• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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29: Threats End...

Oblivion opened his eyes and allowed himself to lay silent for a moment as he listened. He could hear the Thestral’s and Pegasus outside. Sasa was huddled against his back in her normal spot. He raised his head and listened to the great cat breathing. After returning from his walk last night the guards had been tight-lipped and quiet. Oblivion had lifted his silver blade to him and retired to his tent to finish coating the blade with oil and finishing cleaning it.

“Sasa.” He reached out to her and she stirred.

It was morning and he had to admit he was a bit surprised to hear Vantage and Cross were awake and out. He sniffed the air and the scent of rain was in the air.

“Chosen?” Sasa sat up and yawned. She stood and stretched as Oblivion got up and shook. “Good morning.” She then greeted him as he lashed his weapons to his back.

“Morning, Sasa. I trust you slept well?” He questioned her.

“I did, thank you. I hear the others are awake already.”

“They are yes. I am thinking we need to press our advantage.”


“Yes. I plan on going to the village and advising them to stay in their homes till they hear otherwise. The attack yesterday makes me think that she might be about to flee on us. We cannot allow her to escape us now.” He informed the cat as she nodded to him.

“I agree. She attacked yesterday and we are all that is stopping her from attacking the village.”

“That as well.” He agreed.

Sasa laughed in his mind as he spoke to her. The black stallion opened the front of his tent walked out into the overcast morning. The guards looked to him as he walked past them to his usual place. Sasa purred to them and joined her Chosen. Oblivion looked at each of them as they settled.

“Sir.” Silver finally piped up and regarded the other stallion.

Oblivion looked at him. His attention on the other pony. “Yes?”

Silver gulped and then looked to the others, then to Sasa. “We are ready sir. If you need us to mobilize then we will. I can say that yesterday was a lot to take in, but we were trained by you and because of that, we were able to come out without any injuries. Any other time those things would have slaughtered us. So we owe you a great debt. I know you probably don’t see it that way, but we will stand with you and use the training you have given us.” Silver said and stood. The stallion stood tall, trying to show that he was ready to follow the black stallion.

Striker stood with him. “I don’t think I can kill another pony, but I will not let that crazed mare have you or the Element of Spirit. You are our superior, our trainer, and a friend.”

Cross and Vantage stood as well. Oblivion looked to them as well. Vantage smiled and stood tall as well. Cross looked a bit hesitant but soon stood proudly as well.

Oblivion snorted and stood as well. “We will put our plan into action today. Soon as I finish warning the village to be on guard we will begin our plan to put an end to the threat this mare poses.” Oblivion stated to them.

“Sir.” The guards intoned together and moved to get their armor prepped as Oblivion started for the village.

“That was surprising.” Sasa said to him as they moved.

“How so?”

“They were quite shaken last night and doubted themselves. But they seem to have figured it out while we slept. I’m glad that you do not doubt them.” She clarified to him.

“They will be fine,” Oblivion replied to her as they neared the town.

They walked into the village, Oblivion glanced around him as ponies stayed out of the tall stallion’s way. The Witcher glanced around, his eyes searching for the mayor. The black stallion wandered for a moment before he spotted the pony in question. “Finally.” He muttered to himself. He trotted the rest of the distance to the pony and drew up to him, his height demanding the elder pony’s attention. Quick Shot turned to him and waited for him to speak.

“We will be dealing with the Leshen in short order. I do ask that every pony go home and stay there until I give the all-clear.” Oblivion stated to him, his voice flat and left no room for argument.

The mayor looked nervous for a moment. “When are you going to kill it?”

“In an hour or so. Why?”

“We got a pony missing.” He replied a nervous glance was cast to the forest.

Oblivion waited for a moment to see if he clarified. When he didn’t say anything else the Witcher sighed. “Who is missing, how long?” He pressed his questions at the pony.

“Quiver is missing.” He finally admitted after a delay of several seconds.

Oblivion thought about the name as the image of the spindly pony came to him. “Why in the Great Hells would he vanish?”

The mayor danced on his hooves for a moment before answering. “He got into a fight with Peony.”

Oblivion paused. “The dead pony’s widow?”

“Chosen!” Sasa chastised him at his words.

Oblivion gave a slight cringe. “Pardon me.” He paused as the mayor continued to stare at him as if he was the Leshen. “Bright Fire’s widow is the one he argued with?”

Quick Shot recovered and nodded. “Yes. Not sure how long he’s been missing. We just now noticed.”

Oblivion paused. “You just now noticed he’s missing?” The mayor nodded. Oblivion put a hoof over his face as he sighed, annoyance breaking into his tone. “Is there anypony who might have an idea of when he did vanish?”

“No pony remembers when they saw him last. Peony refuses to talk to anypony.” He admitted to The Witcher.

“Sasa.” Oblivion looked to the cat at his side. “Get Silver. He was in the village a couple of days ago.”

The feline nodded and ran back for the camp. As they waited Oblivion kept an eye on the forest at the edge of the village center. As he waited he glanced around him as ponies began to gather. He grimaced as he was reminded why he would send Silver into town. He drew far too much attention. His ears flicked back as Sasa trotted to him with Silver on her heels. The pony’s armor sat easily on his frame.

“Sir?” Silver immediately addressed the black stallion.

“Silver. Last you were here did you happen to see that young pony named Quiver? He’s a very young stallion.” Oblivion asked him.

Silver looked thoughtful for a moment before he replied. “Spindly thing, looks like his legs are too long for his frame?”

“Exactly,” Oblivion replied, nodding at the description.

“I was in here two days ago and he ran past me. Sounded upset if the sniffling is any indication. Bumped into me on his way through the village center.” Silver supplied.

“What general direction?”

Silver turned his own body and then looked in the direction he had last seen the other pony. He pointed a hoof toward the edge of the village center. “If I had to hazard a guess he was headed to the forest. But no pony is allowed in there, right?”

Oblivion growled under his breath. “That is correct. But that particular pony has figured out how to hide from the Leshen. It does not attack him in the hiding spot he created.”

“How in Equestria did he manage that?” Silver asked, his expression disbelieving.

“He made a hiding place under one of the Leshens territorial totems. It can’t attack him without tearing the totem apart. They make the totems and never change them, so far as I have heard. That’s why Witchers use them to lure the Leshens to them. It’s the fastest way to get their attention and ensure that they attack the Witcher.” Oblivion turned to the forest. “I’d bet my entire contract fee that I know where he is now.”

“I will not be taking that bet, sir.” Silver replied and looked to the forest as well.

“Dammit to the Hells.” Oblivion spun and headed for the forest. “Quick Shot. Get every pony into their homes and, for the love of the Gods, do not come out until I say it is safe.”

“You cannot command us.” A mare shouted out to him.

Oblivion halted and glanced over his shoulder at the group of assembled ponies. “Very well. You may stay out in the open should you choose. If it chooses to attack at the first totem then it will no doubt notice all of you standing here slack-jawed. Which means it will attack the village. Your lives are your own and you may throw them away as you see fit.” He stated, his voice clear and unyielding.

The ponies looked at Silver, who nodded. “It will attack all of you instead of him. We want it to attack him.” Silver said to them and turned to follow the black stallion.

Sasa stood up and snarled at the ponies. Her back arched as her hackles raised. Silver looked back to the ponies then to Sasa.

“She’s trying to say that you should run home,” Oblivion said to them as he flicked his tail and left the villagers behind as he walked to the forest edge. “Unless you suddenly have grown tired of life.”

The ponies scattered at the roar that erupted from the she-cat. Oblivion watched for a moment then turned to the forest, giving it his undivided attention. Silver stayed at his hip till he reached the edge and stopped.

“Silver. Get the others ready. I will send Sasa with you. She will join me once I have gotten this fool little pony out of the way. Be ready. I do not know what his status is but it is possible that the pinto might have already found him. She knew of him so far as we know.”

“Yes, sir.” Silver saluted. “I’ll make sure everyone is ready for your signal.”

Oblivion’s horn lit as the clay vial appeared in his magic. “Here is the dummy portal container. Sasa will give you the signal when she is ready. She will return to me after sending you and the others to the field. She will destroy the first two totems and then join you to make sure the mare appears. Once she has she will rejoin me for the fight with the Leshen. I will join you afterward.” Oblivion gave the Pegasus the plan and waited for him to give a sign of his understanding.

“Yes, sir.” The pony saluted, waited for Oblivion to send him away and galloped with Sasa back to the others.

“Be careful Chosen. We don’t know just how unhinged this mare truly is.” Sasa reached out to him as they left him behind. “Stay safe.”

“Keep them in line Sasa and get them in position when I call for it.”

The she-cat vanished with the Pegasus and he then walked slowly into the forest. His ears flicked, listening for any sign of the Leshen or the crazed mare. His nose scented for anything that he recognized. His steps were silent as he kept his head on a swivel, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He reached the first totem and found the niche in the ground empty. He growled curses under his breath. His eyes narrowed as he looked for tracks or blood. His eyes focused on a set of faded tracks in the leaves. It was clear to him that Quiver had been dragged out of his hiding place and then shoved ahead. The other tracks were heavier and a scent struck his nose. Winter always smelled clean and crisp to him. That was the scent he was picking up on now.

The Witcher followed the tracks slowly through the forest. He stopped every few steps to look around him, his ears listening for anything out of the ordinary. He caught the sound of panting in front of him. He slowly advanced and found himself at the edge of a small clearing. In the center was Quiver. He was shaking as he looked frantically around the clearing. The small stallion was hobbled and staked to the ground, preventing him from escaping. Oblivion crouched down, behind a stand of the brush as the pinto mare came out of the forest on the opposite side of the clearing. Quiver heard her and his head looked back to watch her approach. She had not changed since he had last seen her. Her coat was a bit dirtier than last he saw but not enough to hamper her it seemed. Her cloak sat on her body and hid her barrel and flanks. It appeared to be a thick woolen fabric. Her green eyes were bright and had a look to them that made the Witcher bunch his legs to get away from her. The air she gave off was unsettling, his nerves were taut and his muscles were ready to launch him into a gallop if needed.

She walked up to him and put a hoof on his cheek. “Oh, don’t look so scared, little one. I don’t want to hurt you.” She crooned to him.

Quiver looked around, then back to her. “Can I please go home?” He asked her. His voice was quiet and shook as he spoke to her.

“Oh, so polite.” She said to him and patted his head a couple of times. “That’s what ponies in this day don’t do anymore. They have no respect, so they are not that polite. You on the other hoof, are so polite.” She crooned and appeared to pout for a moment before her gaze hardened. “I am so sorry little one. But I need you here.”

“Why?” The little pony asked of her.

She looked at him and blinked. She seemed to almost not remember that he was there or was surprised by his questioning her. Recognition suddenly hit her and she smiled again. “I need your help.”

“You do?”

Oblivion saw the mares smile widen as she nodded. “Yes. Do you know the black pony that Celestia sent?”

“Yes. I met him.”

“I want to talk to him.”

“You do?”

“Why yes!” She gave a happy chirp at his question and leaned back on her haunches. “He holds one of the Elements of Harmony.”

“He does?”

“Yup. I want to talk to him about it.”

“What does it do?” He asked her.

The mare spun to him and stared. Quiver began to shake even more at the look from the crazed mare. Her eyes were wide as she regarded the little stallion. She suddenly smiled once more and gently bopped him on the tip of his snout.

“Why, he has the Element of Spirit.” She informed him and spun in a circle on her hind legs. She smiled as she came back down to the ground and regarded the stallion. “If my reading is right, which it is, that Element is the greatest of them. Without it, the others cannot work, which makes them…completely…useless!” She shrieked out the last three words of the sentence and a laugh bubbled from her.

Quiver shook even more at the laugh from the mare. Oblivion felt his skin twitch at the sound. Her laugh grated over him and made his skin crawl.

“I’m sure if you asked he would talk to you. He looks scary, but he’s not so bad.” Quiver said to her.

She grinned at him and then patted his cheek. “Oh, you poor naïve little thing. I want the Element.” Quiver shrunk back from her. He said nothing as she patted him again and began to circle him. “I know he’s a strong pony. But he’s just another pony that my little pet can mutilate. Unless he agrees to help me. Granted even if he doesn’t maybe I can try to find a way to convince him that he and I could be so much more.” She said aloud and rubbed her body over Quiver, which seemed to terrify the pony even more. “If that doesn’t work, then I plan on carving his heart out and drowning the Element in his lifeblood.”

Quiver shook and pulled away from her. “Why?! Why would you do that?”

“Because that Element is the most powerful item in Equestria. If I can harness it then I will own Equestria. Not even those fool Princesses will be able to stop me. Without that final element, the others won’t even be able to act either. If I did the correct reading, which I did, then I just need to do the right ritual and the Element will bow to me. Granted I would prefer that he simply bow to me.”

Quiver struggled to get away from her as she began circling him once more. The pony hunkered down against the ground as if hoping it would swallow him and he’d be free of the crazed pinto. Oblivion focused on her as the light of her spirit finally showed, muted and writhing. He pulled his Element and his crown slid over his eyes giving his Sight a boost in power. The mares Spirit was shattered. The light from it was muted and broken. Oblivion couldn’t tell what had caused the damage, but he didn’t see any sign of any corruption like what he had seen before. Even the corruption of the former Spirit Guardian was not what he was seeing with her. She was, very simply, broken. As much as he wished to understand, he knew, on a level, he could only feel, that there was no saving her. She was gone in the truest sense of the word. He pushed the crown back as he regarded the mare. One would have thought he would feel something if only pity for the broken creature before him. But he felt nothing for her, though he was sure he should. He waited as she began to calm her circling of the terrified pony.

“You will draw them here, I hope. I know it’s taking a while for them to worry about though. I swear ponies these days make everything so much more difficult than it has to be. Do you have any idea how much work it took to finally get that stallion out here?” She said to him.

Quiver shook his head at her question. “No.”

“I made sure the monsters were seen. Did that get those two stupid monarchs to take an interest?” She looked to Quiver, who shook his head. “No. You would think that would have been enough to get their attention. I mean, Hello, strange monsters on your territory, really close to ponies! But no. So I figured out there had to be more reason for them to send some pony.”

Quiver looked at her. His ears pinned in greater fear as she waited for him to respond. He sniffled. “Like what?” He squeaked out.

The mare smiled at his reply. “I had them kill a couple of ponies. But still no response. So I figured maybe some more would do it. And do you know how many it took?”

He frantically shook his head, but she waited for him to speak. “No.” He squeaked.

“Six! Six dead as a doornail ponies. What kind of a ruler waits that long?” She said and shook her head. “I swear when I take over I will be much more attentive to my little ponies.” She crooned.

Quiver hunkered down even further, he whimpered as she finally stopped behind him and sat back on her haunches. Oblivion watched from his place as she seemed to suddenly lose her focus, staring into blank space. For a moment he wondered if she had spotted him. But then she shook her head and regarded the trembling pony.

“Don’t worry though. Soon as that black stallion gets here I’ll let you go.” She said to him.

Quiver looked out from his forelegs and glanced back to her. Tears went down his face as he looked at the insane mare. Her smile only seemed to scare him further and he buried his face in his hooves. She stood and patted his back, the stallion whimpered at her touch. Oblivion looked around the clearing, searching for any sign of the Leshen. His senses told him it was nowhere near the mare. Oblivion hoped it remained that way. He breathed in and prepared to advance on the mare. He had to make it seem as though he had just found them, in his search for the missing Quiver. Though he intended to help him it was not his primary goal. ‘I have to get her to release him. I can’t submit to her, that’s out of the question. There must be a way to reach her sanity, if only for a moment.’

Oblivion glanced around him once more and then inhaled as he went over his limited options. “Gods. Appealing to people’s better nature is Geralt’s strength. Hell, that man can get trolls to cooperate. This is not my strong suit.” He whispered to himself as the mare started to mutter to herself for a moment before her ears perked up and she spun around, checking her surroundings. Oblivion backed up several steps and closed his eyes as he focused his energy on his task. He took a step forward, trying to step on dry twigs to alert them to his approach. When he was still silent he gave up the attempt and walked through the brush. The sound it made was impossibly loud to his sensitive ears but the mare and Quiver both startled at his approach.

Quiver looked up from his hooves and nearly burst into tears at the sight of the Black Unicorn. The mare reared onto her hind legs, a giddy expression crossed her muzzle. “There you are.” She called out to him.

Quiver stared at him. “Here I am,” Oblivion replied to her.

She stepped up next to Quiver and watched the stallion. “I have so wanted to talk with you.”

“Really? There are easier ways to get my attention.” Oblivion said to her, his tone calm as he engaged the mare in a conversational approach. He needed to see how she would react with him in the area and gauge her mind as best he was able. The thought of using Axii on her struck him, but he needed to be closer to her. Though considering how shattered she was, he was unsure if it would even work. Her mind appeared to be just as broken as her spirit.

She smiled and giggled. “I know there are easier ways. But this way made sure I have all of your attention.”

Her smile made his fur stand up on his neck but he kept his stone face. “That is true. So what is your goal, miss?”

“Oh. I am so sorry.” She suddenly yelped. “I forget my manners. Here I was praising the little one here for his manners and I forgot mine.” She began to fret back and forth behind Quiver. “My apologies. I’m Winter Snow.” She gave a polite bow of her head. “And you are?”

“Oblivion Shadow.” He replied and gave a polite bow of his head.

She stopped her fretting and glanced at him over her hooves, which were now covering her mouth. “Now that is a name. Quite the name for a stallion, I have to admit. Your parents were more creative than most.”

“I gave myself my name, through my actions.” He clarified to her.

She stopped and a smile that sent a shiver down his spine showed as she lowered her hooves. “Even better. I have an idea.”


“Yes. You wield the Element of Spirit, right?”

“I do, yes.”

“Run!” Quiver suddenly yelled to the Witcher. “She’s going to…Oof.” He began to say more as the mare smacked him in the back of the head with her hoof.

Oblivion managed not to cringe at the sound of the pony being struck, his face remained impassive. She looked at him. “Sorry about that. Are you going to run?” She suddenly asked of him.

“I had not intended to, no.” He replied.

“Oh wow. Perfect. You get more perfect the longer we chat. I have to wonder though. Are you alone or are your cute little guards here too?”

“It’s just me, I can assure you,” Oblivion assured her.

She looked at him, her expression an unsettling mixture of suspicion and desire. She suddenly brightened and giggled. “Wonderful. It’s good to deal with an honest pony. For a moment I was afraid you would lie to me.” She paused and looked at him. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”

“Currently I have no reason to mislead you,” Oblivion replied to her. 'Least not yet.'

“If you needed to would you?” Her words rushed out of her mouth.

“And why would I need to?” He countered.

She paused and her mind appeared to be trying to understand him. Her eyes went to the left and her head slowly tilted with them. Oblivion looked at Quiver who was whimpering in the dirt once more. Oblivion knew that he could use magic to save him but he had yet to test teleporting any pony. The last thing he needed was to kill him while trying to save him. The stallion was not nearly big enough to fight the mare if he did use magic to free his legs from the hobbles. The mare suddenly jerked and Oblivion swiftly retrained his gaze on her.

“No reason!” She chirped out. “Your fun.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“I really think you and I could be good friends.”


“Yuppers. Wow, that sounded really foalish. Umm, forget I said that okay?”

Oblivion gave her a bland look and nodded. “Very well.”

“You really are exactly as I hoped you would be.” She crooned.

“I’m glad to hear you’re pleased with me so far. Now if I may ask?” He began to ask her when she spoke up.

“Go ahead. Oh sorry, you were still talking.” She looked apologetic, then sat back on her haunches. “Please go on.”

“Thank you. Would it be possible for you to free the little pony you have hobbled?”

Her eyes suddenly blinked almost frantically as she suddenly looked to the pony at her hooves, as if seeing him for the first time. “Oh him. Forgot all about him for a minute. I was having more fun chatting with you. Umm. Well, what will I get if I release him?”

Oblivion knew that he had to be even cleverer so as to keep her from snapping. “I will still be here to chat with you after he has gone. I do not intend to leave.” He reasoned to her, to try to emphasize that he was relaxed around her took the weight off his right hind leg and waited for her to speak.

She regarded him again before looking to the black stallion. “Hmm. How do I know that you won’t just teleport away? I know you can teleport, your better at it than even me.” She said to him. He saw a hard edge come to her features as she looked at him.

“Thank you for the compliment. Though I admit, you are better with ice than I am.” He said to her and watched as she smiled and seemed to accept the compliment, her features softened some at his words. “I also must admit that I am terrible at teleporting ponies. So I can only teleport myself at this time.” He admitted to her.

She blinked and then a wide smile crossed her muzzle. She reached back into her cloak, a dagger in her hoof. Quiver squeaked and hid his face once more. Oblivion didn’t flinch. She reached down and sawed through the rope holding him to the stake beside him. “Okay, run along. The adults need to chat now, little one.” She said as she shooed him away from her. “Do leave those hobbles alone though. I don’t want you to alert my pet. With those on your legs, he should leave you alone.”

“Thank you for your consideration. Quiver.” The pony looked at him, having not moved from his place on the ground. “Go ahead and walk slowly back to the village. They will tend to you there.” He said to the pony.

Quiver slowly got up but stumbled in the hobbles. He staggered to the side and fell against the mare's legs. His eyes went wide as the mare looked down at him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He cried out to the mare.

She smiled after a moment and helped him to his hooves. “Lead with your other leg. I know it seems weird to use that leg instead, but if you go slowly you’ll be fine.” She advised him and tapped his left leg with the tip of the dagger, to show him what to do.

He stared at her and nodded. “Thank you. Thank you, miss.” He said to her and began too slowly walk away from her.

Oblivion watched as she smiled after him and shooed him once more. The pony walked up to Oblivion who nodded to him. “Keep going. The way is clear. Just head straight back from my position.”

Quiver nodded and left the two ponies behind in the clearing. Oblivion looked at her. “You have my thanks for his release.”

“Of course. It was no trouble. I actually was starting to feel kind of bad about hobbling him so tight. Such a wee little thing.” Oblivion waited as she seemed to be considering something. “Anyway. Back to what needs to be talked about.”

“And that is?”

“The Element, of course.” She said to him as she sat down in place. “You have to know that I would like you to give it to me.”

“I figured as much.” He admitted to her. “Though I would like to know how you intend to get me to release the Element.” He said to her. His voice was stern but held no malice or cruelty in it.

“Wow. You are so polite. Anyway. Well, I will pull back my new little pet, the monster those ponies called you here about, and not let him come back here. That sounds like a good deal, no?” She said to him. Her smile once more made his fur stand up.

“That is quite a promise. But if you have the Element, which I do not have with me, then how can I guarantee you will be true to your word?”

Her expression darkened. “You don’t have it with you? Then what is that armor I have seen you wearing?” She giggled suddenly, her eyes opened wide, the whites of her eyes showing through. Oblivion had seen that look before, it was a bad sign.

“I have a piece of armor that responds to the magic that I keep with me. I can show it to you if you would like.” He said back to her, hoping he had not made a critical error.

“You have more than one set of armor?”

“Of course. Do you not have more than one cloak or dress?”

She paused at the sudden logic. “Good point. Can you summon it?”

He shook his head, trying to appear morose. “I am sorry to say that my magic is not that far-reaching. I left it with Princess Luna before I left Canterlot, for safekeeping.”

“No one told me that!” She shrieked.

“I made sure to tell no pony when I left it behind. For the safety of the Element, I chose to leave it with a pony I trust, just in case I did not return.”

The mare looked at the ground, her eyes darting from one side to the other. Oblivion gauged her reaction as he waited. She seemed to be struggling with the new information. “Sasa?” He reached out to the feline. When he got no reply he knew that the mare was somehow able to jam them. The portal generator that she had was close enough to jam his magic and stop his connection to the feline. He waited as the mare began muttering to herself. Ice began to float around her as she raised her head and the ice shards slammed into the ground around her as she screamed.

“You left it?!” She shrieked.

“Yes, I left it behind.” He reiterated to her.

“Well, that just won’t do.” She said as she looked to him. “You see I need that Element. No pony understands it as I do.”

“Oh? And how do you mean?”

“I have been researching that Element since you and those little mares uncovered it. You see it has the power to break anypony that stands up to me.”


“Yes. Oh, you poor beautiful stallion. You know nothing of the item you got, do you?” She crooned to him.

Oblivion fought back a snide remark and simply waited for her to continue. When she stayed silent, he spoke up. “I know that it can sense magic…” He started and gave a slight pause after his words, to entice her to continue.

“Oh, it does so much more than that. It can actually cause the right pony, which it seems you aren’t, to be able to break the spirits of any pony you choose. You see even the Princesses would fall to its power. It is the element that the others, even together, cannot stop.” She paused as he listened to her ramblings. “I think you know more about it than you think.” She said, her features contorting.

“And what makes you say that?”

“You have yet to even look nervous or uncertain of anything I have said. No pony is that calm.” She said to him. Her face contorting into one of fury.

“I do know a few things about it. But the reason I do not appear uncertain is that I can’t.” He replied to her, hoping to distract her, even for a moment.

“Can’t?” She suddenly stopped and her face fell to curiosity. “What do you mean?”

“My emotions were taken from me when I was young. I don’t have the ability to be shocked or concerned.” He informed her.

She paused as she considered his words. “You mean, you’re broken?”

He considered her phrasing. “I suppose you could view it that way.”

“So you’re just like me.” She suddenly looked very happy and she danced on her hooves. Glee glinting in her eyes. “Ponies broke me a long time ago. But jokes on them, they paid for it.”


“Yeah. I was really young and other ponies beat me when I did something wrong. Or they thought was wrong. I bided my time. It took a few years, but I waited. I was oh so patient.” She began walking very slowly toward the black unicorn. He didn’t move or flinch at her slow approach. Her steps were punctuated with frost appearing on her hooves, leaving frost in her wake.

He stayed still at her approach. Her expression was one of pure madness. Oblivion remained impassive, despite her expression making his skin crawl and his medallion shudder on its chain. He could feel his Element also shuddering. Though he wanted to look down to see it he remained silent and still. His connection to the World Spirit had his head ringing as it screamed. He wasn’t sure what had it reacting, even though he had a basic idea that it was the mare itself and her shattered mind that had it reeling.

She stopped five feet from him, her smile even more disturbing up close. “So when they thought I was too broken to fight back they let their guard down. I had waited so long for that one chance.” She said to him. Ice began leeching over the ground at her hooves.

“What happened? Since they let their guards down?” He said to her, even as he was preparing to teleport at a moment’s notice.

“I slit their throats. It was almost too easy. You know how you plan for everything and then what happens is really nothing compared to what you want it to be?”

“I have an idea of what that means yes.” He replied to her. She suddenly spun away from him and trotted several feet away from his position. ‘She’s becoming even more erratic. If I push her too far she could be too much for Silver and the others.’ Oblivion considered his dwindling options as she spun to him once more.

“But it was still so satisfying. I had my revenge. Did you get your revenge?” She asked him, her eyes pleading. “You must have. A stallion of your skill must have enough kills under your belt. But how was that first one?”

He waited as she looked at him. Her gaze was desperate for a connection that was not there. His mind lurched to a halt as he realized that telling her anything might toss her over the edge. She would either think they were connected or she could go into a rage over the truth. He waited a moment before he looked into her eyes. “I didn’t need to kill them.”

“Oh? Did they die before you could?”

“No.” His voice was flat as he responded to her almost desperate query. “I was made into what I am. I am a monster hunter, a Witcher by trade and design. I was created from the agony of the Trial of the Grasses. I broke during the Trial.” He said to her. She smiled and nodded in understanding. “But here is the difference between us, little mare. I was then reforged, reborn in steel and silver. And I do not break, I break others that stand against me. You have made a grand error.” Her eyes darkened as he spoke. He had had enough of her madness. “You will never be able to break me, nor can you handle the power of the Element. I can guess the torture you endured and if I was able I’m sure I would feel something. An emotion called Pity.” He said to her a snarl came through his expression and he regarded the mare.

“I will cut out your heart and when I have the Element I will drown it in your blood and then the Element will be mine to command.” She vowed to him as her horn lit.

A rare smile crossed his muzzle. It had the desired effect on the mad mare. She backed up under the malicious smile from him. His smile stayed in place as his own horn lit, bathing the overcast lighting in azure flame. He raised his head as he regarded the mare. “You allowed yourself to fall to madness. I will never fall and you will never have what you seek. The Element cannot be corrupted and you will never be able to touch its power. I am well aware of what it can and cannot do. I am half tempted to let you hold it. If only to watch it destroy you.” He said to her.

She leaped back, further away from him. Her horn called on the ice, it circled around her as she glared at him. A medallion was levitated from within her cloak and fell around her neck. Oblivion was ready for her to summon a portal that is what he waited for.

“If you won’t give yourself and the Element to me willingly. Then I will make you!” She screamed as her magic lit the gem on the necklace.

Oblivion's muscles seized as his breath hitched in his throat. He knew what she was doing, mind control. He began to pant, trying to draw breath through the agony coursing through him. The unicorn was able to stop himself from collapsing to the ground as the mare poured magic into the gem, strengthening it and making its hold on him stronger. Oblivion gasped as he fought against it. He’d had others try to mind control on him before, but their attempt was nothing compared to the new horror he found himself facing. His mind started to slip in her direction, he snarled as he fought back against it. He coughed as he tried to breathe deeper, through the pain. His attempts were becoming even more painful as he plunged to his hooves, forcing his body to focus and bringing his mind into focus.

He felt the medallion around his neck shaking violently on its chain. He reached out to the medallion and the Element of Spirit surged over his frame and slammed into place. His crown rushed into place and he felt it slide down over his eyes, which he had closed. He panted as the armor began to shake in its place on his body. He drew in a ragged breath and pushed outward, with the armor and his connection to Equestria doing the work. The azure flame surged over the ground as the soil under his hooves began to shake. The mare stayed focused on him but her footing was not as good as his was now. His eyes remained closed as he put his head back and a roar tore from his throat. Ice struck him as he released the magic held within his horn and armor. It surged over the ground, knocking the mare from her hooves, and sending her rolling into a tree. Her hold on his mind now broken he collapsed to his knees, panting. The visor over his eyes receded and he looked to her as she staggered to her hooves.

“I will have what I want.” She snarled at him.

“Not today.” He replied. Exhaustion bit at his muscles as he recovered slowly from the battle with her.

“You cannot stop me. I will make this world mine and I will break it. If I have to burn it to the ground to do it.”

“You can try. But you know the Elements are united still. How do you plan to combat them?” He asked her.

“The mind control may not have worked on you but are the others so strong?” She sneered. “They will fall and I will use them to kill you first.” She vowed to him as she spun and fled through the forest.

Oblivion pushed himself to his hooves but soon collapsed back to his knees. “Dammit.” He cursed as he allowed himself to gather his strength.

“Chosen!” Sasa’s voice tore into him and he startled.

The stallion growled as his head was already ringing. “Sasa.” He said to her. His voice was tired but intact. He got to his hooves and gathered his energy. Strength flooded him as the armor acted. He was taken aback by how it was reacting without his command. It pushed strength into his shaking body. The armor gave off a glint in the low light as azure flame-licked off its surface.

“What is going on? It’s been over an hour.” She asked of him, her voice was frantic.

“It’s okay. I’ll go to the third totem. This ends today!” He said to her as he pushed his body into motion, his hooves hammered into the ground as he galloped ahead. “Be careful with her Sasa. She knows she can’t control me so she may try again. Keep harrying her, do not let up. Change of plans.” He slid to a halt.

“What is changing? Talk to me.”

“I will tend to the Leshen. Break the portal creator.”

“Chosen, no. We stay with the plan.” She started to speak.

“Sasa! Not now. Break it and harry that mare. Do not let her stop. I pushed her over the edge, now it’s your turn. Make sure they have the shackles and inhibitor rings ready. I want her captured.” Oblivion stated as he plunged toward the first totem.

He could sense the displeasure from the cat. “Chosen. Please rethink this.”

He leaped a fallen tree. “Sasa. Do as I command.” He said to her as he blocked her from his mind and destroyed the first totem as he plunged past it. Normally he wouldn’t take that tone with her. But he dared not waste the energy from the armor. He was not sure how long it would last. He felt Sasa in the back of his mind as she began to move the guards and he felt the fake portal when it activated, even from over two miles away. ‘Might have made that a bit too strong.’ He thought to himself as his medallion shuddered. He crashed through the second totem as he leaped the log it was attached to. He slid to a halt as he came up to the final totem. His ears listened as he heard a roar from deep in the woods. The Leshen had taken notice. He quickly removed the binding in his mane, letting his wings show.

He reared up and used his hooves to shatter the final totem. He spun and waited for his quarry to appear. He closed his eyes and reached out with his senses. He leaped back as roots ripped through the ground where he had been. The silver blade hummed as he withdrew it from the ornate sheathe on his back, it spun once in the air. He watched as the Leshen began to approach him, the Witcher was silent as he charged the Leshen then veered to the side as the claws tore through the air. He lashed out with Igni which scorched the monsters hide. It vanished in a burst of crows and was gone. His hooves carried him carefully over the ground as he circled, cautious of where it might appear, which turned out to be right behind him. He lashed out with his hind legs and his hooves struck the monster's bark skin. Azure flame-licked off his body and burned the Leshen who vanished once more.

He paused as he waited, his ears flicking to listen around him. He paused as he felt nothing around him. The ground shook under him and he leaped forward to avoid the attack. His hind leg slipped in the mud and the roots wrapped his right hind leg. One speared through his hock and he yelped in pain. The armor once more reacted as azure flame licked over the roots, burning them. Oblivion leaped away as the Leshen appeared and its claws rent the air. They glanced off his flanks as he ran by the monster, the silver sword striking it deep in the front. He cast a swift glance to his right hind leg and found azure flame coursing over the injury. He looked away from it as the Leshen roared and seemed to give up on its vanishing act.

A roar shook the air and Oblivion cringed as his ears rang. Wolves ran out of the forest and confronted the stallion. Oblivion stared at the creatures as he had never seen beasts such as these before. Their bodies appeared to be made of sticks and twigs. Their eyes gave off a yellow glow that shone in the low light of the overcast late afternoon. Oblivion watched as they began to approach him, their steps deliberate as they looked at the Black Unicorn. Saliva dripped from their mouths as they approached. Oblivion was silent as he kept an ear trained on the Leshen behind him and the creatures in front of him. One lunged at him and he used the flat of the silver blade to simply bash the creature, shattering it across the ground. He blinked as the creature then reformed from the pieces.

“Well, shit.” He cursed as he leaped away from the newly reformed monster and took to his heels around the area.

He didn’t flee, but a part of his mind was still tired from the fight earlier and he had to force his mind to stay focused. They cut him off and he slid to a halt, he pulled up his forehooves and slammed them down sending a gout of flame along the ground, setting fire to the stick wolves. They howled as they burned and the Unicorn turned his focus back to the Leshen who was also circling around him. He snarled as he charged it and began to slowly cut it apart. The wolves attacked at fairly regular intervals and he was able to beat them back using a generous amount of Igni’s flames. The azure flame that went over his body and armor served to keep them off him as well.

One managed leaped past his defenses and was able to get a grip on his wing. He howled as pain lanced up the appendage and into his shoulder and back. He discovered it had a grip on the long feathers at the bottom of the wing. He brought his blade down and cut through them, freeing the wing from its grasp. The wolf tumbled back, a mouthful of useless feathers. He brought down another gout of flame and incinerated the monster. He reared back, keeping his wings lifted off his sides to protect them. He looked around him and gathered more of his flames. He focused them onto his hooves and strengthened the flames as much as he dared. He slammed his hooves down and released the flames that he was holding there.

Azure and red flames tore over the ground. The wolves howled as they burned and the Leshen screamed as it too died. Oblivion sent a blast of Aard over the ground to extinguish the flames. Only the Leshens head remained, though it was a bit scorched. He panted as his eyes looked around him. The area around him was torn and badly burned. He looked at the cut feathers on his wing and decided that losing a foot of feathers was better than losing the wing itself. His magic replaced the tie in his mane to hide his wings. His body trembled as he placed the silver blade into its sheath and picked up the head in his teeth. He placed it on his back and pushed himself into a gallop to join the others.

Sasa looked up as she collided with the plunging mare once more. She could see that Silver was starting to tire as he attacked the mare from above forcing her to duck and run harder to avoid him. Ice would lance from her that they all had to avoid. She had summoned a small portal but only a couple of Nekkers came through it. Cross kept leaping at her from the tall grass and colliding with her. He had managed to pull the thick cloak off her body, exposing her patched fur and burned hind legs. Sasa had been surprised to see the scars that covered the mare's form. But her anger at whatever had been done to Oblivion drove any sympathy from her mind. She knew he had been hurt but she wasn’t sure how. Striker and Vantage dogged her every step, harrying her at every turn. They had managed to avoid the ice from her so far but they were tiring. The mad mare careened ahead but found Sasa and the others blocking her escape.

A loud thud sounded as a bundle hit the ground between her and them. The Leshens head sat between them. Its horns were scorched and the white of the skull had scorch marks on it as well. The mare panted as she stared at the severed head. The guards all stared at it as well. Oblivion reached them and they parted to let him through.

The mare stared at the head, tears pricked her vision as she stared. “My little pet.” She said aloud.

“Your pet has paid the price for murder,” Oblivion stated as he stopped in front of the head.

Sasa growled from his side and regarded the crying mare. “Is she crying for a dead Leshen?”

Oblivion said nothing in reply. “Cross!” He shouted and the Thestral leaped from the grass and slammed into the mare, pushing her to the ground on her side. Striker leaped forward and held her down as Silver put an inhibitor ring around her horn and backed up to look at her. Cross pulled a small gem off her waist and jumped back to avoid the mares now flailing hooves. Silver and Striker held onto her as she flailed. A hoof struck Silver under the eye and he grunted in pain. Sasa jumped in and laid her shoulder over the mare’s flanks, pinning her and stopping her flailing hind legs.

Oblivion walked up to her and reached for the gem around her neck. She lunged at his leg trying to bite into it. He turned his hock to the side and let her try to bite him. As she bit down he pushed his hoof back and struck her in the snout. She yelped and released her bite as tears welled up in her eyes again. His claws gripped the gem and he yanked it off her neck. She looked at him with a murderous gaze. He held it in his hoof and looked from it to her. His grip on it tightened and the next thing they heard was the sound of the gem beginning to crack and shatter in his grip. She screamed in rage as he turned his hoof to the side and let the shards fall to the ground in front of her snout.

“It’s over.” He said aloud to the group.

The striker pulled out the bindings from their place in his armor and placed them on her forelegs while Silver bound her hind legs. They pulled her to her hooves and waited for Oblivion to give them more instructions. She snarled at the group as they regarded her now that the fight was ended.

Oblivion looked at her. “The other monsters that you called upon. Are they still in the area?”

“Of course they are. Why would I stop them from having fun? Plus, I hope one of them is able to kill you.” She snarled at him.

Oblivion snorted. “If your Leshen could not accomplish that then the others have no chance of accomplishing the task.”

“I will have the Element and I will kill you.” She snarled at the black unicorn.

Oblivion snorted as he looked to her. “I feel I should tell you one small detail that I was not clear on.”

She looked at him, waiting for him to speak. “And what is that?”

“It’s about the Element.” He said as he lifted his head to his full height. “I always carry it with me. I trust no pony, but myself with its safety.”

The mare’s eyes widened as she looked at the shining silver armor on his body. She snarled and lunged at him, enraged at his deception. “I will kill you, you bastard!” You screamed as the guards held her back.

“Not today.” His horn lit as magic covered her and she collapsed to the ground, out cold. Oblivion sighed deeply and sagged back on his heels.


“I’m all right.” He said aloud to the feline.

“Sir?” Cross said aloud, earning him the Unicorn’s attention. “What was that gem you broke?”

Oblivion was silent as his eyes went to the shattered pieces at his hooves. “It was a gem to control the mind of another being.”

Sasa roared as she realized why Oblivion had broken it. “I will kill her! How dare she try that on you?” Sasa raged from her place at Oblivion’s side.

“It's fine now Sasa,” Oblivion said to her and put his hoof in her fur, holding the sabercat back from performing her own murder.

Oblivion sighed and looked back to the village. “I’ll head to the village and let them know that the threat is passed.” His magic lifted the Leshens head to his back and he started for the village. Sasa walked with him as the others lifted the unconscious mare and carried her toward camp. “What is the punishment for murder?”

Silver stopped to think it over as he walked with the black unicorn. “Well, she is responsible for six murders so I think it’s a required life sentence.” Oblivion's head snapped to look at him. “Why? What is it where you are from?”

“She would be hung most likely or public execution. Depends on the area.” Oblivion admitted.

“Wow. That’s brutal.” Silver replied.

“Not really. There are worse punishments, to be honest.”

They lapsed into silence as they walked into the village and past houses. Ponies looked through the shutters and stared at the black pony as he walked toward their town hall. Quick Shot looked out the window and tentatively opened the door to address them. “Is it safe?”

“Yes. The Leshen is dead.” Oblivion informed him and waited till he approached them before he moved. The unicorn reached back over his shoulder and sunk his teeth around one of the antlers of the Leshens head on his back. He dropped it, unceremoniously onto the ground between them. Quick Shot looked like he would be ill as he stared at the scorched head of the monster.

“That’s what killed Bright Fire?”

“Yes. It’s an Ancient Leshen. Thankfully, it was the only monster in the area.” Oblivion advised him.

The mayor looked to the head on the ground. “Why do you have its head?”

Oblivion started at the question. His tired mind suddenly caught up with him and he realized that bringing the head for proof was not needed with overly trusting ponies. “Where I am from a trophy is used as proof of a kill. It’s an old habit.” He admitted. Silver picked it up and set it on his back, as he chuckled at the admission from the unicorn.

“Did Quiver make it back?” Oblivion suddenly asked as he recalled the young stallion.

“Yes. He’s in the town hall.” Quick Shot admitted. “Said you were able to get a very unstable mare to release him and let him come back to the village. Is that true?”

“It is yes. She was responsible for bringing the Leshen here. She will be taken to Canterlot for sentencing.” Oblivion advised.

“That’s good to hear. Thank you for all you have done. I know we were hardly welcoming to you and I am sorry for that. We were afraid and you are very different from most ponies so we were uncertain. Please accept a foolish old pony’s apology.” The mayor bowed his head and looked to the stallion.

“It’s already forgiven. Being disliked is not new for me so I barely noticed it. I learned a long time ago to not be bothered by it.” Oblivion admitted to him.

“Still. It was not very welcoming of us. But I am glad to hear that you do not hold a grudge for it. Where you be heading now?” Quick Shot asked. “Back to Canterlot?”

“For the moment, yes. We must drop off our prisoner and then leave to tend to the rest of the mess she made.” Oblivion informed him.

“The rest of it?” Quick asked him, his eyes curious.

“She brought five more monsters that need to be tended to. So once dropping her off is completed we will be leaving to tend to them.”

The mayor grimaced and nodded to them. Oblivion turned and led Sasa and Silver out of the village. The others were sitting around the campfire, waiting for them to come back. Silver set the Leshens head in the chariot and then sat down with the others. The Witcher sat down with them and slowly lowered himself to the ground, laying his head over his hooves. Sasa nuzzled him as he closed his eyes.


One orange eye opened as he looked to Vantage. “Yes?”

“Where are we headed to next?”

“We need to take the mare to Canterlot for their judgment. After we will head for the next location where a monster was sighted. If it still lives then I will kill it and move on to the next one. Once the list is done then we will be finished with the hunt.” Oblivion replied, closing his eye once more. Silver gave him a map of where they were going and pointed to the next location with a hoof.

“Oh no.” Vantage said aloud. His voice filled with dread and he looked away from the map to Cross, who also cringed.

Oblivion opened both eyes. “What is it?”

“The town we are going to next.” Vantage explained.

“What about it?”

“Another Thestral lives there.” He continued.


Vantage looked to the map again and sighed. “He is the biggest pain in the ass I have ever met.”

Sasa chuckled at the unhappy look from both Thestral’s. Oblivion raised his head from his hooves and regarded them both. “Okay, I’ll bite. What makes you say that?”

Sasa nuzzled him again as she could sense that he was tiring and starting to lose his temper. She tried to support him as she also listened to the Thestral’s.

“It’s a mining town according to him and brings in a lot of ore for Canterlot. Whether that’s true or not I’m not sure. I never cared enough to look it up.” Vantage admitted. “But he loves to get in the way of things and claim he’s helping. I’m concerned that the moment we land he’ll stick his fool nose in your hunt.”

Oblivion glanced between them as Cross nodded in agreement with the statement of the other. “Will he be there?”

Both nodded. “He’s on vacation,” Cross added.

Oblivion sighed and lowered his head back to his hooves. “If he gets under hoof I will ask Luna to call him back to Canterlot, post haste. Otherwise, I will put him in his place myself.” Oblivion added and the ponies chuckled.

Vantage nodded. “Hopefully it doesn’t come to that and he takes the hint to stay out of it.”

“When has he ever taken a hint?” Cross asked, misery creeping into his voice.

“Never. But first time for everything right?” Vantage pointed out.

Sasa chuckled at them and watched as Oblivion closed his eyes and, much to her surprise, slept where he lay. After an hour she started to nudge him to try to get him to sleep in his tent. She had just enough warning to pull back as Oblivion awoke, an angry snarl tore from him as he brought his head up from the ground. Sasa leaned back as his fanged teeth clicked shut as he growled and lowered his head back down to sleep once more. The feline looked to the guards and found them to be staring, a mixture of fear and shock on their faces. Striker looked at the cat as she looked away from the group.

“Sasa?” He whispered as she turned to look at them. “Don’t do that again.”

She nodded and stepped away from the now sleeping Witcher. She used one claw to write in the dirt. “Oops.”

Silver leveled a blank glare at the feline, then looked at her message once more. “Oops? That’s it? You wake him up, he freaks, and you say oops?”

She gave a slight nod and rubbed the dirt to clear it for a new message to them. “Sorry.”

“Wow, he was angry,” Cross said aloud, his voice quieter than normal.

“Very. I guess the fight with the Leshen was more tiring than we thought.” Vantage said to the group.

Sasa shook her head at his comment. “Not Leshen. Mind control.” She wrote out.

Silver looked at the message then to the tiger. “Is it really that tiring?”

“To fight it, yes.”

“I guess I never thought about it,” Cross added.

Sasa rubbed her paw over the dirt once more. “It very hard to resist.” She rubbed her paw over it again. “Had to use Element.”

“Oh.” Striker said aloud and looked at the others. “I get it.” He looked to the others. “Oblivion had to fight it while protecting the Element, right?”

Sasa shook her head. “No, used Element.” She scuffed her paw to write more. “Armor is Element.”

“So he had to use the armor?” Silver asked of her. She nodded in reply. “But the Element is not a part of him. Least not in the literal sense.

“Yes it is.” She wrote to them.

“Oh no,” Cross said to them. “That’s why he’s exhausted. The armor is the Element and he had to use the power from the Element itself to protect himself from mind Control?”

Sasa nodded almost frantically. “Close enough.” She wrote to them.

“By using that to protect his mind he had to call on the Element to work within his body, instead of outside it?” Cross continued.

Sasa appeared thoughtful as she wiped her paw over the dirt once again. “Kind of.” She wrote down.

“Still close enough?” Vantage asked.

Sasa nodded and then looked to the Witcher. “Leave him alone.” She wrote to them and then laid down beside the unicorn once more.

“Duh.” Silver commented, much to the amusement of the sabercat.

They checked on their prisoner and moved her into the tent with Cross and Vantage. They then retired to their own tents, after wishing Sasa good night. They chose to leave Oblivion to wake up on his own. After several hours, he began to stir. He opened his eyes and raised his head as a yawn pulled from him. Sasa sat up with him as he stood up and made for his tent, his magic snuffing out the fire.

“What time is it?” He asked her as he laid down on his blankets.

“Very early.” Sasa replied to him. “Sorry about trying to wake you earlier.”

“Hmm…” Oblivion's tired mind tried to comprehend her but failed and he simply grunted in reply. His mind collapsed back into sleep as the she-cat laid down with him.

Author's Note:

Okay, here we go for this tale. Pretty impressed with myself for getting two of them ready at the same time. Not a bad run for me. Anyway here is the newest chapter and the mad mare is now in custody. Will see how it plays out.

Edit 1: 12/1/2018
Edit 2: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/14/2019

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