• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Interlude: Final Training

After being told that the fate of their universe was at stake, choosing who was going to be on the team to represent their universe in the upcoming tournament, and being told that it might be in their best interests to make sure they weren't rusty by doing some final training, Sombra and Yoruichi were the first ones to leave the castle. Sombra was sure that there wasn't much either of them could do to make him more ready for what laid ahead of them, since they had been doing as much training as they could over the last six months, but at the same time there was something he could do to boost his already incredible power. The problem was that he didn't think Urahara would be happy to hear that he was using the item like the villain that had stolen it in the past, that he had ripped it out of, used it, but at the same time, since the fate of the universe was riding on what he and the others did, he was hoping that his friend would approve of what he was doing. At the same time he looked up at the area that he was heading towards, which was away from Ponyville and happened to be some sort of training area that was no longer in use thanks to the school that Twilight had built, but for right now this area was good enough for what he had in mind.

"So, Sombra, what are we doing out here?" Yoruichi asked, because she knew that Sombra had to be thinking about how he was going to spend the time he and the others had been given, but at the same time it could be incredibly simple, like he was just planning on doing nothing but enjoying himself and seeing his home planet again, even if she knew that was a ridiculous thought in the first place.

"This." Sombra replied, to which he gathered his power for a moment and knocked on the air in front of him, where he watched as a large circular door, made out of steel and decorated with gemstones, formed in the space that rested in front of them, one that he gently pushed open and revealed his study area and the treasury of stolen items that he'd have to find time to return at some point in the future.

"Your private study? What could you possibly need from it?" Yoruichi inquired, as she understood that a number of the treasures that rested on the other side of the door had belonged to enemies he had conquered, and some of them seemed to be prizes from the Crystal Empire that he had yet to return, and she didn't approach the door, as only Sombra was allowed into this area, as anyone else got bashed back by whatever magic had gone into making the door.

She would have said more, as she was curious as to what Sombra had planned, but then her eyes widened for a few seconds as Sombra walked over to the pedestal that was in the middle of the treasury, where a familiar small bluish-purple colored orb floated, one that Urahara had made and had been stolen by Aizen, only for Sombra to rip the orb out of the villain's chest and store it inside this area.

"The Hogyoku." Sombra answered, to which he held his hand out and the orb floated over to him, as it knew that he was the strongest mortal being on the world that it was created on and that he needed it for something important, before it came to a stop above his hand, allowing him to turn back towards Yoruichi, "I'm going to spend most of my time meditating, getting to know and understand the power of the Hogyoku on a level that is beyond my current level of understanding, since all I have is the information Urahara and Aizen gave me, and see if I can't integrate it's power into my own body, since I have the feeling that we'll need every advantage we can get."

It was an interesting idea, since the only users of the item had channeled the power for different ends, though while Urahara had used it to free some Shinigami and turn them into Visored, to prevent them from turning into Hollows and killing more Shinigami, Aizen had used it to try and take over the Soul King's palace, even though he was stopped before he could make the key to get there. Urahara had only used it the one time, before sealing it away and trying to forget about it, while Aizen had subjugated the Hogyoku and forced it to serve him, in a manner of speaking, but hearing that Sombra wanted to understand the orb told her that he was trying something different, and she suspected that it would bare good results for him and everyone else. While she thought about that Sombra walked out of his private study and closed the door behind him, allowing it to disappear as quickly as it arrived, leaving no trace that it was even there to begin with, but before he did anything else he glanced behind Yoruichi, who turned around and found that Rarity had followed them outside the castle.

"Sombra, there is something I need to ask you." Rarity said, though at the same time she knew that the King of Hueco Mundo knew what she was talking about, even if she hadn't said anything yet, and she was being hopeful in thinking that he'd help her out.

"Really?" Sombra asked, to which he recalled what he had seen of her six months ago, when they were battling Sunset and showing off their true powers, before he remembered what he had seen, causing him to turn back to her with a slight smile on his face, "Ah yes, now I remember. During your adventure, in the world of Drangelic I believe you said it was, you learned how to tap into the power of Dark Magic, for the sake of saving the place you had been sent to, and you have tried to harness the power on your own... but, seeing the progress that you've made so far, I can tell that the reason you have come to see me is to learn more about your new powers and hopefully master some new skills before the Tournament of Power starts."

"That's correct." Rarity stated, as she was getting used to the fact that all Sombra needed was a little bit of knowledge and he was able to figure out what someone was trying to tell him, or what they were trying to hide, and both Celestia and Luna told her it was something was he was good at, "You're the only pony, be it transformed or displaced, that has a level of understanding in Dark Magic that surpasses what everyone else knows, including the knowledge that the Royal Sisters and I possess. Can you teach me more about Dark Magic, and the powers that I unlocked during my adventure?"

Sombra thought about it for a moment, as to most it would seem impossible to do two things at the same time, but the reality of the situation was that he was someone that generally did impossible things, to which his magic fluxed for a moment and his shadow came to life, causing Rarity to look at him and his shadow for a few moments, before jumping a second later as several shadow walls formed around the three of them.

"Rarity, I will use my shadow to help you train." Sombra said, though while this would split his focus for some time, and his power as well, it would allow Rarity to start learning what he felt that she needed to know before they gathered together and headed out for the tournament, "Now, it will move like me, act like me, and talk in my voice, so just think of it as me and follow it's instructions to the letter, as wielding Dark Magic is no joke and you'll find that learning everything you need will take some time... and don't worry about going all out, as the barrier I have placed around us will prevent any stray attacks from flying out and damaging the area around us.

"I understand." Rarity replied, to which she jumped backwards for a moment and raised her fists, showing that she was ready for whatever Sombra had in mind for her, though at the same time she knew that her defenses needed to be up, especially since her training partner was the King of Darkness, hence the reason why the strands of Dark Magic started to emit from her eyes.

One thing she had discovered about her Dark Magic abilities was that if she let her instincts take over she could dodge any of her opponent's attacks quite easily, during her previous adventure anyway, but right now that was the only power that she had, not counting the magic from Drangelic, that could help her against her training partner. Not even a moment later Sombra's shadow charged at her, swing it's fists in her direction, but when she dodged the attack she realized that either her teacher's skill had decreased due to wanting to do two things at the same time, or he was testing her base skills against his own, before powering up to the next level. Of course she ended up being partially correct in her thoughts, as the moment she thought about what the shadow could be doing it increased it's speed, this time forcing her to defend herself with her arms and legs as she blocked the incoming attacks, but even then she had to be careful, as the dodging aspect of her Dark Magic wasn't up to dealing with someone of Sombra's level, hence the reason behind them training out here. Rarity did also incorporate her spells into the mix, sometimes throwing a screaming sphere through a portal to hit her foe from behind, where the shadow would redirect it towards the walls, while other times hurling Soul Arrows in the direction of her opponent, but regardless of which spell she used she did notice that they never made it passed the walls that Sombra had summoned for their training session.

Even the shadow's spells, which used the darkness around them to do whatever the creature wanted and even tried to stop her with the gravity orb type spell Sombra used against Sunset during their battle, were taken out by the barrier if they missed her, meaning it was safe to dodge them, but even then Rarity had to cough as the shadow punched her in the stomach and knocked her backwards, as she knew this was going to be much harder than she thought it would be, and that she couldn't afford to get distracted as she refocused on her foe.

"She's not bad in what she's learned so far." Yoruichi commented, though she stood near Sombra, where the two of them were shielded by a Kido spell, Bakudo Number 81: Danku, which had formed a large transparent barrier in front of where they were standing, showing that Sombra's skills with the Kido spells was as strong as it had been six months ago, before she turned towards him, "Do you think this training session will be enough to help her?"

"One of the things I did, when I was first learning about Dark Magic, was train against my shadow," Sombra replied, as having a powerful foe that was equal to his own power had allowed him to master the spells he had been taught at a decent pace, or frightening depending on who someone asked, which in turn lead to the downfall of the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago, before he pushed the memory away, "This will help her understand her own powers and, by watching what my shadow does, will also allow her to observe the other skills and techniques that a user of Dark Magic can acquire if they are willing to put in the time and effort to learn them. We don't have anywhere near the amount of time it would take for me to impart everything I know about Dark Magic to her, so we'll have to settle for her learning the essentials and strengthening her defensive skill... and then we can see how many offensive techniques she's managed to pick up from training with my shadow."

Yoruichi had to admit that this seemed like an interesting type of training, especially since they were talking about Dark Magic, but at the same time she knew that Rarity had the potential to be a strong user of this type of magic, giving her another power to the four types of magic she learned during her adventure. While she thought about that Sombra had the Hogyoku float in the air for a few moments as he pulled off his jacket and his shirt, revealing his Hollow hole where his heart was supposed to be, where he slipped the orb into the hole and let it float in the center of his being, before he took a seat, closed his eyes, and started to meditate. Normally one would assume that doing something like this, when that person's shadow was currently doing something else, would result in the shadow losing power or the barriers falling apart, but as the seconds ticked by Yoruichi found that she had been right in her thoughts, as Sombra's shadow was lashing out at Rarity with his base power and the barriers were still in position. That became more true when she felt the air around Sombra vibrate for a moment, though she couldn't feel his power at all, because as the Dios Hueco, the Hollow God, no one in the world they lived in could feel his reiatsu, making it nearly impossible to find him if he went off somewhere on his own, and the Hollows and Arrancar only had a faint idea where he might be since Hueco Mundo's vibrations told them where he could be located.

Despite all of that she could see the strands of Dark Magic lingering around Sombra's eyes, showing that he was deep in his meditation already and that he wasn't to be disturbed, and, at the same time, she found bluish-purple strands of energy coming from the Hogyoku, telling her that Sombra was speaking to whatever spirit or soul the object had.

"It seems like Sombra and Rarity have begun their training," Trixie commented, as she could feel the Dark Magic in the air, something that she was used to thanks to the fact that Lyra had accessed the power as well and used it for a long time, before acquiring her true power, before she turned back to her wagon.

"Yeah, it sure seems like it." Lyra replied, because she had been staring in the direction that Trixie had been looking in the entire time, though because of the dark square barrier that Sombra had set up it was impossible to tell what was going on between the two of them, before she shrugged and followed Trixie, "So, what is it that you wanted to ask me? I'm assuming that it's something you don't want the others to hear or see, since we're at your wagon."

Trixie nodded her head and waved her hand a little, activating part of the spell that she had woven into her wagon some time ago, because when the door opened they found themselves in a large cave that had three separate areas that they could be in, one being a large cave area for her to sleep in, the second being a more Equestrian style home, and the third was a mage tower, in the style of the ones she had seen in Azeroth. As the two of them entered the dimension they had stepped into, and closed the door behind them, Trixie glanced at the tower section and found a light blue elemental, made out of pure arcane energy that was still bound to a special staff, turning towards the door, but then ignored them as they moved towards the center of the dimension. Her wagon acted like a portal to a separate dimension, hence the reason she activated the spell before hand, because if she didn't use the spell she would have opened her ordinary wagon and they could have sat down to talk about things, but right now there was something she needed Lyra to do for her and this was the best place for them to do so. This was also the first time she had actually let anyone come into this area, since she had been keen on keeping this to herself, but since the fate of their universe was at stake she figured that now was the perfect time to invite Lyra to her new home, and then they could get started on their training.

When she thought about training, however, her magic worked in the air around them and she opened up an entirely new addition to her personal dimension, one that was also separated from the others so they didn't accidentally damage anything, and she took in the jagged lands that rested around them, smelled the fel fire in the air, and noticed the sickly green pools of lava off in the distance, as well as a familiar sky with Azeroth hanging some distance out in space.

"Recognize this place?" Trixie asked, as she knew that Lyra would recognize it, since it had been one of the last places they had visited before they had been brought back to Equus, shortly after defeating Sargeras and his Legion, though at the same time she stood on some rocks and turned towards her friend.

"Krokuun, where the Xenedar crashed and Xe'ra took my fel powers from me," Lyra replied, showing that she knew the area that they had been brought to, even if she knew that this wasn't the real Krokuun, as there weren't any demons nearby for them to worry about, causing her to turn towards Trixie, "not my most favorite location in the universe, since I lost some of my power here, but I made up for it by taking on two powers that many thought couldn't be merged into a single body, and showed them just how strong the union was."

"Indeed you did." Trixie said, because the sheer power that Lyra commanded in her transformed state was the reason she had brought them here, so when they trained she could actually see how she measured up to the potent power that her friend wielded, hence the reason her arcane energy was already gathering in the air around her, "I'm ready for whatever attack your going to throw at me."

Lyra grinned as the tattoos on her arms glowed for a moment, showing that she was getting ready, though not even a moment later she rushed through the space between them and threw a punch at Trixie, who teleported away from where she had been standing a moment ago and blew the area up with a powerful arcane blast. Fortunately she was expecting something like that, since it gave Trixie time to come up with her next attack, though since they were starting off with magical attacks she gathered the Light energy she had access to and formed a number of floating arrows around her body, ones that would be thrown through the air once she found her target. When she spotted where Trixie was going to appear, the telltale sign being the shimmer of arcane energy that she had gotten used to seeing mages use, she sent a few arrows out at her opponent, who did materialize where she thought she was going to appear, but at the same time Trixie waved her hand and the arcane energy she had been gathering knocked the arrows off course, causing them to land in different spots around her and blow small holes in the ground that she had created. It was another tactic that she had been expecting, as not a few seconds later she jumped off to the side as a larger arrow went by where she had been standing, blowing a hole in the ground as she turned her attention back to Trixie, only this time she was grinning, as she had wondered what would happen when they fought each other.

In fact what happened next was the two of them combined their arrows into a single bolt of power and sent the two of them flying at each other, where the arrows slammed into each other and detonated in the middle of the area they were fighting in, creating a larger crater as the two of them backed away from the area once more.

When Lyra came to a stop, and turned her attention back to her foe, she found a number of arcane charged missiles, which were just oval shaped energy blasts, coming in her direction, to which she jumped backwards and continued dodging the attacks that were coming her way, as there were many. It was to be expected that Trixie would be able to call forth so many attacks in an instant, since this was her dimension and it responded to her will, but at the same time she could tell that her foe was using her own power for this fight, even if it seemed like the dimension was turning against her during this fight. One would also assume that Trixie, as a mage, would stick to fighting from a distance, but that was where they were wrong, as Trixie's dragon wings grew out of her back tattoos and she flew at her, to which Lyra nodded her head in understanding and opened her own wings as well, to which the two of them took to the sky and started throwing punches and kicks at each other. Interestingly enough the collision between Lyra's Light and Shadow mixed power and Trixie's arcane power shook the ground around them and lightning flashed in the air, showing that they were having quite the effect on the dimension that Trixie lived and trained in, though neither of them were even close to wielding their true power against each other.

After a few minutes of doing that, and moving around the air that was above the crater they had created, a slight explosion sent them flying backwards from each other, though at the same time Lyra grinned, as it appeared that Trixie's strength was better than what she assumed it was, hence the reason she landed on the ground and glanced up at where her opponent was floating.

"I was right, your base power is quite formidable." Lyra said, to which she stretched her arms for a moment, as it had been some time since she had fought a good opponent, because the last powerful foe they fought, who wasn't Sunset Shimmer, was the Titan known as Argus, and while that foe might have cheated it was still a good fight, "But don't you dare think that I'll go easy on you because you're the Spell-Weaver, Trixie."

"I know you won't go easy on me, because I asked for this." Trixie replied, though at the same time she raised her arms and readied herself, where her energy flickered around her body for a moment, as she knew that Lyra would be coming at her soon enough, "I'm ready for whatever you can throw at me."

Lyra grinned for a moment as her two powers ignited in the air around her, forming a barrier around her as she drew forth her true power, hence the reason that the glow from her tattoos was even brighter than before and she increased in size just a bit, taking on her true form as a demon hunter. Light and Shadow energy radiated off of her arms and legs as she burst out of the dome that had surrounded her, where she few up through the air and raised her hands towards her horns, which was followed by her pulling her hands back towards her sides, summoning her weapons to her side. The weapons that she had been using during her time on Azeroth had once been called the Twinblades of the Deceiver, which were warglaives that she used by holding onto the handle that was covered by a shield and had two blades, allowing her to dance around enemies and cut them down with ease. These days, however, her weapons were known as the Netherlight Twinblades, where the warglaive in her left hand was fueled by the power of the Light, a weapon she called Daybreaker, while the right warglaive was fueled by the Shadows, so named Nightmare. With her powerful weapons drawn out from her horns, where she kept them hidden when they weren't in use, and her body assuming the powerful Havoc Form that she used in the past, Lyra dropped out of the sky and landed on the ground near Trixie, allowing the air to vibrate with her power as she stood up once more.

"You are not PREPARED!" Lyra shouted, using a line that her mentor, Illidan Stormrage, would have used against his enemies in the past, one that inspired fear in the lesser foes he had come across, before she charged forward with her energies dancing around her weapons.

Trixie grinned as Lyra charged at her, because this was what she was hoping to battle, the powerful Havoc Form that had stood up to two Titans and caused both Lyra enemies, as well as some of her allies, to step back in fear, though that emotion held no place in her heart as she rushed forward as well... and the dimension shook as they continued to exchange blows with each other.

While Sombra was busy using his shadow to train Rarity, and Trixie was busy fighting against Lyra in her own dimension, Pinkie walked away from the castle and thought about what she was going to do with her time, as she knew that she could train like everyone else was going to do, or she could just relax a little and maybe help the others for a change. She wasn't too concerned about her level of power, not like the rest of the displaced were, and when she considered it she had only trained with her brother, Jak, who was busy on the world she had been sent to and called home for some time, racing against crime lords if her memory served her well. Raven, the ottsel that was with her a large portion of the time, had also returned to Jak's side, to aid him, Daxter, and the rest of their group with whatever her brother was doing, giving her the chance to be alone for some time, even if she technically wasn't alone as much as others thought she would be. The reason behind that was because Pinkamena, her alter ego, had been awakened by their trip to Jak's world and the adventure that she had undergone, but all the Eco powers she had gained had an interesting side effect, as her alternate persona was more alive than she had been in the past.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard the sound of a number of ponies coming her way, where she glanced behind her for a moment and found the Dazzlings walking directly behind her, like they were heading in the same direction that she was heading in, to which she stopped and turned towards them.

"Adagio, Aria, Sonata, what are you three doing?" Pinkie asked, as she had the feeling that they were heading out to do their own training, against each other or together against whatever foe they had in mind, since they were sisters and she knew that teamwork was essential for the three of them.

"We were looking for you, actually." Adagio admitted, because she knew that it would be unwise to bother Sombra when he was already training someone else, and that they had missed their chance to try and train with Trixie and Lyra, but when she considered the remaining displaced she knew that Pinkie was the one for them, "We were wondering if you wanted to join us in our last training, since we've actually never fought anyone with your powers and we're curious how well we'd fare against you... and the other you as well."

"From what we've heard Pinkamena is supposed to be incredibly strong, just like you are." Aria added, as she had heard that the alternate form of the displaced in front of them wasn't to be messed with, if one took the stories from the world she went to into consideration, and from what they had determined it was this power that would allow them to test themselves and train before the tournament started.

"Well, you could train against both of us if you wanted," Pinkie said, as there was a power she possessed, thanks to the various skills she had picked up, that she actually hadn't used all that much in the past, but if the Dazzlings wanted to fight both her and Pinkamena at the same time she figured that she might as well use the other power as well, before she beckoned to the sisters for a moment, "Come on, I know a good place for us to train for a time."

Pinkie headed out and departed from Ponyville, heading out in the direction towards Canterlot, as she knew they could train in peace and quiet until the tournament started, while at the same time giving them an area where none of them would have to worry about attacks accidentally heading towards Ponyville. It was a clearing that was much like the area that Sombra and Rarity were training in, one that transformed ponies had used for practicing their skills after they took on their new forms, and while there were a number of boulders and raised pillars, thanks to those that had an affinity for the element of earth, meaning they could run and hide if they wanted to. As they reached the area that she intended to use for their training, and the Dazzlings looked around to see what sort of area she had brought them to, she separated herself from the trio and turned around to face them, knowing that the three Sirens were eager to see what she had in mind for them.

"As you know, my Eco powers allow me to do a number of things that are unusual for a displaced to do, building on my already dangerous abilities." Pinkie stated, speaking of the fact that she was able to warp from one location to another, something that had bugged Twilight out in the past, along with her ability to sense danger and a number of abilities that not even Twilight could explain, and she had no intention on explaining herself yet, though at the same time her energy flickered into existence around her, "However, there is one ability that I haven't showed anyone yet, hence the reason that I came out here when you asked me to help train all three of you... because I won't be doing this alone."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sonata asked, as they knew that Pinkie was dangerous, especially since her energy blasts could take on the form of four different 'elements', depending on the situation she found herself in, but none of the stories they had heard said anything about what Pinkie was saying.

Pinkie smiled for a moment as strands of dark purple energy appeared in her energy, accompanied by a few strands of red energy, before she was covered by the two energies for a few seconds, almost like she was ascending to a new level like Rainbow and Applejack's friends would do from time to time, but that was where the Dazzlings would be wrong. After a few moments the dark energy pulled itself off of her body and stood to her right, while the red energy did the same to her left, before they took on a form that looked exactly like her own, allowing her own power to quiet down a little as she faced their foes. The red Pinkie was much like her, in terms of body and form, though her hair was red colored, like a fiery red that was reflected in her eyes, and she was eager for battle, as the Red Eco that she had formed from was more suited for close range battle and focused on strength, hence the reason she was a brawler of sorts. At the same time the Dark Eco settled down and Pinkamena, with her hair lowered like she was depressed and having a blood red coloration, stood next to her in all her glory, while at the same time there were trails of some kind going from the bottom of her eyes and going passed her chin, looking like bloody trails based on the blood color they possessed. Pinkie, on the other hand, had a light blue coloration to her at the moment, where the Light Eco she was channeling caused a large pair of wings to form behind her, looking like pegasus wings, before the three of them stared at the Dazzlings, who were surprised by what she had done, since it was an unusual power for her to possess.

"What I mean is that the three of you will be facing me, Pinkamena, and Red at the same time," Pinkie stated, to which the three of them took up their own individual battle stances, as each of them, despite being the same being, had their own style of fighting and they worked in perfect harmony with each other, though if she really wanted to test the three Sirens she could always summon the other three Eco powers to their battle.

In response to what she had done Adagio flexed her hands for a moment and her aura flickered into existence, where some of the moisture in the air seemed to turn into ice crystals as she stared at their enemies, which made sense to Pinkie since her affinity was for the element of water. Aria and Sonata did the same thing, drawing their base auras into the air around them, though while they did that Pinkie noticed that both of them had drawn a little of their power into the area near where they were standing, which meant that they were eager for battle. Aria's power flickered as she stood there, moving like fire for a moment, and sure enough some strands of fire appeared on her arms, showing that she was getting ready to use her power over fire against them, while at the same time the wind whipped around Sonata, if the movements of her hair and sleeves were anything to go by. The three of them had awakened the affinities for water, wind, and fire during their adventure, a great combination to the power of electricity that their friend Cole MacGrath had wielded before he sacrificed himself to save the world they had been sent to, but even without that fourth power the three of them were a force to be reckoned with and they knew that fact.

Pinkie could already hear Pinkamena chuckling, as it had been a good amount of time since the last time her alter ego had been allowed out to fight and she was excited for what was in front of her, and Red seemed to be thinking the same thing that Pinkamena was thinking, but before they wasted any time the three of them rushed through the air and the three Sirens rushed towards them in response, allowing their training to begin.

"It seems that Pinkie and the Dazzings have started their own training session," Twilight commented, as she could feel the power in the air coming from the four beings that had moved away from Ponyville so they didn't damage the small town in the process, even if they couldn't do anything like what Sombra and Rarity, or Trixie and Lyra, were doing, before she turned back towards the tables that were in the ballroom, "I guess that just leaves the three of you to decide what you're going to do for your own training."

She was talking to Rainbow, Applejack, and Chrysalis, the only remaining members of the displaced that had chosen to remain inside the castle, as Gilda and Derpy departed as soon as the meeting was over and were likely heading off to do something else while they waited for everyone else to finish their last training sessions. She honestly wasn't too surprised by this turn of events, as both Rainbow and Applejack were strong in their own right and their base power could break the area around them, meaning that their training would have to happen off world, maybe on the potential Sacred World of the Kai she had discovered earlier. At the same time she knew that Chrysalis didn't have many friends and didn't want to bother the other displaced, rather she seemed like she wanted to be back with her non Equestrian friends so she could help them out, but right now she knew that this was more important, even if she didn't feel like training.

"Well, at this point the only place we can train, without ruining something, is on a different planet," Rainbow replied, as she knew that Sunset had a problem with the more powerful members of the displaced fighting on the planet that they called home, referring to her, Applejack, Sombra, and Chrysalis, though Sombra had his own way to prevent damage from happening to the area around him and Rarity, "and with the destruction of the training planet, which Sunset blew up six months ago, it might take too long to find another planet like it, so I don't think we'll be training anytime soon."

"There's always the planet Twilight discovered earlier," Applejack said, as it seemed like the perfect place for her and Rainbow to train, especially when they took their pair of powers into consideration, and she could see that Sunset and Celestia were thinking the same thing, "Why don't the three of us head there and train against Celestia, or maybe against each other for some time?"

"You mean we'd get a chance to see Chrysalis' power up close and personal?" Rainbow inquired, because she had seen the power that the former queen wielded, including the true power that slept inside her, back when she was battling Celestia, which was right after her adventure ended, and knew she was strong, "Count me in."

Twilight sighed for a moment, as sometimes she had the feeling that spending so much time with Goku had let some of the Saiyan's desire for battle rub off on Rainbow, especially considering the long adventure she and Applejack went on, but as she started to open her mouth she found that Chrysalis, despite knowing the powers that the girls possessed, was up for a challenge before the tournament started. As such all she could really do was make sure the six of them, since Discord was staying on Equus while they went off for their training, in case someone actually came looking for them with questions, had their hands one one of the others and then activated her Kai Kai technique, allowing them to leave Equus and head off for the planet that she had found earlier. Not even a few seconds later they arrived at their destination, to which Sunset, Celestia, and Twilight stood near the large tree that they had discovered and let the three warriors head off into the distance, where Rainbow was the first to react as she attacked Chrysalis, though the good part about the changeling's adventure was that she could deal with multiple targets at the same time, hence the reason that she was able to dodge Rainbow's attack and then parry Applejack's follow up kick.

Sunset knew that they were testing Chrysalis' reflexes and seeing where they might improve in their own skill, since they were going to be entering a battle royal and there was no telling just how many warriors would be coming after them once the tournament started, and so far it seemed that they had the right idea on how to test their skills out. Chrysalis was holding her own just fine, which made sense seeing how Rainbow and Applejack were holding back their true power at the moment, which meant that things were going to get more interesting once one of them decided to stop holding back and started taking the fight seriously. This planet, from what she had been told, could take their full power without falling apart on them, meaning that they just had to wait and see which one of them started using more than their base power, though it was interesting to watch as the girls knocked Chrysalis backwards a little, only for the former queen to right herself and charge back into the battle, separating the pair for a moment as she focused on Applejack this time around. The girls were happy to see that she was taking this seriously and replied in kind, rushing back at her as they continued their assault, though as Chrysalis moved to get around their attacks, and distance herself, they followed after her, allowing the air to vibrate as their fists and legs came into contact with each other.

"Chrysalis is doing well, holding her own against two incredibly powerful warriors," Celestia commented, though at the same time she knew that it would have been like this, especially since the former queen had forced her to use a good level of her own power when they fought against each other, even though she still needed work with her final form before the tournament actually started.

"Indeed she is, which will be good for when she's fighting in the tournament," Sunset replied, as she had the feeling that this sort of training was good for all three of them, because it might prepare them for whatever they might encounter when they started fighting the other universes, and having some idea of what they might expect was better than going into the battle royal blind, before she focused on something else, "speaking of which, I think it's time we contacted Beerus and see if he's willing to partner up with us, especially since we're planning on undoing the..."

"Celestia, this is Whis." a voice said, to which the three of them glanced at the orb at the top of Celestia's scepter, one that happened to be glowing at the moment, though when Celestia looked at it she found that Whis was indeed trying to contact her at that very moment.

"Speak of the devil, that's them contacting us," Twilight stated, though she was surprised by the sudden call, as all of them had been expecting them to be the ones to contact Whis so they could speak to Beerus, not the other way around, which made her curious as to why he was contacting them.

"I'm here, Whis." Celestia replied, though at the same time she tapped the bottom of her scepter against the floor and let a circular surface, almost like a personal sized mirror that would be in someone's hallway, appear in front of them and showed the trio of gods from Universe 7, who appeared to be standing outside Bulma's place and were definitely in the middle of gathering the warriors to represent their universe, "What can we do for the God of Destruction, his Angel, and the Kaioshin of Universe 7?"

"Actually, my sister, Vados, contacted me with a warning," Whis answered, which in itself was unusual, since the only time his sister bothered to contact him was when Champa wanted to come over for a visit, so he could prepare Beerus for being near his brother, before he got back on topic and focused on the other gods, "It appears that both the Gods of Destruction and their Angels, for the other seven universes that are participating in the Tournament of Power, had their own meetings some time ago, meetings that they didn't invite either Shin or Beerus to, on account of the fact that they blame Goku for the mess we're currently in. And, as you might have already guessed, they excluded all three of you from their meetings as well, though Vados told me that Quitela thinks Universe 13 is 'weak and is therefore not even worth worrying about in the slightest', which convinced the others to go along with not inviting you to the meetings."

"So, they were having a meeting between themselves," Sunset said, to which she raised her hand to her chin for a moment, as she had heard about things like this happening between the Gods of Destruction, since most of them didn't like each other or were neutral in their feelings towards their fellow Destroyers, but at the same time the fact that neither Universe 7 or Universe 13 were included in the meetings told her so much, "I see, they might have been planning on teaming up against you guys, since they're blaming Goku as the reason that the Tournament of Power is even happening in the first place, instead of being grateful that Lord Zeno didn't erase them immediately, like they originally planned on doing before the idea was brought to their attention... they're intending on making you guys drop out of the tournament first, in their minds suffering a fitting punishment for causing this chain of events to happen."

"We came to the same conclusion as well," Shin spoke up, though at the same time he glanced back for a moment, no doubt looking at one of the warriors that had been chosen to represent their universe, before turning back towards the link between their universes, "Goku's in the middle of finding the other warriors for our team, though in the event that Buu might fall asleep before the tournament starts we're also reaching out to Frieza, to see if he'll help us keep our universe safe from erasure..."

"It's funny you should mention that," Twilight stated, as while they were worried about being eliminated and having their universes erased, since it was a very real possibility they couldn't ignore since they had no idea what sort of power the other seven universes had, the mere mention of a universe's erasure made her remember why they wanted to contact Beerus in the first place, "You see, we told the warriors of our team that if we lost the Tournament of Power, as in all of them were knocked off the fighting stage, that our universe would be erased and all our hard work undone, and that only caused Sombra to determine that we might be able to undo Lord Zeno's desire to lessen the number of universes. All ten of our warriors are in agreement, that if one of them is left standing at the very end, or if we're the team with the most left once the time limit is reached, we'll use the Super Dragon Balls to restore any universes that were erased during the tournament, even if we have to restore everyone that was thrown into the tournament."

"That's an interesting wish to make." Whis said, though at the same time he had no idea if such a thing was even remotely possible, since they had no idea what the limit of the Super Dragon Balls were, but at the same time he was happy to see that Sunset and her fellow gods cared about the others, even after hearing that the other seven universes might be planning on assaulting them when the tournament starts.

"We were all surprised when the idea was brought forward," Sunset admitted, showing that it really hadn't been her idea, though at the same time she was happy to see that one of her warriors was thinking about the other universes and had convinced the others to agree with him, "You should have seen Rainbow when she heard that you guys might be erased, or we might be erased, as she flat out refused to be associated with either of our universes being erased and didn't want you to be heartbroken by her and Applejack disappearing, or them feeling the same if you all disappeared. The thought of undoing such a thing seemed to be the right thing for her, cause she's ready to go and wants to kick down whoever wants to erase either of our universes, and she's training with Applejack right now, readying themselves for when the tournament actually starts."

"That sounds like Rainbow." Beerus said, because he knew that Rainbow was extremely loyal and would have been torn by the fact that either he lost both of his beloved daughters, which would have left him and Chronoa heartbroken if that had happened, but at the same time hearing that they might be able to save both of their universes, and the other seven for that matter, must have snapped Rainbow back into action, "Goku also brought up a similar wish, basically him saying that he'd like to bring back any universes that end up erased, and I have the feeling that many of the other warriors will agree with him once they hear what's going on... and he'll be overjoyed to hear that his friends, along with the rest of Universe 13's warriors, are thinking the same thing that he was thinking."

"Then I think the next step is obvious." Sunset replied, as hearing that Goku was thinking the same thing, that they needed to revive the universes that were erased when the tournament was over, showed that at least two of the nine universes cared what happened to the others, even if the others seemed to be thinking about themselves, "Beerus, how would you like to team up against the other universes, to ensure that our shared wish is the one that comes out on top by the time the tournament is over?"

Beerus was silent for a moment, clearly thinking about what she was saying, and glanced at Whis for a moment, as if he was worried that teaming up with another universe might be against the rules, to which his Angel indicated that it wasn't against anything his father had said, indicating that two universes could work together, as long as they fought each other if they were the last two standing.

"I guess that settles it," Beerus answered, to which a grin appeared on his face, showing that he must have been silently dreading sending any of his warriors against Sunset's chosen warriors, especially his daughters, but hearing the news that she was offering him must have brightened his day more than she thought it would, "Sunset Shimmer, I would be honored to work alongside Universe 13 and safeguard the existence of the nine universes that are at stake in the Tournament of Power, and I'm sure that Goku and the others will feel the same way when I tell them the news."

"What news is that?" a voice asked, to which Sunset glanced behind the gods in front of her and found a slim man that had a well built body, on account of all the training he did, and while he stood slightly shorter than Goku his power was almost the exact same as his friend's, though his spiked up black hair, with the widow's peak, was another indicator that this was Vegeta, another friend of Rainbow and Applejack's.

"We're teaming up with Universe 13, to make sure the wish that survives is the one that will bring back any universe that is erased during the Tournament of Power." Beerus stated, knowing that Vegeta would enter the tournament, as Whis had promised to help Bulma deliver their second child at some point before they left for the World of Void, giving him one more reason to fight for their survival, though right now he was checking on things before returning to Bulma's side, in case she needed anything from him, "Which means that you and Goku, along with the rest of our team, will be fighting side by side with Rainbow, Applejack, and the rest of their team, to ensure that our two universes are the last ones standing and that our wish is the one that will be granted."

"Fighting side by side with Rainbow and Applejack... just like old times." Vegeta said, to which he smiled as he took in that information, as he remembered the last time they had actually seen the girls fight and knew that they were incredibly powerful, especially if they used either of their fusion forms, meaning it was good to have them on their side, "Alright, I'm officially joining the Universe 7 team as one of the warriors... there's no way I'm going to miss reuniting with our friends and saving the universes with them."

Sunset smiled for a moment, because Vegeta was one of the strongest warriors that Universe 7 had, and if he was this excited about partnering up with their universe she could only imagine what Goku, Frieza, and the rest of the team would say when they discovered that they had allies in the tournament. With the Saiyan warrior agreeing to be part of the team, and his picture being added to the board that Shin was working on at the moment, Beerus bid them farewell for now, as there was someone he needed to contact in case Majin Buu fell asleep before the tournament started, to which Sunset and her fellow gods nodded their head as the connection was terminated. She had thought it would have taken more than that to convince Beerus and his gods to agree to her proposal, but at the same time she was happy that they were willing to join forces with them, as she knew that the other universes would be gunning for Universe 7, though now Beerus' warriors wouldn't have to worry about facing overwhelming odds, not with Rainbow and the others helping them. She still had the feeling that one of the other universes would play dirty before the tournament started, but at least her team was busy training, preparing themselves for the fight of their lives, as this would be greater than anything they had ever done in their entire lives.

As she turned back towards the trio that was training, however, she knew that Rainbow, Applejack, Chrysalis, and the rest of their team would do everything in their power to make sure that both universes survived to the end, and all she could do was hope that nothing terrible happened when the tournament ended.

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