• Published 21st Jan 2019
  • 2,920 Views, 432 Comments

Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Preparation: The First Match

Sunset, Celestia, Twilight, and Applejack didn't leave the planet they had been on when the Grand Priest came to visit them, as each of them were thinking about the news that there was going to be a grand tournament of sorts, the Tournament of Power, between a number of universes, to fight for Lord Zeno's amusement. Applejack had told her and the others about the tournament that Universe 6 and 7 had been in, and about how the King of All had shown up at the end of it and mentioned the possibility of holding one between most, if not all, of the universes, something that Sunset believed that many of the gods would have preferred he forget about. At the same time Sunset knew that Son Goku, despite being a hero for the people of his planet, was a fighter at heart and likely thought that there would be no harm in asking the most powerful being in all of creation about the tournament that he had mentioned once in the past, as it seemed to line up with what she and the others had been told. Despite what they had just been told, about the Tournament of Power, Sunset had the feeling that there was something that they hadn't been told, as it seemed strange that it didn't take more than an hour or two for the Grand Priest and both versions of Lord Zeno to determine when the event would happen.

She wasn't the only one that apparently believed that they hadn't been told everything, as she could see that Celestia agreed with her based on the look that was currently on her face, and she had the feeling that Twilight and Applejack were thinking the same thing as well, meaning that they had to wait for the Zen Exhibition Match to be over before they figured out what they hadn't been told.

"I wonder how many universes are going to be dragged into this Tournament of Power," Applejack spoke up, though at the same time she stood near the large tree that they had investigated earlier, before the sudden arrival of the Grand Priest had brought them all outside to see what he wanted to tell them, where she thought about what they had been told and wondered what Goku had been thinking when he went to see Lord Zeno.

"We won't know until the Zen Exhibition Match is over." Twilight replied, as she figured that the match they were being called to witness would be for the benefit of the other universes, since it appeared that the Grand Priest might be taking the aspects of Universe 7's tournaments for the Tournament of Power, but at the same time she worried about what the future held for all of them.

"What's this about a tournament?" a voice asked, to which Sunset mentally sighed, as she recognized the voice almost immediately and could tell that the others knew it as well, before the area in front of them flashed for a moment as a new figure appeared near their location.

The figure before them was a draconequus, a chimera creature that was native to Equus, though at the same time it was an important creature to the history of their home world, since he had caused problems for Celestia and Luna over a thousand years ago. Discord, as that was the being's name, had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat, though in addition to all that he had a bat's right wing, a pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft, which went great with the fact that the shape of his body resembles that of a snake. He even had a pair of horns on his head, with the right one being a deer antler and the left one being a blue goat horn, he had different sized pupils, a snake-like tongue, the beard of a goat, and some white bushy eyebrows, though he never let his appearance bother him, as he used it to have fun with whoever he was messing with, since he was a trickster at heart. Discord had been the Spirit of Disharmony a thousand years ago, and since he was released from his stone prison he had been messing with ponies in one form or another, as he was the being responsible for sending Sunset and the rest of the displaced to the various worlds they had been sent to, and since he was able to send Rainbow and Applejack to Universe 7 he had been elevated to the position as the God of Chaos for their universe, something that the other universes didn't have.

It wasn't a surprise to see him here, not since he had been traveling across their universe in search of the missing ponies he had sent to the various worlds, and couldn't convince any to return with him when he found them, though at the same time Sunset wondered why he was even here.

"The Grand Priest came by a few minutes ago and told us to gather in Lord Zeno's palace in an hour," Celestia replied, knowing that Sunset had to be lost in thought, no doubt considering what they had been told a few moments ago, and she couldn't blame her for not talking right now, hence why she was answering Discord, "according to what he told us we'll be gathering to witness the Zen Exhibition Match, which is where three warriors from Universes 7 and 9 will be fighting against each other to show Future Zeno what to expect for the Tournament of Power."

"And by us she means the gods that watch over the thirteen universes," Sunset added, as that was something that hadn't been mentioned yet, though now Discord would know who Celestia meant, event if it was pretty obvious as to who she was talking about, before she focused on the being that was standing near them, "You know, now that I think about it, you're technically a god that watches over our universe and, in your own unique way, you also help out in keeping the balance where it's supposed to be... I'm actually curious if you should be brought along as well, considering that you're the God of Chaos for our universe."

"A trip to the palace of the King of All..." Discord said, where he seemed to pale for a moment, as he understood the significance of the being that Sunset and the others talked about, especially since he had encountered the Grand Priest once in the past, a meeting he only mentioned and didn't talk about, before he refocused on them, "Very well then, if you want me to come with you, and witness this Zen Exhibition Match you mentioned, then I shall come with you and see what's going on for myself... and I promise that I'll be on my best behavior while we're there."

Sunset wasn't surprised by that statement, as Discord showed some intelligence whenever she and the others told him about the Grand Priest, as he knew that he wasn't the biggest dog around and stopped playing around whenever something was associated with the gods that were above them, and the mere thought of being in the presence of Lord Zeno really changed his tone. She didn't know if the Grand Priest had threatened Discord in some manner, once more because of the fact that none of them knew that their first meeting entailed, though she was thankful that the mention of being in front of the Grand Priest and Lord Zeno caused him to behave himself, which would only last while they were in the King of All's palace. Discord would be back to normal once they got back home, that much she knew for sure, but the promise that he'd behave himself while they were there, to witness the match before the Tournament of Power, told Sunset that he was improving and understood that he couldn't act like a fool, but even then her focus was on what they would learn when the Zen Exhibition Match was over. She also had no idea if the Grand Priest would allow Discord to be there, since he wasn't one of the three beings that were supposed to watch over a universe, but considering that his power stretched to every corner of their universe, and he kept the balance in his own way, she decided that it was worth the risk and if they needed to take him back then they'd do so.

Eventually the time came upon them to leave, as Celestia had been keeping track of the time since the Grand Priest left them along, and Twilight made sure that they were all holding hands as she gathered her power and focused her mind on their destination, before uttering the command phrase 'Kai Kai' as they vanished once more.

Just like their journey from Equus to the unnamed planet they had visited, where they had arrived not even half a minute later, the same thing happened when they appeared on the ground in front of Zeno's palace, which was a large building that floated in the air and was shaped in the Kanji that meant 'All'. From the few times they had been here, as they had only been called here one time in the past, they could tell that the palace rested on top of a large jellyfish, a massive one based on what they were able to see, and standing around the palace were twelve floating stone rocks that were in a perfect formation. Floating above the rocks were the spheres that were actually the twelve original universes, showing that Zeno's palace rested in a separate location, though near the twelve stones rested a thirteenth stone that had an flame red color to it, as opposed to the blue coloration of the other spheres, which was their universe. Sunset guessed that the rock and the sphere had been moved out here when their universe was made official, after they were introduced to the other universes, as she didn't recall seeing the thirteenth rock and sphere before, but she pushed that out of her mind as the door to Zeno's palace opened.

Sure enough, as Sunset expected, the Grand Priest was the one to welcome them, showing that he was waiting for the universes that would be watching the Zen Exhibition Match to arrive so he could escort them to the area that they would be standing in when he called for them to join him.

"Ah, I was actually expecting you to arrive in the middle of the pack, or just before Universes 7 and 9," the Grand Priest said, though his tone revealed that they must be one of the first universes to arrive, especially since Sunset didn't feel the presence of anyone else at the moment, "but seeing you arrive first is a good sign. I am also surprised by the fact that you brought along Discord and Applejack to the Zen Exhibition Match."

"Well, Discord's actions have placed him in the position where he's the God of Chaos for our universe, not to mention the fact that he's boosted his power to a godly level as well," Sunset replied, as they could all feel the godly power that was coming from the being behind her, though she wasn't sure how he had risen to this level and he seemed unwilling to share what happened, but he had brought this fate upon himself and there was no turning back for him, "he also has his own method of helping Twilight and I keep the balance of our universe in check. Applejack, on the other hand, is a Kaioshin in training and I figured that bringing her here would give her more insight as to what she might expect in the future, when she becomes an actual Kaioshin and ascends to the level that Twilight is on."

"And young Rainbow Dash?" the Grand Priest asked, as he knew about the situation in Universe 13, that there were two ponies that could replace both Sunset and Twilight if anything happened to them, and he was only asking because he noticed something odd, "I see that you didn't want to bring her along to witness the Zen Exhibition Match."

"That's just a precaution, in case our universe is chosen to fight in the Tournament of Power," Celestia explained, as she had come up with the reason shortly before Discord arrived and knew that it was one that both Twilight and Sunset would agree with, especially since neither of them were speaking up to challenge her statement.

The Grand Priest raised an eyebrow for a moment, as he knew that what Celestia was saying was that they wanted to keep Rainbow's power a secret from the other universes, just in case they were chosen to participate in the Tournament of Power, and he felt that it was a good idea on their part. As such he determined that there was no harm in allowing both Discord and Applejack to join the gods of Universe 13 in witnessing the Zen Exhibition Match, to which he moved his head and beckoned for them to follow after them, where they walked into the palace and let the doors close behind them. it didn't take him long to escort them down the seemingly endless hallway that they walked down, a darkened one with only the light coming from the floors allowing them to see and lined with a number of white pillars, before the Grand Priest came to a stop and had them stand off to the side. Once that was done, where Sunset stood in front of the group with Celestia on her left and Twilight on her right, with Discord standing behind them and Applejack stood by Twilight's right side, the Grand Priest nodded and excused himself, leaving them to stand there and wait for the remaining universes to make their arrival.

None of them spoke as they stood in the area that the Grand Priest told them to stand in, because it appeared that each universe had a different part of the palace they gathered in, making thirteen at this point if it were just a summit of the gods, which also prevented them from sharing news with the other universes, not that they had much to say to most of them at the moment, save for Universe 7.

Fortunately Sunset found that they didn't have to wait too long, as not even a few minutes later she started feeling the presence of the remaining gods entire Zeno's palace, though judging by what she was feeling she could determine that both Universe 7 and Universe 9 would be the last ones to show up, no doubt giving them time to locate the warriors they needed for the Zen Exhibition Match. Still, unless the warriors were close to each other, she knew that giving the two universes an hour to get three warriors might be hard, since they'd want to bring in three of their strongest fighters, but for now she waited and felt the energies that were coming from the entrance, dispersing around the palace as the gods stood in their areas and waited to be called into the meeting area. When she felt Beerus' power, accompanied by Goku's no less, she knew that the last universe had arrived and that it was only a matter of time until the Grand Priest called for them to join the two universes that would be battling each other, making her wonder who Goku had convinced to be part of the match they were about to watch, since she didn't quite recognize the signatures she was feeling. Moments later she felt the slight presence of the Grand Priest's power, showing that he had to be using his ability to create a ring that the chosen warriors from Universes 7 and 9 would be fighting in, meaning that in the next few minutes they would be called down to witness the match that the Present and Future versions of Zeno would be watching.

A moment or two later a circular ring formed around them, the sign that their floating platform would form under their hooves as they descended down into the area below where they were standing, which caused the group to prepare themselves as the area around them lit up for a second.

"All gods, gather here." the Grand Priest called out, his voice activating the transformation in the floor, where Sunset and the others watched as they seemingly sunk into the floor for a moment, but once they came out of the lower part of the floor they found themselves on a floating platform that resembled the lower half of a sphere.

As Sunset and the others floated down into the spacious meeting area, where the summits of the gods were held all the time, they noticed that there was a large square fighting ring floating in the middle of the area, close to the ground in case someone was knocked out of the ring, and that there were two larger stands for the universes that were going to be partaking in this fight. Sure enough on the platform on their left stood Sidra, a short God of Destruction with orange colored hair, mustache, and a beard, though unlike most of the other Destroyer Gods he wore a white shirt under his attire, which had purple streaks, which was different for each of them, as Sunset's was amber colored. Standing next to Sidra was Ro, the Kaioshin for his universe, who just so happened to be a lean man with light green colored skin, though while he dressed in the style of clothing that all Kaioshin wore there was one thing about him that was interesting, and that was the fact that his nose was incredibly small, making it hard to see from a distance. Near them stood a tall man that had a slim build, though the black cuirass that he was wearing, including the blue skin and white hair that he possessed, told them that he was the Angel for Universe 9, Mojito if Sunset remembered his name correctly, and the other pieces of evidence were his halo and his staff, all signs that he was an Angel.

Standing in front of the gods of Universe 9 were a trio of wolves that stood like humans could, meaning that they were in a similar evolution like Equus was, though interestingly enough one had blue fur, the second had red fur, and the third had yellow fur, though it was impossible to tell what their power was like, since she couldn't feel any energy coming from the three of them.

Off on their right, standing on the other large platform, was none other than Beerus, the God of Destruction for Universe 7, who happened to be a anthropomorphic cat with purple colored skin, instead of fur, and he was dressed in his blue Destroyer attire, though at the moment he seemed distracted by something. Next to him stood Shin, a short purple skinned individual that was the Kaioshin of Universe 7, along with an elderly Kai that looked like he was getting close to retiring, though he was the Old Kai that Applejack and Rainbow had told Sunset and the others about, and a taller man that had pink colored skin, though his attire was that of an apprentice or attendant Kai, but Applejack knew him as Kibito, as he assisted Shin with his duties all the time. Standing near them was the Angel of Universe 7, Whis, though he had more effeminate features than most of the other Angels and he wore a maroon colored robe, in place of the blue robe that his brother Mojito wore, though he seemed interested in what was going to happen next. There was also one other god with their group, as there was a tall lady that was standing beside Beerus, on the opposite side of Shin and the other Kaioshin, who had pinkish-red colored hair, long enough to reach her lower back, and had pink-purple colored skin, though they knew her as Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time, or the God of Time... and, in addition to all that, she was also Beerus' wife and the mother of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, though Beerus must have convinced her to stick to her more adult form, since she usually looked like a child, but Sunset thought this form was better.

In front of them, with a grin on his face, was none other than a man dressed up in an orange colored gi with a blue undershirt, with black spiky hair where his bangs were hanging in some odd manner, though this particular man was Son Goku, the reason why the Tournament of Power and the Zen Exhibition Match were happening in the first place. Near him was a young man that was dressed up in the same colored gi, showing that he had been trained in a similar manner as to what Goku had been trained, though it made since considering that this was Son Gohan, Goku's son, and right now he was wearing a pair of glasses over his eyes, indicating that he must have been interrupted from his peaceful life for the match that would be happening soon. Off on Goku's right was an older man that was currently rubbing his rear, indicating that he had fallen on it when they dropped down into the area they were in, and his brown gi indicated that he had been trained in a different manner than Goku and Gohan, but according to Applejack the man was Mr. Satan, someone who had no skill or power of his own. The reason Mr. Satan was here was revealed by the large fat creature that was sitting near him, who had pink colored skin, small holes in the upper parts of his arms and parts of his head, where he also had circular ears of sorts and an antenna that allowed him to use some sort of special attack, but Applejack knew him as Buu, a creature of pure good that had been born from all the evil leaving Majin Buu's body some time ago... and he only listened to what Mr. Satan said, hence the reason the man was with the group in the first place.

After staring down at the two universes that would be battling each other Sunset noticed that they weren't the only gods to come down into the area they were in, as Universes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 floated down in the area around Universe 9, spread out to avoid being near each other, and in the area behind Universe 7 floated Universes 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12, putting them in the middle of the two, directly across from where the Grand Priest was standing on his own platform... and, oddly enough, they weren't the only ones with someone unknown, as Universe 11 had a tall figure that was wearing a black shroud to cover their entire body, preventing anyone from figuring out who they were.

"All the Gods of Destruction, the Kaioshin, and the Angels for the thirteen universes have gathered in one place, as if this were an actual summit." Discord commented, keeping his voice low so that only Sunset and the rest of their group could hear him talk, indicating that he was surprised by what they were seeing and that he could tell that the other gods seemed dangerous from a single glance.

Sunset nodded her head in agreement, as the last time they had seen all of the other gods had been when they were introduced to the other universes, where a few of the other Gods of Destruction felt that she was a weak god and didn't deserve her position, with Quitela, the yellow mouse Destroyer God, being the main one that felt that way. At the same time she noticed that Goku nodded in their direction, no doubt acknowledging Applejack's presence since they had been friends while she and Rainbow had been living in Universe 7, a motion that was replicated slightly, showing that they were waiting for someone to speak and didn't want to be the ones to incur the Grand Priest's wrath.

"Goku-san, your attention would be appreciated." the Grand Priest spoke up, showing that he was paying attention to what was going on around the area that they were in and that he had noticed Goku's movement, something that a few of the other gods would take offense to, since he could tell that the majority of the other universes were keeping their eyes on Universes 7 and 9 at the moment, before he spoke again, "Kaioshin and Gods of Destruction, gathered from all thirteen universes, as you have already been told, Lord Zeno wishes to hold a martial arts tournament called the Tournament of Power. Before that, however, the Lord Zeno from the future does not know what a martial arts tournament is, so we will hold a Zen Exhibition Match here, to raise his expectations for the coming tournament."

Almost as if their names had called them from the heaves a pair of thrones descended into the area behind the Grand Priest, where Sunset and the other gods witnessed the arrival of both the Present Lord Zeno and the Future Lord Zeno, the two Kings of All that watched and ruled over all of creation. Both versions of Lord Zeno were short and small, basically looking like children, and they had oval shaped heads, though their skin was sky blue colored and they had two purple sections on their heads, which went from the middle of their eyes to the sides of their heads where their small rounded ears were located. Both of them were wearing a magenta and yellow lined coat, with yellow colored pants and magenta colored shoes, though they also had a black and white shirt underneath their coats, which happened to possess the Kanji symbol for 'All', just like the shape of the palace. On the left and right side of the platform that the thrones were sitting on floated two more platforms, each with a single tall individual that had cyan colored skin, though it was hard to see their faces since they were wearing high collared purple colored jackets, which had golden lining, buttons, and shoulders, and under that both of them wore a sectioned grey colored suit and kept their hands behind their backs. In addition to all that they both wore a long pointy tipped bronze hat with a silver ball on top, while their eyes showed that they were making sure no one came near their Lords, as they were the seemingly powerful attendants that kept the Present and Future versions of Zeno safe, even though only a fool would dare attack the Kings of All.

"Lord Zeno," the Grand Priest said, showing that he had been paying attention to the energy in the area around them and knew that the Kings of All had arrived, to which he turned around and bowed his head towards the thrones, just as they came to a stop as well, "has arrived."

Everyone in the area, be they the powerful Gods of Destruction, the Angels that taught and guided those gods, or the Kaioshin that watched over the planets of their universes, bowed their heads in respect towards the Kings of All, and that even extended to the fighters that Beerus and Sidra brought with them, save for one individual.

"Hey, Zen-chan!" Goku said, to which Sunset glanced up for a moment and noticed that every God of Destruction and their counterpart gods were either shocked, disturbed, surprised, or outraged by what Goku had just said, though before he could say or do anything else Beerus stopped him before he got off the platform they were on, unfortunately the damage had already been done.

Not even a moment later several of the gods, the Destroyers to be exact, called Universe 7 out on how 'disrespectful' they were, going as far to call Goku 'impudent scum', which Sunset could tell came from Quitela, while some of them hoped that such actions didn't upset both versions of Lord Zeno, which actually seemed to come from Liquiir, the golden yellow furred fox god of Universe 8, who had three tails instead of one.

"Everyone." the Grand Priest said, to which he stood straight up and raised his hand as he faced the assembled gods once more, the action stopping many of them from talking, since they knew that it would be unwise to annoy him or make either versions of Lord Zeno upset, "It is thanks to the request of Goku-san that the Tournament of Power came to be. Son Goku, you may speak now."

"Right." Goku replied, where Beerus sighed and let go of him, allowing Goku to walk forward until he was at the edge of the platform that he and his universe were standing on, so he could give the rest of the universes his attention and state why he wanted the tournament to happen in the first place, "I heard that there are a lot of strong fighters out there, in the other universes, and I've seen quite a few capable fighters from a couple of universes, so that's why I asked Zen-chan... I want to fight those strong fighters and see how I fare against them."

"Say, Goku." a pair of voices said, to which the thrones floated over to the Universe 7 platform and lowered itself so that both versions of Zeno were level with Goku, though it was clear that the two Kings of All were taking turns talking, as the Future one spoke first and the Present one followed up with the same thing, even though it was clear that they had almost spoke up at the same time, "Show us a fight. Hurry and show us."

"You got it." Goku stated, showing that he wanted to make sure that both versions of Zeno were happy with what he and his fellow fighters brought to their fights, especially since he was eager to see what sort of power the three wolves that Universe 9 brought with them possessed.

Both versions of Zeno smiled as their platform rose back into the air and floated over to where the Grand Priest was standing, positioning themselves between their attendants like usual, while at the same time Goku took a few steps back so Gohan and Buu could stand beside him, even if Mr. Satan stood near Buu to make sure nothing happened to the creature that had been chosen to come with them.

"Now everyone, by Lord Zeno's request, in this Zen Exhibition Match," the Grand Priest said, showing that he was ready to get the show on the road, and based on how Goku looked he was eager to see which of the wolves he would be fighting, even if he had to be the last one to step into the ring, causing the universes to stand at attention while he spoke to them once more, "three martial artists from Universe 9 and from Universe 7 shall fight one on one. There will be no time limit for these matches, as they will only come to an end when one martial artist admits defeat or cannot continue, and the warriors are encouraged to fight with every power they have access to."

"Grand Priest-sama," Ro said, as there was something that he felt someone needed to ask, and since it appeared that none of the other universes, especially Universe 7, were going to ask the question he determined that he might as well do it, though at the same time Sunset could see that he was rubbing his hands, and not in the good way, "will there be a reward for the victors of this match?"

"The Zen Exhibition Match exists simply to show the appeal of battle to the Future Lord Zeno." the Grand Priest stated, though at the same time Sunset and the rest of her group detected that he wasn't too happy with the fact that a universe was asking about there being any sort of prize at the end of this match, if the sad-like expression on his face was anything to go by, which didn't sit well with Sunset at all, "It is not for determining which universe is superior. Still, so long as Lord Zeno wishes for a full on battle, anything less might result in the match being cancelled."

"So, if they consider the match to be boring, we'll be erased on the spot?" Sidra asked, to which Sunset's ears perked up for a moment, as she knew that, as a Destroyer God, she could 'destroy' certain things or people with her power, which makes the target cease to exist, but the act of 'erasing', from what little she had learned from Beerus the last time they had been in the same room, essentially erased the existence of whoever Lord Zeno targeted, regardless if the target was mortal, immortal, or even an entire universe.

"Let me just say that it is a possibility." the Grand Priest replied, where he closed his eyes for a moment, showing that there was a very real chance that if the Zen Exhibition Match was boring both versions of Lord Zeno might end up erasing either Universe 7, Universe 9, or even both of them for the poor performance, before opening his eyes a little and glanced back at the platform behind him, "All is as Lord Zeno wills it. But for now, it's time for the first match to begin. Warriors, to the fighting stage."

"Okay, I'm going first." the red wolf said, though as the Grand Priest's platform moved up to where Lord Zeno's small platform was floating, to get him out of the way and to have a better view of the fights to come, the red wolf jumped down into the ring and grinned as he stood in front of where his universe's platform was floating.

"We're counting on you, Basil." Ro stated, informing the other universes of the name of the red wolf, which was good to know so they didn't keep referring to him as 'red wolf' all the time, though while all that happened Sunset was a little curious as to what sort of power Basil and the other wolves possessed, "Show Lord Zeno your best moves!"

While all that was going on, and the blue wolf wished his brother good luck, as it appeared that the three of them might actually be brothers based on the fact that Basil said the same term back to him, Mr. Satan tended to Buu for a few moments and managed to get him back on his feet, as it appeared that he had fallen asleep while the Grand Priest had been talking and no one had noticed that fact. It was in that moment that Sunset determined that Buu was like a child, as the mere promise of more chocolate, the item that had got him on his feet, and the idea of playing with Basil, instead of fighting him, was all he needed to jump down into the fighting stage and stand there for a moment. What was interesting was that Basil seemed amused by the idea that Buu was his opponent, and when the Grand Priest called for the match to begin he rushed through the air and kicked an unobservant Buu to the side, before laughing as he rushed towards him and kicked him into the air, where he went on the offensive with a barrage of kicks. The good news was that both the Present and the Future Zeno seemed interested in the fight, as they were able to follow Basil's speed easily and actually seemed impressed, even if Buu wasn't fighting back yet, before Basil kicked Buu to the ground and landed nearby with the same cocky grin on his face, as if he thought that their battle was already over.

"Looks like the first guy from Universe 7 is a real buffoon." Basil commented, as he just stood there, staring at the downed form of Buu for a few seconds, clearly thinking that he was showing that Universe 9 was superior and that he had already scored a point for his team, even if Applejack thought differently at the moment, "Man, what a weakling. He's not even good enough for killing time!"

"How's that?" Ro asked, though as he said that everyone that was watching could tell that he was speaking to Beerus and the rest of the Universe 7 gods, almost as if the warriors themselves were nothing more than pawns that he could ignore, even if Goku and Gohan knew something he didn't, "These are the strongest and most ruthless fighters from my Universe 9! They are the Trio of Danger! The one fighting right now is the youngest brother, Basil the Kicker!"

As if to prove what his Kaioshin was saying Basil rushed over to where Buu was resting and kicked him into the air once more, where he launched another series of kicks at his target, this one much smaller than the first series he had used a few moments ago, before he sent Buu flying back into the fighting stage, all with the same grin on his face.

"Give up!" Ro continued, this time speaking to both Buu and the remaining two fighters that hadn't stepped into the ring yet, showing that he was arrogant in the abilities of the Trio of Danger and believed that none of them could be beaten in combat, even if Applejack knew better, "There's no way any of you could hope to win against us!"

"What a despicable Kaioshin he is..." Twilight commented, as she couldn't believe that a God of Creation would be so arrogant as to believe that his fighters were the strongest around and that no one could best them, because she knew better based on what she had seen in the past, before this point in time.

"He's not the nicest one from what I've seen," Applejack added, knowing that there were some nice Kaioshin in the thirteen universes, as Shin and Twilight were the nicest she had encountered so far, and had known that there had to be a few bad apples in the bunch, of which it appeared that Ro was one of those types.

Before anyone else could say anything Buu rolled over, so that his chest was facing the ceiling of the area, and he started to chuckle for a few moments, showing that he was having fun in the face of such danger, which confused a few of the gods while interesting both the Present and Future Zeno versions of Zeno in the process. Not even a moment later he rushed up to Basil and grabbed onto him, like a friend would grab a close friend, and seemed to ask the wolf to keep going, resulting in him getting kicked backwards once more, something that didn't bother him one bit as he got back up and zeroed in on his foe once more. This time around Basil kicked him so hard that Sunset discovered that he seemed to be made of rubber, as the upper part of his body headed diagonally up in the air from where Basil was located, but Buu used his feet to try and trip Basil and failed, only for Buu to pull his legs back up to him and started firing small ki blasts down at Basil, who kicked them out of the way and then avoided Buu's hands as he tried to clap them where his head had been located, where he rushed up to Buu's head and kicked it a few times, before blocking a headbutt and landed on the stage that was below them.

It was clear that Buu was having fun, that Goku was thinking about his own battle, and that both the Present and the Future Zeno were excited as well, though as all that happened Goku called out for Basil to show them his true power, since his current level wasn't enough to satisfy Buu, and a statement from the blue wolf caused Basil to ready himself. As such a flame-like aura surrounded Basil as he raised his power, which was enough to actually crack some of the closest pillars to the fighting stage, before his power gathered around his right foot, which he had raised into the air, and the wind pushed against them for a few seconds as he readied himself, even if he laughed in the process. Once he was ready Basil rushed through the air and started beating Buu up, kicking him around the entire fighting stage like he had been doing the entire time they had been fighting, before kicking him into the stage itself, which was when he brought the aura around his other foot and revealed that he was going to use his 'Shining Blaster' attack. The reality of the situation was that this attack was a continuous energy bullet type attack, as he loosed a volley of red orbs, loosed from his feet no less, that zeroed in on where Buu was laying and struck him in rapid succession, blowing up the entire area around him in a matter of seconds and obscured Buu at the same time.

"Universe 7, they're not match for us." Basil stated, loud enough to tell everyone that he believed that Universe 7 was nothing more than a bunch of weaklings, while at the same time landing on the ground nearby so he could survey the damage that had happened to Buu.

"Hey you, that was a little entertaining." Buu said, to which he emerged from the smoke with a grin on his face, though Basil seemed surprised when he noticed that there was a hole in Buu's chest where he had hit him, something that Buu actually noticed and touched for a moment, before hearing some moans from his universe's platform, ones that he was able to recognize easily, "Mr. Satan, are you alright!"

"I'm... I'm fine." Mr. Satan replied, as he had been knocked to the side when Basil had released his power, hence the reason the right side of his attire was messed up and he had a few bruises to show what happened to him, before he glanced down at the fighting stage, "Forget about me and focus on beating your opponent..."

Sunset and the others watched as Mr. Satan slipped into unconsciousness, as stated by Gohan not even a second later, since they didn't want to upset Buu too much, even though Buu's anger ignited and he started marching towards a confused Basil, who he blamed his friend's injuries on. The next thing Buu did was take a deep breath and sealed the hole in his chest, surprising Universe 9 in the process, before he beat on his chest for a few seconds and then released a good amount of steam from his head, prompting Basil to jump into the air and fire off another blast from his foot, only this time around Buu held his hands out and stopped it before it could touch him. When Buu repelled it, however, it accidentally went flying into the stands, right at the platform that Universe 11 was standing on, to which the mysterious figure that was standing behind Belmod stepped forward and caught the attack with both of their hands, crushing Basil's powerful attack in a matter of seconds, much to the amazement of some of the gods that were observing the battle. That went unnoticed by either of the combatants, as Buu went on the offensive and started pushing Basil around the area they were in, even knocking him into the air and beat the stuffing out of him, before sending him back into the stage, where he pulled him out of the stone and smashed him against the floor a few times, until he eventually threw Basil into one of the pillars and seemed to knock him out.

The sad part about it was that, while the fight itself had been interesting, both the Present Zeno and the Future Zeno weren't fully satisfied with how the fight appeared to be ending, despite Goku's quick attempt to explain how an actual martial arts match would end, revealing that the fight would go on, regardless of the fact that Basil had been thrown out of the arena, allowing the wolf to climb back into the arena so he could continue fighting.

"That thing." Basil suddenly said, revealing that there had to be a trump card or something that he was willing to play, so he could defeat Buu and show that Universe 9 was better than Universe 7, while at the same time Ro glared at him as he started to pull something out, "Gimme that thing!"

Ro hurled something through the air and Basil swallowed it not even a second later, where his body glowed with a red aura, one brighter than his own fur, for a few seconds before all of his muscles grew a few sizes, making him look more intimidating while also increasing his speed and his power, though while all that happened Beerus growled at the sight before him and said nothing, as it appeared that this was within the rules that both versions of Zeno were willing to play by and upsetting him was the last thing Beerus wanted to do.

"Performance enhancing drugs... never thought a universe would do such a thing in front of Lord Zeno." Celestia quietly commented, as she had to agree with Beerus' unspoken comment, that such a thing wasn't entirely fair since it appeared that Universe 7 didn't have anything like that, and everyone on her platform nodded their heads, as they all felt that it wasn't a fair fight anymore, but said nothing as they continued watching the fight.

Not even a few seconds later Basil and Buu went at it, where Basil lashed out with his feet and seemed to be pushing Buu back towards the edge of the fighting stage, in revenge for what happened to him most likely, though at the same time it appeared that Buu was defending himself against the attacks and might be moving back to prevent himself from getting hurt, even if his body could regenerate from whatever damage he took. It didn't take long for Basil to knock Buu down and get in the air above him, as the moment Buu recovered Basil went on a rampage and stuck at Buu's head with his feet, unleashing a powerful series of attacks that would have killed any normal person, or at the very least crippled them by shattering their spine or crushing part of their skull, before he pushed Buu into the stage floor and moved high into the air once more. The instant he was up there Basil used a technique he called 'Wolfgang Pressure' and loosed a series of powerful blasts down at where Buu was standing, igniting a large explosion in the area around Buu, and when the smoke cleared Basil landed on the stage and huffed, though he continued to grin as he proclaimed that this was a victory for him and Universe 9.

"Do you see that, Universe 7?" Ro asked, where he grinned as he pointed his finger at Goku and the others, showing that he believed that Buu had been defeated and that Basil was the winner, despite what the reality of the situation actually was, "This is the power of my Universe 9!"

The instant he said that Buu burst out of the rubble, at first shaped like a ball and then expanded into the form he had been using earlier, where his head emerged from his body, showing that Basil's attack had really done nothing to him, before he landed on the stage and grinned at his foe. Buu pulled his arms to his right side and immediately started to gather his ki, forming a powerful sphere of energy in the style of a Kamehameha, the power of which caused Basil to stand there with a look of confusion on his face, allowing Buu to fully charge his attack without interruption before firing it through the space between them. Basil actually took the orange colored Kamehameha head on, allowing the energy to surge through his body and pass into the area behind him, which was followed by an explosion that rocked the area that Basil was standing in, though as the smoke from that cleared Buu lowered his hands as he found that a severe amount of damage had been done to his foe, including rips in his cloak, but that seemed to be as far as their battle would go. The reason behind that was because whatever drug Basil had taken had finally worn off, as some smoke departed from the wolf's body and he shrunk back to his original form, before collapsing on the stage floor, completely exhausted from taking Buu's powerful attack head on, even though he had managed to stand for a few moments after taking it.

"That was fun!" the Present and Future versions of Zeno said, taking turns like they had been doing when they wanted to speak, while at the same time the Grand Priest had looked back at them to see what their opinion on the battle had been, since it went further than what a normal match would have been in Universe 7.

"Both the Present and the Future Lord Zeno have offered their words of content." the Grand Priest stated, speaking to everyone once more, though even as he said that he noticed that Ro, Sidra, and even Mojito seemed disappointed in Basil's defeat, even if Ro was the one who was the most disappointed, "The first match is concluded! The victor is from Universe 7, Majin Buu!"

Buu cheered for a few seconds, pleased that he had shown that Universe 7 wasn't to be underestimated, before heading back to the platform that the rest of his team was on, where Sunset watched as he performed his own version of a healing technique and restored Mr. Satan to full health, confirming something that Applejack and Rainbow had told her some time ago, when they told her about their adventures. As the Grand Priest restored the fighting stage to it's former glory, and removed all the cracks that had occurred during the previous fight, Sunset also noticed that the next fighters were the yellow wolf from Universe 9, who was hunched over and seemed to have a fierce look on his face, and Gohan for Universe 7, which promised to be an interesting fight if she remembered what she had been told about the younger Saiyan. Despite all of this, however, only one thing worried her, and that was the concerned look that was on Beerus' face, as if he and the rest of his team knew something about the Tournament of Power that they didn't know, and she even noticed that the expression was only on Beerus' face when he glanced her way, meaning that he was trying to warn her about something without actually telling her.

Despite the worry she felt, as this meant that the consequences for losing the Tournament of Power might be even more severe than they originally realized, she kept a straight face and focused on what was happening in front of her, even though she had the feeling that none of them were going to like the news whenever the Grand Priest decided it was time to tell them what happened to the losers.

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