• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,638 Views, 1,277 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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21: Rainy Days...

Oblivion shifted in his sleep as Sasa sat by the window watching over him as he slept. She had stayed up to listen to him breathe through the night. A few times his breathing would hitch and he would growl for a moment before it evened back out. The saber cat was silent as she listened. Her Chosen was still once more as she laid back down beside him and laid her broad head on his neck. After making sure that his airway was intact and would not be bothered by her position she went back to her vigil. Her aqua eyes closed, but she did not sleep.

Oblivion opened his eyes and looked around him. Sasa was not by the window but he knew where she was. He looked out the window and saw the sabercat by the chicken coop once more. “You can leave it alone, Sasa.”

“I can now.” She replied and started for the house. “Did you sleep well?”

“Seem to have yes.” He moved off the bed and leaned his rump back against it as he brushed out his mane and then his tail. The Unicorn walked out of his room and down the stairs into the kitchen. On the table was a glass of water and medicine for him. He swallowed it and set the glass by the sink as usual. Sasa met him downstairs.

“Care to take a short walk?” She asked him as she nuzzled him. “Will help with any stiffness.”

“Sure.” He limped out with her and she led him around for a time. He looked up at the gloomy sky as clouds moved in. “It still baffles me why the weather can’t move on its own here. It's fine in the forest but out here it requires guidance.”

“I’m not sure why it’s like that. Though I agree it is odd. It’s always been like this though. Ever since I first got here.”

Oblivion was quiet as he looked to the clouds. “Not gonna be a pretty night.” He observed. His ears flicked back as Big Mac ambled up to him. “Morning, Mac.”

“Mornin’. Ya sleep okay?”

“Yes I did, thank you.” He responded.

“Glad ta hear it. Ya look a bit better.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Did I look that bad?”

Mac started and looked sideways to the other stallion. “Well ta be honest yes ya did.”

He gave a light chuckle. “I’m not surprised. Wasn’t at my best.”

“Ah would be surprised if ya were. Ya fought a dragon and lived through it.” Mac observed. “Ah am glad yer gonna be okay. It was a bit startling ta hear from AJ how bad a shape ya were in.”

“I’ll live. Better me than them.”

Mac was silent. “Ah’d better have it that no pony gets hurt.”

“As would I. But if it has to be any pony. It’s better that it’s me. I am the only one that is battle-trained and can take a few hits.”

Mac was silent. “Well, looks like their gonna get started pretty soon. Ah better start pulling the loose limbs down from some of the trees.”

“Do you want any help?”

Mac stopped and looked to him. Oblivion lit his horn for emphasis. Mac smiled. “Ah fergot. All ya need ta do is pull the stray limbs down and get ‘em out of the way. Put em in that there shed.” He pointed a hoof to the shed by the barn.

The unicorn nodded and pulled a few branches loose with magic. Sasa ran under them and picked up the branches that fell. After an hour Oblivion sighed and pulled another branch down. Sasa stopped and looked to him as he reached for another.



“I think you need to get off that leg.”

“It’s fine for now, Sasa.”

The cat gave an angry yowl. Mac turned to look at him as she glared at the black unicorn.

“Watch your head.” Oblivion barked at her. The cat perked and jumped away from the tree. A branch landed where she had been and Oblivion gave her a smug grin before holding up the branch and moving it to the shed.

Mac shook his head and laughed. Sasa grumbled as she stalked over to the black stallion. “That was the last one, calm down,” Oblivion said to her.

“He’s right, pretty girl,” Mac shouted.

Sasa looked to him and then back to the trees. All were groomed and ready for the incoming storm. She shook her head and looked to the two ponies as Mac drew up beside his elder brother. “Ah think she may be a bit sore at ya.”

Oblivion nodded. “Most likely.”

Sasa walked up to them and rolled onto her back, hitting them with her paws. Both stallions backed up under the assault. She stood up and shook her fur free of dirt and leaves.

“Time fer us ta head in.”

“How do you figure?”

“Look up.”

Oblivion looked up and saw the skies beginning to darken. “Well, shit.” He replied as they turned for the house. Sasa ran past them and Oblivion heard the sound of rain beginning to hit the ground. His horn lit and he teleported inside. Outside Mac yelped as the rain hit his fur. Oblivion opened the door so he could run inside. His flanks were drenched and he glared at the black unicorn. “Sorry wasn’t ready for it to come down that fast,” Oblivion said to him. “Plus, I haven’t tried teleporting a pony before. I wasn’t sure you wanted me to start with you.”

Mac blanched at the mention of it. “Ah‘d rather get soaked ta be honest.” The roan looked back as Oblivion closed the door fully. “Hope Applejack got into cover afore this came down.”

Oblivion nodded. “I’m sure she’s fine.” He assured the other pony. Mac nodded and moved as Oblivion went into the front room and let himself fall to the couch. Sasa laid down in front. “I can check on her if you're so concerned.”

Mac looked over to him and nodded. “Won’t hurt ya will it?”

“No. Takes next to no effort.” Oblivion closed his eyes and reached out to the mare. After a moment he opened his eyes and looked to the other stallion. “She’s fine. She is at the library with Twilight and Rarity.”

“Glad ta hear it.” Mac thanked him as he left the room.

He watched till the red pony was out of sight before he used his magic to pull the pillow and blanket to him. “Though she isn’t very happy about the situation.” He added to Sasa.


“Yeah, both she and Rarity seemed to be unhappy with their current situation.”

“Well, they are opposites. Applejack is a workhorse and Rarity is not. So it’s not surprising that they would butt heads. But at least they are out of the storm.”

Oblivion nodded his agreement and laid back. “I’ll check in every now and then I suppose.”

“Sounds reasonable.”

He shifted and pulled his legs fully under him and let his eyes close. He heard hooves on the stairs and recognized them to be Apple Blooms. She wasn’t running and it sounded as though she was trying to be quiet. He cracked open one eye and saw her walking up to him. He opened his eyes fully and looked to her.

She paused in front of Sasa, a large notebook on her back with crayons on it. “Can ya teach how ta draw more things?”

“Do you have another assignment?”

“No. It was fun the last time. Maybe Ah’ll get mah cutie mark in the drawing.” She said to him and set the book and crayons down. “Can ya draw something else from yer world too?”

“Such as?”

“Well, ya mentioned monsters that ya had fought afore.” She looked thoughtful. “One ah them maybe?”

He shifted and looked down at her. “Which one?”

She looked to him and shrugged. “Can ya name ‘em again?”

He sighed and nodded. “Godlings, Drowners, Nekkers, wraiths...”

“A wraith. That sounds fun.”

Oblivion had to stop himself from scoffing. “Which kind?”

“There are lots?”

“Yes. But we will use the easy one for now then. Just a general Wraith. Make your lines like the last time.” He instructed her as he watched. The filly made the 3 lines and Oblivion began giving her basic instructions. He looked up when Granny Smith came into the front room and went to her recliner.

“Do they always look like this one?”

“No. Wraiths can look different depending on their type.” He replied to her. “We are doing basic wraith.”

“What is a wraith anyway?”

Oblivion paused as he considered his answer. “They are ghosts in a way. Spirits that cannot pass on to the next world because they feel that they have been wronged.”

“Are they scary?”

“They are if you don’t understand them. It’s best to avoid them unless you can fight them and put them to rest.”

“Like you?”

Oblivion nodded. “Yes, like me.”

“How many have you fought?”

Oblivion raised his head as he considered the question. “Over my whole career?” She nodded. “Hundreds, if not more.”

“Why? Ponies can’t move on?”

“That is one reason. Where I am from ponies are always at war so there is suffering. Many ponies pass away without finishing things in their lives so they have many regrets.” He explained to her.

“That’s so sad.” She said to him.

“It is, yes.”

Apple Bloom looked to her drawing and went back to it with Oblivion instructing her.

Mac came into the room and looked over his little sister's shoulder to see what she was drawing and wrinkled his nose at the strange image. “Wha’ in Equestria is that?”

Apple Bloom turned to her brother and smiled. “It’s a Wraith. Oblivion’s teachin’ me.”

Mac looked to the stallion. “Ya fight these too?”

“Yup. He can fight lots of them.” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“True enough.” He agreed. Oblivion went quiet as Apple Bloom ripped the drawing out of the book and held it up.

The filly jumped up and ran the drawing to her grandmother. “Granny, look at what Ah made.” The old mare leaned down and took the paper in her hoof. She stared at it and smiled at the little foal.

“Ya did a good job.”

“Oblivion’s teachin’ me ta draw.”

“Well, ya listen well to ‘im then.” She said to her.

“Ah will.” She came back over to where Oblivion laid on the couch.

Mac laid down on the floor by the couch as well. “I can move so you can use the couch as well Mac.” The red stallion shook his head and flopped onto his side. The unicorn rolled his eyes and let his head fall to the pillow. “Suit yourself.” He commented.

Sasa stood up and stretched before laying back down. “How are your wounds Chosen?”

“They ache, but nothing terrible. The drugs they gave me seem to be doing their job.”

“Thankfully. Try to rest some more.”

Oblivion closed his eyes and let his mind wander. The corpse from the day before came to mind as he tried to think of how it could have arrived in Equestria. The corpse had been mutilated badly but it was still clear what it had been. He would look into it more when his wounds were healed. Or at least to the point where he no longer needed to be covered in bandages. His mind began to slip as he allowed it to sleep once more.

He snapped awake and looked to the side of him. Sasa sat up and yawned, glancing over to him. “Chosen?”

“I’m all right. Just startled myself awake, I think.”

“So long as you are all right.”

“How long?”

“About 2 hours or so.”


“We will need to go hunting at some point in the next couple of days. That will help you heal faster.”

“I agree. We will have to wait though. Don’t think either of us wants to go out in this.” He said as he indicated the storm outside.

“I am fine with some rain, but not a downpour.” The cat griped at him.

“I agree. I would rather not have to deal with it.” Oblivion replied.He closed his eyes and reached out to Applejack once more. “Didn’t think she could get more annoyed.”


“Yes. It would seem she and Rarity are clashing more than before. Twilight seems pretty content but not sure about the other two.”


He opened his eyes and gave a low snort before getting to his hooves. He stretched gently to avoid any pain and walked to the kitchen. The others were having an early dinner and Oblivion sat down by the table with them. When they finished eating he went up the stairs to his room and laid on his bed. He picked up the history of Equestria Volume 2 and propped it open on his pillow to read. Sasa laid down on the other side of him and purred as she rubbed her head against his good shoulder. He read through the first chapter and looked up as Apple Bloom came in the door.

“Can ya draw me somethin’?”

“Such as?”

“Can ya draw Sasa?”

The stallion’s horn lit as a scroll and quill appeared for him to use. He sketched out a picture of Sasa sitting by the chicken coop and after a bit, he gave it to the filly. She giggled and held it to her.

“Thanks, Oblivion. Ah wanna put it on mah wall.” She ran out of the room on three legs and down to her own room.

“On the wall?” He muttered.

“Yes. It is normal for foals to put things up on the walls. If they like it and they can get it to fit there then they can see it.”

“Interesting.” He replied. “Never thought that she would want it on the wall. But if it helps her then I suppose I am not one to judge.”

Sasa rumbled her reply and went back to laying at his side. He went back to his book. After another few chapters his head snapped up and he looked in the direction of town. His connection to the other Elements of Harmony caught his attention at the imbalance between two of them. He focused on them and found that they were fighting about something. His ears flicked and then pinned as it grew worse. His horn lit as he started to teleport when Applejack's light shifted and calmed. Rarity was still upset but was calming as well. He let his magic fade as he relaxed. Sasa had sat up and was watching him, intently. His muscles had tensed and the unicorn let go of the breath he had held for a moment.


“I’m all right. I just felt something go wrong with Applejack and Rarity. If it had continued I would have acted.”

“What happened?”

“I’m not sure. They were fighting about something and it was going on for quite a while. But they calmed and now seem to be all right.”

“That’s good to hear. What would you have done?”

“Probably not much. Ask for an explanation and leave it at that. Beginning to find that I need to pick the right fights.”

“How do you mean?”

“I have enough power to prevent just about any problem that we face. Is that an accurate guess?”


“So I need to limit myself to what I do interfere in and what I step back for.”

“So what will you do?”

“In some battles you hold back your strength for when it is truly needed. I will have to act accordingly.”

“So you hold back and act as a backup plan?”

“Basically. If it gets out of hoof then I will step in but not before then.” He admitted to the feline. “My power is not meant to be spent on small things.”

Sasa sat up. “I agree. So you would have simply spoken to them?”

“Yes. Something tells me that it would be more than enough.” He admitted.

“You are a wise pony, chosen.”

Oblivion scoffed. “Not so sure about that.”

She chuckled and laid back down as he looked back to his book. The rain continued to fall outside. It beat against the window and Oblivion was quiet as he listened around him. The Witcher was quiet as he went back to reading about the history of Equestria. It mentioned more about the 3 leaders of the pony tribes and more of the details of their mutual reign. It still baffled him how an outside creature that fed off negative emotions had made it into a historical setting. He had his doubts about the validity of the belief.

He gave a low snort and went back to reading. As the night wore on he found himself nodding off and put a marker in his book and set it aside on the desk. Sasa looked to him and waited as he moved under his blanket. He laid his head down and reached out to the mares once more to check on them and found them all to be in much better spirits and enjoying each other’s company. His eyes caught his look of amusement as the stallion let himself nod off.

Sasa looked at him and nuzzled the back of his neck gently as he slept quietly. She looked to his blanket, which had fallen away from his shoulders and was bunched up by his ribs. She gripped a corner of it in her teeth and pulled it back up to his neck and let it fall gently on him. She didn’t want him getting cold on top of his wounds. She laid down and put her back against him and slept as well.

Oblivion startled awake and looked around him as he rolled onto his belly. Sasa grumbled as she shifted in her sleep. His breathing was slow but the pain still went through his chest as he adjusted. He pushed the blanket off his body and slowly got out of his bed. The stallion adjusted the tie in his mane and opened the door to the hallway. The Witcher could feel something reaching out to him and his magic was fluctuating in response. His mind went over possibilities as he went down the stairs and out the kitchen door to the outside. The rain had stopped and the world smelled of rain and damp soil. He stopped and inhaled, he had always enjoyed the scent of rain and the after-effects of it.

A sound behind the barn caught his ears and they flicked to listen. He focused his vision and he could sense the vibrations of sound from the air around him. His steps were slow to prevent himself from limping too badly on his injured shoulder. The sound continued and he flared his nostrils to try and pick out a scent but nothing caught his nose and he lowered his head as he rounded the corner of the barn. He paused and looked past it. Nothing struck him as out of place and he swung his head to the sides to try to narrow down the location of the sounds. He walked slowly around the side of the barn and started for the fields behind it. The sound was toward the end of the field and he growled about the slow pace he had to use. He didn’t dare teleport due to not knowing what he was going to face. ‘If this disappears by the time I get there I'm not following another of these again.’ He grumbled silently and continued. The sound remained as strong as he approached.

He paused when a shrill screech caught his ears. He had heard that sound before and he raised his head to look over the chest level grass. His eyes widened as a human burst from the grass and raced to him. The stallion stared at the man saw him and whistled. The man’s eyes were wide and frantic as he careened toward the stallion. He reached Oblivion, who was still shocked to see a human, grabbed his mane and vaulted onto Oblivion’s back. His heels collided with the black ponies ribs and he knotted his hands in the silver mane. Oblivion jolted as a monster pulled from the grass. Several Nekkers jumped out and ran for the human and the stallion.

“Oh shit!” Oblivion’s horn lit up and he summoned his sword from his room. The human gripped his mane and Oblivion cried out as his heels once more struck the ponies bandaged sides. “Don’t kick me!” He yelled to the terrified human.

“Run, you stupid horse!” He screamed and pulled violently on his mane, trying to direct him, as his heels struck him again.

Oblivion cried out in pain and bucked, the human went over his head, but his grip in the long silver mane was tight and he landed in front of Oblivion’s body. He screamed as the Nekkers jumped for them. Oblivion’s silver blade shone as it carved the first Nekker in half. The human screamed as the black stallion whirled and a powerful buck sent the next monster sailing backward. Oblivion’s blade carved them as they came after the two souls in front of them.

The 2 or 3 that remained stopped their attack and Oblivion watched as the space behind them warped and swirled. The monsters went still, as though dazed and stared blankly. The corpses lit on fire and the human screamed as the flames reached for him. He clawed at the black stallion, who began to back away, dragging him. A portal appeared and the human got to his feet and lunged for the stallion once more. The air around him began to thin and Oblivion’s bruised lungs, which were already screaming, now began to clamor for more air as it thinned around him. He looked to the human and found that the portal was after him.

“Let go!” He yelled at him.

“Keep going!” He screamed at the pony.

“No, let go!” Oblivion cried out. “It’s after you. It will take you back.”

The human was beyond listening to him. Oblivion stopped and held his breath. The human screamed and stood, trying to jump on the black ponies back once more. The portal intensified and the wind tore at his mane and fur. The man’s grip began to loosen and he screamed. His grip broke and the portal swallowed him.

Oblivion released the breath he was holding and looked up. The corpses were gone, as were the remaining Nekkers and the human. He raised his head and flicked his sword to remove the blood from it. He shifted to look around him and his ribs tore at him. He gasped and fell to his knees. His silver sword fell from his magic as his magic faded suddenly. His body screamed in pain and he panted under the strain. His rear legs collapsed and he fell to his left side in the grass. He couldn’t stand as he laid in a pained heap and stayed as still as he could. “Shit.” He gasped out and cursed himself for standing slack-jawed under the attack. He should have pulled away from the human faster to avoid being jumped on. Instead, he had stood there like a damned fool. He closed his eyes as he let the pain wash over him, waiting for it to fade.

“Chosen!” Sasa screamed out in his mind and he cringed.

“Sasa.” His voice was weak even in his mind and he felt the cat panic.

The Witcher stayed still and waited as he could sense Sasa approaching him at a hard run. The Tiger reached him and immediately began to look him over. Her nose pressed against his cheek as she checked on him.

“Chosen? What in the blazing Hells happened? Why are you out here?” She questioned him. He didn’t answer her. His eyes remained closed as he panted. “Chosen?” Her voice was growing frantic.

“Yes?” He replied to her. Still weakened and still laying in the damp grass.

“Why are you out here?” She asked him again.

“There was a...” He started to reply but his voice failed him as a tremble went through him. He was silent.

Sasa pushed his cheek once more and rumbled a growl to him. “Chosen, can you speak?”

He panted and one eye opened as he looked to her. Pain in his eyes as he weakly shook his head. He could barely form a thought as it was. She put her forehead against his and was still.

“Chosen. I know you hate mind reading but let me see what happened. Will you let me see it?”

He was still as he closed his eye. “Yes.” He whispered to her and was silent once more.

She pushed against him as she accessed the memory from him and gasped when it was done. “So portals are opening between this world and yours?”

He gave a weak nod and opened his eyes to look to the cat. “It was after...” He panted and stopped speaking.

“Chosen, stop. Don’t speak, just lay still. Gods, what is going on?”

She laid down beside him on the damp ground. He closed his eyes and tried to recover. His body ached and the injury to his side throbbed. He was silent as Sasa purred, comforting him. The black Unicorn gulped and tried to roll to his belly. Sasa jumped up and laid over his shoulder, stopping him from rising.

“Chosen, no. Stay still. You can’t move now. Your body can’t do it. Stay still or so help me I will sit on your shoulders and pin you to the ground.” She threatened him with a snarl.

Oblivion collapsed and was still. Truth be told laying still was less painful and he allowed himself to be held gently on the ground. Several minutes passed and he was able to breathe easily and the pain eased. He sighed and opened one eye to look at his companion. “Okay, I’m all right.” He whispered to her. She shifted and rubbed his cheek with the bridge of her nose.

“You will still lay quiet.” She said to him. “What possessed you to come out here alone? You’re in no condition to be out here alone.” She admonished him with a growl.

He sighed. “I didn’t know, I didn’t sense any monsters when I was walking out here. The human showed up first.” He whispered to her.

Sasa sat down by his head as he stayed still. “I saw that, but still, Chosen. That was foolish.”

“I know that now.” He replied. He moved slowly to his belly and stayed still.

Sasa stood and rubbed her head on his neck. “You have this habit of terrifying me.”

He scoffed and sighed. “Sorry about that.”

She sighed and stayed by him. “Can you stand?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t think anything is torn, just bruised.”

“Good. Try to stand, slowly.”

Oblivion nodded and got his forelegs under him and started to pull himself to his hooves. His ribs seized up at the movement, he yelped as he collapsed. Sasa yowled and was at his head as he fell to the ground once more. His breath tore through him as he stilled. “No.” He whispered to her. She looked around them and growled. “I can’t.” He hated to admit it, but moving was out of the question.

Sasa sat down and growled, anxiety beginning to eat at her. “Can you teleport?”

“I’m not sure.” His horn lit and he focused on his room. A stab of pain went through him and his magic failed. He panted for a moment as he stopped and let himself fall to his side once more. “No.” He whispered. “I don’t understand it, but I can’t.”

Sasa stood up and looked back at the farmhouse. “Might be due to the residual magic in the area. It’s giving me a headache. Stay still. I’ll get Mac.” She took off for the house as he laid in silence.

Oblivion was silent as a shiver went through him. He let his mind wander as he waited. His pride was a bit hurt at not being able to move, but common sense won out over his wounded pride. His eyes opened as he heard hooves in the grass. Mac slid to a stop and trotted to him.

“Wha’ in Equestria?” He brought his head down to the downed Witcher.

“I know,” Oblivion said to him. “I’ll explain later. But safe to say I...”He paused to breathe. “Did something stupid.” He finished.

Mac helped pull him to lay on his belly. “Can ya stand up?”

Oblivion shook his head. “Tried a few minutes ago and that’s when Sasa left to get you.” He explained.

Mac looked to the farm. “Ah’ll be right back. Ah don’t think carryin’ ya is a good idea.”

Oblivion shook his head once more. “I agree.”

The red stallion galloped back the farm, Sasa stayed with Oblivion, as he laid still on the ground.

“Are you cold, Chosen?” She asked him as a shiver went over his skin.

“I don’t feel cold.” He admitted to her, even as his skin shivered.

“Well, you keep shaking.”

“Not sure if that is cold or just adrenaline.”

“Well, both could be working against you right now.” She reasoned. The cat came over to him and laid across his back. He could feel the warmth from her fur and he sighed. “So you were a bit cold then?” She teased.

“Seems like it. Laying on the ground after heavy rain can affect even me it seems.”

Sasa stayed against him as his ears flicked as Mac approached them. He paused when he saw Sasa laying across Oblivion’s back.

“She thinks I’m cold.”He assured the other stallion.

“Well layin’ in the grass like ya are.” He said to him. He had hitched himself to a small wagon and pulled it out to the field.

Oblivion looked at it as Mac pulled it as close to the black unicorn as he could. He unhooked himself and came over to Oblivion’s side. The Unicorn pointed a hoof to the sword in the grass. Mac nodded, the red pony walked over to it, picked up the hilt in his hoof and laid it by the top of the wagon, out of the way. He leaned down and gently put one of his hooves under Oblivion’s left side.

“All right. Ah’ll get as much under ya as Ah can and get ya on yer hooves then into the wagon.” Mac said to him.

Oblivion nodded and Sasa got off his back and stood at his shoulder. Mac supported him as he got to his hooves. Oblivion groaned as his forelegs nearly gave out. Mac moved under his chest and Sasa pushed his flanks and he fell onto the wagon. He cursed under his breath as he panted and laid on his side for a moment as Mac and Sasa moved his legs. He said nothing as Mac got back into the trappings and started back for the farm. Sasa jumped onto the wagon as well and rode beside Oblivion.

Oblivion groaned quietly. Sasa looked to him. “Chosen?”

“I cannot believe this. I am being hauled like a bale of hay.” He looked over his shoulder as Mac ambled through the field. “This is humiliating.” He flared his horn and growled as the magic failed again. “That hurt.”

“I told you. There seems to still be interference from the portals you saw. I can’t even use my own abilities. It’s still giving me a headache.”

Oblivion cringed and relaxed as best he could on the wagon. He looked over his shoulder as Mac looked back to him and the black unicorn gave a thin smile. Mac smiled at him and looked forward. They reached the barn and Oblivion shifted to move but hissed when his ribs twitched under their bandage. Sasa stood up as they came to a stop and picked up the silver sword in her teeth.

“Can ya teleport to yer room from here?” Mac asked him.

“Hopefully. There was some sort of interference out there and I couldn’t use my magic.” Oblivion informed him.

“Ah was wondering what was wrong, but didn’t wanna pry.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as he cringed a bit as he waited for the backlash that didn’t come. He let his horn dim as he looked to Mac. “Seems okay now. I suppose I’m far enough away from it.”

Mac nodded. “Well go ahead and get back to yer room. Kitten already has yer blade.” Sasa had jumped off the wagon and was walking into the kitchen already.

Oblivion looked to the other stallion. “Thank you, Mac.”

“Ah, course. Though what were ya doin’ out there anyway?”

Oblivion thought about it for a moment. “Remember when I felt something when you were doing that walk of shame in Ponyville?” Mac grimaced but nodded. “Well it was like that, only this time there was something there.”

Mac looked surprised and unhitched from the wagon to stand closer to listen. “What happened?”

Oblivion had a moment of thinking that he should just gloss it over but decided to only change a couple of parts. “I followed a sound out there and didn’t see or hear any actual monsters until I reached where you found me. I was attacked by a group of Nekkers.” Mac tilted his head. “Small two-legged monsters with very large claws and wear the skulls of animals on their heads.” Mac looked nervous as Oblivion continued. “Don’t worry they're gone. But another animal was hiding from them. Also, two-legged but not nearly as dangerous. It saw me and jumped on my back and tried to get me to run away and escape. Where they are from ponies are used as mounts for them. So the reason I was knocked down like I was due to him kicking me repeatedly before I bucked him off and used my sword to kill a few of them before a portal opened to take them back. Including the harmless creature. The corpses were destroyed before Sasa even got to me.”

“Ah was about ta ask about that.” Mac waited as Oblivion started to get off the wagon. He held it in place and the black unicorn put his hooves on the ground.

He let his rear legs on the ground first before he tried to put weight on his forelegs. They hit the ground and his right leg gave out. His shoulder popped and he growled as it gave way. Macintosh grabbed him and held him up as he growled. “Shit. It’s my shoulder.”

“Ah thought it was healing?”

“It was.” He said aloud. “I think I may need to walk 3 legged for a day or so.”

“Chosen?” Sasa came back outside and walked up to them.

“My shoulder is popping.” He said to the cat as she stopped in front of him.

“Well, damn.” She said to him.

“Yeah.” Oblivion walked slowly forward, keeping his right leg off the ground. He stumbled and nearly fell, Sasa was under his chest and kept him standing. “Dammit to the Hells!” He cursed and his horn lit as he teleported to his room.

Sasa joined him upstairs as he stood by his bed. Blue flames arced over him as he used them to clean off the dirt and blood. He growled for a moment before he heaved a sigh.

“Chosen, stay awake for a bit. Mac is getting that ice pack for you.”

“He told you that?”

“No. I watched, then he told me.”

Oblivion stopped and looked slowly to her. “Smart ass.”

She chuckled and rubbed her head on his hip before jumping onto the bed into her normal spot. He stayed standing as Mac came up the stairs.

“Ah figured ya might need this.” He held the ice pack up for Oblivion to see, then set it on the unicorns right shoulder, wrapped the straps around him to hold it in place. “Ya’ll go back ta bed and rest. That shoulder can cool fer now.” Mac stood by as Oblivion climbed back into his bed. “Ah’ll look at the door tomorrow.”


“Yup. Sasa here crashed through it. That’s what woke me up. She came running back and Ah followed her to ya.”

Oblivion looked to the Spectral Tiger, who looked to the bed. “I was in a hurry.” She admitted.

Oblivion sighed. “I’ll fix it in the morning.” The Unicorn said to him.

“If yer up in time, then Ah’ll leave it to ya but if not ah’ll take care of it.” The red pony said to him. “But Ah bet yer gonna sleep in after tonight.”

“That is a possibility, especially if Sasa goes down to scare the rooster.” Oblivion agreed and settled under the blanket.

Mac walked out and closed the door behind him. Sasa nuzzled his neck and he shifted into a better position. “Bloody Hells.” He cursed as he found a comfortable spot. “I’m gonna catch Hell in the morning.”


“You know he’s gonna mention this to Granny Smith and AJ.”

“Oh. Yeah. That’s a guarantee.”

Oblivion snarled at the cat, who laughed. The stallion sighed and closed his eyes. “Should have grabbed a painkiller. I get the sense that I’m gonna feel this bit of stupidity later.”

“You might want to put that blade back with the others.” Sasa pointed out. “And you most likely will be quite sore in the morning.”

He opened one eye and looked to the silver sword sitting by the wardrobe. His horn lit and it went back in its place. Oblivion was quiet as his shoulder trembled under the ice pack. Sasa sat up and looked at him. He shifted some more, grumbled a bit, then let himself sleep once more.

Sasa watched him as he fell asleep. She looked outside, to the backfield where she had found him. She had awoken to feel pain arc through her body. It had lasted only a moment but it had been enough to scare her. She had immediately looked for him and found him gone. Panic had lanced through her mind as she screamed for him. He had answered but the reply had terrified her even more. It was weak and she could hear the pain in his voice. She had blinked through the bedroom door but had lost his magic and crashed through the kitchen door, which thankfully was not locked. Otherwise, she would have thrown it off the hinges if she had to. Sensing him had been easy, finding him lying on the ground had not been. She had expected to find him standing and cursing about something or another. She had not been ready to find him half-conscious on the ground.

“Don’t do that to me again.” She whispered to him.

He had been laying so still she had stopped in her tracks for a moment. His ragged breathing had told her he was alive. Despite knowing he was immortal, she still feared for the life that pulsed through him. His blood was as valuable to her as her own, if not more so. She looked away and laid back down at his back.

“Why did I not sense his pain until after he had collapsed? The portals that appeared when the monsters and the human were taken away, could they have been blocking his connection to me?”

The tiger laid her head over his slim neck and stayed quiet. Her eyes closed as she thought over the repercussions of those portals opening close to town or the farm itself. So far they had been pretty far away from it but she was nervous that would change in time, putting Oblivion on the front lines once more. She knew that he would not allow anything to harm the ponies of Ponyville. She sighed and let herself sleep.

Oblivion snapped awake and looked around him. The room was the same and he could feel Sasa behind him. Sasa’s head was on his neck, showing that it was early in the morning. She had not gotten up to stop the bird yet. The ice pack on his shoulder was cool but was warming up on his skin. He slid his neck out from under the cat’s neck and his magic moved his blanket off his body. The Alicorn stood up, opened his door and went into the hall. He walked slowly down the stairs and removed the ice pack to set it aside and allow it to recover. The stallion looked to the door and found it to be half off the hinges. His magic covered it and repaired the damage caused by Sasa running through it. His mind was awake and he went outside to lay under his normal tree. He slowly laid down and thought over the events of the early morning.

“How could those portals be created from nothing?” He pondered aloud, his voice a whisper. His ribs were sore, but it was not unbearable. He gave a wry chuckle. “Now I am glad that I treated my mare kindly and was never cruel with my riding. Having your ribs kicked hurts more than I thought it would. I’m glad I trained her to answer to voice and reins.” He said with a laugh and went silent once more.

His mind went over what he knew of portals from his conversations with Triss, Yen, and a few other sorceresses. They had been tight-lipped about how it worked until he had shown that he was a Witcher and was not able to create a portal. Only then did they release the asked for information. A basically operated when a sorceress creates it. They have a place in mind when it is made and that is where it goes to. Some cannot be activated without a crystal that houses the desired destination. Oblivion had more experience with those types.

Despite his normal distaste for them he was occasionally forced to use them if the situation needed it. The Witcher was not alone in his abhorrence for them. Every Witcher hated using them, instead preferring the long route, by horseback or walking. Oblivion had voiced many times that he would rather walk than take a portal. Portals made his stomach turn and they were never comfortable to use. Yen had tossed him through a few portals and he had griped about it endlessly afterward as revenge on the woman. Triss was a bit more subtle but still had to force him. The Sorceresses of the Lodge were a strong cabal of the most powerful sorceresses in the world and were well known for their skills in magic. His thoughts stilled as he felt Sasa awaken and panic.

“I’m outside, Sasa.” He voiced to her.

The cat stilled and he watched her aura going through the house and finally outside. She trotted up to him and nuzzled his neck. “What are you doing outside, Chosen?”

“Just needed to think. Those portals from earlier are concerning. The fact that this time there was something there instead of the false alarms from before makes me think the one making the portals is either getting sloppy with them or is figuring out how to keep them open longer.”

Sasa sat down and thought over his words. “That’s true. Usually, they are gone by the time we reach them.”

“Portals in general close after the caster reaches their destination. So the fact that they are opening again to send whatever has walked through the back is odd. Typically a caster much focus on the destination they want and the portal closes after they go through it. These ones are being reopened after an amount of time. I am no expert on portals by any means but even I can tell something is wrong with these ones. The Nekkers from yesterday stilled when the portal reopened and looked dazed before it took them back. There were several of them. One for the Nekkers and the other for the human.” He explained to the cat.

Sasa thought back to the memory she had seen from Oblivion's mind and nodded. “That’s true. I still don’t think you are the cause but I agree that something is odd. A corpse one day and living monsters and human the next.”

Oblivion shifted and pulled his legs tighter under him. “Am I truly the only one that was brought here?”

“So far as I know, yes.” Sasa answered him quickly. “I may not have the power you do but I can tell when something is out of its place. You are the only one that was brought here. If there had been another they would have appeared close to you and you would have seen them.”

Oblivion was quiet as he processed her words. “Interesting then. Some pony or someone must be making these portals. It’s the only way for a portal to be made. I don’t think the mechanics of it would change too much with it being here. Am I wrong?”

“No. You are right. Magic from your world would change to match it here. For example, a portal would act the same as it would there. Unless all casters can teleport across worlds.”

“No. So far as I know only Ciri can accomplish that. Granted a caster would give their right arm for that skill.” He admitted

Sasa looked worried for a moment. “Could Ciri be trying to find you?”

“Unlikely. Geralt maybe, but I am not in that inner circle of hers. Even Lambert is more acquainted with her than I am. I was never one to spar with her outside of training.” He admitted. “Plus, if my body fell in my world there is no need to find me.”

Sasa sat back deeper on her haunches as she thought over his words. “Still though. You are family to her. When did you last see her?”

“I saw here last in Skellige. We did battle with the Wild Hunt there. She fought with the Wild Hunt then vanished. Geralt said she lived through the experience, but I didn’t ask for more details.”

“So you fought for her?”

“Of course. Geralt met up with me and asked that I come to Kaer Morhen to help in the battle with the Hunt.”

“I thought it was in Skellige?”

“The final battle was. Geralt explained that Ciri had been hidden away on the Isle of Mists. He was going to go get her, but the moment he left with her the Hunt would know and show up to try to take her. So he would take her to Kaer Morhen after gathering more allies to our side to fight them. I had helped him get as far as he did but had parted ways with him when he got sent to the capital of Nilfgaard, Vizima, with Uma. I don’t bow, scrape, or address him by any title, so the Emperor and I are on even worse terms than he is with Geralt.” Oblivion paused as he chuckled at the memory of the Emperor’s attendants nearly fainting when he addressed him casually. “I gave him a rough idea of where I might be and he managed to find me. He needed all the help they could get. I started out for the keep once I finished my own contract.”


“The ugliest man alive and someone who was the victim of a curse. We found that he was connected to Ciri somehow.” He explained. “We found him and started for Kaer Morhen when a group of guards surrounded us and informed us that the emperor wanted an audience. I declined and parted ways after giving Geralt my approximate location.”

“He found you later?”

“Yes. All the manpower he could get headed for the Witchers Keep of Kaer Morhen.”

“I’m guessing you won that fight?”

Oblivion was silent as he looked away from the cat. “We did, yes.”

Sasa watched him for a moment. “What happened?”

“We were doing pretty well considering the numbers they had over us. We had traps and magic and allies but even that can only last so long. The hunt broke through the main gate and into the courtyard. Yen had been maintaining a barrier to keep out the cold that the Hunt brought with it. A cold that could freeze you solid and kill if not dispelled in a safe amount of time. A normal human would die in a moment but the Witchers and allies in Kaer Morhen are made of stronger stuff. But even still. Those of us in the open were frozen solid. Only Vesemir and Ciri were spared, due to him pulling her down to hide behind a stone wall. It only affects those it hits. They fought back but Vesemir was killed. I never asked how.”

“Why not?”

“No Witcher dies in his bed. That is a truth we all strive for. The how did not matter, due to the reality of it staring us in the face. Ciri took it hardest of us. We were all close but we did not grieve the same as she did.”

“But you still grieved with her.”

“In our own way, yes. It upset her at first, but it’s hard for those who have not done the mutations to understand how we are. Ciri understands in a way but it still seemed cold to her how we acted. We burned the body as tradition demanded and we waited by him till the end.”

“That’s how a Witcher grieves then?”

“Yes. Like I said in our own way.”

Sasa laid down beside him and sighed. “But you still fought for her. I’m sure she knew that you would stand by her till the end of times.”

“It nearly was.”

“How so?”

“If the Wild Hunt had succeeded the world would have fallen with it. They wanted Ciri for the power in her blood. They wanted to use her power to save their world, I think. But, in saving theirs ours would have fallen to the White Frost and ended.”

“So instead their world would end?”

“Maybe. I never stopped to ask them.”

“Well, fighting for your life is a more pressing concern.” Sasa chuckled.


They went silent, and Oblivion laid his head on the ground. “Chosen?” The sabercat finally piped up.


“Do you regret accepting that contract?”

Oblivion startled and raised his head to look at the cat. “What prompted this?”

“Just wondering.” She said to him and was quiet.

“At times maybe. But this is the reality. I can’t change it and it’s better to keep looking ahead. The past is easy to look back to and regret. It's moving forward that is difficult.” He replied. “I don’t believe in Fate or Destiny. Some do, but I don’t place much stock in it.”

“But you do feel some regret?” She pressed.

“Perhaps.” He answered her. “But I also chose to come here in a way. So it’s my own fault if I do.”

Sasa went silent at his words. He lowered his head back to the ground and went quiet. Letting the cat ponder through on her own. The Alicorn looked to the house and saw the Apples getting up for the day. His magic reached out and found that Applejack was awake and with the other 2 mares. Mac came downstairs and looked outside, he saw the black pony under the tree and nodded to him. Oblivion startled as the rooster crowed and he turned to glare in the bird’s direction.

“I truly cannot stand that animal.” He muttered as he got to his hooves.

Sasa purred in reply and walked with him to the house. Mac opened the door for him and stepped back to let him in. The red pony went to the counter and picked up the ice pack.

“When yer done with this go ahead and put it in the freezer.”

Oblivion looked at him. “In what?”

Sasa laughed and put her head against Oblivion’s hip. Big Mac looked to the other stallion. “The Freezer.”

“I heard that part. Where I am from there is no such thing.” Oblivion explained.

“Oh.” Mac moved back and opened a large white box. Oblivion had never paid much attention to it before. He limped over to look at it as well. Mac laid the ice pack into the bottom and closed it. “Just put it in there. That will freeze it so ya can use it again. Otherwise, it gets too hot and won’t help ya.”

“I see. So this is how you keep food cold, I assume.”

“That part freezes things the other side just keeps ‘em chilled.”


“What do ya use where ya are from?”

Oblivion looked at him. “Depends on the area. In most areas, a cellar is dug into the ground to keep things cooler. In areas with snow, a cellar is dug deep in the snow to keep items frozen or very cold.” He explained.

Mac looked interested but kept his questions at bay for the time being. He didn’t want his brother standing on his bad leg too long. He looked to it and found that it shook under Oblivion’s weight. “Ya need ta get off yer leg.”

Oblivion nodded. “I know. It’s stiff and sore, but not unbearable. Thankfully the activity this morning doesn’t seem to have done any lasting damage.” Oblivion advised him.

“Still. Ya should probably get off of it. That ice pack will be ready in a couple of hours. Ah’ll take Bloom ta school.”

Oblivion inhaled and looked to the stairs as Apple Bloom came down the stairs. “Very well. After this morning staying off of it is the wisest solution.”

Big Mac smiled and nodded to the Black Unicorn, who then teleported outside.

Author's Note:

Okay, Computer is back and back to normal. Should be okay to update things and get them rolling again. Thanks for your patience guys and I will try to update the others as soon as I can!

Edit 1: 12/18/2018
Edit 2: 8/27/2019
Edit: 11/12/2019

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