• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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32: Visiting the Past...

Oblivion's stride was swift as he walked out of the room, Sasa, and Blue on his heels. The Prince caught up to him and looked to him as they walked.

“You know where the address is?” Oblivion asked him.

“Yeah. I know where it is. I’ll take you there. So what you said about the punishment for murder?”

“Is accurate. It can depend on the location if there is a public death or not. Sometimes they are jailed instead, but often they are not.” Oblivion responded.

Blue was quiet and led the Unicorn to a section of the city that they had not been into. Oblivion stayed with the white Unicorn and remained quiet as they navigated the streets and finally reached home at the end of one of the long streets. The house was two-story and boasted a tall entry way. Pillars of white porcelain held up the front of the entry. Behind it stood a tall blue door that stood close to ten feet tall if Oblivion had his measurements correct.

“So do we knock?” Oblivion asked as they halted in front of the door.

“Well.” Blue paused and looked around the door. "There’s no bell which is kind of odd for this area, so knocking is our only choice.” Blue reached up and rapped his hoof gently on the tall door.

The two stallions and Sasa stood outside and waited for the door to be answered. After over a minute Oblivion looked to Blue Blood, who was beginning to look uncertain. Oblivion held up his hoof and rapped his hoof on the door with more force than the other. He saw Blue cringe out of the corner of his eye. A few seconds later a pony opened the door to receive them.

The pony was a shorter stallion than Blue, but he held his head up high as he looked at them. His eyes were a dull gray that matched his coat. He wore a black and white suit and appeared to be scrutinizing the two ponies.

“How may I help you, gentle colts?” He said to them.

His voice was a bit nasally and grated over Oblivion ears. The black stallion was quiet as Blue gave a polite bow of his head. “Good afternoon. I am Prince Blue Blood and this is Oblivion Shadow. We are here to speak with the lady of the house, if at all possible.” Blue replied to him.

Oblivion was aware of Blue using a bit of his mask, but he appeared to have it fully under control so Oblivion ignored it. The wraith around him was weakening so Oblivion let the mask go as he waited with him. The pony startled and bowed his head to Blue Blood and moved to the side, motioning for them to come inside. The inside was just as grand as the outside of the estate. The first thing they saw was a rather grand staircase the curved around the edge of the left side of the room. Oblivion felt a tug on his saddlebags, his head spun and he danced away from the ponies gripping hooves. He stumbled and looked startled as Oblivion stared at him.

“I can carry them,” Oblivion spoke to him, his voice terse.

“Very well.” The other said and started to walk away from them. Blue Blood motioned for him to follow and the black stallion followed at the Princes hip.

“Chosen?” Sasa voice reached out to him. “I got locked outside.” She said to him.

Oblivion snorted and summoned the feline to his side. “How in the Hells did you get left outside?”

“I was not behind you when the pony opened the door. I went to look at some of the grounds and when I came back you two were inside.” She explained as they followed Blue Blood.

“I see.” He replied with a chuckle under his breath at her expense.

They walked out into a large garden with enough flowers and trees to rival Celestia’s garden at the castle. The roads were winding and they were led deeper into the garden. Oblivion reached out to the gem around his neck and pulled it off his neck to store it in his saddlebag, out of sight. They reached a dome made of metal and had ivy crawling up it on all sides aside from the front where it had been cut to accommodate an opening. Inside an elderly Pegasus sat in silence with her paper and a cup of tea. Oblivion could smell the tea as they neared the large gazebo. Their guide turned and waited for them to stop.

“May I present, Mrs. Fleeting Skies.” He spoke aloud.

The mare looked up and smiled as she saw the stallions. Her coat was a pale blue with her mane that rivaled Oblivion's own in coloring. Though, while he was clearly silver with some white, hers was more of a stark white.

“And who might my guests be?” She asked kindly.

“Your guests this afternoon are Prince Blue Blood and Oblivion Shadow.” He spoke to her.

She continued to smile at them. Her smile faltered as she laid eyes on Sasa. “Did you bring a very large cat with you?”

“Yes. She is my companion and is with me at all times.” Oblivion replied.

“I see. Please take a seat and join me for afternoon tea.” She composed herself and spoke to them.

Blue walked up and took a seat with his back to the door while Oblivion went to the opposite side, allowing him to watch the garden entrance and any who might have followed them. Her butler picked up the teapot after setting cups in front of the two stallions. Oblivion covered his cup and politely declined while Blue Blood accepted the offer.

“Would you prefer something else?” She asked Oblivion.

“I am fine, but I thank you for the courtesy.” He replied to her.

“Please, just let him know and we will do what we can.” She cajoled.

“Coffee is fine, thank you.” Oblivion replied to her and nodded to the butler.

“Would your lovely companion like anything? I have some imported cream that my own kittens adore.” She said to him, her eyes landing on Sasa.

Oblivion looked to the cat and she nodded to the mare and butler. They both looked at her, then to Oblivion. He nodded and returned his gaze to their hostess. The butler trotted back the way they had come and returned minutes later with a large saucer of cream for the spectral cat.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company this afternoon? I assume it is not a social call?” She said to them as she sipped her tea. “I have not attended a social gathering at the palace in many years, but I do know of you Prince Blue Blood. I am sorry to say that I do not know of you, Mr. Shadow.”

“I have not been in Equestria for very long, only a couple of months. So it is to be understood that I am not well known.” Oblivion replied to her, falling into a way of speaking that he had used with nobles in the Northern Realms.

“Still, I am a poor host if my guests are not properly known. But I thank you for the understanding.” She said to him as she set her teacup down on its saucer. “So to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I have come here to ask about your granddaughter, Asmara.” Oblivion supplied.

She looked away, her eyes saddened. “Such a wonderful child. Tragedy struck early in her life.”

“I have heard. It’s unfortunate what happened to her.” Oblivion said to her. “Her name came up in an investigation I am involved in.”

“Oh? What could possibly have happened?”

“The creature she claimed killed her parents and uncle. I am trying to find out if the creature could be involved in the deaths of other ponies that have come to the attention of the Royal Guard.” Oblivion said to her. He caught a look from Blue Blood at the lie he had spun, but the Prince seemed to understand it and nodded in agreement.

“Truly? I had thought that the creature’s description was kept from the public.” She replied to him.

Oblivion's face remained impassive as the mare tried to trip him up in his story. He had worked with enough nobles to know the trap when he saw it. “Many details were withheld. But due to the connections of ponies being murdered by an unknown creature in some farther placed towns and villages I was told of the case and have been looking into it.”

She nodded. A pleased look crossing her face at his easy catch of her words. “Not unused to politics are you, Mr. Shadow?”

“Not in the slightest. Where I am from using politics is a daily occurrence. Learning how to maneuver is something I mastered very early on.” He informed her, his voice matter of fact.

She laughed and her smile widened. “Well played.” She said to him.

Blue Blood smiled and managed to hide a laugh behind his teacup. Oblivion continued speaking to her. “Do you have any idea where she could be? Several details are missing from the reports of that day and I am trying to nail down a sketch of the creature. As she is the only one that saw the creature that day she is the only eyewitness.”

“I understand. Unfortunately, I have not seen her in a few months. I have been trying to locate her, but so far I have found nothing of note. She was so deeply hurt by the event that I never pushed her for information about that day. It was all I could do to hide her from the papers and questioning by Guards day after day.”

Oblivion sipped his coffee and nodded his understanding. “I understand. Any ideas would be of great benefit. If it is the same beast then any knowledge she has of any possible weaknesses would be of great benefit to protect the lives of the ponies in the affected areas.”

“I recall her mentioning that it did not attack her. When I asked her why she was quiet about it. She did mention that her necklace scared it off.” She replied to him.

“Necklace?” Oblivion asked her, feigning ignorance. The item in question sat docilely in his saddlebag.

“Yes. It is a large gem of reds and blues in color. She never took it off and became very upset if anypony tried to touch it. She had me hold it for her a few times, but she was never far from the jewel when it was not on her person.”

“Any idea where it came from?” Blue Blood asked.

“She said that her father had bought it from a small store in Lower Canterlot. They took it to her uncle on her father’s side to have it cut and set into a necklace. It was to be a gift for me, but when the incident happened she did not want to give it up. I did not blame her for that since it reminded her of happier times. I often wondered if keeping it was a way for her to cope with the tragedy.”

“That is possible. So you are unsure of her location?”

“Yes, I wish I did. Perhaps seeing the creature destroyed or found would bring her some peace. She became very troubled and acted out in her teenage years. She calmed after a short time, but there was still something wrong with her.”

“How do you mean?” Blue asked.

“She became focused on her revenge for a time and then seemed to move past it, but every few months the focus would return to her.”

“If I am right, then I may have an idea where it is. I have been trained to fight monsters and remove them if needed. Because of that specialty, Celestia has asked me to look into the events of that day and narrow down the details of the creature.” Oblivion replied to her. “Asmara’s aid could be instrumental to the removal of this creature.”

“I see. The thing I find myself worrying about is her peace of mind. She has been hurt by this for so long that I worry dredging it up could have a negative effect on her psyche. She became very fragile after it happened and the slightest thing sent her into fits of screaming and rage. She calmed in time, but even now she has nightmares of the creature and the death of her family.” She looked sadly at the house. “I made sure her room faced out into the garden, it seemed to help calm her.”

Sasa looked up as she finished her cream and purred to the mare. “There is more there than what she is saying, Chosen.”

“I know. I’m letting her talk and see what comes of it.” He replied to the cat’s observation. Oblivion had been watching her Spirit as they spoke. At times it had roiled showing grief and sorrow, but other times it showed deceit. He was no fool and recognized the lies when his ears caught them. Oblivion sighed and leaned back into his chair. “It’s unfortunate that she never gave a full description of the creature. I was hoping that she had mentioned it to you or others and then I could just use their words to sketch it and not need to involve her till the creature is dead to give her closure.”

The black stallion put his hooves together, seemingly in deep thought. His magic held his coffee and he sipped it as he waited to see what she would say. The mare looked at him and then rang a small bell beside her saucer.

“One moment.” She said to him.

Her butler returned to their location and she waved him to her. “Please go to my room and bring me the small chest inside the third drawer of my desk.” She ordered.

He nodded and was gone as he went to follow her request. She sighed and looked at the two stallions with her. Blue looked confused at her as they waited. “May I ask what he is retrieving?”

“I will show you in a moment. Please wait.” She said to him.

Blue nodded politely and sat deeper in his chair. The butler returned minutes later carrying the small chest on his back. He pulled up another chair and set it on the chair beside her. She opened it with a key that was around her neck and began to search for something inside of it. She smiled and pulled out a file folder.

“This has a description that she wrote down days after it had happened. She also did a rough drawing.” She said and pulled both items out of the folder.

Oblivion's magic held them both as he looked over the drawing. It was similar to the creature he now had under his control, but it was clearly done by a pony that was no artist. He set it aside with a short sigh and read the written description. His magic flared and he summoned a scroll and quill to his side. As he read, he drew it as he saw it in the description. After several minutes he finished and set both down on the table. Blue gave a quiet whistle at the drawing. Oblivion had drawn what was on the paper and there were a few differences, but the description was very close to what he knew of the Elemental.

“This should do it. Hopefully, we can avoid involving her. Though knowing about the gem would help.” Oblivion added as he gave the papers back to her.

She reached into the chest and pulled out several photos. “I have photos of the gem when she was wearing it. Please look at these.”

Oblivion took them and looked at the jewel. He nodded and gave them back to her. “That will be of help.”

“That gem is her pride and joy. I hope you have no need for it.” The mare said to him as she locked the chest once more.

Blue Blood looked at him and gave a barely seen nod. Oblivion used his magic to reach into his saddlebags and produced the gem. The mare’s eyes widened at the sight of the jewel and she stared.

“Where did you get that? Has something happened to her?” Her voice held disbelief and she was clearly upset at the sight of the jewel.

“No. I know nothing of her whereabouts or anything of the sort. This was taken from a mare that claims it was given to her. So as you can see we need to speak to your granddaughter.” Oblivion said to her as the gem hovered in his magic.

She looked away from it and nodded. “I agree. I shudder to think what happened for her to give it up. Did this other mare say anything?”

“She did. But what she said is under investigation due to the content of her claims.” Oblivion told her as he set the gem back in his saddle bag.

She nodded once more and rang the little bell once more. Blue looked to the black pony and waited as he remained still and silent. The butler trotted up to his mistress and waited.

“Please call on my Private Investigator and summon him to the house. It has become imperative that Asmara is located. I must know that her life is not in danger. Did this other pony say anything that she was hurt or…Anything?”

“No. Her claims were a bit outlandish, but nothing murderous toward Asmara. Our concern is that she is not involved in any way. We do not believe so, but we need to confirm it.” Oblivion informed her.

Beside him, Sasa gave a quiet chuckle in his mind. “You are a very devious pony, Chosen.”

Blue Blood nodded. “Right now our concern is for her safety. We want to know what happened, how she got the gem, and if she knows anything else.”

“I understand. Tell him to get over here now.” She relayed to the butler, who nodded and took off at a lope to deliver the message.

Oblivion and Blue both stood up and pushed their chairs back into the table as they stood to leave. “Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to hear from you as soon as possible about her location or her status. Also, I will leave the drawing of the creature here for her to check. If it is what she recalls then I will know exactly what to look for. At this time we are trying to locate it and possibly either contain or kill outright.”

The aged mare nodded. “That would bring her some closure to know that it is gone. I will alert you as soon as he arrives. He is away at the moment, but I will send him to the castle post haste.” She assured him.

“We look forward to hearing what he has discovered. If needed we can help in his search as well.”

Oblivion waited till she nodded and they both moved through the lush garden and back to the front of the house. They left the home and began walking down the street back toward the castle.

“Wow. Remind me to let you talk next time I’m stuck in a budget meeting.” Blue said to him.

Oblivion chuckled in reply. “No, thank you. Dealing with politics makes my skin crawl. Monsters are easier to understand. I don’t have the patience for it anymore.” He admitted.

“So I have seen. You clamp the mouths of council members without batting an eye.” He jabbed at the other.

“True enough. Now we just need her to play her hoof and we will see how it goes.”

“Why did you show her the gem?”

“It shows her that we have something credible, not just theories. It will also let Asmara know that Winter Snow failed. Now the only way she can get the gem and the Elemental is to come forward and plead her case. If that fails, I will draw her out using the Elemental itself.”

“But that thing is a killer. Why would you want to draw it out?”

“Depending on who is holding the gem is how it acts. Don’t worry about its actions, I will take care of it.” Oblivion assured him.

The walk back to the castle was quiet. Sasa padded beside them. “Donuts, Chosen? He seems upset by something.” She sent her thought directly to him, instead of broadcasting it. “I see the shop is close by. I think I want a fish donut.”

Oblivion glanced to the Prince and nodded to the feline. Sasa growled and took off for the shop. She paused in front of it and walked in without the stallions. Blue laughed at the feline.

“Seems she’s hungry.” He chuckled as they followed her inside.

“So it seems.” Oblivion agreed and followed him inside.

They sat down as Joe saw them and nodded to them. “I know your orders. Go ahead and have seat boys. I got yours as well, kitten.”

Sasa purred her thanks and laid down at Oblivion's hooves. “Blue. Are you all right?”

The Prince startled and looked down to the feline. “Am I that obvious?”

“Not really. But, we noticed.” She replied.

He looked to the black stallion who nodded. “She is right, Blue. What is on your mind? You have been rather quiet since I arrived this morning.”

Blue put his head in his hooves. “It’s just that the idea that you have been targeted for the Element is… Hard to understand. It can’t be controlled by any other pony.”

Oblivion was quiet as he listened. “It is not the first time I have been the target of attacks.” He pointed out to the other stallion.

Blue looked at him and sat back as Joe set their food and drinks in front of them. “How was it done back in the Northern Realms?” He looked up as Joe walked away. “I mean if a pony targeted you?”

“If that happened then it was likely that they would need to confront me for anything to happen. A Witcher is not a being that is easily snuck up on. Nor do we react normally to poisons. Therefore, if some pony is sent to kill one of us then they have to pray that they have more skill than we do.”

Blue chuckled. “Well, you bested Princess Luna so I don’t think any pony could kill you.”

“That will not stop them from trying.” Sasa replied.

Oblivion nodded to the cat. “Also true. We do not fall easily.”

Blue Blood was quiet as he considered what he had said. “You are also fairly well versed in how to maneuver with politics. The last time I saw you like that was when I asked for your help with the education council.”

Oblivion nodded. “Politics are not a new action for me. I have dealt with my fair share of nobles and the like. I did attend parties that were hosted by friends and while there one must be on your toes to avoid slipping.”

“How so?”

Oblivion took a bite of his food and sighed. “Last time would have to be when the King of Skellige passed on. I was present for his funeral with another witcher, Geralt.”


“Yes. In the Northern Realms and those around it, there is a single ruler above all others. King Bran had passed on and it was time for those that wished to take over had to show their hoof. In that time a new ruler is judged and chosen. During that time it is not abnormal for the candidates to try to show that they are more suited to the task by completing a task that is viewed as worthy of the title.”

“Who won?”

“Crach An Craite’s daughter, Cerys won. She will make a fine ruler. She thinks before she acts and has the patience of a priest. I have to admit I was hoping she would win over her brother. While he has valor and courage in spades, he is not a ruler that tends to his people first. He was more into raiding the mainland than seeing to his people.” Oblivion replied to him.

Blue Blood was quiet. “So you had to maneuver through that minefield I assume?”

“Oh yes. As for Witcher's, we are viewed differently by the Skelligers. They see us as an opportunity to test their mettle. While the mainland sees us as mutants and freaks we are received differently by Skelligers.”

“So they use you to test their strength?”

“Among other things, yes. It is not out of the ordinary for us to be challenged to combat, racing, cards, etc. You name it and I have probably been challenged to it on the Isles of Skellige.” Oblivion commented and drank his coffee. “To be honest, I prefer Skelligers to the cities of the mainland. It’s quite easy to know exactly where you stand among them. If one does not like you. they are certain to make sure you are aware of their opinion. While the mainland simply tried to ruin you through commerce or whatever else they can conceive.”

Blue nodded. “Sounds like something that I have seen before. Businesses that are destroyed by political wrangling and such.”

“Exactly. It is far simpler on the Isles.” Oblivion commented as he finished his food and coffee. “Better?”

Blue chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for the sit-down.”

“It’s no trouble.”

“So long as you are feeling better then it is a well worth distraction.” Sasa commented from her place on the floor.

Oblivion slid out of the booth and waited for Blue to stand as well. They paid and left the shop, heading for the castle. Oblivion paused as he heard hooves behind them. The hoof falls were heavy and showed that they were at a fast trot. Oblivion walked slowly forward, his ears flicked back to listen. Beside him, Sasa listened as well. The steps slowed as they neared him and he looked over his shoulder as the steps stopped as he looked back. He was greeted by Striker who smiled in greeting.

“Striker?” Oblivion said as he stopped.

“Sir. I’m sorry to interrupt but the Princesses are asking for you to return to the castle.” He said to him, his wings flicking against his sides.

“For what purpose?”

“I’m not sure, sir. They didn’t say anything.” The guard replied.

Oblivion snorted and nodded. “Very well. We will head in that direction.”

Striker nodded and took to the air. Oblivion grumbled but began the walk back to the castle. “What could possibly be important enough to draw us back now?”

“Perhaps they are having trouble with the prisoner?” Blue replied.

“Perhaps. She is easy to handle so long as you can find a way to silence her. Otherwise, she does grate on one's nerves.” Oblivion admitted.

Blue broke into a trot with Oblivion at his hip. Sasa trailed them as they weaved through the growing crowds and ascended the steps to the castles main gates. They neared the front and the doors opened to allow them to walk in. Oblivion slowed to a walk with Blue and Sasa and reentered the throne room. The guards nodded and stepped away as they moved along the long carpet. Oblivion was surprised to see the mare still in the same place. He neared them and stopped a few feet away from Winter Snow.

Luna was quiet as she shrugged to the black stallion. Celestia came down from her seat and stopped beside the prisoner.

“I am sorry to call you back here, Oblivion. I know that you are investigating other leads, but I could use your perspective.” Celestia said to him.

Oblivion was quiet for a moment. “Very well. How can I be of aid?”

“When you left you said that the punishment where you are from for her crimes is death.” He nodded in reply. “What is your opinion?”

“My opinion of the laws here or her crimes?”

“Both?” Luna replied as the pale blue Alicorn looked to him, a slight smile on her muzzle.

“I am not well versed in the laws of Equestria. As far as the punishment for her crimes I was under the impression that there is no death penalty.” He reasoned to the white Alicorn, who nodded. “So that leaves confinement.”

“That is true. I am wondering if you think she can be reformed or…” Celestia began.

Oblivion snorted a laugh at the mention of reforming the maddened mare. “Surely you are jesting?”

Celestia shook her head. “Do you believe she is beyond help, then?”

“Only a little. So far as I have known those who have fallen to madness have no recourse. They have lost the sense of who they are or once were. I can see the Spirit of this mare and I can tell you that it has fallen beyond all repair or aid.”

“That is true you can use the Element to see more than we can.” Celestia said aloud. “So your opinion is that she is beyond all help?”

Oblivion nodded. “Without a doubt. Even if I were to reach out to her with the Element it would be a waste of time and effort.”

Sasa growled at the mare and bumped his hip. The black stallion glanced over to her and then back to the white Alicorn. “So you have no doubt that she cannot be saved?”

“Celestia. You can ask me variations of the same question as many times as you like, my answer is going to remain the same.” Oblivion said to her.

The mare looked sheepish and nodded to him. “My apologies. I find it difficult to give up on any of my ponies.” She began.

“I’m not yours.” Winter snarled.

Celestia looked to her, pity in her eyes. “I know that’s how you think it is. But you will always be one of mine.”

The pinto snarled and looked back to the carpet under her. “Just have him kill me.”

Celestia startled and Luna stared at the mare. “Thou wish to have thou’s life ended?” Luna asked her, her voice pitched in surprise.

“Yes. It’s a waste of time trying to get me to like you and your laws. I will kill again if I can.” She snarled. Her mouth curled into a cruel smile and she tilted her head back.

Blue Blood backed up a step and bumped Oblivion's other hip, clearly disturbed by the mare. Oblivion said nothing to her for a moment as he waited for her to say more. “You have no desire to continue living?” He said to her.

“There is no reason. I won’t get what I want. All of you think you can just put me in jail and I’ll be all fixed so you can feel better about yourselves.” She replied. Her gaze fell to the black stallion. “Well. Except for you. You don’t give a damn. So just end it or leave me alone.”

Oblivion was quiet as he waited for her to fall back into a sullen silence. He looked at the two Alicorns, who stared at the mare. “Celestia, Luna.” The mare’s looked to him. He tipped his horn to the side and walked several feet away. They joined him and he spoke quietly to them. “The mare is many things, but she is not wrong.”

“Oblivion. Are thou saying that ending her life is preferred?” Luna asked him.

“I am not saying that it is ideal. What I am saying is that you must choose to either let her go or sit her in a cell to rot till she dies.” Oblivion clarified.

Blue Blood looked to her and then back to the group. “She is pretty much asking to die.”

Celestia glanced over her shoulder then back to Oblivion. “We haven’t done an execution in almost a thousand years. I abolished the practice shortly after I lost Luna.”

“Do not do a formal execution. She wants to be seen and recognized. Deprive her of that. Public execution is not what I had in mind.” Oblivion replied.

“So what do you suggest?” Blue asked.

“What I am suggesting is that for the first time in her life somepony gives her what she wants,” Oblivion stated. “She has been beaten and broken there is no denying that.” The others nodded as he spoke. “From what I have been able to gather she has always been at the mercy of others and their choices for her.”

“So by giving her death, we are giving her choice?” Celestia replied.

“Yes. None have given her choice and mercy.” The black Unicorn commented. “By showing her this bit of mercy she may even tell us more that may have been left out.”

“So we use our mercy to get her to give anything else up?” Blue asked.

“Precisely,” Oblivion said to them.

“She is asking for you to be the one that kills her. Are you?” Celestia said to him.

Oblivion scoffed. “Celestia. I carry two blades. Silver is to bring monsters to their deaths. Steel is for ponies.” He reminded them, with a glance at the blades on his back.

Celestia backed up with a heavy inhale and walked back to the mare. She reached out her hoof and picked up the mares chin, to look her in the eyes. The monarch looked up and tipped her horn. The guards nodded and left the room at her command. She looked at the mare once more. “Winter Snow.”

The mare’s glass eyes looked at her, hatred brimming within them. “What?”

“I know that you have been hurt by many ponies in your life. But do you truly wish to throw your life away? I am more than willing to try to help.” She began.

“No. I don’t want any help from you or anypony. The only pony that can help me is the black one. He is the only one that understands anything at all. None of you pretty ponies will ever understand me or even him. So make your choice. Either leave me alone or let him end it for me.” She snarled and bit at the mare's hoof.

Celestia pulled back and looked to her sister. Luna walked up to her and nuzzled her before addressing the mare. “We have heard thou’s request. Thee understands that by asking to die thou have asked for something that has not been done in a thousand years?”

“I am well aware of what I want. None of you understand anything. You all sit up here in your castle and look down on the ponies, thinking you are doing good and helping them. You are blind.” She snarled. Venom dripped from her tone as the two Alicorns leaned back at the vehemence in her tone. She inhaled to speak, but a loud stomp stopped her.

“That’s enough,” Oblivion said to her. “Spitting venom at others will do nothing for you.”

She smiled. “I know. You get it. Even though we aren’t on the same side, you’re the only one who gets it.” She said to him.

Blue Blood hung back and cringed against Sasa, who nuzzled him. Oblivion walked up to her, his horn alight with his azure flame as they surrounded the hobbles on her legs. They disintegrated under his flame and she rubbed her hocks at the removal of the bonds. She stared at him as he watched over her.

“You have another choice. You can either hold still and die on your knees or die on your own terms.” Oblivion said to her. He knew that this could backfire on him, but he was gambling on any information the pinto still withheld.

She stood up and stared at him. Her expression confused as she backed up a step or two. “You’re saying that I can fight back?”

“If that is how you wish to die, then yes.”

“And everypony agreed with this?”

“No. I am acting on my own.” Oblivion replied to her questioning.

She was quiet as she seemed to be weighing her options. “You know.” She said aloud, a smile crossing her muzzle. “For once, I really don’t want to fight. Usually, I do.” She said, tears pricking her eyes. “I don’t want to fight you. You’re the only pony that understands how much it hurts. Seeing every pony who has everything that you don’t. Even if you say that you don’t have emotions you still know them. You still know that they have more to them. That one thing that makes them… Whole.” She said as she sat down and looked at him.

Oblivion walked up to her and sat down in front of her. The mare smiled and sniffled. “So what is your choice?”

“I want you to kill me. I want it to be you. You have to be the one to end it.” She replied to him. “Can I ask something from you first?”

“Depends on the request,” Oblivion said to her. She motioned with her hoof for him to lower his head. He looked at her for a moment, before he lowered his ear to her mouth.

Sasa tensed as Oblivion's head lowered to the mare’s mouth. She couldn’t hear what she said but she was nervous all the same. The she-cat looked to the ponies at her side and found them to be equally uncomfortable. Blue tensed and pushed against her side. She nuzzled him and purred, trying to ease his nerves. The Prince nodded to her and waited with them in silence. Oblivion closed his eyes, as she spoke. Sasa cringed as the mare turned her head to the side and planted a kiss on Oblivion's cheek. His eyes opened and he nodded to her. None of them saw the blade as it was drawn.

Oblivion slid the weapon through the mare’s back, the weapon piercing her heart. He reached out his leg as the mare's body fell forward. His magic pulled the steel sword from her back and with a flick of his magic any blood fell from the blade. He slid the weapon back into the scabbard at his shoulder. He held her gently and lowered her to the ground. He set her head down gently and closed her eyes. His magic conjured a blanket and laid it over the mare’s body. The Witcher backed up and looked up to the assembled royals.

“It’s over.” He said to them.

Blue gulped and found his voice first. “What did she say?”

Oblivion looked back to the fallen mare. The black stallion was quiet for several seconds. “She asked that she be buried in her hometown. She told me where it is and that it was destroyed by the ponies that took her so it can’t be found on a map.” He reported to them.

Celestia breathed out a staggered breath and looked at him. “Are you okay?”

Oblivion looked at her, a moment of confusion in his gaze for a moment before he realized what she was asking. “I’m fine. My steel blade has been covered in the blood of many. It is not my first mercy killing if that is what you are asking.”

“Thou have ended the life of another before?” Luna asked him.

“Yes. Disease and war run rampant in the Northern Realms, so ending another's suffering is not uncommon.”

Sasa walked up to him and sat down in front of him. She leaned her broad head against his chest and purred, wrapping her right foreleg around his.

Celestia looked to the body of the pinto and back to him. “I am sorry that you had to do that.”

“I’m not.” Oblivion cut her off before she could say more. “She did also give me a few more leads on how to find Asmara.”

Blue looked at him, his eyes widening. "So she gave up the last bit of info? The information that you wanted?”

“Yes. It was a gamble to try to get her to come clean completely. I was ready for it to fail, but it proved lucrative.” He replied.

Celestia looked disturbed, her gaze going back to him. “You gave her what she wanted simply to get that information from her?”

“For the most part, yes.”

The Alicorn stared at him. “That was almost crueler as keeping her alive.”

“Perhaps. But in the end, it was her choice. That is what she wanted most.” He added. “So in a way, we both got what we wanted.”

The monarch nodded and called the guards back into the room with a sweep of her magic to open the doors. They trotted back in and came down the carpet toward the group of them. She looked to the stallion who nodded to her. His horn lit as he conjured a stretcher for the mare’s body. He also pulled a scroll and quill from his magic and wrote down the direction, name, and location of the mare’s village for her burial. He gave it to the guards as they picked up the body and laid it on the stretcher. Oblivion watched as the body was removed and he looked to the bloodstain on the carpet. His magic reached out and he burned the blood away from the carpet, leaving it unmarred. Sasa released his leg and stood with him.

“We have a few options now.” He went on. “We know that the clerk in your employ is in contact with Asmara. How she reaches out to her I do not know. She didn’t say anything about it.”

“Give me a second,” Blue said aloud. Oblivion paused and waited as the stallion breathed in and held his breath. He released the breath he was holding and nodded. “Okay. I’m good.”

Oblivion nodded to him and went on. “We are also waiting on Asmara’s grandmother to reach out to us about the private investigator that she has searched for her granddaughter. Should she find him then she is to reach out to us? It could take some time for him to return to the city. In the meantime, I will look into another lead that Winter gave me.”

“Which is?” Celestia asked.

Oblivion shook his head. “Not this one. Unfortunately, this lead is more than a bit risky. I will be tending to this one alone. It must also remain secret. Should her contact learn of what I was told then it will have all been for naught.”

Sasa looked at him as he backed up from her as well. “Chosen?”

“Remain here, Sasa,” Oblivion said to her as he began to walk out of the throne room. “Should my plan work, then we will not need to use her grandmother to find her. Until then, I will be working alone.” Oblivion stated as he left them in the throne room. “Do not reach out to me, Sasa. This must be done my way.”

“Chosen? There has to be a way that I can…”

“No.” Oblivion stated to her and shut down the connection between them. He heard Sasa yowl in surprise and he sensed her racing for the door. His horn lit as he teleported away from them.

Author's Note:

This took a little while to get going. Sorry about the delay. I will try to get another chapter up and running as soon as I can. Enjoy!

Edit: 12/18/2018
Edit: 1/9/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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