• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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67: A Night to Remember...

Oblivion stood outside of Rarity’s boutique with Sasa and Spike as they waited for the mares to finish getting ready. The stallion stood with his flank pressed against the wall with Sasa lounging at his side. The feline sat still so as not to get herself dirty, after a talking to from Rarity she remained still and careful. Spike stood close to him as he also had been warned against getting dirty.

“Looking forward to tonight, Oblivion?” Spike finally asked as he looked to the tall black stallion.

Oblivion shrugged absently. “I trust it will be like most parties I have been to and will be uneventful at best.”

“You’ve been to parties like the Gala before?”

“A few times yes. All of them were the same in context and were boring and had bad food and even worse booze. I do not hold out much hope for this event.” He admitted to the baby dragon.

“It will work out fine, Chosen. Perhaps Blue will be able to make things more interesting.” Sasa said to him.

“I’m looking forward to it. I will get to spend time with everypony and be able to show them around to my favorite spots and hang out.” Spike said to him.

“They all have their own goals for the evening Spike. They have plans that they are looking to do and I do not think being shown around Canterlot is on the list.” Oblivion pointed out to him.

“They will still have some time to hang out with me,” Spike said as he leaned against the tree trunk of the Library.

Sasa nudged the stallion's shoulder as she rocked on her paws in place. Oblivion could see the boredom that was starting to eat at the large feline. He knew that it was probably the same feeling that was beginning to bite at him. He pushed away from the wall and began to pace slowly in front of the Library. He was careful not to kick up any dust and keep his suit clean as Rarity had nearly begged of him.

“Hopefully each of them will get what they wanted from the event. I would hate to see them disappointed.” Sasa said to him.

“We will see. I know that Rarity and Rainbow will be getting what they want from the event but the others I am not so sure of.” Oblivion replied to her.

He stopped as the front doors of the Boutique opened and Twilight came out with an apple in her magic. She set it down on the ground as the others joined them to watch the mare. Her magic covered her horn as it began to spin the apple as it ballooned and transformed into a red apple-shaped carriage that would hold all of them comfortably. Oblivion watched as it was made and his medallion trembled for a second as the magic worked. The mares all stared as they beheld the carriage and they all grew more excited as time went by.

“It can hold all of us comfortably,” Twilight said as she smiled to the others. “Now for the next part. Fluttershy?”

The butter-yellow mare came forward and dropped off four small white mice. “They’ll be okay right?”

“Of course.” The purple Unicorn assured her as they both backed up from them.

He watched as Twilight’s magic covered the group and Oblivion closed his eyes as the light grew bright and obscured the mice from view. His medallion shuddered and Oblivion placed a hoof on it to still its movement. He opened his eyes to see four mice that had been turned into horses. He said nothing as Sasa tilted her head at the sight of them and looked at him as she remained still and silent.

“Don’t move.” He said to the feline who gave a barely seen nod at his command.

He said nothing as he looked down at Spike who was smiling widely at the sight of the large mouse horses. A loud whinny caught his attention as Rarity’s cat landed on the rear of one of the horses and the group took off uncontrolled.

“I had nothing to do with that.” Sasa said to him and he nodded to her.

“I am aware.” He replied to her.

“Now what do we do? They were supposed to pull the carriage for us.” Twilight lamented.

Sasa stood up and nudged him. He looked at her as he stepped one hoof forward. “Offer to pull it.” She said to him. “Unless you think you can teleport the carriage?”

“I am not sure if I can.” He admitted. “I can pull it.” He voiced aloud as he walked up to the others.

“Not in that suit you can’t.” Rarity said to him.

“I can take it off to pull the carriage.” He assured her.

“Treat it as a single item and you may be able to teleport it.” Sasa said to him.

“I can also possibly teleport it with you inside.” He added.

“Ya can’t teleport other ponies.” Applejack reminded him.

“True. But in this case, I am teleporting the carriage that just happens to have you in it.” He explained.

“Might work,” Twilight said to him. “Do you think you can? You’re the only one that might be able to teleport it and us at the same time.”

“Can’t hurt to try it,” Oblivion replied to her. “Finish getting ready and if I can’t teleport it then I will pull it.”

The mares seemed to agree with his choice and went back into the Boutique to finish getting ready. Spike came to stand close to him as the decision seemed to have been made. The baby dragon leaned against his foreleg and sighed.

“Do you know where to land if you teleport?” He asked.

“I know where the entrance to the event is. I was there with Blue Blood a few weeks ago.” He replied to the dragon.

Sasa came to stand close to him as a sour expression flit over the dragon’s features and then vanished. Oblivion chose to ignore the look and allowed time to tick past him. The Witcher closed his eyes and allowed himself to slip into meditation as they waited.

He opened his eyes as the door to the Boutique opened and the mares filed out in their gowns. Oblivion went to the carriage door and opened it with a slight bow as they laughed and got into the carriage.

“Don’t overdo it Oblivion,” Twilight said to him as she leaned back out the door as he held it open.

“It will be fine.” He assured her and waited as Sasa and Spike jumped inside with them.

“Take it slow and easy Chosen.” Sasa encouraged him from inside.

He said nothing in reply to the feline as his magic covered the carriage and he breathed out a deep breath as he focused on the entrance to the Gala. His magic flashed and he opened his eyes to see the carriage in front of him. A glance to the side showed him that he had managed to teleport the carriage to the correct place. He pulled open the door and looked at the ones inside.

“We are here.” He said to them and opened the door wide for them.

“Well done Chosen.” Sasa praised him as she jumped from the carriage.

“I was not sure it would work.” He admitted to her and he heard her chuckle.

“I had no doubts.” She said to him as she nuzzled the front of his chest.

Oblivion looked to the front of the Gala and a familiar pony jogged down to meet them. Blue Blood stopped a few stairs up and composed himself before he descended the last few steps and joined the stallion.

“I saw a flash of your magic and I knew you had arrived. But how did they all get here?” He asked quietly.

“I teleported the carriage that they happened to be in,” Oblivion whispered back to him.

“Genius. That’s one way to get around not knowing how to teleport a group.” He chuckled and hoof bumped the Black Unicorn. “Teleporting an item is easier than a pony.”

“Precisely.” Oblivion agreed.

Blue Blood smiled when Rarity came out of the carriage and she smiled at the sight of him. The mare came forward and he trotted over to her and bowed his head to her. He looked past her as Rainbow and the others came to stand at the bottom of the stairs with Oblivion.

“Rainbow I have something for you,” Blue said as he held out a foreleg to Rarity, who giggled as she took his offered leg. “You will need this to get close to the Wonderbolts this evening.”

Rainbow looked at him as he held out a lanyard to her. She took it from him and her eyes went wide. “This is a VIP pass.” She gasped out.

“Yeah. I heard you were hoping to meet up with them again.” He said with a glance at the Witcher. “That will make it easier for you to get near them.”

“Wow. Thanks so much, Blue Blood. This is awesome!” She said as she hugged the pass close to her chest and then placed the lanyard around her neck.

He looked at Fluttershy who was staying slightly back from the others. “Fluttershy. I know you're hoping to be around all the animals from the menagerie but there are really skittish around ponies.” He advised as the mare had looked crestfallen. “I’m not telling you that you can’t try, I’m just warning you that they might not come to you right away. You have free use of the grounds just take it slow with them.”

Fluttershy looked to him and smile crept over her muzzle as she angled away from the group and toward the menagerie. Oblivion walked up the stairs with the rest of them and he heard a slight noise behind him and cast a glance over his shoulder as Applejack paused.

“Why is our brother here?” She asked him.

Oblivion looked in the same direction of her gaze and he saw Mac walking up the side of the hall and into the room from a side entrance. He walked back to the mare, who was staring the direction that Mac had vanished.

“I spoke with Blue Blood a few weeks ago about what you had planned for the Gala and he explained that the Gala is catered. Which means no pony would have wanted to buy food when they can eat for free. You would have been wasting your time.” Oblivion explained.

“Is that why ya told me not ta bring mah cart ta sell from?”

“Yes. Thankfully you caved in that regard and I had no need to argue with you about it. Mac is here supervising the goods and making sure that there is plenty to go around. The food and his time have been paid for so the farm will see a tidy profit.” He informed her and she stared at him as he spoke. “All you have to do now is enjoy the Gala with your friends.”

“Ya sneaky pony. Ya got it all planned out. Yer the one that told ‘im about Rainbow and Fluttershy?”

“Yes. I explained what each of you was after and he decided to try to help where he could. He seems to have been able to do more than I had thought.”

“Still ya could have told me.”

“I did not see the contract for the catering until yesterday when Mac asked me about where he needed to go. Sasa wished to tell you later as a way of surprising you. I can show you the contract if you need further confirmation.”

“Ah believe ya. Ah’ll meet up with our brother and see if he needs a break or sumthin’.” She said to him and patted his shoulder. “Ya did us a solid favor, Oblivion. Thank you.”

She walked past him and Oblivion said nothing in reply to her thanks and allowed her to go ahead of him. Sasa joined him as the orange mare went past them and she joined him as he slowly followed behind the group as they walked into the hall. A tap to his shoulder brought his attention to Blue Blood who stood off to the side with Rarity.

“I was able to change the music to be a bit more upbeat and fun as well. It’s not perfect but it is all I was able to do in the short time I had. Pinkie Pie should enjoy the upbeat atmosphere.” The Prince said to him, clearly pleased with himself.

“Well done. You did well on any last-minute changes. I’m sure each of them will be happier now.”

“The only one I can’t help is Twilight. I can’t do anything about my Aunt being able to spend time with her. Unfortunately, that is outside of my skills.” He admitted sadly.

Oblivion shook his head and patted the stallion's shoulder. “Let me worry about that one. I have an idea for her.” He assured the stallion who looked at him, curiosity in his gaze.

“Feel free to do what you can so long as it is safe and does not hurt you,” Blue said to him. “You have a tendency to overdo it for others.”

Sasa chuckled and nodded. “He is right.”

Blue chuckled as Sasa’s voice rang through both of them. Oblivion watched as the pair walked back into the crowd, their spirits bright. Sasa chuffed in contentment as she stayed close by Oblivion's side as he turned to make his way up the next set of stairs to greet the Sun Princess. He stood in the line and he could see Twilight joining the queue behind him.

“So what is your plot?” Sasa asked him as they waited. “You mentioned that you have a plan.”

“I have an idea. It will depend on Celestia if it will work or not. You will hear of it as she will.”

“Spoilsport.” The cat chuckled as they moved slowly forward.

He waited in silence as they finally reached Celestia. The mare looked surprised to see him in the line for a personal greeting and she waited as he drew up closer to her to speak.

“Your student wishes to have time with you for the evening.” He informed her.

“She can join me here but I fear I will not be able to talk much with her.”

“If you will indulge me a moment, I might have an idea to create a fix for that problem.”

“Please. Join me and tell me what you are thinking.” She said to him, a hint of mischief in her gaze.

“Do you have a spell that allows you to walk among your ponies without them knowing it is you?” He asked her as he drew up next to her and kept his voice low but loud enough for her to hear.

“Do you mean a transformation?”

“Or something similar.”

“Yes. I have one I can use.” She assured him as she greeted another pony.

“Is subterfuge allowed at such a lofty event as this?”

She cast a sly look his way as she gave a barely seen nod. “What do you have in mind?”

“After reading through a spellbook I know of a mimicry spell that might be able to get you out of this tedious job and out among your ponies with your student at your side.”

“How do you mean?”

“I can create a dummy that can be told to follow a few basic commands that will free you from your task and allow you to walk away.”

“That would be preferred to standing here all night.” She admitted with a sigh. “But how would you command it?”

“I will watch what you are doing and command it to follow what you did and take your place. I am modifying the spell slightly to keep it looking authentic. It will vary in what greetings it gives and allow you to walk away. Can you have your spell ready?”

“Yes. I will be ready when you tell me.”

“I will leave Sasa with you and she will tell you when to activate your spell. Your student is coming up, tell her to wait for you out by the pillars. Sasa will stay with you and allow you to leave the group here unnoticed.”

She nodded and he left Sasa in his place as he walked away from her and down into the crowd. Sasa sat down at her side and the great cat nuzzled her shoulder as the ponies came to see her. He stood close enough to keep an eye on the greetings and the variations that she used and committed them to memory. He watched as Twilight came to her and was told where to go by a grinning Celestia. His horn began to glow as he pushed back into the crowd and into the shadows of the pillars.


“Got it.”

He watched as Sasa nudged the Sun Princess whose horn lit up a bare moment later. Sasa stood up and blocked the mare for a moment as Oblivions spell went into place. Only a high-level unicorn would be able to see the change in the Princess’s demeanor. Her movements became slightly less fluid but she still sounded the same and acted the same as always. Sasa shielded the transformed Princess as she fled across the stairway and toward the pillars where her student waited. He dropped his spell after imparting the commands to the mimic and then went into motion to find Twilight.

He found her standing alone as the others had gone to do their own things and she was now standing on her own. He joined her and she smiled at him as he drew up close to her. “Follow me.” He whispered to her and broke away from the mare who looked stunned.

“But…” She said nothing and broke away to trail in his hoof steps.

He could sense Sasa doing the same with Celestia and they met up in the middle. He pulled them off to the side and Sasa pushed the illusion clad Celestia toward the confused Unicorn mare.

“Oblivion what is going on? I was told to wait there by Princess Celestia.” She said to him, her voice urgent.

“I am aware. You will have all the time in the world to be with her now.” He said and his gaze turned to Celestia in her current form.

Ahead of him, a pale cream Unicorn mare with pastel pink hair stood watching them a smile on her muzzle. The mare chuckled as she leaned forward and nudged her student with her hoof.

“He orchestrated an escape for me to be with you for the evening, my dear student.” She said to the Unicorn.

“Princess…” Her mouth was covered with an azure ring as she nearly shrieked.

“Not so loud or the cover is blown.” He whispered to her.

She nodded and he removed the ring of flame and let her speak once more.

“He helped me to escape to help you have a nice evening with me. He used a mimicry spell I believe that made a copy in my place. Sasa allowed me to use her as a shield to escape them when I used my transformation spell.” She explained.

“Mimicry. But that’s not a spell for…” Twilight began but stopped when she looked at Oblivion.

“It was in Starswirls book you lent me. I modified it slightly for our needs. You have your wish.” He said to her and she smiled widely as she turned to her mentor.

Twilight hugged the mare and walked off at her side. Oblivion sighed and moved back to the shadows for a moment. He could hear the upbeat DJ music coming from the next room and he could see a flash of bright pink that would flit through the crowd of dancing ponies. He felt Sasa pull up close to him as he breathed out a breath into the air.

“Well done Chosen. Each of them is getting exactly what they wished for. Did you mean to help each of them was it a happy accident?” Sasa questioned him.

“I planned to do what I could to minimize their disappointment. I was not sure how I was going to pull it off but Blue helped greatly with it. By taking care of the music he did what I could not do for Pinkie. He took care of her for me.” Oblivion admitted as he moved toward the ballroom.

He looked around a corner and he could see Applejack helping Big Mac at the table with several ponies who were surrounding the table. His orange eyes looked back over his shoulder toward the Menagerie and he glanced back to Sasa.

“Sasa. Go back to Fluttershy and let me know how she is doing?” He said to her.

“Why?” She asked as she stood at his side. “Are you planning on helping Big Mac to have some extra time for her?”

He said nothing and tipped his horn back the way they had come. Sasa nudged his shoulder as a chuckle rang through his mind from her. He said nothing as he waited for the feline to report in. He knew that it was not really his place to try to set up the yellow mare bit he knew that Mac was too cautious to help himself. While he was aware that he might be overstepping he did not halt his intent.

“Chosen?” Sasa called back to him and his ears flicked. “She is having no luck with the animals out here. Any help would be appreciated I think.”

He said nothing in reply as he made his way to the table and shimmied his way to the back of the tables to join the siblings. He leaned his head close to Mac and pulled the roan’s short mane back for his attention.

“Ya need somehin’?” Mac questioned.

“No. But I know somepony who could use your help.” He replied. At the stallions pricked ears he went on. “Fluttershy is outside attempting to connect with the animals of the menagerie. Sasa reports that she is in need of some help and I cannot help her. Animals avoid me typically.” Oblivion reasoned to him and the roan's eyes widened at the implication from the Black Unicorn.

“She needs some help?” Mac asked in reply.

“Not a huge amount but the more skittish animals are avoiding her. Perhaps you can help her more than I would be able to.” Oblivion said to him.

“Well, Applejack is here so she could watch over the food for a little bit,” Mac said as he brushed past the black stallion and made for the exit.

Oblivion nodded to him and waited as he disappeared through the doorway. “Mac is on his way Sasa.”

“You sneaky thing.” Sasa chuckled back to him as she waited. “Playing matchmaker, Chosen?”

“Perhaps. Only because he is too shy to start on his own.” He responded.

“There he is.” She reported to him. “I will leave them be to allow him to do his part to help her.”

Oblivion got out from behind the table and waited for the feline to return to him. He could sense the cat as she came back to him and he felt her nudge his hip. She drew up to his shoulder and he could sense the amusement coming from her as the stallion looked around them once more.

“Chosen to the right.” Sasa suddenly nudged him.

He looked to the right and found Soarin walking past them with a pie on his back. The pale stallion had not changed much in the time since Oblivion had first met him. His spirit was still in the same condition and he could see that it had not worsened in a short time. His ears flicked as the stallion walked into the VIP section of the ballroom. His eyes followed the pony as he went and sat down away from the crowd and picked at his food. Sasa took a step forward and looked to the Black Unicorn.

“Chosen?” She asked him. “What will we do?”

“He has not reached out to me but there is more than one way to help him. A moment.” He said back to her.

His eyes fell on a familiar mare that was standing in line to get admitted to the VIP section. Rainbow stood in the line and appeared to be growing more impatient. Oblivion walked toward her, his mind set on his next course of action. If he wished he could speak to Soarin himself but he had a feeling that it was not his place to pry further.

“Rainbow?” Sasa questioned as they drew up alongside the mare.

“Rainbow?” He called out as he stopped next to her.

“Hey, Oblivion. This line is huge.” She complained.

“I’m sure you are not the only one waiting to see them. Though your pass card might allow you to skip the line but first I have a question for you.” He said to her.

“Sure,” Rainbow said and turned to face him. “What do you need?”

“I’m sure you know the name of each Wonderbolt that is in their roster.”

“Of course.”

“That one was at that flying competition.” He said as he pointed to Soarin.

“That’s Soarin. He was pretty quiet when I met them before. Didn’t seem all that interested in talking said his thank you and that was it.” She admitted.

“When you get in there it looks like he would be the easiest one to talk to. He’s on his own and since he is still a Wonderbolt you could get some questions answered by him if you wish.”

Rainbow looked thoughtful as he spoke and nodded as he finished. “That’s true. You make a good point. Now to see if you were right about this VIP ticket of mine.” She said to him and moved up to the front.

Sasa stood with him as he watched them allow her inside and she turned to look at him, an excited grin on her muzzle and he gave a slight nod at her exuberant smile. The Witcher watched as she made her way to the lone Wonderbolt and greeted him.

“Well played Chosen.” Sasa praised him as he leaned back on his haunches.

“Perhaps he is like Blue Blood and simply needs to be heard. We shall see what plays out.” He replied.

He looked around them and his orange eyes fell on a back door that was slightly ajar. Sasa stayed close by as he walked for the door and slid outside. A sigh escaped him as the wide-open space greeted him. He leaned his flank up against the wall as Sasa sat down beside him.

“You did well to help those that you can, Chosen.”


The black stallion flicked an ear back to the party and he could hear the music as it thrummed through the air. Sasa leaned against his shoulder and a purr rumbled through her. Oblivion was quiet as he allowed his body to relax in the cool night air.

Author's Note:

And Season 1 is done. Finally. I will get to work on Season 2 when I get a free moment. A lot is going on so I am sorry if I fall behind...Even more behind. *Bows in apology*. I will do my best to get it going once more. Anyway here we go and we see Oblivion meddling just a little bit. Thank you as always and please Enjoy!

Edit: 11/14/2019

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