• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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35: Ruins across the Worlds...

Oblivion stopped to analyze the ruins that lay before him. The structure was old and crumbling in places. The walls along the right were crumbling in place, clear that they had been the ones facing the storms, causing the damage. As he advanced on the structure he was reminded of the design of the old Elven ruins that he had traveled through more times than he could remember. After circling the ruins once he finally found a gap that could pass for a door. As he squeezed through he caught a scent of water. He paused and looked in the direction of the scent. When he heard nothing he pushed with his hind legs and finally squeezed through the gap. The black stallion shook himself to get the sand off of him from the trot up to the ruins.

His ears flicked as he listened intently. He could hear the sound of water dripping off to the left of him. The Unicorn angled his body and walked silently through the narrow hallway. A cough ahead of him halted him in his tracks. Oblivion looked ahead and found that even his sight was having trouble with the darkness. His magic flared and he reached into his saddlebags for his Superior Potion of the Cat. He breathed in and downed the foul-tasting potion in one gulp. He closed his eyes and waited for the telltale sensation to flow over him. The feeling of something crawling over his skin went over him and he opened his eyes. His natural eyesight had now been greatly enhanced. He was able to see perfectly in the pitch darkness as though it was the middle of the day. The world had taken on a gray tinge with colors being muted a bit more than normal. He shook off the feeling of crawling on his body and walked forward once more.

Oblivion paused as he saw a shape flicker over the wall. He could smell the scent of burning wood and he slowly advanced. His natural grace enhanced further as his hooves remained silent on the stone floors. He peeked around the corner and saw a pony hunched over the fire, trying to make it larger. As he looked closer he could see that it was a Pegasus mare. As he watched the tan cloak she was wearing slipped, revealing her turquoise coat.

“Found you,” Oblivion whispered to himself and backed up and stayed out of sight.

The Black Unicorn was quiet as he stayed silent and still. It took time for a Witcher potion to wear off, especially one of the higher end ones that he carried. They were designed to work for hours and continue for as long as a track might last. As he reached back to his saddlebag to get a full potion of White Honey to clear any toxins from the Cat potion out of his system and nullify its effects. His ear flicked as the mare began to move. He glanced back and found her heading for a doorway across the room.

“Damnit.” He cursed under his breath and set his hoof down and left the Cat Potion in effect. The toxins in the potion would filter out on their own in time.

The black Unicorn stepped into the room and stomped his forehoof. The sound was dull due to the leather boots he still wore. The mare yelped and spun to face him. Her eyes widened at the sight of the black stallion. His face was obscured by the hood he still wore. He made no move to change the appearance or to speak to her.

“Who are you and how did you find this place?” She asked. Her voice was low, but Oblivion's ears caught it easily.

“I think you are well aware of me.” He replied to her.

“The Element of Spirit, I presume?” She replied and squared herself to face him.

Oblivion gave a gentle tilt of his head to her, affirming her statement. The mare was silent as she stared at him. Oblivion said nothing in reply to her stare and waited as the silence stretched between them. Asmara shifted on her hooves as the silent room began to draw on her patience.

“So how did you find this place?” She finally spoke to him.

“I was told where this place was and had a guide show me the way,” Oblivion responded. His voice was firm but not loud in the small room.

“Winter Snow?” Oblivion nodded. “So she betrayed me?”


“She’s back in Canterlot laughing at me I suppose?” She said to him, venom beginning to build in her voice.

“No. She is dead.” He responded.

Asmara paused and blinked at his blank statement. “You killed her?”

“Yes. I was the one that did the final blow. She was captured and brought back to Canterlot several days ago.”

“So how did you kill her? The Princess doesn’t have a death penalty.”

“That is true. They asked what the punishment is where I am from and I informed them that those that commit murder are not permitted to live further.”

“So they let you kill her?”

“No, she asked that I kill her. I gave her what she wanted.”

Asmara was silent as he spoke. When he was silent she sat back on her haunches and stared at him for a moment. “You know, it’s easier to talk to somepony if you can see their face.”

“Very well.” Oblivion tossed his head back and the hood of white cloth slid down his neck and rested on his withers. “Better?”

“Yes.” Asmara was quiet as she stared at the Black Unicorn.

Oblivion said nothing as she looked over his features. The mare was silent and sighed suddenly as she sat down. “So you came to kill me as well?”

“No. Should you attack, then I will act, but otherwise, your death is not what I am after.” Oblivion informed her. “I have spoken with a few ponies and they have asked that I bring you in alive.”

“And will you?”

“I have no intention to harm you, at this time. I have already spoken to your grandmother…”

“You leave her out of this!” Asmara screamed, her body lunging to her hooves.

Oblivion was quiet as the mare panted, her anger rolling off her in waves. Oblivion watched as her own spirit roiled and tumbled through her. It held the same broken feel to it, but she hadn’t tripped into insanity, as Winter Snow had. “She is searching for you as well. No doubt to help you.”

“I told you, leave her out of things. You don’t deserve to talk to her.” She snarled. “No pony will take my family again. I will stop anypony that tries.”

“She is in no danger and was going to aid me in finding you.”

“There is no way that she would help you. She knows how I hate anypony in my business.”

“I informed her that the monster your family was killed by had been sighted once more.” He said to her. He knew that she would latch onto what he had said.

Asmara stopped and her eyes widened as she stared at him. “Did it kill anypony?”

“Not at this time.” Oblivion left out that he controlled the Elemental. “Your grandmother expressed the desire for you to be there and perhaps aid in the destruction of the creature.”

“You have no idea what that thing is. I have to admit it would be interesting to see you try to kill it. That thing will easily break you as if you were nothing. You stand no chance, but it’s cute how you think you could.” She laughed as she spoke to him. “Besides I know you lied to her to get her to help you track me down. Besides, there is no way you could summon that thing without killing yourself in the effort. So, you’re welcome to try. And I will be there when you fail at it.”

Oblivion said nothing as his horn lit, ready to use his magic to stagger her and teleport her to Canterlot. Asmara smirked and stomped her front hooves onto the ground and a slight concussion went over the ground. Oblivion tensed and let his horn fall dormant. He was about to speak when he felt the ground pitch, he slid a bit as he was wearing the boots on his hooves. The movement stopped and he cursed under his breath as the mare galloped through the open doorway. He plunged ahead as the room pitched again and he crashed his right hip into the door frame but still moved ahead. He paused as he lost sight of her for a moment.

His eyes were still under the influence of the Cat Potion so he saw her running across the room below him. Oblivion was silent as he scaled the balcony banister and jumped down to land a few feet behind her. She yelped at the sight of the stallion behind her and plunged through a nearby door. Oblivion went through the door as he realized that the room was slanted and he felt the impact on his right side as he was knocked off his hooves. He looked up as a pair of hooves landed on his right hind leg, the mare's eyes were half-crazed as she stared at him. Oblivion growled and kicked at her as his back collided with what he thought was a wall.

Asmara smiled at him as he looked to her. “Goodbye, Element of Spirit.”

Oblivion looked over his shoulder to find an active portal. His hindquarters and ribs had already gone through the portal and he reached his hooves out to grip and had enough time to realize that his claws were still covered as his horn was alight to teleport him to safety. He looked up to focus on where he was going when Asmara’s hooves hit him in the chest and neck as she hovered close. His body slid back and the last he saw was the mares smile as his mind blanked.

Sasa laid at Blue Bloods' hooves as he worked in his office. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He reached out and set his hoof on Sasa’s broad forehead and rubbed his hoof through her fur. She purred back to him.

“Nothing yet, girl?” He asked her as she sat up.

“No. I haven’t heard anything from him. Not sure if I should be worried or angry.” She admitted to the Prince.

Blue Blood chuckled at her reply. “Yeah, I know the feeling. I keep thinking that if he needs help he will reach out to one of us, but then I remember who I am talking about.”

Sasa laughed at him and nodded. “I was going to say something about that, but you beat me to it.” She chuckled but went quiet after a moment. “But I miss him.” She admitted.

Blue looked to the spectral cat and nodded. “Yeah. You don’t really realize how much you rely on somepony till their not there.” He admitted back to the she-cat. Blue looked back to his papers when the door opened.


“Aunt Luna. It’s early you to be awake.” Blue said to her as he got up from his chair to nuzzle her in greeting.

“We had trouble staying asleep.” The Moon Princess said to him. “Sasa?”

“Nothing sorry.” She said.

“She says nothing so far, Aunt Luna.” Blue parroted for the she-cat.

Luna looked dejected at the news and hung her head for a moment. “Are we still able to send a letter to him?”

“Yes. Rarity said that Applejack got one from him a week or so ago, but that was it nothing since. So I think we can.”

Luna brightened and a scroll and quill appeared in her magic as she began to pen a letter to the Element Bearer. She finished and focused her magic on him and the scroll vanished with a flash of her blue aura. “There that should get…” They all paused as the scroll reappeared and fell to the ground in front of the mare. There was no flash of azure flame that foreshadowed a letter from the black Unicorn. She blinked at it and then looked to her nephew and the she-cat. “Nephew?”

“Umm… Sasa?” He looked to the cat who was also staring at the returned mail.

“Did he write anything?” The cat asked.

“Open it, Aunt Luna.” Blue said to her. “He might have replied that fast.”

The Moon Princess opened it and turned it back to them to show that there was no reply from the stallion. The three of them stared at it and Sasa roared as she realized that the letter had not gotten to him.

“CHOSEN!!” She screamed out to him, Blue cringed and covered his ears as her scream hit him as well.

Blue Blood reached back and pulled the cat into his forelegs and held her as the cat continued to cry out for Oblivion. Luna dropped the scroll as her aura was extinguished and her eyes widened and she looked to the others in the room. She inhaled and Blue had enough time to put a silence shield over him and the sobbing feline.

“TIA!” Luna bellowed her Royal Canterlot Voice on full display.

She looked back as Blue Blood got to his hooves, still holding Sasa, as a flash of golden light appeared.

“Luna! Is something the matter?”

Luna stared at her sister and then nodded. Her magic picked up the scroll she had done and held it up for her sister to see. “We sent this to Oblivion. Allow us to show you what hath happened.” She focused once more and it vanished once again. “Wait for it.” The scroll reappeared and dropped to the ground in front of the Sun Princess. She waited as Luna picked it up again and opened it. “No reply. If he replies it is shrouded in blue flame.”

Celestia looked to the scroll, to her sister, and then to Blue Blood. “Nephew?”

“She’s right. He didn’t get it.”

“Can you send one?” She asked, clear hope in her voice.

Blue Blood nodded, laid Sasa on the floor, and picked up a piece of parchment, wrote a few words to his friend and sent it away with a flash of magic. It reappeared and fell to the ground as well. He opened it and it was still blank. “He doesn’t answer, Aunt Celestia. I wrote down that it’s an emergency and there is no response. It’s not like him.” He said to her, clear worry in his tone.

Celestia looked to the cat on the floor. Sasa was silent as she stared at the near wall. The Sun Princess walked to she-cat and put a hoof gently on her shoulder, earning her a look from the feline. “Sasa?”

The cat shook her head and went back to staring at the nearby wall. “You haven’t heard from him at all?” The cat gave a barely perceptible shake of her head and remained silent.

Celestia looked up and saw the fearful faces of her nephew and sister. “We will send ponies out to search for him. I will call on Twilight to help the search. Your right, nephew. This is too far out of character for Oblivion. We need to start to look for him. We need this done quietly so as to avoid panicking anypony.” She started to speak more than looked to Sasa. “Sasa?” The cat blinked and glanced at the mare. “We are going to need your help. You know him better than anypony in the world. We need you.”

Sasa was quiet, despair bit at her mind but she knew that they would need her ability to sense him. She got to her paws and nodded. “I will do all I can. We must bring him back home.”

Blue Blood spoke for her and the mares smiled at the she-cat. “Sasa, can you tell if he’s alive or hurt?” Blue asked her.

“If he was gone I would be as well. I am connected to his life. I can’t sense him at all, but since I haven’t lost my magic he is okay.”

“Your magic?” Luna asked.

“Yes. I have the magic that I came with. I also am connected to his magic. The last time he was unconscious my connection to him lessened causing my fur and body to be more corporeal. My skills and other things are impossible without his magic to help me. Since I have not lost my appearance then he is not that far gone.”

Luna and Celestia nodded in understanding. “That’s good to hear. Blue Blood the guards that were with him, we will need them to help. This must be kept quiet. If pony’s learned the Element of Spirit was missing then it might cause many to be upset and panic. The Elements are the greatest defense Equestria has, without Oblivion they cannot function.” Celestia said to them.

“Sasa. The guards, what were their names?” Blue Blood asked the she-cat.

“Striker, Cross, Vantage and Silver.” They stared at her, as Blue Blood parroted her reply. “Right. Silver Buckler, Cloud Striker, Cross hairs, and…” Sasa thought back and tilted her head in thought." “Vantage Point. Two Lunar and two Solar guards.”

Blue Blood nodded and started for the door. “Come on, you know what they look like.” He shouted back to the cat as he went through the door. Sasa at his heels.

“Luna.” Celestia looked at her sister.


“Do you have any idea where he might have gone?” She asked, pushing the door closed.

“No. He did not tell any of us. Even Sasa has been pushed away. Though I now wish I had spoken up about it. He is more than capable of handling himself. But his disappearance this time is concerning to us.”

“I agree. It’s not normal for him to vanish like this. I will send a letter to Twilight for her to speak with Applejack. Perhaps he mentioned something to her about his whereabouts.”

“We doubt that he did, Tia. He keeps to himself unless needed. Thou know that.”

“I know, Luna. But should ponies find out that the Element of Spirit is missing many could panic? Plus, he has the Element with him at all times. Not only is its wielder missing, but so is the Element itself.”

Luna looked to her sister as dawning came over her. “We had forgotten that.”

“As did I. This is becoming more and more worrying, sister. Have you ever seen him dreaming?”

“No. We don’t think he does.” Luna replied. “Since he has been altered as a Witcher. We think it could interfere with us connecting to him in the dreamscape.”

“I had not thought of that. All right. We have to find him while hiding that he is missing. Please help Blue Blood. You three are the ones in Canterlot that know him the best.” Celestia smiled at her sister and Luna nodded as she went for the door.

“Sister.” Luna looked back, as Celestia turned to her. “We will find him. Do not doubt.”

Celestia smiled and nodded to her younger sister. She watched as Luna vanished galloping to catch up with Blue Blood and Sasa. The Sun Princess pulled a piece of paper from Blue Bloods' desk and penned a letter to Twilight.

My Dear student:

An emergency has come up and I need to speak with you and your friends. Please come to Canterlot as soon as you can.

Princess Celestia

She sent the letter in a flash of magic to Spike and looked out the nearby window to the city below her. “Oblivion Shadow, where are you?” She whispered aloud as a reply letter came to her.


Only a single word was on the paper, showing that Twilight had not penned it herself. Celestia turned and walked out of the office and started for the throne room, she still had a few meetings to attend, though she knew she was going to have trouble focusing on the proceedings. But she had to maintain normalcy and not let anything slip. She whinnied in surprise as a door flew open and a pair of Thestral’s galloped headlong down the hallway. One looked back and his eyes widened in horror.

“V!” He shouted to the still running pony.

“Cross, we don’t have ti… Oh no.” The other looked back and saw the still surprised Sun Princess staring at them both.

The two ponies came back to her and bowed in apology. She waved a hoof at them and bade them stand upright. “Your Vantage and Cross, I assume?”

“Yes, Princess. We were told to meet with Prince Blue Blood and Sasa in the council chambers. Not sure why but it sounded urgent when Princess Luna came in yelled at all of us.” Vantage explained.

“Royal Canterlot Voice?” Celestia asked then with a smile.

“Yes.” Cross squeaked out.

“Then I will not delay you further.” She said to them and they bowed and took off running in the other direction. She sighed and made for the throne room, hoping that it proved to be nothing more than a mistake on Oblivion's part. Even as she thought it, she knew that was not possible.

Author's Note:

I am on a roll. Love it when this happens. So we have a missing Witcher and his Element. That could prove to be a problem. :applejackunsure: So I will try to get the next chapter rolling as well. Not sure if the next will be from Oblivion or not. But we will find out. Till later! Now to try to sleep and do another in the morning!

Edit: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/14/2019

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