• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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48: A Tale From an Illusionists...

Oblivion stayed close as they reached the front of the castle and paused as stable hands came to gather the horses. One reached for Roach’s reins and then grabbed the rope that served as Oblivions halter. Anna Henrietta turned at the soft snort from the black stallion. The Duchess took the lead rope from his hands and led the stallion forward, up the stairs and into the grand entrance. A man approached as Geralt and Ciri fell in behind her.

“Your Grace that horse does not…” He began to speak as the Duchess stopped and looked to him.

Her eyes landed on the man and he stopped speaking at her stone gaze. He bowed his head and backed away from her and she led the black stallion and the others forward. She said nothing more as they walked through the halls. She paused outside a room and placed her hand on the door. A rune shone under her hand the door clicked as it opened at her touch. She led the Witchers inside and locked the door behind them.

“All right. So I assume that there is an explanation? Oblivion Shadow?” Her eyes held his as he raised his head to his full height and he gave a slight nod to her. “We have not spoken in many years.” Her voice had dropped and was a bare whisper she regarded him.

Oblivion said nothing as he lowered his head and tipped it forward, allowing the helm to fall off of his head, revealing his curved horn. Geralt stepped forward and released the buckles on the rug the stallion wore and pulled it off of his form. Oblivion shook his body and his wings spread to their full sixteen-foot length and then allowed them to settle on his sides. The Duchess’s eyes went wide as she beheld the Alicorn before her.

“What in the world?” She whispered.

She moved to him and she ran her hand gently along the length of the stallions curved horn. Her hands then went to the great wings that were held easily at his sides. He watched as she pulled the wing gently away from his side and he flared the wing, eliciting a yelp from the Duchess. She turned to look at the stallion, his eyes sparkled with mischief as she swatted his shoulder and went back to examining the wing.

“This is amazing.” She said aloud. “Can they be used?”

“Of course,” Oblivion replied to her.

She gave him a look and the stallion backed away from her. His wings began to flap lazily and his hooves slowly left the ground as he hovered. Her eyes widened at the sight of the stallions wings holding him easily above the ground. He closed them and dropped the foot to the ground with a resounding thud of his hooves. He shook his head, his mane falling to his neck as he approached her once more.

The Duchess was silent as she laid her hands on his face and set her forehead against his own, under his horn. She backed up after a moment and turned to Geralt and Ciri. “How did this happen?”

“We did not know about it until recently. He appeared at Corvo Bianco last night and I brought him here to meet with Ciri.” Geralt explained.

Anna Rietta turned to Ciri who explained that they were trying to find a way to send him back to the world that he had come from. Anna held her hand up for silence and Ciri went quiet.

“You would leave us once more?” She asked of the stallion.

Oblivion was quiet as she looked to him. “I am needed there. My purpose in this world is done.” He replied to her.

“Your life is still here.” She replied to him.

“Not anymore. I died months ago, Anna. This world no longer holds my life in its claws.” He said to her. “In that world, my presence keeps balance and allows those of that world to go about their lives in safety. While I do miss those that I left behind here, I am needed there.”

“So you wish to leave this world behind?” She asked.

“Yes.” He said to her.

“But you are not dead.” She began.

“I died from an attack by two Leshens. I was brought to the other world by the Heart of that world. My purpose is to protect them from those that would try to break them.” Oblivion interrupted her. “Without me, their spirits will fade and die.”

The Duchess was quiet as he explained the nature of what they needed him for. “They need you in the body of a horse?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Yes. They are horses in that world.”

“That sounds…unbelievable.” The Duchess responded.

“I have been to worlds that had creatures that I had never seen before,” Ciri spoke up from behind the Duchess. “Just because a being is in a certain form here does not mean that they are in that same form in another world.”

Anna nodded in understanding. “So then what is your plan?”

“We need to find a way to reach a forest that has a tree that holds all the pathways to other worlds in its roots or branches.” Ciri replied and pulled the book with the story out of Oblivion's saddlebag. She held it in front of the Duchess and showed her the passage about the tree. Anna looked thoughtful as she read the words on the page. She walked away from Ciri, a hand to her mouth as she thought it over. She finally turned back to them, her hands clasped in front of her.

“Geralt. Do you recall the book I hid my sister within?” She asked.

Geralt nodded. “I do. It held fairy tales within it. Syanna and I had to traverse the stories to get out of it.”

“Yes. The Land of a Thousand Fables. Illusionist Artorious Vigo created it for my sister and me to play with. It began to degrade after the year 1252. But I digress. That was not the only book he left for us.” She said to them. “There was a second book. It was not to be used. It was given to me when I was older to keep safe. Syanna and I never knew of it until later.” She paused and went to a bookshelf and pulled out a group of four books, revealing a compartment which she opened to pull a thick book out of hiding. “It is called Path of the Worlds. I did not know what it meant until years later. I was clever enough not to open it fully but what little I saw was a sprawling forest. It stretched forever, with no end. I do not know if it will help now. But as soon as it is opened fully you are brought within it. What the world in this book is like I do not know.”

She held the book out for the stallion to look over and his medallion began to tremble on its chain. Geralt’s began to react as well and the two Witchers looked to the book in her hands. Geralt slowly approached the book and watched as the Duchess held it closed as they looked at it.

“It has enough magic coming off of it to send both medallions rolling,” Oblivion said aloud. “Anyone with sense can feel it, even if they were silent we would have known. You as well Ciri.”

They nodded as he spoke and the stallion leaned back on his haunches and watched as Anna held it to her and then sat back to lean against a table. “It is not to be trifled with. I was warned many times before it was set into my hands.” Anna informed them. She was quiet as she looked at the black Alicorn. She opened her mouth to speak further when a loud knock sounded through the room. She looked to Geralt who took the hint and tossed the rug back over Oblivions body and Ciri place the helm back in place.

The Duchess held the book close as she opened the door a crack to see who had knocked on the door. Her steward looked to her and bowed his head to her. “My apologies for the interruption, Your Grace. Your afternoon court is ready to be tended to.” He said to her, his voice low and quiet.

She nodded and looked over her shoulder. Oblivion was silent as they waited for her to decide what to do, given the situation they were in. She gave a quiet huff and looked to the steward. “Unfortunately an emergency has come up and I must attend to it. Please inform those that are here that I will attend to them at a later date.” She replied, her tone diplomatic, but firm.

“Of course, you’re Grace.” He said to her and she closed the door.

“I can wait an afternoon, Anna.” Oblivion said to her, as Geralt and Ciri removed the rug and helm from his body.

“It’s not just you, Oblivion. I suppose I am stalling, one of the petitioners has been requesting I remarry.” She replied, her tone clipped and annoyed.

“Ahh. That again?” Oblivion replied to her, humor in his voice. “I would have thought they would have given that up by now.”

“Unfortunately not. If anything they have become more insistent since my sister’s return.”

“That’s most likely why. Your sister is older and I think they are concerned that she will argue your rule.” Oblivion reasoned to her. “Has Syanna shown any desire to rule?” He asked her.

“No. I spoke to her at length and she wishes to do things her own way. I, of course, support her choices. She says she has been free for so long that carrying the Duchy holds no appeal for her.” She replied, a shrug going over her shoulders.

“Well. Most nobles are not happy unless they are sticking their snouts into another’s business, where they do not belong.” Oblivion replied to her.

“You are more correct than you know.” The Duchess replied. “Anyway. We will need to find out a safe way to use this book. I do not wish to be stuck within it. So it would be wise of us to try to anticipate its magic.”

Ciri stepped up and put her hand on the books cover. A visible pulse went over the books cover and she pulled back from it. Geralt placed a hand on her shoulder, ensuring she was safe. Oblivion fought back a snort at the sight of him still trying to protect her. ‘Some things never change. Though I have to admit, I hope they never do.’ He thought to himself as they looked at the book and set it down on a near table.

His eyes went over the room and he walked over to a pair of doors that would go out to the small balcony. The Alicorn was quiet as he gave the doors a strong push and they opened to allow him to step outside. Despite growing used to the homes and castles of Equestria he still yearned for the outdoors. He stepped out onto the balcony and stood in silence as the wind whipped his mane away from his neck and tossed his forelock out of his eyes. His orange eyes scanned the skies.

Geralt looked to the stallion as the two women spoke about the book and how it could be used safely. He walked out to join the stallion and was quiet as the Alicorn sighed and cast a glance to the other Witcher.

“Are you all right, Oblivion?” He finally asked after several minutes of silence.

“I’m fine. I still do not enjoy being inside for too long.” He replied, his voice sounded weary but still held its strength. “Some things you never grow out of.”

“That’s true. You have always been the one to leave the safety of a building, choosing the wilds over the safety of walls.” Geralt commented.

Oblivion chuckled and nodded. “True enough. I still do. Thankfully I am not needed indoors most often so I am outside if I have the option.”

“What will you do if this fails?”

Oblivion looked to him and then back to the skies. “Let us simply pray it does not fail. Otherwise, things for them will go downhill swiftly. If this book fails then we will need to look elsewhere. Though I have confidence that we have the beginning of a path to send me back. We simply need to walk down it a bit for the rest of the answer.”

“You were always the one that could see ahead of the rest of us. No matter the situation you were a step or more ahead. Nearly drove Lambert insane a few times.” Geralt replied with a friendly nudge to the stallion’s girth.

Oblivion gave a short chuckle and nodded. “I did much of it just to annoy him. While others tiptoe around him to avoid a conflict I tend to go after one. He has his reasons for his bitterness and I will never begrudge him for it. But that does not mean I will pass up an opportunity to chide him over it.”

“That’s true.” Geralt responded. “But now we have to focus and find a way to send you back alive.”

“I‘m fond of the alive part.” Oblivion replied, a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

Geralt chuckled and went back inside, leaving the stallion to his silence once more. He reached the two women and they looked over to him as he paused and then looked back to see Oblivion joining him.

Oblivion was quiet as they circled close to him and began to explain their ideas to him. While they knew that they needed to open the book they were unsure where to open it. If it needed land to expand for them then they would end up damaging the castle and the city around it. Oblivion agreed that was not an option.

“What about the tournament grounds?” Oblivion asked. “Are they frequently used anymore?”

“Not really. They are maintained since the tournament is coming up but they are not used for much. The race with you was the first thing they had been used for in some time.” She explained at his question.

“Could we use it then?” Geralt asked.

“It is certainly possible. The only issue I can think of is that they are public. While most avoid the grounds it is possible that some people will be passing through them.” Anna explained.

“Any other places that you can think of?” Ciri asked.

Oblivion thought it over and then looked to the other Witcher. “What about the empty field behind Corvo Bianco?”

Geralt looked thoughtful at the Alicorn’s comment and then nodded. “It is more likely to be private. The only people who come there are the occasional merchant or wagon with supplies. But they never got beyond the courtyard.” Geralt responded.

“So that might be our best choice?” Ciri asked.

“Yes. I think so.” Geralt commented.

“But if we have Anna there then how private could it be? You know half the countryside will flock there if they know of her.” Oblivion replied. “Unless you can hide as you did earlier once more?” Oblivion directed the question to her as he spoke.

“I can yes. Though it would be easier to do late in the evening.” Anna responded quickly to the inquiry from the stallion. “I do require that I be present for this.”

“Of course.” Oblivion responded, his response quick to assuage her. “The book belongs to you and we are in need of your aid with it. Leaving you out of it is not an option. If things become dangerous then I will push you away, which is non-negotiable.” Oblivion reasoned with her.

She nodded in understanding and looked to the small group. “Then it is decided. We will use Corvo Bianco to open the book and see how it reacts.” The Duchess was quiet for a moment before she looked to them. “Shall we all head out this evening or should I join you?”

“Would be easier if it was all of us at once. Easier to hide in a group, Anna.” Oblivion said to her.

“That is true.” She replied, a slight smile on her lips. “Until then, have you all eaten?”

Geralt shook his head and Oblivion mirrored him. Ciri said that she had eaten a few snacks earlier but was hungry once more. Anna looked to them and asked they write down what they wished to eat. Geralt looked to the Alicorn with a questioning look.

“I assume you don’t eat grass with those teeth.” He questioned and Oblivion flashed his dagger teeth for the others.

“No. I can eat it but I prefer meat. I can eat anything the same as before.” He replied with a snort.

“That can be arranged.” Anna spoke up and took the list from the Witchers and then opened the door to have it delivered to the kitchens by one of the guards. “There it will come to us and we may dine here. If that is agreeable?”

They nodded to her and they all sat close to a table to wait for their meals before they left for Corvo Bianco.

Blue Blood groaned as they reached Canterlot, while he loved the city he did not like going back without the black Unicorn at their sides. He had hoped that his friend would be there and simply be trapped or hunting something within the ruins. When that was shown to not be the case he had fought not to be discouraged. He tried his best to keep himself upbeat for the others but his disappointment bit at him like a fly. As they began to descend he glanced over to Shining Armor who was staring ahead without any discernible expression. He looked back as Luna's chariot stayed with them, descending to land as well. The wheels of the chariots hit the ground and he waited for it to stop so he could jump off. A sigh escaped him once more as he grabbed his own luggage and set it across his back.

“Nephew!” Luna shouted out to him, stopping him in his tracks.

“Thee were with Oblivion when he questioned the mares grandmother. We ask that thee attend the meeting with her.” She said to him.

“Certainly.” He replied to her. “When is she arriving?”

“Should be before supper.” She said to him as they moved from the courtyard to the castle gates.

“That works just fine. I can get in a bath and a quick meal before she arrives.”

“Yes. That will certainly help with any fatigue. Can you aid us in questioning her?”

“I can certainly try, Aunt Luna.”

“Good. We will see thee later then.” She took to the hair after he gave a nod to her.

Blue Blood trotted up the steps and made for his room. His magic opened the doors and he slammed them shut behind him. He tossed his bag to the ground close to his bed and went into his bathroom to start a bath. He thought back to what he remembered of Mrs. Fleeting Skies and realized that he did not remember as much as he thought he did. He recalled the conversation but he was unclear about how much of it he could easily recall. As the tub filled he turned off the water and stepped into the warm water and laid down to relax for a few minutes before joining his Aunts in the throne room for the audience with Asmara.

Author's Note:

Okay, this chapter will be the last for a second, while I get the next ones ready. I may lose some ground on the others that I am active with but this one will have the next couple of chapters that are pretty hefty. So I will do my best to get them ready and out to you all. Thank you for reading and I am glad that you are enjoying the story!

Edit: 1/12/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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