• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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74: A Mask Thrown Aside

Oblivion looked up as Rainbow came out of the tree she had been napping in. The Pegasus mare looked at each of them for several seconds before she asked what they were doing in the park.

Applejack patted Winona’s back as she responded to Rainbows questioning. “Why, we always round up our critters fer a regular ol' Pony Pet Playdate in this park.”

“You do?”

“Same time every week. Well most of us.” She amended as Sasa growled. “Ah dragged ‘im along when he was done with his morning chores, even though Sasa ain’t a pet.”

Oblivion sighed as the mare explained. He was watching the time to ensure that he was not late to his meeting with Blue Blood in Canterlot. He had agreed to come to the playdate as long as they understood that he and Sasa would be leaving shortly. He listened with one ear as Sasa left her place close to Rainbow and rejoined him.

“How are we on time Chosen?” She asked as she sat close to him.

“We have about ten minutes until we need to teleport. Until then we can…what is she doing with Rainbow?” He asked as Fluttershy began to carry Rainbow away from the group of them.

“Rainbow said something about maybe getting a pet and since Fluttershy has so many at her house she is going to help her find one.” Sasa clarified for him.

“Lovely. That frees us from needing to worry about offending her with this gathering.” Oblivion replied.

“I agree. We could probably leave now and Blue would meet us there. He is usually early just in case.” Sasa said to him.

Oblivion gave a slight nod to the cat as he looked to Twilight who was closest to him. “Twilight. I will be leaving to go to Canterlot.”

“Have fun.” She said to him with a wide smile.

He reached out to set a hoof on Sasa and his horn flared as he teleported them.

“You’re early.” A voice said to him as his eyes opened and he could see Blue Blood standing several feet away from them.

“We finished our tasks and chose to come early,” Oblivion explained as Sasa approached and nuzzled the Equestrian Prince.

“Shall we?” Sasa said to him and both ponies fell in behind her.

Sasa sat down at the side of the table with them as they waited for Joe to bring out their food and coffee. Blue Blood ran his hoof absently over the cat’s fur as she purred.

“So how have you been?” He asked as he leaned into the table.

“I have been well. And yourself?”

“Doing well actually. I had heard that the ponies from your last hunt were anything but grateful.”

“Where did you hear that?” Sasa asked him.

“I may have overheard it from Striker and Vantage.” He admitted quickly.

“So you were eavesdropping?” Sasa teased. “Why Blue Blood a Prince of Equestria eavesdropping on common guards. What would the nobles think?”

“They would use it as ammunition against me.” He replied quickly. “Which is why I made it look as though I had something wrong with my hoof to try to make it less obvious.”

Sasa broke into a laugh as Blue tried to look serious but his mouth quirked into a grin and his serious expression failed to hold. Oblivion gave him a blank look before he shook his head and Sasa laid down and placed her foreleg over her snout as she laughed. Blue Blood shrugged as a smile went over his mouth and he chuckled.

“You heard correctly in any case,” Oblivion replied. “They were pretty upset about the lack of attention we received from the town’s ponies.”

“Didn’t bother you much did it?” Blue asked him.

“Not as much as others. I am used to not being thanked at the end of a contract. Most contract givers will thank me but mostly they simply wish me to take the coin and leave. Being told to leave is not out of the normal for me.” Oblivion informed him.

Blue leaned back into the booth and shook his head. “I still cannot see how they would tell you to leave when you had done them a courtesy.”

“They saw the fight in front of their eyes. Normally I would have fought the Troll out of sight and they would not have seen anything. But this time I tried to allow the Troll to give them a reason to allow him to exist alongside them.”

“You allowed it?”

“Yes. I had thought that if I could get the Troll to not eat them then…”

“Eat them?” Blue exclaimed.

“You did not get all of the story did you?” Oblivion asked him blandly.

“I only got what I overheard.” He replied.

“I suspected the Troll of eating adult ponies. When we arrived I sent out two of them to look over the area and they returned with nothing. The next morning we were informed that two foals had gone missing overnight. I sent the guards into the forest and took Sasa into the forest to track the foal's hoof prints. Striker came back and found me in the forest to alert me that they had found the Troll. They could also hear the foals screaming.”

“By the Goddess. And what happened next?”

Oblivion paused as Joe brought over their food and drinks. They dug into the donuts and Oblivion sipped his coffee as Sasa purred her thanks to the Unicorn.

“Go on.” Blue prompted.

“So we met up with the Troll and I spoke with it to ascertain if we could get it to understand that ponies are not food. I rescued one of the foals from the cook pot and Sasa got him out of the way. I informed the Troll that it could not eat ponies and I was able to find out that it had eaten the other missing ponies.”

“And it did eat them?”


Blue shuddered at the thought of the pony eating monster and leaned forward in the booth. “Is that normal?”

“It’s a monster. Many monsters will eat whatever they can catch. In this case it was a couple of ponies. I convinced it to ask the ponies for an area where more games had been seen that might allow it to hunt on its own and not target the ponies. I sent the guards and the foals back to town ahead of us and they alerted the mayor to the fact that I was leading the Troll back to them.”

Blue Blood sighed and waited as the stallion went on. “The Troll did not react well to finding out that ponies do not eat meat so they had no way to tell if game animals were close by since they did not pay attention to such things. I ended up fighting the Troll in view of the ponies of the village. While it was not what I would have preferred it was how things ended up. I ended up killing the Troll and they were witnesses to the entire scene.”

“And they were too scared to thank you properly.” Blue finished for him and the black stallion nodded. “Still being told to get out of town right away was untoward and unfair. Did anypony give you the thanks you deserved?”

“One did. The mother of one of the foals. She was the one that had alerted us to the missing foals in the first place and she did give her thanks.” He admitted. “I gave up trying to always gain their thanks back in the Northern Realms.”

“Still. You deserved a thank you. But I can see that you moved past it long ago and it does no good to draw it out.” Oblivion nodded as he spoke. “So now you only have one left?”

“Yes. An Ice Elemental remains out of the six that were brought to my attention. I am not sure of its exact location but in time it will fall as the others have.” He replied.

Sasa sat up from her plate and gazed over the table at the pair of them. Oblivion ran his hoof over her fur as Blue chewed his food and Oblivion sipped his coffee. The black unicorn looked past the Prince and to the diminished Specter that stood behind him. It had grown nearly transparent and its height greatly diminished. Oblivion was quiet as he considered his options. The Witcher could remove the specter now without worrying about harming Blue as a side effect. The act would still leave Blue rebuilding himself but he had been doing that almost since the beginning.


Sasa’s voice broke him out of his thoughts and he looked down at her. “Yes?”

“What are you planning? I can see the look in your eyes.”

“I am thinking that it is time to remove the corruption from Blue. He is strong enough now to handle it.”

She appeared shocked at his words as she looked at the Prince of Equestria. “Are you certain?”

“His spirit has strengthened significantly since I first met him. There is no reason to delay unless he feels otherwise. I will discuss it with him if you would prefer.”

“I think that would be a good idea. If only to allow him to consider it.”

Oblivion said nothing in reply to her words. Blue Blood finished his food and leaned back into the booth. “Blue. You are aware that I am able to cleanse the spirits of those around me, correct?”

“You had mentioned it off hoof once. When we were discussing Soarin you had talked about it.” He replied.

“How do you feel that you have been doing?”

“I think better. I haven’t needed to use my mask in quite some time. Why do you ask?”

“I will come clean about the reason I began to help you. When I looked at you I could see what reminded me of a Hym that is rare where I am from. It feeds off guilt and sorrow that it gains from its host. In this case your sorrow and anger.”

Blue looked horrified as Oblivion described the monster. He looked around him and then to the Witcher. “How can I not see it?”

“You have seen it. Do you remember that dream you had once about the creature that came after you?”

Blue looked thoughtful as he thought over the question. Recognition went through his eyes as he nodded. “I remember that. So that was what I saw?”

“Yes. To a certain extent, it will try to harm you and cause you to become what it needs to sustain itself. But it will not do so much damage to cause you to fall completely.”

“What do you see now?”

“It was once taller than I am and now it is just over your shoulder and it has grown weaker. Its form was once solid and dark now it has grown see-through.” Oblivion explained. “That shows how weak and powerless it has become.”

“So what do you wish to do now?”

“I think you are more than capable of surviving me removing it completely.” He explained.

Blue looked surprised at the black Unicorn but nodded. “If you think it can be done I trust your judgment.”

Oblivion nodded as he finished his coffee and Sasa nuzzled the Prince’s leg. “You are more than strong enough Blue Blood.” She assured him.

The Prince of Equestria smiled at her words and the black Unicorn slid out of the booth and looked at him. “The timing is up to you. I can cleanse you of it or we can wait.” He said to him.

“Will it change anything if we wait?”

“Not really. It might weaken it further but it will not leave you so long as it can feed off you. While you are not giving it much to feed off it will not flee unless forced.”

Blue Blood said nothing as he got to his hooves. “No time like the present.” He said with finality in his voice.

Oblivion gave a slight bow of his head and Sasa watched as they paid for their food and left the shop.

Blue Blood led the way into the Menagerie and Oblivion waited as they ventured deeper into the trees. Oblivion looked up as they came into a small clearing and Blue Blood looked over his shoulder to the Black Unicorn.

“Will this work?” Blue Blood asked, nervousness creeping into his voice.

“I think so. I do not anticipate any difficulties with removing the last of the specter.”

“Don’t worry Blue. We would not allow anything to happen to you.” Sasa assured him, her voice gentle and soothing.

“I know. I never thought of that mask as a living thing before. It’s a bit…disconcerting.” He admitted.

“It’s not so much the mask. This specter drives those it attaches to either self-harm or madness. In your case it drove your paranoia and distrust to higher levels than you would have done on your own. I have dealt with maybe one Hym in my time and that was many years ago. They are rare at best and not easily forced to move on.” Oblivion explained. “My goal is to remove it and the weight that comes with it.”

Blue nodded and sat down close to the center of the clearing. “What do I do?”

“You? Nothing.” Oblivion said as he approached the pony. His horn illuminated and one of his blades appeared and hovered in his magic. Blue Blood looked nervously at the hovering blade and then back to the Unicorn. “Trust me.” He said to the pony nodded and closed his eyes.

Sasa stepped back to the edge of the forest as Oblivion reached out and set his hoof against the Princes chest. His connection to the World Spirit roared to life at his command and he pushed back his Unicorn magic and allowed his horn to blaze with the white fire of the World Spirit as he allowed it to course through him. Through meditation, he had learned how to separate his magic and he used that skill now. The power of the World Spirit thrummed through him as he pushed it into the stallion’s body.

He looked up as Blue exhaled and inhaled a shaky breath and went still once more. He closed his eyes and focused on the specter and hoe to rid the stallion of its influence. He knew enough about Hyms and their ilk to know that removing them from the host was the easy part. He hoped that it had become weak enough that he would be able to kill it quickly without endangering the other pony or Sasa. He pushed as much of the World Spirit into Blues body as he dared and he could sense when it connected with the spirit that rested within the pony.

Oblivion breathed in a deep breath and reached out to the spirit within Blue and then wrapped the World Spirit around the pony’s body as well, using it to shield him. His hoof pressed tighter against the other chest and he opened his eyes to keep an eye on the specter. The being did not move as he tended to the pony before him. He once more focused on the spirit in front of him and the World Spirit surged as he commanded it to purge the pony before him. Blue gasped aloud as Oblivion grimaced as he began to pull his hoof back slowly.

The specter leaned over the pony and Blue yelped as it seemed to sink claws into his fur. Oblivion called on more of the World Spirit to protect Blue and it answered his call. White fire began to play over Blue's body, pushing the specter back. As the specter reeled back Oblivion used the time to begin to pull the resulting corruption from the pony. As he pulled, Blue put his hooves up and they grasped Oblivions hoof and foreleg. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sasa got to her paws and start to come toward them. He glanced at her, she stopped, and once more sat down to wait.

He trained his gaze on his task and began to slowly pull back. The specter tried to lean over the pony once more and the white fire drove it back, the pure fire of the World Spirit grew to protect one of its ponies at its Guardian’s command. He said nothing as Blue leaned against him and his hoof pulled away from the body of the other and Blue cried out as Oblivions hoof was pulled out of his grasp. He collapsed forward and Oblivion leaned forward to keep him from hitting the ground muzzle first. Blue gasped and panted as Oblivion looked at the mass of corrupted spirit within his hoof.

It was a small amount compared to what had been there in the beginning. The World Spirit stayed within him and Oblivion looked back to the pony as he commanded it to heal what had been done. Blues eyes opened and he looked up at the stallion that now stood over him. His eyes widened at the sight of the mass of darkness Oblivion held and the white fire that coursed from Oblivion’s horn and covered his own body. He started to sit up but Oblivion shook his head to tell him to stay still. Oblivions horn blazed as he commanded the World Spirit to attack the darkness. When it bucked under his command he withdrew the command and his own magic came forward. Azure flame lanced from his horn and burned the corruption until there was nothing left of it.

When that was done the World Spirit began to recede and Oblivion allowed it to retreat as it had healed and protected Blue and was now no longer needed. The black Unicorn sighed as the white flame died out and his task seemed complete. He reached out a hoof to Blue who accepted it and he was pulled to his hooves. Oblivion opened his mouth to speak as the specter reared up behind the pony and Oblivion pulled Blue forward and tossed the Prince behind him. Quen slid over his body as the specters claws went over the shield. It exploded outward and the specter was pushed back and vanished.

“Sasa! Get him out of here!” He commanded the feline and she surged forward to push Blue out of the way.

Oblivions blade spun in his magic as he listened around him and Quen slid across his fur once more. His armor rushed to cover his body under the golden shield. The Hyms claws could rend flesh easily enough if it got the chance and he had already decided to not give it the chance. Yrden flowed over the ground and Oblivions ears flicked as he listened intently. He did not hear anything and he reached out to the World Spirit to see if it could be used to sense the Hyms movements. A sudden surge in the World Spirit had him backflipping and the Hym was slowed by the Sign. He surged forward and his bade scored across the specter's shadowy body. It teleported shortly after being struck and he was left waiting for it to reappear once more. The Witcher was silent as he waited, recasting Yrden and waiting once more.

“Sasa! What was that?” Blue asked the cat, he was becoming frantic the further they fled.

She looked back at him and finally stopped as she decided they were far enough away to keep him safe. “I am not sure if it has a name. It is a type of specter that was attached to you.”

“That is what it looked like?!” He shouted.

“Yes. I never saw it either. Only he could see it and now he must end it before it comes after you again. That is why he had me get you out of there. It was going after you.”

“Me?” Blue panted as he tried to speak. “Why me?”

“You are still its host. It does not want to change its host when it knows that it can feed off you. So it will try to get back to you.” She reasoned and he slowly came to understand.

“But…I thought that it would be dead once it was cleansed?”

“I do not know the details. I cannot even tell you all that he did to remove it. I know that what he pulled from you was the corruption that had leeched into you due to its touch.”

“That’s what that mass of black…goo was?”


Blue shuddered and she pushed against his chest as he sat down and wrapped his forelegs around her. He panted slowly as he held her and she nuzzled him, trying to comfort and calm him. “But that was…How?”

“I cannot tell you everything since I do not know. But I know that you are now safe from that thing and Oblivion will end its life. Do not think that you have done anything wrong. How do you feel now?” She asked to distract him.

“I feel…lighter I guess.” He admitted and gripped her fur in his hooves. "I didn’t know it had any weight and yet I feel like something has been lifted from my shoulders and back. I don’t understand it.”

She purred against him and nuzzled his neck. “There are many things that we cannot explain. What you just experienced might be one of those things. If you ask he will explain what he can. I think he knew that the specter might act out and that is why he had his blade ready. He sought to protect you from it and was ready for it.”

Blue Blood slowly released his grip on her fur and she scooted back and looked at him. She could see that he was a bit disoriented and he had the look of a pony that had been through a violent storm and had survived it. She leaned forward and pressed her nose against his cheek.

“You look better.” She said to him, trying to keep him calm.


“Yes. You seem lighter and no longer seem to have a constant air of gloom around you.”

He seemed to take heart at her words and he reached out to pet her fur. “Will he…?”

“Of course. It is not the first specter he has fought.”

“He said he had only met up with a creature like that once though.”

“Do not doubt in his strength Blue.” She chastised him gently, a laugh in her tone. “A wraith and a specter are not that different. This one appears slower than the ones we have seen so far. Its strikes are easily dodged. I do not doubt he will join us quickly.”

He calmed slowly as she spoke and he finally nodded in agreement with her. He looked back the way they had come and a deep sigh escaped him as he tried to remain calm and collected. She looked back in the same direction and waited with him, a purr still rolling from her throat.

Oblivion leaped back as he dodged another blow from the specter. His blade lunged forward as he scored another blow to the creature’s body. It screamed and vanished as he settled back into what had become routine for him. He cast Yrden and waited once more. He stood in the center of the Sign with his connection to the World Spirit helping to guide him. It warned him when it appeared but he dared not try to use it to attack. It had been unable to attack the corruption and he chose to use it for the early warning.

“Come on.” He whispered out and he slowly spun in a circle.

The black Unicorn closed his eyes for a moment as the World Spirit twitched and he spun to face the Hym as it attacked. Its claws scraped over his back as he put his head down and Quen exploded as he scored his blade several times on its hide and it screamed once more as it vanished. It did not disappear from sight as it reappeared several feet away. He was surprised to see it retreating and he chased it down as Quen slid over him once more. He chased it and it spun to attack him. He buckled his legs and slid under it, his blade cutting it in half. It screamed one last time and died from the silver blade.

He got to his hooves as it turned into ash and the remains littered the ground. He scuffed his hoof through the remains after he looked to see if any components had been spared its death but nothing remained but ash. His blade spun in his magic once more and he sent it back to the band on his leg with a thought. He straightened and rolled his shoulders as he turned to focus on Sasa and Blue. His hooves began to carry him toward the lights that he knew to be Sasa and Blue Blood.

“It’s been quite some time. Are you certain he is all right?” Blue asked the feline as she sat beside him.

“I assure you he is fine. I would know if he wasn’t.” She assured him. “You worry too much. I am sure that he is fine.”

“I believe you but I can’t help feeling…uneasy.” He explained. “I feel like I just got put through a washing machine on spin cycle.”

Sasa turned her head to look at him. “I know you feel uneasy and I am sure that it was quite the harrowing experience. But I know that Oblivion would not have done it if he thought it would harm you. You were ready to be rid of the specter that stood over your shoulder. That thing could not be allowed to hold sway over you for any longer than it already had.” She replied as she leaned her shoulder against him.

Blue opened his mouth to speak as Oblivion came out of the trees and his eyes fell on them. “You seem upset Blue.” His armor slid back to the medallion around his neck as he approached them.

The stallion looked at the unhurt Unicorn and he nodded. “You’re…all right?”

“Of course. While that Hym was not the same as the last one I fought that does not mean they are fundamentally different. Each fight is different but the basics remain the same.”

“How did you know what it was?”

“A Hym is one creature that does not outright attack its targets. It chooses instead to feed on the target's guilt, tormenting them to the point the person goes completely mad or they commit suicide.” He explained and Blue shuddered. “In your case, it fed on your sorrow and anger at being used and thrown away by those around you. According to a book I studied a Hym cannot be exorcised in the traditional way. Meaning I could not outright fight it.”

“So you have to find a new way to remove it?” Blue said to him.

“Correct. By using the Element of Spirit to help cleanse and heal you it allowed me to drag it away from you into this realm where I could fight it. It is classified as a Specter by Witchers but it is called many things. Most call it a demon and that term seems to stick normally.” He replied, leaving out the World Spirit and its part in the feat.

“Is it gone, Chosen?” Sasa asked as she got to her feet.

“Yes. It has been exorcised and defeated.” He said to her with a nod. “You are in no danger of it coming back or tormenting you further Blue.”

“So it’s gone forever?”


Blue sat down heavily and his gaze fell to the grass in front of him. “Am I supposed to feel like something is missing or like I’m…?”

“Like a piece of yourself has been removed and you can feel that it was vital to yourself?” Blue nodded and looked up at him. “That’s will pass with time. You will come to find out that you did not need that piece that was the Hym. In time you will come to realize that it was the creature and not truly yourself.” Oblivion assured him.

“Give it time Blue.” Sasa reassured him. “You are now cleansed of the being that was using you and making your feelings of pain and loss only so much worse. If I understood it right the reason for your feelings so much stronger and your sorrow that much greater was due to the Hym.” Oblivion nodded as she spoke. “Then in time, you will no longer feel such a sense of loss. You were tormented by that creature for so long that it became a part of you. You do not need it to be whole.”

Blue stood shakily and Oblivion reached out a hoof to steady him. “I’m getting a headache.” He complained.

“Not out of the ordinary. You will recover. It was a bit of a shock to your body to be…forcibly cleansed.” Oblivion reasoned. “You will be fine.”

“I really hope so.” He admitted and looked at the cat and his friend. “I think I am done for the day. I hope you don’t think me rude but…”

“Not at all. Get some rest.” Oblivion assured him.

Sasa nuzzled the tired pony and he put a foreleg over her back and hugged her close. “Till next time then?” He said to them with a weak smile.

Oblivion nodded to him and set a hoof on Blue's shoulder. His horn flared and teleported them to the royal wing of the castle. Blue looked relieved and went for his own room. Oblivion’s horn flared and he was sent back to Ponyville. He summoned Sasa to him and she purred as they were outside the farmhouse. He sighed and rolled his shoulders as he made for the house.

“There ya are.” Applejack called out to him.

He paused as the farm mare walked up to him. “Can ya teleport to where any one of us is?”

“I can yes. Why?”

“Rainbow Dash get ‘erself hurt in the gorge and Ah was wonderin’ if ya could heal her?”

“What did she do this time?” He asked.

“She was racin’ a bunch of critters to find out what was the best pet fer her and she got caught in a rock slide.”

He looked at the orange mare and she shrugged. “I suppose that is dire enough to warrant help. One moment.” He said as he focused on the other Element of Harmony. His horn flared and he teleported to Rainbow Dash’s location. He looked up at the cloud house and knocked on the door. The Pegasus opened the front door with one wing in a sling and several bruises and cuts across her body.

“So you did get caught in a rock slide.” He said to her and she nodded. “I was asked if I could help you. If you wish I can heal the worst of it.” He stated and she looked startled at him.

“You will?”

“If you wish.”

“Well if you could heal my wing I would appreciate it.” She admitted and pointed to the appendage.

He nodded to her and his horn lit as his magic covered the wing and he called on the World Spirit and the Element to heal the mare. The magic coursed over the wing and it gently healed it and he removed the sling and set it aside as his magic faded.

“Try it out.” He said to her.

She stretched the wing out carefully and a smile went over her face as she found that it was back to normal and had been healed. “Thanks, Oblivion. I know last time was a stupid reason to ask you to heal anything so I didn’t even think about asking.”

“If it is dire or something that needs attention then I do not mind helping. I may disagree with your reasoning but I do not wish you to suffer needlessly. So far as I can tell it was nothing more than a dislocation and some straining. But having had that happen before I know how much it can hurt, so I am willing to help in this case.” He explained to her.

“Thanks.” She said as she looked behind her. “Oh meet Tank.” She said and moved to the side, revealing a tortoise.

“That won the race?”

“Kinda. He rescued me from the gorge and then carried me back to the finish line. So I had said that the pet who crossed the finish line with me won and he did.” She explained.

“He won the race with you? I am certain that you tailored that response so that you could keep the pet that helped you versus the one that left you in the dust.” He replied.

Her eyes went wide as he spoke and she looked to the tortoise and then back to him. “Shh.” She said to him. “Don’t say anything?” She said and put her hooves together to beg his silence.

He sighed deeply and looked away from her. “I know nothing.”

“Thanks.” She said to him, a wide smile going over her muzzle.

His horn lit as he prepared to teleport back to the farm. “Till next time Rainbow.”

“Later Oblivion.”

His horn flared and he was back in front of the farmhouse. He was met with Applejack who looked expectantly at him. “Taken care of. She will be sore and have a few cuts but the wing is repaired.”

“Good ta hear. Ah knew ya would help, a little.” She said and patted his shoulder. “So how was yer meetin’ with Blue Blood?”

“It was…eventful.” He replied and made for the farmhouse.

“Well done Chosen. Both ponies will be better for your help.” Sasa praised.

He breathed deeply and gave her an assenting nod. “Well. Rainbow will be able to fly sooner that is about all that I did for her.”

“Still. That is important to her.” She reasoned back to him. “And Blue Blood?”

“That one will take time. He will feel the way he does now for a time and then it will fade. In time.” He replied to her as he pushed open the door to his room.

Author's Note:

Here we go. I am sorry if the next chapter takes some time. I have read through the transcript of the episode and rewatched it and no inspiration. I will do my best and feel free to offer ideas. I have no problem with ideas being thrown my way. As always thank you for reading and Please enjoy!

Featured: 11/9/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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