• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 2,920 Views, 432 Comments

Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Aftermath: Legendary Saiyan

Frieza sat in the command chair that was located in the bridge of his spaceship, the one that served as the head of the new fleet for his empire, where he stared out at the stars that were in front of him for a few moments and thought about his plans for the future. Two weeks ago he had fought for the safety of his universe in the Tournament of Power, where he and the other warriors from Earth, who make up the rest of Universe 7's team, allied with the displaced warriors of Universe 13, or Universe 19 these days, since the wish to bring back the erased universes had included the six universes that had been erased millions of years ago. The reason their universe had been selected to take part in the tournament, against the other eight universes that had taken part in the battle royale, was because the mortal level of their universe was low, as they were near the bottom in terms of ranking, and it was actually partly his fault, since he had blown up quite a number of planets over the course of his existence, even though Majin Buu, when he was evil, did the same thing. After a series of unfortunate events, and crossing Beerus, the God of Destruction for his universe, he had reevaluated his life choices and decided to change the face of his empire, including himself, and some of his more evil followers had either been imprisoned by the Galactic Patrol, for splitting off and committing crimes on their own, or outright killed for trying to kill him.

The remainder of his forces, lead by Tagoma and Shisami, were under orders to disrupt any other wannabe villains that were trying to fill the void he had left behind, in order to take the position of a better emperor, and he had sent them out to find additional warriors to add to their army, to further expand their protection across the rest of the universe. Besides searching for any and all potential warriors, to fill the ranks, there were a number of other positions that were being filled throughout his empire, by people who wanted to join the Frieza Force, and recently his forces had assisted the Galactic Patrol and captured someone who stole one of their ships, and her punishment was to serve in his army for a specific amount of time. It was either that or serve her time in prison, where Frieza knew that she had made the right decision in picking to join the army, as he was sure that she would do everything in her power to do her job, serve her time, and then go on her merry way, or actually stay in the army, if she found it to her liking. In fact Frieza had paired Cheelai, the girl he was thinking about, with Lemo, one of the older soldiers that had served his father, King Cold, and while he wasn't a combatant anymore, due to his age, he was still a great soldier and deserved to retire at some point, once he completed the last few tasks that Frieza had for him.

"Lord Frieza, we just received word from Lemo and Cheelai," a voice said, to which Frieza glanced to the left side of his seat and found a short yellow colored creature, who was wearing armor like the rest of the soldiers, the robed version that Sorbet had been wearing to be exact, and the look on his face told Frieza that this was important, "It seems that they found a distress signal on Planet Vampa and went to investigate it, only to find a Frieza Force Saiyan, with a power level of 4,200, and his son, whose power can't be measured by their scouters, living near the crashed ship the signal was coming from. They're on their way back with the pair as we speak."

"An old Frieza Force Saiyan?" Frieza commented, as he was pretty sure that he had wiped the majority of the Saiyan race when he destroyed Planet Vegeta all those years ago, back when he was worried about the Super Saiyan legend eventually coming true, which only caused Goku and Vegeta to unlock that power when he encountered them on Planet Namek years later, but this wasn't the first time he discovered survivors of the warrior race, "Very well then, Kikono, have them come straight to me when they arrive. I would like to speak with them before they do anything else."

Kikono nodded his head, recognizing the order, and departed from the bridge, no doubt heading to the docking area so he could greet the Saiyans when they arrived, allowing Frieza to focus on what he was going to say, since he figured that he might as well come clean and inform the pair about what destroyed their home world, but something told him that neither of the pair were going to care about that piece of news. Of course there was the other side of the coin, that if the pair that Lemo and Cheelai found were actually Saiyans, like they claimed to be, he would have to inform Goku and Vegeta of their existence, so they could share that news with the dead Saiyans that lived in Asgard, the afterlife that they had been granted that was designed to look like the kingdom that King Vegeta had ruled over. Another thing he had to think about was the fact that it wouldn't take the pair long to get here, not since all of the ships in his fleet had been upgraded to the point where they could warp from planet to planet, something that was used in emergencies since the flying speed of his fleet had been improved as well, meaning they could fly through space much faster than before. It was thanks to his scientists and the other races that they had saved so far, all working together to make the fleet better than it had been when he was the Tyrant of the universe, ruling over everyone with an iron fist, and he planned on putting those improvements to good use, to save other planets from whatever evil was lurking in the shadows.

Like he suspected he didn't have to wait too long, as not ten minutes later, when he was standing in front of the glass window of the bridge, Kikono opened the door and announced that he had brought Lemo and Cheelai, and the pair of Saiyans, to him, before moving out of the way as Frieza turned to look at them.

The first person he looked at was definitely a Saiyan, as he recognized the brown tail that swayed in the air behind him for a few seconds, though what was interesting was that the man he was looking at was much older than any of the Saiyans he had dealt with in the past, as the signature black hair, which was short and was pointed towards the ceiling of the bridge, was gray colored, and he had a short beard that mustache that bared the same color. Interestingly enough the first Saiyan was wearing the old armor that his forces used to wear, before the scientists upgraded them, and he had to assume that the white wrapping around his wrists and his neck were from a cape or robe he used to wear, turned into bandages most likely, and he had a pack on his belt that had to be important. Standing next to him was an equally tall man, who wasn't wearing a chest piece, thus revealing his muscular chest to those that were around him, that was looking around the ship with a look of amazement on his face, like he had never seen something like this before, and his black spiky hair seemed to reach the middle of his back, while at the same time Frieza noticed that he had a scar on his left cheek and an x shaped scar on his left pectoral muscle. The second Saiyan was wearing tight pants, with some scattered tears in the fabric, and the white boots that someone from the Frieza Force usually wore, though the pelt that he was wearing around his waist was interesting, either from one of his first kills or from a creature he had befriended, which would have died at some point, and the collar around his neck revealed that the older Saiyan must have some way to control the younger one, if Frieza's thoughts were correct.

Standing behind the pair of Saiyans were Lemo, who was an orange skinned humanoid who wore the version of the Frieza Force armor that had no shoulder plates, common among the non combatants, while also wearing dark green trousers, white gloves, and a wool hat on his head. Next to him was Cheelai, who happened to be one of the most human-like beings Frieza had encountered, since the only things that separated her from an actual human were her green skin and her short white hair, though she had a slim frame and wore a blue scouter over her left eye, just like Lemo did, and unless he was seeing things she seemed terrified of him, since her right hand was gripping her left arm.

"I hear the two of you are Saiyans, though one of you has a tail and the other doesn't." Frieza commented, as he knew that it was time to get to the discussion that he knew the older Saiyan was dying to get through, if the look on his face was any indication, "Was his tail lost during a fight, like how most of the Saiyans lose their tails?"

"No, sir. The effects of transforming into a Great Ape, one of our traits, caused him to lose all sense of himself, so I had to remove it." the older Saiyan replied, showing Frieza that the younger one was either incapable of speaking for himself or he was too distracted by the ship and was letting the older one speak until his curiosity was taken care of, "On occasion he can still lose himself, in a different manner, where I can use this remote control, which is connected to Broly's collar, to use electricity to allow him to regain control."

As the older Saiyan spoke he opened the pack on his side and revealed the remote that he was talking about, so Frieza could see it for himself and know that the Saiyan wasn't lying, but at the same time Frieza noticed that Broly, the younger Saiyan that was standing nearby, almost seemed to panic when the remote was revealed and tried to pry off the collar for a few seconds, before relaxing a little as the remote was put away... and, at the same time, both Lemo and Cheelai glanced at each other, showing that neither of them liked what they were hearing.

"I see." Frieza said, though at the same time he glanced at the pair that had brought the Saiyans to him, as while he was happy to discover them, and save them from the world they had been trapped on, he wasn't happy to see that the older Saiyan was treating Broly this way, meaning the first thing that needed to go in the near future was the remote and the collar, and he could see a light in Cheelai's eyes, showing that she agreed with him, before he focused on the Saiyans once more, "I can tell that Broly has a tremendous amount of untapped power resting inside him... power that, if used correctly, can be of great use to the entire universe, as a warrior that protects the innocent. Berryblue, would you give Lemo and Cheelai a bonus for their hard work?"

Berryblue, a short blue skinned attendant that had served during his father's reign, and then went on to serve him when he took over the empire, nodded her head and moved to the side of the bridge, as she was capable of floating instead of walking, and opened the container that contained the credits they used to pay their troops, which had a combination lock on it that very few knew the code to, before extracting a number of thin silver cylinders that, when she had enough of them, handed over to Lemo and Cheelai. The pair was shocked, as they were clearly surprised that he was being generous towards them, and bowed their heads towards him after accepting the bonus he was giving them, since the old him usually never did something like this, but he felt they had earned it and noticed that the pair had retreated to where the door was located, as he hadn't dismissed them yet and they were waiting for whatever orders he had for them, something that he hadn't decided on yet.

"From what I was told, you were unable to escape that barren planet you crashed on for a number of years." Frieza continued, showing that he was showing some interest in the pair of Saiyans, which he didn't see as a problem since he was used to be interested in what Goku and Vegeta had accomplished over the years, as the pair and their friends were usually doing something that impressive, like beating Majin Buu or something similar to that, "Are you aware that Planet Vegeta was destroyed years ago?"

"Yes, sir, I heard about it on the way here... but none of that matters anymore." the older Saiyan replied, though at the same time Frieza heard something in his voice that indicated that he was focused on one thing at the moment, and that was having his revenge against someone, which could only be King Vegeta, "I, Paragus, will finally have my revenge on King Vegeta for what he did to me and Broly all those years ago... or, if he's not around, then I shall extract my vengeance on his son, Vegeta the Fourth."

"There might be a slight problem with that," Frieza stated, because while he was keen on making sure Broly was well trained, and could be a force for good like the rest of the Saiyans before he had wiped them out, he knew that allowing Paragus to go ahead with his plan was just asking for trouble, before he turned towards Berryblue again, "Please take them to the showers, as I'm sure that they need one after being trapped on that planet for so long, and then outfit them with some new armor... I'll speak with them once they have had a chance to shower, get changed, and have a decent meal, as there's something they need to know about Prince Vegeta."

Berryblue nodded her head and escorted the pair off the bridge, where Kikono glanced his way for a moment, which was when Frieza returned to his chair and tapped on a few buttons that were near him, intending to contact Bulma so she could get him in touch with Vegeta, and possibly Goku... as he had the feeling that a disaster was coming, and that Paragus would be the cause of it.

Rainbow, despite the fact that she was the God of Destruction for an entire universe, stretched for a moment as she laid on her back, floating in the large pool that she was in, while at the same time she heard Applejack, who had come with her as well, going under the water for a moment. Today they were taking a break, as their father, Beerus, had invited them to come hang out with him, their mother, Whis, Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma, at one of the 'cottages' that Bulma had built over the years, one that was a good distance away from any living creature, so if Goku and Vegeta wanted to spar they wouldn't have to worry about wrecking anything or hurting anyone. As such she had taken the offer almost immediately, despite Twilight telling her that there were a few planets she had to check on, something that she'd do later, and they had arrived shortly after the others did, allowing them to get changed and simply relax for the first time since the tournament ended, without having to worry about anything for a time. Rainbow was wearing a white two piece swimsuit, while Applejack went with the same style that had a blue color, Twilight wore a single piece swimsuit and was sitting on a bench near Bulma and her baby, Bra, where she was reading a book of some kind, not that Rainbow overly cared what she was reading. Both Goku and Vegeta were swimming in the pool as well, with Goku wearing orange swim trunks and Vegeta wearing a dark blue version of the same thing, while Beerus and Chronoa sat in the hot tub, with Beerus wearing a light blue pair of swim trunks and Chronoa wearing a dark purple two piece swimsuit.

What was really interesting was that Whis, of all people, was laying on his back like Rainbow was, though he wore a maroon pair of swim trunks, showing that even an Angel could relax from time to time, and so far none of them had any complaints about what was going on at the moment... of course they were interrupted as the watch on Bulma's wrist went off, where she raised her sunglasses and opened it as a few of the gods glanced in her direction.

"Oh, Frieza, this is an unexpected surprise." Bulma said, though at the same time she knew, from just looking at the bottom screen of her communicator watch, that the call had been directed towards her from Capsule Corp, since Trunks was the only one around that could do something like that, and she could see the emperor staring at her as some of the others stirred when she said his name, "What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to say that this is a social call, but I have some news for Goku and Vegeta," Frieza replied, where the Saiyans stopped what they were doing when Frieza said their names and got out of the pool, only to get a towel so they could dry off as they walked over to where Bulma was sitting, "Some of my soldiers found a pair of Saiyans earlier today and my idea is to make them into warriors of good, like the Saiyans were before I took them out, but that's not the reason why I called you all of a sudden. The reason I called is because Paragus, the older Saiyan, is outraged at what King Vegeta did to his son a long time ago, before the destruction of Planet Vegeta, and it appears that he's intending on using his son to get his revenge against the king, even if that means going after the next best thing, Vegeta."

"Paragus... I know that name." Vegeta commented, where Bulma tapped an icon and a screen appeared in the air in front of them, which allowed them to see that Frieza was sitting on a chair in the bridge of his spaceship, while he held a hand to his chin for a moment before he realized why he knew that name, "My father told me about him once in the past, about a Saiyan whose son's latent power rivaled by own, so much so that he worried that Broly would become a threat to the entire universe, causing him to put Broly into a pod and sent him to Planet Vampa, where he could live out the rest of his days... and that's before I even met Rainbow and Applejack, or the Saiyans changed in three short years. Apparently Paragus, upon learning about his son's fate, flew out of the throne room, stole a ship with another Saiyan on board, and followed of the trail of Broly's pod, but, since no one returned with the ship, my father determined that Paragus also killed the Saiyan that he been on the ship when he took off. Now that he knows that our planet is gone, and that my father was killed around that same time, it seems that he's going to blame me for the crimes of my father and that he'll stop at nothing to get his 'revenge'..."

"Lord Frieza!" a voice said, to which Frieza glanced back for a moment as the group focused on the door of the bridge, though that was when one of the soldiers in the Frieza force opened the door and came to a stop, where he huffed for a few seconds before facing his boss, "I'm sorry, but Paragus has departed from the ship, along with Broly, Lumo, Cheelai, and one of our smaller ships... I'm afraid that he convinced them to take him and his son to Earth, where..."

"Where Vegeta's living." Beerus stated, as that seemed like the logical decision, because based on what he's heard so far it sounded like Paragus was bent on getting his revenge, even if it meant going against Frieza, who was offering him a chance to do some good with his life, and pitting his son against Vegeta, and maybe Goku as well.

"Great, another fight's coming our way." Bulma said, as she couldn't believe that her husband and one of her friends couldn't rest for more than a few weeks before another challenger found them, especially since she was hopeful that the Tournament of Power would have been it for awhile, before she focused on the screen, "Can you tell where the ship is heading, so we can intercept them when they land?"

"To the ice continent, where the seventh Dragon Ball rests." Frieza replied, where he noticed that Goku and Vegeta, at the very least, raised their eyebrows, since they weren't expecting him to say something like that, before he sighed as he focused on them once more, "I guess I might as well come clean, Bulma and I were planning on using two of the three wishes that Shenron can grant when the set were brought together, and I had set a small ship aside with coordinates to where the last one is located, to the best of our collective knowledge, but it seems that Paragus stole the ship that I was planning on using and is heading towards the ice continent."

"Then that's where we'll go." Goku stated, as while he knew that Bulma didn't want them to fight, since they were still recovering from the Tournament of Power and the battles they had been in, he had the feeling that there was going to be a fight once they arrived at their destination.

"I'll meet you there as soon as I can." Frieza said, showing that he wanted to stop this as well, which showed how much he had changed over the years, before the connection was terminated, allowing the group to decide on what they were doing, before they left for the ice continent.

The first thing the group did was change back into their normal attire, since it was clear that relaxing was no longer an option, before Bulma revealed that the other six Dragon Balls were back at her house, the Capsule Corp building, and that they might as well use the wish granting orbs while they were there, since they would have to find the seventh one before the battle started. As such Twilight offered to take Bulma and her daughter home, so they could gather the other six orbs and make sure Bra was safe, before teleporting to where the others were located, as Whis would be making sure that Goku and Vegeta arrived at the area Paragus and Broly would be landing in before their foes did. Once that was decided the group split into two and headed in different directions, where Whis' group headed towards the ice continent while Twilight, Bulma, and Bra headed back to the city, so they could get what they needed before they joined everyone else for the big fight. On the way there both Goku and Vegeta remained silent, as neither of them had any idea how strong Broly was, even though what little Frieza had said revealed that the emperor was impressed by his latent abilities, meaning that they might be in for the fight of their lives. Rainbow and Applejack were equally quiet, since they were curious as to what sort of power Broly possessed and if he could threaten the universe like King Vegeta originally believed, because if that was the case his fate was sealed, especially with their father joining them, but they would have to wait and see what happened when they arrived at their destination.

Fortunately it didn't take Whis long to get his group to the ice continent, where they touched down on the snow and ice that was below them and looked around for any signs of the missing Dragon Ball, though as they did that Applejack weaved her power into the air around them, creating a dome that kept them warm for the time being, even though she had the feeling that such a thing wouldn't last very long. A few minutes later Twilight and Bulma appeared inside the dome, with Bulma wearing a blue snowsuit that would keep her warm and the radar that allowed her to locate the wish granting orbs in hand, which she handed off to Goku, who flew off as he started scanning for the last orb. That also gave Twilight the chance to glance at the purple sack that they had brought with them, which contained the six Dragon Balls that Bulma had found before this point in time, though she was curious as to what sort of wish Bulma and Frieza were thinking of making on them when the set was completed and the dragon was summoned. While he was doing that, and was flying around the area they were in, Rainbow waved her own energy through the air and caused all the clouds to disperse, bringing light to the area they were in and giving them the chance to see Paragus' ship before it even touched down on the ground, which would allow them to prepare for his arrival with Broly.

It wasn't long before Goku returned with the four star Dragon Ball, the last in the set, which he handed over to Bulma so it would be safe once the battle started, though not even a moment later he and Vegeta turned their heads towards the sky, where a small spaceship, the type that belonged to Frieza, descended from the atmosphere and landed some distance in front of them... where an old man, who wore the armor that all of Frieza's soldiers wore, with a light purple robe, stepped out of the ship while a taller man, that had a suit of armor that looked like Tagoma's, stood behind him.

"So that's Paragus," Vegeta said, as he had to assume that the old Saiyan was the one that went by that name, and he figured he might as well confirm that fact since it appeared that a look of anger appeared in the old Saiyan's eyes as he looked at him, before he glanced at the other figure, "which means that's Broly."

"Sounds about right, and he's got incredible power," Goku remarked, which was when he glanced at the group that was behind them, because if this did break out into a fight he wanted them to be safe, and he could see that Whis and Beerus, at the very least, would ensure nothing happened to the others, before he and Vegeta separated themselves from the rest of their group.

"There's no mistaking it, you're Prince Vegeta." Paragus stated, waiting for the pair to get closer to where he and Broly were standing, while at the same time Lemo and Cheelai stayed aboard the ship that had brought them to this planet, as he no longer needed their assistance, not when the target of his revenge was standing near him, "Vegeta, I'll make you pay for what your father did, which was sending my son to that hostile world that he and I have been trapped on for the last forty years, with little hope of escaping until these kind strangers picked us up."

"Paragus, I know you're upset about the past, but we can be reasonable about this," Vegeta said, because he was going to try the one thing that usually never worked for anything, that being talking to the person they were going to fight in an attempt to get them to calm down, because Broly looked like he was getting upset and it was only a matter of time until he lashed out at something, or something, "Look, why don't we...."

"Nothing you say or do will stop me from having my revenge against you, for what your father did to us!" Paragus declared, where he could feel Broly getting ready, as the air behind him seemed different than what it had been moments ago and he could hear his son growling a little, all indications that the battle was about to start, to which he sighed for a second before focusing on his target, "Alright then! Broly! Do it!"

As soon as Paragus said those words Broly let loose a shout, or a roar of some kind, before bursting through the air as he sailed by his father, though just as Goku and Vegeta raised their arms to defend themselves Vegeta found that he was the one that was under attack, which made sense when he thought about it. He let himself be pushed backwards so they could get away from his friend and the others, though while he did that Broly flew after him, swinging his arms at the ground as he tried to punch Vegeta, who dodged the attacks like they were nothing as he looked for an opening to use against his foe, to end the fight before it truly got serious. Not even a second later he avoided another punch and then lashed out with his feet, sending Broly flying back a little, though interesting enough he dug his hands into the ground to stop himself from going flying into one of the peaks that surrounded the area they were in, only for him to charge towards his opponent once more. In the following seconds Vegeta could tell that, while his foe didn't seem to have any sort of training to speak of, against an actual opponent like him, that his speed and power were no laughing matter, which only made him curious as to what his foe was truly capable of, since he seemed to be adapting to fighting someone that wasn't his father, as he had to assume that Paragus was the one that taught Broly what he knew.

Vegeta then avoided the next attack by flipping backwards and touched his hands on the ground behind him, where he lashed out with his feet for a moment, stunning Broly for a second, before spinning around and hit his foe in the side with his leg, where the force knocked his foe away and caused him to chase after him. Broly was quick to recover from that attack, though Vegeta caught up with him and the two of them moved towards one of the nearby peaks, where the collision of their powers caused small craters to form below where they were fighting, before Vegeta rushed into the air and discovered that Broly's speed wasn't to be underestimated, as he caught up with him not a second later. Broly then lashed out at him, allowing Vegeta to see that his foe's power was just like his speed, it was great and that it seemed to be getting stronger as time went by, before the two of them moved through the air and continued their battle, causing the air to shudder as they lashed out at each other. Vegeta considered that for a moment, as it seemed like Pure Progress all over again, but at the same time he blocked the next incoming attack and continued with his own attacks, all while making the wind rush away from the area that they were fighting in, showing the others just how strong Broly really was.

While all of this was going on Paragus was watching them, no doubt surprised by the power that Vegeta had access to, as a much larger Frieza Force ship appeared in the air near where he landed, though it didn't land as Frieza flew out of the ship and landed behind the Saiyan that had taken one of his ships, not to mention forced two of his soldiers to bring him and his son to Earth in the first place.

"Paragus, I'm very displeased with your actions," Frieza said, though as he approached the Saiyan that was his target, as he was going to determine a fitting punishment for Paragus when they were back in space, he noticed that Vegeta was in the middle of fighting Broly, and that Broly seemed to be holding his own at the moment.

"It doesn't matter, not when I'm about to have my revenge against King Vegeta by taking out his son!" Paragus stated, showing that he didn't care about anything else at the moment and that he was focused on watching Broly take care of Vegeta, even though he could tell that Vegeta was stronger than what he had assumed the King's son was.

Frieza glanced back at the battle and watched as Vegeta knocked Broly down to the ground at long last, but what was interesting was that Broly landed with his feet touching the snow, surrounded himself in a normal aura, and then burst into the air, getting behind Vegeta in a matter of seconds. Broly then smacked Vegeta away from him, which got Paragus excited that his revenge was about to come true, even though Frieza knew that the Saiyan Broly was fighting had more power than what was coursing through Broly's body at the moment, he was just studying his foe before he determined how far he was going to take this battle. That was when Vegeta and Broly threw their fists at each other and ended up locking hands as they stared at their foe, clearly trying to overpower the other with their sheer strength, though as that happened Vegeta let a small golden yellow aura surround his body for a moment, allowing him to separate Broly's attention from the battle for a second, before he headbutted him, allowing their arms to separate. In the following moment he loosed a punch that sent his foe flying through the air, right through one of the nearby peaks, until Broly was able to dig his hands into the ground to stop moving, allowing him to growl as he raised his head and followed Vegeta's movements as he touched down on top of the peak closest to his foe.

As Broly looked at him, however, Vegeta focused his mind and ascended to the level of Super Saiyan, allowing the sheer power of such a thing to smash the top of the icy peak he was standing on to pieces, which remained floating in the air for a second before they evaporated into nothingness.

"What is that?" Paragus asked, as he had never seen anything like it before, though at the same time he took a step backwards as he stared at Vegeta, because now it seemed like his quest for revenge ws going to fall short, especially if his target had a transformation to use against his son.

"The first transformation a Saiyan can utilize, the Super Saiyan of legend." Frieza replied, though at the same time he knew the fear that Paragus was feeling, as he had felt the same thing when he fought against both Goku and Vegeta on the old Planet Namek, when they both unlocked this level of power, but right now he hoped that this would convince the old Saiyan to renounce his quest and reign his son in, before something terrible happened.

As Paragus considered what was going on, that Vegeta would be able to tap into a power that was mentioned in the legends of his people, Broly burst into the air and rushed behind his foe, who didn't even react at all this time, but as Broly moved to attack Vegeta moved out of the way and then raised his fist towards his shoulder, hitting Broly in the face with enough force to knock him away from where he had been floating. Broly regained himself and rushed at Vegeta, clearly intending to smash him into the ground or something, but before he could even cross the distance he found that Vegeta had done it for him, and that Vegeta was in the process of kicking him down to the ground, only to follow after him so they could continue the battle. Broly crashed into the ground, breaking some of the ice around him in the process, before Vegeta caught up with him and knocked him to the side with another punch, before the two of them continued to throw a number of attacks at each other, though the only difference was that this time Broly couldn't hit Vegeta with his attacks, while at the same time Vegeta was able to overcome his foe's movements and got his attacks to hit their mark, tipping the battle in his favor. What caught some of the watchers off guard was the fact that, after being knocked around by Vegeta, Broly's power seemed to get larger and he rushed back into the battle, hitting Vegeta in the stomach and sent him flying into the side of one of the peaks, before punching him all the way through the peak itself and then forced him out into the open air once more.

Whis focused on Broly for a few moments, as the Saiyan was in the middle of turning the tables on Vegeta, who was now flying away as his foe fired an impressive volley of green ki blasts at him, before coming to the decision that this battle was either allowing Broly to quickly develop his latent abilities, or he also had access to a lesser version of Pure Progress, but he was leaning more towards latent abilities this time around... though it wasn't long before Vegeta flew into the air, where his aura caught on fire and he reached the level of Super Saiyan God, with the red hair and the red aura.

Vegeta, now channeling the power of Super Saiyan God, the fourth transformation he and Goku had access to, took the opportunity that Broly presented when he paused, to stare at his fiery aura and his red hair, which was when he loosed a few transparent ki blasts at Broly. The first few hit their target with little effort, though the last one in the set Broly actually pushed into the peak that was below him, shattering the area that he would have been knocked into, before rushing back towards the area that Vegeta was floating in, and the fact that his fist was in motion meant that the battle was going to continue. Those that knew of the power of the Super Saiyan God form watched as Vegeta effortlessly dodged the incoming attacks like they were nothing, while at the same time Broly was clearly sweating as he tried to catch up with him, each of his punches missing their mark as Vegeta moved his body to avoid them. Eventually Vegeta caught the next punch with his left hand and stopped Broly from attacking again, before punching him with his right fist, which sent Broly flying through several of the icy peaks, smashing his way through them, only to come to a stop halfway embedded in one that rested near a small body of water.

"I had no idea that Prince Vegeta had developed as much as he has." Paragus commented, though now he was feeling the sting of defeat, as there was no way that Broly could stand up to that level of power, not without getting himself killed in the process, which meant he would need to call off this fight and retreat while they still had time.

"Well, he and Son Goku have had their fair share of fights over the years," Frieza said, as that was the truth, that the two Saiyans had a number of interesting battles that they had taken part in, from the battle on the old Planet Namek to the Tournament of Power, and they were more than capable of defending their planet from whatever evil force might come their way in the future.

What happened next was also interesting, as Paragus seemed to realize that Broly wasn't done fighting and started to call out to him, basically pleading for his son to calm down so the fighting could stop, but, at the same time, Broly growled as the air around him seemed to heat up, which caused some of the ice around him to melt and evaporate before Vegeta's eyes, as he was floating close to where Broly was resting. As Broly started to shake and cover one of his eyes, however, Paragus discovered that the remote that allowed him to stop all of this was gone, no doubt stolen by Cheelai when he wasn't looking, but there was nothing he could do as the sheer power that Broly was putting out cracked the peak he was standing on and sent him into the icy cold water below him. Vegeta floated there for a moment, unsure of what was going on this time wasn't something he was used to seeing, before a whirlpool developed before his eyes, one that smashed all of the ice around it to pieces and sunk them, no doubt converting it all into more water, only for a yellow beam of energy to burst out of the water and dispersed all of the liquid around the area. That allowed him and Goku to gaze down into the heart of the whirlpool, where they found Broly floating above the eye of the storm, with what appeared to be a green aura of some kind around his body, before he loosed a roar that caused the whirlpool to transform into waves that were being pushed away from where he was floating... and, unless the pair was mistaken, not only did Broly's muscles look bigger than they were moments ago, but his energy had spiked as well.

Eventually the water calmed down, much like Broly's aura had, but as he floated up to level himself with Vegeta, and to get away from the water, Vegeta and Goku noticed that he was still shaking, like something was wrong with him, before Broly lifted his head and opened his mouth... where he charged an impressive ball of energy for a few seconds, one that he loosed at Vegeta, only to miss as the pair got out of the way, so they could watch as the ki blast smashed through one peak, the top of a second, and then exploded in the air, with a large blast that worried them for a moment.

"I'm pretty sure that would have wiped out the whole ice continent if it hit the ground." Goku commented, though at the same time he rubbed his head for a moment, because he and Vegeta had known that Broly had to be incredibly powerful, something they determined when he stepped off his ship, but this just showed them that he was far stronger than they originally believed him to be.

Vegeta was fortunate that Whis and Twilight had weaved a barrier around them and the rest of the group, who were watching from the air, because that could have seriously hurt someone if they were caught on the outskirts of the blast zone, before he surrounded himself with his aura and charged at Broly so he could see just how strong he had gotten thanks to his power boost. What he wasn't expecting was for his attack to do nothing as he punched Broly in the face, where he just stood there for a few moments and glared at him, showing that whatever he had done allowed him to withstand his punch, before Broly punched him and sent him backwards through the air. From there the two of them rushed through the air above the ice continent, as Goku followed after them, though it quickly became clear that Broly's strength was far stronger than what he had been using moments ago, before his power crushed the area around him and created a whirlpool, and this time it appeared that Vegeta might be the one struggling this time around. That became true when Broly hit him through one of the peaks and smashed it down, where Vegeta flipped backwards and touched down on the ground, though as he came to a stop, and glanced at the peak that Broly was landing on, he noticed that his friend was standing nearby and nodded his head, as it was time for them to switch positions.

"Hey, Broly!" Goku said, causing Broly to stop what he was doing and glance at the area that Goku was standing in at the moment, which was away from where Vegeta was standing, because if he could distract Broly there was a chance that his friend could get some energy back before rejoining the battle, "I think it's time you and I fought each other."

Broly growled as he turned towards Goku, who bounced a few time to get his muscles warmed up, before taking his battle stance, indicating that he was ready to engage their foe, though while he was doing all that Broly let his aura surround him for a few moments and some of his muscles enlarged even more, making the watchers wonder what in the world was going on. The instant they were both ready the two Saiyans burst into the air and rushed at their foe, where their fists connected in the middle of the area they were fighting in, letting the air shake for a moment before Broly went on the offensive as Goku defended himself, to get a better idea of what his foe was capable of for himself. What Goku discovered was that Broly's strength was definitely great, especially since he was forced backwards rather easily, and what was really interesting was that when he fired a Kamehameha at Broly, to put a dent in his advance, his foe flew to his left and avoided the attack entirely, showing him that his opponent was able to adapt rather quickly and that his skills in battle were still developing. As Broly continued to move, to get behind him, Goku launched a few ki blasts at his foe, where none of them seemed to do anything to his opponent, especially since he smashed the fifth one into pieces, before Broly launched a few of them at Goku in return, where he swung his arms to negate the attacks, which opened a hole in his defenses, one that Broly used against him and punched him in the side of his face, sending him flying through the air and forced him to collide with the face of an icy cliff.

Despite a crater forming due to that attack, a massive one that was larger than any of the other craters that had been formed since the battle started, Goku found himself moving through the cliff he had been thrown into and, at the same time, Broly rushed into the tunnel that had been made and chased him down. In fact the next two punches that came his way sent him flying out of the other side of the cliff that he had been thrown into, which was pretty big now that he was outside it again, though it wasn't there for much longer, not when Broly loosed a green pillar of energy that destroyed the top of the area and the tunnel they had been in, reducing the cliff to a ruined peak, just like some of the other peaks that he had been fighting Vegeta near. Upon seeing the power that his foe commanded for himself, and that it was still growing the more he fought, Goku went into his Super Saiyan state and rushed to meet Broly once more, where the pair collided right in the middle of the new area that they were fighting in, the power of their attacks also causing the air to shudder as they moved around and either blocked an incoming attack or lashed out with their own. Goku then spent the next minute trying to regain the advantage, as he dodged incoming attacks to the best of his ability, tried to knock Broly backwards, and even tried another Kamehameha, one that he didn't even get a chance to charge before he was thrown away from where his foe was.

It wasn't until Broly knocked him into the air, and then back down to the ground to form another massive crater, that Goku decided enough was enough and, when he dodged the next incoming attack, he summoned his power and accessed the Super Saiyan God form... which allowed him to grab Broly's arm, during the next punch, and direct it into the ground, before jumping away and gathering his power, because when his foe charged at him again he loosed a ring of energy that stalled Broly, almost like he was freezing him in place.

"Broly, we know you aren't the bad guy here," Goku commented, as they had seen a number of villains show up on this planet over the years, especially Frieza at one point, and he could tell, just from studying Broly and how he moved, that a part of him didn't want this and that he wanted the fight to be over, "you don't have to listen to what your father says, because he clearly doesn't know the real you, who prefers to make friends with the various creatures and people of a planet, instead of being a tool of revenge. Just calm down and we can settle things without hurting anyone."

For a moment it actually seemed like Broly was going to listen, that he was going to calm down and end the fight before someone got seriously hurt, but that was when his anger returned and he burst out of Goku's technique, only for his aura to do the same thing to him, as if he was copying the paralysis technique, allowing him to punch Goku right in the side of the face. Instead of going flying this time, like he had been forced to do so far, Goku remained standing there as the green aura broke apart, allowing him to grab onto Broly's outstretched arm and heave him over his head, which was when he slammed him into the ground, cracking both the area around them and a vast portion of the ice continent at the same time, which caused Paragus to stagger as Cheelai had their small ship fly into the air, to get some distance between them and the fight that was raging at the moment. Once the shaking was done Broly forced himself to stand and his green aura returned, much larger than it had been moments ago, and Goku waited until it was gone before flying at his foe once more, where he quickly determined that Broly must have adapted to a new level of power again, as he was quick to follow him as he moved around the wrecked area they were fighting in.

What Goku discovered what that whatever level of power Broly had reached was quickly becoming stronger that Super Saiyan God, as his speed and power was catching up to his own, and soon Goku had to go on the defensive as he considered going Blue, before he was slammed into the ground and was forced to roll out of the way to avoid being stomped on by his foe. When he put some distance between them, and Broly had to refocus on where he had gone, Goku decided to try one more move and raised his right hand into the air for a moment, forming a sphere of energy like he did when he was charging one of his other attacks, and then rushed forward so he could slam the attack into Broly. The only problem with that was that Broly caught the attack with his left hand and crushed it instantly, before grabbing onto Goku's hand and pulled him in, allowing him to let go and swiftly switch to holding his left leg, which allowed Broly to swing him through the air and crush him into the ground a number of time, like he was trying to crush Goku's body or something, while leaving no opening for Goku to free himself. As that happened part of Goku's gi was ripped off, no doubt from some of the jagged fragments of the area around them, before Broly picked him up by his head and slammed him into a wall made of ice, one that he proceeded to push him through for a few moments, before finally letting go of him as he tossed him into the air and let him fly for a second, only to crash on the ground seconds later.

As Broly roared, no doubt believing that he had won and that he could finally calm down, Goku coughed as he pushed himself back onto his feet, causing his foe to look at him again, which was the moment that Vegeta landed next to him and the two of them, at the same time, pushed themselves into their final form, Super Saiyan Blue, while at the same time they both knew that this wasn't a foe that they could fight alone.

Interestingly enough Broly didn't seem to care if he was fighting one opponent or two, as the moment Goku and Vegeta started to fight him together he charged at them first, where their fists collided with Broly's in the middle of the area that they were standing in, but his strength was close to their own, allowing him to knock them backwards just a few seconds after that happened. It was hard to tell who Broly wanted to go after, since both of them had fought him once already, and his next attack caused them to move apart for the briefest of moments, giving him the chance to rush after Goku in an attempt to pound him into the ground again. Goku, not wanting that to happen again, loosed a beam of energy that slammed into Broly's chest and sent him flying towards the nearby peak, allowing Vegeta to return to his side as they rushed towards the area that their foe had been knocked into, knowing that it was only a matter of time until he burst out of the peak and came at them. It was then that they discovered that Broly had gotten into the air and hadn't slammed into the area that they thought he had been knocked into, meaning his power now allowed him to get around events like that, before they collided with him in the middle of the air, the collision of their energies causing an explosion to rock the entire area around them, before Broly sent them flying down through the ground.

What they found under the icy ground, at least in this part of the ice continent, was a massive amount of magma that seemed to be Broly's destination, even if he discovered it's existence at the same time the pair did, before Goku and Vegeta used their power and loosed a powerful ki blast at him, knocking him through the ground and sent him back up into the air above the continent. When the pair rushed after Broly, so they could see what was going to happen next and plan their next attack, they found Broly charging a massive sphere of green energy above his head, one that was causing the ice around them to break apart from the sheer power he was drawing into his attack. Moments later Broly sent the sphere downwards, forcing Goku and Vegeta to stand their ground, though it quickly became clear that it wasn't going to be stopped by just their hands, which was why they abandoned the fight against the orb and rushed around it, so they could get to Broly before he realized what they were doing. The sphere of energy vanished the moment it hit the ground below them, though a pillar of green energy followed it and then the area aroun them cracked and shattered, changing from an icy environment to one that was filled with fire, smoke, and lava, while at the same time demonstrating the sheer power that their foe commanded.

Once they had seen the destruction that Broly was able to cause, with just one attack, the pair rushed at him and they burst around the air, attacking their foe from all directions as they looked for an opening to use against him, though while all that was happening Vegeta noticed Paragus pull his ray gun, like he was going to fire at one of them, only to turn it on himself and pulled the trigger, ending his own life in seconds.

Of course that was the moment that Broly noticed that Vegeta was glancing at something else, which was when he followed Vegeta's gaze and he froze as he spotted his father resting against the ground, not moving at all at the moment, and a few seconds later he collapsed on the ground. The sight was more than enough to cause Broly's mind to break, as his green aura surged around his body as his hands went to his head, where Goku and Vegeta backed away from him and readied themselves for what was coming next, because they knew that losing someone close to them had been the key to awakening the Super Saiyan form and Paragus, seeing that such a form was possible, had decided to take his own life so Broly could awaken that power as well, to get his revenge on Vegeta for what his father did all those years ago. Not even a few seconds later, as he was screaming in sorrow, the air changed colors a few times, reminding the pair of what happened when Kale came into her power during the tournament, before a massive pillar of dark green energy engulfed him and surged towards the atmosphere, though inside it the pair could see Broly floating there, with his hair pushed up in the Super Saiyan manner, meaning this fight was about to get that much more difficult for them.

What came next was that Broly floated high above their heads and the pillar surrounded him, forming a sphere of energy around his body, before he started loosing a number of ki blasts that rained down on the entire ruined continent, showing that, in his rage and sorrow, that he was losing control of his power and that everyone was a target, regardless of who they were. Simply dodging the ki blasts only got them so much and hitting the blasts, to prevent them from taking any damage from what Broly was doing, actually tore bits of their attire to pieces, as Goku lost the rest of his chest portion of his gi and Vegeta's gloves started to fall apart immediately, before Broly's sphere expanded twice and he threw it down at where they were standing. Oddly enough the attack, which the pair avoided, didn't totally wreck the area around them like the rest of their foe's attacks had done, and when they rushed at him again, so they could get the upperhand, Broly revealed that his new strength prevented their attacks from doing anything to him and that he was more than capable of grabbing onto them and tossing them around like they were nothing, even loosing a number of ki blasts into the immediate area around him, blasting them backwards with his sheer power. The pair realized that an opening might have been revealed and rushed around the area to get into position, where they combined the Kamehameha and the Galick Gun into a combination attack that rushed to where Broly was standing, only for him to gather some ki above his hands and smash through their beam like it was nothing.

As they flew around the area, to put some distance between them and Broly, there was a bright golden light from the area behind them, which was the moment that Frieza, in his Golden form, rushed at their foe and knocked him backwards for a moment, before glancing at the pair and called for them to do the Fusion Dance while they had time, before heading after Broly to give them time to make Gogeta. Goku, knowing that Broly was powerful and that they didn't have a lot of time until their foe turned towards them again, made sure he and Vegeta were near Rainbow and the others, before using his Instant Transmission to go to where Piccolo, who was apparently near Korin's tower, was standing by, as he was sure to have some Senzu Beans for the pair, before returning seconds later. He handed one of the beans over to Vegeta, where the pair ate the beans and restored both their bodies and their energy, before putting some distance between them as they prepared to do the Fusion Dance, since Frieza was right, it was the only technique they had left, short of asking either Rainbow or Beerus to wreck Broly for them. A few seconds later the pair made the motions that were required for them to fuse, motions that they perfected during the years of training they had been through, where Goku and Vegeta were enveloped in a bright light for a few seconds, the sign that the technique was successful, before the light faded and Gogeta, in his base form since the pair had powered down after Frieza had jumped in, emerged from where the pair had been standing moments ago.

Once that was done, and his energy had settled down, Gogeta rushed forward and put himself between Broly and Frieza, where their friend backed away with a smile on his face while Broly growled as Gogeta took his battle stance, but when Gogeta said 'go' the two of them burst into the air and started their battle. The first thing that happened was that Broly loosed a storm of ki blasts at Gogeta, who ducked and weaved through the air as he avoided the attacks that were coming his way, allowing the volley of blasts to crash into the ground below them as they moved to another area of the ruined continent. Explosions followed after him as Gogeta rushed into the air, which was the moment where he spun around and swung his hands at the next couple of ki blasts, knocking them out of the air entirely and prevented them from detonating, though once that was done he pushed himself into his own Super Saiyan form, where Broly did punch him in the side of the face, but this time, unlike when this happened to Goku and Vegeta, Gogeta was pushed back just a tiny bit and then rushed at his foe, where the force of his punch knocked Broly backwards. The two of them then got close and personal again, where their fists collided in the middle of the area that they were fighting in, before Gogeta loosed an uppercut that staggered Broly for a moment, but when he regained himself Gogeta weaved his hands in front of his body for a moment and directed the attack away from him, before punching Broly in the chest and then spun around to kick the side of his head, sending him flying down towards the ground.

As that happened, and Broly started to force himself back onto his feet, Gogeta gathered his ki and loosed a large storm of ki blasts down at where his foe was resting, wrecking the area around Broly in the process, before he surrounded himself with a green aura, to stop the blasts from hitting him, and then rushed into the air, where the two of them rushed around the area they were in and continued throwing punches at each other. Interestingly enough, when Gogeta started to charge up a Kamehameha, Broly gathered his power into his hands and fired the same type of attack at the same time, where the two beams collided in the middle of the area that they were fighting in, only for the entire area around them to shatter like it was made of glass, dragging them into a strange dimension in the process. Gogeta, while surprised by what rested around them, rushed at Broly and swung at him a few times, and when he was knocked backwards he rushed at his foe again, only this time coming in upside down, a tactic that his foe wasn't expecting, which allowed him to get a few well placed punches in before he knocked Broly backwards through the air. That was when Broly's aura flared to life once more and his armor shattered before Gogeta's eyes, though this time his hair turned green, reminding Gogeta of Kale once more, and when he started attacking his foe again he noticed that Broly's strength had been boosted again, as a punch to his chest was all he needed to understand the power his foe possessed, especially since he slammed into what could be a peak and broke it as Broly charged at him again.

When Broly knocked him away, however, Gogeta took the chance that was offered to him and pushed himself into his Super Saiyan Blue form, allowing him to hit Broly and knock him backwards again, as well as push him around the area that they were apparently trapped in, before avoiding the ki blasts that came flying at him, which eventually resulted in the two of them rushing at each other and let their fists collide, shattering the area around them and letting them return to the ruined area they had been fighting in earlier.

As Broly landed on the ground and growled, showing that his mind was still mostly gone since he was consumed by his anger and his sorrow, Gogeta noticed that, as he shifted into his battle stance again, the small ship that Paragus had ben riding in had landed near Frieza and the others, who were safely watching from a stone pillar that Whis had landed on, no doubt because Cheelai and Lemo were concerned for their friend and were trying to get Frieza to do something that didn't involve Broly being hurt or killed. Broly took that chance and rushed at Gogeta, his feet creating small foot sized holes in the ground as he moved, and when he got close to his target he lashed out with his foot, like he was trying to stomp Gogeta into the rocks below him, only for Gogeta to move out of the way and get behind his foe, prompting Broly to turn towards him as he gathered power into his right hand. Gogeta expected something like that to happen, hence the reason that he swung his left hand in an upwards fashion, allowing his ki to form a reflective barrier that sent Broly's blast back at his face, creating some smoke that shrouded Gogeta's movements for a moment, which was all he needed so he could spin around and kick Broly in the face, which stunned him in the process. Gogeta used that chance to land on the ground some distance in front of his foe and charged two ki blasts in front of his hands, while also running at Broly, who regained himself and loosed a beam of ki energy at the ground, kicking up flames and smoke as he tried to hurt Gogeta or stop him from doing anything, which only gave Gogeta the opening he was looking for as he jumped over the smoke, spun around, and then landed some distance behind his foe.

Gogeta swung his arms and sent the ki blasts at Broly, allowing them to detonate the moment they came into contact with his foe's back, before loosing a volley of powerful ki blasts at his target, causing Broly to scream as the attacks struck him, though that was when Gogeta raised his hand and formed a Stardust Breaker above it, one that he hurled at Broly and consumed him in a pillar of rainbow colored energy before exploding... but, just like when he used it against Kefla, it was more about weakening his foe than outright killing them.

While he waited for Broly to emerge from the smoke, however, Gogeta watched as the sky darkened and turned his head towards where Bulma was standing, where he spotted her and the others, including Cheelai and Lemo, standing over the Dragon Balls, which were glowing at the moment, indicating that they might be planning on using one of the wishes to save Broly from his power. Of course that was when Broly let out another sorrowful scream as the smoke and flames from the Stardust Breaker disappeared, which was aided by his aura coming to life again, before Broly rushed at where Gogeta was standing, only for Gogeta to dodge the incoming attack and then kicked Broly in the side of his head, knocking him away from where he was standing. Broly then decided to charge some ki above his right hand and then fired a large beam of energy at Gogeta, who rushed at the beam and flew around it in a spiral formation, which allowed him to avoid the attack entirely as he reached his foe's hand, where he punched Broly in the face and sent him flying through the air, only to follow up with a barrage of punches that revealed that he was dominating this battle. One of the attacks caused the pair to break away from each other, landing in the same area as they faced each other, but Gogeta moved quicker than Broly did and summoned his aura, and when Broly lashed out with another punch he blocked it, which resulted in the collision of their powers being transferred into the ground, causing it to be torn apart as it transformed into a molten area again.

Gogeta, despite seeing that happen, went on the offensive again and his attacks caused Broly to stagger every time he was struck, though at the same time bits of his energy latched onto his foe, so when he punched his foe in the chest a few seconds later he flipped backwards and kicked Broly into the air, before crossing his arms and then loosed a massive explosion that rocked the area they happened to be fighting in... though as the two of them landed, however, he noticed that Shenron, who Bulma had summoned, was glowing and that Broly seemed to have paused at last.

"Broly, have you calmed down?" Gogeta asked, because if his foe was still trapped in his sorrowful state, and was focused on destroying whoever opposed him, then he would be forced to end the battle by using an incredibly powerful Kamehameha, one that would ruin his foe and potentially kill him, something he'd rather avoid.

"Y... yes... somehow..." Broly replied, where he lifted his head and showed Gogeta that his eyes had returned, as they had been completely white since he was pushed into his Super Saiyan form, which was when he huffed for a few seconds and his body shrank, reverting to his base form at long last.

"It was Cheelai's doing." a voice said, to which Gogeta turned his head and found that Twilight had separated herself from the rest of the group, while at the same time she glanced back at the group that was standing near the Dragon Balls, as it appeared that Bulma and Frieza were thinking about their wishes, "She used the first of Shenron's wishes to give Broly some level of control over his powers, if even for a moment so he could calm down, in the hopes that you would spare him, because he doesn't want to fight and this was all forced upon him by his father."

"I see." Gogeta replied, though both Goku and Vegeta had determined that Broly was innocent, and that was further proven based on how little damage the Stardust Breaker had done to him, so it was easy for Gogeta to come to the same conclusion that the warriors that made him had come to during their fight, "Still, someone needs to train Broly so he can control his powers, without this sort of thing happening again in the future, but something tells me that we'll have to figure that out later."

What Gogeta was referring to was the fact that Broly was technically a member of the Frieza Force, meaning that it was up to Frieza to determine what to do about his lack of control over his powers, but at the same time Gogeta helped Broly onto his feet and brought him over to where the others were standing. In that moment they all discovered what sort of wishes Bulma and Frieza had been planning on making on the Dragon Balls, as Bulma's desire was to restore her youth by aging her body back by five years, making her look younger than what she had been a few moments ago, mostly so she could keep up with the fact that Vegeta barely aged at all. Frieza's wish, on the other hand, came as a shock to some of the group, as his desire was to naturally increase his height over a number of years, as it appeared that he really didn't like what his height was in his first and final forms, as those were the ones effected by his wish, and since he was around five feet two inches at the moment he was shooting for being six feet tall. It was strange since many of the people that knew him expected him to use this chance to ask for immortality, the one thing he desired more than anything, and he simply shrugged and said that he'd get that wish another day, though once all three of their wishes had been granted Shenron bid them farewell and burst into the air, where the seven Dragon Balls scattered once more, just like they did whenever this happened in the past, and the dark sky disappeared, letting the light return at last.

Now that the fight was over, and Broly had been saved from what Paragus wanted him to do, frieza powered down and returned to his final form, where he pulled Cheelai and Lemo aside, as they were the ones that Broly trusted and it seemed appropriate for them to continue helping him get used to society, and maybe a life without having to fight anyone if that was the path he chose to walk. Gogeta assured Frieza that he would be willing to help Broly master his power, as both Goku and Vegeta, while they noticed that Beerus and Whis separated themselves from the group so they could talk to the scepter for a moment, though who they were talking to none of them knew, but Rainbow guessed it had to be Vados, to see if they might get Kale to help Broly master his power. She had no idea if Champa would allow such a thing, given his past with Beerus, but she had to admit that it would be interesting to see Kale teaching Broly how to gain control of his immense power, so they could use it to defend Universe 7 and the planets that Beerus and Shin watched over... but she knew that time would reveal the outcome of the conversation and what happened next.

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