• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Interlude: Aftermath

"Lady Sunset, do you want me to repair the antechamber, so you can finish watching the Tournament of Power?" the Grand Priest asked, though at the same time he stood straight and left the others kneeling on the floor, even though he made the motion for them to raise their heads.

"No, there's no need to finish the tournament, not since my predecessors are gone." Sunset replied, where she was a little surprised that the Grand Priest was even asking such a thing, especially since part of the tournament had been to provide entertainment for the bored Kings of All, who had been planning on erasing eight universes and reduce the number to five, before that made her think of something important, "Say, what happened to the Super Dragon Balls? We haven't seen them since all of the universes arrived in the World of the Void or since the tournament started."

"I was tasked with keeping them hidden in a separate part of the World of the Void, where they wouldn't take any damage from the fighting." the Grand Priest explained, as that was something that the Present and Future Lord Zeno had given him to do while he was building the fighting stage they were standing on, even though Champa had found a few of them after his team lost to Beerus' team and handed them over when he was told what the wish granting spheres were going to be used for, "Shall I summon the Super Dragon Balls?"

"Yes, please do so." Sunset said, though while she had to wonder if the Grand Priest was telling the truth about both Lord Zeno's telling him to hide the wish granting spheres, since at times they seemed to be serious about something and other times they seemed to be naive about things, she decided that she'd rather not figure out which mindset the pair had been in when they gave the order, before she turned towards everyone else, "Everyone, you're free to stand and relax while the Super Dragons Balls are being brought out from where they're hidden."

The Grand Priest nodded his head as he went to work calling the Super Dragon Balls out of where he had been keeping them since they had been brought together, though while he was doing that Beerus, the other gods, the Angels, and the teams got out of the kneeling position they had assumed when they approached Sunset. All of them were shocked by the sudden change that had happened over the last few minutes, as many of them had believed that the Kings of All couldn't be killed by anyone, only to discover that the only power that could take out a King of All was someone that had the same power. They had been surprised when Tirek killed both versions of Lord Zeno, and then seemed to destroy Sunset by turning her own attack against her, but their shock had turned to happiness when Sunset emerged with the power to turn the side against her foe, dominating him with a level of power that rivaled his own, only for the remnants of the dead Kings of All to turn against Tirek and weaken him to the point where Sunset could kill him. Out of all of them, however, Celestia was the most surprised by what they had seen, because she had known for the longest time that Sunset had been destined for great things, but never in her wildest dreams did she think that Sunset would reach the point where she was the Queen of Everything, allowing Rainbow to take her place as the God of Destruction for Universe 13.

Before anyone could say anything the Grand Priest raised his hands for a moment and seven Earth-sized spheres, each of them having a number of large red stars on them, ranging from a single star to seven stars, raised out of the area that they had been stored in and floated up into the air near the ruined fighting stage, which was the moment that the Grand Priest raised both his hands into the air as he focused on what Sunset wanted him to do.

"Hsiw ym em trang dna sdoG eht fo nogarD, htrof emoc," the Grand Priest stated, speaking in the Language of the Gods, as that was what Sunset had learned about when she learned about the Dragon of the Gods for the first time, even if she felt that it was just someone speaking backwards, instead of with an entirely different language like someone would expect when they learned of the godly language, before the Grand Priest finished the incantation, "pretty peas!"

The moment the Grand Priest finished the incantation the red stars on the seven spheres glowed brightly for a few moments, causing many of the beings behind Sunset to cover their eyes for a few seconds, while she watched as the seven spheres disappeared in a large flash, only to be replaced by a massive golden serpent dragon that was coiled around the various fragments of the fighting stage, and was looking down at her and the Grand Priest.

"Lady Sunset, what sort of wish are we asking the Dragon of the Gods to grant?" the Grand Priest asked, because he knew that the wish of Universe 13, as in the warriors that had been competing in the tournament, was to restore all of the universes that had fallen during the Tournament of Power, but right now he was directing the question to the Queen of All, one of the few times that such a thing was even allowed.

"Please ask the Dragon of the Gods to restore the universes that were erased." Sunset said, knowing that many of the gods would be surprised by that wish, since she was undoing everything that the Kings of All had done before they had been killed, but this what she, Beerus, and their teams had been after once they learned what was at stake.

"Desare erew taht sesrevinu eht fo lla erotser esaelp." the Grand Priest said, turning his head and speaking to the Dragon of the Gods, though he was pleased to see that Sunset was sticking to what she and Beerus had agreed to do if either of their universes had won the tournament.

The Dragon of the Gods' eyes glowed for a moment, the sign that he was getting ready to grant the wish, before he pulled in the glittering remnants that were scattered all over the ruined fighting stage, bits of energy from when he was summoned, before he condensed into a single point and then seemed to disappear before their eyes. Sunset turned towards the Angels of the universes that had been erased during the tournament and watched as they each looked at their scepters, where Universes 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10 reappeared before their very eyes, confirming that the wish had worked as intended and that the universes they had called home were back. Of course that also meant that the Dragon of the Gods had done his part and had returned to being the seven spheres, which had then scattered throughout the multiverse one they were done, but for now Sunset had no desire to chase them down or figure out where they had been sent, as it would be another year before they could be used again. She also glanced at the Grand Priest, who called his own scepter out for a moment and summoned an image of the multiverse, revealing twelve spheres that were split evenly between six colors with a thirteenth sphere with a lightning bolt marking, which had originally been a mark like her Cutie Mark had been, showing that he agreed that Rainbow was now the God of Destruction for Universe 13.

At the same time, however, Sunset also noticed three more pairs of universes, six more universes to be exact, that appeared on the Grand Priest's image, something that he noticed as well and dismissed the image before the other gods, who were focused on their Angels, could notice what they had seen, something that she would discuss with him later.

"It is done, the multiverse has been restored to what it had been before the tournament started." Sunset said, where she noticed that the gods turned to face her, once more confirming that she had been elevated to the station that the Kings of All had been in before their deaths, before she focused on something else, "Grand Priest, how long will it take you to summon the Gods of Destruction and the Kaioshin of the universes that were erased over the duration of the tournament? I wish to speak with them for a few minutes, to let them know what's happened since they were erased by my predecessors, before letting them return to their duties."

"It will take a few moments to teleport the Angels of the restored universes back to their Gods of Destruction," the Grand Priest replied, where Sunset nodded her head for a second, as she had determined that it would take some time for him to get the Angels in place, even though he was capable of summoning beings to his location instantly, "from there I'll give them a minute or two to inform the revived gods that they're being called back to the World of the Void, without their teams this time, and that they'll learn what's going on in the presence of the other gods."

Sunset nodded her head, showing that she agreed with what the Grand Priest was saying, to which her new attendant turned towards the Angels that would be heading back to their restored universes, to collect their Gods of Destruction and the Kaioshin that had accompanied them to the World of the Void, who nodded their heads towards their father. A few seconds later the Grand Priest waved his hands and the six Angels that were in front of him disappeared, heading back to their respective universes, allowing her to think about what she was going to do now that she was the Queen of All, which was still strange when she thought about it. She found it odd that when she was younger, and less mature, she always envisioned herself as a ruler of a kingdom, Equestria to be exact, before growing up and determining that she would accept whatever her fate was, but the shocking part about it was that the past had come true, that she had become the ruler of the entire multiverse, which would take some getting used to. While she thought about that, however, she noticed that the Grand Priest waved his hand at the ruined antechamber, which had survived the intense battle she had with Tirek, against all odds, and levitated one of the chairs that the Kings of All had sat on, somehow in pristine condition, out of the rubble and studied it, before nodding his head and set it down near Sunset, indicating that it was her chair now and that the other one would become a spare, in case she did something to the first one.

She wanted to sigh at that, since she was a little conflicted about the whole thing, before deciding that now wasn't the time for her to be like that and walked over to where the Grand Priest was standing, where she turned around and sat down on the royal chair that would be hers for as long as she ruled the multiverse.

"How does it feel, being the Queen of All?" Rainbow asked, knowing that some of the gods would feel that she was overstepping the boundaries between her and the new ruler of the multiverse, since they had been from the same universe and that they had been friends before this happened, but she didn't care as she focused on Sunset.

"Honestly, it's too soon for me to tell you anything." Sunset replied, as while she felt that she could give Rainbow a short answer, and prevent her from coming back to her new palace to ask her about it later, she felt that she needed some time to get used to the fact that she now ruled everything in existence before she could accurately answer the question that Rainbow had asked her.

"Well, I'm sure that you'll be an excellent ruler," Celestia said, making sure that her tone didn't reveal what she was really thinking, that Sunset would be far better than the Present or Future King of All had been before their demise, in case some of the Angels and gods moved to defend the previous rulers, and she could tell that Sunset understood what she meant, which made her excited to see what happened to the multiverse now that it had a new ruler.

Sunset would have said more, to let Celestia and the others know what she was thinking at that moment, but before she could actually open her mouth and say something she noticed that the Grand Priest was glancing at his scepter, no doubt because the Angels they had sent to the restored universes were ready to be summoned back, causing the Grand Priest to ask the gods and mortals to move off to the side and give them some space. Beerus was the first to react, giving them the space that they were requesting, and his team was quick to follow his lead, where Rainbow and her universe followed suit, prompting the other gods, including Belmod and his team, to move out of the way and open enough space for what the Grand Priest was about to do. Once the surviving gods were out of the way, and were standing at attention with their teams behind them, Sunset nodded her head and the Grand Priest held his arms out, with his hands flat and pointing away from him, before focusing on what he was doing as he brought his hands up in front of his chest, like he was a doctor or something, causing the air in front of them to warp for a moment. In the following moment Sunset watched as the Gods of Destruction, their Angels, and their Kaioshin appeared in front of her, arranged by the order of their universes, and that all of them were kneeling, meaning that might be part of the summoning ritual that the Grand Priest went through.

Even though they were currently bowing their heads in respect, no doubt thinking that they were in the presence of the Present and Future Zeno once more, Sunset could tell that all of the revived gods were worried that they were going to be chewed out for losing the Tournament of Power.

"Gods of the revived universes, you may raise your heads," the Grand Priest said, once he was sure that everyone was assembled and lowered his arms, showing that it was time for them to get started with what Sunset wanted to tell them before everyone was sent back to their various universes, "the new Queen of All wishes to speak with you."

"The... Queen of All?" Heles inquired, though it was in that moment that she and the other revived gods raised their heads and focused on who they had been kneeling in front of since they returned to the World of the Void, where they were surprised to find that it wasn't the Present and Future Zeno they had been kneeling towards, rather it as Sunset Shimmer, whose attire had changed and she was sporting the symbol that had been on Zeno's coat.

"Indeed. That is part of the reason that we called all of you back, so soon after being revived," Sunset said, where she noticed that some of the revived gods were shocked, some were confused, and only one of them, Quitela to be exact, didn't like what he was seeing, which meant that he was going to cause trouble in the near future, before she waved a hand and called a spherical screen into existence in front of them, one that would display what she wanted to show them as she informed them of what happened, "I know all of you were expecting the Present and Future Lord Zeno to be the ones to call you back to the World of the Void, to go over the results of the tournament or for some other reason, but I have some bad news for all of you; the Kings of All were slain by Tirek, a demonic centaur that I defeated twice in the past, but not before he was able to trick one of them into letting him take their power, giving him the ability to slay both of them and obliterate their bodies. Tirek sealed one of their souls inside a scythe that he produced after attacking their antechamber, a weapon that I used against him in the form of an explosive sphere that would have used the power of Zeno's soul to take him out, only for me to get caught in the attack. After that the remaining gods, Angels, and the three teams of mortals rushed at my foe, intending to stop him from obliterating the multiverse and creating a new one that he would rule over, before I emerged from the black hole that Tirek created from my attack, with the power that I now possess, and then, after a long battle, I finally brought an end to my foe and erased his existence."

As Sunset explained what happened, really just highlighting the important parts of the battle, the screen she had called up revealed what she was talking about, showing the revived gods the battle that had raged between her and Tirek, before the Grand Priest added in the part she didn't see, the battle where the remaining gods, Angels, and mortals tried to take Tirek down, before she showed them the final piece of the puzzle, Tirek's death, before waving her hand and dismissed the screen once she was done with it.

"I don't believe this!" Quitela stated, to which he stopped kneeling and stood up, much to the surprise of the other gods that were around him, while at the same time confirming Sunset's thoughts on the matter, that he would cause some sort of problem for them once he heard the news, "Grand Priest, you honestly can't expect us to suddenly believe that some sort of demonic creature found his way to the World of the Void, without an Angel to assist them, stole the power of one of the Kings of All, killed both of them to make himself the greatest being in the entire multiverse, and that Sunset not only fought him, but also gained the same power that he stole and defeated him in battle! One of the warriors she brought to the tournament is a master at creating illusions, one that saw through a number of my warriors before we were erased, so all of this could be a massive illusion that they have created, to trick everyone into thinking that Sunset is much stronger than she really is and place her at the top of the divine hierarchy... I bet this 'Tirek' was just another illusion that Trixie created, to assist her God of Destruction in obtaining the throne that the Kings of All held!"

"Lord Quitela, I witnessed the fights myself and can verify that Trixie was not creating illusions." the Grand Priest stated, though at the same time this was to be expected, as Quitela loved to make noise and blame others for anything he did, or outright claim that what he had been told was lies and that he believed that someone was manipulating things to their advantage, where he wondered if one of Sunset's first actions would be to replace Quitela, "Lady Sunset fought Tirek for the fate of the multiverse, in front of myself and the rest of the gods that were watching the tournament, and defeated him with the power she now possesses. She is now the Queen of All, as she commands the same power that the Present and Future Lord Zeno commanded before their demise..."

"Is that so?" Quitela inquired, further showing his disrespect for what was going on by interrupting the Grand Priest while he was talking, something that none of the other gods had done, since they always waited for him to stop talking before asking if they could have the floor for a moment, before he faced Sunset, "Fine then, I'll prove it to all of you! Sunset Shimmer, the only way that I'll believe that you suddenly have the same power as the Kings of All, and are now the ruler of the entire multiverse, is if you demonstrate your new power to all of us. I challenge you to a one-on-one fight, right here, in front of the other Gods of Destruction, our Kaioshin, our Angels, and the mortals that are standing nearby!"

The other gods glanced at Quitela like he was insane, as the ones that hadn't been erased knew that the tale was true and that he was about to bite off more than he could chew, while the other revived gods knew, from just looking at the symbol on Sunset's sash and the fact they couldn't feel her power anymore, that she wasn't lying to them... though that was when she sighed and pulled herself from her new throne, so she could face Quitela.

"You'll only believe me if I fight you?" Sunset replied, where she found the mouse god nodding his head, indicating that she had heard him right, which caused her to glance at the Grand Priest, who understood what was going to happen next and ushered the crowd away from where the two of them were standing at the moment, "Very well then, I will accept your challenge and show you the power you once feared."

Quitela wasted no time in rushing at Sunset, throwing a rapid series of punches at her while he considered how he was going to show the others that she was wrong about what she said, but that was before he noticed that Sunset was dodging his attacks like they were nothing, as if they were moving in slow motion. That succeeded in ticking him off, as he switched to throwing ki blasts at her, powerful ones that would bring ruin to the area around her, though as they neared her Sunset stared at them and they detonated before they could come into contact with her body, which caused Quitela to growl as he considered his next move. What he decided on was using his power to summon a massive sphere of energy above his head, much like Beerus' Sphere of Destruction, and hurled it towards Sunset, intending on taking both her and the area around her out with a single attack, only for Sunset to prove that she was much stronger than Quitela thought she was by waving her hand and knocking the attack behind her, allowing it to disappear into the abyss around them before it could even detonate. Quitela, true to his nature, had tricked her into focusing her attention on the attack and flashed into the space behind her, where he intended on knocking her into the ground and then reveal that she was lying to everyone, before Sunset vanished from where she was standing, much to his surprise.

The moment Quitela turned around, as he knew an attack from behind would be the way to go, Sunset appeared some distance away from him and her arrival caused him to jump into the air, to smite her with another attack, but that was when Sunset raised her right arm and punched Quitela in the chest, sending him flying through the air until he crashed into a rock wall, one that collapsed on top of him. Sunset knew what it looked like, that she hadn't held back and likely ended the God of Destruction for claiming that she lied to everyone, but those that knew her understood that she had actually held back, using the lowest amount of her power as she could possibly use, and that had been enough to take her opponent out. After a moment or two she raised her left hand and the rubble glowed for a second, where she moved the pieces out of the way and gently extracted Quitela from where he had been resting, revealing that his body was bruised and that he had some broken bones, which was to be expected when she considered the power she had used against him, before Sunset set him down near her and let her magical aura disappear. In the following instant Sunset raised her right hand and readied herself, which was when a white aura wrapped around Quitela's entire body, though at the same time many of the gods recognized what she was doing and those that had been erased realized that she had told them the truth.

"D... Damn it... I'm going to be... erased again," Quitela stated, showing that, while he was in pain from Sunset's attack, that he also recognized the technique that being used on him at the moment and understood that he had been wrong to question both Sunset and the Grand Priest, since it was costing him his existence, before he gave a weak chuckle as he focused on the being standing in front of him, "Well then... I guess this is goodbye, Lady Sunset."

"That is where you're wrong, Quitela... Greater Healing!" Sunset replied, though instead of erasing him, like some of the gods thought she'd do, she cast the spell she had been preparing and a white light washed over Quitela's body, where all of his wounds healed before his eyes, even though he was confused as to what just happened, "I may be the Queen of All now, and I might command the same power and fear that my predecessors had, but I do have some aspects that they were lacking, and by that I mean compassion and restraint."

"I... I understand, your majesty." Quitela said, though while he was surprised that Sunset didn't just erase him on the spot, for what he did before the tournament started, what he did during the tournament, and his challenge to her just now, he was somewhat happy that he was being given a chance, even if he intended on continuing to do what he did once he and his fellow gods returned to their universe.

"I'm glad you understand." Sunset said, where she lowered her hand and stopped the spell, not that it mattered since Quitela's body was fully healed anyway, before she turned towards the rest of the assembled gods, as they knew that she had more to tell them and that they had been interrupted by Quitela's outburst, "Well then, onto the next order of business. Rainbow, are you ready?"

"I am." Rainbow replied, to which she stepped forward and put some distance between herself and the rest of the group she had been standing with, as she knew that their universe didn't have a God of Destruction now, not with Sunset becoming the Queen of All, and that she was the one that would be taking the empty throne.

Sunset nodded her head and raised her right arm again, though this time around she focused on something else as a dark purple aura wrapped around Rainbow, which was the moment that the revived gods noticed that she was using the Avatar of Destruction, a form they hadn't seen for a long time, before her entire body was covered. A few moments went by before the aura disappeared, though when it did Rainbow's attire didn't have bits of energy rolling off it, a sign that someone was using one of the Avatar states, and seemed to be normal, though the stripes on her collar were all different colors, just like a rainbow, and the symbol in front of her neck was a red lightning bolt. Her sash and belt remained the same, save for the symbols on her sash becoming a line of three bolts, just like her collar, while her baggy pants became rainbow colored as well, only in a swirl pattern, instead of going with the type that Belmod had for his attire. Her power, now that she was finally taking the empty throne and accepting the position she was fated to have, reached the levels of an actual God of Destruction, surprising some of the Destroyers by the sheer power she now wielded, while at the same time Beerus, Chronoa, Whis, and Shin smiled, showing that they were proud of her.

While all this was going on, however, Sunset noticed that Champa was shocked that Rainbow, who was effectively his niece since he was Beerus' brother, was being elevated to the level that he was on, but he said nothing as the rest of the energy that had embraced Rainbow disappeared at long last, allowing them to focus on what was happening.

"All hail Rainbow Dash, God of Destruction for Universe 13." Sunset said, though she had to smile as well, because while she had done a good job making sure the balance of their universe was where it was supposed to be, even if they had to enter the Tournament of Power thanks to some of her decisions, she also knew that Rainbow, having been trained by four different godly beings, would do just fine.

"I promise to do my best to live up to the standards you set for me." Rainbow stated, though at the same time she smiled, because she had been waiting for this moment to happen for a long time, since she first learned what the Avatar of Destruction meant for her, even if it happened in an entirely different manner that what she was expecting, and she made sure to bow her head in respect.

Sunset knew that Rainbow would work hard to prove that she was a good God of Destruction, since her father was Beerus and she had been trained to take this position for a long time, and she also knew that Rainbow would be able to match what she did for their universe, to which she turned around and returned to her throne, where she sat down and faced the gods that were gathering around her in their universal groups.

"Now then, there is something else I wish to discuss before everyone heads home," Sunset said, where she noticed that she had the undivided attention of the Gods of Destruction, their Kaioshin, and the Angels, including the mortals that were interested in what else she wanted to talk about, especially since she was new to being the ruler of the multiverse and likely needed some time to get used to things, "Part of the reason that the Tournament of Power was held in the first place, besides providing entertainment for the bored Kings of All, is because a number of universes haven't developed to the level that they were expecting, so I would like the gods who watch over the lower ranking universes to put forth some effort to improve the living situations of their universes and raise their mortal levels. In fact, since they're good at keeping the balance of their own universes, I would like the gods of the higher ranking universes to take some time and assist their fellow gods in raising the mortal levels of the lower ranking universes, so that life can flourish all over the multiverse."

"You... want them... to help us?" Champa asked, as he was surprised by the request that Sunset was making, since she was asking that Liquiir, Geene, Arack, and Iwne take some time out of their own schedules to assist the gods of the nine universes that had been fighting in the Tournament of Power.

"Yes, that is what I said." Sunset replied, knowing that many of the gods had to be shocked by this, since they were used to doing things their own way, and she knew that change was necessary for some of the universes, especially Universe 9, since they were the lowest of the thirteen at the moment, before she considered something, "Grand Priest, how long does it usually take for any significant change in a universe's mortal level to occur, regardless of whether it increased or decreased?"

"Anywhere from a few years to five hundred years," the Grand Priest answered without delay, as he had been left with the responsibility to oversee most of the universes, since the Kings of All preferred playing their games and rarely cared to do their job, hence the reason he was able to answer so quickly, "had it not been for the Tournament of Power, and Tirek's sudden arrival, I would have told them about any changes to the thirteen mortal levels in about one year's time. In fact, some of them might have been getting ready to make some significant changes before the tournament was scheduled, so if you give them this year the mortal levels of the nine universes that fought against each other might improve, though there is the chance that some might decrease as well."

"Is that so?" Sunset asked, as that was something she wasn't expecting, that the next check up on the universes wasn't for another year and that there was potential for some of the mortal levels to improve, though as the Grand Priest nodded his head, to confirm his statement, she turned towards the other Angels, or rather the ones that had been watching over the universes that had been erased earlier, "Angels of the revived universes, are there any mortals that have the potential to replace the current God of Destruction that each of you is guiding and teaching at the moment?"

It was a simple question, an inquiry to see if the Angels had spotted any mortals that might make better Destroyer Gods than the ones they were currently working with, and while Heles, Mosco, or rather Mule as the Grand Priest pointed out the robotic suit's pilot's name was, Quitela, Champa, and Rumshi were surprised by the question, while Belmod, who wasn't included in this since his universe hadn't been erased, remained silent, because he already had a replacement that he was currently training at the moment.

"I know of only a single warrior, in all of Universe 2, that has the potential to do so." Sour, the Angel of Universe 2, said, being the first one to answer the question, while at the same time indicating that the Angels were definitely looking for any warriors that might replace their students, even if some didn't find any.

"Universe 3 actually has three warriors who might be able to replace Lord Mule." Camparri stated, though his tone revealed that he did enjoy spending time with both Mule and Ea, the Kaioshin of their universe, and that his search was just in case something happened to his Destroyer God.

"I have seen at least five warriors who might be able to take Lord Quitela's place," Cognac, the Universe 4 Angel, added, where Sunset glanced at him for a moment, silently asking if any of those potential candidates had been on the team that Quitela had brought with him, to which the Angel shook his head.

"We had five great warriors and you didn't tell me about them?!" Quitela exclaimed, because he couldn't believe what he was hearing, as one or more of them might have been able to turn the tide against the other universes while they were fighting each other, especially if they had the potential to replace him.

"I offered my advice to you, Lord Quitela, and you went with your hidden warriors and cheap tactics." Cognac replied, showing that he didn't think much care for the underhanded tactics that his universe had used in the tournament, while also informing Sunset that Quitela really had problems listening to those that were above him.

"Before today I observed no warriors that could challenge Champa's position," Vados said, which seemed to earn a sigh of relief from Champa, who believed that he was in the clear, despite the fact that he missed part of what his Angel had said, "however, after witnessing the Tournament of Power, and how our warriors fought, there might be one or two, with the proper training, that could replace him."

"There might be one potential warrior in our universe, but I haven't had time to confirm or deny my findings," Mojito added, while at the same time Sidra wiped some sweat off his forehead, apparently believing that he was in the clear like Champa had been, though Sunset understood that the Angel actually wanted to see if this potential warrior had the ability to become the next God of Destruction for Universe 9, and possibly raise it's mortal level at the same time.

"And I've seen one or two warriors that might be at that level," Cus, the Angel of Universe 10, finished, though her tone revealed that she enjoyed her time with Rumshi and Gowasu, as she had been sad when they were erased and she was happy to have them back, so having to replace one of them, even just thinking about it, saddened her a little.

"I see, so each universe that was erased has at least one mortal warrior capable of replacing the current God of Destruction, if properly trained." Sunset commented, as that was some unexpected news, because she figured that one or two universes had someone that could replace the current Destroyer God, but she could work with this, "Well then, this makes things much more interesting. Gods of Destruction from the erased universes, I will give each of you the time between now and the next check up date, which is a year according to the Grand Priest, to work hard and raise the mortal levels of your universe before the appointed time arrives. If you manage to improve your level by a significant amount, you shall keep your position as the Destroyer God for your universe, until you feel that it's time to retire, but if your level remains the same, or even goes down, then you will forfeit that right and start training your replacement."

"You're... considering replacing us?" Sidra asked, because that was something that he, and the other gods, weren't expecting to hear, especially since Sunset was so new to being the ruler of the multiverse and didn't know anything that Lord Zeno had done before his death.

"Of course she is," Liquiir answered, though he understood what was going on, that Sunset was picking up the work that the Kings of All had started and was taking a different path than her predecessors did, as she could have simply erased the Destroyer Gods that had failed and replaced them, but she was giving them the chance to prove themselves before she had the Angels locate and train their potential replacements, "If a God of Destruction can't do their job, which is maintaining balance while also eliminating threats to their universe, and spend their time chasing their own pursuits, such as playing games all the time, eating tons of food from across the various planets of their universe, or whatever they do instead of doing their job, then it makes since that she would replace an insufficient God of Destruction with someone who can get the job done. This, of course, doesn't mean that you have to give up your pursuits, since even gods need to have something to do with their free time, but a Destroyer's focus should be on maintaining balance in their universe, working alongside their Kaioshin to ensure the growth of their universe, and not their own desires."

"Trust me, I don't want to replace any of you," Sunset said, returning the attention of the gods to her, while at the same time she noticed that the Grand Priest seemed like he approved of what she was doing, as it was entirely different than what the Kings of All had decided to do when faced with this situation, "but if you can't perform your duties, and help your universes grow, then I'll have no choice but to find replacements for those that fail to raise their mortal level. That's all I have to say for now, so all of you are free to head back to your universes or converse with your fellow gods for some time, but if you need to ask me something I'll be here for a few more minutes, before I head back to my new palace and get situated in my new role."

The Gods of Destruction looked at each other for a moment, clearly debating what they should do now that they had been given a new task, before some of them, Quitela, Champa, and Sidra to be exact, had the Grand Priest return them, their Angels and their Kaioshin to their various universes, showing that they might not care about asking the others for help. Liquiir, seeing them do that, actually sighed for a moment before he focused on the gods that were still around them, because at the very least the ones that remained were willing to listen to any of the hints that he and the three other Destroyers that had raised their mortal levels to the point where they were excluded from the tournament. Even Rainbow, despite the decent mortal level that her universe had, thanks to Sunset's actions when she was the God of Destruction, walked over to them and listened to what sort of tips the four Destroyers could offer those that were willing to listen at the moment, showing that they would need some time to get their thoughts in order before they could truly help the others raise the levels of their universes. This pleased Sunset, because while it appeared that some of the Gods of Destruction didn't care about what she had said, and that might lead to her replacing them in the future, she was happy to see that the rest of the Destroyers and their Kaioshin were willing to listen, as the ones with the high mortal levels were offering some help to those that had been dragged into the tournament.

There was hope for the multiverse, in the sense that the existing Gods of Destruction and their Kaioshin might be able to work in harmony with the other gods of the various universes, and she was eager to see if the few gods that had left would be able to raise their mortal levels on their own, otherwise she would have to replace them at some point in the future, after the next check up anyway.

After a few minutes the Angels declared that their gods were ready to go home, to which the Grand Priest had them all gather in their various groups once more and waved his hands, where he and Sunset watched as the groups of gods disappeared from the World of the Void, heading back to their universes to resume their lives and their duties. Once that was done, and they were left alone with the various bodyguards that served whoever ruled the multiverse, the Grand Priest turned his attention to the ruined antechamber and waved his hand, picking up the pieces before putting it back together, just in case Sunset wanted to use it in the future, before he stored it in whatever dimension he stored his scepter and other items in. The instant that was done Sunset got up from where she was sitting and the Grand Priest walked over to her as the bodyguards appeared behind them, which was the moment that they lifted into the air and vanished from the World of the Void, leaving behind a ruined fighting stage that would be taken care of in the future. A few seconds later they appeared outside the palace that the Present and Future Zeno had ruled from, and lived in, where the Grand Priest walked forward and lead the way inside, only for the bodyguards to back off as Sunset followed after him, as if knowing that it would be best if they stayed back for now.

This time, as they walked into the palace and headed towards the 'throne' area, Sunset looked around the inside of the palace and found that it wasn't the best in the world, meaning that she was going to have to make some changes here and there to make it more to her liking, but for now there was something else they needed to talk about.

"I'm impressed that you came up with that idea, in such a short period of time," the Grand Priest said, revealing that he was both a little surprised and incredibly happy by her decision, since it was entirely different from what the Present and Future Zenos would have done, "Are you sure that the Gods of Destruction and their Kaioshin will go with what you say and work with the gods of the other universes?"

"Some seem to be willing to give it a try, and some don't seem to care." Sunset commented, as she had thought about that when she told the gods what she wanted of them, especially since they had some incentive to actually work hard to improve the mortal level of their universes, otherwise she would replace them in due time if they failed, "Like I said, I don't want to replace any of them with someone else, but if they can't perform their duties, and spend their time chasing their own pursuits and desires, then I'll have no choice but to make sure the Angels find a suitable replacement for those that fail to raise their mortal level."

"Speaking of which, what will you do about your universe?" the Grand Priest inquired, as he was referring to the fact that Celestia only seemed to accept the position as Sunset's Angel when Sunset became the God of Destruction, no doubt to continue her lessons and teach her the spells she didn't know about, "Celestia and Twilight, if memory serves, only took on their current roles when you first became the God of Destruction for your universe, but now Rainbow is taking over and it's only a matter of time until Celestia decides to retire from her position."

"I honestly doubt Celestia would do that, after holding the position for such a short period of time," Sunset replied, but even as she said that she had to admit that the Grand Priest was making her think about what was going on in her home universe, especially since Rainbow wasn't the only one to manifest an Avatar of some kind, "but, now that I put some more thought into it, Twilight has been a little upset over her position as the Kaioshin, since that time I had to wipe out an entire galaxy to preserve the rest of the universe and the process of reseeding the entire galaxy ate up a lot of her study time. Applejack, on the other hand, seems like an ideal Kaioshin, since she's been trained by Shin and the others from Universe 7, so maybe we should let Celestia retire, either actually retiring and enjoying herself or letting her step up to a new position, and Twilight could take her place as the Angel for my home universe, allowing Applejack to ascend to being the Kaioshin and Rainbow's counterpart god."

"That sounds like a plan." the Grand Priest said, though he wasn't surprised that Sunset would suggest maybe raising Celestia to a new level to open a position for Twilight to take a more meaningful role that would let her study more and, at the same time, keep Rainbow in check, while also giving Applejack the chance to reach the level of a Kaioshin at last.

"Of course we can only do that if you have eighteen kids and not nineteen." Sunset commented, to which the two of them stopped for a moment, as there was something they needed to discuss in private, away from the other gods, and this was the best time to do so, "You know, that's been bugging me for a while. Where are the other six Angels?"

"Back when there were eighteen universes, and not the twelve you knew before your universe became official, Lord Zeno got upset over something and took his rage out on six of the universes," the Grand Priest explained, as he knew that Sunset must have heard this tale at some point in the past, no doubt from Whis and Beerus, considering how close she was to the God of Destruction and Angel of universe 7, but he wanted to make sure she knew everything before he told her what she wanted to know, "I managed to quell his anger for a moment, enough to recall the Angels of Universes 13 through 18, and got them out of the way before their universes were wiped out, but since they had no Gods of Destruction to guide and watch over I put them on leave until I could figure out what to do with them. This isn't public knowledge, as in only your predecessor and the Angels knew this, but there is a planet that both my children and I call home, which is where the six Angels that lost their universes have been resting for the millions of years that have passed since those six universes were destroyed. It's also where the Angels of the universes that were erased during the Tournament of Power would have gone, to rejoin their brothers and sisters until I could find a new task for them, but then Tirek stepped in and caused everything to turn on it's head... and, at the same time, your wish on the Super Dragon Balls was able to reach the lost universes, almost as if the Dragon of the Gods understood that you wanted all the universes brought back."

"I see, so they have been on a forced vacation since the erasure of their universes," Sunset said, because based on how quickly her predecessors were to anger, and that included how quickly both versions of him were to react when something happened, her original guess was that the Angels had been caught off guard and had vanished with their universes, but she was relieved to hear that they had survived, "Am I correct in assuming that you have been keeping the six inactive Angels up to date with what's been going on in the multiverse?"

"Yes, I have been keeping them up to date since that event happened," the Grand Priest replied, though he had to smile for a moment, as Sunset was proving to be a much better ruler than her predecessors, because she actually cared about the beings that were under her, especially ones she had never met before, and was trying to improve the mortal levels of the various universes, "I know a few of them weren't too happy when they heard that so may of their brothers and sisters might be joining them in the near future, when I told them about the Tournament of Power, but they might be happy to hear that not only did all of the universes survive the tournament, but their individual universes were also brought back as well. You do realize that, by bringing back the six universes that Lord Zeno erased, that you also brought back the original Universe 13, which would then make the universe you came from Universe 19."

"So the number changes. I can live with that." Sunset stated, because she was more focused on the fact that she was able to bring the other six universes back, though at the same time she knew that the only one that might have a problem with the change in her universe's number might be Rainbow, since it was now her universe to watch over, "Grand Priest, how long would it take for the six Angels to make their way to their restored universes, find their Gods of Destruction and the Kaioshin, inform them of everything they missed out on, and then get themselves ready for an audience with not only myself, since I would like to meet them, but a summit with the other gods so i can announce their return?"

"It depends on how soon you want to see them." the Grand Priest answered, because all the gods were used to dropping anything they were doing and coming to this world whenever the King of All, and then the Kings of All when the Future Lord Zeno joined them, called on them, but with Sunset in charge things would be different, "If you wanted to see them immediately, I could have them here in the next hour, giving them little time to understand what's going on and leaving them with a number of questions that you would have to answer. If you wanted to give them some time to speak with their Angels, so they can better understand the situation, I would recommend anywhere from a single day to five at the most, which gives them plenty of time to go over what's happened since their universes were erased."

"Is that so?" Sunset inquired, as she would have expected that going over what happened, over millions of years since their universes were erased, would have taken a lot longer than five days, but at the same time that meant that there might be a chance that these gods were different from some of the current gods, "Very well then, you may contact the six Angels and inform them that I would like to see them, their Gods of Destruction, and the Kaioshin of their universes that I would like to meet with them in five day's time, giving them more than enough time to understand everything that's happened over the years and get them ready for the changes I've implemented already. Once that's done we need to head back to my home universe... I just remembered what Pinkie promised before we were brought to the World of the Void, and its unwise to upset her by missing one of her parties."

The Grand Priest tilted his head for a moment, as he had no idea what Sunset was talking about, which caused her to smile as she held a hand out towards the open space to her right and focused for a moment, where a viewing screen, sort of like the one an Angel's scepter could conjure, appeared before them, and, just like Sunset expected, she found that Ponyville was hosting one of the largest celebrations in it's history.

"Wh... What is this?" the Grand Priest asked, because he knew many things about the inhabitants of the various universes and the powerful warriors that had taken part in the tournament, but he had to admit that he must have missed seeing something like this, before his confusion was raised even further when he noticed Pinkie turn towards them and wave at them, like she knew that someone was watching her.

"This is one of Pinkie's infamous parties," Sunset replied, though at this point in time she was sure that nothing Pinkie did would surprise her at this point, not after everything she had seen since she became a God of Destruction, before she turned towards the Grand Priest again, "a celebration of the fact that we survived the Tournament of Power and managed to save the multiverse, though she wouldn't tell everyone that, since knocking the universe would have been at stake would cause panic, so she likely told them they did something epic and everyone is celebrating."

"Your universe, and Universe 7, continue to surprise me." the Grand Priest stated, though he meant it in a good way, since it was Son Goku's attitude that had saved so many universes from being instantly erased by the Kings of All, giving them the chance to fight for their survival, and he had a list of the surprises that Sunset's universe had given him since he started observing it, where he had another item to add to his ever growing list.

Sunset nodded her head in agreement, as there were things about her own universe that had surprised her when she first encountered them, before the Grand Priest moved to the side and summoned his scepter, where he contacted the six Angels that had been waiting for a new task for millions of years and informed them of Sunset's decision, where she noted that he kept the fact that Lord Zeno had been replaced a secret for now. She guessed that they were going to tell the six groups the news when they arrived for the meeting she wanted to have with them, which was fine since it gave her time to focus on the loose ends she needed to clean up, namely the cursed gauntlet that Tirek had found and the stones that held the souls of Nirn's godly beings. The first thing she was going to do was attend Pinkie's party, since it would be rude of her to not be there, and have some fun before the day ended, then she was going to get some well deserved sleep before she sought out Discord, who was keeping the gauntlet safe for her. Before she officially started her duties as the Queen of All, and learned what she needed to do from the Grand Priest, she was going to revive Nirn and destroy the gauntlet, all to restore the planet to it's former glory, and then she would leave everything to Rainbow and Applejack, as she had the feeling that they would be able to perfect her work and raise the mortal level of their universe to greater heights.

Time would tell what the other gods did, and if they were able to improve their own mortal levels as well, but Sunset was hoping that they would listen to her advice and work with each other, otherwise her threat of replacement would become a reality, but for now she was going to focus on the party and her mission... and then, once all that was said and done, she could focus on her new job and whatever she needed to do to get it done.

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