ta rest up. Apple Bloom still thinks ya were huntin’ monsters, and that’s why ya never sent a letter.”

Oblivion thought to argue but his body shuddered as exhaustion bit at him and he gave a tired nod in reply. The group once more began to walk with him in the center but they were no longer asking him anything. His head dropped as they arrived and he looked up as the fence for the farm loomed ahead of them. He didn’t say anything as they went through and walked toward the farmhouse. A shrill scream caught his attention and he glanced up as Apple Bloom raced across the ground toward him. Her eyes were wide with tears as she galloped for him. The stallion said nothing as she reached him and he nuzzled her as she reached up to grip his head in her forelegs. His eyes closed as she held him tightly. His magic covered her and he set her on his back, allowing himself to move as she hugged his withers and neck. He looked up as Mac came out of the barn at her cry and his eyes widened at the sight of the Unicorn and he trotted toward them. Oblivion reached the front porch of the house and leaned against the railing. The broad stallion smiled as he reached them and held up a hoof and hoof bumped the exhausted Unicorn.

“Ya look okay. Aside from bein’ tired as all get out.” The red stallion said to him.

Oblivion nodded at his words. “It’s been a long trip.” He replied, aware that the filly did not know he had gone missing.

“Ah can tell. Ya need to clean up and get some rest. Been a long time.” The red pony said to him.

“We can meet up tomorrow so you can answer questions about what happened,” Twilight said to him.

Oblivions magic reached out and set the filly on the ground and she ran for the front door to get Granny Smith. Oblivion sighed and looked to the purple Unicorn. “Agreed. At the party will be fine then?”

“Yep. I know you don’t like parties so it will just be all of us, right Pinkie?” She asked the pink mare who had started to bounce in place at the mention of the party.

“Yuppers.” She chimed back. “Just your friends.”

“Understood,” Oblivion replied and looked up as the Elder mare came out of the house.

“Perfect. Then we can talk to you tomorrow.” Twilight said as she and the others turned to leave. She hugged him one last time before leaving.

“Well. There ya are.” Granny Smith called out to him.

“I’m here.” He replied to her, his voice quiet.

“Ya need ta rest and have ya eaten?” She asked him.

“I’m fine. I ate yesterday night.” He replied to her.

“Good. Ya look thinner than afore. Ya need ta rest.” She came up to him and he raised his head as she approached. She reached out and set a hoof on his neck. “Ya first need a bath.” She said aloud and he gave a slow nod. “Apple Bloom?”

“Got it!” She shouted and ran back into the house.

Oblivion said nothing as the filly disappeared. Granny Smith set her hoof on the ground and looked to him. “Yer gonna fall asleep on us where ya stand. Ya eaten the right stuff?”

“Yes.” He replied to her questioning. “I am sorry that it took a while to return.” He replied to her.

“Well. Yer home didn’t go nowhere and yer bed is ready fer ya. Made sure ta keep it clean and ready. Yer chores can wait a few days while ya get back to yer hooves.” She said to him.

Normally Oblivion knew that he would have argued about his role on the farm. “Understood.” He replied to her, giving no argument. He was too worn down to fight about it.

Granny’s eyes widened for a moment as he agreed with her and she walked up to him to hug him close. “Welcome home.” She said to him. “Ya been missed. Ya went missing on us.”

Applejack startled at the older mares words. “Granny he was…”

“Ah know when ya aren’t telling the whole truth, Applejack. Ah know he was gone for a while.” She replied. Her forelegs still held the black stallion, who didn’t refute her observation. “But yer home now. So long as yer safe and sound, Ah am not worried about the particulars.”

“Understood.” He said to her as she pulled away from him. “I will explain another time.”

“Good. Now git yerself cleaned up and to bed.” She said to him and turned to go back into the house.

“Got it.” He said aloud and watched as she went inside.

“Ah was that obvious?” Applejack asked her two brothers.

“I have told you before, you are a terrible liar,” Oblivion replied to her and she blushed at his words.

Eeyup.” Mac agreed with a chuckle at his sister’s expense. The red stallion hoof bumped him as he went by and into the house. Sasa stayed on his heels and he walked up the stairs as Apple Bloom came out of the bathroom and stepped aside for him to use it.

“Ah’m glad yer home. Ya have to tell me some stories or draw some of the monsters ya seen!” She said to him and hugged his leg once more.

“I don’t think many of the stories are safe for filly ears but I can draw some of the things I have seen.” He said to her as she nodded, clear joy in her eyes.

The black stallion watched as she trotted happily down the stairs and out into the front of the house with the others. Sasa watched as he went into the bathroom and took the tie out of his mane. A snort caught his attention and he looked to the feline.

“What happened to your mane?” She asked him as she chuckled.

He looked up to the mirror and he sighed at the hanks that were missing, even though he had trimmed it close, it was still clear that a portion of it was missing. “I gave part of it away.” He replied to her.

“You did?” She asked. Her voice was gentle and quiet as she questioned him.

“Geralt, Ciri, Anarietta.” He replied to her.

“Oh.” The cat was quiet, all mirth gone from her tone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease.”

Applejack came up the stairs and saw that he was standing in silence inside the bathroom while Sasa remained outside of it. “What in tarnation are ya doin’?” She asked him and then saw that his mane was shorter close to his withers. “What happened?”

“I trimmed it.” He replied, already knowing what she meant.

“Well. Ya get cleaned up and head to bed. Ya sure ya ain’t hungry?”

“No. I ate already.”

“Good ta hear. Ya take yer time, but try not ta fall asleep.” She teased and walked back the way she had come.

“Enjoy your bath Chosen.” Sasa said to him as she went to his room and pushed the door open.

The stallion kicked the door closed and regarded his mane once more before he reached back and his claws turned the knobs to fill the bathtub behind him. Oblivion was silent as he waited for the bath to fill. He glanced at his back and his horn lit as he sent his swords to the wardrobe ahead of him. He looked to the mirror and his orange eyes gave off their slight glow from behind his long forelock. The tub behind him filled and he turned the water off and stepped into the warm water. He glanced at the band on his leg and a flick of his magic and his wings showed through the enchantment as he washed them off the dried blood and dirt. He ran the soap through his fur and laid down in the warm water. The water quickly turned a rust red mixed with brown. He grimaced and laid quietly in the water, allowing it to warm his tired muscles. He laid his head on the edge of the tub and a low sigh escaped him.

“Feeling better Chosen?” Sasa asked him, her voice gentle.

“Admittedly yes.” He replied. “Spent the last few weeks on the run and now I have the chance to stay in one place and rest.”

“You were exhausted. It was pretty obvious at the end of it. Even when you returned to us you were still on the run. Hopefully Luna and Celestia can get answers from that pony you took captive.”

“One can only hope for so much. If they are willing to choke down acid then we must assume that they are willing to endure anything to stay silent.” He pointed out.

“That’s true.” She replied. “Stay awake in there or Applejack will tease you.”

“I am awake. She has tried to tease me many times and my lack of emotion makes it difficult, to say the least.”

Sasa chuckled back to him. “I have a question though.”

“Go ahead.”

“You removed the tie from your mane and your wings were still hidden. Care to explain?” She asked him.

“Oh. Did you see the band on my foreleg?”

“I was going to ask about it but I forgot.” She replied.

“It was a gift from the cavern itself. Equestria said that it has a sense of self and it created the band and the two swords that hide within it.”


“They are made out the cavern itself and pieces of the others worlds it is connected to so I can use them as I did my original weapons. The band is in place and I can turn the enchantment on and off at will.” He explained to the feline.

“Oh. That certainly makes things simple for you.”

“I don’t have to worry about them getting fallen on.” He replied.

Sasa laughed. “That’s true. You don’t have to check on them if you land on them. No more bruising your back if you land on them either.”

“That’s a strong point.”

The cat went quiet as he relaxed and closed his eyes for a moment and then stood up slowly. He spread his claws to make sure that he didn’t slip. The stallion pulled a towel from the door and began to dry himself off to avoid soaking the bathroom. He stepped out and looked to the water to find it was a dark red and mud-brown mixture.


He emptied the bathtub and looked to the wings on his back. He spread one of them and looked it over for any damaged feathers. A cursory check told him the wings were fine and in good shape considering. He waited as the tub emptied and his magic burned away any stains and he reapplied the enchantment to his wings just in case any pony was close by. He pushed the door open and walked across the hallway to his own room and walked inside. The room looked identical to how he had left it and he stood in the doorway for a moment.

Sasa looked up at him from her place on the bed. She purred loudly to him and he shook his head slightly and walked into the room. He closed the door behind him and he looked out the window as he stood next to the bed, silent. The sun was beginning to set as he looked back to the room around him. The books he had borrowed from Twilight still sat on the end of the desk. It was exactly as he remembered it. The black stallion sighed deeply as his magic turned the enchantment off and he rolled his shoulders and stretched out his back.

“What happened?” Sasa suddenly asked him.

“To what?” The Alicorn asked her in reply.

“Your wings. Am I seeing silver on them? And they seem bulkier?”

“Yes. They are larger than they used to be.” He admitted and pulled his right wing from his side and extended it a few feet to allow the cat to see what he meant.

“They look beautiful with the silver on them.”

“It is an improvement I agree,” Oblivion admitted to her as he let the wings hang loosely against his sides.

The stallion stretched out his shoulders further and he could hear the joints crackling as his magic pushed back the quilt on his bed. He slid under the blankets and moved so his wings were well hidden and he laid his head on the pillow. Sasa moved on the bed behind him and he felt her lay her head on his back. She purred loudly to him as he closed his eyes. He sighed as he laid quiet and his mind went black as he swiftly fell into the darkness of sleep.

Sasa looked up as the door was slowly pushed open and she stood up on the bed, her paws on Oblivions side, and ready for whatever came through the door. Her lips back from her teeth as she couldn’t smell any scent coming from the doorway. She waited as the door stopped midway and didn’t open further. She jumped to the floor, clearing Oblivions side to avoid waking him. Her ears flicked forward and she listened intently. Her paws were silent on the hardwood floor and her nose scented the air ahead of her. She poked her head around the door and looked into the hallway. She didn’t see or smell anypony near the door. ‘I am not the tracker that he is but I can follow a scent.’ She thought to herself as she moved a step forward. She moved out into the hallway and moved to the top of the stairs to see if there was any movement. She saw nothing moving in the dark house and she walked back to look down the hallway and check the doors down the hallway. Each door was closed except for Apple Blooms and she looked in to find the filly asleep in her bed. The spectral tiger was quiet as she moved back to the stallion’s room and walked inside, closing the door behind her. She jumped back to the stallion’s bed and hopped over his still form. He growled in his sleep at her movement but quieted as she laid back down.

“Odd.” She said aloud and laid her head back on his back.

Oblivions ears flicked as the rooster crowed outside and he grumbled at the sound. He growled and pushed his face into the pillow for a moment before giving up. At his back Sasa yawned and she purred as he pushed the quilt back as his hooves hit the floor. He shook any remaining sleep from his body as he stood tall. His horn lit as he turned the enchantment on and his wings vanished once more. He placed the tie in his mane to keep it under control and out of his way. Sasa jumped from the bed as he opened the door and began down the stairs to the kitchen. The Unicorn reached the table and his ear flicked to listen behind him as Applejack’s hoof steps came down the stairs behind him.

“How ya feeling?” She asked him.

“Just fine. Thank you.” He replied to her.

“Ya look a lot better. Ya were asleep on yer hooves yesterday.” Applejack replied to him, a smile on her muzzle.

“A good night sleep works wonders.” He commented as he sat at the table.

“So how come ya were so tired. Ah’ve seen ya run longer than ya did and be okay.” She questioned him as she pulled out ingredients.

“I had not actually slept a full night since I left Canterlot the second time.” He replied.

“Oh. That’s crazy.” She replied and looked back at him. “Why didn’t ya find a place to sleep for the night?”

Oblivion paused as he considered her question. “Most ponies where I am from do not welcome others. I avoid the cities out of habit and those who I around did not welcome those that they do not know.”

“Oh. Well, that’s crazy talk. Ya wouldn’t have ‘urt ‘em.”

“Of course not but they have all been taught to worry about themselves and their first. I cannot fault them for it. Plus, Witchers are not welcome in any place. We are not like them.” He went on.

“So they don’t like ya?”

“More like they hate my kind.”

Applejack paused and turned to look at him. The black Unicorn was quiet as she processed what he had said. “Hate?”

“Yes. My kind are not naturally made, we are created. That makes us outsiders among them. I explained this before.” He replied to her.

“Ah know. It still is hard ta imagine.”

“I know. But that is how it is.” He looked over his shoulder as Apple Bloom walked down the stairs, her other brother at her heels.

“Ya are still here.” She chirped happily.

“Yes.” He replied to her.

“Mornin’ Oblivion.” Mac greeted him.


Sasa laid down under the table as she had before and soon granny Smith joined them as the scent of breakfast began to waft from the kitchen. Applejack set a plate of food down in front of each of them and then another for Sasa who fumbled her thanks. Oblivion ate his portion in silence with the others and when he finished she set the plate in the sink and waited for the others to finish.

“Everypony is gonna be happy ta see ya.” Apple Bloom said to him.

“Really?” He said to her.

She smiled wide and nodded at him. “You everypony kept asking where ya were. Ah told ‘em ya were hunting monsters for the Princesses and they didn’t believe me at first. But Ah took the picture of Sasa that ya made fer me and they decided Ah was tellin’ the truth.”

“I will draw the others when I have time.” He replied to her, knowing that she would ask at some point.

“Thanks!” She chirped and bounced in her chair.

“Did ya get rid of ‘em all?” Mac asked him.

“No. There are four remaining. I got rid of the worst of them, then once more by accident and the others are remaining.” Oblivion replied.

“Not surprisin’. Ya were occupied.” Mac said to him, a knowing nod to the other stallion.

Oblivion gave a slight nod. “Unfortunately yes. I will be leaving at some point to finish them in the next few weeks. I am waiting on an update from Celestia to let me know if those near to them are in any immediate danger or not. That will dictate whether I leave sooner or later.” Oblivion explained.

“Just not too soon. Ya hear?” Granny spoke up. “Ya need ta rest up. The journey took a lot out of ya.” She said to him, her voice firmer than normal.

Oblivion nodded in agreement. “I agree. I won’t be helping anypony exhausted.”

“Good.” She said and smiled as he agreed with her.

“Chosen?” Sasa piped up from by his hooves and he looked down as she nosed the plate out from under the table. His magic picked it up and set it by the sink to join his own. “And I need to speak with you at some point this morning.”

Oblivion looked to her, his expression questioning. “Understood. On the way back from the school?”

“That is fine. It’s not pressing but I feel I should mention it anyway.”

He gave her a nod and ran his claws through her fur. The others finished eating and the stallion walked outside with Apple Bloom on his heels. She drew up next to him as he walked her to school. He looked around the road, a road that he had not walked in over a months’ time. Sasa walked on his other side and she bumped his hip, alerting him to her place.

“Ya need a haircut.” Apple Bloom said to him.


“Yeah. Yer tail is all tangled and so is yer mane.” She informed him and he looked over himself to find that she was accurate.

“I will look into it.” He said to her.

“Rarity might be able to.” She supplied.

“I will ask her later tonight.”

The filly nodded and trotted close to him as they walked ahead. They neared the school and she loped ahead of him to the gate. “Hey, everypony! He’s back.” She shouted to the others.

“Oh, Gods.” He cursed under his breath at her shouting.

“Now you’re in trouble.” Sasa teased him gently.

He looked up as the foals all came to the gate and they shouted and called as he neared them. He reached them and he could not distinguish one from the other as questions were thrown his way at a rapid pace. He waited as they finally went quiet. The foals all crowded around his hooves.

“Why were ya gone for so long?”

“There were ponies that needed a Witcher.” He replied.

“Apple Bloom said ya were hunting monsters.”

“She was right.”

“Prove it.” A familiar filly sneered from the back.

Oblivion looked to her and she stared back at him. He could see that she had not changed much since the last he had seen her. “Unfortunately bringing my normal means of proof is frowned upon.” He replied to her.


“Since I take the heads of the monsters I slay for proof of their deaths. I don’t think your fellow students wish to have nightmares about a headless Leshen.” He explained.

Several foals grimaced and the filly went quiet. He looked up as Cheerilee came out and a smile went over her muzzle at the sight of the black Unicorn.

“Well, look who came back. Apple Bloom told us of your job for the Princesses.” She said to him as she joined her students.

“She was not wrong. There are a few more left but the worst of them has fallen.” He said to her.

“That’s good to hear. All right little ponies. Time for class.” She said and turned around to lead them to the school house.

“Will ya still tell us another story?” Featherweight asked him.

“Possibly.” He replied to him. “For now we shall see.”

She nodded to him in agreement and he watched as they went into the classroom and the front door closed. He sighed and turned to walk back to the farm. “So what did you need to speak to me about Sasa?”

“It’s something that happened last night. You always close the door to your room, correct?”

“Of course. You know that.” He replied to her.

“Well it opened last night. Was a bit after midnight. And I woke up go find the door slowly opening a bit. I watched it and it was open enough for me to be able to walk through it but no more than that.”

“And I was?”

“Very asleep.” She replied. “I would have awoken you if I sensed anything wrong with it.”

“True enough. Go on.”

“I left the room and there was no scent or any tracks that I could see. Granted you are the better tracker of us so I might have missed something but I didn’t smell anything. I looked down the stairs and there was nothing moving and nothing down the hallway. I checked the others and they were all asleep as well. But there was nothing.” She said to him.

Oblivion slowed and he was quiet as he considered her words. “Odd.” He admitted to her and resumed his pace.

“If I had sensed anything amiss I would have called upon you.” She reasoned to him.

“I know. You are no fool, Sasa.”

A quiet laugh rang through his mind. “Contrary to some things you have said.”

He didn’t reply and simply nodded at her. She fell silent as well and they walked back to the farm. They walked through the front gate and he looked over the nearest orchard, his eyes landing on the tree that he was always close to normal and a dry chuckle escaped him as the feline led him into the house.

“There ya are.” Applejack called out to him from the front room

“They had questions.” He explained and walked into the front room.

“Ah bet they did.” She laughed and he sat down on the couch.

Granny Smith and Mac were in the room as well and he knew that now was the time to answer the questions he knew that they had been holding back sine he returned, allowing him to recover a bit before questioning him. Granny Smith looked to him and she leaned slightly forward.

“So what happened to ya?” She asked.

“Do you want from the beginning?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Ah assume ya vanished after ya fought that first monster?”

“Not to long after that yes. I took the pony that had brought the monsters here back to Canterlot and about a week after that is when I was sent back to my own land.”

“How did she send ya back that far?”

“She kicked me through a portal in an old ruin in the desert.” He replied to her.

“How did ya get out to a desert?”

Oblivion considered his response. “I was led out there by a pony that knew the way. He took me out there and I went in to find the pony that was a part of the plan.” He replied. “She was the one that had given a powerful magic item to the mare I had already captured to draw on a monster from her past. When I confronted her she was able to toss me from my hooves and then kick me through the portal.”

“So that sent ya home?” Granny asked him.

“It’s not a home if one has no desire to go back to it.” He countered.

“So when ya were there ya were tryin’ ta get back here?” Applejack said to him.

“That was my plan, yes.” He agreed. Granny Smith looked to him and he waited for her to speak further.

“Ya could have stayed there, where ya were born, yer other friends?” She asked him, her voice quiet.

He didn’t answer her right away. He was sure that he had a pretty good idea what she wanted from him. “I have no place there anymore. I am not needed. Those that knew me are beyond needing my presence.” He replied to her. “Whereas here I have a purpose that I need to fulfill. I have never run away from a task in my life. I do not plan to start now.”

Granny Smith smiled as he spoke. “Good ta hear. Yer family ta us, and we need ya here.”

“I know. I am here now.” He said to her.

“Ya still got a job ta do?” Mac asked him.

“Yes.” He replied. “I am a Witcher and that is a truth that cannot be argued with. My purpose is twofold. I am here when I am needed, but at the same time I will still answer the call that I was made for.”

“We won’t stop ya.” The elder mare assured him. “We want ya safe and sound but we know that ya have yer job, outside of the farm. Ya were meant to protect ponies from monsters.”

“I was made for it.” He replied to her.

“Ya are more than ya made to be, Ah think.” The mare said to him.

“True enough.” He responded. “I will do my best to keep you informed.”

“Just make sure ya always come home.” The elder mare’s voice was firm as she spoke.

“Understood.” He replied to her.

“Ya gonna be here for a while?” Mac asked him.

“Yes. I will wait for Celestia to send me an update on the monsters that remain. For now I will remain here.”

“And rest up.” Mac added.

Oblivion gave a dry chuckle and nodded. “For now.”

The old mare settled back in her chair and Oblivion got to his hooves. He walked out of the front room and out past the kitchen and outside. The black Unicorn looked around and he walked slowly around the farm, walking a route that he would have used to run before.

“Going to do some hunting before the party, Chosen?” Sasa asked him as she stayed close to him.

“I should.” He admitted. “At the moment I’m just looking around.”

“What for?”

“I’m looking to make sure that nothing has happened since I left. Any portals or monsters that are not meant to be here.” He clarified for her.

“Ahh, that makes sense.” She replied and followed closely behind him as he led her into the Everfree forest.

Oblivion walked into town with Applejack and Sasa at his side. The farm mare led him toward the Library. The black Unicorn was quiet as she knocked on the door and Twilight opened the door wide.

“There you are. Come on in.” She smiled as the door was tossed open to let them walk in.

Pinkie bounced up to him as he looked around the Library’s interior. Streamers and balloons hung from the shelves and he shied as she reached for his head. She was holding a party hat and he pushed her hooves away and shook his head at her.

“You should wear it too!” She giggled at him.

“I think not.” He replied.

Sasa hopped up to her and the party hat was placed on the large feline instead. Oblivion looked at her and she shrugged. She led him forward and he was brought to a table that had a large cake sitting on it. The mares and Spike sat around it and he joined them after a short delay.

“Welcome home Oblivion,” Twilight said to him.

“Indeed. It’s good to have you back with us dear.” Rarity said to him.

“I bet you have a bunch of fun stories to tell us.” Pinkie said to him, her expression bright.

“Not as fun as you think.” Oblivion replied to her.

“Just about you findin’ a way home?” Applejack said to him.

“Pretty much.” He agreed with her. “Simply finding out where I was dropped off proved a bit of a challenge and then finding a few others that could help me find the way back as quickly as possible.”

“Who did you ask?” Twilight asked him.

“Geralt, Ciri, and Anarietta.” He replied.

“Geralt’s another Witcher, right?” Twilight asked him.

“Yes. Same school as mine.”


“Ciri was a ward of Geralt’s as a child and she is like a daughter to him. She also has magic of her own.” He explained to her.

“Ah’m kinda wonderin’ why ya didn’ use yer magic to just teleport back here.” Applejack asked him.

“As a Witcher I do not have magic there. So there was no way for me to teleport.”

“So yer magic was gone?”

“Yes. My horn simply became another weapon to be used.” He replied.

“Wow. How did you lose your magic like that?” Twilight asked him.

“Witchers do not have magic as I have explained to you before.” She nodded as he spoke. “Just because I do here does not mean that I will always have it. There it is not possible for my kind to use. So even if I had it I would have been unable to use it.”

“Wow.” Fluttershy said aloud. “It’s good to have you back home, Oblivion.”

“It is good to be back, Fluttershy.”

Pinkie got up and began to cut into the cake in front of him and he could smell that it was a very large coffee cake due to his aversion to sugar. She cut a piece for each of them and put a candle on each one. She lit each candle and looked around at each of them.

“Now we blow them out together.” She said merrily. “And one for our kitty.” She called out and brought out a different cake for Sasa. She set it on the ground and lit another candle for the tiger.

“Very well.” Oblivion said to her.

The Witcher looked up as each pony took a breath and he mimicked them. They all blew out the candle close to the same time and Sasa purred in reply. Oblivions magic pulled the candle from the cat’s food and she happily bit into her cake. Oblivion took his fork and bit into his food as well.

“So darling may I ask you something?” Rarity asked him and he looked to her in reply. “What happened to your lovely mane and tail?”

Oblivion looked back to his tangled and matted tail and shrugged. “Didn’t have time to tend to it. I was busy at the time.”

“Celestia preserve me.” She replied to him.

“I was told by a small filly that I should ask about where to get a haircut.” He admitted.

“I can take care of that dear.” She assured him.

“I would appreciate it.”

“It’s no trouble.” She assured him. “Twilight, do you have a pair of fine scissors?”

“I think so hang on.” The purple Unicorn went to look as they waited.

“I can wait, Rarity. I am in no hurry.”

“I know dear. But I can’t let that…go uncorrected.” She replied to him.

He rolled his eyes and waited as Twilight came back. “I found a pair of scissors and a brush as well.”

“Thank you dear.” She got up from her chair and motioned for the stallion to join her.

Oblivion obliged her and sat down in front of her. She made a noise and he watched as she pulled a chair to stand behind him.

“You’re still too tall, darling.” She said to him.

He felt her pull the tie from his mane. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Applejack tense and then look confused as his wings remained hidden. She clicked her tongue at the hanks that were missing by with withers.

“Darling. What happened to your mane?” She asked him.

Oblivion was quiet. “I gave a few pieces away.”

“To who?” Fluttershy asked him.

“A couple of friends that I will never see again. I will not see them again so I left them a piece of my mane as a memento.” He explained.

“Oh. That is quite a personal gift.” Rarity gave a pleased sound as she began to brush through his mane and trim the ends of it. “This will be the easy one. It’s your tail that will prove troublesome.”

“You can cut it shorter if you need to. I’m not that attached to it.” He said to her.

“Of course not. Your tail is lovely long. I wouldn’t dream of cutting it apart.” She said to him, affronted at the mere idea.

“If you insist.” He said to her.

Twilight sat down in front of him and began to question him about meeting up with his fellow Witcher and how he was doing. The Witcher answered as best he could without giving away that he was from a different world entirely. Rarity pulled his mane back into the tie and trimmed the ends as she needed to and patted his shoulders to get him to stand. She put the chair back and he sat back down to allow her to handle his tail easily. She had to admit that she did not think it was as bad as it was so she did have to cut several inches off the end of it.

“Stand up for me, dear.” She said to him.

Oblivion stood up and stepped to the side to allow her to check the newly cut strands and trim as needed. She put the scissors to the side and began to brush through the long strands. She trimmed it again as he fielded questions from the others. Sasa sat quietly with them as they spoke at length and rarity finally gave a pleased sound as she looked over her work.

“Much better. I ended up cutting it more than I wanted to but it will grow out.” She said to him.

“Thank you for your time Rarity. I appreciate the effort.” He said to her.

She smiled and he checked to find that his tail was now a couple of inches above the ground where it used to drag by an inch or so. It didn’t bother him and he flicked his tail absently. He sat back down with the others and they continued to question him about his adventures. He was quiet as they discussed things for a moment and he could feel a sense of calm come over him as he listened to them. He was at ease among them and he knew that he was where he was supposed to be. But the loss of those he left behind bit at him still.

“They would not want you to dwell on them Chosen.” Sasa said o him as she rubbed against his side and laid down next to him.

“That’s true.” He replied to her.

“All you need to do is remember them every now and then and they will be at your side. Same as you will be for them. A world away is only what you make it be. It's only a barrier if you wish for it to be.”

Oblivion sighed quietly and leaned a bit against the feline. “Understood.”

She chuckled and leaned on him, her warmth seeping into his fur.

Author's Note:

Here we go. I got this one done last night but delayed it since I was arguing with a roomie and I didn't want to post angry and miss some of the glaring mistakes that I found later. So I put it off and here we are. I have a few things going on in the background so I apologize if this is a fill-in chapter. Let me know if I missed any errors and I will try to fix them as quickly as I can. Thank you as always for reading and for the support!

Edit: 11/14/2019

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