• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,648 Views, 1,279 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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11: Bucking Hell...

Applejack walked toward the schoolhouse as her eyes scanned the fields along the way. She hadn’t seen Oblivion all day and he hadn’t come back from talking to Apple Bloom’s class. The Unicorn hadn’t seemed any different from normal when he got back from Canterlot but she wasn’t certain half the time what was normal for him and what was him holding back. She walked to the schoolhouse and saw the foals crowding by the gate and watching intently. When she came into full view they walked away. She walked up and Apple Bloom was waiting.

“Hey, Sis. Where's Oblivion?”

“Oblivion takes ya to school. Ah pick ya up.” Applejack reminded her.

“Ah know. Ah thought that he would have stayed around and just took me home too.” The filly responded to her elder sister.

Applejack paused for a moment before she started leading Apple Bloom home. “How was the talk he gave?”

“It was amazing! He’s a great story teller. Did he tell ya all about it?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nope. He hadn’t come back to the farm when ah left.”

Apple Bloom looked to her before replying. “So he ain’t, home yet?”

Applejack nodded. “Don’tcha worry none. He’s a big pony and can take care a hisself. He’ll come home when he’s ready. Did he seem okay when he left?”

“Kinda. I mean he was real quiet. More quiet than normal, even fer him. We asked about the last monster he fought and he didn’t seem happy ta talk bout it. Then we talked about the runes and stuff his swords use.”

Applejack stopped and looked to her little sister. “Did he seem angry?” The filly shook her head. “Tired?” Again she shook her head. “Sad?” Apple Bloom paused and considered.

“A little ah think. He seemed to be thinking when he left.”

“Well, maybe he just needed some time alone. Ya know how some ponies are.” She reassured the filly despite her own misgiving. They reached the farm and Apple Bloom ran in to look around. Applejack knew that she was looking for Oblivion. The orange mare found Big Mac and pulled him aside. “Has Oblivion come back yet?”

“Nope.” Big Mac responded with his usual drawl.

“He ain’t come back from talkin’ ta the class. Ah figured he would be back by the time Ah got back with the filly. Could he have gone huntin?”

“Ah don’t think so. Ah’m not sure when the last time he did hunt was. Ah, don’t ask since that's his business. But ah haven’t seen him.”

The siblings looked up as a flash of blue flame appeared off to the side of them. Oblivion snorted as he stepped away from the spot where he had teleported. He saw the siblings staring at him and walked to them.

“Where ya been?” Applejack asked him as he came to stand by them.

“I went to the Everfree forest to practice my swordsmanship and get something to eat. Figured I should do that before harvest tomorrow.” The Unicorn replied. “Since I did not think that you would appreciate the possibility of your trees being nicked.”

Applejack nodded and the three adult ponies walked to the north orchard, which had a hill that could be used to look over the fields. The three stood in silence for a time before Applejack spoke up. “Boy howdy. We got our work cut out fer us. That there's the biggest bumper crop o’ apples ah’ve ever seen.”

Oblivion said nothing as he looked over it as well. Big Mac nodded. “Eeyup. Too big fer ya ta handle alone. Oblivion and Ah’ll be helpin’.” The red farmer commented. Oblivion nodded once but still said nothing.

Applejack looked over at him. “Come on, Big Mac. Ah haven't met an apple orchard that I can’t handle. Ah’ll take a bite out of this here crop by tomorrow's end.”

“That’s what ah mean. Biting off more than ya can chew is what I mean. Good thing Oblivion and I are here.” He drawled.

Oblivion looked at him sideways and couldn’t help but think that was the wrong thing to say. Applejack looked affronted and turned to look at her brothers. The Unicorn looked away instead of seeing the annoyed glare growing on the mares features. She looked to Big Mac who also remained impassive. “Are you saying that my mouth is makin’ promises my legs can’t keep?”


Oblivion had to fight the urge to hit Mac in the back of the head at the comment. But at the same time, he figured that he was a hired hand so it was not his place to interfere.

“Why of all the… This is your sister Applejack, remember? The most loyal of friends and most dependable of ponies?”

She advanced on Big Mac and Oblivion stepped a couple of feet to the side. The mare pushed Mac back till her snout was level with his. “But that’s still only one pony, and one pony plus hundred of apple trees, just don’t make any sense.” He drawled to his sister. He looked nervous as the mare’s eyes narrowed.

“Don’t use yer fancy math to muddy the issue. I said ah can handle this harvest and ah’m gonna prove it. Oblivion!” The mare hollered.

“Hmm?” The Unicorn looked to her.

“Ya’ll are gonna be the judge.” She started and waited until she had his attention. “Mac and I are gonna have us a contest. We will split the orchard down the middle and whoever finishes first wins. Y'all will watch for who finishes first.” She told him. Oblivion looked at them. Applejack looked determined, while Big Mac looked to the other stallion, his features a mix of surprise and dread.

“Are you certain that working together isn’t a better idea? You’ll exhaust yourselves trying to...”

“Nope. Nothin’ to it Oblivion. This is how we are gonna settle this.” She stopped him mid-sentence, stomping her hoof.

“I understand that AJ, but still...”

“No. Oblivion, yer the outside pony, so ya are perfect ta judge this.”

Oblivion snorted and shook his head. “Very well. Under one condition. I have the authority to call it off if it gets out of hoof. Deal?” Big Mac nodded his agreement. Applejack paused but grudgingly agreed. “Good. Now if you will excuse me, I need to visit Rarity before it gets too late.” The stallion teleported outside Rarity's shop. His magic gripped the letter and conjured it before him. He walked into the shop and the little bell above the door announced his entry.

“One moment, please.” Rarity’s sing-song voice called out to him.

The black Unicorn waited as he looked around him. “Oblivion darling. It's so good to see you. I trust your trip to Canterlot was eventful?” The white mare asked him conversationally.

“It was certainly interesting. I met a pony there that you might be interested in. But first here. A letter for you.” His azure magic moved the letter to her and she took it in her grasp.

“Why thank you, dear. Did Ditzy take it to the wrong house? Again?”

“No, this one I am delivering.”

“Why, thank you then.” The white mare opened the letter and began to read it. Her eyes widened and she looked to him. “Oblivion darling, you met him and spoke of me to him?”

Oblivion nodded. “He was quite upset when I met him. It took a few minutes but I remembered that Twilight had mentioned his name, that you wanted to meet him.”

“When did I mention him?”

“During that ticket fiasco.”

She blanched. “Urgh, not my best moment darling. I am trying to forget it. I still feel awful for what I said and did to poor Twilight.” She looked back to the letter and a smile crossed her muzzle. “Do you mind waiting a moment while I reply to him? He said to send it back through you since you have a spell that connects to him for the letters.”

“I have no problem with that Rarity, take your time.”

“Please follow me, dear. I’ll make some tea or would you prefer coffee? I had heard that you prefer coffee.”

“That would be greatly appreciated Rarity, thank you again.”

“My pleasure darling. Please sit.”

The mare motioned for him to sit at her table and she began prepping some coffee for him. Oblivion sat in silence looking around the room. It had fixtures that he had not seen before and others that were familiar. The scent of fresh coffee filled the room and he inhaled the scent, enjoying the aroma.

“Cream or sugar darling?” Rarity levitated the aforementioned items.

“No, thank you. Black is fine.”

“Very well dear. Here you are. I will try to respond quickly.” She held a quill and scroll.

“Please, take your time. I am in no hurry and I will drink my coffee quietly as you respond.”

“You are a dear, Oblivion. I will not ask how you met him since that is between you too. But it seems as though it was a good thing you did. So I thank you as well.” The mare reached over and patted his hoof.

The black Unicorn closed his eyes and nodded to her. He opened them and focused on his coffee while the mare wrote. He was glad to see that she was not rushing and was taking her time replying. ‘He needs another pony on his side. I am glad to see that she has accepted his letter and appears to be understanding. Though I was certain this would be the case one can never tell how another will react for certainty. Though I should have expected no less from the Element of Generosity.’ Oblivion sipped his coffee and waited.

As a Witcher, he was gifted with patience. A tracked monster may not return to its lair right away so one had to learn to wait. After several minutes Rarity set her quill down and rolled up the scroll. Oblivion's magic gripped the scroll and it vanished in blue flame. He looked thoughtful and then nodded to her. “It arrived safely.”

“Thank you ever so much, darling. I can’t thank you enough for putting us in contact. I had never considered that being a Prince might be more of a burden on somepony rather than a gift. It has certainly made me think more about it and I have decided that I will be as supportive as I can and ensure that he has another friend to speak to. That reminds me, how are you liking the design I added to your cloak? Quite fancy is it not? It goes so well with your black coat and silver mane.”

“It was a bit of a surprise, I must admit. But I am not one to fuss about a generous gift. While I was surprised, I do thank you for your effort.” Oblivion replied. The mare beamed and he finished his coffee. “Should he respond to you I will bring it over. Or would you prefer that I teach you the spell so that I can send it to you? I can’t create a link between the two of you due to this type of magic being linked to my flames but I can make it easier for you if you would prefer.”

“Oh, it’s fine darling. Just means you and I will be able to chat every now and then. I am so interested in the fashion styles where you are from.” She said with a wave of her hoof.

“I will try to make time to discuss it with you after the harvest season at the farm. Thank you for the coffee Rarity and I am glad that you have decided to be there for Blue as well.” He turned to leave.


Oblivion rolled his eyes. “AJ has rubbed off on me more than I thought. I gave him a nickname.” Rarity hid a smile behind her hoof. “Though he seemed to appreciate it. First time I used it I actually expected him to protest, but not a word about it.”

“Perhaps it made him feel like you were treating him like a pony not a royal?”

“I think that may be the exact reason. Anyway, have a good evening Rarity.” The stallion gave a bow of his head and headed for the door.

“Have a nice evening darling. Don’t work too hard during the harvest.”

He looked back and gave her a faint smile. The stallion stopped just outside and vanished in a flash of blue flame. He reappeared in front of the barn and walked into the farmhouse. He went upstairs while the rest of the family ate dinner. He laid down on the top of the quilt and opened a book while he let himself wind down from his hunting and training earlier.

‘Tomorrow should be an interesting day. Due to this asinine challenge of AJ’s this could go one of two ways, good or very bad. It will be my job to ensure that it does not get out of hoof. I just hope that if I say so AJ will relent. Big Mac, I’m not concerned about, its the other Apple sibling.’ Oblivion looked up as a hoof rapped gently on the door. He closed his book and looked to the door.

“Come in.” He said as he made sure his cloak was in place for a moment.

Apple Bloom walked into the room and climbed up onto his bed to face him. “Today was so awesome, big brother. That story was great and every pony loved it. The others are trying to convince Miss Cheerilee that she should ask you to come in again. Some of the colts are wanting to see how you use that steel sword. Ah told em that ya aren’t one fer showing off. But the boys really want ta see it. But everypony wants ta hear more stories. If Miss Cheerilee says it's okay, would ya mind coming in again?”

Oblivion looked to her before he considered the question. “I’m not sure of another story I would tell little one. Most of the other stories I have are not very...gentle. I have spent all my life fighting so most stories I have are about that.”

Apple Bloom considered what he said. “Well, what about the other Witcher's? Do ya know any stories about them?”

“Of course I do. There are many stories from when we all winter at the keep but those are adult stories for the most part. Some might be okay but I would have to think about it.”

“So would ya come and tell more stories?”

Oblivion looked away from her and sighed. “Maybe. I would need to think about it.”

Apple Bloom beamed and nodded. She walked up and hugged his neck then jumped off the bed and out the door. He watched her and gave a slight shake of his head. He looked up and watched as Applejack walked in. He moved his book back to the desk and waited.

“Ah forgot ta ask ya how yer trip went. Ya have fun?”

“It was an experience yes. Luna and I had a good time with our sparring match and then had a long discussion about how she is doing since being returned to her true form, who she learned her technique from, among other things. Though now that you mention it is there a forge in town?”

“Ah’m glad ya had fun. And yeah, there is, why?”

“My steel sword has a hairline crack in it. Apple Bloom noticed it while she was looking at it when I passed them around.” He paused, Applejack gaped at him, he rolled his eyes at the stunned look from the orange mare. “I blunted the blade and forbid them from drawing the silver blade. Cheerilee approved it.”

“Oh well, that's fine then. Sorry about that. So ya let them see the steel but not the silver. Why?”

“The silver blade can’t be handled. One of the runes in the blade gives it the ability to poison any pony that touches it. Among the other properties that make it too dangerous to be handled except by myself or a proper master-craftsman or crafts-pony. Plus its a blade with a very specific purpose and is meant to be respected.” He advised the orange mare. “But can you give me a rough idea where the forge is at some point? It disturbs me that the blade is damaged.”

Applejack nodded and looked at his back. She knew that the weapons were there despite not being able to see them. “Not a problem. Ah’ll show ya after we finish the harvest. That comes first, and showing Big Mac that Ah am the faster apple bucker is important.”

Oblivion looked at her. “Yes, it is important. Do remember that if either of you gets out of hoof I will stop you. Whether you like it or not.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’ll be fine.” She started when Oblivion's magic clamped her mouth shut.

“Don’t brush that off, AJ. If needed I will lock you in the barn with one of my locks.” He threatened. He only released the mare when she nodded.

She rubbed her jaw for a moment before turning to leave. “Don’t forget, up early tomorrow.” She left the room and Oblivion started to close it when Big Mac knocked on the door jam.

“Ah know ya are goin’ ta head ta sleep but ah wanted ta talk to ya for a minute if ya don’t mind.” The red stallion waited by the door until Oblivion spoke.

“Come in, Big Mac. I’m still awake, so feel free.”

Oblivion was a bit surprised to see the farmer looking upset. Oblivion's magic closed the door as a courtesy. Big Mac saw it and gave a thin smile.

“Ah know that ya are gonna watch over this here contest that Applejack has made up. Ah know that ya won’t let it get too out of hoof but I have a request.” Oblivion laid in silence and waited for him to continue. “Can ya help me with my half?”

Oblivion tilted his head. “Are you all right?”

“Eeyup. Just a bit miffed at Applejack. She is going overboard with this again.” The farmer heaved a sigh and looked to the other stallion.

“I will watch over her as well, Big Mac. I will help you as well. But why are you having me help out?”

“Applejack didn’t say that we had to do it all alone. She needs ta learn that one pony can’t do it all and ah’m worried that her stubbornness could hurt herself or somepony else.”

Oblivion thought about it for a moment before he nodded to Big Mac. “Very well. I think you are right in that she is so focused on trying to outdo you that she is losing sight of the big picture. I’m more concerned that she will overdo it and it will affect others.”

Big Mac nodded and turned to the door. “Can ya make sure she doesn’t hurt any pony? Ah know that it will use yer magic but can ya make the damage not so bad?”

Oblivion looked at the stallion. He looked down at his medallion with the Element of Spirit surrounding it and he pushed the breast collar out and let it be visible. “I will do what I can Mac. I will stop her from doing permanent damage but not all of it. You are right. She has to learn.”

Mac looked at the collar around his neck and nodded. “Thanks, bro.”

He left and Oblivion watched him leave. ‘Bro huh? Another odd thing to get used to, I suppose.’ He looked out the window by his bed and used magic to close and lock the door. He slid his cloak over his head and laid it down on the desk. He chose to skip a bath and simply go to sleep. He stretched his right wing and heard the joints pop. The other wing he checked before moving it too much. The bandages had been removed and he had been letting it get some air. So far as he could tell the gash had almost completely healed and new feathers were growing in as well.

He slowly extended the limb and heard the joints pop due to lack of movement over the past couple of days. His wings collided gently with the ceiling and close to a foot of their length folded against the ceiling. He folded them back against his body and teleported himself under the blanket to avoid getting up. He gave a wry chuckle at his own laziness. “Now I see why sorceresses use portals all the time. It’s that much simpler and faster.” He moved his swords off his back and laid them in their normal place beside the window. He pulled his mane out of the tie that AJ had given him. He laid his head on the pillow and listened to the other ponies in the house. After a while, he slept and the world faded around him.

Oblivion's head snapped up and he looked around. It was still dark out and he looked around him. The rest of the armor crawled across his fur and locked into place. Each rune was alight in the armor and he looked to his swords, moving onto his back as he got up. He moved the quilt back and tossed his mane back into the tie and moved silently down the stairs and out of the farmhouse. His hooves made no sound as he let his claws come out of his hoof and he walked silently on them. He broke into a brisk trot and narrowed his eyes to search for tracks or anything else that would give him a clue. His skin crawled and he could feel a light sweat going over his fur. He stopped suddenly as a pair of tracks were shown to him. There was still heat in them and he followed it.

“Could be a Drowner or a Nekker. But what is one of them doing here, in this world? Granted the same could be said about me.” He muttered to himself. “The tracks are similar but there is no scent. Drowners are pretty distinctive, same with Nekkers. What the hell is going on?” Oblivion stopped again and raised his head. His nose scented the air around him and he reared up to stand on his rear legs to try to see more. The Witcher went back down to four legs and started trotting forward once more. He was over halfway through the northern orchard before his ears pricked. His head came up and he listened. He could hear what sounded like a Nekker. “What the hell? Nekkers are pack monsters. There are usually more than five but not more than fifteen. Why am I only hearing one?” He crept forward so as not to alert the creature he was close by. Oblivion looked around a tree and his nose caught the scent of dirt, blood, and death. The Unicorn pulled his silver blade from its sheath. The blade gave off its own silver glow and the runes skittered across its flawless surface. The blade was 40 inches long and razor-thin. The stallion slid out from behind the tree his blade ready but he found nothing. The scent was fading, leaving nothing for him to follow.

“Gods below. What is going on? This is the third time that something has had me chasing my tail. This time it was too close to ponies.” His body moved across the ground and he analyzed every glade of grass and tree. There were faint tracks in the dew-covered ground but nothing clear. The silver blade was slid back into its sheath. He could tell that the Nekker had been there but seemed to have vanished. The black pony looked up in the trees and even thought about trying to fly up to the tops of the trees but after spreading his wings he decided not to. He couldn’t risk being injured before the harvest later that day. Especially since the Alicorn had no idea how to fly. He gave a loud snort and shook his head. His horn lit as he used it’s light to look around him. His orange eyes made it easier to see in the dark but he needed some light for a moment.

After searching the area once more he sighed and, instead of teleporting, walked back to the farmhouse and his own bed. ‘How odd. I know I heard it and the scent is unmistakable. How did it vanish like that? Nekkers have no magic.’ He halted as a thought struck him. ‘Wait. Since I now have magic could a monster from my world have magic now as well?’ Oblivion cringed at the thought. He looked back and found nothing. “That's a foolish idea. I’m making too much out of that idea. A Nekker would have no idea how to use magic if it got it. They burrow and I would have noticed the signs of digging. Those claws leave distinct marks behind. Even if they would vanish like I do a Nekker would not know what to do.”

He walked back to the house, but stopped outside and turned back to the orchard. “Anything gets close to this family and I will destroy it. This home and town are mine to protect. I may be a Witcher, but even I can grow accustomed to a way of life. These ponies have opened their homes and their lives to a stranger. I will not fail them. Normally a Witcher is for sale but they have earned my protection.” The Unicorn spoke to no pony in particular but himself. He looked to the skies and saw that the sun was beginning to rise. He ported himself to his room and shed his cloak. His mane was already tied up but he pulled it out and tied it tighter and moved the majority of his armor back into the breast collar and left that in its place. He opened the door to his room and walked downstairs. He looked behind him and saw Big Mac yawning as he followed the Unicorn. Oblivion reached the table and sat down with him.

Big Mac looked at him and noticed that he still wore the breast collar of his Element. “There a reason why yer wearing that?”

Oblivion looked back to him. “Since I am going to be using a fair amount of magic it is easier to have it on to prevent any possible headaches. Plus, it has several runes that I use that can help with strength and power levels.”

Big Mac nodded in understanding. “Ah see. That makes sense.” He looked up as Applejack trotted down the stairs.

“Morning, boys!” She hollered to them.

Oblivion growled a bit and said nothing as he pinned his ears. Big Mac greeted his sister with a nod as she started pulling out ingredients for breakfast. Big Mac looked to Oblivion who gave a slight nod that he was with him still. They ate pancakes in silence and then walked outside into the crisp morning air. Applejack turned to look at the two stallions, Oblivion was slightly behind as he quietly closed the door, so as not to wake the older mare and filly, who still slept.

“All right, you two. Big Mac, you gonna take the north or south?” She started.

“Ah’ll take the north.” He replied to her.

“All right and ah’ll take the south. Oblivion y'all go in the middle and take the baskets from each orchard and get them into the barn. If the barn gets filled up with all of mah apples then putting them on the side of the barn is fine as well.” She said and turned to look at the apple trees.

Big Mac looked sideways to Oblivion who gave a barely perceptible nod. The two siblings parted and went to their respective orchards with Oblivion following Applejack. She reached the far end of the orchard and turned to look at the first tree.

“Well, Ah better get kickin’. These apples ain’t gonna shake themselves outta the trees.” She looked away from the tree as the ground began to shake. “What in Equestria? Ow!” She yelped as an apple hit her in the head. “Oh no. A stampede!” She looked to Oblivion who shrugged. “Stay here. Ah’ll be right back.” She took off toward town.

Oblivion teleported to where Big Mac was already bucking the trees free of apples. “Applejack ran off. Something about a stampede.” He reported.

Big Mac stopped. “A stampede? Where?”

“She was headed for town.” Oblivion started as Mac ran off also.

“Stay here and start bucking the trees. Ah’ll be back.”

Oblivion looked up to the tree as the farmer vanished. “Buck the tree? Seriously?” His horn lit as it pulled the apples out of the tree and he set them in the baskets. “Rarity wanted some of the first apples in exchange for that fabric.” Oblivion looked to one of the baskets and after pulling out the rotted or bad apples he put an R on the side of it and set it to the side. He continued with the tactic until his ears caught the sound of hooves. He looked back to see Big Mac coming toward him. The farmer's eyes widened at the baskets that were set out in a row.

“Wow. Ah suppose that tellin’ ya not ta use magic should have been the first step.” He said to the Unicorn.

“Come again?” Oblivion set the full basket down and looked at him sideways. “How long would it have taken you to do this much?”

“Most of the day. But this is the way we Apples have done it since the beginning.”

“I understand that, but you left without informing me of one detail.” Oblivion paused and waited for Mac’s attention. “I don’t know how to buck a tree without almost breaking it or leaving hoof prints in the bark. I have bucked Apple Bloom from a tree but left a large dent in the tree. I also set aside a basket for Rarity, since she wanted some of the first apples from the harvest in exchange for the fabric Applejack ordered.”

Mac started and put a hoof to his face. “Ya’ll are right. That's mah fault. Ah’ll take over and ya can start moving the baskets.” Mac said as he went to the next tree. “Ah fergot all about Miss Rarity’s apples. Thanks, fer taking care a that.”

Oblivion nodded and used his magic to pick up all the baskets and walked them to the barn. He walked over to Applejack and picked up the baskets from her side as well. He walked back to Big Mac and watched how he kicked the tree with just enough force to jog the apples lose. Oblivion turned around, put his weight onto his forelegs and kicked the tree behind him. His hooves connected with the tree and he used Quen to prevent the apples from hitting him. He looked up to find Mac clapping his forehooves together. Oblivion put the stray apples into the basket and then took all of the baskets to the barn. This process went on all day, with him walking back and forth. After a while, he started teleporting between the ponies. He stopped using a teleport when Applejack scolded him for it. He started to argue with her about how much easier it was when he shook his head and walked the baskets to the barn as he had been doing. ‘This is going to be a long few days.’

For Oblivion, the days dragged by as his patience and endurance were tested. He heard that the town wanted to honor both of the siblings for saving it from the stampede. While he admitted it was a good thing they had done, he couldn’t help but think that a large celebration was going a bit overboard. He bucked a tree when Big Mac looked over to him and whistled.

Oblivion looked over to him and waited. “Applejack and I are busy. So can ya go to the party for us and thank them for the award?”

“Why in the Hells do you want me to go?”

“We’re both busy with the harvestin’. Please?”

Oblivion sighed in defeat. He was honestly too tired to argue. “Very well. I'll be right back.”

The black Unicorn started to walk to town. “Ya might wanna teleport. It starts in a little bit.” Mac yelled to him.

Oblivion whirled on him and glared as he teleported.

He arrived in the town square and stood behind the stage. His head was lowered as he tried, and failed, to look interested. The mayor ascended the stairs and stood in front of every pony.

“Ah-ahem. And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize, Pony of Ponyville Award, to our beloved guests of honor, two ponies of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friends: Applejack and Big Macintosh!” She yelled the last part.

An aggravated Oblivion Shadow stepped onto the stage platform. The Unicorn stallion looked at them and shrugged as he started forward. “My apologies for being here instead of the Apple siblings. Both are working tirelessly in the fields for harvesting. I was asked to be here on their behalf to accept this honor in their stead. Now if you will excuse me.” He said to the crowd and his magic picked up the large trophy, which still seemed overkill to him.

Twilight stepped forward. “Oblivion please give them our regards, will you? And thank them for their help.” The purple Unicorn asked him.

Oblivion looked back and nodded before he teleported back to the farm. He set the trophy in the kitchen and teleported to Applejack.

“The town says thank you.” He sniped at her.

The orange mare turned to him. Exhaustion was written all over her. “Mighty kind of ye to go get that Oblivion.”

He waited for her to say more but she went back to the trees. He snorted and teleported back to Big Mac.

“The town says thank you.” He parroted the same response to the red stallion.

Mac turned to him and walked over to him. “I appreciate ya doin’ that for us Oblivion. Why don’t ya sit down and rest fer a minute? Ya look plum tuckered out.”

Oblivion blinked and in response sat down heavily on his rump. He looked down at the ground and saw the state of his collar and blanched. “Oh, disgusting.” His flames went over his body and incinerated the straw and dirt off the breast collar.

Mac chuckled and went back to bucking trees and picking up the fallen apples. “Ya hunt monsters through mud and Celestia knows what else, but ya cringe at straw and dirt.” The farmer came over to him and gently pushed his shoulder. Oblivion looked at him.

“That's a different story. Out in the forests and whatnot, there are no baths.” The black stallion jabbed back at him.

Both of them glared for a moment before laughing. Oblivion stood up and picked up the baskets of freshly harvested apples and walked them to the barn. He went to Applejack's side and did the same. The next morning was the same as all three of them going into the orchards. Apple Bloom was being walked to and from school by Granny Smith due to the siblings all working. Oblivion moved more baskets and turned around to find Twilight’s light coming through the front gate. He waited for her to reach him.

“Oblivion. Are you all right? You look exhausted.” She said and placed a hood on his shoulder.

“Well, I can honestly say that tracking monsters is easier than this half the time.” He replied with a long sigh.

“What's going on? You came to town yesterday and looked pretty rough around the edges.”

Oblivion snorted and looked to his breast collar, to find it covered in dust and mud again. He brushed it off with a hoof and snorted. “Ugh.” He growled and looked to the purple mare. “Here is the current situation. Applejack is acting like a petulant foal. Before harvest even started Mac commented that he was glad there would be three of us to do the harvesting since pretty much every tree was covered in apples. Applejack took it badly and then challenged Mac to an apple-bucking contest. They split the orchard down the middle and have been going almost non stop. Mac in the north and AJ in the south. What AJ does not know is that Mac has me helping him for the purpose of teaching her a lesson. She’s worked herself nearly into the ground and I am the unfortunate fool stuck as the go-between. I am this close to calling it off.” He held his forehooves an inch apart.

Twilight cringed at him and brushed the dirt off of his fur. His coat was a dull gray due to dirt and dust. “Okay, how can I help?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Mac is easy his side will be done in 2-3 days Applejack 4-5. You can try to talk some sense into her. But I will warn you of this, you stand a better chance of getting Spike to not sleep in.” He quipped to her.

Twilight hid a smile behind her hoof. “Well, I can at least try. If I need to talk to you where will you be?”

“I’m headed over to buck a few trees for Big Mac, pick up the baskets, and then over to AJ for the baskets.”

“Okay, I'll try.”

“Good luck. You’ll need it.”

Oblivion teleported over to Big Mac who handed him a glass of lemonade. Oblivion had to fight the urge not to drink it all in one gulp. He drank the cold liquid slowly with the red farmer and then bucked a few trees before picking up the baskets. He found Twilight looking frustrated as she stood in front of the barn waiting for him.

“So, as fruitless as I told you?” He said as he put the baskets in the barn.

She huffed as she turned to him. “How can a pony be so stubborn?”

He laughed for a moment before looking at her. “Well, she is supposed to uphold her promises to others over the next couple of days. I think she is going to go help Rainbow, then pinkie pie, and lastly Fluttershy. Given how worn she is I don’t anticipate this ending well. I did give Mac my word that I would help those that are affected to a degree. So let me know if any of the affected ponies are seriously injured. Since you will be around those affected more than I will be.”

Twilight nodded. Applejack had mentioned Oblivion’s ability to heal once. “Hopefully we won’t need you. You seem worn out as well.”

Oblivion nodded and headed over to AJ’s half. The mare was standing and snoring in one spot. Oblivion frowned and walked up to the mare. “AJ.” No reply. “AJ!” He shouted at her with no response. “Applejack!” He yelled at her and she startled awake, tripped and fell flat on her nose. The mare jumped to her hooves, rubbing her snout.

“Tarnation Oblivion, don’t scare a gal like that.” She admonished him with a glare.

“I would apologize but that would require me being sorry.” He responded as his magic picked up the baskets. He held them and saw Applejack stick her tongue out at him as he left.

The next morning Oblivion watched as AJ left to go help Rainbow Dash. Oblivion looked at Big Mac who also looked a bit concerned.

“Y'all gonna follow her?” The red stallion asked.

“Nope,” Oblivion replied as he looked at the paper from that morning. “She needs to realize that her actions affect more than just us.”

“Ya'll still sleeping on the floor?”

Oblivion sighed. “Yes. It’s not fair to Granny Smith to have to wash sheets every day just because all of us are too exhausted to take a bath. I’d fall asleep in it anyway. I expect a nice long bath after this is finally over.”

Big Mac nodded. “Maybe we will have to visit that spa thing that the girls have mentioned.”

“A what?”

“Is called a spa. The ponies there take care of ya so ya can relax in it and do nothin’ so ah hear.”

Oblivion put a hoof to his chin. “Could be worth it. Make Applejack pay for it.” He said with a chuckle. ‘The only problem could be my wings. Perhaps keep the tie around my fetlock to keep them hidden. Will look to a solution later.’

“Oh yeah.” Big Mac laughed with the other stallion and hoof bumped him, as they got ready to go to work.

They went into the north orchard and started to work. Though a bit slower than before, due to both of them being worn down. Oblivion's ears flicked when he faintly heard his name being called. “Excuse me, Mac. I’ll be right back.” Mac nodded and Oblivion teleported to the barn.

Twilight saw him appear and looked nervously to him. Rainbow Dash was with her. “I know we had agreed that we would have you heal anypony only if it was dire. Well, Applejack launched Rainbow through the air and she crashed into my balcony.”

Oblivion barked a laugh at the blue Pegasus's expense. “Okay, so what is broken?”

Rainbow looked at him. “Nothing broke, as far as I know, but my wings are killing me.” She commented.

Oblivion blinked at her then looked to Twilight. “You're serious? Twilight this does not count as an emergency.” The mare looked to the ground.

“I know and I said that as well. But Rainbow..”

“Look if you can help me then you should. I’m one of your friends too.” Rainbow jabbed at him.

Twilight's eyes widened and she rounded on the mare. “Rainbow Dash! That is out of line. You know that Oblivion cares and he is right. I told you that you being sore is not a reason for him to heal you. You're being selfish.” The purple mare was stern and anger showed.

Rainbow looked away from them both. “But..”

“No.” Oblivion glared down his snout at the mare. “You are a child in the form of a mare. You think yourself above simple things and believe that another can solve your problems for you. Your injury has nothing to do with me. You speak as if we are friends Rainbow Dash. But we aren’t. You and I have nothing in common and at this moment I have no patience for a self-centered little filly.” He snapped, spun around and vanished in a flash of blue flame.

Big Mac looked back to him as he reappeared. “Y'all okay?”

“Just aggravated. Rainbow dash got thrown through the air and crashed into Twilight’s balcony. I had told Twilight that if any pony was seriously injured due to Applejack's stubbornness to bring them here and I would help. Rainbow will be a bit sore but no broken bones, just a selfish filly. She may be loyal, but she’s self-absorbed.” He replied and gave one of the trees a harder kick than he meant to. Hoofprints were left in the bark. He looked too big Mac. “Sorry.”

“It's all right. Ah’ve kicked em harder than that afore.” Mac patted his shoulder and let the subject drop, knowing that the black Unicorn was in no mood to discuss it.

It was hours later and AJ had left to go help Pinkie Pie with baking. He and Mac both looked a bit nervous at the possibilities of that. “She’s always been good with baking.” Mac had told him.

Oblivion looked at him. “I hope so.”

Around two hours later, Oblivion’s ears caught his name being yelled. “I’ll be right back. I get the feeling that the baking didn't go well. I can hear Twilight by the barn again. Hopefully, it’s nothing serious.” Mac looked back at him.

“Ah hope not. Let me know. Hopefully, ya don’t need ta use more magic. Ah, think yer starting ta run on empty.” The red farmer commented.

Oblivion nodded. “I’m having to rely on my armor more than I intended.” He admitted.

Mac nodded. “And Ah think ya may have lost some weight. Which isn’t healthy fer ya.”

Oblivion looked back and found that it seemed Mac could be right. The black stallion clicked his tongue and teleported to the barn. He saw that Twilight was facing him looking upset. He walked up to her and stood by her.

“Twilight, are you alright?”

“I’m okay, but a bunch of other ponies aren’t. Applejack helped Pinkie bake and now a lot of ponies are very sick.”

Oblivion groaned. “I knew it would not end well. All right, how bad is it?”

“None of them can keep anything down. Even water is out of the question. I’m not gonna ask you to fix it completely but can you help them be able to drink some water?” She pleaded with him.

Oblivion looked away from her for a moment. “I will help Twilight. This does sound like a true emergency. Lead the way.” His horn lit up as he sent a message to Big Mac, giving him the basics and that he would explain when he returned. Twilight trotted to the gate and looked back to him. He broke into a long lope and she galloped ahead of him. His long strides made it easy for him to keep up with her. He could see a Spirit that was familiar to him, Pinkie Pie.

“Figures that she ate a few of them.” He commented. Twilight looked back and gave a weak smile.

He slowed with her as they went into the tent. A creamy white pony with a red cross on her flank and a nurses hat came up to them.

“Thank you for coming back Twilight we need all the help we can get.” The mare looked to the thin black pony with her. “Does he need our help as well?”

Twilight started and looked back at him. “Oh no. He’s just built to be thin. He’s here to help as well. Oblivion, don’t overdo it okay? Please be careful.”

She patted his shoulder as he passed by her and walked into the center of the tent. His horn lit up but then went out. His own energy spent as he tried to call upon more. He growled and called on the rest of his spirit armor. It crawled over his fur and he felt it’s strength flow back over him. His horn lit and slowly every sick pony was engulfed in the warm blue flame. Pinkie Pie looked at him from her place in a bed. Her eyes were dull and showed a well of pain. Oblivion closed his eyes and focused his power to go out to the sick ponies. Each one slowly started to look up at him. Amazement in their eyes. Pinkie sat up and stared at the black stallion. His magic faded and he panted for a moment before looking at them. He turned to leave and head back to the farm.

“Wait! What did you do?” The nurse asked him.

“I healed the worst of it. They might want to go for light foods for a day or so, but they will be fine. I have work to do so if nothing else is needed.” The stallion explained.

Twilight looked up as the ponies all appeared brighter. “Oblivion, I had no idea you could do that. It was amazing.” The purple mare gushed and the other Unicorn shrugged.

“I did what was needed. Nothing more. Though I will ask that next time look at what you're going to eat before you eat it.” He commented as he teleported back to the farm. He landed, roughly a few feet from Big Mac.

“How did it...go...” The farmer looked to Oblivion, who now had his full armor on. Encased in it from head to tail. Oblivion slumped to the ground and sighed.

“Gods below, that mare is going to be the death of me.” He commented before standing.

“How bad was it?”

“None of them could even drink water and that alone can be fatal. So I healed the worst of it. But I had to call upon the rest of my armor to do it.” He replied as he picked up the baskets that Mac had finished. “Thankfully, the day is almost over and we should finish with your half tomorrow.”

Mac considered what he said for a moment before he reached over and his hoof grabbed a chunk of Oblivion's long tail. Oblivion yelped and sat down. “Sorry, bro. But Ah think ya need ta rest for the rest o’ the day. Ya have overdone it and the fact that ya need yer armor is proof ah that. So settle down fer a bit.”

Oblivion set the baskets down and, for once, did exactly as he was told. His head laid down between his hooves and he laid in silence. Mac patted his hip before going back to work. Oblivion let his mind fade and he chose to meditate for a while.

Mac looked over and saw that the stallion appeared to be sleeping so he tried to be as silent as he could so as not to disturb him. The red stallion looked at his elder brother and he could tell that Oblivion’s armor was loose on him. He hadn’t seen all of it before but he was sure that it had fit better before the Applebuck season. He decided that when it was over he was gonna have his brother go hunting and make him a nice meal when he got back. Plus, he would ask about that spa thing and have Applejack pay for it. He was about to go back to his bucking when he heard movement. He looked over to find that Oblivion’s head had come up.

“Oblivion! So yer over here nappin’! Apples don’t lay down on the job!” Applejack yelled from a few feet away. The orange mare walked over and, much to the black ponies surprise, sunk her teeth into his ear and started to drag him after her.

“What the? Applejack, let go!” Oblivion roared at her. Pain tore through his ear and he dug his hooves in to stop his forward movement. His horn flared and his used it to pry her jaws off his ear. “Do not do that again.” He said to her as he rubbed his ear. He was about to say more when a tug on his tail stopped him.

“Ah told him to take a second since he’s been running all day.” Mac came forward.

Applejack shifted her gaze to her brother. “Well, he needs to make sure that mah apples are moved.”

As they started to argue Oblivion teleported to Applejack's side and picked up the five baskets. He glared at them as he teleported to the barn and put them off to the side due to it being full. He teleported back to the arguing siblings. He looked between them and snorted. He reared up and used Aard to push them both back and silence them as his hooves struck the ground.

“That's enough! I moved the baskets Applejack and you're going to bust my ass over five baskets that were nowhere near you? Mac is correct he asked if I wished to rest for a moment and I took him up on the offer. You need to slow down and get the facts and make an educated decision before you fly off the handle at the wrong pony. This discussion is over. Go back to your side of the farm.” She opened her mouth to argue. “Now!” He roared at her.

The ground trembled at his tone, Applejack shrank back and fled. Oblivion sighed and sat down. Mac came over to him and sat down.

“Was it really only five baskets?”

He nodded. “I almost brought them with me to drop on her, but decided not to.”

Mac laughed. “Thank ya fer stopping that. I just didn’t think it was fair ah her to go after ya.”

“Your right, it wasn’t fair. That is why I acted as I did. It was also only a matter of time before she noticed that you are almost finished with your half. I’ll just need to make sure to keep her at bay tomorrow. It should be interesting, she is helping Fluttershy tomorrow. Not sure if I should be dreading the outcome or if I will laugh.”

Mac looked away from him after a moment. “Ah hope it works out okay. Miss Fluttershy is a sensitive, caring pony.”

Oblivion looked to the other stallion before he chuckled. “Some pony hoping she’ll come around?”

Mac jolted at Oblivion’s implication. “Well she’s helped us out plenty o’ times and she always asks about tha’ farm and mah family and ah...” Mac caught the little mischievous grin on the muzzle of the other before he realized he’d been had. “Oblivion. That was low.”

“Not really. I’ve done worse to my fellow Witcher's.” He quipped back. “Look, Mac, if you like the mare say something, You know Fluttershy is too shy to say anything herself.” The black stallion commented to the other. “I won’t say anything, it’s your business.”

Oblivion said as he picked up the baskets that Mac had finished and walked away from him. Mac tried to get the blush to go away from his face. He knew that Oblivion had been teasing him in his own way. He stood up and went back to work.

As morning dawned the next day Mac and Oblivion went to the north while Applejack left, her dog Winona in tow, to help Fluttershy. Oblivion could see that Mac was more nervous about that then he had been with the others.

“Easy Big Mac, she’ll be fine,” Oblivion said and patted him on the shoulder.

“Yeah, ah know.” He followed the other stallion and started finishing up the harvest of the northern orchard.

Applejack came back an hour or so later and Oblivion began walking between them picking up the baskets. He saw Twilight coming in the gate with an annoyed look. She saw Oblivion and walked over to him.

“This has to end.” She declared.


“Yes. She terrorized a bunch of baby bunnies, they went through town and ate every piece of foliage available and, though I'm not sure how scared a few ponies.” She paused when Oblivion laughed.

“Scared by a bunch of bunnies?” He looked back at her.

“Yeah, I don’t understand it either. Granted some ponies faint at the slightest little thing but still. Has Applejack learned her lesson yet?”

Oblivion shrugged. “She got herself into an argument with Mac and I last night. But I doubt she learned anything. Mac and I will finish in a bit so feel free to talk to her. Bring her to the barn when you're done and she can see how a team works instead of going alone.” He said to her and the mare nodded.

He went back to Big Mac and helped clear out the last of the trees on their side. Both took the last baskets to the barn and waited out front. Oblivion looked out and he could see that Applejack had about a fourth left. If you were inside the orchard then it would be difficult to see the hidden part of the southern edge. Plus in an exhausted state and not thinking clearly, it would be easy to miss. He looked up to find Applejack trotting in front of Twilight.

“Ah did it.” She declared and stomped her hoof. She looked to Big Mac and Oblivion. “How do ya like them apples?” She posed with her head high and looked to the stallions.

Big Mac walked over to her and turned her to see the empty trees and the full barn. “Um, how do ya like them apples?” He said.

Oblivion walked up to her and then turned her to see the unfinished section of her side. “How about that?”

Applejack's eyes narrowed to pinpricks and she started mumbling. “Where did all the apples, what, how?” Then she fainted.

Oblivion's magic caught her and lowered her to the ground gently. “Well, who wants to break it to her that she’s been fooled when she comes to?”

“Ah will. Was mah idea.” Mac stepped forward.

Oblivion nodded and Twilight put her muzzle a few inches from Applejack and started saying her name. “Applejack.” She waited. “Applejack.”

The orange mare slowly opened her eyes. “Huh?”

“Oh good, you're okay. Now Applejack, I completely respect the Apple Family traditions. You always help any pony in need so you need to try to put aside your stubborn pride and let your friends and family help you.” Twilight said to her.

Applejack looked around to the rest of the orchard and sighed. “Okay Twilight, yer right.”

“Now, Applejack I insist...what?”

“Yes, Twilight. Please, ah could really use yer help.”

Twilight sighed and helped her up. The mare looked to her brothers and sighed.

“Ah’m so sorry ya'll. I said things that weren’t true and I acted like a fool. Oblivion ya were right, I was acting like a filly and I should have noticed that yer wearing all yer armor. That’s not a good sign. It means yer exhausted and yer magic is running low. I’m so sorry.” The mare walked slowly up to him and Oblivion sat down as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck. He let his head sit on her shoulder and patted her back.

“I know you are, AJ. You were so focused on outdoing your brother that you lost track of all else. I forgive you for your foolish pride. Just next time stop and think first.” He said to her. The mare pulled back and sat down. Oblivion used his hoof to wipe aside a couple of tears threatening to spill over. “Now, I think Mac has something to say as well.”

Mac stepped forward and put a hoof on her shoulder. “The reason ah finished is cuz I asked fer help.”

Applejack's eyes widened. “Ya, what?”

“Ah asked Oblivion ta help me finish the first cuz ah knew ya were gonna go crazy with this here contest ya made up. Oblivion went around behind ya fixing up the ponies that ya have hurt.”

Applejack startled. “What ponies?”

Twilight came forward and explained. “Rainbow strained a few muscles from crashing into my balcony. Pinkie and a bunch of other ponies ended up sick from those nasty muffins that you two made.” She explained. Applejack went from concerned to horrified. “Oblivion healed the sick ponies so that they could drink water again. But he had to use his full armor to do it.”

Applejack looked back to the Black Unicorn. “And he ran himself so ragged between us that he’s lost some weight as well.” Mac threw in. Oblivion clamped his mouth shut with magic.

Applejack looked at him. “Ya have?”

“It’s not dire, AJ. I’ll be fine.” He assured the mare and then released Mac’s jaws as well.

Applejack fell down to her belly. “Ah can’t believe ah didn’t notice. What kinda sister am I if I didn’t see that ya were suffering? Ah’m so sorry.”

Oblivion reached out and ran his hoof over her mane. “I’ll be fine Applejack. Nothing a good meal and a bath won’t cure.” He said to her.

She looked up as he kept running his hoof over her mane. “Ah’ll do anythin’ ta make it up to ya.”

He shook his head. “It's okay, AJ. As I said, its nothing I can’t recover from.”

Mac stepped up and put a hoof on her as well. “Ah do have an idea though.”

Applejack bolted up and looked to him. “Anythin’.”

“Y'all mentioned that spa thing.” The mare nodded. “Well, he’s been laying on the floor to keep from gettin’ everything dirty so that Granny’s not washing all the time.” He was about to say more when Applejack caught on.

“Ah, course. I’ll take ya there myself. Both of ya, my treat. Ya need ta have yer fur washed and yer mane trimmed. They’ll take care ya.” The mare stood up but stumbled. Twilight went to her side and helped her stay standing.

“I think somepony needs to rest.” The purple Unicorn commented.

The two stallions agreed and stepped back. Twilight went with Applejack to put her to bed. Oblivion and Big Mac both looked to the barn and started organizing the baskets to make it easier. As Oblivion used his magic and Mac his muscles, the two of them shuffled the baskets and got them into a better position, making it easier to get to them. When they finished both of them went into the house to relax a bit before bed. Both lounged in the front room, with Mac on the couch and Oblivion stretched out on the floor. Both looked up as Twilight came into the room. She giggled at the two stallions as they were lounging.

“You two look comfortable.” She giggled at them as they looked to her.

“Could be worse,” Oblivion said to her as he rolled over to face her.

Mac nodded. “Eeyup.”

“Well, it seems like she did learn her lesson. I may not have liked what happened, but you two were right, it took a shock like this to make her see it. But are you sure your okay, Oblivion?”

“I’ll be fine. Feel a bit drained but nothing dire. I’ll survive.” He assured her. He laid his head down on the floor.

Twilight walked over and sat by his head. “Well, I’m glad you both are okay. Tomorrow the girls and I will help Applejack finish so you two can relax and take it easy. That reminds me. Oblivion, Rainbow wanted to apologize to you but she hasn’t seen you. So, tomorrow I think she will apologize for her behavior. I gave her quite the lecture afterward as well.”

“Good. She needs to learn that just because I can do something does not mean that I will.” He responded.

“Agreed. Plus, you're already tired so it was a smart move not to heal a few sore muscles.”

Mac nodded to them and went back to lounging. Oblivion rolled to his belly and looked around him. He had left his armor on throughout the day and he had a feeling it was what was keeping him going. The runes in it seemed to be active at all times. One of them was a greater mending rune, so it was constantly healing him. He laid his head back down and looked to Twilight before closing his eyes.

“So, how has he been doing Mac?” Twilight whispered.

He heard Mac shift on the couch and look to her. “He’s been doing well, Miss Twilight. He works hard and is not afraid ta speak up and set things right. Even though he seems ta have magic with no limit he uses it wisely. Unless he’s teleportin’ all over just ta frustrate AJ.” He chuckled and Twilight joined him.

“Yeah, I only recently started using teleportation, but he's far better at it than I am. I mean, his being able to teleport to Canterlot and back is far more skilled than I am.”

He heard Mac shift. “Ain’t ya a student o’ the Princess?”

“Yes. But I don’t think even the Princess can teleport that far.”

“Really? How could he have surpassed an Alicorn without bein’ one?”

None saw the slight twitch go through the black Unicorn. They continued talking over him as he lay silent. ‘Will have to come clean on that eventually. Maybe just to Twilight though. She’s a Unicorn as well with a fair amount of power as well. It would make the most sense. Though I am concerned that she will blather it to the Princess. Perhaps inform Luna first. No, she has enough on her plate, what with coming back into her crown just recently after a thousand-year absence. The other mares aside from AJ could be okay. Actually no never mind. Pinkie Pie would insist on a party or something like that. I can barely tolerate that mare normally. She has already broken a few laws of nature that I am aware of. Will speak with Twilight another time. She is the best option of the group since AJ already knows.’ He flicked his ears back to the conversation above him.

“I’m glad that he has a family around him. When I spoke to him it didn’t seem like that was something he knew about.” Twilight observed.

“Ah agree. When we mentioned it he looked ready ta run. But his leg gave out and Granny set him straight. At first, he would flinch at the word and if we called him brother he would cringe a bit. But lately, he seems to be gettin’ used to it.” Mac told her.

Twilight giggled. “That sounds about right. He had mentioned that he never had friends either, so I’m glad to see that he is slowly growing used to it. He’s not one to allow himself to be pushed into anything.”

“I can hear you both, you know.” He said and brought his head up. Both ponies startled and looked away from him. Twilight sputtered, while Mac was silent with wide eyes. Oblivion snickered and looked at them. “You both need to make sure a pony is asleep before you talk over them.”

Twilight calmed and looked at him. “Well, you looked asleep.”

“She’s right, ya did.”

“I can look that way if I choose to.” He replied to them.

Oblivion chuckled at their expense before he got to his hooves and shook himself. He sighed as dust came off his coat. “Damn.” He growled at the state of his armor and coat. Oblivion looked up as Apple Bloom came inside and ran up to them.

“Wow, that's a ton of apples in the barn. Did ya'll finish the whole thing?”

Oblivion shook his head. “No, there is some left that will be finished tomorrow.” He told her.

“Wow, so that's what yer armor looks like?” She said as she stared at the armor.

“It normally looks better, but yes.”

“It's still really shiny.” The filly said as she looked at the leg guards.

Twilight stood up and used her magic to lift Apple Bloom onto her back so she could look at the armor more closely. She reached out and ran her hoof over it, brushing away a layer of dust.

She wrinkled her nose. “Okay, it is dusty. Oh, Ah know. Ya want me ta wipe it off fer ya?”

Oblivion shook his head. “It's fine, Apple Bloom. I will tend to it later. Though I appreciate the offer.” He said as he started for the kitchen.

Apple Bloom jumped off Twilight’s back and followed behind him. “Ya sure?”

He nodded to her and he walked outside.

The filly didn’t follow him outside. She went back into the family room and looked to the two adult ponies. “How did he get so dirty? He hates that.”

“Its been a very long week, Apple Bloom. We are all dirty and tired.” Mac explained. He was about to continue when the house shook, then a roar of anger came from outside.

Twilight looked to Mac.

“Oblivion.” They both sounded off and took off outside. “Stay, Apple Bloom.”

Twilight reached the kitchen door first and saw that the baskets had fallen over and the apples scattered. Oblivion was standing in front of them, his back arched, and his teeth bared. Twilight searched around frantically. She started to yell to the black Unicorn when he charged forward and raced, at a full gallop, past the barn and into the field behind it. Twilight took off after him with Mac on her heels. The mare raced after him and saw a sword emerge from the air and she saw him hold the hilt in his teeth. Even in the sun, the blade glowed silver. Twilight dug in and tried to catch up with him. She had to skid to a halt when the black pony suddenly stopped in his tracks. Twilight heard Mac coming up behind her, then heard him yelp. She looked back and Mac rolled into her.

“Oh no!” Twilight rolled forward and found herself underneath Oblivion, who looked down at her, he blinked a couple of times, sword in his teeth. “I am so sorry.” She flushed and tried to crawl out from under him. “Eep.” The mare stopped when she realized that Mac was right behind her on the other side of Oblivion's legs.

She looked back to him and found that he didn’t seem angry, more amused.

His horn lit and he teleported a few feet ahead of them. The sword in his jaws vanished and he went over to the tangled ponies. He held Twilight under the forelegs and pulled her out from her place half under Mac's flank. “Are you all right?” he asked her.

“I’m okay, just..mortified.” She said as he helped her to her hooves.

Oblivion shook his head and went over to Big Mac. He hauled the red stallion to his hooves as well.

“Sorry bout that. Ah, slipped on the long grass. Mighty sorry, Miss Twilight.” He said to her.

“It's okay Big Mac. Accidents happen. But, what happened Oblivion?”

The black Unicorn looked away for a moment. “It's nothing. Sorry about that.”

Twilight stood up and smacked his shoulder with her hoof. “We can’t help, if you don’t tell us.”

Oblivion started at the strike, but he sighed in response. “That's the thing Twilight, you can’t help. What I sensed is not able to be felt by any of you. Not that you are not capable, it's just that I am trained for it. I sensed something that reminded me of a creature from where I am from. Its happened a few times now. Just as I get close to it the feeling vanishes. I keep chasing my tail and its becoming… more aggravating.” He explained.

Twilight looked thoughtful. “Do you have any idea what it might have been?”

He turned to look at her. “A wraith.”

Twilight looked at Big Mac, who shrugged. “A what?”

He sighed before continuing. “A wraith. A spirit that has departed this world under bad circumstances and is connected to something that was left behind. They can be cleansed, but you have to find the item they are attached and burn it to attract them to you.”

“Why in Equestria would you want them to find you?” Twilight asked Mac nodded.

Oblivion sighed at the interruption. “That is the only way to free them. You have to defeat them and cleanse their true spirit. Otherwise, they will continue to plague and kill ponies.” he explained.

Twilight and Mac looked at each other. “And you defeat these often?” She asked.

Oblivion nodded. “Their actually pretty common where I am from. Ponies attack and kill each other, which can create a wraith. There are many different types so it can depend on what kind they are and when they will appear. If I’m right, the one I was after is a Noonwraith. A Noonwraith is the spirit of a young mare that has died in a violent way right before their wedding. They are driven mad with pain and anger so they wander the fields close by where they died searching for their unfaithful husbands or lovers.” Oblivion stopped and looked to the two ponies, who looked nothing sort of horrified. “Anyway they have the ability to kill ponies and they need to be removed from an area to prevent bloodshed. But unless I see it I can’t be truly sure.” He explained.

Much to his surprise, Twilight’s spirit shifted color to show, what he had learned was curiosity. “That is so interesting. I never thought that there could be so many types of monsters. How many wraiths do you know of?”

She leaned forward to listen. “Well, there are easily five to ten that I actively know of and...”

Twilight leaned into him as he spoke. Mac looked at her and gripped her long tail in his hoof and pulled her back. She looked back and suddenly flushed scarlet. “Oh, sorry. I get a little carried away. Umm. Anyway, so it’s gone now?”

Oblivion looked at her. “Yes, I can’t sense anything nearby and they are hard to track without a clue as to who they once were.” He admitted as he started to walk back to the farm. Twilight and Big Mac fell in beside him.

Twilight kept looking to him. “So, a Wraith is the ghost of a pony?”

Oblivion looked to her for a moment before looking ahead. “No. They are the spirit of a pony driven mad with pain and betrayal before they died. Usually, they have a pretty sad story that goes with them. I have seen ones that were killed by lords of or by stallions who wanted them but were spurned.”

Twilight looked away and thought about his words. “That’s so sad. I can’t believe that another pony would do that to another. You're from outside of Equestria?”

“Yes. Very far away.”

“It sounds like a very violent and cruel place.” She said Mac nodded beside her.

Oblivion looked to the ground for a moment. “Yes, it is. It is nothing like this place. I have to admit I keep waiting for this place to fade away and reveal itself to have been a dream and nothing more.” He admitted. “That it is a dream of a world that can never exist outside of a hope or dream because in my world it would be impossible.”

Twilight looked at him as he spoke. “But it is real.”

He chuckled. “Perhaps. Or maybe I’m actually dead and this is the place we go to when it ends. Who knows?” He replied, a small smile on his muzzle.

Twilight stopped and stared at him. Both stallions stopped to look at her. Twilight stared at him then her eyes looked down. Mac suddenly nudged him. The black Unicorn looked over to him. Mac motioned him to go to her. “Why?” Oblivion mouthed.

Mac rolled his eyes and whispered back. “She’s sad. Go comfort her.”

Oblivion's head went back. “You say that like I know how.”

“Ya do it for Apple Bloom all the time. Give ‘er a hug and tell her it’s okay.” Mac punched his shoulder, got behind him and gave the Unicorn a shove.

Oblivion walked forward and rolled his eyes. He looked back and found Mac walking back to the house. The black Unicorn walked up to the still mare and lowered his head to hers. He saw tears falling down her muzzle. He started and found himself at even more of a loss. The stallion reached his head down and gave her a gentle nuzzle to the side of her head. Twilight sobbed and lunged into him. Her hooves around his shoulders. He put his forelegs around her and held onto her. He stroked her mane with his hoof and tried to calm her. She gripped his mane and held him close.

“You are real. I swear you are.” She said through her sobs. “I want you to be real. You're a good pony and a wonderful friend.” She hiccuped and stopped speaking.

“I did not mean to upset you, Twilight. I meant that this place is so different from where I am from it’s like a paradise. That is what I meant. I know I am real. I’m covered in dirt and grime and I can only do that if I’m alive.” He said to her. She hiccuped through a laugh and held onto him. “And the fact that Mac socked me in the shoulder hurts and pain doesn’t happen to dead ponies does it?” He said to her. She gripped his fur but nodded. He slowly pulled her away from him and set her on her rump. “Twilight, look at me. Come on, look up.” He cajoled her. When she didn’t look up he put a hoof under her chin and made her raise her head. “See? I’m right here. You're going to have to work harder to get rid of me.”

The mare smiled and rubbed her eyes to get rid of the tears. “I just never thought things were so different. The kingdom you're from sounds so different and scary. You keep so much of it to yourself that it seems to not match up to you when you talk about it. And you don’t say anything even if you hurt. Why?”

He sighed and put his hoof down. “Where I am from an injury can be fatal. Not just because of the pain or infection, but because if somepony sees it they might come after you. Even an armed Witcher is not immune. They seek to rob another of what they have so as to better themselves. Even if it means covering their own hooves in blood. So showing pain, is a weakness one cannot afford. I am sorry that it has upset you but I cannot change how I think that easily. Do you understand? It's like in a wolf pack. They never show they are hurting because the wolf under them will go after them for their position in the pack.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. “It just sounds so scary but when I think about it you don’t show anything.”

Oblivion looked away. “There is a different reason for that but I think I have given you enough to think about. Come, I’ll walk you home.” Twilight stood up and walked up to his side. He turned and started walking with her. Oblivion stayed beside her as they walked through the field toward town. I may wait to tell her more. Specifically about the wings on my back. But when is the right time to tell her? I upset her badly today now that I think of it. I will tell her more when I think she has had enough time to process the knowledge I gave her today. She is a pretty tough pony to be able to understand what I said and still show interest. I’ll worry about it another time.’ They walked into town as the sun began lowering and they got to the door of the library.

“Thanks for bringing me home. I’m sorry I cried on you, I was just so shocked that I wasn’t sure how to react.” She said to him.

“It's okay, Twilight. I’m here if needed.”

Twilight smiled and nodded to him. “Anyway, thanks again. Be careful about going back. Even though if anything does meet up with you I feel sorry for it.” She quipped to him.

Oblivion gave a low laugh. “Agreed. Just because I’m here doesn’t mean I have lazed in my training.”

She giggled behind a hoof and opened the door. “Night, Oblivion.”

“Sleep well, Twilight.” He said as he turned to head back to the farm. The black stallion walked back along the road in silence. His armor sat along his body and he looked back at it as he walked. He could see that it was dirty, but it was not what stopped him. The Unicorn lit his horn to shine a light on the armor itself. Sections of the armor were ill-fitting at best. “Perhaps I have lost some weight.” He let his horn dim and started back down the path. He reached the house after the sun had set and he walked up the stairs. He saw one light still on in the hall as he walked to his room. Apple Bloom was still awake. The Unicorn walked up to the doorway and looked in. Apple Bloom was sitting at her desk erasing a line on her homework page. She gave a frustrated sigh and looked up. She saw Oblivion in the mirror by her desk and she spun in her seat.

“Oblivion, just the pony ah need.” She stood on her chair and motioned him to join her.

The Unicorn walked in and sat down beside her chair. He looked to the paper and saw that it was blank. He looked to her for a moment. “All right, I'll bite, why do you need me?”

The filly beamed at him. “Whats a troll look like?”

He titled his head at her. “Why?”

“Ah need ta draw an animal from another place. A troll is perfect. It's not from here and it's sure ta get me an A on this here paper.” The filly bounced in her seat as she explained.

“Why not choose something that you know what it looks like?”

“Cause every pony is gonna draw somethin’ from here. I want it ta stand out. Ya don’t need ta draw it for me, just describe it.” She explained.

Oblivion looked to the paper and put his hoof close by the top. “Put a straight line across the paper here.” She looked at him. “Trust me.” He told her and the filly shrugged but did as he told her. “All right, now put another close to the bottom of the page.” He waited as the filly did as he asked. “Well done. Now put the last one directly in the middle.” She gave him a confused look but still did as he told her. “All right, now, I will teach you how to draw a troll.” He told her.

Her eyes lit up as she bounced in her seat. “Y'all can actually draw?” She asked him. “Can ya show me? Don’t show me a troll, but, what about somethin’ else?”

Oblivion thought about it for a moment. His horn lit up and a scroll and quill appeared. The quill moved across the page as he drew on it. After a few minutes, he turned it around and Apple Bloom put her hooves to her mouth and squealed. It was a rough sketch, but he had drawn her sitting at her desk.

“It’s perfect. Ya are really good!” The filly took the paper from him and held it in front of her. “Can ya really teach me ta draw like this?”

“You won’t draw just like that. I have been drawing for a long time, so I have been practicing all along. You will develop your own style that is different from mine. Shall we start?”

The filly bounced in her seat and nodded. Time went by as Oblivion instructed her how to draw a troll on her own. The filly was glad to find that Oblivion was patient with her and when she made a mistake he helped her to use it to her advantage. Neither of them noticed Applejack standing outside the door and listening. The orange mare smiled and ducked away from the door when Apple Bloom shouted with joy.

“Ah did it!” She yelled.

Oblivion shushed her with a hoof. “It's late, Apple Bloom.”

She cringed and he removed his hoof. “Sorry. Ah’m just so excited. Is this really what they look like? Can ya draw one?”

Oblivion nodded, a second scroll appeared in his magic he drew a rock troll as he knew them and showed it to the filly. She beamed at the image and held her own drawing next to his. Oblivion saw the beginning of disappointment. “Remember that I have been drawing for many years little one. For doing this in 30 minutes you did very well.” He leaned in by her ear. “Just between you and me, one of my fellow Witcher's, Lambert, can’t draw at all. He’s terrible.” He whispered to her, She giggled and hugged her troll drawing to her. She leaned over and hugged him.

“Thanks, Oblivion, your the best big brother in all Equestria!” She hugged his neck tightly.

Oblivion started but after a small sigh, he ran a hoof over the fillies mane and gave her a gentle nuzzle. “Okay, time for little fillies to go to bed. Come on.” He told her and she jumped off the chair and trotted to her bed. She stopped and put her drawing into her saddlebag. She jumped up and crawled under the covers. Oblivion went up to the door and waited until she was situated.

“Night, Oblivion.” She whispered.

“Good night, little one.” He said back and turned off the light.

He closed the door and turned, to find Applejack smiling at him from the other side of the door. He paused and then walked past her.

“That was sweet of ya ta help her. Ya didn’t have ta stay up and teach her how ta draw. But ya did.” Applejack smiled at him.

The stallion stood beside her for a moment. “There is a saying where I am from ‘give a pony a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will never go hungry.”

Applejack blinked. “Tha’s true. Though I don’t think any pony sides you eat fish. Y'all are a pretty wise pony, Oblivion.”

“Everypony, where I am from, eats whatever they get their hooves on. The second time I have been told that.” He commented.

“Who else told ya? And everypony?”

“Luna. And yes, everypony”

Applejack gaped at him. “The Princess said ya were wise too?”

Oblivion nodded as he pushed the door to his room open. “Yes, during our discussion. I told her my opinion of her and she informed me that I was wise. And that I reminded her of their teacher.” Applejack motioned for him to keep speaking. “A pony named...Star something.” The Unicorn paused. “Gods I’m getting old if I can’t remember things from a week ago...Star swirl.” He said to her with a smirk.

Applejack chuckled. “Ah don’t know who he is, but Ah bet Twilight does.” Applejack commented. “That’s what happens when yer over a hundred years old. Yer birthday cake will be an inferno.” Oblivion looked at her.

“My what cake? And why would you light a cake on fire?” He asked her with a slight tilt of his head.

Applejack stared at him before answering. “Yer birthday cake. We celebrate the day yer born and have a cake with candles on it. Ya don’t have that where ya are from?”

Oblivion shook his head. “No, and I don’t even remember what day I was born on. To be honest I have no desire to celebrate such a thing. There is no reason. I’ve been in this world for over a hundred years Applejack no reason to celebrate that.”

Applejack looked thoughtful. “Well, we could celebrate the day ya arrived or… No.” She replied.

Oblivion glared at her till she relented. “No. There is no reason. I am aware of the day I arrived and that is fine, there is no need to celebrate it. You should rest more, AJ. You worked yourself into the ground.” He said as he turned toward his room.

“Ah know. Ah’m getting somethin ta eat real quick. Care ta keep me company?”

He started to say no but decided that staying up for a bit more wouldn’t hurt him. “Very well.”

Applejack led him down the stairs and into the kitchen. She made a couple of sandwiches for herself and sat down. Oblivion looked out the window.

“Mac said ya led him and Twilight on a merry chase through the field and then ya made Twilight cry.” She accused through bites of her sandwich.

“Oh for the love of the Gods. That was not intentional. She asked what I was looking for. I explained that I had felt what could have been a wraith. She asked what I meant so I explained. I admit that I forgot that ponies here are trusting and kind to each other. She was simply shocked to hear that where I am from it is the opposite.” He explained.

Applejack nodded. “Ah must admit that it was a shock when ya told me. But ya were nice ta make her feel better. So ah’m glad ya were with her.”

“I suppose. Since I caused the upset it was my job to fix it in a way. You will be pleased to know I am considering informing her about…” He paused to make sure it was just them awake. “My being an Alicorn. The only thing that gives me pause is that I would not wish for her teacher to know. She has a strong bond with Celestia, while I do not. I have no desire to be a Prince or anything of the sort. The idea is ridiculous.” He said to the orange mare.

Applejack looked at him. “I actually think ya would be a good pony as a prince.” Oblivion’s head snapped to look at her. The look he gave her said ‘are you serious’. “Ah’m serious. Ya are a good pony. Ya know what it's like to have nothing and still move forward. Ya fight when needed and talk when needed. Ya know how ta read ponies. Ah could go on but ya get the idea. These are qualities that one needs as a Prince.” She looked to him and set her food onto her plate. “Ah heard that ya met Prince Blue Blood.” Oblivion looked startled. “Ah needed ta ask Rarity a question and she was tryin’ ta decide what ta write in a letter to somepony. She will give it to ya tomorrow probably ta send. She said that ya had met with him and were helpin’ im. Ya didn’t have to. Ya went out of your way instead.” The mare paused as he looked away.

“I didn’t actually remember who he was till later. I simply heard him when he was ranting and stuck my nose in it.”

“Ya didn’t have ta. But ya did. And from what she said ya have made him think if ya as a friend. His first friend.”

Oblivion started and looked to her. “What?”

She laughed at his response. “Yeah. He sees ya like the first true friend he has. That's important ta a pony. Especially one that felt like he was alone. See yer also a giving pony. Ya give of yerself. Do ya expect Apple Bloom ta pay ya fer teaching her to draw?”

“Hells no. Pay me with what?”

Applejack laughed. “Exactly. Ya expect nothin’. Ya may not be from here Oblivion but ya belong here.” She said as she went back to her food.

‘I belong here? How does she draw that conclusion? So I helped a couple of ponies that means…Okay, maybe it means more to ponies here than I thought. But still, that's a hell of a conclusion to draw. I’m not even from this world. I’m more concerned that mine feels like it might be bleeding into this one. So I have to...Oh, Gods, she has a point. I have taken it upon myself to not just protect these ponies, but improve things as well. What have I gotten myself into?’ He looked out the window and sighed. “I’m not from here, AJ. How can I be one of them when I’m nothing like you?”

Applejack looked at him. “Ya don’t need to be born here ta be one of us. Ya are one of us. Yer a pony like us, ya bleed, ya get angry, ya care about others. Ya are a mite bit different but that’s not a reason to throw ya away. The Element of Spirit chose ya fer a reason. Ya got a big heart and a great spirit. Ya have yer moments like any other, but all in all Ah’m proud ta call ya mah oldest brother.”

Oblivion looked away from her for a moment. “That's another thing I don’t understand. Not sure I ever will. I’m an outsider, I always have been.” He said as he looked to her.

“That doesn’t matter more.” She said her voice firm. “Yer family and that’s that.”

Oblivion scratched the back of his head with a sigh. She ate her sandwich, leaving him to puzzle through what she had said. She finished her food and got up. Oblivion stood with her and followed her up the stairs.

“Night, Oblivion.”

“Night, Applejack.”

The Unicorn went into his room and closed the door. He moved his swords to the desk after checking the hilt of his silver sword to make sure that his teeth hadn’t left any marks. He had felt his magic tiring and he chose to carry it that way, instead of in his magic. He was glad to see that it had no marks on it and decided that he needed to have AJ show him to the forge to see if he could get his steel sword tended to. He laid down on the floor and laid his cloak over his back. He left his armor in place so it would help him recover overnight. The stallion laid his head down on the floor and flicked his tail so it wrapped around his body. He laid his head down on top of the end of his tail, after it hit him in the nose, and went to sleep.

He woke up to the rooster crowing. “I hate that bird.” He grumbled as he stood up. He shook himself and laid his cloak on the desk. He looked over his body and found that he was still caked in dirt and dust. “Ugh, this is vile.” He opened the door and made his way downstairs. The rest of the Apples were waking up and he went outside instead of sitting at the table. He looked up and saw a group of familiar spirits coming toward the farm. The mares all walked through the gate and saw him. Applejack came outside and smiled.

“Thanks, fer coming ya'll.” She shouted at them.

“Least you're welcoming them.” Oblivion snipped at her.

“Of course, Ah’m being welcoming their gonna...oh. Haha. So now yer a funny Unicorn.”

“Only when you make it easy.” He quipped and walked away from her.

“Hey, Ah got an idea.” She said and pulled his tail.

“Oh?” He backed up and looked at her.

“Yeah, Rainbow is gonna apologize right?” Oblivion nodded. “Well, ask her ta help ya with that spell. Ya can’t be an Alicorn that can’t fly.”

He looked at her for a moment before the side of his mouth raised. “True.” He responded.

Applejack chuckled and welcomed the mares. Rainbow held back for a second as she hovered behind them. She dropped to the ground, inhaled and then walked up to the Black Unicorn.

“Hey, Oblivion. Can I talk to you?” She asked.

He looked to her and saw Twilight look over. “Sure. Follow me.” He led her off to the side.

“Okay, so I umm...” She looked away from him and swirled a hoof in the dirt. “Look what I'm saying is… Well...”

Oblivion looked away and Applejack held her hoof up telling him to wait. He looked back to the light blue mare.

“Ugh! What I mean is, I’m sorry. I was a jerk to you and you didn’t deserve it. I deserved to be called a little filly and I was wrong about what I said.” The mare panted when she finished. “Friends?” She held out her hoof.

Oblivion looked at the offered hoof. “On one condition.”

The mare jumped into the air. “Name it.” She said to him.

“Help me test out a new spell.” He stated.

The mare stiffened and looked at him. He kept his stone face as she landed on the ground. “How new is this spell?”

“I have used it once before. All you have to do is concentrate on your knowledge of how to fly. For a strong flier like yourself, this will be easy.”

She looked nervously away from him. “You sure that’s what I can do for you?”

“Positive. Though if you can’t I’m sure Fluttershy or another Pegasus would be able to help me. Twilight already helped me so I know it can work on a Unicorn. I just need to test it on a Pegasus.” He stated.

Rainbow cleared her throat. “Well, I’m not so sure about this idea.”

“Very well. I’m sure Fluttershy will help me out.” He said as he turned away from her. “She is such a giving friend.” He said for the sole purpose of goading the competitive mare.

Applejack had an ear turned to them and had to fight a laugh. Twilight also grinned.

“No, no .” Rainbow grabbed his tail and yanked it back.

“Ow.” He yelped as she yanked him back.

“So Twilight already did this?” Oblivion nodded and he pulled his tail from her grasp. “And if not me then you’ll ask Fluttershy?” Nodded again. “Okay, so this must be really easy if Twilight can do it.” Twilight frowned at the mare. “So what do I do again?”

“Just focus on your knowledge of flight. Such as how to fly, the angles, etc. Nothing too difficult I assure you.” He said to the mare.

“Okay, that sounds easy. So how is this gonna work?”

“I will copy that knowledge using my magic, the information will then go to me.” He informed the mare.

“Okay, this sounds almost too easy.” The mare sat down and looked to him. “Okay, go ahead.”

“All right focus.” His horn lit up and the mare concentrated. Oblivion gave a coy smile. “Granted I used this on another Unicorn so I have no idea how a Pegasus will respond.” He said quickly and tapped his horn to the mare's head.

“Wait, wha...” Rainbow went silent as Oblivion’s magic circled her. After ten seconds the magic flared and he pulled back. He shook his head and Rainbow blinked. “You said that just to freak me out!” She accused.

Oblivion rubbed the back of his head and grinned. “Yes. Yes, I did. You earned a few jabs for your behavior the other day. But since the info I received from you was quite helpful I will let that go and forgive you. Just remember that just because I am able to do something does mean that I can. Do not forget that. If it is an emergency then, by all means, come to me for help but if not, then don’t.” He informed her. Oblivion turned and smacked the dumbfounded mare in the nose with his tail.

He reached the other mares and Applejack nudged him. “That flick of your tail was revenge for her nearly pullin’ yer tail out?” Oblivion nodded.

She chuckled and turned to the girls. “All right. I need yer help finishing the harvest. There's not much left but we need the help and... okay maybe more help than I thought.” Her eyes fell on the barn.

Oblivion looked over at it hung his head. “Shit, I forgot. Hang on.” He trotted over to it and his horn lit up. His azure flame surrounded the fallen apples and baskets. They all lifted up and the baskets all sat down in long lines and the unbruised apples were dropped into the baskets while the rest were held above Oblivion's head. He looked to Applejack. “What do I do with the bad apples?”

Applejack looked over to the bin that the pigs ate from. Oblivion nodded and the bad apples were dropped inside it. He walked back to them and stood close by. Applejack looked at him and laughed. "That makes feeding the pigs easier.” She said with a chuckle.

Rarity came over to Oblivion and held out a letter to him. He nodded and it vanished with a flash of light. He informed her that it had arrived safely after a moment of thought. The mares all went forward and started pulling apples from the trees and moving the baskets from one spot to another. Big Mac joined Oblivion by the picnic table and watched. The two stallions had been told to enjoy sitting and relaxing. Mac nudged Oblivion, as Applejack came out of the house, balancing a tray on her back.

“How about ya’ll take a little break?” She hollered. “Ah got some fresh Apple Juice for ya!” The other mares came over and sat around the table with the two stallions. “Ah can’t thank ya’ll enough for this help. I was acting a bit stubborn.”

Twilight looked to her. “A bit?”

Applejack looked sheepish. “Okay, a mite stubborn. Ah’m so very sorry. Ah know the town gave me the prized pony award, but the real award is having all of ya as my friends and family.”

Rainbow Dash leaned back a bit and sighed. “That apple bucking sure makes you hungry.”

Spike came forward from the shade of the house. “I have just the snack for all of you.” He showed them the muffins that Applejack and Pinkie had made that had made so many ponies ill.

Oblivion blanched at the site. He could see a couple of dead worms in them. “You must be jesting.”

“Spike. I threw those away. Where did you get them?” Even Pinkie looked disgusted.

“From the trash.”

All the assembled ponies cringed.

Spike walked to them and held them out. “Sure, you don’t want a nibble?”

Oblivion caught a look from Twilight and nodded. His magic picked up the muffins and Spike looked horrified as they were incinerated. Applejack sighed. “Thanks, Oblivion.” The stallion nodded. “Ah don’t need ta be reminded of my bad choices.” Applejack looked back to the other mares and smiled.

Oblivion went back to sit by Big Mac and the two stallions moved to lounge on a stack of hay bales. Oblivion let himself collapse backward and looked over to the red stallion. The farmer looked back and then collapsed back as well. Oblivion looked out to the fields and let himself calm and go still. The Unicorn laid his head down on the straw between his hooves.

“They look comfy,” Fluttershy commented.

“Eeyup.” Applejack responded. “Ah told em ta just relax since they worked hard ta teach me a lesson.”

Oblivion looked over for a moment. Mac shifted and laid down beside him. “So ya gonna take this time ta go hunting?”

“I might.” The stallion replied.

Mac was quiet as well. Oblivion looked to the mares and found them to be heading to the orchard to finish up. The stallion stood up and walked down the haystack. He shook himself free of any hay that clung to his coat. He looked back to Big Mac, who nodded his understanding. Oblivion trotted toward the orchard and broke into a gallop as he weaved through the trees. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Twilight look up as he ran past. He paid no attention to her as he went past. He ran into the Everfree and slowed to a trot. The Unicorn went into a familiar clearing and shed his hair tie. He hung it up on a high branch and opened his wings. He let them open to their full length, as he allowed them to move slowly. The Alicorn checked the joints on them and was pleased to find that the left had healed well and there was no soreness in the joint. Feathers had grown back in, to hide any scars that remained from the tear. He thought for a moment about flying but decided that he was not going to in the state he was in. The Alicorn had no doubt that he could keep himself from injury but he decided not to test it. The Alicorn finished tending to his wings and then pulled them back against his sides.

Applejack looked around her as the other mares came back to the barn after finishing up. Twilight lowered the last baskets to the ground and released her hold on them. The purple Unicorn looked at her friend and smiled.

“That's the last of it, Applejack.” She said and waved her hoof at the baskets.

“Thank ye, Twilight!” She replied. The orange mare looked over the apple orchard and grinned. She turned to thank her brothers but found that only Big Mac was there. She trotted over to him. “Hey, Big Mac?” He opened one eye and looked at her. “Where’s Oblivion?”

“Went hunting.” He replied.

Applejack nodded and turned to look in the direction of the Everfree. “Well, least he’s getting a good meal. Ah still feel awful for the way ah treated him.” She hung her head. “Ah was so focused on mahself that I didn’t see how he was hurting.”

Big Mac stood up and put a hoof on her shoulder. “We all make mistakes. Oblivion isn’t holding a grudge.”

She sighed. “Ah, know he isn’t. He’s not that type of pony. Even though, Ah wouldn’t blame him if he did.” She started to say more but a flash of blue flame caught her attention.

Oblivion walked out of the flame and shook himself before walking up to the siblings. “I see everything has finished already.”

Applejack nodded. “Ya feeling better?”

The black Unicorn nodded. “Yes, thank you. A good run and a meal will do that for a pony.”

Applejack looked relieved as she regarded him. “Ah’m glad ya’ll are feeling better. Been a long week and ya’ll worked hard.”

Oblivion looked to the other mares who were gathering by the picnic table. The black stallion walked over to the table with Applejack and Big Mac at his side.

“Thank ya again girls. Ah know that I haven’t been a very good friend this week. But I’m glad ya’ll are here ta help out.” Applejack said to them as she looked at each of them. “Y'all are welcome ta stay for dinner and ah’ll make the best apple pie ah’ve ever made fer ya.”

The girls all cheered and thanked the orange mare for the offer. The day wore on and the two stallions were chased away from doing any kind of work by every mare they came across. Oblivion gave up after having a rake thrown at him and settled under his normal tree to relax. Mac joined him after taking a broom to the flank, courtesy of Applejack. Both of them lounged under the until the bell for dinner sounded. Mac went inside while Oblivion conjured his book and chose to read instead. He looked up when he heard the door close and saw Twilight walking up to him. He waited for her to reach him before he closed the book.

“I wanted to ask you about your homeland.” She laid down beside him.

Oblivion looked to her and nodded. “All right. I will answer as best I can.”

“You don’t have any family aside from those you call your brothers.” He nodded. “So you don’t have any foals of your own.”

Oblivion snorted and barked a laugh. “No. I am a Witcher, we’re sterile.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “So you are not able to sire foals?”

“No, none of us can. As I have said before a Witcher is not born, we are made. It takes years of training and a trail that we call the Trial of the Grasses to make a Witcher.”

Twilight looked stunned for a moment before continuing. “Applejack mentioned that to me when I asked her if she knew anything about a Witcher. What is this trial?”

Oblivion looked away from her as he thought it over. Twilight waited as he paused. “The Trial of the Grasses is an incredibly painful trial which young Witcher apprentices are subjected to. It requires the consumption of special alchemical ingredients and affects the physiology of each candidate. Its how we get our signature cat eyes, agility, and reflexes.” He explained to the mare. “Myself and a few others were put into further tests to enhance our abilities further. I took to the Trail easily and recovered quickly from it. So I was put into a trail to further enhance my body and skills. There were six of us on the trail and only 2 survived it. Myself and one other. It took a few days to come around, but I slept it off thankfully.

Twilight’s eyes were wide and she stared at him. “I thought it was a physical test, but its an experiment that alters your body.”

“It can also affect the mind. For example, I don’t really remember anything from before the Trial. Bits and pieces perhaps, but nothing concrete.”

Twilight startled and stared at him. “You have no memory of your parents or siblings?”

Oblivion shook his head. “I don’t even know what my name was before. I was given the name Oblivion Shadow by one of my instructors. I accidentally hit another student too hard and he didn’t wake up for three days. So I earned the name Oblivion. My surname came from how I was able to sneak up on Vesemir and steal his crossbow off his back. I was in the shadows at all times and made no sound as I moved.”

“You lost so much to become what you are.”

“True, but I gained so much more.” He said and Twilight leaned slightly toward him as he opened his muzzle once more. “I asked Vesemir who I used to be one. He didn’t know my name, but he did give me a few other details. I used to have dark brown hair, blue eyes and came from a small village at the edge of the Northern Realms. I was brought to Kaer Morhen by another Witcher that had opted for a different method of payment instead of coin. He invoked the right to call upon whatever my father saw first when he returned with the Witcher to his home. The first thing they saw was me. So I was forfeited to the Witcher and taken to Kaer Morhen. Apparently, I did not argue too much about it and took to the training immediately.” He informed the mare.

Twilight looked away then back to him. “So, he took you like payment? For what?”

“He had saved my father's life from a monster and tradition at the time dictated that the Witcher could choose his reward. That Right is no longer used since no School trains Witcher's any longer.”

“You said that before. Do you ever wish that you had not been taken?”

“No. I am fine with how I am. I have no memory of what I used to be, so this is all I have known.”

Twilight nodded and looked down at her hooves. “What else is there? This Trial sounds horrific but you lived through it. Did all the others that you trained with?”

Oblivion looked away and cleared his throat. “No. Typically only three in ten colts survive the Trial. The others die in agony or have to be put down later.”

“Put down?”

Oblivion sighed and looked at her. “That may not be the best subject to broach.” He started.

“I’m not a foal. I can handle it and I will not cry...This time.” The purple mare replied.

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Very well. It means that we put them out of their misery. A dagger to the heart is effective.”

Twilight gasped and put a hoof to her mouth. “You kill them?”

“Would you rather we left them as broken husks? Understand Twilight, the Trail breaks a colt and then works to rebuild them. Some can’t survive the trial itself. Those that do can still die later. Death is a mercy for those that fail the trial. Those that do not wake up and move on are left broken and dead inside. So ending them is a mercy.”

Twilight was silent as she listened. “So when you told Nightmare Moon that you had been broken once was a reference to the Trial.” She looked to him and he nodded. “Wow. I didn’t think of that. So it sounds like several made it from your class if there were six for the advanced trial.”

Oblivion shook his head. “No only two survived in my group. The other five for the advanced trial were from older groups. I was 8 when I went through the trial. The oldest was 12.”

“And you and one other made it through the final trial.”

“Correct. He was 11.” Oblivion replied to her.

Twilight looked away from him as he finished speaking. “It's all so different. Your homeland is a world away from Equestria. Its almost like it’s a different world entirely. Thank you for talking to me.” She said to him.

“Anytime. I have no problem speaking with you.”

“What can I do to help you?” She looked at him and smiled.

He looked thoughtful. “Nothing is needed. But I would like to work on some more spells with you. It was interesting to see the different styles we use and how they can be used in tandem.”

Twilight nodded, “I would like that as well. It was interesting to work with you and I enjoyed the conversation.”

Oblivion nodded in agreement. “Then we are agreed.”

He looked over her shoulder to the front door and the other mares came outside. “I’ll keep what you told me to myself. I think it would be frightening if it came from me.”

Oblivion nodded. “Thank you for your discretion, Twilight. It is appreciated.”

The mare nodded, stood up and brushed off her purple fur. He stood with her and set his book on his back. The mares said their goodbyes and left through the front gate. The sun was still up as the Unicorn walked into the house. Apple Bloom saw him come in and ran up the stairs. Big Mac chuckled.

“She’s gettin’ a bath ready fer ya. We decided that ya should get it first.” The farmer said to him.

Oblivion shrugged and looked to the other stallion. “I appreciate that.” He heard the water start and started up the stairs. He walked past the bathroom and into his room. The book levitated to the desk and he set it down. He stretched and flexed his claws before putting them back into his hoof. He heard small hooves coming down the hall and turned to look back to the door.

“It's ready, Oblivion. Mac is gonna bathe in the mornin’ since the harvest got done pretty fast.”

The stallion nodded and walked to the bathroom. He walked inside and closed the door behind him. He turned off the water when it was high enough in the tub and pulled his hair out of the tie, he pulled off his cloak, laid it on the counter as well, leaned his swords against the counter, and looked into the mirror. His ribs were showing more than before and he hissed at the sight. “Perhaps I should have this looked into.” He mused to himself. The black pony turned away from the mirror and stepped into the tub. He laid down and the warm water went over his back and his wings went under the water as well. The Unicorn laid his head down and let his eyes close. The hot water relaxed him and he let his body lay in silence. After a time he stood up and used the soap to wash the dirt and dust out of his coat, hair, and wings. When he was finished, he drained the tub and used his flames to dry himself off. He put his mane back up in the hair tie and opened the door to leave.

Applejack stopped at the top of the stairs. “Well, yer back to yer normal look. Yer coat looks much better and yer mane isn’t a dull brown.” She said to him as he paused to look back at her.

“Thank the Gods. Next time, we are doing the whole thing together and none of this racing shit.” He told her.

Applejack nodded. “Agreed. Ah’m so sorry, Ah know ya’ll aren’t mad but still, Ah was a selfish jerk.”

“You learned your lesson and that's good enough.” He responded to her. He looked back at his back where his swords were hidden. “Where is the forge?”

Applejack looked up at him and nodded. “Ah’ll take ya there in the morning.”

“It's fine. Just give me directions and I will be fine. I’ll go after I get back from dropping off Apple Bloom. After I drop her off I will come back and do a few things then head out to it.” He paused when Applejack looked away from him. “Yes?”

“Tomorrow we have ta move the apples or they might start ta go bad. So it might be a couple of days before we can get it repaired.” She said to him.

Oblivion growled for a moment before he sighed. “Very well. One job comes before the other so I will do what I can. Perhaps I will see if there is a spell to help them not go bad so we don’t have to rush them.”

Applejack looked at him. “Ya think there is such a spell?” She seemed thrilled by the idea.

“I can look. If not, I am sure I can make one.” He replied.

Applejack paused as she thought for a moment. “Well if it’s gonna hurt ya then don’t do it. Ya has been through enough this season.”

“It required no effort to make the other spell. So I’m not too concerned about this one. Besides, I refuse to have that produce go bad after all the effort we put in.” He replied with an indignant snort.

Applejack regarded him with a smile. “So long as it doesn’t affect ya then I'm all for it.”

Oblivion nodded and walked back to his room. The book on magic was still on his desk so the Unicorn opened it and flipped through the pages as he searched for a specific topic. “Where the Hells?” He muttered as he went through the book. “Damn it to Hell. I’ll just teleport and ask Twilight.” He walked out of his room and found Applejack standing in her room. He rapped his hoof on the door jam.

The mare spun around to find him in the doorway. She blinked a few times but composed herself. “Yes?”

“I’m going to go to Twilight’s library for a few minutes. It's still early enough in the day to not be awakening her. I have a magic question for her.” He informed the mare, who nodded.

Oblivion's horn lit and he vanished. He appeared inside the library and was surprised to hear a yell.

“By Celestia!” He looked over to find Spike hiding behind a small table with a horse head on it.

“Evening Spike.” Oblivion greeted the baby dragon.

“Jeez, Oblivion! You scared me.” Spike put a hand on his chest and breathed.

“Calm down. My apologies. Where is Twilight?”

“I’m right here. What happened?” The purple mare said as she came out of the kitchen.

Oblivion turned to the mare. “I have a question for you.”

Twilight nodded and motioned for him to sit by the table. He obliged and waited for the mare to sit as well. Twilight waited for him to speak as she sat across from him. “Is there a spell that enables one to keep food preserved longer?” He asked her. “Or is it not able to be done?”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and looked away from the black stallion. She looked to a shelf and one of the thicker books levitated to her. “As far as I know there is no spell like that. Well, there are short-term ones but nothing for an extended period of time. But let me look.”

Oblivion waited as she scanned the pages of the book. He looked back to find Spike putting other books away. Several of the shelves had gaps in them and the Unicorn looked around to find several thick books sitting on the ground. Oblivion picked one up in his flame and looked to Spike, who pointed to the middle shelf. Oblivion slid it into place and then picked up another. As Twilight searched Oblivion helped her assistant finish shelving the books. They were on the last book when Twilight set the book she had down and closed it.

“There is no spell for long-term storage. Most things that ponies eat are able to last a long time by themselves. With the exception of produce, which has different properties.” She told him.

Oblivion slid the last book into place and looked back to the mare. “Hmm. Well, I guess I will have to look into how to preserve them myself rather than use a spell already in existence.”

Twilight looked to him, curiosity in her eyes. “You're going to create another spell?”

“That seems to be my only option. Though I am going to need to see if an apple rots in the same amount of time here as it does elsewhere.”

“I wouldn’t think they would be too different. An apple is an apple.”

Spike came forward and leaned against Oblivion’s left shin. The stallion looked at him. “Well can’t you just give it a timeline to last as long as you need it to and just refresh the spell every now and then or just stop time?”

Oblivion and Twilight looked at the dragon. Oblivion looked up and gave a wry chuckle. “Well put, Spike, well put. That is actually exactly what I needed to hear. I had not considered the idea of using time itself as the catalyst for the spell. By using a type of time spell I can harness the natural flow of time that would affect the apples and slow or maybe even stop time entirely for that amount of time or until I decide to release it. The time would then start up as normal and not accelerate. I simply need to see how to have the spell only affect the production and not the area around it. I would need to find a way to replicate the spell over every apple versus the whole area.” Oblivion said aloud. He was quiet as he stopped his musing.

“Wait, so you're talking about warping time itself to slow down or stop so the apples won’t go bad?” Oblivion nodded. “That's insane. Nopony can harness time like that and then focus it. Your talking about an aging spell. Only the highest level unicorns can use those.”

“Twilight, I’m not going to be aging anything. I’m talking about stopping it, not accelerating. I have read about age spells and while I will be using the time it will not be moving forward or back. I will be stopping it.” He amended her.

Twilight stared at him. “You don’t know what this could do. Even high-level mages don’t mess with the flow of time.” She started to rattle off reasons when Oblivion's magic clamped her jaws shut.

Spike looked up at the tall stallion. “Can you find a way for me to be able to use that spell?”

Twilight glared at the dragon. “I think not Spike. Twilight, what I will be doing is very small in comparison to what you are thinking. I understand your reservations, but I am certain that I have a firm grasp on this spell. If you wish to watch and make sure I do not foul it, then come by the farm in the morning. That is when I will be casting it after I drop Apple Bloom at school.” He released her jaws and she rubbed her mouth.

“Okay, I will come by to see this spell. I still think this is a bad idea. But if you can accomplish it then that's impressive by itself.”

Oblivion nodded to her and pushed Spike off his leg before he teleported back to his room. He could hear that the others were getting into bed. His magic pulled the blankets back and he set his swords in their normal place and crawled into the bed. He stayed up for a few more minutes going over the spell in his mind and refining it. After an hour of thought, he gave a thin smile and settled down onto the pillow. ‘This should be interesting.’

Author's Note:

All right Every pony! Here is the new chapter for your reading pleasure! Thanks for all the support and comments. I'm kind of amazed it has gotten the response it has. I never really allowed myself to post anything due to not wanting to get torn into for my writing style or my characters. I put this one up after I decided that I was not going to allow myself to be dissuaded from showing my love of writing. Thankfully I was proven right in my thinking that the ones on this website are the best to give my stories too. It has been a pleasure so far! Thanks again! Till next week!

Editing complete
Edit 2: 12/17/2018 general errors
Edit: 11/12/2019

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