• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,650 Views, 1,279 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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4: Hunting the Elements...

Oblivion walked in silence behind the mares. His reasoning was to watch their flank and prevent an ambush. His senses remained on alert and his eyes were focused around them and on the trails around them. He had corrected their path once already. They had been headed for a cliff. He was only half-listening to the mares. His ears were in constant movement and he was listening to everything around them. When they stopped he almost ran into Fluttershy. She looked back at him and he bowed his head as an apology. She gave a thin, nervous smile. Twilight looked nervously to the girls. Rainbow was hovering above them.

“So none of you have ever been in here before?” She asked.

“Of course not. It's dreadful.” Rarity replied.

“It ain't natural. Folks say it doesn’t work like Equestria.” Applejack added.

Oblivion rolled his eyes and shook his head. meaning it doesn’t need to be taken care of. It operates like my world.’ He stopped as he thought he heard something. His ears flicked behind him.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Twilight commented, her own nervousness showing.

“No pony knows. You know why?” Rainbow dropped out of the air and she hunched her body to appear frightening.

“Rainbow quit it!” Applejack said to her.

Rainbow advanced on the other mares and Oblivion who was standing behind them. He looked bored at the blue mare. The others shook in their hooves at her. “Cause everypony who comes in has never come out!” She yelled the last word and scared the others in the process.

Oblivion felt the ground shake, he looked around and to the mares. “Look out! Shit!” The ground gave out under them and those who could not fly went sliding down the rock face. Oblivion turned around and dug his claws into the rock. He saw Fluttershy and Rainbow go after the others. He was able to make it appear as though he had gotten hold of a rock and hid his claws under the side of his cloak as he pulled himself partially up. Fluttershy looked at him. “Help others. I’m fine.” He told her and she nodded as she turned to follow Rainbow. Oblivion looked back and saw them save the others, but he cringed when he saw Twilight still sliding. He was about to use magic to grab hold of her, but then saw Applejack slide after her. He looked to where Rarity and Pinkie were now standing on an outcropping. He knew that the only way to get to them would be to have one of the Pegasus drop him over there.

“Oh hell no.” He whispered to himself. He suddenly found himself wanting a portal… “That's it.” He imagined himself over by them and in a flash of blue flame, he was behind them. Both mares yelped as he appeared. He looked around and allowed himself a small smile of triumph. ‘Maybe this magic thing isn’t so bad.’ He looked back to see Twilight let go and saw her get caught by the two Pegasi.

He teleported to the ground as they set her down and Applejack jumped down the rocks. He stood with the mares when his ears heard the same sounds as he had when Nightmare Moon first appeared. He turned and bared his teeth but found nothing. “Damn.” He looked back to see the mares looking at him. “Heard something behind us. It's gone now though.” He reassured them. The mares nodded as he showed them the right path to use. He kept one ear trained behind them and the other listening in front of them.

He was starting to regret listening to the mares. He kept being subjected to Rainbows boasting about catching Twilight. Twilight also seemed to get tired of it. “I know Rainbow I was there and I’m very grateful but we have too..” The mare stopped as a monster jumped in front of them. “A manticore!”

Oblivion started to pull his sword when he caught a look from Applejack. She looked at him and he looked bemusedly back at her before he simply sat down. “Alright, you can deal with it.” Was his reply. He let the sword go back into hiding as he sat and watched the mares try to deal with the monster. As they all tried their own methods, that were all wholly ineffective, he noticed Fluttershy trying to stop them in her quiet way. He quirked an eyebrow at her but said nothing to help. This was her battle.

Rainbow was thrown out of the tornado she had made around the monster. Twilight and the others all prepared to charge the beast. Oblivion sat back and tried to laugh. None of them knew what they were doing. He saw Fluttershy finally inhale.

“Wait!” She yelled at them.

The mares all stopped and the butter-yellow mare turned to the monster and walked up to it. The beast roared and raised a paw to strike her. Oblivion nearly fell over at her reply to the aggressive stance. She leaned forward and nuzzled the other paw. Oblivion blinked and allowed himself to flop down onto his belly in exasperation. “Whatever. To blazes with it.” He gave a wry laugh and pulled himself off the ground. He watched as Fluttershy pulled a thorn out of its paw and the monster picked her up and proceeded to frantically lick her face and purr. Oblivion kept his distance from the monster as he walked by it. Twilight stayed back to wait for Fluttershy.

“How did you know about the thorn?” She asked the shy Pegasus.

“I didn’t. Sometimes it just takes a little kindness.” Was all she said as she walked by. Oblivion shook his head and kept walking after Twilight finally joined them.

Oblivion stepped through the mud that they entered into easily. This terrain was more normal to him. He let his claws out just in case something tried to come near them. They also gave him extra traction in the muck. He looked forward and his cat eyes gave off a dull glow in the dark. He could see fine in the dark and he could see the old gnarled trees around them.

“Ugh, my eyes need a break from all this icky muck.” Rarity complained.

“That ancient ruin could right in front of us and we wouldn't even know it.” Twilight lamented.

“I’d warn you if it was.” Oblivion pointed out.

“Yeah, Oblivion can see in the dark. So it’s fine ya’ll.” Applejack agreed. Twilight and the others looked back and saw Oblivion's orange eyes glowing in the darkness. Rainbow jumped into the air and hovered close by him. Though not close enough to be in his face this time. She seemed to have learned her lesson from the last time she did that.

“Hmm. Well, they do glow and I guess he can see in the dark.” She commented. She flew back into her place with the others.

Oblivion watched as the others bumped into each other.

“Pardon me, I didn’t see you there.” Rarity commented.

“Right over there...Guh.” Rainbow groaned.

“Oh wait ah think ah stepped in something.” Applejack held up a mud-covered hoof. She was covered from hoof to fetlock in the mud. Oblivion didn't bother looking at his own legs he knew he was covered, and honestly didn’t care, it was better than some things.

“Ahh!” Fluttershy suddenly screamed startling all of them. Even Oblivion jumped as he looked around to see what might have frightened the yellow mare.

Applejack looked toward her. “What, it’s just mud?” She said before she looked to a tree and it seemed to loom over her. She started and jumped away from it, coming to rest beside Fluttershy.

As the others all looked around them they saw the trees which seemed to have gaping mouths and clawed hands reaching out to grab them. The mares all crowded together and screamed in fear.

Oblivion pulled his claws in and looked around him. He personally didn’t see anything wrong with the trees or foliage. But nothing short of a room of wraiths would make him pause, much less scream. The last time he had screamed was due to the mutations being done during the Trial of the Grasses. And in his defense, everyone screamed.

The girls kept screaming and Oblivion had pinned his ears when they heard maniacal giggling. They all stopped and turned to Pinkie Pie, who, much to everyone else's surprise, was laughing and making faces at a tree. Oblivion stared at her, his orange eyes narrowed at her antics.

“Pinkie! What are you doing? Run!” Twilight hollered at her.

“Oh, girls. Don’t you see?” She replied and started dancing.

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down

“Tell me she’s not,” Twilight commented dryly.

The darkness and the shadows they would always make me frown

“She is.” Was Rarity’s reply.

“Oh, dear Gods,” Oblivion muttered as he pinned his ears back.

I’d hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn’t the way

To deal with fears at all

“Then what is?” Rainbow threw in.

She said Pinkie you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You’ll see they can’t hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear

Ha Ha Ha.

She laughed at one of the trees and the face in it disappeared. Oblivion stared as the girls all gasped at it.

So giggle at the ghosties- Fluttershy flew tentatively up to it and laughed at the tree as well

Guffaw at the grossly- Rainbow flew right up to it and gave a hearty laugh

Crack up at the creepy- Rarity walked up, stopped a few feet away and chuckled at its expense

Whoop it up with the weepy- AJ jumped off Pinkies back and laughed as she went by

Chortle at the kooky- Twilight was gently placed next to a tree and she giggled behind a hoof

Snortle at the spooky- Oblivion was pushed up to the next tree and he simply looked at it

Pinkie shrugged as the trees returned to normal despite Oblivion not laughing.

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he’s got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing makes you wanna...hahahaha...heh… laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhh!

The girls all fell over in a circle and laughed together. They got up and laughed as they trotted off along the path with Pinkie leading the way. Oblivion trotted after them shaking his head. ‘Well if it works and keeps them moving don’t argue with it.’ They rounded a corner and Oblivion could see a river in front. But that wasn’t what made him stop in his tracks. The girls all crashed to a stop when Pinkie saw the roiling river.

“How are we gonna cross that?” She inquired of the others.

Oblivion snorted, which gained the girls' attention and they all looked at where his head was pointed to. There was a giant serpent against the bank wailing. It was a deep purple with an orange and yellow mane that was slicked back. The waves were created by its tail as it thrashed. Applejack looked at him and he stayed where he was. She came up to him and prodded his shoulder. As she did so she saw that one of his swords was not completely under his cloak and she could see the hilt of the blade. She started to say something to the black Unicorn until she saw the look that he had at the serpent. It was clear that he was not about to be argued with about the fact that the weapon was ready to be used. Applejack patted his shoulder in an attempt to calm him, though her attempt was largely ignored. She left him where he was and walked up to stand with the girls.

“What a world, what a world!” The serpent cried.

The mares walked up to him, Oblivion wasn’t far behind but he didn’t get to close. Natural caution prevented him from letting himself be in the range of an attack.

“Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?” Twilight finally asked.

The serpent turned to look at them and spoke. “Well, I don’t know, I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid!” He wailed and flopped down into the water. Soaking the 6 mares on the bank.

Oblivion was far enough behind them to avoid getting drenched. ‘This is their world's version of a water serpent? Good Gods.’ Oblivion put the silver blade back into hiding and cocked one leg as he waited.

Rainbow looked up at him with clear disgust. “Oh, give me a break. Really?”

Applejack seemed to share the sentiment. “That's what all this fuss is about?”

“Well of course! How can you be so insensitive?” Rarity jumped forward and admonished the other mares. “Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales.”

The serpent sniffled and looked to the white mare. “I know.”

“And expertly coiffed mane.”

“Oh I know, I know."

“Your fabulous manicure.” She continued on as the serpent sat up to examine his nails.

“It's so true.”

“All ruined without your beautiful mustache.” Rarity concluded with a hint of finality.

The serpent looked dejected at the comment. “It’s true, I’m hideous!”

“I simply cannot let this crime against fabulosity go uncorrected.” The white mare reached down with her teeth and pulled out one of the serpent's scales. The serpent looked down at her.

“What did you do that for?” He whimpered to the white mare who held the scale in her teeth.

Oblivion had tensed for a moment thinking the serpent might lash out in pain. But he was surprised when he only looked a bit hurt at her actions. The mare held the scale aloft.

“Rarity! What are you..” Twilight asked her.

The mare brought the scale down and it sliced cleanly through her tail. It fell to the ground and Rarity tossed the scale aside. Her magic enveloped the tail and she levitated it to the maw of the serpent. It spiraled around and was locked into the place where the mustache had been. The serpent waited and then a wide-smile went over his face.

“Ohohohohoho! My mustache! How wonderful.”

“You look smashing.” Rarity commented while looking up at him with a smile.

“Oh, Rarity. Your beautiful tail.” Twilight walked forward and pointed to the stump that was her tail.

“Oh, it's fine my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it’ll grow back.” Rarity replied to Twilight's inquiry.

The lavender Unicorn looked over and saw that the river had calmed. Twilight waded out into it. “We can cross now. Let's go. Whoa!” Twilight windmilled for a second when one of the coils of the serpent came up underneath her.

“Allow me.” The serpent replied with a bow and he dove into the water to give them access to the other side.

“Oh, Gods no,” Oblivion commented and simply teleported to the other side. He watched over them as they crossed. When they all got to the other side the serpent swam off.

Twilight regarded him for a moment before she started leading the way away from the river. After a few strides, Twilight looked back to find Oblivion still bringing up the rear. She had questions for him but she chose to keep them to herself for now.

Oblivion saw Twilight look back to him. He could see the curiosity in her eyes but chose to ignore it for now. He looked ahead of them and his eyes narrowed to slits as he looked far ahead of them.

As they rounded a corner Twilight gasped. “There it is! The ruin that holds the Elements!” She galloped forward.

“No, hang on!” Oblivion yelled after her.

The mare yelped and her forelegs grasped at the edges of the cliff to try to stop herself from falling. Rainbow flew after her and grabbed her tail to pull the mare back from the cliff. “What is it with you and cliffs?” She taunted with a laugh.

The rest of the group trotted up to them while Twilight caught her breath. Oblivion reached them and saw the bridge was tilted to one side. Twilight looked crestfallen at the half-broken bridge. Oblivion thought about reaching out to it but something told him to leave it alone. Applejack looked to him and he shook his head in response. Somehow he knew that this was important.

Pinkie looked over it as well. “Now what?”

Rainbow flicked her wings and lifted into the air. “Duh.”

“Oh yeah.” Pinkie replied sheepishly.

Rainbow took off and disappeared into the fog. Oblivion listened and he could hear that the Pegasus was talking to someone. The fog cleared for a moment and revealed Rainbow talking to a small group of three ponies. Twilight gasped and yelled out to Rainbow. “Rainbow, what’s taking so long.” She saw the other ponies and her eyes widened. “Oh no. Rainbow don’t listen to them!” The fog thickened and prevented them from seeing or even hearing what was being said. Twilight looked at the others in a panic. Oblivion put a hoof on her shoulder to calm her. He removed it when she calmed some and looked back to where they had last seen the mare and he watched as the rope went taut and the blue mare flew out of the fog. She stood in front of them on her hind legs and flicked her tail. The mares cheered for her and started across the bridge.

“See? I’d never leave my friends hanging” Rainbow said to Twilight as she flew slowly next to her.

They entered the front room of the castle. Oblivion looked at it and found that it reminded him of the ruins back in his world. He looked to the middle of the room and saw six stone balls perched on a stone monolith in the center. Oblivion didn’t advance as far into the room as the others. Choosing instead to remain close to the door. Fluttershy and Rainbow picked up the stones and laid them on the ground by Twilight.

“We finally found them. Be careful with them.” Twilight worried over the stones as they were set onto the ground. She looked at them. “But where is the seventh? The book said: When the six are present, a spark will cause the seventh to be revealed.”

Applejack looked at the others and groaned. “What the hay does that even mean?”

Twilight shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back. I am not sure what will happen.” She folded her legs under her and closed her eyes.

Applejack nodded. “Come on now ya’ll. She needs to concentrate.”

The mares all left the room. Oblivion stayed in the doorway and watched in silence. Applejack didn't say anything to him since he was silent and didn't move. He looked back to the mares for a moment when he turned back upon hearing Twilight cry out. He looked back and saw the stones swirling in a small vortex. Twilight cried out as she jumped into it. “Oh no.” Oblivion took off from his place but she was gone by the time he reached her. He looked around and saw a flash of light off to his left. He looked out the window and Rarity was next to him as she pointed out the lights to the others. Oblivion’s horn lit up and he vanished in a flash of blue flame.

Twilight looked around as she was suddenly on the ground. She looked up and Nightmare had the element stones floating around her as she laughed. Twilight gasped but then pawed at the stone floor and looked at the Alicorn. The black mare looked at her.

“Your kidding? Your kidding right?” The mare looked to the smaller Unicorn and set the stones down as she lowered her head to charge back at her.

Twilight's horn glowed as she charged the taller mare. As they were about to collide Twilight's horn flashed and she teleported to land in the center of the stone circle. Her horn lit up once more and she concentrated while Nightmare Moon turned back and snarled. Twilight’s horn flashed and she was sent skidding backward. Nightmare landed in the center of the stone circle.

“No. No.” She cried out as the stones glowed from Twilight’s magic.

When the glow failed to show the last element Twilight looked on in horror as Nightmare cackled with glee, reared up and brought her hooves down. The impact broke the stones and they shattered. Twilight looked as Nightmare continued to cackle with glee.

“You little foal. You will never see your Princess or your sun again. The night will last forever!”

“Not today!”

Twilight turned to find Oblivion emerging from a teleport of blue flame. The black stallion stepped forward and walked up to stand in front of Twilight. “As much as I enjoy the night's darkness, crops that need light cannot survive and you will reign over a world of nothing. Ponies will either die or leave you behind. As I said your crown means nothing with no one to rule.” Oblivion spoke with a calm assured tone and the Alicorn mare listened.

She looked uncertain for a moment before her eyes narrowed and she glared at the stallion. “I will rule for eternity after I finish breaking you!” She roared and her horn lit.

“I will never break again. I was broken once and reforged in steel and silver!” Oblivion roared back at her.

Twilight watched as he lowered into a battle stance and a sword appeared from his magic. The sword had a line going down the center of it on both sides that glowed a brilliant green. Nightmares' eyes widened as he growled. A curved blade appeared from her own magic and they charged each other, swords clashed and sparks flew from the impact. The weapons left an after effect behind them at the speed that they were being used. Twilight watched as Oblivion went blow for blow with the crazed mare. Nightmare grunted as she was slowly being forced back by the stallions onslaught. Oblivion's sword clashed against hers and his eyes glowed orange as he battled the mare. His body moved with each sword thrust and swing. He danced on his hooves and recovered from every move that was thrown at him. He grazed her neck and blood flowed sluggishly from the injury. The black mare roared in anger and her magic threw him back. The stallion rolled and was on his hooves in seconds. He charged her once more but at the last second, he buckled his knees and slid under her sword thrust, stood, slamming his shoulder into her chest sending the mad mare rolling.

“You will yield!” He roared at her and teleported to her. He reared up and brought his hooves down in an attempt to pin her. The stone under his hooves cracked at the impact, as Nightmare Moon rolled out from under him and brought her blade up, it nicked his shoulder and blood trickled slowly from it. He backflipped away from her and landed solidly on his hooves. He jumped back dodging a magical blast aimed at where he stood. His medallion trembled at the amount of magic being thrown at him. The mare screamed and lowered her horn to level a blast at a stunned Twilight. Oblivion saw her intent and teleported to stand in front of the young mare. He held his sword up to defend against the attack.

Oblivion infused his magic into the blade to allow it to defend against the blast. He was able to spin the blade in front of him and deflect the blast of magic. In the aftermath of dust, his ears rang, but he was able to hear the mares drawing closer. He looked back to a frozen Twilight. He flicked his tail and it hit her in the snout. “I’ll keep her occupied. The others are almost here. Trust in them and yourself. Do that and you will never fall.” He told her and teleported out of the dust.

Twilight looked back to the doorway and heard the others coming, just as he had said they would. Her eyes lit up for a moment as she felt relief course through her. She looked back to Oblivion as he clashed once with Nightmare Moon. She could see that he did not falter even once. She looked back to the door and saw the mares shadows approaching.

Oblivion roared and charged Nightmare, she lowered her horn to use her magic to strike him. He deflected the blast and teleported behind her. He spun around and delivered a powerful buck to her hindquarters, forcing her to face plant into the stone floor. With her flank in the air, he bucked her again and she flipped onto her back. He saw Twilight cringe out of the corner of his eye, as he spun and reared over her, finally pinning her. He failed to notice that her hind legs were under him. She kicked his belly and sent him over her and onto the ground. He grunted and leaped to his hooves. The Black Unicorn was about to attack once more when Twilight looked up.

“You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?” She squared her shoulders and looked past Oblivion to the crazed black mare. She smiled at him and Oblivion nodded, then teleported to stand beside the lavender mare. “Well, you're wrong because the souls of the elements are right here.” She stood proudly with the others mares standing behind her.

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt represents the spirit of, Honesty!

Fluttershy, who tamed a manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of, Kindness!

Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents the spirit of, Laughter!

Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of, Generosity!

Rainbow Dash, who refused to abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of, Loyalty!

And Oblivion Shadow, who refused to break and guided us when we needed him most represents the element of, Spirit!

The spirits of these six ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.” Twilight replied to her, the mare's voice was loud and confident. She looked back as the shards of the stone elements now floated around their respective bearers. Each was a different color that matched with the pony they circled around.

Nightmare Moon looked at them, a mixture of surprise and disbelief. “You still don’t have the seventh element. The spark didn't work!”

“But it did. A different kind of spark, I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear from you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all...are my friends!” Twilight and the others looked up as a new light went off above Twilight. It was in the shape of her cutie mark and stayed hovering in the air above her. “You see, Nightmare Moon when those elements are ignited by the spark that lives in the heart of us all, it creates the seventh element: the element of...Magic!” Twilight exclaimed. The seven ponies were pulled together and the light that flowed from them created a rainbow that held a color from, each of them, even Oblivions black. The rainbow hit Nightmare Moon and swirled around her consuming her, hoof to the horn.

“No! No!” She screamed in protest but even the sound of her protests was soon drowned out.

Oblivion stood on his hooves and opened his eyes. He looked around and saw the mares lying on the ground and slowly coming too. He looked at them in surprise as he could see a gentle glow coming from each of them. The glow churned and fluctuated as their emotions changed. He suddenly realized he was seeing their individual spirits. Their color was different for each of them and the intensity was different. He was quiet as he reached out with his new senses to see if he could feel Nightmare Moon. He didn’t feel her presence, instead, he felt the presence of another, gentler spirit near him. He gave a quiet snort and looked back to the mares beside him.

Rainbow was the first to fully stir. “Ugh, my head.”

Applejack was close behind her as she stood up. “Everypony okay?”

“Oh thank goodness.” Rarity exclaimed.

“Why, Rarity. It's lovely.” Fluttershy said to the white Unicorn.

“I know. I’ll never part with it again.“ She said as she waved her tail in the air and then nuzzled the restored tail.

“No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark.” Fluttershy replied and pointed to the jewelry which was a purple diamond.

“What? Oh so does yours.” The white mare pointed out the necklace on her neck as well. It was a pink butterfly.

Pinkie jumped forward with a squeal. “Look at mine! Look at mine!” It was a light blue balloon.

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash pushed out her chest showing a red lightning bolt.

Applejack looked at her own necklace, which was an orange apple. “Well look what yer wearing Oblivion.”

Oblivion gave a curious look to the mares. They were all now looking at him in wonder. He felt his own curiosity pique and he conjured a medium-size mirror to look at what Applejack was talking about. His eyes widened at what he saw. Behind his horn was a crown of silver with black accents around the edges. The wolf symbol was an onyx jewel in the center of the crest. The crown itself extended down to the side of his head just past his ears. It extended to surround the base of his horn, and it went up around his horn for an inch or so then stopped. The section around his horn was a wave motion around the horns base and extended halfway down his face. There were runes engraved into the metal. He knew what they meant but he was certain that he was the only one who did know them. He wore a breast collar that was also a brilliant silver with black edges. His medallion was now embedded in the front of the collar, its dark metal offset the bright silver and drew the eye to it.

He could tell that the properties of the medallion had not changed. He wore guards on his forelegs that did not cover his hooves. The armor was wrapped around his cannon bones and held firm even when he stomped a hoof experimentally. His cloak remained but now had visible golden runes engraved into the fabric. He looked at his back and found that his swords now sat across his back as before but now the scabbards were silver to match the armor he now wore, though he was glad to see that his wings were not visible. The hilts were visible through a gap in his cloak. Silver armor went down his back and ribs ending just before his tail. It appeared to be one single piece but would move independently if needed. He stared at the image before he let the mirror vanish. He blinked and shook his head.

“Very regal, darling.” Rarity complimented. “The silver suits your lovely black coat.”

The others nodded and Oblivion said nothing. He shrugged to see how the armor moved and found it was comfortable. It reminded him of his Wolf armor in his world. Felt like a second skin that he barely noticed. His cloak sat easily across his back. Rainbow walked over to him to see the two swords that sat across his back.

“Why in the wide world of Equestria do you have two swords? Though that sword fight with Nightmare Moon was awesome!” She exclaimed.

“He’s a Witcher.” Applejack replied. She looked apologetically at Oblivion when he looked back to her.

The mares looked at him and he nodded. “Applejack is correct. Though you may not know what that means it is what I am. I have two swords because they have different purposes. The silver is to fight monsters. The other is steel and is meant to fight ponies if needed.” He explained. “I’ll explain more another time since we are not alone.” He explained to them.

“Gee Twilight! Ah thought you were spoutin’ a lot of hooey Twilight, but Ah reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship.” Applejack spoke up and redirected the conversation away from the black stallion, much to his relief.

“Indeed you do.” A voice spoke out. A bright light came through the window to reveal a pure white Alicorn. She was taller than Oblivion though only by a head or so. Her horn was slightly longer than his own. She wore gold hoof boots, a golden collar, and a golden crown sat behind her horn. She smiled at them as she spread her wings, which were smaller than Oblivion’s own.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight cried out. She trotted to the tall mare while the other mares bowed to her.

Applejack looked sideways and saw Oblivion not bowing to her. “Oblivion, what are ya doing?” She commented, glaring at him.

“I do not bow. I don’t even bow to Emperors. What makes you think I would bow to a Princess?” He replied. Applejack hissed at him but gave up.

“It is fine my little ponies. He does not need to. My dear student, I knew you could do it.” The Alicorn smiled as she spoke.

“But you told me it was an old pony tale.” Twilight gave her an uncertain look, waiting for an explanation.

“I said you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moons return and I knew that only you had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unlock it till you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will do the same.” Celestia said and then looked to see the black Unicorn moving away from them.

Oblivion moved toward the gentle feeling he had sensed earlier. He paused next to a small pale blue form that laid semi-conscious on the floor. He looked around her and saw the pieces of the armor Nightmare Moon had worn. The Alicorn was silent as Oblivion looked at her. Celestia drew up next to him and he looked at her for a moment before he left her to whatever she was planning to do. Though he had a strong suspicion who that little mare was. Their spirits were similar in color but differed in intensity.

He came back and stood off to the side of the mares as they watched their monarch.

“Princess Luna!” She called.

He heard the younger mare gasp and she turned to see the white mare. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. It is time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together little sister.”

They all looked up at that claim. “Sister?” Twilight and Rainbow exclaimed.

Oblivion looked over to them. “You're surprised?” He chuckled at them. They both looked to him for a moment before looking back to the Princess.

“Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia asked of her sister.

Oblivion and the girls watched in silence. The young Alicorn looked down to the ground and then lunged at her elder sister and cried. “I’m so sorry! I missed you, big sister.”

Celestia began to cry as well. “I missed you too.”

Pinkie smiled wide and turned to the other mares. “You know what this calls for?” Oblivion groaned. “A party!” The mare yelled to them all. Celestia turned to them and her horn lit up with a golden light. A jeweled chest appeared in front of them. It opened to reveal a velvet inside with indents for the crowns and necklaces to sit inside it. Oblivion stared at it and weighed his options.

“We will keep the elements here for safekeeping. Just place them inside and they will be safe within it.” The Sun Princess told them.

The mares went up one at a time and placed their necklaces inside it. Rarity hesitated, mumbling about it giving her ideas for a new fashion line. All of them placed them in the box, except Oblivion. They all looked to him and he shook his head. He was a bit surprised when they all gasped at him, even the two Princesses gaped at him. He turned away from the box and started to walk away. His medallion suddenly vibrated and he felt another magic envelop the crown behind his own horn. He snarled in anger and whirled around to face them. His own magic surged forth and pushed back the Sun Princesses own. She gasped and fell back onto her rump at the force of the retaliation. They all stared at him in shock as the blue flame receded.

“Do not command me. I will fall before I answer to a mare that I have no reason to follow. I acknowledge that you have their admiration and respect but you have not earned mine. I will keep this with me where I know that it is protected.” Oblivion's magic enveloped the armor, the crown, leg guards, and armor across his body shifted to move toward the collar around his neck. It seemed to melt into the collar and disappeared into it. It shifted further and only the medallion with a silver and black outline remained. His magic faded and Oblivion sighed as he finished. He looked down and gave a pleased noise before he turned to leave.

“Wait!” Luna cried out to him.

He stopped and turned slightly to his right to look at her. Celestia looked at him as well as she stood up from where she had fallen. She couldn’t hide her surprise at being overpowered by him. “That was very impressive. We have never been overpowered like that by another. We have to admit that, while shocking, thou are an incredibly powerful Unicorn. Especially since thou were able to mold your element into something other than its original design. May I ask how you accomplished this?”

He considered what she had said before he responded. “I simply decided for it to change into something that is easier to keep with me. Walking around in full armor is asking for more attention than I want. So altering it was the best option. I simply saw what I wished it to be and made it in that image. If I want it to go into the full armor it can. But not until I wish it.” He explained and waited for the response.

Twilight gaped at him before looking to Celestia. The Sun Princess smiled and gave a chuckle. “You truly are the element of Spirit. Unyielding, unbreakable, and unstoppable. It suits you well. Then I will happily entrust its protection to you Oblivion Shadow. None is more suited to it than you are. Thank you for reminding me of that. Despite the hit to my dignity at being tossed onto my tail.” The Princess laughed and Luna giggled lightly beside her before she walked over to him.

“During our battle, thou were holding back. May we ask thee why?” She questioned him.

Oblivion gave a small smile. “I don’t fight to kill the innocent and suffering.” He stated before he teleported and was gone.

That evening Applejack returned home to find Oblivion helping Mac with some late chores. The black stallion seemed just fine despite the light bandage on his shoulder. She walked over to him since they needed to talk about him working at the farm. Oblivion's ear flicked toward her to indicate that he knew she was there.

“Good to see ya made it back okay. Ya missed a fun party with the Princesses and the others.” She told him.

“I’m sure I was not missed. You are aware that parties are not my forte. Though I must admit that the ones here are very different from what I have experienced before. Though I assume that is not what you wish to speak of?” He replied to her. He turned his head to her even as he moved barrels of apples with his magic. “If you are looking to iron out the details of my working here it has already been discussed. Big Mac, Granny Smith and I have already worked out the details. But I do appreciate you coming to check.”

Applejack leveled a glare at her brother before looking back to the Unicorn. “That’s not all ah wanna talk to ya about.”

“Then am I safe to assume that is about today's events?” He responded and looked at her as he moved the last barrel into the barn. She nodded and he gave a low sigh. “For the record, I regret none of my actions. I acted as I saw fit and I will stand by my choices.”

Applejack's eyes widened and she put her face in her hoof as she groaned. “Ya are impossible. Fine ah won’t ask. But next time don’t disappear like tha’. Oh sorry, that isn’t an order just a friendly request. Twilight especially has a lot of questions for ya. Oh, she is stayin’ in Ponyville from now on. She didn’t wanna leave her new friends. Yer included mister.”

Oblivion stared at her for a moment. “Hmm.” He turned back to Mac who nodded that they were done. The red pony moved away from them and to the house. He looked thoughtful for a moment before glancing over to her.

“What is it? Ya alrigh’? Are ya hungry?” She asked him with clear concern.

He chuckled before responding. “No, I am fine. That is actually something I should mention. Mac already knows about this since he is the one who thought of it.” He paused to make sure Applejack was listening. “I know you are a bluntly honest pony and I can appreciate that. Therefore I dislike adding another secret to your burden. Follow me if you would.” He walked a little way into the orchard with her right behind him. He stopped and turned to face her. “Do you recall yesterday when Mac took me into the house?”

Applejack thought back and nodded. She did remember when they had gone inside and she went to get Apple Bloom.

“Turns out that I am not only an herbivore. I happen to be an omnivore.” She looked at him, questioningly. “That means I eat meat as well.”

Applejack snorted and fell back into her rump. She stared at him in obvious shock. “Wha..what makes ya think ya eat meat?”

He looked at her with a look that said ‘seriously’. “I already have. And before you say anything I hunt in the Everfree not around here. I have no intention of causing panic or upsetting anypony. I left that party last night to go hunt. Even you thought I seemed better after I returned. You would be right. I felt better and still do. So it would seem that I do not need to hunt very often but we will find out how often is needed. I am informing you out of courtesy not because I feel I must.” He sighed. “Will you please stop looking at me like I’m going to bite you.” He added.

Applejack shook her head to clear it and stood back up. “Ah’m sorry I’m just a little shook up. It’s been a long couple a’ days. But ah understand but how did Mac figure it out?”

He barked a laugh. “By accident. When we went inside he made me a couple of sandwiches and ended up with my head in a bucket.” Applejack gave him a sympathetic look while he continued. “My only guess is that it was simply too much of one type of food. I need to balance my diet with both. I will try to inform you when I think that happens. In the meantime, I will limit the amount I do eat until I learn the timeline and amounts. Mac watched over me and saw my teeth which..” He groaned at the look she gave his muzzle. He pulled his lips back and showed her his teeth. She visibly cringed but her curiosity won out over caution. She put a hoof gently on one of his canines. He saw what she was doing so he didn’t move at the slight touch.

“Well ah’ll be. That's quite the mouthful.”

Oblivion closed his mouth. “Heh. Mac called it a mouthful of knives.” Applejack smiled as she laughed.

“He’s ain't wrong!” She laughed and gave him a light punch on his uninjured shoulder. “Ya do look like ya have a mouthful o’ em’. But ah can tell ya ain’t dangerous. But that was a bit of a shock.”

He nodded his understanding. “Understandable. Now I will have to ask your judgment on this one. Mac has asked that I choose when to inform Granny Smith of this. That one I can understand. But I am quite hesitant to mention it to Apple Bloom.”

Applejack nodded. “As much as ah want ya to be honest. I don’t think Apple Bloom is ready to know that ya eat meat.” Oblivion nodded in agreement as she continued. “Just like how ya can decide when ta tell them about yer wings. Though ya should tell our friends. What was tha’ look for?”

Oblivion blanched at the mention of telling the others. He sighed and looked away from her for a moment. “I have explained how Witcher's are treated where I am from. But I have not mentioned a few things due to caution. The fact is that Witcher's are never any ponies friend. Due to the fact that we are so vilified. Which at times I will admit is earned due to the fact that we keep to ourselves, as you have no doubt noticed with my own behavior and our profession. Ponies fear what they do not understand. Which I do not blame them for, it is how things are. I was not raised, nor was I trained here. You saw some of the training today in the fight with Nightmare Moon. I am a pony that was raised for battle and I fight alone. Don’t give me that look. I will let you in on a fact. I am much older than I look. So I have spent a very long time on my own.”

He waited to get her response and Applejack gave him a look and put a hoof on his shoulder. He looked at her quizzically. She looked at him square in the eyes. “Ah understand what ya mean but ah still don’t understand. Ya don’t seem that much older than ah am.”

Oblivion gave a laugh. “All right. There was only one Witcher that was older than I and I am over one hundred years old. ” He deadpanned to her.

Applejack’s mouth fell open and she stared at him. “Ya..over..one...what!” Applejack shrieked.

Oblivion started and his hoof went over her mouth. “Gods Applejack!” Oblivion cringed and pinned his ears. “That was painful. Kindly refrain from doing that again. My senses are heightened so I can hear you just fine without the shrieking.” Oblivion responded to her. “If I remove my hoof will you not scream?” He looked at her seriously and she nodded. He removed his hoof and waited for her to recover.

“So ya are over a hundred years old?” She asked and he nodded in response. “How can ya live so long? Not that ah want ya to keel over but ah can’t fathom it easily. Ah, mean Granny is younger than ya are.”

“I live for so long because I was made to. I’d explain but I do not wish to upset you. Leave it at that a Witcher is not born, we are made.” He told her. “I am well aware that I have lived far longer than most can even think would be possible. Especially since I can more than capable of keeping up with any who would go against me. My age has no effect on my movement as you have seen.” She nodded and waited. “Though I must admit the fact that I am older than Granny Smith is amusing. But I bring that up to show you just how long I have been on my own. I was around twenty to twenty-five when I first left Kaer Morhen to walk The Path. That's what we call the journey we go on that only ends when we die. So I have been on my own for nearly a hundred years give or take. So I am...unused to the concept of what a friend is. I have other Witchers that are of the same school but I consider them brothers, not friends.” He explained to her.

Applejack was silent as she thought over what he had said. “Okay, ah must admit that is a lot to take in. But ya have to learn to trust at least us. We are all connected now.” He gave her a sideways look. “The Elements. Ya are wearing it around yer neck.” She reached forward and tapped the medallion around his neck. “It connects us all. Plus since ya are an Alicorn ya are like the Princesses. Well, ya are a prince but that's not the poin’.” Oblivion shook his head when she proclaimed him like royalty. “Anyway, that's for another time. Right now ah will let ya decide when ya tell everypony. It's yer business. So ah’ll keep quiet about it. But let me know when your ready so ah can back ya up if ya like.” He nodded at her.

“Thank you Applejack. I appreciate your understanding.” He stopped when she waved a hoof him.

“Ya need to stop bein so formal. We will work on ya relaxin’ around us by teachin’ ya one at a time. Rarity might appreciate the formality but most o’ us won’t. So I’ll start out by helping ya ease up.” He looked at her for a moment before she continued. “Ya need to stop bein’ so uptight. It's not a crime fer ya to relax and be yourself. What?”

Oblivion chuckled. He waved a hoof at her before he started. “My...Sorry. You seem to think I can simply stop a century of habits. That would be like asking you to be...Rarity for the rest of your life.” She cringed. “Exactly. But you seem determined so I suppose I can..try. So why don’t we start with something small?” He looked thoughtful before his head came up. “All right. I will try to use your nickname. Is that going to be the first small step? Or is more needed?”

Applejack smiled. “That will be perfect. Ya sound too formal with full names. Ah’ll still just call you Oblivion, since you have a surname. That will work for a first step. Once ya are okay saying that we will try somethin’ else.”

“Very well, Appl...AJ. That is going to take a great deal of getting used to.” He stumbled saying it as he looked at her.

She nodded. “That it will. But ah know ya can do it. In no time ya will be as easy goin, as the rest a’ Ponyville.” He looked at her. “Okay, maybe not tha’ relaxed but close.”

“Perhaps. I suppose we should turn in now.” He said and looked to the moon for the time of day.

Applejack nodded. “Let’s get movin.” She led their way to the house and he followed silently behind her.

Author's Note:

Okay so doing each episode will probably drive me crazy considering this one took forever. I, mean 4 chapters! Ugh! * Headdesk, gets weird looks from co-workers*. Granted writing it all and my co-workers staring at me as I type away is actually mildly amusing. A couple has asked how long it is in the system and I tell them 300+ pages and they stare blankly. It amuses me. I will keep going so I appreciate your patience.

Editing Complete
12/17/2018 Edit 2: Word placement and grammar
Edit: 11/12/2019

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