• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Aftermath: Check Up

Beerus leaned back on the chair he was sitting on, one that was like the chairs that he and Chronoa had sat on while they were visiting Bulma at her private beach area, as they were gifts for him and his wife, and watched what was going on in the area in front of him. The reason he did that was because Whis was in the air above the lake, dodging the various attacks that were coming his way, as both Goku and Vegeta were trying to hit him, which was what usually happened whenever the two Saiyans trained, and neither of them were able to hit him, despite the hints Whis was giving them. The Saiyans were strong, there was no doubt about that, but they were still a good distance away from reaching the level that Whis was trying to get them to reach, and they were fine with that, since it meant they could continue to improve their skills for the future, so they didn't have to use that button of Goku's. He still couldn't believe that they found a foe from ten million years ago, who had blown away a number of planets in his universe, and instead of telling him that they were going to engage this foe, Moro as they told him, Goku used that small button that Zeno gave him and called Sunset to their universe, who ended up using her power to erase Moro. He could have taken some time to visit them and see what was going on with the Galactic Patrol, and deal with the prisoner that had escaped, but at the same time he was okay with how things had turned out, as Sunset wasn't angry with them and had dealt with the problem in a few minutes, before heading back to her palace.

As Goku and Vegeta tried to hit Whis, and failed to do any damage again, Beerus smiled as he wrapped his arm around Chronoa, who was sitting next to him as they watched the trio train, while Shin was standing nearby as well, as today was a special day and they were letting time go by before they were summoned. A year ago ten warriors from their universe had competed in the Tournament of Power, against Universe 19, which at the time had been Universe 13, and seven other universes for the amusement of Zeno and his future counterpart, and Sunset's team had proven that they weren't to be underestimated, by helping his team survive to the very end. Of course things had done horribly wrong with the arrival of Tirek, who stopped the tournament entirety, the death of both Kings of All, and the supposed death of Sunset as well, only for Sunset to emerge with a new level of power, which allowed her to wreck Tirek and erase him, forever ending his evil and allowing Rainbow to take her rightful place as her universe's God of Destruction. As the new Queen of All, to replace Zeno and his future counterpart, Sunset got to work immediately, both learning how to wield her new power and how to run the entire multiverse, which included the six universes that Zeno had erased a long time ago, restoring everything to how it had been at the beginning of creation, only with one more universe added to the list. There was also the fact that she had imposed a test for the Gods of Destruction that had been defeated during the tournament, as in their teams had lost, and that was if they succeeded in raising their mortal level they could keep their positions... but, if they failed that, by the score remaining the same or even going down, Sunset was going to replace them with gods who could get the job done.

The check up meeting for that test was scheduled to be held exactly one year after the Tournament of Power ended, a date that Chronoa had kept in her mind and put on the calendar so they would all know when it was going to happen, and today was the day that the meeting was supposed to happen, they were just waiting for the summons to be sent out so they could head to their destination.

"Okay, we're done for now." Whis said, where he blocked the next set of incoming attacks, from the pair while they were channeling their Super Saiyan Blue forms, before lowering his arms, causing the pair to power down before the three of them descended to the area in front of where Beerus, Chronoa, and Shin were waiting.

"You two have been improving your skills since the tournament," Chronoa commented, and she meant it, as she had seen the two fight against the other universes and knew that their skills had definitely improved since that day, while at the same time she knew that they were still quite a ways away from their goal.

"After hearing about Moro and his powers, and how helpless we would have been against him, both Vegeta and I agreed that we needed to hone our movements and techniques," Goku replied, though at the same time he rubbed the back of his head for a moment, as he knew that Moro would have taken them and Frieza out, hence why he decided not to beat around the bush and call Sunset, before he focused on what event Chronoa had mentioned, "Hey, Sunset mentioned that she was having the gods of the defeated universes go through a test of some kind, and that she was going to determine whether or not they could keep their positions. When was that supposed to happen again?"

"Today. The check up is happening today." Beerus answered, as he felt that there was no harm in telling Goku and Vegeta the news, as he was sure that one of them had remembered what Sunset had said, before he thought about what had happened in the past, when Zeno called these sorts of meetings, "If it were her predecessor, Zeno, there would be a good chance of the meeting not happening at all, since he'd sometimes forget and then cancel them when the Grand Priest told him about them... but with Sunset I have the feeling we'll be getting the summons soon."

The moment he mentioned that Whis noticed something interesting, his scepter, which was floating near Beerus and Chronoa, was flashing, as in the orb at the top had a shine in it, and he held his hand out, allowing it to fly into his hand, before looking at the message he had received.

"To all guide Angels, this is the Grand Priest." a voice said, one that Whis easily identified as his father's voice, which meant that he had cut the training short at the right moment, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed this until Beerus hurled the scepter up to him, though he remained quiet as the others waited to hear what the message was, "The time has come for the highly anticipated check up that Lady Sunset scheduled exactly one year ago, so please stand by with your Gods of Destruction and Kaioshin, and any potential candidates like Toppo, and prepare to be brought to Sunset's palace."

As soon as the Grand Priest stopped talking Whis, as well as the rest of his brothers and sisters, all acknowledged the message and, oddly enough, everyone seemed ready to go this time around, as in no one needed to go to the bathroom or wait for another minute or two, and even Twilight, who was new to being an Angel, despite having one year of experience, said that her group was ready as well. Beerus knew that neither Goku or Vegeta met any of the requirements for this meeting, since neither of them were being trained to be his replacement, but at the same time he knew that Goku, at the very least, was interested in what was going to happen next and knew that Vegeta would go along simply to stop him from upsetting the meeting. In the end he didn't bother telling the pair to stay behind, partly because he knew that one of them wouldn't listen even if he told them to, but he figured that if he was asked he could say something about how they were his agents, not of destruction, since Frieza fit that role better, but maybe his peacekeepers or something like that, since they had a habit of making sure planets weren't wiped out before their time. At the same time the Old Kai, who had been the Kaioshin before Shin and the rest of his friends had come around, decided to not come to Beerus' planet with Shin and was still on the Sacred World of the Kai, no doubt living out the rest of his days before he finally passed on and moved to the next plane of existence, or whatever came next for a Kaioshin that expired naturally, since Beerus had no idea what that next step was.

Despite the fact that they were missing the Old Kai, and were heavy two Saiyans and Chronoa, Beerus and his group were ready for the moment the Grand Priest summoned them, as they disappeared from where they had been standing and rushed towards their destination, the palace that Sunset ruled from these days.

When they could see what was around them again the group found that they were somewhere in the large palace that all the godly meetings were held in, though at the same time they knelt for a moment, as the Grand Priest was directly in front of them, which was what usually happened when they were summoned like this. Sunset, however, was no where to be seen, meaning that she was likely waiting for them to get ready before she descended into the meeting area, though without saying a single word the Grand Priest raised his hand and the ground below them shimmered, only for Beerus to find that they were being deposited on the various platforms that they used during their meetings. Since they were on their platforms the groups stood up, as that was one of the ways for the Grand Priest to tell them they were allowed to stand, before Beerus made sure that Goku and Vegeta had a decent view while being behind him, Whis, Shin and Chronoa, before glancing out at the other platforms as they descended down into the larger meeting area. It was still odd to see the gods and Angels of Universes 13 through 18 again, since they had been brought back by Sunset's wish on the Super Dragon Balls, but it made the multiverse whole and it appeared that Sunset was doing a good job of keeping watch over them, so he wasn't about to complain about the situation they were in.

What he discovered was that Belmod wasn't the only one accompanied by a potential candidate, as he spotted Toppo standing behind his God of Destruction, though there were three more robed figures in attendance, one for Quitela, who looked annoyed about something, Sidra, who clearly didn't mind it at all, and Champa, who was trying to ignore who was standing behind him, though Beerus locked eyes with Vados once and nodded his head a little, before they focused on the middle of the meeting area once more.

"Welcome Gods of Destruction and Kaioshin from all nineteen universes," the Grand Priest said, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear, while at the same time he floated down on his personal platform, which allowed him to move around the area quite easily and focus on specific events, like he had done during the tournament, while the gods turned to face him the moment he appeared, "One year ago today, after the Tournament of Power, Lady Sunset decreed that the Gods of Destruction whose teams were defeated during that event, and were erased with their universes, would spend the last year working to improve the mortal level of their universes. Today we go over the results of your efforts, but first..."

As the Grand Priest said that he turned around and faced the area that the final platform would arrive in, where he and every god, be they the Gods of Destruction, the Kaioshin, the Angels, and even the few mortals among them, bowed their heads as Sunset's platform appeared in the area the Grand Priest was facing, where they found Sunset sitting on her throne, with a strange blue feline sitting to her right.

"...Lady Sunset has arrived." the Grand Priest finished, though he was used to seeing Razor hanging near Sunset, and seeing him around both the palace and the wildlife preserve area that Sunset constructed, before he and the gods raised their heads, as they knew that it was her turn to speak to them.

"Greetings Gods of Destruction, Kaioshin, and Angels of the nineteen universes," Sunset said, where she glanced out at the gods that had gathered in front of her, as she knew that a few of them had been waiting for this day to arrive, no doubt because they were stressing over it, and it was time to see how well the Gods of Destruction did, "As the Grand Priest said, today we go over the results of your efforts to improve the mortal levels of your universes, though, since Universes 13 through 18 have been erased for a long time, none of them will be going through this process, so we'll be focusing on the thirteen universes that were present when the tournament was held... or, more specifically, the universes that were eliminated over the course of the tournament. But first, Gods of Destruction for the universes that were exempt from entering the tournament, will you share what you have done with us, before the Grand Priest informs you of any changes to the mortal levels of your universes?"

"I have been keeping an eye on the planets in my universe, working with my Kaioshin to locate threats before they do anything," Iwne stated, being the first one to speak, as they knew that Sunset liked going in order from the first universe to the last one, while at the same time his Angel nodded his head, confirming his statement, "Neither of us have seen anything or anyone that are a threat to our domain, though Anat has added a few new planets to the universe, so we're also watching those ones as well, just in case. We've also been following Liquiir's lead, offering assistance and tips to the other gods on how to improve their universe, at least those that are willing to sit down and listen to someone that knows what they're talking about."

"We haven't found anything that would threaten our universe either," Arack said, as he and his fellow gods hadn't seen any threats that would require them to move out and eliminate them, which was understandable since they worked like a team to maintain the safety of their universe, before he turned his head a little, "Ogma has made preparations for a few new planets to be added to a section of our universe that doesn't have a lot of life in it at the moment, but he's sure that we can fix that in another year or two. And, like Iwne just said, we have also been traveling between the various universes, offering ideas to the gods that watch over them, so they can improve as well, and a few of our fellow gods are set in their ways, so we didn't waste time trying to persuade them to let us talk to them."

"Unlike my fellow Gods of Destruction, I did find someone that was trying to wipe out one of my worlds," Liquiir spoke up, waiting until he was sure that Iwne and Arack were done talking, so he didn't interrupt them, and once he was sure that they were finished speaking he went next, to keep things moving, "as such I wasted no time in taking care of him, before he could destroy the planet he was targeting, while Iru has been watching the other planets, looking for any other threats that I might need to take out. We've also been busy visiting the other universes, offering our assistance to the other Gods of Destruction and their Kaioshin, like Rainbow and Applejack for instance, and found a few gods would rather do things on their own, instead of listening to our advice."

"And all Ag and I have done, since the tournament, is keep an eye on our universe and visit the others," Geene said, though he had the same look on his face that he usually had when he spoke, as he had confidence in what he and his Kaioshin had done and knew that Sunset wouldn't punish them for doing their jobs, "I've offered some assistance to the other universes, the ones that were willing to take some time out of what they were doing anyway, but other than that we haven't found any threats and Ag's got plans to bring in a few new planets in the near future."

"That is good to hear," the Grand Priest said, as he knew that Sunset was happy to hear that the four universes that had been exempt from entering the Tournament of Power were embracing her decree, to assist the lower ranking universes in improving their universes, before he readied himself for what he was about to tell the various gods, "Based on what you've said, and what we've observed, all four of your universes haven't seen a decrease in their mortal level, rather they have had small increases since Zeno called for the tournament to happen. Now, however, we shall move on to the universes that were defeated during the tournament, but first we would like to mention that Universe 7, who wasn't knocked out of the tournament, has seen some growth over the last year, and Universe 19, who would have won had it not been for Tirek's arrival, is safe as well. Gods of the defeated universes, please come forward."

Heles, Mule, Quitela, Champa, Sidra, Rumshi, and Belmod said nothing as their platforms moved forward and formed a horizontal line in the area in front of the throne, before the Grand Priest waved this hand and the platforms glowed for a few seconds, transforming into a small stage, the one the warriors had fought on during the Zen Exhibition Match, for them to stand on, where they knelt before Sunset and were followed by their Kaioshin, and that included the three robed figures and Toppo as well.

"Now then, the reason all of you are here is not only because you lost during the tournament, but also the fact that we detected some strange changes to your universes," Sunset said, revealing that some of the gods in front of her might have let their mortal levels either go down over the last year or, as some were hoping, raise it to new heights, but that didn't stop a few of the Gods of Destruction from gulping, since there was no telling what Sunset was going to do, "Would each of you explain why these changes came to pass?"

"As you wish, Lady Sunset," Heles spoke up, where she and the others stood up, because they knew that kneeling was only necessary when they first approached the Queen of All and that they were allowed to stand when they answered her questions, before she rubbed her left arm for a few seconds, "Pell and I have been working with each other and taking the tips the other gods have offered us to heart, so we can further improve our mortal level and make things better for everyone that calls our universe home... the only problem we've encountered is that a month ago one of the suns, in a developing part of our domain, exploded and took out three planets that were near it. I assure you that I had nothing to do with the sun exploding, as those worlds were on the path to developing into something great and didn't deserve to be wiped out in the way they were."

"So we weren't the only ones hit by a natural disaster," Mule said, as he had opened the door to the area that allowed him to pilot his robot, Mosco, and spoke directly to Sunset this time, instead of relying on Camparri to translate the noises that he made whenever he wanted to talk, while revealing that something similar happened to him, "Ea and I were busy going over the various tips and techniques that the other universes used, to keep their mortal levels high and how to find threats quickly, when we observed a planet exploding into a supernova, taking itself and a pair of planets near it out in the process. Fortunately the damage was only tied to those three planets, and didn't hit any of the others that were near it, but Ea told me that it would take some time for us to reseed that area and create new planets to replace the old ones, but that's really all that's happened since the tournament ended."

"Two natural disasters, near the same time, in two different universes... how odd." Sunset commented, as she found it rather odd to have two Gods of Destruction report that such a thing happened in their universes, but, since they seemed to be just that for now, she wasn't going to punish them, since it was impossible to stop natural disasters from happening in the first place, all while noticing that there was a small smirk on Quitela's face, "I fail to see what's so amusing about this situation, Quitela."

"Sorry, I was remembering something from earlier," Quitela replied, his tone showing that he considered himself safe from being replaced, despite the robed figure that Cognac had brought with them, just in case something happened, and he opened his mouth to continue speaking, "I have little to report, other than the fact that I haven't found any threats to my universe, none of the planets have been destroyed, Kuru says that we might have a few more planets coming in the near future, and that I think the other gods wasted their time trying to help us, since it's clear that we didn't need their tips on how to improve our mortal level."

"You're one to talk, coming to my universe to pester me every now and then." Champa snapped, where he glared at Quitela for a moment, revealing that the mouse god must have been spying on the other universes, no doubt to see what they were doing, or outright annoying the other Destroyer Gods by simply visiting them, before facing forward, "Anyway, I have nothing to report either. No planets have been wiped out, I've been keeping an eye on Frost to be sure he doesn't do something stupid, Fuwa doesn't have any new planets to talk about, and I haven't seen any threats to speak of... honestly it's been rather quiet, save for Quitela pestering me."

"Unfortunately, I do have some bad news," Sidra said, noticing that Champa had finished his statement and that it was his turn to speak, which was why he was sweating a little as he faced Sunset, because the news that he had to tell them wasn't good, especially when he remembered the rules of this test, "a year ago the Grand Priest mentioned that some of our universes might experience some growth, hence the reason for this test, and I took the time to study the area in question... though all my calculations, which Quitela noticed were flawed from the beginning when he came to see how I was doing, lead to it's destruction. I'm sorry, there was no hope for their rehabilitation, so I had to wipe the growth out before it could weaken my mortal level even further."

"All I have to report is that, like Heles, one of the suns in my domain exploded and wiped out a single planet," Rumshi spoke, though he did find it odd that, despite being in two different universes, the same thing happened in both Heles' universe and his universe, only the number of planets that were wiped out was different between the two, "It was one of our more advanced civilizations, despite the fact that none of the warriors from my team called that planet home, but it will be missed. Gowasu has told me that the few planets he's been watching over the last couple of years are almost ready to develop whatever life that they'll produce, so I guess this disaster balances my universe for me, and we are accepting the aid of the other universes, we just haven't had a chance to use what we've learned so far."

"I, however, have good news, as Toppo and his Pride Troopers stopped another villain about three months ago and saved a planet from being taken out," Belmod stated, showing that he really was thinking of retiring at some point, since he was now sending Toppo out to do his job, no doubt for the experience of being an actual God of Destruction, "and Cae assures me that we have a new star system to watch over, so in due time we might even have a few new civilizations to watch over and guide. We've also welcomed some of the other gods to our universe, since it's a good idea to have a few fresh eyes, and we've received some interesting tips we might use to raise our mortal level even further, ones that we are are very eager to try out for ourselves."

Sunset remained silent for a moment, as Heles and Mule described what could be natural disasters, while it seemed like Sidra had blown away the only thing that could have increased his mortal level, and Champa, while ignoring Quitela, did nothing over the last year from the sounds of it, causing her to sigh as she considered what to do next.

"I've come to a decision." Sunset said, where she noticed that all of the gods, not just the ones that were in the area before her, went quiet as they waited for her to reveal what her verdict was, which was why she focused on the gods that were standing before the throne, "Heles, Mule, Rumshi, since it appears that you are telling the truth, that it was an unfortunate natural disaster that claimed those planets, and because you put forth the effort to keep your universes safe, while working with the other Destroyer Gods, the three of you have passed my test. Belmod, despite the fact that you had Toppo do your duties during this time period, I will not deny that you have done exactly what I asked of you, by keeping your domain safe from threats, worked alongside your Kaioshin, and at least listened to your fellow Gods of Destruction, so I have decided that you, Belmod, have passed the test as well, and that Toppo shows great promise for the future. As for Quitela, Champa, and Sidra, the three of you haven't done what the others have done, so remain standing where you are as the others return to where their platforms had been earlier."

Heles, Mule, and Rumshi smiled for a moment, showing that they were happy that, despite something happening that they had no control over, Sunset was willing to believe them and that their efforts had allowed them to pass her test, before they bowed their heads and their groups departed from the area, followed by Belmod's group, where their platforms reformed and took them up to where everyone else was waiting, allowing them to watch what happened to the three remaining Gods of Destruction.

"Now then, the Grand Priest will reveal the mortal levels of your universes," Sunset continued, which was the whole point of this test, because if the gods worked hard and improved their mortal levels she was going to leave them in their positions, but if they failed, and those levels went down, then bad things were going to happen, "then we will discuss your futures, depending on what we learn."

"As you wish." the Grand Priest said, as he had been waiting for them to reach this point, especially after the time they spent watching the various universes, even though there was something wrong about what the gods had said, "Before the Tournament of Power started Universe 4's mortal level was at 3.67, Universe 6 was at 3.24, and Universe 9 was at 1.89, but, after hearing Lady Sunset's decree to work together, and either listening to or ignoring the Gods of the higher ranking universes, their individual mortal levels are as such: Universe 4 is at the same rating they were at when the tournament started, Universe 6 went down to a rating of 3.20, and Universe 9 has dropped to a rating of 1.42. Sidra, can you explain why you felt that the growth, which could have boosted the mortal level of your universe, was deemed as an obstacle and needed to be dealt with, instead of what it was?"

"It is as I said, my calculations determined that the growth was a potential threat to the universe, so I scheduled all of it for destruction and wiped it out," Sidra replied, where Sunset noticed he was sweating a little more this time, no doubt worried about what they might say about his answered, while also determining that his tone revealed that he believed that he had done his duty as a God of Destruction, in wiping out something he deemed to be a threat.

"How can you say that, when the planets in question weren't even at the point where life could develop?" Sunset inquired, revealing that she was fine when a God of Destruction actually did their job and removed threats that could actually damage their universe, much like Tetra did when the last summit had been called, but she wasn't okay with one of her Gods of Destruction acting like this, "Those planets were new, as in they had only been around long enough to from their atmospheres and landscapes, and yet, before any of them even had a chance to develop a new species or any sentient life, you blew them all away, simply because your calculations said to... calculations, mind you, that Quitela supposedly helped you with, during one of his visits."

"Lady Sunset, you aren't suggesting that I sabotaged Sidra's calculations, are you?" Quitela asked, though while he did seem freaked out by the accusation, like anyone would be if the being that ruled the multiverse accused them of doing something that they may or may not have done, Sunset detected that he was hoping she would focus on punishing Sidra for his actions, and not on him or Champa.

"I'm just saying that it's odd that Sidra's calculations, when he did them himself, seemed to be in favor of keeping the growth until he could determine it's true fate," Sunset replied, showing that she hadn't made a ruling on the matter yet, which was okay since she wanted to see if her thoughts were correct or were wrong, before finishing her statement so they could move on, "but, when you came over for a visit, he checked those calculations and found that they were saying that the growth he was watching over was actually bad for his universe, causing him to blow them away instantly. I'm not accusing you of anything, yet, I'm just saying that this is a weird coincidence. Champa, is there anything else you wish to tell us, as the Grand Priest said a number of universes were supposed to see some growth after the tournament, and yet you said that nothing is in the works?"

"Like I said, it's been quiet lately." Champa replied, though he hoped that this wasn't a sign that Sunset was going to replace him, as none of the growth that the Grand Priest had mentioned had shown up in his universe, and he knew that since Fuwa told him that the universe was the same as it had been when the tournament started, "Save for Vados running off with Kale, to help that Broly character that Goku and Vegeta found... or whoever found him, I honestly can't remember who discovered his existence."

"It was Frieza and his Frieza Force that discovered Broly, from what I was told." Sunset said, showing the gods that not only was she watching over the universes, as the ruler of all should be doing, but that she was also in contact with trusted beings that wouldn't lie to her, since they all knew that she was completely different from her predecessors, "Vados, can you tell me what Champa was really doing during the last year?"

"I can." Vados answered, though it was in that brief moment that Champa became nervous, no doubt believing that his Angel, who had told the King of All about his bad habits during the tournament with Beerus, was about to sell him out all over again, while the figure behind Champa made no movements at all, "Despite his team being defeated during the Tournament of Power, and hearing your decree about this test, Lord Champa decided that he might as well take the time to relax and continue to be lazy, stating that there were no planets that needed to be destroyed, no threats for him to take care of, and that there was no need for him to train at all. Instead he spent the last year doing little, as he decided to remain on his planet and simply eat the finest foods and treats that were offered to him by a number of planets that he had threatened once the tournament was over, calling it his 'comfort food', and one of those planets, who happened to be tired of Champa threatening them, tried to poison him, which, in turn, caused him to lose his temper and wipe out the planet, despite what he told you earlier, and that was within the first week after the tournament. Upon seeing that he didn't want to listen to your decree, and that he was ignoring the other gods and their advice, I took it upon myself to seek out his potential replacement, just in case he was told to do such a thing."

"Interesting." Sunset commented, though from what she knew Champa was always a lazier version of Beerus, back from when she was the God of Destruction for her home universe, but she had been hoping that he would have changed, just like his brother did, and it appeared that such a thing wasn't going to happen, before she turned towards the next person that she wanted to talk to, "Cognac, would you mind telling me what Quitela's really been up to?"

"As he said, he did visit a number of the other universes over the last year," Cognac stated, showing that part of what Quitela had said was true, but at the same time there was a small smile on his face, as he and the other Angels knew that Sunset was a better ruler than Zeno was and wouldn't like what she was about to hear, and neither was Quitela, "however, what he didn't say is that he purposely changed a few of the numbers in Sidra's calculations, changing what had been a positive outcome into a negative one, causing Lord Sidra to doubt himself before blowing away the growth he and his Kaioshin had been in the process of observing. He also went to Universe 2 and caused one of the suns, the one that Lady Heles mentioned earlier, to explode and take a few planets with it, he visited Universe 3 and forced one of the planets to develop into a supernova and take out the pair of worlds near it, the sun that was destroyed in Universe 10 was also his doing, and he did pay a visit to Universe 6, a week after the tournament ended, and encouraged one of the planets Lord Champa would be visiting to poison him, resulting in that planet's untimely destruction."

As soon as Cognac stopped talking a number of the gods cried out in outrage, either at Quitela making them look like fool in front of the Queen of All, for not noticing his energy signature when the events happened, or at themselves for falling for another of the mouse god's schemes... and everyone quieted down the moment Sunset raised her hand, where she glared at Quitela once more, causing the mouse to gulp as he felt her gaze fall on him.

"Quitela, I'm ashamed that you would act this way... purposely sabotaging your fellow Gods of Destruction, no doubt to make me replace a number of you so a rebellion, or something similar, could happen." Sunset said, showing that she wasn't as clueless as Zeno had been, that she was able to think about things and knew that Quitela was trying to pull off something that had been doomed to fail from the very beginning, all because his Angel was willing to spill the beans on his crimes, before she sighed, "Very well then, since it's clear that you are actively working against multiple universes, for some sort of scheme that you've been planning, I will advise Cognac to keep you in sight at all times while you train your replacement, and then, when he or she is ready to assume your duties, you will stop being the God of Destruction for Universe 4 and your replacement shall take your place. Cognac, since you brought a candidate with you, would you mind introducing them, so the other gods will know who will be watching over Universe 4 in the years to come?"

"Allow me to introduce Al'Drouwn, our candidate for the next God of Destruction for Universe 4," Cognac said, where he raised his left hand and beckoned to the robed figure that was standing near him, Quitela, and Kuru, who pulled the hood back and revealed that it was a humanoid creature they had brought with them.

Al'Drouwn, from what Sunset discovered, definitely had the body of a human, though four of his fingers happened to be sharpened, almost like they were claws, where the major difference was that his head had five tendril like appendages coming from where his nose was, like he was some sort of Cthulhu-like creature, and he had red glowing eyes, which he closed for a moment as he bowed his head towards her and the Grand Priest.

"I am Al'Drouwn, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance." the being stated, though his tone, and Sunset knew that it was a male voice that came from the being in front of her, revealed that while his appearance seemed slightly terrifying, since she knew that some people were terrified of creatures like this, he actually sounded like a nice guy, one who took his duties seriously, "I am honored to be considered for the position of Universe 4's next God of Destruction, which I will gladly take, once I complete the training that Lord Cognac and Lord Quitela have for me."

Vados, Cognac, and Mojito sensed the change in the air immediately, as Quitela was getting annoyed with the fact that Sunset was actually considering replacing him with someone new, when he should be getting angry at the fact that he should have spent his time talking with the other gods and protecting his universe... and, since it appeared that strands of destruction energy were gathering around the mouse god, they knew that he was about to snap.

"If I'm going to lose my position, then I'm taking all of you out with me!" Quitela shouted, where he jumped back a bit and raised his right hand, creating a sphere of energy, made from Energy of Destruction, that was twice as tall as he was, where he aimed at his target and hurled the sphere with all his might.

As the Angels and the other gods backed away, because that was what Vados wanted them to do, the candidate from Universe 6 rushed forward and raised their right hand, where the sphere collided with the palm of their hand and came to a sudden stop, though it struggled against the power that was being applied to it for a few seconds before the cloaked figure shattered the attack like it was nothing.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Quitela asked, because while he was annoyed by what was going on, since he might lose his position as the God of Destruction for Universe 4, he was surprised by the fact that his attack had been stopped by a candidate that was chosen to replace one of the other two Gods of Destruction, something that Champa and Sidra were also surprised by.

The figure said nothing for a moment as they raised both of their arms, where Goku and Vegeta noticed a familiar pair of dark gray wristbands on the person's arms, before they gripped the side of their hood and pulled it back, where the two Saiyans spotted a very familiar lady standing near Quitela.

"No way, is that..." Gokku started to ask, but it was clear that he was shocked by who was standing with the three gods that had failed Sunset's test and was wearing the same type of robe that Toppo had worn before making his big reveal during the Zen Exhibition Match.

"Caulifla?" Vegeta finished, as he knew what his friend was going to ask and he felt the same way, because while they both knew that the Saiyan from Universe 6, who was Kale's best friend and was helping her master her immense power, was incredibly powerful, considering that they fought her during the tournament a year ago, they were caught off guard by the fact that she was Vados' candidate for the next God of Destruction for her universe.

"Remember me?" Caulifla inquired, though even as she said that she knew that Quitela likely wouldn't remember her, despite the fact that she and Kale had put on a good fight with Goku and Vegeta during the tournament, who she noticed standing behind Beerus and the rest of Universe 7's gods, before she refocused on the god she was dealing with.

"Not really." Quitela admitted, because he had only bothered to learn the names and faces of the warriors from the other universes for the tournament itself, so they could have the best team to take all of their foes out, and since that event was over he had forgotten many of the warriors that had fought against his universe, before he focused on what he was doing once more, "Now stand aside, I have some fools to dispose of."

"Do you really think, after everything I've heard and everything I've seen so far, that I'm just going to let you make another attempt on Lord Champa and Lord Sidra's life?" Caulifla asked, as she knew that the Angels would be just fine and didn't need to be mentioned, since they were far stronger than most of the gods that were gathered here anyway, hence the reason she focused on the remaining two Gods of Destruction, before she raised her hand and undid her cloak, which she handed off to Vados, who stood beside her for a moment, before focusing on Quitela again, "Not to mention trying to wipe out both Al'Drouwn and whoever Lord Mojito brought with him. If you want to get to them, and make a second attempt on all their lives, then you'll have to get by me first."

"That's fine by me." Quitela replied, because after seeing his first attack stopped, even if it wasn't the highest level of power he could use against whoever he was fighting, he was eager to show her the true terrifying power of a full fledged God of Destruction, or at least a decent percent of his power.

Caulifla waited for a moment, as she knew that Quitela was going to ignore the Grand Priest and Lady Sunset, even though it appeared that the pair was interested in seeing just how much she had learned from Vados, since she was able to repel the first attack so easily, but she had the feeling one of them would step in if things got too out of hand. What was interesting to her was that Quitela approached her for a moment, allowing her to do the same so they could make sure the fight was away from the other gods that were down here, despite them being protected by three Angels, before the pair came to a stop and stared at each other, with Quitela looking up at her while she stared down at him. The two stood there for a moment, each apparently daring the other to make the first move without saying anything, and it was Quitela who threw the first punch, where Caulifla blocked the incoming attack with her elbow and caused the air around them to shudder a tiny bit, before the two of them moved into a series of punches and kicks as they remained in the same spot that they had started in. For a few moments it seemed like Caulifla was going to keep defending herself, as her current movements were designed to protect herself from her foe's attacks, because she was making sure Quitela's fists hit her palms and cancelled out his attacks, before a hole opened in her foe's defenses and she lashed out with her right foot, where she kicked him in the chest and knocked him a few steps backwards.

The gods that had watched the Tournament of Power, and observed the number of warriors that had been brought in to fight for the safety of their universes, were surprised that Caulifla was now able to stand up to Quitela's power, despite the mouse god being one of the weaker Gods of Destruction in terms of power, and, as they expected, it was only a matter of time until Quitela's energy flared and he disappeared from their sight.

Caulifla glanced around a little for a few seconds, clearly feeling the various energies that were around her, before she closed her eyes and readied herself, where she felt a slight change in the air and spun around, which was when she lashed out with her foot and kicked an invisible Quitela in the chest, knocking him away from where she was standing. Quitela growled in annoyance as he rushed forward, intending to strike Caulifla down, but what he and the others discovered was that the Saiyan was ready for him, as she avoided the incoming attack and punched him in the chest, stunning him for a second, before loosing a few more punches that kept her foe where he was floating, only to deliver an uppercut that sent Quitela backwards. The mouse rubbed his chin for a few seconds, clearly surprised by the fact that he was finding such an interesting opponent in Caulifla, before noticing that she was keeping her eyes closed for a reason, meaning that the techniques he had, to blind whoever he was fighting, wouldn't work until he forced his foe to open her eyes. As he thought about that, however, he came up with a new idea as he summoned a few energy bolts in the air around him, as he was going to attack his foe before she even knew what hit her and sent the bolts towards Caulifla, intending to smite her where she stood.

Instead of that happening, and Caulifla being blasted back into the barrier that the Angels had formed around Champa and the others, Caulifla raised her hands and loosed a few blasts into the air, where they rushed towards their targets and canceled out the attacks that were coming at her, before she opened her eyes once more.

"I have to admit, you've got some decent power." Quitela said, because it wasn't everyday that a candidate was able to hold their own against his power, as they usually admitted defeat around this point in time, before he called his aura into existence around him, showing everyone that he was getting serious at last, and that he fully intended to break Caulifla before moving onto his targets, "But even the power you currently possess is nothing compared to the power of a true God of Destruction... not even your pitiful Super Saiyan form will be able to save you!"

"Actually, thanks to the training that Lady Vados put me through, I unlocked the third transformation that Goku and Vegeta told me about, the Super Saiyan 3 form," Caulifla replied, which came as a surprise to both of the Saiyans that were watching her fight, as they knew she had the potential to catch up with them, especially after she reached and was on her way to mastering Super Saiyan 2 during the tournament, before she considered something that she hadn't told anyone yet, and, when she glanced back at Vados, the Angel nodded her head, allowing her to face Quitela again, "but, if I'm being perfectly honest, that's not the strongest form I have access to. Since you're going to use all of your power against me, how about I do the same and show you my full power?"

"Go ahead, I'd like to beat Vados' candidate at their full power," Quitela stated, though at the same time it appeared that Sunset wasn't going to step in and stop their fight, which was what he was hoping for since he intended on wiping out Caulifla before doing the same thing to the gods that were hiding some distance behind her, where he gestured for her to do whatever it was she needed to do to draw out her power.

Caulifla, seeing that Lady Sunset was interested in what she had planned, floated into the air a little and then closed her eyes, allowing her to focus on what she was doing for a few seconds, while at the same time her Super Saiyan aura wrapped around her body, despite her hair not taking on the golden blonde color of the form. She then focused on the power that she was reaching for, the power that Vados had started to teach her during their training, causing bits of lightning to flash in her aura as she did that, before she heard the lightning disappeared a few moments later, the sign that it was time for her to open her eyes. Quitela stared at her for a few seconds, no doubt trying to figure out what she was doing, while she knew that both Goku and Vegeta were staring down at them in shock, before her aura flared for a moment, like she was going to access a Super Saiyan transformation, where it spun around and formed a sphere of purple energy around her, one that shined brightly for a couple of seconds. Everyone that was watching them had to shield their eyes a little as they focused on the fight, while both Goku and Vegeta remembered this happening when they first used their Super Saiyan Blue forms against Frieza, after his resurrection, before the sphere started to fall apart, allowing them to see Caulifla once more.

What happened next was that bits of ki broke off from her body, the godly ki that she had been trained to use, but what surprised Goku and Vegeta was that it wasn't the same color as the blue god ki they were used to using, as the ki that broke off from Caulifla's body was dark purple colored, the color of Energy of Destruction, but her aura and hair had taken on a violet coloration, and her hair was spiked, as if she had gone Super Saiyan.

"What... is this form?" Quitela asked, because there was something about it that he wasn't expecting, Caulifla now felt like a God of Destruction, based on the power that he was feeling at the moment, and he knew that the strength she had been using earlier didn't compare to what she was using now.

"Super Saiyan Violet," Caulifla replied, though at the same time she smiled, more because of the fact that she was happy to see that the form had worked like it had in the past and less because of the fact that Quitela seemed frightened about the power she was wielding, before she glanced up to the Universe 7 platform for a few seconds, "so named in honor of Son Goku and Vegeta of Universe 7, the first Saiyans, in both their universe and my universe, to unlock the various forms a Saiyan can use and name them. Without them showing Cabba the first Super Saiyan form, back during the tournament that Lord Champa had against Lord Beerus, I don't think I would have discovered these forms on my own, or at least not until I was much older than I am now, so I'm grateful for them doing that. I'm grateful that Goku, Vegeta, Lord Champa, and Lord Beerus had that tournament, as it allowed me to delve into a new world of power, and I'm grateful that Lady Sunset imposed this test on the defeated Gods of Destruction, as it allowed Lady Vados to teach me about an even higher level of power, resulting in the form you see now, named in the style that the Saiyans of Universe 7 name their transformations."

Quitela really didn't care all that much about the form that Caulifla was using, as getting her to talk about it was the key to distracting her and opening her defenses, but even as he thought about that his foe glanced back in his direction and rushed towards him, where Caulifla disappeared for a moment, only for a cut to appear on the left side of his face as Caulifla appeared behind him, with her left arm out in front of her. He had to assume that this new form had given her a new level of speed, one that allowed her to bypass his defenses and cut his cheek, since Caulifla was in the middle of a fighting pose, but he rubbed the area that was hurt for a moment and turned back to face his foe, who stood up straight once more and turned to face him as well. Quitela growled, as he couldn't believe that a candidate was making a fool out of him, in front of the other Gods of Destruction, which caused him to rush forward and go on the offensive, knowing that if he could back his foe into a corner he could loose a powerful attack that would be the end of her. Caulifla, on the other hand, used the palms of her hands to block attacks and even outright avoided them entirely, showing that her new form put her on the level of one of the weaker Destroyer Gods, but even then Goku and Vegeta were stunned by what they were seeing, as Caulifla's movements looked like what a real God of Destruction used when they were fighting someone, be it another god of their level or a threat to their universe.

As the pair moved around the stage that they were fighting on, even if that wasn't the original purpose of this stage, Caulifla remained on the defensive for a few more moments, no doubt studying Quitela's movements, before she raised her right arm and blocked an attack that stopped Quitela in his tracks, which was followed by Caulifla spinning around and kicking him in the chest. The power of that attack knocked him backwards, more than the previous attacks had done, but this time around he jumped into the air and sailed away from the stage, giving him the chance to gather some power above his head so he could throw a large sphere of energy down at his foe. Caulifla raised her left hand towards it and loosed a small bit of energy into the air, so when the two energies came into collision with each other she could cancel out her foe's attack, causing a look of surprise to appear on Quitela's face as he realized that she wasn't playing around, that she was going to beat him and his power before he could hurt anyone else. That caused Quitela to growl as he rushed towards Caulifla again, but this time around Caulifla went on the offensive instead, as the first few attacks she dodged with ease, only to deliver a powerful knee kick to his chest, stunning Quitela for a moment, which she followed up with an uppercut and then a kick to the side of the head, one that sent him flying towards the edge of the stage, opposite of where Champa and the others were standing.

Quitela really couldn't believe that a candidate was beating him, especially when he was using the vast majority of his power to beat her, and growled as he considered his options, as he could either continue fighting Caulifla, which would mean he'd suffer more humiliation at her hands, or he could admit defeat, which would result in him losing his position, since Sunset was so disappointed in him... though that caused a new idea to form in his mind as he floated into the air, only this time he was pushing his power to the max, so he could end this pointless meeting.

"I have to admit, you're stronger than I thought you'd be," Quitela said, and that was the truth, as Caulifla was much stronger in both her base form and her new transformation, but at the same time he poured all of his power into the sphere that he was forming in front of him, one that was currently aimed at Caulifla to give the illusion that he was still fighting her, when he could change it's direction at a moments notice, "but now, after you've shown me what you're capable of, it's time we ended this, and I'm not referring to you, Caulifla... it's time to die!"

The moment he said that, and caused Caulifla to pause for a second, Quitela shifted his stance and loosed the ball-sized sphere of energy at his true target, one that packed enough destructive power to wipe out the throne and not only kill the odd cat that was near it, but also his real target, Sunset herself... but just as everyone realized what he was doing, and who he was targeting, the blast completely disappeared before his eyes, while Sunset appeared some distance behind him with the ball resting above her right hand.

"Oh Quitela, I thought you had learned your lesson." Sunset said, where she sighed as she crushed her hand, which also crushed the ball she had snatched out of the air before it could even reach her throne or the Grand Priest, before she turned a little to face the fallen God of Destruction, since he had proved he was no longer fit to have his position.

Quitela growled in annoyance, as he was sure that he could have hit Sunset before she saw the attack coming her way, before he loosed several more blasts through the air, surprising the gods by what he was doing, as he was showing that he didn't care for her or her new rules, only for Sunset's aura to flare before it consumed the blasts, cancelling them out before they even had a chance to go off. As that happened, however, Quitela rushed through the air with the intentions of using an energy blade to do some damage to his target, which was the moment that Sunset appeared behind him, as if she saw through his attack and had been ready for what he was doing. In the following seconds several rapid strikes struck his body, no doubt coming from Sunset, even though her hands never moved at all, before a powerful kick sent him flying down towards the stage, where he crashed into the floor and coughed as a crater formed around him, but he didn't move, as his body was in pain and he cursed the fact his target had seen through his plan before he had a chance to end her painful existence. Caulifla, while stunned by what Quitela had done, bowed her head as Sunset landed near her, as she knew better than to attack the being that ruled over the entire multiverse, but Sunset was focused on one thing at the moment, and that was dealing with Quitela, especially now that he proved how dangerous he was.

In fact she raised her right hand and gently lifted the mouse god out of the crater that he had been resting in, where Quitela glared at her for a few more moments, showing that he didn't care for her or what she was trying to do for the entire multiverse, causing her to sigh for a second as she readied herself.

"Quitela, your recent actions have proven that you are not fit to be the God of Destruction for Universe 4," Sunset said, though at the same time she moved her left fingers for a moment and removed the collar that Quitela was wearing at the moment, allowing it to float over to her, which caused her to beckon to the barrier with her head, where the barrier came down and Al'Drouwn approached her, before kneeling when he was close, "Al'Drouwn, from this point forward you shall be the God of Destruction for Universe 4, where Cognac will teach you everything you need to know about your new position and the lifelink you now share with Kuru."

"I will do my best to protect my universe and improve our mortal level." Al'Drouwn replied, as he was honored to be the next God of Destruction, to replace Quitela, but at the same time he was caught off guard by the fact that his predecessor was acting so foolish at the moment.

"Now then, Quitela, it's time we said goodbye to each other," Sunset stated, where she raised her right hand a little higher than it had been before and a white aura wrapped around it, one that all of the gods recognized immediately, as they had seen this happen when Zeno was in charge and knew what was coming, "For your crimes of sabotaging the other universes, which has proven that leaving you alone would be the same as leaving a threat to the multiverse alone, I will put an end to your existence."

As the light enveloped Quitela, however, the mouse god found the strength to scream for a moment, as he realized that he was being erased all over again, before the light consumed him and completely cut off his scream, though when the light died down there was no sign of him, as Sunset had erased his very being, just like her predecessor did to the gods and the universes that lost the tournament, before she returned to her throne.

"Caulifla, you did a good job keeping Quitela from attempting to hurt your fellow candidates and the gods that would have been surprised by that attack," Sunset commented, as she knew that some people liked hearing that they did a good job, even if others preferred not to hear such things, and she already knew that Vados had done a good job picking out the next God of Destruction for her universe, "Vados did an excellent job in training you to reach this level of power in such a short period of time, so I can't wait to see what happens when you actually take the position of God of Destruction for Universe 6, as I'm expecting great things from you once Champa retires."

In that moment, just as she said Champa's name, the floor around the god cracked, though as Sunset looked at Champa she could tell that he was annoyed about something, no doubt the fact that he was going to be replaced, and it looked like he was getting ready to throw a fit of some kind. Vados, having seen this before, moved up to her father and simply said that it might be best to teleport Champa back to Universe 6 for a few moments, to let him cool down before they continued, and the Grand Priest did so, as well as create a viewing screen so they could see what actually happened when Champa calmed down. A few seconds went by before Champa appeared in the middle of space, near a planet that reminded Sunset of the Earth from Universe 7, which made sense once she remembered that Universes 6 and 7 were mirrored, as each planet in one of the two universes had a mirror image in the other, though originally Champa's Earth had been ruined by war, so it had been dead until Beerus used the Super Dragon Balls to make it into a food paradise, meaning that Vados was hoping that some food would calm the annoyed god down. Champa, instead of heading down to the planet and finding himself something to chow down on, like Vados had planned, growled as he stared down at his version of Earth, no doubt remembering that it was his brother who gave it to him, before Sunset noticed that he was getting even angrier than he had been moments ago.

The gods were then shocked when Champa, blinded by his rage at the thought of being replaced by a Saiyan, one that had lost during the Tournament of Power, brought his hands together and formed a large sphere of energy, one that he hurled at the planet below him, sparking a chain reaction that caused the entire planet to explode... and, as a result, both Caulifla and Vados were sent to Universe 6 by the Grand Priest, so they could correct the situation before Champa went on a rampage in his own universe.

"Lord Champa, what in the world are you thinking?!" Caulifla exclaimed, as she couldn't believe that the God of Destruction for her universe was going crazy because of the fact that he was going to be replaced, when it was his own fault that he couldn't pass Sunset's test, and that he had actually blown away an entire planet, one that Vados was in the middle of restoring thanks to the three minute time power that all Angels seemed to have, "Are you trying to lower the mortal level of our universe even further?"

"Vados went behind my back and trained you to be my replacement, and now you think that you're higher than me?!" Champa snapped, showing that he didn't much care for the fact that Vados had been acting in the best interest in her universe, because if a God of Destruction couldn't perform their duties that meant that they needed to be replaced by someone who was willing to do those duties, before he raised his right hand as he focused on Caulifla, "I told her that if she trained anyone, and I found out about that, I was going to destroy whoever she was training to take my place, so that means you're as good as dead!"

As soon as he said that Champa loosed a sphere of Energy of Destruction at Caulifla, intending to fulfill his promise to Vados by wiping Caulifla out, despite the fact that she was one of the strongest mortals in his universe, and it slammed into her in a matter of seconds, expanding into a larger sphere that would erase her existence... but, instead of screaming in pain or cursing him out, Caulifla braced herself and focused on the energy around her, forcing the sphere into the smaller form as she pulled herself out of it, allowing her to hold it in one hand as she huffed for a few seconds.

"I know you haven't trained in a long time, but that still packed quite the punch," Caulifla said, showing that Champa's strength, despite the fact that he hadn't trained with Vados for a number of years, was still formidable, as the act of stopping that attack and pulling herself out of it had been more than she was expecting, before she shattered the sphere and faced her angry god, "Lady Vados, how's the planet coming?"

"It's back to normal." Vados replied, as she knew that it wasn't time for this planet to be destroyed, not after Beerus restored it to a new level of existence, and she was happy they were able to restore it, before she focused on Champa and Caulifla, as she knew what was coming next, "Are you ready?"

Caulifla nodded her head and rushed at Champa, avoiding the punch that was coming her way as she tackled her insane God of Destruction, though at the same time the Grand Priest summoned the three of them back to the palace, so her tackle knocked Champa to the floor, which only let Champa knock her off of him as he stood back up. Caulifla huffed again as she forced herself to stand, as fighting Quitela, despite how easy she made it look, had taken a great deal of effort, so she used up a fair bit of her power subduing him before he attacked Lady Sunset, and pulling herself out of Champa's attack was another hit to her already depleted energy reserves, meaning she had a few more attacks in her before she powered back down to her base state. Before that happened she had to figure out how she was going to snap her God of Destruction back to reality before he suffered the same fate that Quitela suffered, though when Champa took a step towards her she shifted into her battle stance, as it appeared that she wasn't going to get the chance to figure out what sort of plan would be best against her new foe. When Champa took a second step, however, a figure appeared behind him and struck him near the top of his spine, or more like the neck itself, and he crumbled to the floor, where it was revealed that Beerus had been the one to hit him, even though he looked like he was disappointed in his brother, which also surprised some of the gods that knew about their relationship.

Caulifla, on the other hand, chuckled for a few seconds before she released her power, allowing her hair and aura to return to normal as she returned to her base state, before she swayed for a moment and fell forward, only to be stopped when Beerus held his arm out and caught her, yet another action that surprised the other gods.

"I know you weren't expecting this to happen, but you did great." Beerus said, because he was proud of Caulifla, since she was able to prove that she deserved to be a God of Destruction, even though this did show just how much more training she needed to go through to master her new form and the powers that she was beginning to tap into.

"Thanks, Lord Beerus. It means a lot coming from you," Caulifla replied, though she waited a few moments before standing straight once more, even though she knew that she needed some rest after everything she had been through since this meeting started, before she sighed as she realized something else, "even though it appears that I need some more training before I master the power you and Lady Vados helped me unlock."

"Wait, what training are you talking about?" Goku asked, as he and Vegeta dropped down into the area that Beerus and Caulifla were standing in, while the other gods that were near the stage finally relaxed, because they were interested in the power that she commanded and were caught off guard by what she had said.

"She's referring to the fact that I allowed her and Vados to use my planet as their training ground for the last eleven, nearly twelve, months." Beerus replied, as he knew that it was time to reveal the truth behind why he had been busy since Broly had been found, because there was something else he had been doing while Goku and Vegeta were busy training to make themselves ready for whatever the future held, "Champa did just admit that he was planning on killing whoever Vados picked to be his replacement, if such a thing came to pass, so she decided to ask me if she and her candidate could use my planet as their main training area, until this meeting happened. Vados also wanted Caulifla to practice against an actual God of Destruction, so she could learn how we fight and modify her fighting style to reflect her new training, and I agreed to assist her, since I noticed her power during the tournament and wanted to see her strength for myself. Of course Broly and Kale were training as well, but we asked them to not tell anyone what they were doing, as Caulifla wanted to surprise the two of you with her new form and the power that it commands, even though she's still got a ways to go before she masters it."

It was in that moment that Goku and Vegeta understood why Beerus had been so busy since Broly had come to Earth with his father, as he was busy letting Broly and Kale master their powers while assisting Caulifla in her own training, which only made them interested in seeing her power later, once this meeting was over and she had a chance to adjust to her new duties, if she took Champa's position anyway.

"It appears that Champa has proven that he is too immature to be a God of Destruction," Sunset stated, allowing the gods to focus on what was going on at the moment, though at the same time she levitated the collar off of Beerus' brother and held it up for a second, letting the others know that another torch was about to be passed to a new being, before she shrunk it a little so it would better fit it's new owner, "Caulifla, you have proven that you would make a good God of Destruction, one who would be dedicated to protecting their universe and would lash out at threats whenever they revealed themselves, and so I name you the new God of Destruction for Universe 6."

Caulifla paused for a moment as the collar floated over to her, where she allowed it to slip over her head and rest in the same position that all of the other Destroyer Gods wore their collars, though it was clear that she wasn't expecting Sunset to go that far, despite the fact that Champa had proved he wasn't fit to keep being the God of Destruction for Universe 6, especially if he was so willing to lower their mortal level even further.

"Th... Thank you, Lady Sunset," Caulifla said, where she dropped to one knee and took the position that all of the other gods took when they were summoned to the palace, though it was clear that she was stunned by what was going on and would need some time to adjust to her new position.

"Champa, despite what he did, doesn't deserve to be erased." Sunset added, where she raised her hand towards the downed god for a few moments and focused her power once more, but instead of blowing Champa away she drew out the power inside him, where the gods watched as she extracted the Energy of Destruction that he had access to, before letting go of Champa as she held a purple orb in the air above her right hand, "There, I have taken away his ability to use any of the destruction skills that he's learned over the years, so he'll be more manageable when he wakes up, though it is my hope that he swallows his pride and becomes an adviser of sorts for you to fall back on, but anything that happens from this point forward is yours to deal with."

Caulifla suspected as much, that if Lady Sunset was willing to keep Champa around there had to be a reason behind it, and she knew that she could benefit from having a second God of Destruction showing her the ropes, even if the second one was a former Destroyer God, so she said nothing as Sunset started to head back to her throne, only to pause after a few steps.

"Also, based on how the other gods look, and what the Grand Priest told me while you were chatting with Beerus, there is one other thing I should mention," Sunset said, as this would be the last thing she did with Caulifla during this meeting, because it was nearly time for them to find out who Mojito had brought as a potential replacement for Sidra, so they could bring an end to this meeting at long last, "I will reward your previous actions, in keeping Quitela from doing any damage to the other gods and by both reversing the damage to Universe 6 and stopping more damage from happening, with something you desire."

"...Kale... can you make her immortal, so she lives as long as I do?" Caulifla asked, because her best friend was almost like a little sister to her and they were a great force to be reckoned with, and she knew that Kale had been disappointed in the fact that she was going to be a God of Destruction one day, since being a god allowed her to live longer than a Saiyan did, and this would fix that so they could help protect their universe and improve their mortal level together.

"That is possible." the Grand Priest said, as it wasn't something that really required the Super Dragon Balls for them to grant, even though that would be a way that someone could get that wish granted, and it was well within the power of the Queen of All to give Caulifla that wish, which they would grant after the meeting was over.

Caulifla was surprised by that information, even though it was the only thing she really desired, and said nothing as she stood up and moved over to where Vados was standing, who had moved the unconscious Champa over to where she and Fuwa were, as they knew that the meeting wasn't over yet and were eager to see what happened next as Sidra, Mojito, Ro, and Sidra's replacement knelt before the throne as Sunset took her seat again.

"Now then, onto the final universe that failed my test," Sunset said, as they had spent a decent amount of time dealing with Quitela and Champa, especially since one of them tried to kill some of their fellow gods and the second had gone mental for a few minutes, so she knew that some of the gods were eager for the meeting to end so they could get back to their duties, "Mojito, who have you chosen to be Sidra's replacement?"

Mojito smiled and beckoned to the robed figure for a moment, who had done a great job keeping their identity a secret during the course of this meeting, though Goku and Vegeta were surprised when they noticed steel-blue colored fur that was accompanied by a pair of bandages, where the figure pulled their hood back and reveled themselves to both Sunset and the other gods.

"It is I, Bergamo." the figure said, revealing the eldest brother of the Trio of Danger, who just so happened to be the three strongest warriors in the entirety of Universe 9, which was due to the fact that Sidra was terrible at his job and had wiped out planets due to his calculations, so any warriors that were stronger than him and his brothers might have been killed in the process, "I apologize for how I acted during the Zen Exhibition Match and during the Tournament of Power, as I was outraged by the fact that our universe, and the other universes, were being put in danger because someone wanted to have a tournament between all of our universes and didn't seem concerned about the consequences of his actions. I wasn't thinking straight during either of those events, as I did everything in my power to save the other universes and then, when that failed, I tried to do protect my own universe, where my brothers and I failed to save our home, all because our pride was sore from losing during the Zen Exhibition Match. All I can do now is promise that, as the candidate to replace Lord Sidra, I will do my best to cast aside my pride and do everything in my power to improve the mortal level of my universe, so that the living conditions of my home improve for everyone that calls Universe 9 home."

"You have passion and the desire to improve your universe's mortal level," Sunset replied, though at the same time she smiled a little, because while she wasn't expecting Bergamo to be the candidate for Sidra's replacement, since she had been sure that Mojito had been talking about someone else, she was happy to see that he was willing to do anything and everything to improve the living conditions of his universe, "Mojito, you have selected a good candidate to replace Sidra when he retires, and I'm looking forward to seeing how well Universe 9 performs with Bergamo acting as the new God of Destruction, once his training is complete."

"Lady Sunset, I, too, would like to apologize for my actions." Sidra said, surprising his Kaioshin, his Angel, and even Bergamo for a moment, as he usually stuck to his calculations and would defend them with every fiber of his being, but after what just happened, and he didn't notice Quitela's change to his calculations, he knew that he was wrong to put his faith in such things and that it was time for him to step down so someone new could take over, "I should have been more vigilant, since it was Quitela who was visiting me, and yet I let him trick me into blowing away the growth that Ro was working on. This has shown me that I no longer have what it takes to be a God of Destruction, if I can be tricked into damaging my own universe and it's mortal level by such a well known trickster, so I think it's best if I step back and take the role of Bergamo's adviser, to help teach him how to control the power of destruction and the various duties of a God of Destruction."

"If that is what you wish." Sunset replied, though at the same time she was surprised, because she had expecting to learn who the candidates of the three universes were durig this meeting, not have to replace two of them due to different circumstances and then have a third one decide to resign after the first two were demoted.

Sidra nodded his head and removed his collar from where it rested, showing that he was being serious about this, and turned towards Bergamo, who was surprised by this turn of events as the collar was handed to him, though Sunset was happy to see that one of the defeated gods was taking this seriously.

"Very well then, Sidra will step down as the God of Destruction for Universe 9 and take an adviser position, while Bergamo will take his place and learn how to fulfill his new duties." Sunset said, acknowledging the decision that Sidra had made, while also lifting Mojito's candidate to the level of a Destroyer God, before she glanced at the gods that were waiting for the meeting to be over, as she knew that they were eager to head home, "Now then, unless anyone has something else to say, I think it's time we brought this meeting to a close."

"Actually, I do have something to say as well." Belmod replied, where the gods turned towards him and his platform for a moment, which was the moment that he raised his hands and lifted his collar from where it rested, causing him to turn towards Toppo and present the collar to him, "Since three of the Gods of Destruction have been replaced, and I have been planning on retiring for some time now, I believe that it's time that I retire for real and let Toppo take my place as the God of Destruction for Universe 11, where I take the position of his adviser for a few years."

Sunset said nothing for a moment or two, as she was surprised that Belmod was also stepping down and was letting Toppo take his place, before stating that it was fine and that Toppo would be the God of Destruction for his universe from this point forward, with Belmod as his adviser, causing the pair to nod their heads as Toppo accepted the collar, knowing that it was time for him to take the position he had been trained for. Once that was done, however, Sunset glanced around the area that they were in and waited for the rest of the gods to say anything, to see if any of them anything they wanted to say before she sent them all home, but when they said nothing she nodded her head and the Grand Priest declared that the meeting was now over. The instant that announcement was made, and the gods readied themselves to be sent back to their universes, the Grand Priest waved his hands and dismissed them, sending them back to their universes and leaving him and Razor near Sunset, who said nothing as they returned to the part of the palace they had been in before the meeting time had arrived. Sunset, however, had the feeling that the new Gods of Destruction would be able to improve the mortal levels of their universes, given enough time anyway, and she was eager to see what sort of changes they brought to their new domains, but first she had her own duties to attend to.

She'd check up on the new Gods of Destruction later, once they had time to get used to their new roles, and see how the former Destroyer Gods liked their new roles as advisers to their replacements, though she knew that only time would tell her what she wanted to know, and she was willing to wait to see what the future held for the universes that had new gods watching over them.

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