• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Tournament: Desperation

"This... This can't be happening." Celestia commented, as they were all aware that Tirek was stronger than anyone they had seen in the past, after absorbing the power of one of the Kings of All into his body, but for him to destroy one of the ancient and nameless spells that she knew about, one of the strongest to be exact, was terrible news, especially since they had just lost Sunset, one of her prized students.

Sombra had to admit that he was at a loss for words, as Sunset had proved to be one of the strongest warriors he had ever seen, especially due to the massive power boosts she got while she was fighting Tirek, but now, after seeing her final attack detonate like the Spirit Bomb did during Goku's fight with Jiren, he was shocked that she was gone. He couldn't feel her energy at all, meaning that she had either survived the attack and was hiding until her foe lowered his guard, or she had been utterly obliterated by the sheer power that was at the core of her own attack, which she had been planning on using against her foe. He also noticed that he wasn't the only one that was shocked, as everyone on his team, everyone on Goku's team, and even Jiren's team, and he was including the gods of all the remaining universes and their Angels as well, were shocked by Sunset's sudden defeat and disappearance, one that meant they were in trouble. Interesting enough the Destroyer Gods that disliked Sunset, of which there seemed to be one or two remaining, were sad to see her disappear like this, meaning they preferred beating her in a different manner and that Tirek stole that from them, even if beating her might be impossible in the methods they were thinking about. Even Twilight, who likely thought of Sunset as a dear friend, despite being her counterpart god, was shaken by the events that had transpired before their eyes, and he had the feeling that they would have to calm her down at some point in time, before she, or anyone else, did something reckless.

"Sunset, she's... she's gone." Twilight stated, though at the same time she felt some sweat rolling down the sides of her face, as she had felt Tirek's power for herself when they first fought each other, then heard about it when Sunset returned from her first adventure, and then seen her friend best Tirek in Tartarus, but for this to happen, after seeing the Kings of All die in such a manner, meant they were in serious trouble, before something dawned on her, "Wait a second, I share a life link with Sunset, since I'm her counterpart god... doesn't that mean I should have dropped dead as well?"

"No, you're fortunate to have a replacement God of Destruction standing nearby," Liquiir said, knowing that there were still a number of godly rules that the gods of Universe 13 still didn't know about, as they were still trying to figure everything out and catch up to everyone else, before he beckoned to Rainbow for a moment, "Whether she likes it or not, young Rainbow here is effectively the new Destroyer God for Universe 13, and normally there would be a ceremony where the old God of Destruction would pass their mantle over to their replacement, but I don't think we'll get a chance to do that, not with the threat that's looming before us."

"And what could you possibly do in the face of my new power?" Tirek asked, because he was interested in why a few of the remaining gods even cared about what they did next, when it was up to him as to whether or not the existing multiverse got to continue it's existence, especially since all of them were still loyal, in some way, to the previous Kings of All, meaning it might be in his interest to destroy everything and start all over, before he pointed at the area that Sunset's attack had landed in, including the crater it produced, "The greatest god you could send at me tried, in vain, to overcome my power and, when the reality set in and she discovered she couldn't beat me, she tried to obliterate me with a weapon that contained the soul of the other King of All, effectively killing herself in the process when I shattered her attack. There is no one left that can challenge my might, not among the gods and mortals that are sitting around you, but, since I am in a good mood, I will offer all of you a chance to survive the next step of my plan, which is to purge all those that would rather stand against me. Once the faithful are all that remains, or nobody if you choose to be as naive as your dead rulers, I will fulfill what Sunset Shimmer said I would do, that being erasing the known multiverse so I can start anew, maybe with a higher number of universes than the twelve you started with... though I will take great pleasure in destroying Universe 13, for what happened in the past, before I do anything else."

"So you're asking us to just give up and swear our loyalty to you?" Belmod inquired, as he wanted to understand what the insane being in front of them wanted all of them to do, especially since he seemed to be under the impression that he could just scare them into submission.

"Yes. Swear fealty to me, as your new King of All, and I will let those that do so survive my purge." Tirek stated, to which he stared at the assembled gods and mortals, finding that some seemed to be considering what he was saying while those from Universe 13 were looking down at him with disgust and other such emotions on their faces, "Failure to do so will result in both you and your universes being added to the list of places my purge will strike, and trust me, I will have a smile on my face as I obliterate everything and anyone that stands against me."

Beerus knew that some of the gods were angry, that Universe 13 could spawn such an evil being and that Sunset didn't get rid of him when she had the chance, but at the same time his attention was focused on the creature that was currently threatening all of them with the same thing that Lord Zeno had threatened them with, only Tirek would go through with it and not go back on his word. If the being said that he was going to erase the universes that stood against him, along with the gods that ruled those universes, than Beerus assumed that he was going to follow through when he was good and ready to do so, no doubt to give those that opposed him a chance to watch as their homes were destroyed before erasing his opposition. He was also annoyed by the fact that Tirek was willing to wipe out his own universe, which showed everyone that he had no connections to anything and that he didn't care where he came from, as his only desire was to complete the plan he had sent in motion after Sunset bested him the second time. The same, however, could not be said for him, the warriors from his own universe, and those from Universe 13, as they all had their own reasons for coming to this tournament, to save the multiverse from what Lord Zeno had been planning, and none of them were willing to let their hard work be tossed aside by the being in front of them.

Once he came to that conclusion, and silently hoped that his thoughts were correct, Beerus pulled himself up from where he was sitting, stepped down to the lowest level of the stands, as in right in front of his warriors, and stared down at the being that happened to be threatening them, no doubt confusing some of the selfish gods in the process.

"No deal." Beerus stated, though at the same time he readied himself, as in his purple aura came to life around him as he focused on his foe, because he was about to do something that everyone would consider stupid, especially after seeing what happened to Sunset, and hoped that they could find some way to overcome him, "Sunset was right, you'll just destroy the multiverse and wipe everyone out, and I'd be damned if I stood aside and let the monster she faced, and fought with all her power, simply toy with the multiverse until he destroyed everything we hold dear. I will fight you with every ounce of power that I possess, with every tactic and technique that I know, and I'd even surrender my life, all to safeguard the universes from your madness... even if I must stand alone..."

"You won't be fighting him alone, not after what he's done to everyone he's met," Rainbow said, to which she and the rest of her team, including Celestia and Discord, got up and stared down at Tirek, showing that they were going to give it their all and were hoping they could take Tirek down, even if it meant sacrificing themselves for the greater good, "We'll make him regret everything he's done since he escaped Tartarus!"

Goku and Vegeta, despite seeing the power that Tirek commanded, nodded their heads and stared at Tirek, showing their foe that Universe 13 wasn't going to face him alone, in the final battle for the multiverse, before the rest of their team, especially Krillin, joined them. That action had more impact than they would have thought, as Liquiir got up and stood beside them, indicating that he wanted to keep the multiverse the way it was, before the remaining Destroyer Gods, including Belmod, joined them, showing Tirek that simply beating one of them wasn't going to stop them from opposing his desire to destroy everything. Not even a few seconds later the Angels, as in Whis and all his brothers and sisters, got up and tapped their scepters on the stands, showing that they were going to fight for the multiverse as well, since it was clear that the tournament no longer mattered and that this was a fight for survival. That, however, was followed by Chronoa engulfing herself in a bright light for a second, which was when her pants, her sash, and the shirt that rested under her main attire had turned yellow colored, while the main jacket turned white, before a halo that resembled a golden clock gear appeared behind her, with one hand pointed at the location of the ten and the other at the location of the two, if one were thinking about a normal clock. This was the state that allowed her to use her full power, something she had taken to calling Tokinokitara Kaihou, or Power of Time Unleashed, and normally she used it when she was in her smaller form, to grow into her taller body and access her full power, but these days, thanks to some self confidence, she remained in her taller form and used this to call upon the true that she possessed as a Supreme Kai of Time.

She knew that her power wasn't that grand, since they would be fighting someone that had the power of Lord Zeno coursing through his body, but at the same time she wasn't about to let her husband, all of her friends, and both of her daughters fight this monster without her backing them up, and she would gladly follow them to the ends of the multiverse, regardless of what happened when the final battle started.

"So, you all wish to die by my hand?" Tirek asked, as he was honestly surprised that everyone on the stands wanted a piece of him, especially after they witnessed what happened to the last person that tried something like that, before he sighed and decided that this would be a good time to get to know his powers better, at least until he felt ready to tear the multiverse apart and start over, "Very well then, come at me when you're ready."

Chronoa, taking the chance they had been given, waved her hand and let her power wash over the warriors that were around her, restoring the stamina and power of those that had been fighting in the tournament, including the Pride Troopers that were glaring down at Tirek. Once that was done she, Beerus, and Whis were the first ones to jump into the air and head down to the fighting stage, indicating that they wanted a piece of Tirek, before the other Destroyer Gods and the Angels joined them, leaving the Kaioshin behind so they didn't endanger their counterpart gods. Shin, on the other hand, had another idea that they could use against Tirek, in addition to all the power that was being assembled against their new foe, and that was to remove his Potara Earrings and hand them over to Goku and Vegeta, because if they were going to go all out, against someone as powerful as their foe was, they might as well do it the right way. The two Saiyans smiled as they first pushed themselves back into their Super Saiyan Blue forms, because transforming while they were fused cut into the time they had to remain in such a state, a constant between the two types of fusions, before they took the earrings and slipped them on, allowing them to merge into a single warrior once more. The new warrior had the body type that Goku possessed and his soft jawline, while also having Vegeta's sharp eyes, even if it was mostly Vegeta's hair style the warrior had in his base form, though his clothing was a gi like Goku's, only with the blue of Vegeta's armor resting over the orange of Goku's normal gi.

This was Vegito, the other fusion that the two Saiyans could become, this time utilizing the Potara Earrings instead of the Metamoran Fusion Dance, and he was incredibly powerful in his own right, so much so that Jiren paused and looked at him for a few seconds before the pair summoned their auras and joined the battle, followed by the rest of the Pride Troopers, who were being lead by Toppo once more.

"Rainbow, Applejack, I think it's time you used the Potara Earrings as well," Shin commented, because while he knew that Vegito was strong, and that all the warriors that were fighting against him were strong in their own ways, he had no idea if they had enough power to overcome their foe, hence the reason he wanted the girls to use their final trump card, the one that they had only used one time before this moment.

"Even with Aekarai, I'm not sure we can beat Tirek," Applejack admitted, as the power their foe possessed was stronger than anything else they had seen, giving them a good idea as to how strong the Kings of All could have been if they actually fought someone, before she pulled her stetson hat off her head and reached into it, removing the small container that had been hidden inside it, where she handed the hat off to Shin as she removed two green Potara Earrings from the small box, "but it's better than not giving our all and letting him get his way."

Rainbow nodded her head as she took one of the Potara Earrings and attached it to her right ear, before turning around so she could stand on the edge of the stands, where Applejack joined her not a second later, which was when the two of them jumped over the edge and descended towards the fighting stage. As the two of them fell, however, Applejack slipped the other Potara Earring onto her left ear, where the orbs on the two earrings glowed for a few seconds as the pair closed their eyes, allowing their bodies to disappear in a blinding flash of light as they fused into a single warrior. The other warriors, who were standing on the fighting stage, stopped moving as they felt the surge of power that was coming from where the two had been located, where they had to cover their eyes for a few moments as they turned towards the source of energy they were feeling, before the light faded and noticed a warrior with a white aura spinning around so she could touch down near where they were standing. Out of all of them only Beerus, Whis, and Chronoa had a smile on their face, as they knew who this warrior was and they were glad to have her on their side, especially since her power might actually be what they needed to turn the tide against Tirek, or at least keep him stalled until they figured out a way to find Sunset and bring her back.

The warrior had Applejack's body and her facial features, much like how Vegito had Goku's body type and jawline with Vegeta's eyes, while her hair and tail were styled in Rainbow's style, with a few olive streaks resting between the colored sections of her rainbow colored hair and tail. The attire the warrior was wearing was a mix of what Rainbow and Applejack had been wearing when they slipped the earrings on, where she happened to be wearing the collar of a God of Destruction with some bindings beneath it, much like Sunset had been wearing around her upper chest. The lower part of her body happened to be covered in the lower section of a Kaioshin's jacket, complete with the pants covering her legs, but instead of the normal sash that a Kaioshin would wear, like Shin wore all the time, she had the sash of a Destroyer God in front of her legs. The symbols that appeared on the collar and the sash looked like an apple that was merged with a bolt of lightning, while the collar had an equal number of cyan and olive colored stripes, much like how Belmod's collar was designed, though that was before they all noticed that the warrior's right eye was dark purple colored, the color of Destruction, while her left eye was light green colored, the color of Creation.

Belmod and the other gods stared at her for a few moments, with their mouths open and a look of astonishment and shock on their faces, as she approached them and prepared herself for the battle that was ahead of them, because it was only a matter of time until Tirek attacked them.

"What... is this power?" Dyspo asked, because it was unlike anything he had experienced since the tournament had started, as while he had felt the power of Rainbow and Applejack, when they were separate warriors, he had no idea what to make of the warrior who commanded both of their powers.

"A fusion between two warriors that are wearing one of the two Avatars, as in the Destruction and Creation Avatars," Belmod stated, though at the same time he felt some sweat grace his face again, because this was something that he definitely wasn't expecting to see, and it verified the belief that it wasn't wise to mess with Universe 13, "The other two times this type of fusion happened the warriors that were attempting it either died or the fusion instantly failed, so we all thought this was a myth... the Avatar of All..."

"My name is Aekarai," the warrior said, though as she said that she stared at Tirek, who was watching them while he waited for one of them to lash out at him, showing that he didn't much care about them and was only humoring them until he felt it was time to end everything, "Now then, I believe it's time we got started."

Beerus and Vegito nodded their heads as Aekarai rushed through the air, approaching their opponent with the intent of starting the battle for the fate of the multiverse, though as Tirek swung his fist at her, to smash her into the floor and end her before she even got started, Aekarai moved her body and walked along his outstretched arm, much to the surprise of him and the gods that were watching the battle unfold. Even Tirek was caught off guard by that, since he wasn't used to someone doing that against him, and it wasn't long before Aekarai was standing behind him, causing him to turn around as he prepared to strike her while her back was turned to him, which was the greatest mistake a warrior could make while they were fighting someone else. What happened next was that his attack missed, which confused him since he was so sure that the power of his newest foe wasn't on the level that Sunset had been using against him, before he killed her with her own attack, and a swift kick to the face knocked him backwards, even if it was only enough to push him a step or two. That, however, seemed to be what his foe was hoping for, because it was in that instant that Beerus and Whis, aided by both Chronoa and Vegito, lashed out at him with their own attacks, though even as that happened Tirek just stood there and took them all, because when the smoke cleared he revealed that they had done nothing to his body, showing the gap between their powers. As his guard seemed to lower Belmod, who had slipped out of sight for a few seconds, raised his hand and threw cards made of his own energy at his foe's side, intending on blasting Tirek to the ground and give them an opening, but all it did was kick up some smoke and reveal that their target was unharmed.

Before Tirek could go on the offensive, and start taking them down like flies, Aekarai appeared in front of him and loosed a kick that knocked him into the air above their heads, though as she flashed up to where her target was floating Beerus and the others got the other warriors away from the area for a moment. In the following seconds Aekarai kicked him across the fighting stage with one well placed attack, then followed her foe so she could kick him to a new location, something that she did for a few moments, much to the amazement of the gods that were watching this, and that even included Jiren, who was now seeing why they had hidden such a trump card from him and the other gods. It wasn't long before she appeared in the air above Tirek and brought the backside of her right leg down on the back of his neck, where she let the sheer power of her attack sent him flying into the floor of the fighting stage and blew a crater, one that was the size of an acre, into the stone. It was the same attack that she had used against Zamasu, when she and the others were facing him in the future, an attack she called Apple Season Barrage, and her foe at the time had an immortal body, one that did take damage despite the fact that it healed within seconds, so she was curious as to what sort of damage her attack could do against someone that wasn't like that.

When the smoke cleared once more, however, the gods and the mortal warriors watched as Tirek pulled himself out of the crater and dusted himself off, without a single scratch on his body, illustrating the sheer power he commanded right now, which was enough to make the legendary Avatar of All, a form that all the gods feared as much as the King of All himself, seem like nothing in comparison.

Aekarai, on the other hand, didn't seem all that phased by this information, rather she gathered her energy and started tossing rainbow colored spheres of ki down into the area around Tirek, ones that Beerus recognized from the first battle she had been in, which meant that it was wise to keep everyone away from the pair for now. Tirek, who chose to remain in the same location while the numerous spheres rained down upon him, let his foe have her fun for a moment or two, but when he discovered that she wasn't taking this seriously, that none of the spheres were even landing near him, despite some being in the air, he raised his arm and pierced one with his fingers. He determined that this was a waste of time, that he could have spent it better by breaking the other warriors around him, before he noticed that the energy of the sphere he punctured wrapped around his arm, signaling the other spheres to zero in on where he was standing and detonate their payload, kicking up some more dust and smoke in the process. This was the second technique Aekarai had shown off during her first battle, the Zap Apple Surprise, an attack that acted much like Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade, but instead of it being her that triggered the explosion it was whoever she was fighting, since they always seemed interested in testing or breaking one of the spheres, leading to a massive explosion that rocked the area around them. Despite the power she put into the attack, however, Tirek emerged from the smoke and, once more, showed all of the warriors around him that none of their efforts were paying off, as he was without a scratch or marking again, but before he could do anything Vegito went on the offensive as he punched Tirek in the face and continued to throw several more punches and kicks, giving Aekarai time for her next attack.

The gesture was not lost on Aekarai, as she put some distance between her and Tirek before focusing on gathering her power once more, where she pointed the palm of her right hand in her target's direction and called her energy into a single mass in front of her hand. Those that were watching noticed that half of the small spheres that gathered in the air around her were dark purple colored and the other half were light green colored, revealing that she really did have the ability to merge the powers of Destruction and Creation into a single attack, one that caused the air to shudder for a few seconds as she charged her next attack. She waited for a few seconds, mostly to stabilize the attack, and when it was ready Vegito vacated the area immediately, allowing her to fire the Duality Cannon at her target, where the sphere of energy burst out of the area she had been charging it in and raced towards where Tirek was standing, who simply turned and looked at it as it approached him. Not even a moment later a massive explosion engulfed Tirek as the attack reached it's target, generating enough power to obliterate a portion of the fighting stage and even break some of it off, where the fragments floated in the space near the stage while the warriors and gods waited to see what happened this time. They were, once again, disappointed to see that Tirek took a moment to brush off some dust, showing he had taken no damage from the attack, making them wonder just how strong he had gotten while he was fighting Sunset and if they should have joined her, instead of letting her face this monster alone.

Upon seeing that their foe was still messing with them, and not taking this seriously at all, Aekarai pulled her hands together by the right side of her body, like she was charging a Kamehameha, but this one was powered by the combined energies of Creation and Destruction, a Duality Kamehameha as it were. When it was ready she fired the beam of energy right at where her target was standing, which was the exact moment that Chronoa wrapped chains of yellow energy around Tirek's body, keeping him pinned in one spot as she used the power of time against him. While that happened she wasn't the only one that was attacking their foe, as Vegito fired his own Final Kamehameha at Tirek, Beerus and the other Destroyer Gods combined their energies into a massive Sphere of Destruction that came from behind their foe, and all the other warriors from Universe 13 launched their own ultimate attacks, regardless if they were a beam type or a sphere type attack. Not even a second later the area in front of them ignited as their attacks collided with their foe, but in the following moment they understood what was going on, as Tirek shattered the Chains of Time that had been used on him and then focused his aura to launch small bits of his new energy through the air, where they collided with the incoming attacks and blew them all apart, like they meant nothing before his power, stunning them all in the process. It was becoming clear as to why it was a good thing that Lord Zeno never fought anyone, as his power was far beyond anything they had ever seen and even the Avatar of All wasn't making a dent in Tirek's seemingly impenetrable aura, rather he seemed to be toying with them, like he was humoring them before he made the truth of their reality known to them.

Aekarai had one last technique she could try, the Duality Bomb, a combination of Creation and Destruction energies that formed a sphere attack, much like the Spirit Bomb and Sunset's nameless attack, and she raised her hands into the air, pulling the strands together rather easily... but when she launched it, however, Tirek simply waved his hand and a wave of energy slammed into the incoming attack, utterly destroying it in a few seconds.

"You are strong, my dear Aekarai, but you're no Sunset Shimmer." Tirek stated, to which he flashed through the air and appeared behind the fusion warrior, whose eyes widened as she realized that their foe was done playing around with them and that he was going on the offensive at long last, "It's about time I made you all remember what I can really do, and show you the error of your ways."

In the following seconds Aekarai turned around and kicked at where Tirek's voice was coming from, only for her target to slip behind her while she was in the process of attacking, which was where a fist collided with her back and sent her flying into the side of the central pillar of the fighting stage. As that happened Vegito rushed him, intending to take him by surprise once more, only for Tirek to dodge the attack and loose a pair of incredibly small ki blasts at his ears, where the Potara Earrings he was wearing shattered and caused him to defuse back into Goku and Vegeta, who Tirek then slammed his fists into and sent flying into the floor. His attacks ended up cracking several of their ribs and even broke one or two of them in the process, showing that he wasn't messing around, but that didn't stop the other warriors and gods from trying to take him down, where he sighed and simply continued his attacks, since it seemed that he would need to inflict a great deal of pain and suffering on his foes before they understood that they couldn't beat him, let alone touch him. His first target was the weakest warrior of them all, the bald one that was called Krillin, as he launched a disc shaped attack called the Destructo Disk at him, one that struck his neck and broke apart rather easily, which was when he appeared in front of his target and kicked him in the chest, breaking several of his bones in the process as he slammed into one of the rock pillars and collapsed on the floor.

As that happened one of the Androids, the male, tried to distract him, so that the female one could rush to her lover's side, so what he did was appear in front of the one that was firing ki blasts and struck his target in the chest, causing him to cough up whatever his blood substitute was up for a moment, before he spun around and kicked him into another rock, one that collapsed on top of him as he moved towards his next foe. The female one turned around and fired a barrage of ki blasts at him, in the attempt to slow him down, but all Tirek did was get behind her and grabbed the side of her head, where he crushed her into the floor and then grabbed onto her left arm, which he twisted until he heard it snap, followed by her scream as she felt her arm break. Interesting enough the old man backed off, no doubt realizing that he couldn't stand against the power that he displayed, before his thoughts were proven incorrect, as the elderly man had his body bulk up and fired one of those Kamehameha's at him, one that he destroyed instantly, before letting go of the female Android's arm and flashed in front of his newest foe, breaking some of his frail ribs with a incredibly low powered kick that sent him flying into the rocks nearby. The bald warrior with three eyes tried to hit him next, but instead of messing with him, like he did with the others, Tirek bypassed the incoming attack and lashed out with his leg, crushing one of his target's leg bones in the process, before knocking him to the side as he grabbed the green man's head... before he sharpened some of the fallen rocks around him into spikes and stabbed them into his newest foe's arms and legs, as well as forced him to remain stuck to the rock wall behind him.

Once that happened the Dazzlings rushed at him, intending to attack him while he was distracted, to which Tirek dodged their combined elemental attack and then spun around, where he lashed out with his leg and kicked all three of them in their chests in rapid succession, cracking many of their ribs as he knocked them all away from him, making it impossible for them to rejoin the battle. Trixie and Rarity, using the combination of Trixie's illusions and the powers that Rarity developed, lashed out at him next, trying to do something that would stop him from bringing an end to them and the rest of the multiverse, but all Tirek did was rush through all the clones that had been created and slammed into Trixie, crushing the scales that were protecting her chest and cracking several of her ribs as well, before spinning around to kick Rarity's head, knocking her into a rock wall that made him grin when it collapsed on top of her. Pinkie charged in with all six of her Eco powers activated, intending on using everything in her arsenal against him, but all Tirek did was grab her face and slam her into the floor, blowing a crater into the stone, before he deepened it by unleashing a barrage of blows that definitely cracked many of her ribs, so much so that she had to stop fighting back and focus on keeping her body from being more hurt than it already was. After a moment of doing that he shifted his target and zeroed in on where Chrysalis was standing, who focused her mind and an impressive number of weapons, all made from energy, formed around her, the infamous Weapon Dance move he heard about, to which he rushed through all the incoming attacks and crushed the weapons before they could even hurt him, before he kicked Chrysalis in the chest, causing her stagger for a second, which he used to grab onto her head and deliver a powerful knee blow that knocked her onto her back.

Aekarai took that opportunity to lash out at him again, forcing him away from the downed changeling, but in the end he revealed what he was really doing, by destroying the earrings his foe was wearing and caused her to revert back to Rainbow and Applejack... where he spun around and lashed out with his leg multiple times, breaking both Rainbow's left arm and her left leg, while at the same time kicking Applejack's chest, breaking her ribs as they crashed into two different rock walls as he touched down where he had been seconds ago.

"Beerus, this is insane!" Belmod stated, though at the same time the Angels rushed Tirek at the same time, using both their own attacks and their scepters to try and turn the tide against their foe, which was around the time that Tirek just avoided the incoming attacks before lashing out at them, sending them flying in multiple directions, "We can't beat him like this... shouldn't we just give up and submit before he decides to end everything?"

"No, I refuse to give up!" Beerus replied, as he knew that any rational person would have watched this madness take place and bow out before it was his turn to face the being they were fighting, but right now his daughters were in pain, his mentor and the other Angels were being treated like they were nothing, and all their warriors were being broken before his very eyes, as Jiren, who rushed at Tirek after the Angels went flying, had his left arm broken before he was slammed into the central pillar, "At this point we're playing for time, for what I do not know, but we can't let Tirek have his way."

Belmod knew that Beerus had to be insane at this point, as there was no reason for them to fight someone that had the power of the King of All coursing through his veins, and he found that none of the other Gods of Destruction were backing down either, as Liquiir and the others joined Beerus as he rushed at their foe, before he sighed and followed after them once more. It didn't matter in the end, not when Tirek dodged all their attacks like they were nothing and lashed out at them not a few seconds later, where Belmod found his left arm was broken, Iwne's ribs were cracked as he was bashed into a pile of rocks, Arack found his body bruised and some of his bones cracked as he fell to the floor, Liquiir had both of his legs broken and his ribs cracked, Geene was slammed into the edge of the stands and was then crushed into the floor, and Beerus, despite his best efforts, had his left arm broken as he fell to one knee, while Tirek moved to the next target on his list. Chronoa fell back and tended to Beerus' arm, where she tried to hide how terrified she was because none of them seemed to be doing anything to their foe, while Sombra, the last of the mortal warriors, didn't even attempt to fight back at this point, because he knew that, after losing their fusion warriors, the remaining Gods of Destruction, and the Angels, they weren't in a position to do much, so he wasn't about to waste his energy trying to stop Tirek.

"Mortals and gods, you put up a valiant defense," Tirek said, sounding like he might be praising them for their efforts to stop him, but at the same time those from Universe 13 knew that he was just insulting them, because he was a being that didn't praise anyone, since he preferred to crush his foes and end their lives, "not that it mattered in the long run, since I overcame everything you threw at me and crushed all of you into the stage you were having your precious tournament on not long ago. Honestly, I would enjoy torturing all of you for a few more minutes, breaking your bodies before finally killing each and every one of you for standing against me, but I believe that it's time I brought about your worst fears and obliterate the rest of the multiverse, to start anew with new Gods of Destruction and a whole new history in however many universes I end up creating."

"I refuse to let someone like you erase the multiverse and ruin all our hard work!" Beerus stated, where he pushed himself back to a standing position, despite Chronoa wanting him to stand down, and faced the creature that was planning on destroying everything and everyone that he cared about, "I don't care what you say for what you do, I'm going to stand against you until my dying breath and do everything in my power to stop you from destroying everything, and that includes the universe that Sunset watched over and protected..."

"Forget about Sunset Shimmer, she's dead and there's nothing you can do to change that." Tirek replied, though he had to admit that he was surprised that there was someone that was still willing to stand against him, after breaking all the warriors that had been standing with him, so he figured that he'd humor the broken god for a few minutes before he erased the multiverse and started over, "Trust me, she got what she deserved. She stood in my way when I found myself on Nirn, tried to stop me from gathering the power necessary to return to Equus, which I intended to conquer at the time, and gathered an army to stop me from blowing Nirn to pieces, only to beat me thanks to a last minute ascension that was provided by her 'friends'. I returned to Tartarus after that defeat, where I convinced the other inmates to join my cause and we struck the Wardens that watched over us, locking many of them in the prison cells that we had been locked away in, only for her to appear in my new kingdom and show me a level of power that dwarfed what I possessed, leading to my second defeat at her hands. Death is the only acceptable outcome I can accept, and her death pleases me greatly, though all of you were foolish to follow her into the abyss like this... especially Celestia and the other villains from Equus, as they should have known better than to challenge me with the power I possess."

"That is where you would be wrong, Tirek," Sombra said, speaking for the first time since Sunset disappeared, as he noticed that there was one thing he needed to correct before anything else happened, and it would serve to keep their foe distracted while they continued to think of a way to get out of this mess, "Chrysalis, the Dazzlings, and I are no longer villains, even if history remembers us that way, rather we faced the challenges that our worlds threw at us, found it within ourselves to overcome our pasts and forge a new future, and saved the worlds we went to from the villains that sought to bring an end to the place we were calling home. As of this moment you face a group of heroes trying to save their various universes from being destroyed, to stop the true villain from bringing an end to everything they hold dear, even if we are outmatched by the sheer power that is currently coursing through your body."

"And it's the King of Darkness, the greatest Dark Magic user in all of Equus' history, that understands the situation that all of you are in." Tirek remarked, showing that he might actually have some respect for the former tyrant, even if he had become a force of good and left his dark past behind, as he would have enjoyed convincing the warrior to join him, which wouldn't happen at this point in time, "Indeed, nothing you do will save you from the destruction of everything you hold dear, as I have been humoring all of you since the moment you started fighting me... but now, after decimating all of you in rapid succession, I find that it's about time that I fulfill what Sunset Shimmer said I would do, and that is bring about the end of the existing multiverse."

"Despite what you think, this isn't the end of us," Beerus stated, showing that he was willing to continue defying Tirek and that he was going to continue to stand against him, regardless of what happened to him and his body, while he thought about the person that their foe hated with all his heart, "I refuse to believe that this is the end of the multiverse that Lord Zeno ruled over, even if he didn't care about any of us, just like I refuse to believe that Sunset Shimmer died when you turned her attack against her earlier."

Tirek started to open his mouth, so he could tell the god in front of him that he was being foolish for believing that a dead person was going to come back and stop him, but before he could do anything the air of the World of the Void shook as a new source of energy came into focus. Beerus and the others paused for a moment, because at first it felt like the time that Goku recovered from having the Spirit Bomb turned on him and emerged with the incomplete Ultra Instinct, as that was the power he used against Jiren, but at the same time the energy they were feeling now was different from what they had felt earlier. He wasn't the only one that was shocked by what was going on, as he noticed that the other Gods of Destruction were looking around, trying to pinpoint the area that the source of power was coming from, while the Angels, the Kaioshin, and the mortal warriors did the same thing, showing that no one knew where the location of the new energy they were feeling. The best part was that Tirek was confused as well, though his expression showed that he would tackle whoever was generating the power that was shaking the World of the Void, to outright destroy the new warrior that would be coming to fight him, making Beerus hope that whoever the power was coming from had the power to take Tirek out and save the multiverse.

"Wh... What is this shaking?" Cae asked, because he was sure that it wasn't someone awakening Ultra Instinct, even an incomplete one like Goku had done, but at the same time he found that the other Kaioshin were confused as well, as none of them knew what was going on at the moment, "The entire World of the Void is being shaken by an enormous flow of power, one that feels like it's on Tirek's level..."

"Indeed... but what could be generating this much power?" the Old Kai, who was the older Kaioshin from Universe 7, inquired, showing that he remembered the feeling of when Goku did this and was curious as to who or what could be replicating the effects that went on earlier, before a thought came to him, "Could it be...?"

"It has to be!" Twilight stated, because there was only one person she could think of that could cause the entire World of the Void to shake in the way that was happening right now, especially since the level of power was now equal to the same power that Tirek was commanding, which caused a smile to appear on her face.

"Celestia, do you have a comment about what's going on?" Beerus asked, because he had been the one to announce Goku's return when his friend was doing this, and came back with the power of an incomplete Ultra Instinct to tackle Jiren, so he figured that it was only right that someone from Universe 13 got to have a chance.

"I sure do." Celestia said, though it was in that moment that she turned her gaze towards Tirek, who had noticed that all of the warriors he had been fighting, regardless if they were mortal or were a god, seemed to understand what was happening, and they were all smiling as they felt the energy around them, "She's coming!"

As soon as Celestia said that a pillar of pure fire burst out of the area that had been destroyed when Sunset's attack had exploded, making her disappear entirely, though at the same time the air of the World of the Void started to spin around like it was being manipulated by a vortex or something. All the various pieces of rock that were resting around them lifted into the air, responding to the sheer power that was being generated by the pillar, before a cyan colored light appeared inside the flames, one that caused some of the watchers to cover their eyes as they waited to see what was going to happen next. Not even a few seconds later the power of the pillar surged out in all directions, forcing everyone to stand their ground as they focused on what was happening before their eyes, though it was in that moment that Beerus found a grin appearing on his face as he stared at the center of the fiery pillar that was starting to break apart. The reason for that was because he and the others had been right in saying that Sunset wasn't dead, because she was now floating in the center of the pillar, the flames moving away from her, though that was when he noticed that her attire had changed since they last saw her. Sunset was still sporting the baggy pants a Destroyer God wore, and her sash was still present, but what had changed was the fact that she was now wearing an orange shirt under her collar, where the symbol on her collar had morphed into the same symbol that Lord Zeno wore and was replicated on her sash, while the sun marking had reappaered on her new shirt.

Tirek growled as he turned around and faced the crater that Sunset was in, as she was descending to the floor with a cyan colored aura surrounding her, because he refused to believe that all his efforts had been in vain, that his foe had, somehow, surprised that attack and emerged with even more power... but one thing was for certain, he was going to use his power and kill her with his own hands, instead of using her own attack against her, and then, once his foe was dead for real, he'd destroy the multiverse and start over.

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