• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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68: Labyrinth

Oblivion raised his head as a sense of disquiet rolled over him. He rolled to his belly and looked around the room. Nothing stood out as out of the ordinary as Sasa stirred behind him. He reached out to the World Spirit and it didn’t seem out of balance or anything that would have called on him to act. He lowered his head back to his pillow and rested his chin upon it, ready to attempt to go back to sleep, it was early even for him.

“Chosen?” Sasa spoke up from behind him. “Do you smell chocolate?”

Oblivion raised his head as he cast a glance back at her. “What are you…?” His nose scented the air and he paused as he closed his eyes and a deep sigh escaped him. “Yes I do and why are you asking me that?”

“I think we have a problem with the weather.” She admitted and sat up on the bed.

“Really?” He sat up and turned to look at her as his eyes fell on the window. The window was caked in a thick substance and it was the cause of the scent.

“We need to look outside.” She said as she jumped his back and landed on the floor, waiting for him.

He slid out of bed and his magic pushed open the door for her. He followed the feline as she bounded down the stairs. His magic threw open the top of the door and he looked out as his nose was overwhelmed with the scent of chocolate.

“What in the world?” He whispered out as he looked around the farm.

“It’s chocolate milk. Lots of it.” Sasa informed him as she stood at the door.

“How did this come about?” He said to her and the feline shrugged.

“I have no idea but it’s definitely out of the ordinary. Maybe we should get out there and ask somepony?”

“It’s too early for anypony except maybe Twilight to be awake. Even the rooster is silent.” He said to her.

“Perhaps but she might have an idea.”

“True enough.”

Oblivion pushed out the lower half of the door and took to his heels through the soupy rain. His hooves thudded dully through the growing mud as Sasa yowled at his side. His coat was soon covered in the chocolate rain and it matted in place as he neared the Library and knocked on the front door. He was not surprised when it took time for the door to be opened to reveal a yawning Twilight Sparkle.

“Oblivion? Sasa? It’s really early, even for you.” She said to him and he nodded in reply.

“I agree but we have a situation. If you look behind me.” He said to her and he watched as her eyes went wide. “Exactly. It’s raining chocolate milk.”

“Come in.” She rushed him and the grumbling feline inside and her magic summoned towels for them.

He used one to sponge the thick liquid from his fur while she attempted to dry Sasa. “How could this happen?” He asked her as she looked to the windows that were covered in the thick substance.

“I have no idea. It could be a prank but nopony would prank the entire town with this.” Twilight reasoned to him.

“I agree. But that still leaves the question of why it is raining milk.”

“The weather team must be aware of what is going on.” Sasa said to him. “Ask her if she can get in touch with Rainbow Dash.”

“What are the chances of Rainbow knowing what is going on?”

The purple Unicorn looked thoughtful as she considered what he said. “Well, the weather team should have some idea of what is going on around here. I can’t help but wonder if it is just us that is experiencing the odd weather or there is more to it.”

“Can’t hurt to ask her.” He replied as he put the towel aside and made for the front door. “Where is the office for the weather team?”

“Come on. I’ll go with you.”

Sasa got up and joined him as the mare opened the front door and the three of them ran through the thick rain.

Oblivion shook out his mane as they walked into the town hall and down to the weather office. His silver mane was slowly turning brown from the rain and Sasa’s coat was losing its coloring and slowly turning brown as well. Twilight pushed open one of the doors and walked inside with Oblivion on her heels. They were greeted by pure chaos inside the large room. Ponies were running in all directions and orders were being yelled out. He could see Rainbow toward the back and she saw the tall black Unicorn and flew toward them.

“We know it’s raining. What we don’t know is why and we did not do it.” She said to him.

“I figured from the general chaos of the room that you were unknowing of the situation. Are you aware that it is raining chocolate milk?”

“Is that why your hair is light brown?” She asked as she picked up his forelock and let it drop back to his head.

“Yes.” He replied and tilted his head to get his sodden mane out of his eyes.

“We have no idea why it’s raining since we did not set it up to rain. The clouds moved in on their own and this is what we have got.” She explained with a shrug.

“I suggest you let somepony in charge know about the chocolate rain,” Twilight said to her. “I don’t know of any cloud that this could be coming from.”

Rainbow nodded and took off for the other side of the room. Oblivion looked around the room and it was filled to the brim with stressed ponies. He glanced at Twilight who looked nervously back at him. Pegasus ponies stood off to the side and argued with each other about the rain clouds as Rainbow came back to them.

“I’m gonna go out and look at the clouds. You guys okay to stay here for a second while I check it out?” She asked as the two Unicorns nodded.

“She is more than welcome to go out in that soupy mess.” Sasa said to him through their connection and she sat down heavily in place.

Rainbow Dash took off for a window and zipped through it and out into the rain. Oblivion waited with the others as the minutes went by and the mare came back covered in pick goo. He stared at her as she came to land close to them and Sasa stood up to go to her.

“The clouds are made of cotton candy.” She deadpanned to those around her as she tried to get it out of her fur.

Oblivion summoned a set of towels for the rainbow maned Pegasus and she began trying to get the sticky material, out of her fur and mane. Several ponies had come forward as she had landed and were now trying to help her with her fur. Oblivion spun on his heel and walked out with Sasa at his side.

“Any ideas Chosen?” She asked him as he stopped to look outside.

“I can’t help but wonder what could have caused this. Nothing I have ever seen or read about makes this seem possible. Even for this world, it is out of the ordinary.” He replied to her.

“I have to agree with you. Even for Equestria where many things are possible, chocolate milk rain does seem a bit farfetched.” She admitted to him as she sat down beside him.

His ears flicked back as Twilight rejoined them and he looked over his shoulder at her expression. “Any ideas?”

“I think I have a spell that can help this. It’s a failsafe spell.” She replied to him as she drew up to him.

“You think it can stop this?” Sasa asked with Oblivion speaking for her.

“I think so.” The mare replied. “I might need a bit of your help to make sure it’s strong enough.” She added as she looked to the Black Unicorn.

“I will do what I can.” He said to her with a nod of his head.

“Come on. Let’s hurry back to the Library.” She said and took off into the rain once more with Oblivion and Sasa on her heels.

Oblivion trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres with Twilight and Sasa at his side. He paused at the sight of the havoc on the ground and in the air. The cotton candy clouds had amassed above the farm and Rainbow was trying to corral them with the corn in the fields popping at a frantic rate. He looked at the trees to see that the apples had grown to three times their normal size and had attracted many animals to feed on them. Fluttershy was staying close to the animals and doing her best to try to stop them. He watched as the rabbits closest to her grew long legs and began to trot around the Pegasus.

At his side, Twilight pulled out her spell book and looked to him as his own horn lit up with hers. His contribution was to make her spell stronger and he focused on her horn to enable himself to channel into her magic. Spike had joined them now that it was later in the morning and he was up and ready to help out. The spellbook hovered close to her as she read through it again to make sure she had it right and she concentrated on the spell. A blast of purple and azure flame went out around them and the circle of magic went over the nearby grounds. Oblivion looked out over the grounds and saw no change.

“My fail-safe spell…failed,” Twilight said aloud and looked to the stallion and then to the baby dragon at her side. “Now what do we do? Oblivion can you fix all of this?”

The black stallion was about to answer her when a voice whispered in his ear and he turned his head to see the faint outline of a white mare in the orchard. He was silent as her figure faded completely from his sight and he shook his head.

“No.” He replied simply.

Sasa tilted her head at him and nudged his shoulder. “Chosen?”

“I will explain in a minute.” He replied to her and she nodded quietly in reply.

“So we have to give up?” Spike said to the purple Unicorn.

“No, we go to plan B.” She said and looked from the clouds to the animals and then to her assembled friends. “Rainbow can you gather all of the clouds in one corner of the sky? Then Applejack can you bring those clouds to the ground?”

Rainbow saluted and took to the air. As she gathered them all they parted to reveal a spot that Pinkie had found to drink the falling chocolate rain and she looked confused for several seconds as the clouds left. Applejack slung a rope up and circled the clouds and began to drag them down to earth. Twilight motioned for the butter-yellow mare to join her and she whispered in her ear and got an understanding look from the Pegasus.

“Oh dear. I hope none of the animals see these delicious chocolate-filled cotton candy clouds. I'd hate to have to share them.” Fluttershy called out and the animals stopped what they were doing and made a dash for the bundle of clouds as Applejack tied them down to a fencepost.

“See Spike? Never give up. We can do some much more as a group than we can alone.” She said to the baby dragon who nodded as a burp of green fire escaped him. Twilight’s magic opened the scroll and she read it over and her eyes went wide after a second. “We need to get to Canterlot. The Princess needs us.”

Oblivion said nothing as they began to move out and he looked at Sasa. “I need to speak with Equestria. Go with them and let me know when you arrive in Canterlot.”

“Understood. Is that why you didn’t remove the clouds?”

“Yes. Go with them.” He said to her and the great cat nodded as she broke away from him and took off for the mares.

The black stallion watched as they vanished from sight and he turned to head deeper into the orchard. He left in the same direction he had seen the white mare leave and he waited as the sound of hoofbeats caught his ears and he followed them until he found her in a clearing within the Everfree. He could feel the area around him shift as he joined her in the same wide-open fields as before.

“Good morning.” She said in greeting to him as he approached her.

“Morning. I trust you have a reason why you did not wish me to help them?”

“You can’t. This chaos is caused by another immortal.”


“Discord. He is the spirit of chaos and disharmony. He has returned after being imprisoned by Luna and Celestia many centuries ago. They used the Elements to seal him in stone so many years ago.” She informed him as he drew up to her.

“So I cannot fight him?”

“You can. He can be injured like any other but he is needed in the world the same as you are. Harmony has its other side just as there are two sides to a coin. You hold much the same power as he does but the difference is that you are naturally the opposite of him. He ruled this world before the Alicorn’s and it was a land of chaos and unrest. You have seen some of that chaos already. While it is a small taste it will become much worse in time. You are meant to guard and protect the ponies of this world and he can do the same if he is so inclined. His power can go either way and can bring either good or evil.”

“So I can fight against him but I cannot undo what he has done?”

She paused as she considered what he had said. “You have the power to undo anything that he does but in time he would seek you out and that is a battle nopony would win.”

“He is immortal as we are then?” She nodded as he spoke. “Then I have no reason to fight him personally.”

“He cannot hurt you if that is what you are meaning. He can see that there is more to you than the other Element bearers. While he cannot tell what exactly it is he knows that you are the bigger threat among them. Magic cannot win without the Spirit to drive it onward.” She replied.

Oblivion fell silent as he considered what she had said. He could sense that something had been out of the ordinary this morning but he had not been sure what it was. “He broke free this morning?”

“Yes. Early this morning. The World Spirit would have known this immediately and informed you.”

“It did. I was not sure what it was calling out to me about but now it makes sense. So far I am not sensing any huge upset from this other immortal.”

“In time, it will. The World Spirit is a sensitive being and it is very in tune with those attached to it. A large number of ponies affected will draw its focus and yours. For now the upset is small, but in time it will grow until it is calling out for action from its Guardian.”

“Then I will hold back for now. So long as the upset remains small I can allow the others to start on a course of action. I will remain in the shadows.”

“That would be the best course of action. The other Elements will be needed to reseal him. Hold yours close and do not let it escape your notice should anything happen to it. Discord has but to snap his claws and the world moves in his command. He is not one to destroy his toys but he does make things much more difficult.”

“Lovely.” Oblivion cursed under his breath. “Can I combat what he does to the others or should I let it go?”

“I would act as you see fit. You’re no fool Oblivion Shadow. If you feel that action is needed then you must act. But understand that trying to combat Discord on every action will only feed him to greater acts. You will be fighting a spirit that is as strong as your own and just as unwilling to lose.”

“Wonderful.” He replied and looked back the way he had come. He could see the Everfree through a mirror behind him. He had passed through it when he came to speak to her. “He was thwarted by Luna and Celestia years before, why?”

“They rose up against him upon finding the Elements of Harmony. They sealed him in stone and that would have left him sealed forever had the Elements not been passed on to a new set of bearers. That weakened the spell that held him in stone. In time all of Equestria will fall to chaos.”

“That cannot be allowed to happen. I will act as needed for now.” He replied to her. “Sasa?”


“Call on me after you hear about Discord. I already know about him.”


“Discord. A spirit of chaos. Call on me after that.”

“Understood. We just got here. I trust you are getting more information about this Discord pony?”

“I am yes.” He looked back to Equestria, who had remained silent as he spoke to the sabercat. “So what does Discord look like?”

“He is a Draconequus.”

Oblivion stared at her as she spoke and his head gave a slight tilt at the name. “A what?”

She giggled as an image appeared of the creature on the ground for him to see. Discord had the head of a pony with two different styles of horns. He had two wings one pony and one dragon wing. He had one lions paw and the other was a dragon's claw with a long body that stood on one cloven hoof and one lizard's leg.

“He is easy to spot,” Oblivion admitted.

“Discord has never been one to hide in a crowd. He can be quite flashy and is always one to speak up.”

Oblivion said nothing while the image on the ground faded and he pondered what he now knew. His natural inclination was to fight back against the creature but now he knew that would not end with a victory. He was going to have to keep what he knew in check while he allowed the others to lead the chase for this Discord creature.



“She is getting the Elements out for the others to carry.”

“Understood.” He replied to her and looked to Equestria. “Till next time.” He said to her as he bowed his head to her.

“Good luck.” She said as he turned to leave her behind.

His horn flared as he felt the portal cover him and fade behind him. He glanced back as the portal vanished and his magic flowed as he teleported to Sasa. The girls all looked at him as he appeared and Celestia nodded to him as he joined them.

“Welcome Oblivion.”

“Celestia.” He said back to her.

“Good of you to join us. Your Element is with you I assume?” She said to him and he looked down at the wolf emblem around his medallion. She looked relieved as it remained with him and her aura held a familiar blue case. “Have no fear my little ponies. I have total confidence that you can defeat Discord with these.” She said as her magic opened the case and held it out to them.

Sasa tilted her head at the sight of the empty box as the others gasped and Celestia dropped the box in shock.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at the empty box that now sat on the ground. “That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!”

A peal of laughter echoed from the hallway as Oblivions ears flicked, his medallion shuddered on its chain and he reached a hoof out to it to silence its rattling. He could sense that Discord had found them and was close by.

“Oh, what fun is there in making sense?”

A flash of anger went through Celestia's eyes as she looked around them. “Where are you Discord? Show yourself.”

A loud chuckle went through the hallway as they looked around them. “Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you. It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone.”

Celestia stomped a hoof and anger flashed through her eyes once more as they took on a hard glint. "Enough. What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?”

“I just borrowed them for a teensy bit.” The sound of snapping fingers echoed through the hall as the stained glass window shifted to reveal the Draconequus. He lounged on the images within the stained glass.

“You’ll never get away with this Discord,” Celestia growled, her tone ice.

A snort of disgust went through the air as the image of Discord looked at his claws on one paw and shined them on his fur. “I had forgotten how grim you can be Celestia. It’s really quite boring.”

Oblivion looked up as Rainbow flapped higher in the air, her spirit rolled in anger. “Nopony insults the Princess.” She growled and flew for the stained glass window.

Oblivion watched as the crashed into the window and stuck to it. He was sure that the window was going to shatter but it remained intact. The rainbow mare pulled back from the window and shook her head. A laugh pealed through the hallway as Discord began to move through the stained glass to the one that held the purification of Nightmare Moon.

“You must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty, the Element that you represent."

“I’ll always be loyal to the Princess.” Rainbow informed the Draconequus.

Rarity walked up closer to the stained glass and scoffed. “I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window.”

“The beautiful Rarity the Element of Generosity, if I am not mistaken.”

“So ya know who we are, big deal.” Applejack stepped forward to stand close to the fashionista mare.

“Oh, I know more than that, honest Applejack.” He said as the image of him grew in size on the glass window, blotting out the other images.

“It seems you know our strengths as well,” Twilight said to him.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most elusive element, magic. Fluttershy's is kindness and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine - laughter.”

At her side, Pinkie began to snicker and laugh. “Pinkie!” Twilight shouted and the pink mare broke into laughter.

“He’s standing on your head!” She wailed and fell back laughing.

Oblivion looked up and the pink mare was technically right. Discord was dancing on the image of Twilight in the stained glass window. He had shrunk back down to size to accomplish the feat. Oblivion said nothing that might antagonize the creature to turn its attention to him. He planned on keeping his own Element close and avoiding it being lost to the Draconequus. At his side, Sasa growled intermittently.

“And of course who can forget the most powerful of the Elements, Spirit.” Discord called out and Oblivion raised his head to stare back at the stained glass image.

“Stop stalling Discord!” Celestia shouted.

“Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way. To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.”

Another peal of laughter rang out and echoed through the room. Oblivion said nothing as he began to run his claws through Sasa’s fur to calm her.

“What do ya reckon he meant? Twists and turns and endin' back where we started?” Applejack questioned as she drew up close to Twilight.

Oblivion thought it over as Twilight began to pace in front of one of the clear windows. He looked to Celestia and found her to be concerned as he sidled up closer to her.

“You had no way of knowing that he could get through your spells. I assume you had one on that chest?” He said to her.

“Only I could get through that spell. I tested it myself.” She whispered to him.

“He is the embodiment of chaos. Chaos is exactly what it sounds like. It’s unpredictable at its heart. You could not have predicted it.” He said to her.

“I suppose you are right. Chaos cannot be predicted.”

“The labyrinth!” Twilight yelled out. “Twists and turns! I bet Discord hid the other Elements in the palace labyrinth.”

“Could it really be so simple?” Sasa asked him and he looked to the feline at his side.

“I can’t help but think it’s not that simple with this creature.” He agreed with her.

“Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves.” Celestia said as she approached the mares.

Oblivion walked past her and looked out the window to the labyrinth below them. “Back where it all began.” He whispered aloud.

More laughter erupted above and around them as they began to leave the hallway.

Oblivion stood in front of the labyrinth with the girls behind him. Sasa stood close to him as she looked at the entrance. Fluttershy cringed back behind them, her eyes fearful as she beheld the entrance.

“We have to go in there?” She whispered out.

Rainbow looked to her own wings and shook her head. “Nope! Dopey Discord forgot about these babies! I'll just do a quick flyover and we'll have the Elements in no time.”

Oblivion felt his medallion shake and he looked up at Rainbow as a flash of magic went over her and her wings vanished. Oblivion’s horn lit up to keep her from crashing violently to the ground and set her on the ground.

“My wings!” She shouted and terror crossed her face as she beheld her back.

Fluttershy looked at her back and horror crossed her face as well. Another flash and Oblivion looked to Twilight and Rarity who were now staring at each other’s foreheads.

“Your horn!” They intoned and then both looked up at their own heads. “My horn!”

Oblivion closed his eyes as he suddenly felt magic wash over him and he opened his eyes and looked up. His horn remained in place. A sigh of relief escaped him.

Sasa had looked at him as well and she leaned against him in relief. “Your horn is a part of what connects you to the World Spirit. It cannot be trifled with so easily it seems.” She said to him.

“He is as immortal as I am. The world will not allow us to foul too much with each other it seems.” He replied.

A roar of laughter went out as a flash of light caught their attention and drew it back to the front of the labyrinth. “You–You should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!” Discord called out as he laughed.

Twilight advanced on him and squared her shoulders. “Give our wings and horns back!”

“You'll get them back in good time. I simply took them to ensure there's no cheating. You see, this is the first rule of our game: no flying, and no magic.” Discord said as he laid a foreleg over the mare’s shoulders.

“First rule?” Rainbow asked him.

“The second rule is that everypony has to play or I win.” He said as he stood upright and his head tilted until he was near upside down as he looked at the Black Unicorn. “What the?”

A flash of light found him next to the unicorn and he reached out and poked the tip of Oblivions horn. The Witcher felt his medallion shudder as the magic went over him and he shook his body to rid himself of the feeling. Discord backed away as Sasa came around to the other side and swiped her claws at him.

“How are you not affected?” He said as he stared at the stallion.

Oblivion said nothing and allowed the creature to draw his own conclusions. At his side, Sasa snarled and her fur arched up along her shoulders and back. The Witcher was quiet as that seemed to annoy the Draconequus as he snapped his claws and Oblivion felt the medallion shudder once more. He shook himself free of the magic that Discord put over him and it faded from him.

Oblivion looked at the draconequus as a look of anger and annoyance crossed its features. “Yeah, you can go.”

Oblivion fought back a yell as he felt the world around him shift and he was thrown off his hooves. He heard Sasa call out as darkness covered him and he fell forward. His vision went dark as he fought back against the magic that was now moving through him.

Author's Note:

I finished this one recently and delayed releasing it until I had the next one ready as well. I planned to release them close together. I might change pieces here and there but I'm generally pretty happy with it. I will release the next one when I finish editing and rechecking it.

Featured: 9/12/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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