• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,634 Views, 1,277 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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13: That's a Griffin?..

It was 3 days later and Oblivion went downstairs to join the family for breakfast. The morning was the same as any other with the Unicorn taking Apple Bloom to school and dodging any questions about speaking to the class. After doing several chores he was pulled aside by Applejack.

“Can ya go to the forge and pick up an order for me?” The orange mare implored him.

Oblivion looked at her. “Very well. Anything else I need to do in town?”

“Nah, that was it. Ya don’t have ta hurry back. So take yer time. Ya said that ya needed a new book anyway.” Oblivion nodded and turned to leave. “Oh, the forge has already been paid so ya can pick it up and go.” Oblivion looked back and nodded to her.

Oblivion walked into town with his cloak sitting on his back covering his swords and his thin physique. He went into town and walked past Twilight’s library, deciding that he would drop by afterward. The Unicorn walked through town and looked around him. Ponies went about their day and he walked silently past them. As he neared the main market he saw Pinkie hiding behind a bush. He neared her and gave a low nicker to alert her that he was there. The pink mare whirled around and a look of glee went across her features. Oblivion had a moment of dread before the mare grabbed his shoulder and hauled him down to hide behind the bush as well.

“Pinkie, what in the..” He was silenced as her hoof went over his mouth. He glared in response.

“Oblivion!” She whispered to him. “You are the perfect pony.”

She removed her hoof and he moved to put his hooves under him instead of laying on his side on the ground. “What is going on?”

“I’m watching over Gilda.”


“Rainbow Dash’s friend from Junior Speedsters Flight Camp.”

“And I care why?”

“Twilight says I’m just being a judgie pants.”

“A what pants?”

Pinkie turned to look at him. Her hooves held the sides of his face and her muzzle pushed against his. “A judge judging pants.”

Oblivion rolled his eyes and pushed her back. “Very well. Whatever you just said. That does not explain why you, and now me, are hiding behind a shrub.”

“I told you, I’m watching her.”

“Watching her for what?”

“She’s been really mean to me. I wanted to hang out and do more pranks with Rainbow, but her friend showed up and told me to buzz off. She popped my balloons and let me fall. She’s mean.”

Oblivion stared at her. “Seriously? You dragged me into the dirt for this?”

Pinkie looked affronted at him before responding. “I need your help. You can watch her with me and tell me if I’m being a...”

“Stop. For the love of the Gods, don’t say it. So you want me to sit here to see if you're being judgmental or not?” Oblivion stopped her before more of the words that made no sense escaped her muzzle. “If I try to leave will you let me?” The mare shook her head. “I thought not. Fine. I will watch her with you. But, be quiet.”

Pinkie closed her mouth and nodded, frantically. Oblivion sighed and looked out the small hole Pinkie’s hoof held open. His eyes widened at what he saw. It was a Griffin, albeit a very small one. She was about the same size as the average mare and he managed to not draw his silver blade. As he watched the creature he could see that she frightened Granny Smith, which annoyed him but he let it go. Then she stole an apple from the cart. He looked to Pinkie who inhaled, then looked to him. He nodded.

“I did misjudge her! She’s not only a mean meanie pants, she’s also a thief. No no no. Maybe she will put it back?”

Oblivion looked at her. “You must be jesting.” His head went back around to see Fluttershy walking backward leading a group of ducks across the street.

“All right, little ones. Come this way. Mama duck, your free and clear.” She said to the family.

The Griffin turned when the Pegasus bumped into her. “Hey.”

“Please, excuse me,” Fluttershy said to her, her voice quiet.

“I’m walking here.”

“Oh, um, I am so sorry, I was just trying to.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Why don’t you just watch where you are going, doofus!” The Griffin looked to the now terrified pony.

She started to inhale to yell at the pony when Oblivion felt his own anger come forth. “That is enough!” He roared at her. The Griffin choked and Fluttershy turned to the angry black stallion. His orange eyes glowed.

“Who are you?” The Griffin barked at him. He could see that she was trying to frighten him like she had all the other ponies around her.

“I am the last pony you want to meet.” He replied.

“Well, I can take you no matter how weird you look.”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “That’s rich, coming from a hybrid.”

The Griffin blinked at his reply. “Who do you think you are anyway? Some great pony protector?”

“I am nothing of the sort. What I am is a Witcher who has fought countless monsters and taken down more than my fair share of true griffins. You, little creature, are a poor excuse for a being.” Oblivion stepped away from the bush, even as Pinkie tried to grab his leg, and advanced on the hybrid. “I have fought griffins three times your size and I have their heads to prove it. If you wish to do battle with somepony, then pick one that will fight back.” He challenged her as he stopped a few feet away.

Gilda looked at the enraged stallion, who was easily two heads taller than she was. She looked around her and found ponies were backing up and giving them room. “Fighting a pony is no fun. All of you are too weak to fight me.” She started to say. She was surprised when the stallion lunged forward, his shoulder rammed her sternum, sending her rolling.

“You will find that I am anything but weak. Come near these ponies again and I will break you like the little bird you are. Now get away from here.” He snarled as the griffin pulled herself to her feet. Stunned at the impact.

“I don’t have to do..”

“Now!” Oblivion’s voice rolled over her and sent her sliding back. A touch of Aard helping to get his point across.

“You're crazy!” She yelled and took to the sky.

“Perhaps. But at least I am not a bitch.” He responded and turned to Fluttershy who had come to hide behind his hind legs. “Are you all right?”

The butter-yellow mare looked out at him from behind his tail. “I’m okay. That was really brave.”

“Brave had nothing to do with it, Fluttershy. What she was doing was cruel and I refused to allow it to continue.” He said to her as he waited for her to come from behind him. He looked up when he heard hooves stomping. Ponies were stomping their hooves at him and smiling. Pinkie jumped out from behind the bush and her forelegs surrounded his neck as she jumped up and down, half choking him.

“That was so superly awesome and brave! You showed that meanie griffin the door and gave her the boot.” Pinkie let go of him and kicked one leg in the air and then fell to the ground. Though that did not seem to dissuade her bubbly antics. “I am so glad you came by. No pony would have done that! You're so wonderfully nice and.” Her mouth was clamped shut by the black Unicorn. She floated slowly to the ground and looked at him, half pouting.

“Thank you for the compliment, Pinkie but I think that is enough.” The mare nodded and he released her. “Now if you will excuse me, I have an order at the forge to pick up.” He started to go past her when Pinkie grabbed his tail and held on, stopping him. “What now?”

“I have a perfect idea.” The pink mare replied to the stallion, who’s tail she held with an iron grip.

Oblivion tugged his tail but the mare refused to let go. “Why do I get the feeling that I have no choice, but to help you?”

Pinkie grinned and looked at him, his tail in her hooves.

“For the love of... All right, if I help will you let go? Since I get the feeling that if I try to walk away I will end up dragging you.”


“Fine. What is this plan of yours?” He regretted his words moments later.

Pinkie wrapped a foreleg around his neck then another around Fluttershy and pulled her to their side as well. “You guys are gonna help me welcome our dear friend Gilda.”

“Friend?” Oblivion and Fluttershy unison-ed. “Did you see the same fight I did?” Oblivion replied.

The mare dragged them both off down the path, with Oblivion fighting to free his head from her leg. They reached Sugar Cube Corner and she finally released them. Fluttershy collapsed to the ground with a quiet noise and Oblivion panted. He rubbed his neck and looked to the bouncing mare. She pulled out boxes of party supplies and looked to the Unicorn and the Pegasus.

“Come on you two! We need to get decorating.” She said and tossed a box at them.

Fluttershy squeaked and closed her eyes. Oblivion's magic caught the box and he rolled his eyes. His magic set it down in front of them and he tapped the cringing Pegasus gently on the shoulder. She opened her eyes and grinned sheepishly at the stallion.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this. Pinkie, I know nothing of parties. With that being said, why am I here?” He said to her as his magic raised streamers from the box.

Fluttershy reached into the box and pulled out more decorations. “You're here so that that mean Griffin can’t come after you.” Pinkie hollered from the front counter.

Oblivion stopped and looked at her. “Seriously? That poor excuse for a griffin couldn’t hurt me if she tried.”

“Well, I know that silly. But she doesn’t. This way she won’t see you till the party.”

Oblivion shook his head and gave up. “What am I doing with all this?” Party supplies hovering in his azure flame.

“Help him out Fluttershy, I got invites to give away.” The mare was a pink blur out the door leaving the others staring in shock.

“How does she?” He looked to the Pegasus who shrugged.

“It’s Pinkie.”

The mare returned and found that with Oblivion's magic he was able to take what Fluttershy told him and put the decor in its place. “This is awesome! Oblivion that fancy magic of yours is the best thing since icing!” She ran up to him.

“No don’t...hug...me...” The stallion found himself in a vice grip once more. His windpipe was being crushed as the mare squeezed him. His horn lit and he teleported away from her, panting. “Gods. Now what?” He gathered himself and stood back up.

“Now I bake a coffee cake for you and cupcake for Fluttershy while we wait.” The mare bounced into the kitchen and was gone.

“I’m not hungry.” He told the Pegasus quietly.

Fluttershy giggled and smiled. “I didn’t mean to seem ungrateful for your help.”

He looked back at her. “Did I seem upset at you?”

“Well no, but.”

“Then I’m not. I don’t expect gratitude at every turn. I didn’t do what I did for fame or anything of that sort. I did what had to be done. No pony deserves such treatment. Especially since you were polite to her and apologetic. Her behavior was unwarranted. I have put nobles in their place, a baby griffin will not stop me.” He looked back to the Pegasus. “Is that a full-grown griffin?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, I think so.”

Oblivion scoffed. “Gods below. That is Equestria's Griffin?” Oblivion lowered his head as he tried to hold back a laugh. “And I thought the sea serpent was comical.”

Fluttershy watched the stallion and walked over to him. “What are they like where you are from?”

The Unicorn raised his head to look at the Pegasus. “They would give you nightmares dear Fluttershy. And I will not be responsible for that.”

The Pegasus squared her shoulders. “They can’t be scarier than Gilda.”

Oblivion looked at her. “As you wish. The ones I am used to are 3 times larger and have claws that are bigger than my hoof, wings to block out the sun, shall I continue?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “You have fought something like that?”

“Many times.” He replied. He looked to the kitchen as a crash sounded from the back.

“I’m okay!” Pinkie yelled.

He shook his head and looked back to the Pegasus. The Unicorn looked to the mare. “Though I am still unsure of why I am here. I can almost understand why but to be honest even if that Griffin did come after me, it would be the last mistake she made.”

Fluttershy sat down and looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. “Perhaps it's more to avoid Rainbow dash. Gilda probably told her what happened, so she is probably mad. And if you are here then Rainbow can’t find you.”

Oblivion put his hoof over his face. “That's probably true. That fool mare won’t ask for the rest of the story before acting. The Element of Loyalty, my rump.”

Fluttershy shrugged. “She is loyal, but this time I think she will side with Gilda. Even though we all know you don't act unless you feel you have to. We all know that, but I’m not sure what Rainbow will do.”

Oblivion sighed and his shoulders sagged for a moment, before straightening. “Well, we will see.” The stallion looked up and watched as Pinkie came out of the kitchen with a tray balanced on her back.

The pink mare smiled as she approached them. “Here ya go Fluttershy. One cloudy cupcake for one of the best helpers in Equestria!” She gave her a white cupcake with light blue frosting. “And for the most bravest pony in Ponyville, one coffee cake.” Oblivion levitated the treat off the platter and nodded to the mare.

Oblivion ate the treat in silence with the two mares as they waited. “So how many ponies did you invite?”

Pinkie paused in her chewing and looked away. “Umm. Our friends and most of Ponyville I think. That way it's a super-duper, fabulously, fun, and..” Blue flame went around her mouth.

Oblivion's horn was lit, as she glared at him. “The whole town would have been a fine answer.” He admonished the mare, who still glared at him.

Fluttershy giggled behind a hoof as she finished her treat. “Thank you Pinkie, that was a nice snack.”

Oblivion released the mare's mouth. “Your so welcome, Fluttershy. You guys are the best party decorating helpers ever!” The mare jumped into the air and spun several times.

Oblivion looked at her. ‘And there goes another law of nature broken. Not to mention gravity.’ He shook his head and put it out of his mind, as simply Pinkie being herself. Behind him, he heard a knock on the door. His magic opened it when Pinkie nodded and ponies began walking inside the shop. Oblivion stood up and offered a hoof to Fluttershy, who flushed as she took the offered limb and Oblivion pulled her to her hooves. Oblivion watched as more ponies walked inside. He stood to the side as ponies began to mingle and talk to one another.

‘Our worlds are very different but sometimes similar. Parties here are more about enjoying another's company more than political wrangling. I must admit this is preferable to the balls that I have been in but I still do not like the crowds. This space is far too small for so many ponies. Though they seem to be comfortable with it.’ His musing was interrupted by the arrival of several lights that he knew well. Twilight, Applejack, and Spike came through the door. They saw him and smiled. He returned the gesture with a nod and stayed in the corner where he could see the only exit, the front door. He looked to see a blue light with a tawny one following close behind. ‘Here we go.’

The stallion saw the blue Pegasus looking around and her eyes fell on him. He watched as they darkened and she looked to the griffin that had walked in with her. She pointed a hoof and the other nodded, as she saw him as well. Rainbow hovered over to him and stopped close by him.

“What are you doing here?” She asked venom dripped from her words.

“I helped to decorate at Pinkies' behest.”

“No. I mean why are you here. This party is for my friend Gilda and you aren’t welcome after what you did to her.” The mare replied.

“Are you even going to ask why I acted as I did? You know full well that...”

“Go away. You are not welcome here or anywhere.” The mare flew closer to his muzzle. “Get out!”

Her scream silenced the party around them. Oblivion looked back to the angry mare and sat down. “No.” Was his reply.

Rainbow glared at him. “I told you to leave and I mean it. You're a jerk that bullied my friend for no reason...”

“I’m a jerk?” Oblivion stood up, outraged. “You are a fool. I acted as I did to protect the ponies that she was stealing from and frightening. She pranked Granny Smith, which I can let go, but then she stole from the same cart. Fluttershy was leading a family of ducks cross the street and bumped into that hybrid. She apologized. Instead of acting like an adult that Griffin then began to terrify her, that is when I stepped in. I will not allow a pony under my protection to be abused and treated poorly. Be angry all you like, but direct that in the right place.” Oblivion spoke to her.

Rainbow looked stunned for a moment before looking to Gilda. “Is that true?”

The Griffin looked at the mare and shrugged. “Come on, Dash. You gonna believe that crazy pony, instead of me?”

“That crazy pony is a friend of mine as well. He doesn’t do anything without a reason. Hey Flutters! You here?”

Fluttershy came forward and looked to the other mare. Oblivion saw Gilda glare, trying to frighten the shy mare. Oblivion growled at her and the griffin spun to look at him instead. The butter-yellow mare stopped in front of Rainbow Dash, who let herself land on her hooves.

“Oblivion is right. She was so mean and I even apologized. I was just leading some cute little ducks across the street and I bumped into her. She yelled at me and I was so scared of her. Oblivion stepped in and stopped her from bullying me. He did push her, but he didn’t try to hurt her. I think he was trying to scare her like she had scared everypony else.” The mare admitted and looked at the blue Pegasus in the eye.

Rainbow turned to look at Gilda with a stunned look on her face. “You stole from Granny Smith and tormented Fluttershy for bumping into you?”

The griffin sputter before answering. “Oh come on, Dash. Your gonna believe these lame ponies? You can’t be serious!”

Oblivion put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder and gently moved the shy Pegasus to stand at his own shoulder. She hid behind his leg and stayed close to him. The stallion was not anticipating a fight but he was not going to allow Fluttershy to be in the middle of it should it happen.

“These lame ponies are my friends. This is not why I wanted you to meet them. You're my friend Gilda, but I won’t let you be a jerk to them.” Rainbow said to the Griffin, who stared at her.

“Your siding with these lame-o’s instead of cool birdy like me?”

“Is that all you care about? Being cool? If that is so important then maybe we have nothing in common anymore.” Rainbow dash backed up to stand in front of the other ponies. She looked to Oblivion who nodded. “Oblivion doesn’t act unless he has to. I can’t believe I forgot that. Fluttershy doesn’t lie. But you do. If being cool is what a friend of yours is supposed to be then, I guess I'm not.”

Oblivion looked to the Pegasus. “Well put, Rainbow Dash.” Oblivion stepped forward, Fluttershy clung to his side as he moved. He stopped by Gilda and lowered his head to look her in the eyes. “Now as for you. Get out. Unless you are about to change your attitude, then leave. You are not welcome among them.” Oblivion said to her.

The griffin was silent as the stallion spoke. “You can’t be serious, Dash. Your gonna let him throw me out?”

Rainbow looked to Oblivion, who gazed at her from behind his forelock. “Yup. He’s right, if your gonna be a jerk then you need to go. If you can be civil then you are welcome to stay. I wanted my old friends and my new friends to meet and get along. But if this is how you are going to treat everypony, then he’s right and I will stand with him.”

Oblivion looked back to the Griffin, as she backed up a step. “You aren’t kidding. Dash I can’t believe this. You’d pick these stupid ponies.”

Oblivion's reared up, swiveled his body to stand in front of her and brought his hooves down. Aard pushed the griffin out of the door rolling her head over tail. She landed in a heap outside and looked up to find the stallion the doorway. “I find you here when I leave, I will pluck you. Do I make myself clear?”

The Griffin jumped into the air and took off. The stallion sighed and shook his head. He turned back to the ponies. Rainbow looked, stunned, at the stallion. “How did you do that? I didn’t see any magic.”

“It wasn’t magic. A simple skill.” He responded.

“Still, pretty cool. But anyway, I’m sorry Oblivion. I should have asked you what happened. It's not like you wouldn’t have told me. I just assumed that she as telling the truth.” Rainbow said to him.

Oblivion walked up to her and put a hoof on her shoulder. “It's not wrong to believe in another's words. Just remember that there are two sides to every story.” He removed his hoof and Rainbow turned to look at the other ponies.

“Sorry about that, everypony. I didn’t know she was such a jerk to everypony. And Pinkie, I’m sorry that she ruined the party that you made for her. I’m really sorry.” Rainbow apologized to her friends.

Oblivion looked as each pony smiled and forgave the mare. After several minutes the stallion slipped out the door and started to go to the forge. His ears flicked back and he looked back to find Rainbow flapping after him. He stopped and waited for the mare.

“Hey, I know I said I was sorry to everypony else but I figured I should apologize more to you. I was a lousy friend to you. You have every right to be angry. But I am so sorry. Is there something I can do to make it up to you? Another spell test or anything?” The mare said to him as she landed.

Oblivion was quiet for a moment. “Nothing comes to mind, Rainbow. I appreciate you coming to apologize personally. I see no reason to drag it out and have you owe me anything. It's fine. I don’t hold anything against you. Don’t dwell on it.” He told her. The mare looked at him and he sighed. “I’ll remember that you owe me till a later date. Deal?”

The mare smiled and agreed. “You gonna come back to the party?”

“No. I have other things to accomplish, but thank you for the offer.”

Oblivion watched as she went back to the party and he walked to the forge. The black pony walked in silence as he neared the forge. He could see Torque look up and wave to him. Oblivion nodded and trotted the rest of the way.

“Here to pick up Applejack’s order?” The pony asked.


“Stay there. I’ll bring it right up.”

Oblivion watched as the gray earth pony walked into the back of the forge and around a corner. Oblivion looked around the shop and found everything from silverware to shields. Each was made of iron or other metals. Very few items were made of pure steel. Though he was curious as to why, since steel was more durable, he pushed the thought aside and chose to ignore it. The gray pony came back into view and set a bundle on the counter. Oblivion looked at the shape and watched as it was unveiled. His eyes widened at the steel sword in front of him. It was almost identical to his own. The hilt was simplified, unlike the original. Oblivion looked to Torque who smiled.

“Applejack asked me to make it for you. She was insistent that it remains a secret. Judging by your response, you had no idea.”

Oblivion shook his head slowly as he looked up from the weapon. “I should have suspected something.”

Torque chuckled and wrapped the blade back up, then gave it to Oblivion. The black Unicorn laid it across his back and thanked the forge pony before leaving. “That sneaky mare.” He said to himself as he walked back to the farm. He jolted as he remembered that he needed to reply to Blue Blood and pulled a scroll and ink from his magic.

Blue Blood,

I would be glad to come back to Canterlot and get a tour of the city. I am unsure how I can be of much help with the feline but I will certainly be willing to do what I can. I am free this weekend and will be able to teleport to the same place as I left last time. I do need to visit the Royal forge to have a sword repaired if possible. Let me know if this suits you and I will make sure to appear on time. Thank you again.

Oblivion Shadow

Oblivion rolled up the scroll as his magic flared and sent the letter. He could sense that it had arrived safely. He continued forward and walked through the front gates of the farm. The black pony walked up to the stairs in the house and into his room. He pulled the silver scabbard of his steel sword off the baldric and set it inside the wardrobe. The new one was set onto the baldric and it merged with it, the same as the first one had. He would use the new blade so as not to further damage the Wolven blade that he carried. He closed the wardrobe and locked it before he left the room once more. Upon going outside, he found Big mac hauling some of the barrels of apples around the barn and trying to get them all to fit inside. Oblivion walked up to him and his horn lifted the barrels.

“Where do I put them?” He asked the farmer. “You direct and I will move them.”

Mac nodded and the two stallions slowly began to move the barrels around the barn to get them all to fit. Apple Bloom ran around them playing with a ball. Occasionally, it would bounce against the legs of one of her brothers, who would kick it away for her to chase after. That game continued until Oblivion began picking it up with his magic and tossing it away from them before it ran underneath one of them. After a while, Apple Bloom tired and started to flop down on the ground close by her brothers. Oblivion gripped her in his magic and dropped her onto his back. She huddled down into his cloak and mumbled about playing some more before falling asleep. The Unicorn cast a glance back to her and moved his wings up to her sides to keep her in place. He looked back to find Mac looking knowingly over to the other stallion. Oblivion snorted and looked back to the barrels. His ears flicked back to see Applejack coming through the gate. She trotted over to the stallions and smiled when she saw Apple Bloom cuddled into Oblivion's back.

“Ya missed a fun party.” She told him. “There were plenty of games and a ton of food to try.”

“It's fine. I’m certain I was not missed. Besides, I had a blade to pick up.” He said as he looked over his shoulder to the mare, who grinned.

“Ya did pick it up in time, afore he closed.”

“Yes, I did. You did not need to do that for me, Applejack. I will repay you when I am able.”

Applejack snorted and waved a hoof at him. “It’s a gift. Ah figured ya would like this better than a spa trip.”

Oblivion gave a small grin and nodded. “True enough. Not really interested in ponies messing with my coat.”

Applejack reached onto Oblivion's back but stopped when she realized he was too tall for her to get the filly off of him without waking her. The filly was covered in blue flame and dropped gently onto Applejack's back.

“I may be going to Canterlot this weekend to meet with Blue Blood.”

Applejack nodded. “Sounds like fun. Be sure ta enjoy yerself.”

“Blue wishes to show me around Canterlot. While I was there last one of the great cats in the garden came up to me. Blue thinks she may have bonded to me since she has been refusing to eat and is more aloof than before. Surprising to me since most felines can’t stand me.”

“Well, ya better help her then. Ya might end up with a nice cat as a pet. What kind is she?”

“I have no idea. Have seen panthers her size, but they are built thinner than she is.”

“Wait, a panther? So not a little kitty?’

“No. She is far larger than that. Her shoulders come up to my chest.” Oblivion looked to the barn and set the last barrels down in the places Mac pointed to. Applejack recovered and closed her jaw. His magic faded as he turned to the house with the others. A scroll appeared in front of him and his magic held it.

Oblivion Shadow

I would be delighted to have you visit this Saturday. Is noon all right with you? I have a couple of duties to attend to in the morning but after that, I will ensure that my schedule is open. It will be good to see you, my friend. Aunt Luna will want to see you as well. If you are amenable then we could have dinner with her that evening. We will discuss more that day and see what plans you would like to make. Thank you again for the response. Talk to you soon.

Blue Blood

Oblivion looked to the letter and pulled out a scroll of his own to reply.

Blue Blood

That plan sounds just fine. I will arrive around noon on Saturday and we can either go to the forge first or later. I am not picky about what order things are done in. So long as it is part of our agenda it is fine by me. It will be good to see you as well. Till then.

Oblivion Shadow

Oblivion sent the letter and walked inside. The evening passed by with little interest and soon the house was ready to go to bed for the night. Apple Bloom woke up with a start and came running downstairs. Oblivion was looking to the stairs as she came down them.

“Did ya bring my ball inside?” She asked the ponies at the table.

Oblivion's horn lit up and the ball appeared in front of the filly. She reached out and her small hooves gripped the toy. “Thanks, Oblivion.” The black stallion nodded and looked back to the table. The filly walked over to the table, set her toy by the chair legs, and jumped onto her chair. “Hey, Oblivion?” The black Unicorn looked to the filly and waited. “What games do ya’ll play where yer from?

Oblivion looked from her to her siblings and then back to the filly. His orange cat eyes closed as he considered what she said. “Children play in the streets and their games are of hunting or being knights, I suppose. Witcher's do not play such games, so I do not know.”

Apple Bloom and her siblings leaned forward and gaped at him. “Ya’ll didn’t play?” The filly gaped at her eldest brother.

Oblivion shook his head. “There might have been games, had we not been in training all our lives.”

“Not even when yer chores were done?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “No. We did not have chores, Apple Bloom. We had our training from morning till night and sometimes into the night. We had to learn from a huge amount of books about the monsters in our world, how to fight them, what the signs were for them and more. We also had to learn swordsmanship. So we had no time for games, little filly.”

The siblings looked away from him as he spoke. “So ya never got to be a colt?” Applejack said to him.

Oblivion could hear the sorrow in her voice. “Being a colt never really crossed my mind. Our lives were kept busy with other things that were just as important.” The Witcher knew that he had to say something to assuage the concerns of the family. They seemed to be surprised that he and others were not allowed to play as children. “We had to grow up fast to ensure that we were ready to be on the Path. I do not regret my time there.”

Apple Bloom stood up and looked to him. “Let's go play, Oblivion.” She jumped off her chair and rolled her ball toward the door.

“What?” The black Unicorn turned to look at the filly.

“Come on now.” She said over her shoulder.

“Apple Bloom. It's dark out.” He told her.

Apple Bloom stopped and looked back at him. “You can make lights with yer horn, right?”

Oblivion sighed and stood up. He pushed open the door and watched the filly go outside. His orange eyes looked to the others who shrugged. The two ponies went out in front of the farmhouse and Oblivion used magic to create fonts of light in the air above them. Sconce’s of blue flame flickered in the air.

“Okay. Will start out simple, since ya haven’t played before.” The filly said to him and kicked the ball over to him.

Oblivion looked down at it and sighed. He gave it a gentle kick back to the filly who chased after it. She kicked it back to him and it rolled off to the side of him. The Unicorn used his magic to bring it back to them.

“Nope, no magic.” The filly admonished the stallion. Oblivion looked back and set the ball down in front of her. “Ya have ta chase it. More fun that way.”

Oblivion closed his eyes for a moment. “I fail to see how chasing after the ball is fun.”

“Ya’ll will see. Just try it. Don’t let it stop rolling, just get behind it and kick it back.”

He sighed and nodded as the filly gave it a hard kick to the side. He grumbled at her as he trotted after it. He trotted over the top of it and used his left hind hoof to kick it back. “Nice kick!” Apple Bloom yelled as she ran after the ball. Oblivion turned around and walked back toward his original place when the filly kicked it again. He trotted to the side and kicked it back to her.

‘Reminds me of some of the coordination exercises we did at Kaer Morhen.’ He mused as he kicked the ball again. After several minutes both ponies were chasing after the small ball and Oblivion found he was having to lope after it more often. He knew that the filly was sending it in every other direction to force him to move around more. ‘Two can play that game.’ He gave it a kick off to the side of her and she had to run hard to catch it. Applejack and Big Mac watched from the kitchen door as they played.

“Not sure he is playing, so much as fightin’ back.” Applejack commented.

“Eeyup.” Mac replied to her.

Apple Bloom was beginning to tire and the ball was beginning to get away from her. She missed it and had to go chase it down. The filly brought it back and panted to her eldest brother.

“Okay, Ah think yer getting the hang of it.” She panted and collapsed to her belly.

“Not very difficult. We had an exercise similar but it was used to make our reflexes better.” He responded as he walked over to the filly.

“So ya have played.”

“It wasn’t considered playing since we didn’t have any fun with it. We got punished if we were too slow.”

Apple Bloom cringed. “Why?”

“As a Witcher, we have to be fast to avoid injury. So, being too slow is unacceptable.”

“Yer teachers were crazy.”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “I can’t argue with that.”

He extinguished the sconces of magic and picked up both the filly and her toy. He set them inside and walked in behind her. Applejack laughed as Apple Bloom flopped back to the floor.

“He gave ya quite the run fer yer bits, filly.” Applejack prodded her youngest sibling with a laugh.

“He’s bigger than me.” She complained.

“You're the one who wanted to play.” He responded. “Not my fault you picked a fight with a full-grown stallion.”

“Ah didn’t fight ya.”

“Its an expression.” He replied. “I think that is it for tonight, little one. Time for bed for you.”

Apple Bloom stood up and looked to him. “Tell me a story?"

Oblivion looked at her and paused before answering. “Not tonight. I can’t think of any stories to tell you right now.”

The filly huffed and went up the stairs. Oblivion looked to her siblings and sighed. “Mostly since the stories I have are not good bedtime stories.” The others nodded and they all headed upstairs.

Author's Note:

I may not be adding a chapter next week due to family issues. I appreciate everyone bearing with me and I have some other business to attend to. But thank you for the support none the less. I have done the next few chapters but they have not been edited yet. I will be doing that during my days off and I will try to make sure they are ready to go. Enjoy!

Editing completed
Edit: 11/12/2019

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