• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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45: All It Takes...

Oblivion was quiet as they walked toward the capital city of Beauclair. He had not spent a great deal of time inside the city last he was in the area. He had helped Geralt with a few contracts for the Duchess but had not remained. Beside him, Roach walked easily over the dirt roads with her rider sitting in silence as well. Oblivion looked to the sides of them as they walked.

“So what is it like?” Geralt suddenly spoke up, jarring Oblivion form his thoughts.

“You’re going to have to be more specific,” Oblivion replied.

The other Witcher looked to the stallion. “What is it like being a type of horse?”

“Oh. That.” Oblivion looked back to him for a moment before watching the road ahead once more. “It’s not as different as you might think. While using a sword is a bit more difficult, my other senses are the same as always. Four legs also mean that I am much faster than I used to be.”

Geralt snorted. “Do you miss what you once were?”

Oblivion was quiet as he considered the question. “There are days. For the most part, I’m alright with what I have become. There are times where I would not mind having my body back, but then I am reminded that my body is gone.”


“The Leshen saw to that.”

“Ahh. That’s right, I had forgotten.”

“You’re younger than I am and you’re forgetting things.” Oblivion teased him.

The other Witcher gave a slight tug on the halter and Oblivion snorted in response. Another tug stopped him and he opened his mouth to berate the other when his head was jerked back again. His eyes looked ahead and he saw a group of familiar men approaching.

“Them again?” He whispered. “I ran away from them earlier.” He quickly whispered to the other Witcher, who gave a barely seen nod in response.

Geralt started forward once more. His gaze trained ahead, his body ready for any tricks as the men approached them. The small group paused as they caught sight of them and pointed to the black stallion. The one that Oblivion had bitten earlier nodded to his cohorts and approached them.

"Excuse me."

Geralt pulled roach to a stop and the black stallion beside them paused as well. "Yes?"

"That stallion. We lost a horse that looks like him earlier. Broke free of our cart and took off." He paused in from of them as he spoke.

"You did?" Geralt replied to him. His voice was bland and his expression bored as he regarded the lying man in front of him.

"Why yes. I thought we had lost him for certain. He's our best riding horse." He went on.

Oblivion snorted and shook his mane. The long strands settled on his neck and he listened for the rest of the conversation.

"You’re best riding horse?" Geralt asked him.

"Yes. Its a miracle it is. My good man, you have done us a huge favor. Not sure how we can thank you properly for finding him." He dismounted from the horse he rode and approached the black stallion.

Geralt backed up Roach and the black stallion spun his flank to the side and regarded the men. "I have to admit I do not believe your tale. But I will give you the chance to prove your claims." Geralt replied.

"He's my property. I don't have to prove anything to you mutant." He replied, his tone giving way to annoyance as he let the insult slide off his tongue.

Geralt was quiet as he looked to the black stallion, who winked up at him and the Witcher gave a slight grin at the side of his mouth. "Very well. Here."

Geralt tossed the rope lead to the ground and man snorted and reached for the lead. He gripped the rope and turned to walk away with the stallion. Oblivion walked several feet forward and then dug in his heels and refused to move. The human grunted in surprise and looked back to the horse. He tugged the rope, aggressively and the stallion stayed still, unmoving. He glanced at the silent Witcher and then to the horse.

"Always a stubborn thing he is." He said aloud and watched as Geralt leaned forward on his saddle, resting his arms on the saddle horn. "Come on boy. Time to go home." He pulled on the rope lead and glared at the stallion as he still stayed in place.

Oblivion sighed and reared up, his hooves cutting the air as he spun to walk back to his fellow Witcher.

"Oh no, you don't." The human lunged up to him and grabbed ahold of the rug on his shoulders. He yanked back and Oblivion snaked his head back, his teeth clicking as he missed the man by no more than a centimeter.

"Release him." Geralt said aloud. "I can defend him if need be. That horse's owner would be very upset if I lost him."

"That drunk?"

"Hardly. That was the horse's handler. His owner is in the city and the handler was allowed to use him to leave the city. The horse is trained to return to my home if needed. He has also been taught to not allow himself to be handled by anyone aside from a few." Geralt said to them. HIs voice was stoic as he spoke.

'Lies.' Oblivion thought aloud, a chuckle ringing through his mind.

"And who is his owner then?" Another man shouted as he approached as well.

"Cirilla Fiona Elen Raiannon." He replied.

The men stopped at the name as it rolled over their ears. They knew who she was. She was the daughter of the Emperor of Nilfgaard. The man holding the stallion’s rope and rug dropped them after a stunned moment. Oblivion turned to regard them for a moment and then reached down and gripped the rope in his hoof. He gave it back to Geralt and turned to stand side by side with Roach. The men stared at the horse for a moment as Geralt nudges Roach into movement and they parted to let them pass.

After serval minutes Geralt pulled off the side of the road and was not able to stop the bark of laughter that tore from him. "You could have picked it up with your mouth, like a normal horse." He said to the stallion at his side.

"Perhaps. But, if I did that then I would be eating dirt for a few miles and I would not have the appearance of a horse fit for a Queen." He replied. His own laughter breaking out as well.

Geralt leaned into Roach's neck as he laughed as well. "Gods. They will be telling that story for years to come." He said aloud as he got his mirth under control.

"No doubt. But well worth it." He replied.

Geralt leaned back into his saddle and led the stallion back to the road. "Well. We should get you back to her as soon as possible then."

Oblivion smirked and gave a nod. As the sun began to come up the Alicorn was quiet as he regarded the rising sun. "You know. In that other world, the sun and moon do not rise on their own."

Geralt spun to look at the stallion as he finished speaking. "Surely you jest?"

"No. The moon is raised by one Alicorn mare and the sun risen by another."

"Same as you are?"

"Yes. Same type."

"You do not raise a celestial body though."

"No. Thank the Gods for that." Oblivion replied. "Lucky for all of them. I do not think they would appreciate the hours that I keep."

Geralt chuckled. "Most likely not. You were always the first to rise."

"Still am. Unless there are different circumstances."

Geralt nodded. "I can recall a few times all of us slept in."

"Yes. Usually after a night of heavy drinking." Oblivion replied. "That last time was particularly brutal."

Geralt chuckled. "Yes. I still recall us trying to find Eskel after he went to get food and vanished."

Oblivion nodded as a chuckle broke from his throat. "Yes. I remember that. We found him outside the main keep, in the rain, sleeping on the ground with that goat next to him."

"You recall correctly. We were tracking him inside and stumbling all over."

"Yes, we were. Lambert had stolen Vesemir’s hat and was imitating him the whole time. Kept asking us why we had to kneel down to follow the tracks from Eskel."

"I had no desire to puke all over the floor." Geralt replied.

"Hah! That was why. I honestly couldn't recall the reasoning."

"If it helps I also lost a chunk of time from that night."

"Do you recall dressing up in Yennefer’s dresses?"

Geralt looked up and then to the stallion. "Oh, Gods. I do now." Oblivion barked a laugh. "You didn't join us for that?"

"No. I retained some of my good sense." The Alicorn paused as he recalled the night. "That, and none of it would fit."

"Right! Your shoulders were too broad."

"Yes. Nearly split one of her dresses before I gave up and resigned myself to making sure that the channel was clear for the rest of you to try to contact that Elven Sage."

Geralt shook his head. "That was a terrible idea."

"In hindsight it was. At the time we were convinced that we were geniuses. Had convinced ourselves that we could ask the Sage to come and party with us. Horrible idea."

Geralt nodded. "Gods. I'm not sure how we are never killed by many of our antics."

"I can remember asking myself the next morning what ages we are. Gods. I'm the eldest and I never stop to think if it's a good idea."

"I blamed it all on Lambert."

"Of course. So did I. I still say it was all his fault."

Geralt snorted a laugh as they approached the gates of the city. "Time for you to lose your voice."

"True enough. Don't get us into trouble."

"I shall endeavor not to." Geralt replied.

The streets were cobbled and the sound of their hooves echoed. Oblivion looked to the buildings around them as they moved through the streets. His orange eyes landed on the storefront of the master smith that had created the blades on his back. He had enjoyed meeting and working with the man and still thought highly of him. As they passed the main square Oblivion watched as people went through the streets as the Witchers passed them. Oblivion watched as the people gave no sign of surprise to see the mounted Witcher. They paid little attention to him and the horses with him. The black stallion was silent as he allowed Geralt to lead him through the streets. As they neared the bridge that connected the castle towers to the rest of the city they began to follow the winding road up the main castle. They stayed silent as they finally reached the gates of the castle and Geralt hopped off Roach’s back and gripped the reins of both horses. He walked up to the stairs with them trailing.

“Hold there.” One of the guards approached him and bid the Witcher halt in place.

“Is Ciri still here?” Geralt asked the man.

His armor shone in the sunlight as he stopped ahead of them. He wore solid plate armor from head to toe and a long sword hung from his left hip. He wore no helm as he regarded the Witchers horses and his eyes landed on the armor Geralt wore. It was similar to Oblivion's own when he had used it before Equestria but it was strong and would deflect any attacks for a time.

“And why do you need to know?” He asked.

Geralt was quiet. Oblivion snorted in annoyance and waited for him to go on. “I am Geralt of Rivia. I am the Witcher that was called upon to remove the monster that was murdering people and then saved the life of the Duchess’s sister.”

The Knight went pale as Geralt spoke and he began to nod. “Anything else I should say to her?”

Geralt glanced back to the black Alicorn behind him. “Yes. Tell her Oblivion has returned and wishes to speak with her.”

“Of course. A moment.” The man turned and tried to be graceful as he raced up the steps and vanished through the door.

Oblivion nudged the Witcher in front of him. “Well said. That kid nearly filled his armor.”

Geralt chuckled and nodded. They waited in silence as time ticked past them. The doors flew open and Ciri trotted down the stairs to the Witcher she knew as a father. She threw her arms around his neck and shoulders and smiled at him. She backed up and began to look around her.

“They said Oblivion had come back and needed to talk to me. Where is he?” She questioned him.

Geralt was quiet as he spoke to her. “Can we speak in private?”

“Of course. I know a spot that we can talk.” She replied and looked to the guards as a man from the stable approached as well. “He can take the horses.” She said and motioned to the animals.

“Just Roach.” He said and handed the mare’s reins to the stable hand, after pulling Oblivions saddlebags off the mares back and tossing them over his shoulder.

Ciri gave him a strange look but nodded. Oblivion watched from just behind the Witcher as he regarded the young woman. Her clothes were much the same as last he had seen her. A white shirt with the same trappings that could hold a sword over her back if needed. Though she no longer carried a blade as often, if ever. A belt held her shirt in place and had turquoise gems set into the buckles. Her pants were the same dark olive with her boots reaching up over her knees. As they walked into a garden she kept looking back to the rug covered stallion and finally came to a stop deeper in the garden. She spun to Geralt and smiled.

“Okay. We should be fine here. So where is Oblivion? You said he was here and needed to talk. So where is he hiding?” She pressed him.

Geralt stepped to the side allowing the black stallion to look at her. Oblivion raised his head to look to her and his eyes looked to the young woman. She creased her brows and reached out a hand to him. It laid gently on his cheek and then the other hand fell into the same place on the other side.

“His eyes.” She whispered aloud and Geralt nodded to her.

“They look familiar?”

“Yes. All of you have eyes that are more yellow. But Oblivion…His were orange from the multiple trials done on him.” She paused as the stallion was quiet. “Oh, Gods. He got turned into a horse by a curse?” Her voice pitched at the question.

Oblivion barked a laugh and snorted. Geralt chuckled as well. “Quite the imagination, little swallow.” He said to her.

The woman yelped and jumped back from the stallion. She stared at the stallion raised to his full height and regarded her. “Oblivion…That’s your voice.” She whispered.

“I am here, little one.” He said to her, allowing her to see that it was the horse before her speaking.


“It’s a…strange story.” He admitted and Geralt nodded beside him. “But first. I have a gift for you.” The stallion pulled his saddlebags close and reached into one of them. His claws wrapped around the medallion and he pulled it out and held it tightly. He extended his hoof and held it out to her. Ciri reached her hands out to his hoof and he dropped the medallion into her hands. She opened her hands and her eyes fell on the medallion. She looked to him and then back to the medallion.

“Is this?”

“It’s his. I recovered it. I knew that you mourned its loss.” He said to her and put his hoof back to the ground.

Her eyes welled up for a moment as she held the wolf medallion tightly and then looked at the stallion. “You got it back from that crone?”

“Yes. She lies as dead as her sisters now.”

She walked up to him and tossed her arms around his neck and shoulders. Oblivion dropped his head to her back and held her in return. She released him after a minute and slid the medallion into her pocket, making sure it was in place and safe before she spoke to him once more.

“What happened to you?” She asked him.

“It’s a long story. But I will tell it as best as I can.” He said to her as he spoke.

Blue Blood panted as he helped push the wagon up a steep hill. In front of them, Sand Comber had rigged the second set of traces for Shining to help him in front. They had just ridden through a sandstorm under the cart and found that the only way to free it was to haul it up a newly formed sand dune to get back to the route Comber knew. The Prince glanced at the ponies with him and they were pushing with all they had as well. Blue Blood gave an angry snarl and he pushed away from the back of the wagon and his horn lit up.

“Hang on.” He yelled and began to use his horn to dig the wheels out. His hooves dug as his magic tossed shovel sized mounds of sand away from the wagon. He heard Shining yelling as Silver began to do the same on the other side of the wagon. After a few minutes, he stood up and went back to the rear of the wagon. He put his hooves in place and glanced at the two guards with him, who nodded.

“Push!” Blue yelled and the pony’s pushed the wagon forward.

Shining lunged into the traces around his chest and shoulders and the wagon began to move slowly. He looked at Comber who was straining against the traces as well. They had discussed going back but found the dunes were higher behind them and scrapped the idea. The wagon began to inch forward as the ponies pushed. In the back, he could hear Blue Blood, Vantage and Silver groaning as they pushed the cart. The Captain didn’t dare look ahead, just in case they were barely even moving and the sight of so little progress might make him pause. He kept his head down and pulled as hard as he could, making it go forward.

“Okay stop.” Comber yelled.

Shining panted as he looked up and realized they were at the top of the dune. He sighed in relief and allowed himself to sit down in the traces. “By my Aunts!” Blue Blood cursed from the back of the wagon. Shining fought a laugh at the relieved voice of the Prince.

Blue walked up to join the others and looked down to see how steep the grade was going down. “Oh no.” He groaned and stared down. Silver and Vantage joined them after a few moments.

“Oh come on.” Silver yelled and sat down heavily. “This day just gets worse.”

Comber chuckled and nodded. “You’re not wrong. This is not the worst I have seen but it’s certainly not the best.” He admitted.

“Okay. You’re the expert, so how do we go down this without getting run over?” Shining asked the other pony.

Comber looked down it and sighed heavily. “Very slowly. Which mean we need to make a couple of adjustments.”

Comber got out of the traces and bade Shining remain in place. He walked to the right side of the wagon and pulled a section of wood out of the side. He trotted to the other side and did the same. “Okay. So Vantage and Silver?” The two guards nodded and waited for his instructions. He rooted through some of the contents of the wagon and pulled out a set of traces and buckled each guard into the wagon. They were now facing the blocks of wood and they waited for further instruction.

“Okay. So going down the Captain and I will be trying to keep it slow. Your job is to help out. We will set the pace and you two will have to match us. So if we start losing it you two will be able to hold it.” He looked to Blue Blood after a moment. “How strong is your magic?”

“If you’re asking if I can levitate that wagon for several minutes while you adjust, you’re asking the wrong pony. I can hold it for a short amount of time. I’m not anywhere near Oblivions level.” He admitted.

“Perfect. I just need it to stop. So no holding it up in the air. Just apply the brakes.” Comber replied with a wave of his hoof.

Blue Blood nodded and waited as the others finished and Comber got back into his traces. The pony started forward with Shining matching his pace and angles, despite being taller than the other pony by a hand or two. The Prince was quiet as he watched for any sign of problems as he walked closer to the wagon, but far enough to avoid getting pulled under it should anything happen. He looked to the stallions in front and saw Shining pull his head back farther as his face screwed up in what looked like pain and Comber began to utter a string of curses that made Blue Blood pin his ears back.

“Pull back!” Shining yelled and the two guards dug in their heels and tried to hold it back to allow the others a brief rest.

Blue Blood watched intently as they began to struggle. His horn lit and his aura covered the wagon and he pulled back. He hoped to slow it just enough and he forced more of his magic and strength into his horn. He didn’t wait for them to call out for his aid. His magic strained as he yanked back on the wagon. His teeth ground as he struggled to hold the wagon back enough to help them.

Shining looked back as the load got easier and he saw the Princes aura surrounding the wagon. He looked and found Blue off to the side, his eyes closed as he forced his magic to hold onto the wagon. Shining knew that if he overworked his magic then it would backlash onto him and could cause injury. He looked to Comber who panted at his side and a quick glance to the guards found them to be recovered as well.

“Blue! Release it!” Shining screamed at him.

His head looked back as the Prince's aura faded and he panted as the wagon fell to their shoulders once more. They carried it down the rest of the dune, having slid down a fair portion of it while Blue Blood had tried to hold it for them. They reached the bottom of the dune and a sigh of relief escaped all of them.

Blue Blood slid down the rest of the dune and reached the bottom, joining the rest of the group as they rested and collected themselves. Comber helped Silver and Vantage out of their harnesses and moved them back into the wagon and slid the blocks of wood back into place as well. He stood in silence as they rested as well. Shining sat down and panted as he stepped free of the traces, he stood up and joined Blue off to the side.

“Well done.” He said to the Prince.

“Thanks. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do enough to be of help.”

“I’ll be honest. Your timing…was perfect.” Shining replied to him. Blue looked to him and waited as he went on. “It was beginning to hurt to hold it back. If you hadn’t stopped it I don’t know if all of us could have stopped it. So all credit to you for your help.”

Blue Blood looked to the white stallion and nodded. “Thank you.”

“Are you okay? That was a lot of magic you used. Are you certain you’re all right?” The Captain pressed.

“I think so. It’s been a while since I used that much magic all at once.” He admitted.

“Exactly. Stay close and walk with Vantage in the shade for a while. We don’t want to push you too far. I’ve overdone it before and the exhaustion hit later.” He informed the pony at his side.

“I’ll stay close.” Blue agreed.

“Good. Keep us informed if you start to have trouble.”

Blue nodded as Shining went back to instruct the guards. ‘I should be okay. But I can understand their worry.’ He thought to himself and looked out to the seemingly endless sand. They once more got into motion and Vantage stood close to him and bumped his shoulder.

“It’ll be okay Your Highness.” Vantage said to him. “Oblivion will have left some clue. Even he has to leave tracks.”

Blue nodded. “I hope so.”

Vantage nodded and they set a brisk pace as Comber led them once more. Blue Blood kept up easily and was silently pleased with himself for being able to keep going after the use of his magic. He was beginning to feel tired but he attributed it to the arduous trek thus far. He held his head up as they walked and kept up with the Thestral at his side.

Vantage looked to the Prince beside him and he could see that he was starting to tire. Though he stubbornly kept his head high and stayed in pace with the rest, Vantage had seen enough Unicorns that burned out to keep a close eye on him. Time ticked by as the Prince began to stumble and his head lowered. Vantage slowed down his own pace and thankfully the Prince mirrored him and he allowed them to begin to fall behind. He opened his mouth to yell at the others when Blue Blood bumped into him as he collapsed.


Vantage stopped as Blue Blood collapsed and the Thestral looked up to find they had fallen farther behind than he thought. They were out of the yelling range. Silvers' ears were not as sharp as a Thestral. Vantage looked down at Blue Blood, who moaned in pain as he laid still. Vantage looked at him and began to pull him onto his back.

“Hold on!” He yelled to the Prince as he got him settled on his back and raced as fast as he dared with the shaky pony on his back.

He started to get closer but the stallion on his back groaned and fell once more. The Prince slammed into the ground and laid still, his breathing strained and his body was beginning to shake. Vantage looked back up and inhaled. The Thestral scream tore through him and the air vibrated at the tone.

Silver stopped at the shrill sound that sounded behind them. He stopped and looked back to faintly see Vantage behind them. A form on the ground had Silver yelling to the others with them.

“Captain!” He yelled and jumped to stand close to the other stallions. “Vantage fell behind. I think there is something wrong with Blue Blood.”

“What makes you think that?” Shining asked as they came to a halt.

“Vantage is the only one who is standing.” He replied, his voice clipped.

Shining turned back to see what he meant and his eyes widened and his hooves dug into the sand and he galloped back to the Thestral and fallen Prince, with Silver at his hip.


“Sir.” Vantage had sat down and was trying to shield the Prince with shade from his own body. “I tried to carry him but he can’t hold on. I swear I tried to…”

“Stop. I know you did everything you can Vantage. Getting our attention was the most important thing.”

“I heard you scream.” Silver said to him as he stood next to the Thestral.

“I wondered what that was.” Shining admitted as he began to check on the Prince at their hooves. “It’s exhaustion. His body is not used to bringing that much magic to bear. It overtaxed his body. We need to get him out of the sun and try to get some water into him.”

“He’ll be okay though?” Vantage asked, nervousness in his voice.

“Yeah. He just needs us to help him as he saved us.” Shining replied.

“Here.” Comber passed them a canteen with water and trotted back to the wagon. He searched the wagon and pulled out a small blanket and trotted back to them. “Okay, here we go. Wrap him in this. It will help keep the sun off a bit and will keep him warm overnight. We will lay him across your backs and you can carry him. We can set up the tents here for tonight. I don’t think we should keep going too far anyway. More dunes ahead.” Comber informed the group.

Shining nodded and helped to wrap up the now unconscious Prince and his magic lifted him to land across Silver and Vantages backs. They stayed close enough to purport the other pony but not close enough that he might fall between them. They rejoined Comber and the stallion started to set up camp to allow them all to rest easily. They set Blue Blood in the tent to let him rest and Vantage stayed inside to keep an eye on him. As the night set in the group also settled into rest after eating.

“Rest easy everypony. It was a long day.” Comber said to them as they settled in.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas! Here is a gift! I made sure to get it out before the Holiday since I know my family and I will be out of commission for a few days! Way too many parties and drinks. Anyway, so until later! See ya in the New Year!!

Edit: 11/14/2019

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