• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Prologue: A Surprise Visit

Sunset Shimmer turned her head a few times as she walked through the Everfree Forest, which was supposed to be one of the most dangerous places in all of Equestria, if not the entirety of Equus, while she made her way back to Ponyville, as she was coming from the direction of the Castle of the Sisters, where her mentor, Princess Celestia, and her sister used to rule Equestria from a thousand years ago. She had never actually visited the old castle in the past, before she had gone off to the mirror version of Equus, where humans reigned in place of ponies and had some interesting technology that she hadn't encountered before that point in time, and she had to admit that the castle had been a good place to visit. She knew that she could have asked Celestia to join her, since she had given her sister, Luna, most of her responsibilities some time ago, but she decided to explore the castle by herself and her mentor had agreed to let her do that, knowing that the creatures that called the Everfree Forest home wouldn't bother her at all. Normally ponies would have asked Twilight or one of her friends to escort them through the forest, if they wanted to go exploring, since the six of them were the most knowledgeable about what rested in the forest and what creatures called it home, though that wasn't counting Zecora, the transformed zebra that called the place home these days.

The reason behind why none of the creatures would bother her is because many of them could tell that she was a dangerous creature in her own right, which was understandable considering that she was the God of Destruction for the universe she called home. A God of Destruction was a powerful deity that helped maintain the balance of the universe by destroying threats that could mess with that balance, be they individual people, entire civilizations, or even planets as a whole, and she had eliminated a fair number of foes since becoming the god she was. When she ascended to this role her body had changed as well, as she was a mix between her pony form and her human form, as she had hooves in place of feet, she had her pony tail and pony ears, and she even had her unicorn horn, though at the same time her hands allowed her to punch things and channel her magic through them, working in unison with her horn at times. Her attire, instead of being what she wore back at Canterlot High, was like what an Egyptian deity would wear, which all Gods of Destruction wore, as she wore baggy pants that covered most of her lower body, had a pair of golden bracelets on her wrists, with a single gold ring around the top part of her arms, which came complete with a sash that was in front of her pants, and a collar that rested around her neck, though she had some cloth wrapped around her chest, while the collar rested on top of them as well.

Zecora had been transformed into a more humanoid form as well, something that a good portion of Equestria had gone through at some point in the past, but right now Sunset had no idea where the transformed zebra was located, even though she could feel her energy and locate her that way, which she decided not to do as she walked through the forest and headed back to Ponyville.

Ponyville, which had been her home since she returned from her own adventures, had been the first place where ponies had accepted the Ascension Process, the spell that had transformed her and the displaced into their current forms, granting them powers beyond what they thought a pony was capable of wielding. Sunset was one of fifteen ponies that had gone through the mirror that was in Twilight's castle, or affected by the backlash that came from Discord tampering with the mirror, and they were the ones that wielded great power, while the ponies that went through the process gained a more minor version of the powers they were supposed to wield. In fact the first ones to follow Sunset's example were Celestia and Twilight, though that was because they had been chosen to become two of the missing components to make their universe an official one in the eyes of their superiors, as Celestia had to become her Angel, the being that was supposed to watch over her, teach her what she needed to know, and stop her from going overboard whenever she was purging threats to their universe. Twilight, on the other hand, had been chosen to become her counterpart god, the God of Creation, or Kaioshin as it was more commonly called, meaning that she was supposed to create planets and life to counter the planets and beings that she destroyed, even though Twilight had been annoyed when she had to stop her studies for some time to plant the seeds for a new galaxy, to replace the tainted one Sunset had to destroy.

It wasn't Sunset's fault that the galaxy had been tainted by the reanimated dead, creatures that preyed on the people that called the various planets home, and she had actually saved a good percentage of the humans that lived in that galaxy before she destroyed it, since the ones she saved weren't crazy like the ones that brought about the surge of undead, though she sighed and focused on something else for a while.

A few moments later she broke through the treeline and continued walking towards Ponyville, where she nodded to the transformed pegasi that were flying through the air, without wings since the Ascension Process took those away from almost everyone that had wings, and they waved at her before they went back to what they were doing. For the most part nothing had really changed for Equestria, as the transformation hadn't changed how ponies lived, but at the same time Twilight and the others had created a school for the displaced to teach the rest of the transformed about their new powers and abilities. The interesting thing was that there were ponies, normal ponies that hadn't gone through the process, who actually checked out the school from time to time, to make sure that everything was alright and that they hadn't burned the place to the ground, but so far it seemed like there had been no incidents since the school opened. It was nice to see both the transformed and the ordinary still getting along, as ponies interacted with their transformed friends as if nothing had happened, and that brought a smile to Sunset's face, as it just followed the example that Rainbow and the other displaced had set for them.

When Sunset thought about the displaced she was referring to Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Gilda, Derpy Hooves, Lyra Heartstrings, Trixie Lulamoon, the Dazzlings, Chrysalis, Sombra, and herself, as they were the ones that either went through the crystal mirror, the portal connected to the mirror world, or were affected by the backlash that Discord created. Most of them had returned to Equus and continued calling it home, despite the worlds that they had been sent to and the adventures they had undertaken, but some had chosen to continue living away from their home world, for reasons that they shared before their departure. Starlight, for instance, had taken a liking to traveling the stars with Ratchet, the cat-like creature that she and Sunset had called their brother for many years, fighting whatever supervillains were trying to ruin the various galaxies they explored and sometimes inventing new weapons to combat the foes they fought. Chrysalis had done the same thing, as she had decided to join Starlight with the friends she made in the galaxy she had been sent to, but she had suffered through her terrible past being brought back to the surface and had a number of other things happen to her, things she preferred not to talk about, so she left her home, which would have been painful for her, and sought a new life among the stars. The last pony to stop calling Equus home was Sombra, as he had been reduced to a mere soul when he was freed from his imprisonment, on account of what happened when the Crystal Heart was put back in place, and he had been sent to a world where he could put his past behind him, becoming a good king in his own right.

"You're back early." a voice said, one that snapped Sunset out of her thoughts as she came to a stop for a moment, allowing her to turn and stare at the transformed mare that was standing near her, who had a light fuchsiaish gray coat and long hair that was made up of multiple colors that moved regardless of what the wind did, though she was dressed in a black cuirass that rested over a golden yellow robe.

"It didn't take me long to explore the castle, especially when you take it's current state into account." Sunset replied, as parts of the castle had fallen into ruin and there wasn't much that could be done to fix them, though at the same time it appeared that both Celestia and Luna had already cleaned up everything that they wanted from the old castle, saving them before they turned to dust or were crushed by a wall collapsing, "Besides, I just wanted some time to clear my head before we did anything else, since Starlight might have found something that warrants me destroying it and Twilight would like to see what it is before I blow it to pieces... she's still annoyed that I destroyed that galaxy some time ago, and wants to make sure that I don't do something like that again, not without her being ready for such an event."

"Sounds like something Twilight would do." Celestia said, though at the same time she turned and fell in beside her student, allowing them to continue walking towards the crystal castle that Twilight called home, along with Sunset these days since she had been given a permanent room there, "You know, with Applejack's guidance and the knowledge that she's been able to learn from Shin, she's becoming quite the Kaioshin these days, especially since she was able to weave together the necessary energies for new life to take hold in the galaxy you purged, though she was able to do it much faster this time around. Given enough time and practice with her new powers, she could very well be the strongest Kaioshin in all of the thirteen universes."

Sunset nodded her head in understanding, as Applejack and Rainbow Dash had been sent to the same location when they crossed through the mirror, though instead of being sent to another planet, in part of this universe, they were sent flying into Universe 7, the home of Beerus the Destroyer, one of the strongest Gods of Destruction. It was he, along with his Angel, Whis, and his counterpart god, Shin, who taught the girls the basics of fighting and how to sense ki, the energy of the universe they had been sent to, and eventually Beerus became their father, while at the same time Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time for that universe, became their mother. It was no surprise when the girls came back from their adventure as powerful warriors in their own right, much like the rest of the displaced, though their knowledge about both Creation and Destruction were evident when Sunset fought them, where she had bested them due to the fact that they were still getting used to the powers that they commanded. Despite that fact Applejack, having more training in the aspect of creating, like Shin did, used her knowledge to assist Twilight in her studies, just like Shin did from time to time when he and the other gods visited the girls, though Twilight's growth was also because of her own studies as well, which made both Celestia and Sunset happy that she was adapting to her role as quickly as she was.

The reason Celestia mentioned thirteen universes is because there had been twelve of them before their universe, the thirteenth universe, had become official, which had happened the moment Sunset became a God of Destruction, Celestia became her Angel, and Twilight became the Kaioshin. For a universe to be 'official' they needed all three positions filled by someone, though they were the first to have someone elevated into the position of an Angel, as the other twelve Angels, from what Sunset understood, were actually the children of the Grand Priest, the Angel that served Lord Zeno, the King of All. Each universe also needed a God of Destruction and a Kaioshin, who were life linked together, so if someone killed the Kaioshin than their counterpart god would die as well, though at the same time, since their universe was so different from all the others, Celestia, Sunset, and Twilight had the feeling that such a bond didn't exist between Sunset and Twilight, as Twilight had felt nothing during the previous fights Sunset had been in, but they kept that to themselves, in case the life link was also vital to being an official universe. Despite all that the three of them knew that there were twelve other universes out there, with twelve more Angels, Gods of Destruction, and Kaioshin to rule over them, though so far the only one they had any contact with was Universe 7, thanks to Applejack and Rainbow's time there.

So far they had a friendly relationship with Universe 7 and Beerus, who came to visit his daughters from time to time when arrangements could be made, and there was Liquiir, the God of Destruction for Universe 8, who seemed rather interested in their universe and even spoke up for Sunset when she tied with Beerus in their fight, to show Lord Zeno just how powerful she was, though in addition to him there was Heles, who watched over Universe 2, who was on her side, so she was happy to have a few universes that didn't dislike her and her universe.

"Hey Sunset! Hey Celestia!" a voice said, to which the two of them glanced at the path that was in front of them and watched as a lady who was around Sunset's height and age, despite having a different colored coat and possessing purple colored hair that had several streaks in it, walking towards them with a smile on her face.

"Twilight, you seem to be in a good mood today." Sunset commented, as it was nice to see her friend having a good day, especially when she was learning what it meant to be a Kaioshin or was using her powers to help preserve the balance of their universe, though at the same time Celestia nodded her head in agreement, "Did something happen while I was in the Everfree Forest?"

"Of course something happened. I think I've found the perfect planet that could be made into my version of the Sacred World of the Kai," Twilight explained, referring to the world that Shin and the other Kaioshin lived on, where they could watch their universe from the safety of a faraway planet, and Sunset knew that Twilight had been searching for the perfect planet that filled her requirements for some time now, before she beckoned for them to follow her, "Come on, I'll show you what I was able to find and maybe we can visit it before Rainbow and the others come to ask you for training or more pointers on how to fight."

Sunset had to admit that she never thought that Twilight would find a planet like Shin's, especially since she had only been there once to see what a Kaioshin world actually looked like, but the idea of her moving to an entirely new world was something she was planning for the future, even if such an event would be far off in the future. It was just that all Kaioshin had a planet to call their own, whether or not they actually lived there all the time was irrelevant, and Twilight wasn't about to leave her friends and family behind, she just wanted to make sure she was like the other Kaioshin, just in case one of them decided to come by a visit one day, which hadn't happened so far. At the same time finding such a planet would be interesting for all of them, as a Kaioshin's planet was incredibly durable and it would make for the excellent training area for Rainbow and the rest of the displaced, since they hadn't done much in the last six months since Sombra, the last of the displaced, had been found and came back home for a single day, except for continuing with their daily lives, being teachers at the school, and occasionally training with each other when they had time.

Despite what she was thinking, about what Twilight was searching for, she and Celestia headed back to the crystal castle that Twilight lived in, which was rather easy to do so thanks to the fact that they could fly or just teleport to their destination. When they arrived at the castle Twilight brought them to the library, where she had been modifying things since she shut down the mirror that had been responsible for Sunset and the others being displaced by Discord's magic, and found that Twilight had created what could have been a copy of the table that had once sent her and her friends all across Equestria, which had brought Starlight into their group after some time. This table had been crafted in the style of a command table, one that would have allowed someone to communicate with another person in some other location, but the function of this one seemed to be more focused towards viewing planets and allowing Twilight to study them in great detail, to determine whether they were progressing like they should or if something happened that would make Sunset head out and destroy it. Currently on display at the moment was a decent sized planet that reminded Sunset of Earth, as it had forests, rivers, a decent sized ocean, a few rocky and grassy areas, and included a few giant trees that were much taller than the rest of them, and, from what she could tell, no one lived there, except for the local animals.

Sunset had to admit that it looked like a Kaioshin planet, more based on the fact that it appeared to be so far away from the rest of the planets that were near it, of which there appeared to be none save for the moon that floated in the sky and orbited it, meaning that Twilight must have succeeded in her mission.

"I found this planet on the outskirts of our universe," Twilight explained, to which she waved a hand and the image backed out, allowing them to see that the location of the planet was like she said, though she seemed excited about what she had found, even if it took her so much time to locate such a planet on her own, "It's almost like a mirror image of Shin's planet, though there are some key differences between this one and the one he calls home. What do you think about heading over for a visit?"

"It shouldn't be too hard to reach this planet," Celestia commented, though she had to admit that she had thought that the discovery of such a planet would never happen, not with all the more interesting planets Twilight could have been studying, since there appeared to be a fair number of them in the place that Chrysalis went off to, before she turned towards her former student and smiled, "We can leave whenever the two of you are ready."

"Well, unless Twilight needs to get something, I suggest that we leave soon." Sunset said, as she knew that Twilight had to be eager to see this planet with her own eyes and she had to admit that she was thinking the same thing, and she could see that Celestia was nodding her head in agreement.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but before she could do so she heard the sound of someone knocking on the front door of the castle, as she had enchanted it to alert her if someone wanted to speak with her and there was no one near the front area, to which she sighed before the three of them headed towards the door. Sunset wasn't surprised to see Applejack standing on the other side of the door, with her light brown stetson hat on her head, while at the same time she was wearing a red colored shirt and a blue pair of shorts, which just so happened to be her more casual attire that Rarity insisted on making for her some time ago. Usually she wore her gi, the martial arts attire that she and Rainbow had worn for many years during their own adventure in Universe 7, modified every couple of years for their growing bodies until reaching it's current form, but right now she wore what her friend made for her. The reason that Sunset wasn't surprised to see her was because she felt her energy from the side of the wall that she and the others had been standing on, letting her know who was on the other side of the door before Twilight opened the door, even though she was sure that Twilight had felt her friend's power as well.

"Applejack, I wasn't expecting you to show up so suddenly," Twilight said, as none of them had been expecting her friend to show up today, since she was sure that Applejack would have been busy tending to the orchards that made up Sweet Apple Acres, before she straightened herself and smiled at her friend, "What can I do for you?"

"I decided to take the rest of the day off and let Big Mac and Apple Bloom tend to the orchards," Applejack replied, to which she shrugged for a moment, because her power over the earth, her elemental affinity, allowed her to do a lot more work in a short amount of time, meaning that she could actually take time off and not be upset about doing so, before she focused on the trio for a moment, "though something tells me that you must have found a planet or some sort of threat that will make you head out soon, judging by the looks on your faces."

Applejack was one of the smartest members of the displaced, as she was able to read most of the people that she interacted with and could sometimes figure out what they were thinking about, with the only other one that could do that being Sombra himself, so Sunset wasn't surprised by the fact that she figured out what Twilight was thinking about.

"Well, I've discovered a planet that could be my Sacred World of the Kai," Twilight explained, as she knew that this would interest Applejack in some manner, considering her connection to the earth that they were standing on, and the fact that she could actually communicate with the planet's very soul, so she figured that she might as well tell Applejack what they were planning on doing, "and we were planning on leaving now, before anything else happened. Do you want to come with us and check the planet out for yourself?"

"Sure. I'd love to see what sort of planet you've found." Applejack answered, because the last time she had visited a new planet was when she and Rainbow had gone to the planet that they fought Sunset on, which had been blown apart six months ago, and if Twilight had found a potential planet to transform into her Sacred World of the Kai, like the planet that Shin lived on, she just had to see it for herself.

Twilight kept the smile on her face as she, Sunset, and Celestia walked outside the castle, where she closed the door and they headed over to an area where they would be able to get away from the planet without having any of the others find them before they left. It was the same clearing that they had used to get the other displaced off planet so they could travel through space, mostly to reach the planet that had been used for training, and when they were ready to go Sunset, Celestia, and Applejack joined hands as Twilight joined them, making sure that they were all connected.

"Kai Kai." Twilight said, using the technique that she had been taught by Shin, as it was one of the required skills that a Kaioshin was supposed to know, even if their focus was supposed to be on the aspect of creating planets and making sure the seeds of life were planted for the various planets they were charged with watching over.

Not even a moment later the four of them shimmered for a second or two before they disappeared from the area that they had been standing in, heading off for the planet that Twilight had discovered in her search for the perfect place to call her Sacred World of the Kai, to see the world for themselves.

It didn't take them very long to arrive at their destination, as not even half a minute later the air shimmered as Sunset and her companions appeared in one of the meadows that rested all over the planet, where they touched down on the ground and stopped holding hands. Sunset glanced out at the planet that they were now standing on, which seemed like what they had seen on the table that Twilight had created, though at the same time she could tell that the air was nice and she could hear some of the native creatures minding their own business. Twilight and Applejack, both having different levels of understanding when it came to feeling the energy of life, the specialty of the Kaioshin and those that might be apprentices in some manner, stared out at the planet with smiles on their faces, showing that they liked what they were feeling and they started walking towards the lone large tree that was resting some distance from where they had landed. It was an interesting find already, as the tree in question seemed to be twice as tall and twice as wide as the tree that Twilight used to live in when she first came to Ponyville, something that Sunset had heard about from the stories she had been told, and she was happy to see that both of her friends were happy to see that they were on the right track.

When they arrived at the large tree, which did look like it could have been a twin for Twilight's old place, Twilight and Applejack approached the tree while Sunset and Celestia stood off on the side, allowing the duo to tap the tree with their knuckles and feel the energy that was around them.

"Interesting." Twilight commented, as she was surprised by what they had discovered, because she was sure that it would have taken some time for them to find something that held their interest, not that they would land on the planet and immediately find a tree that reminded them of her old house, "It's hollow, just like the old library. Applejack, do you think we can manipulate the wood a little to create a doorway for us to check the interior and see how it's holding up without the presence of any civilization?"

"I reckon we can." Applejack replied, though as she said that her hands glowed with green energy for a moment, the type of energy that one would expect from a Kaioshin or a Kaioshin in training, allowing Sunset and Celestia to watch as the area in front of her shuddered for a moment.

The act of watching either Twilight or Applejack, and even sometimes both of them, use their power over Creation to do many marvelous things never ceased to amaze Sunset, as it was always interesting to see what they were capable of doing with their power, when her's was to destroy things. She had heard of the first time that Applejack tapped into her true power, where she pulled together the necessary life energy to create a special seed, one that, when planted, sprouted into a Tree of Life, turning a doomed planet into one that would have it's own native species in a hundred or so years. A part of her wished that she could have been there when it happened, to witness Applejack's first act of using the power of Creation, but even if she missed that moment she was content to see her use the power that she had unlocked every now and then, which was what she was doing at the moment. Applejack, acting alone this time, was able to create an opening in the truck of the tree, one that came complete with a working door, and when the deed was done she pulled her power back and let the energy fade, before she gently pushed the door open and walked inside the hollow tree.

Sunset, Twilight, and Celestia joined her inside the tree, where they found that it was large enough where a library and some living space could be carved into the interior, or, instead of weakening the entire structure, one could just use their power over Creation to grow the necessary layout that they wanted, even strengthen the tree to withstand anything that might be thrown at it.

"Seems like a nice place to start building a future home," Celestia commented, as she was impressed that a hollowed out tree would exist on the planet that Twilight had decided to check out, one that reminded her of the Golden Oak Library that she used to live in, which Tirek destroyed and was replaced by her new crystal castle.

"You said it. I could easily change the immediate area around us into the beginning of a new library," Twilight said, to which Sunset and Celestia glanced at each other, as they both knew that with the discovery of so many other worlds, and all the information that could be gleamed from them in terms of books and other pieces of knowledge, Twilight hadn't had a chance to do much else, save for devoting part of her time to finding this place, "and I'm sure that I can create a staircase that will head up to multiple floors, like a living area, maybe a workshop or a testing area for the spells that are in the book Rarity gave me some time ago, a kitchen to prepare meals in... the number of things I can do with a tree like this will easily clear half the list of requirements in no time, maybe even clear seventy-five percent if I'm lucky."

One of the things that Twilight liked, besides reading and practicing her magic, was making lists, which was part of the reason why it took her so long to find a planet like this in the first place, as her list included everything that made a Sacred World of the Kai so special, all of which she got from Shin the last time she had the opportunity to speak with him. As such it made total sense for her to have a list of items that her potential new house had to contain by the time she was done modifying it, though even then Sunset had the feeling that Twilight would find a way to make sure that she crossed everything off her list, making the perfect home in the process. In fact it wouldn't surprise her if the practice area that had been mentioned would be placed outside, in an area that she could fix with her power whenever she was doing training in other aspects, especially since a world like this was incredibly sturdy and wouldn't be destroyed easily, unless Sunset were the one to damage the world, as that would result in it breaking that much faster. Still, Sunset was happy to see that her friend was enjoying herself, especially with Applejack walking beside her as she offered some ideas on where some of the items on Twilight's list could rest, to make the most of the space that the tree had to offer, and she could tell that Celestia was happy for her former student as well.

For a moment she wished things could have stayed this way, where they could explore the rest of the planet and see if Twilight liked it as much as the tree they had discovered, but before any of them could head outside Sunset felt a slight surge of power that came from a being that was stronger than her and everyone else in Universe 13. Since the energy was coming from outside the tree she walked outside and found a vortex of power floating in the air above them, as it was a portal of some kind, and not even a few moments later Celestia, Twilight, and Applejack joined her, to which they closed the door behind them and took a few steps forward, so they could be close to the portal that had opened up. Not even a few seconds later a figure appeared in the center of the portal, floating out onto their side, though it didn't take long for them to take in the fact that the figure was a short man with pale blue skin, something that was shared by the twelve Angels for the other universes, while he had purple colored eyes and slicked back styled hair that was white colored. Like the rest of the Angels he had his own halo, though the difference was that his floated vertically in the air behind his head, while the halo that one of his children possessed would float around their neck, though he wore a long-sleeved dark blue colored shirt, some baggy pants with the same color, white colored boots, and a red belt that had the Kanji symbol for 'Great' engraved on it.

This Angel was the Grand Priest, one of the strongest beings in the entire multiverse and served as both the advisor and the attendant for the Present Zeno and the Future Zeno, as something had happened in the future, which some of Rainbow and Applejack's friends from Universe 7 were part of, that resulted in the Future Zeno being brought back to be friends with the Present Zeno... and to show respect towards the Grand Priest all four of them bowed their heads, while they waited to hear the reason as to why he had shown up.

"Everyone, it's been a while." the Grand Priest said, referring to the fact that it had been some time since he had last seen them, which had been when Sunset, Celestia, and Twilight had been introduced to the other twelve universes and the gods that watched over them, something that happened only a year or two ago, maybe three at the most.

"Indeed it has, Grand Priest-sama." Sunset replied, as every God of Destruction and their Kaioshin, including the very few mortals that knew of his existence, referred to the Grand Priest in such a way, though after it was said once it was okay for them to speak normally, as long as they didn't anger him in some way, "Is there going to be another summit of the gods in the near future?"

"In a sense." the Grand Priest stated, though as he spoke Sunset and the others glanced up at him, where they could see that something had happened recently, in the realm of the King of All, and that he had come to tell them about the event that they knew nothing about, where he pulled out a scroll and started to unfurl it, "Son Goku visited Lord Zeno's palace some time ago and mentioned an event that he, along with his friends from Universe 7, had been told about when they engaged Universe 6 in a small tournament for the Super Dragon Balls, when Beerus and Champa battled each other. As such both the Present Lord Zeno and the Future Lord Zeno talked with me for a few hours after his visit, where we have fixed the details and date of a special tournament that they wanted to watch... which brings me to the reason behind my visit, as I have a message to deliver to you. Lord Zeno's message is as follows: On the 3,135,500,603rd day of the King's Calendar, on the 157th hour, ten warriors selected from each universe shall participate in the Tournament of Power."

"The Tournament... of Power." Twilight repeated, as she was shocked that something like this had been mentioned at one point in the past, when Lord Zeno had visited the tournament that Rainbow and Applejack's friends had participated in, hence why she, Sunset, and Celestia knew about it, but at the same time she was surprised by the fact that they were asking for ten warriors to be called into battle, "Where will the tournament be held?"

"In the World of Void, where Sunset and Beerus battled some time ago." the Grand Priest replied, though he wasn't surprised that someone would ask the question, as he had been asked that a few times by the other pairs of gods he had visited before this point in time, and while he talked he rolled up the scroll once more, "As you know it is a world without time or space, filled with infinite nothingness, where your warriors will be able to fight to their hearts content when the tournament starts, though a fighting stage will be made before the tournament starts. And, to the best warrior, we will be presenting a prize, much like the tournament that Universe 6 and Universe 7 engaged in, in the form of the Super Dragon Balls, so that the winner will be able to wish for whatever their heart desires."

Sunset had heard about those wish granting spheres, ones that were much stronger than the ones that the people of Universe 7's Earth sought and fought over from time to time, and she knew that they would be an incredible prize for whoever survived the tournament, though none of them asked what the winning universe would get, because the winner would represent their universe.

"In one hour's time we will be holding a Zen Exhibition Match, to raise the Future Zeno's expectations for the actual tournament," the Grand Priest continued, causing the four of them to give him their attention once more, because they needed to know what was going on at the moment before he left, especially since they were still surprised by what he had told them so far, "where three warriors from Universe 7 will be fighting three warriors from Universe 9. After that match has been completed I'll start building the fighting stage, giving the universes that will be taking part of the Tournament of Power some time to gather their warriors... but until then, this is farewell."

Sunset and the others watched as the Grand Priest floated back into the air and disappeared into the portal that he had opened to get here, heading back to Zeno's palace so he could prepare for the Zen Exhibition Match, leaving them to wonder what in the world Goku had gotten them into this time around. Sunset, on the other hand, silently hoped that their universe, which had only just been labeled as an official universe in the last couple of years, would be able to get by without being involved in the actual Tournament of Power, but knew that only time would reveal the truth to them.

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