• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Tournament: Frost's Plan

The Grand Priest looked down at the fighting stage, taking in the number of warriors that they had started with, the number of warriors that happened to be remaining from the various universes, and how many universes had been eliminated so far, all while keeping his ears open in case he was asked anything. Despite the fact that they were the Kings of All, and were the strongest beings in all of existence, there was one thing he needed to do every now and then, and that was to answer the various questions that his superiors had, whether it was about one of the martial arts styles or the warriors themselves. He felt that it had been in his best interests to make sure he knew who the ten warriors from the various universes were, and all of his children had given him some information on the various warriors, as the ones from Universe 13 had needed his own personal touch since Celestia was a mortal turned Angel, or immortal turned Angel since she and her sister were the two natural alicorns that existed on their home world. He truly found the warriors from Universe 13 to be the most fascinating of them all, based on what he was able to see and learn for himself, and he knew, from just the various sounds and comments that the Kings of All made, he wasn't the only one that shared that opinion.

His train of thought was interrupted once more as he heard the Kings of All discussing the number of warriors that were left in the tournament, this time trying to count how many warriors had been eliminated overall, and already knew that one of them would ask him to clarify the number so they didn't have to bother themselves with something that they deemed to be boring and dull.

"How many are left?" the Kings of All asked, though at the same time they looked away from their GodPads and faced the platform that the Grand Priest was standing on, their gaze allowing him to know that they weren't talking to each other and that the question had been directed towards him.

"Currently there are forty-six warriors left in the tournament." the Grand Priest replied, as this was one of the reasons that he was keeping his eyes on the fights that were happening before him, because despite everything both Kings of All were inconsistent when it came to counting, even though they could count pretty high when they were playing a game before Goku arrived to ask about the tournament.

"Forty... six?" the Kings of All inquired, once more showing him that they couldn't grasp what he was saying, causing him to mentally sigh as he considered what he needed to do to keep them focused on the tournament and the various fights that were happening before them.

"Well then, allow me to detail the status of each universe." the Grand Priest said, to which he turned his platform around and faced the Kings of All, as it appeared that no one was close to being eliminated, meaning that he could afford to take a few moments to explain the situation to his superiors, "First off is Universe 2, who has a total of six warriors remaining in the tournament. Universe 3 has seven warriors left on the fighting stage. Next up is Universe 4, who currently have four warriors remaining. Universes 6 and 7 are currently tied with each other at the moment, with eight warriors each. Universe 11 has the fewest warriors remaining, as they have three left. And lastly, there's Universe 13, who have the most warriors remaining, as they haven't had a single warrior from their team eliminated yet."

The Kings of All seemed pleased by this information, especially since one team seemed to have all of their warriors still, allowing the Grand Priest to turn his attention back to the fighting stage, where he was just in time to witness Dyspo sense the approach of a blue jelly-like warrior from Universe 3, Maji Kayo, who lashed out at Jiren. As it turned out Maji Kayo was kicked away from Jiren by Dyspo, who unleashed his 'Justice Crush' and blew the area around his foe up, where it appeared that his body had nearly been blasted apart, leading Dyspo to charge in so he could finish the job and take out another foe from the tournament. When Dyspo got close and kicked him, however, Maji Kayo revealed that he was just pretending and expanded his body to capture the Pride Trooper, even changing his left arm into a pair of scissors so he could ruin Dyspo's ears, prompting Toppo to moan as he realized that his ally had botched the fight. It was in that instant that Jiren stepped forward, distracting Maji Kayo so Dyspo could blow up the jelly around him and escape, which only prompted the warrior that caught him to enlarge his right arm to the point where it looked like a giant's arm... and before he could even attack his target Jiren thrust his right arm forward, like he was punching, and the sheer power behind his attack knocked Maji Kayo off the fighting stage, while reducing him to a much smaller form.

The Gods of Universe 3 were understandably disappointed in the fact that they couldn't learn anything from the brief exchange, as that was the reason Maji Kayo was sent to Jiren in the first place, while the Gods of Universe 11 merely smiled and watched the battles unfold, all while the Kings of All reduced the number of warriors left to forty-five.

While all that was going on Master Roshi sat between some pieces of the fighting stage that formed a shelter of some kind, one that he had let Goku help him into before sending the eager Saiyan back out to fight and eliminate some of the other warriors that wanted to take them out. He had been recovering his strength, what little he could get back before he needed to move again, and he knew that his time was running out, in the sense that one of the other warriors could come and attempt to take him out, meaning that it would be best if he took whoever his next opponent was out with him, to make things easier for his team. It also gave him some time to come to terms with the fact that it was best if he didn't tangle with Universe 11's warriors, as Jiren seemed more than capable of eliminating him in an instant and he knew that both Toppo and Dyspo would do the same thing, hence the reason he had asked to be put far away from them, while also putting himself some distance from the other warriors. The only good thing about this was that he knew someone from Universe 13 could come to his rescue if it became necessary for such a thing, as they had a habit of dropping into fights that he and the others were involved in, and after seeing everything they could do so far he knew they were fortunate to have them as allies.

After a few more seconds he sighed and pulled his sunglasses over his eyes again, as he knew that it was time for him to move out and see what sort of opponent the next warrior would be, because he had a few targets in mind that he might be able to defeat in his current state, easing the pressure on the others in the process.

"You seem very tired." a voice said, one that he knew wasn't one of his allies, causing him to jump forward and assume his battle stance once more, showing that he was partly ready for whoever had come to knock him off the fighting stage, even if his body seemed like it was weakened from the prior fight, "Where are you looking?"

Master Roshi had a second to turn his head and spot Frost, the warrior from Universe 6 whose body was similar to what Frieza possessed in his final form, his natural form, standing in the shadows behind him, which was followed by him being blasted through the air and collided with a tall rock pillar. Goku, as he expected, wanted to come and rush to his aid, since he hadn't recovered completely, but at the same time he also noticed Ribrianne fighting Chrysalis once more, their auras colliding as the Warrior of Love failed to understand that her love attacks were being devoured by her foe, who had to be gaining some sort of power from all of the energy she was eating. Before he could see what the others were doing Frost appeared in front of him and kicked him back down to the floor, showing that he was going to have some fun with him before attempting to knock him off the fighting stage, and when he lanced Frost pressed his left foot against his right shoulder, keeping him pinned while also kicking that area every so often. This just confirmed that Frost was the same person he had been back in the Tournament of Destroyers, before and after his trickery had been announced to both Beerus and Champa, meaning that the only thing about him that might have changed is his power.

"When there's no resistance, it's actually rather boring." Frost commented, showing that he might actually enjoy tormenting an opponent who had some fight left in them, which was the exact opposite of what Master Roshi was at the moment, since his power had been weakened earlier, which was what Frost was taking advantage of right now.

"I get it, you're going after weakened warriors, instead of fighting them face to face." a new voice said, to which both Master Roshi and Frost turned towards the direction it was coming from, where they found Pinkie sitting on a rock and noticed that she had her eyes on them, even though Master Roshi was sure that she hadn't been there a few seconds ago, making him wonder when she had arrived and how she got here without either of them spotting her until now, "It's not a bad tactic, since you're trying to ensure your universe survives, but you have to remember that Universe 7 is teamed up with Universe 13, and it was only a matter of time until someone came to assist Master Roshi."

The reason she talked for a few moments was because she had seen Master Roshi take one of the bottles out and was currently keeping it hidden from Frost, whose attention was solely on her at the moment, meaning that he had a plan to knock the warrior off the fighting stage and wanted to keep him distracted until he was ready.

"You know, I had thought of you as a stupid one, but that was oddly perceptive of you." Frost replied, because based on what he had seen earlier he was sure that most of Universe 13's warriors were just solely focused on their battles and didn't have a brain to fall back on, especially the pink one, but even if she had determined what his plan was it wasn't like she could beat him and ensure he was knocked off the fighting stage.

Pinkie smiled for a moment before disappearing from where she was sitting, surprising Frost in the process, before her fist connected with his chest and knocked him backwards, allowing him to watch as she assisted Master Roshi in standing once more, before turning her attention towards him.

"I'm not mad that you called me stupid, because you aren't the first one that's taken one look at me and come to the decision that I wasn't worth taking seriously." Pinkie stated, though at the same time a pink aura, her normal aura, flared to life around her as she stared at the warrior that Rainbow and Applejack called Frost, because she had come here for a reason and she wasn't going to leave until he was taken out of the tournament, "I'm mad that you would treat someone like they were dirt and torment them in such a way, so I'm going to stop you and knock you off the fighting stage."

Before Frost could even move Pinkie rushed at him, her punches causing him to retreat for a few seconds as he tried to avoid them, but even then she had a good time hitting him, as if he wasn't actually dodging her at all, before he growled and went on the offensive, causing his foe to immediately switch to a defensive pose as she started to avoid his attacks like they were nothing. Master Roshi, who was watching the battle unfold before his eyes, heard Pinkie humming for a few seconds, to a tune that he had never heard before, and her dodging seemed to match up as well, making him wonder what she was planning and making him curious as to how she could dodge all the attacks that were coming at her. At the same time it was a good thing she was here, because since Frost came for him he could focus his strength on preparing a second Evil Containment Wave and then fire it at their opponent, so he could help her in eliminating Frost, weakening the number of warriors that Universe 6 had as well. In fact he had to pause for a moment, as he had to wonder if he even needed to waste his energy on firing the attack, because Pinkie wasn't taking a single hit and it appeared that she was more than capable of taking on Frost, before he decided that it was best to be on the safe side and fire it anyway, as he knew that she'd get out of the area before the attack hit Frost.

As such he glanced at the bottle to make sure that it was open and that the cork was near it, that way he could target the lone bottle and seal it rather easily, without having to run far, before he focused his mind on his task and stared at Frost, whose back was turned towards him, as he raised his arms once more.

"Evil Containment Wave!" Master Roshi called out, moving his hands in the manner that would allow him to activate the move as the area around him took on the appearance of the technique that he was using, and Pinkie, seeing that he had something in mind, jumped out of the way as Frost turned back to look at what was going on.

Frost, caught unaware by the attack, was sucked up into the vortex that came with this technique, just like the last warrior it had been used on, and Pinkie watched as Master Roshi maneuvered Frost around a little before sending him flying towards the bottle's opening, kicking up some smoke in the process. When the smoke dissipated, however, they found that Frost was standing behind the bottle with a look of surprise and horror on his face, showing that he had no idea that such a powerful technique existed, before lifting his eyes as he focused on the pair that were in front of him, no doubt trying to think of a way out of this.

"That was close. I'm surprised that you had such a power left in your arsenal." Frost commented, his voice showing that, while he was trying to act calm and collected, he was still terrified of the power that Master Roshi had used against him and didn't want to experience it again, "An attack to seal away troublesome opponents... I have to admit that it's a rather useful attack to have in your arsenal, even with the amount of energy it requires someone to use."

"I bet it is," Pinkie said, as she knew about the technique from Rainbow and Applejack, because while they had actually never seen the technique in person, until now anyway, they had told her and the others about it, since both of them had heard stories about how Master Roshi used it in the past, before she raised her arms, "You know, he might have missed with his technique, but don't you dare think that I'm done with you!"

Frost raised his arm and blocked the incoming attack, one that seemed a little stronger than the ones he had been dealing with a few minutes ago, but he found that the force of her attack still knocked him away from Master Roshi and that she went on the offensive once more, forcing him back into the corner he had been in when they started fighting, as if nothing had changed. It frustrated him to no end, that he was using his natural form and that he was being overpowered by a simple pony girl that was wearing a strange metallic armor, which showed off her midriff oddly enough, and yet he had the strange feeling that this wasn't all the power that she commanded. He found that what few attacks of his he could get through the punches and kicks that were coming his way were brushed off like they meant nothing, as if Pinkie was saying that she was stronger than him, and he loosed a barrage of punches to catch her off guard, where she pulled her arms back and started dodging him again, humming that annoying tone she was humming earlier. For a moment he thought back to that one fight that Rarity had been in, where she dodged her foe's attacks with ease, and wondered if Pinkie had the same ability, before deciding that such a thing was foolish to think about, as each warrior from Universe 13 had their own powers and none of them were identical.

The only downside to him thinking about all this was that Pinkie bypassed one of his attacks and struck him in the side of his face, sending him flying through the air for a few seconds, where his body collided with one of the rock pillars and left a crater around the area he stopped in, and he had surprise written on his face.

"Good show Pinkie!" Master Roshi said, as he was happy to have her as an ally, because even with his powers he had the feeling that she'd somehow get around them and eliminate him before he even realized what had happened, before he glanced at the area that Frost was resting in.

"Thanks, but I wish he'd put up more of a challenge... I can't really let loose if this is his maximum power." Pinkie replied, because she had been itching for a good battle, one that rivaled the ones she had on the planet she had been sent to and rivaled the one they had with Sunset some time ago, before stretching her arms as she glanced back at her foe, who she knew she'd be eliminating soon enough, "Honestly, I'm thinking of just tossing him off the fighting stage and calling the battle over..."

"Am I a joke to you?" Frost asked, though at the same time he pried himself out of the crater and fell to his knees for a few seconds, something that he was starting to get used to thanks to the embarrassment he faced after his name was sullied after the Tournament of Destroyers, as he only knelt to Champa.

"If you were a joke, and I'm not saying you are, you wouldn't be a funny one." Pinkie admitted, showing that she was being serious about the entire tournament, as there was nothing funny about seeing two universes disappearing and having that possibility happen to her home universe, hence the reason she stood in her battle stance.

"You may think that you can best me, but you can't best him!" Frost said, to which he jumped out of the way as the rock pillar he had been knocked into shattered and Magetta burst through the falling rubble, where it appeared that he was aiming at Pinkie, who jumped into the air and avoided the incoming attack with ease.

While she might have dodged the first attack Pinkie used her fists and parried the next few punches that came her way, where she found that her new foe had some decent power behind them, before she was able to knock the Metalman a few steps backwards and loosed a perfectly normal sphere of energy at her foe, who used his hand to catch the attack and separate it into a few pieces that exploded on the rocks around them. Frost seemed to take great pride in saying that energy based attacks meant nothing to Magetta, and that included normal attacks, causing Pinkie to tilt her head for a few seconds, as she hadn't met a foe that was immune to her normal power, much less the six powers she had unlocked during her own adventure. What Pinkie discovered was that Frost started to use his teammate as a shield, having Magetta take her physical attacks and any energy blasts that she loosed from her hands, almost like he was taunting her or Master Roshi with the fact that no ordinary attack could defeat the Metalman, making her wonder if it was time for her to show off a little of her power, since she was sure that she didn't need a lot to deal with her foes.

"I keep telling you, in order to knock Magetta off the fighting stage, no ordinary attack will do." Frost shouted, keeping his focus on Pinkie, making it look like he was talking to her, while at the same time his teammate knew that he was using him to force Master Roshi to use the technique he had been using earlier, and a slight grin appeared on his face when he noticed that his plan was happening.

"Evil Containment Wave!" Master Roshi called out, knowing that this would be the last time he used this technique in the Tournament of Power, and since it appeared that Pinkie was able to distract both of their enemies at the same time he was able to place a new bottle, the third and final one he brought with him, on the ground in front of him, before he loosed the technique at the Metalman.

The moment he loosed the attack Frost, who had been keeping an eye on him the entire time, leapt into action and surrounded his body with a faint aura for a few seconds, where he used his hands and caught the Evil Containment Wave before it could even hit Magetta, surprising everyone that was watching them. Before either Master Roshi or Pinkie had a chance to do anything he sent the wave flying at Pinkie, who was struck by it easily enough, something that he briefly considered to be odd before brushing the feeling away, and was lifted into the air not a few seconds later, just like what happened to him when he was struck by the attack earlier. Master Roshi, seeing what was going to happen, crushed the bottle that was in front of him, thinking that it was all over and that Pinkie would be safe, but Frost revealed that the bottle that would have been his prison had been left alone, where he shifted his arms and sent his troublesome foe right into the opening, forcing her inside the bottle before he sealed it shut.

"Thank you very much, old man." Frost said, picking up the sealed container as Master Roshi fell to his knees, though for the moment he stared at the container and thought about who he had sealed inside it, as while this wasn't exactly what he had been hoping for, since he wanted to use it on Vegeta or Frieza, being the one to eliminate the first warrior from Universe 13 would earn him some points, "Thanks to you I can eliminate this troublesome opponent from the tournament and then knock you off as well, before moving on to the rest of your alliance."

"Did you really think I'd be that easy to capture?" a voice asked, to which Frost froze for a second, as it was impossible for him to be hearing that voice at the moment, before he turned his head towards one of the nearby rocks and found that Pinkie was sitting on it, staring at him with the familiar smile on her face, "What? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Frost gripped the top of the bottle and tore it open, expecting a beam of energy to shoot out and reveal that someone was still trapped inside it, but what he found was that there was nothing inside the bottle, making him wonder how Pinkie could have gotten out of the technique, while at the same time being sealed inside the small bottle he was holding.

"I don't have to explain myself to you." Pinkie replied, as if she was reading his thoughts, before Frost found her standing behind him, which he figured out when she slammed her hoof into his back and sent him flying through the air, with enough force that he shattered the bottle when he landed on it, preventing it from being used again.

Instead of sticking around, and fighting Pinkie some more, Frost escaped the area as Magetta targeted her, causing Pinkie to sigh as she avoided a few of the attacks and positioned herself behind the Metalman, who was dangerously close to the edge of the fighting stage. Once that had happened Pinkie's power shifted for a moment as a dark purple sphere of energy, not like the Energy of Destruction a Destroyer God used, formed in the air near her, one that she bounced on her knees for a few seconds before kicking it with the side of her leg. The sphere slammed into Magetta's chest with enough force to leave a dent in the metal, a surprise that came to Champa, his Kaioshin, and even Vados, while at the same time being more than enough to lift him over the edge of the ring and caused him to fall into the abyss, eliminating him from the tournament, much to Champa's annoyance.

"There, we took one of them out." Pinkie commented, though at the same time she rushed over to Master Roshi's side and helped him stand, as she could either lend him some energy and let him stay in the tournament, or she could watch as he eliminated himself, "What are you going to do?"

"Retire." Master Roshi replied, though he smiled as he fell backwards, knowing that it was high time he went to the stands and watched the rest of his team fight the other universes, and when he arrived at the stands he ate one of the Senzu Beans that they brought with them, taking away the fact that his life had been in jeopardy by using the Evil Containment Wave three times in rapid succession like that.

Pinkie nodded her head, noticing that the alliance was down to seventeen warriors now, before she turned back toward the other battles that were happening and started to head off in a random direction, as she would find Frost at some point and eliminate him for what he had done so far... though she did think about seeing if she could find the strange warrior that was with Universe 2, the one that saved Ribrianne and Rozie, just to make their lives easier.

Off in the distance Chrysalis and Ribrianne continued to battle, their auras surrounding them as they rushed forward and let their fists connect, briefly shaking the area around them in the process, while at the same time Chrysalis used her innate ability to siphon the love energy that her foe was using against her. She wasn't shocked by the fact that her foe could use such a power against her, and she certainly wasn't shocked by the fact that her foe's strength was much greater than what it was prior to her transformation, but what she found amusing was the fact that Ribrianne still hadn't noticed the fact that her attacks were doing nothing. Every punch, kick, and energy blast she used was laced with love energy, one that she freely gave to everyone that she attacked, meaning that Chrysalis was free to suck in all the power that she wanted, as Ribrianne seemed to be an endless well of love energy, allowing her to conserve her strength for the fights that came after this one and add her foe's power to her own stores. She had the feeling that she was going to need all the energy she could get, since Jiren and Toppo seemed to be the big dogs that would be the more challenging opponents, hence the reason she wasn't eliminating Ribrianne yet, so she could get all the energy she could before the true battle against the tougher foes started.

Chrysalis then blocked the incoming punch that was coming her way, stopping Ribrianne from hitting her, and a small grin returned to her face as the pink aura that her foe had broke apart and the fragments were consumed by her own aura, just like what happened with all the other attacks that were powered by her love energy.

"I must say, your love energy is something else." Chrysalis commented, though at the same time she locked her eyes with her opponent, seeing if she was starting to understand how terrible this match was for her, and knew that it would take too long for Ribrianne to figure out what she was doing.

"I told you, I won't accept praise from a Warrior of Darkness." Ribrianne replied, showing that she was still hung up on the fact that Chrysalis had taken out her Light of Love, which she and her two friends had tried to use on the other warriors, but that was good for Chrysalis, since it kept her mind off of what she was really doing, "I'll defeat you, and then the rest of your universe, with the power of love!"

Chrysalis smiled as they broke the connection between them and continued attacking each other, where Ribrianne repeated the word 'love' a few times as she swung her fists at her, attacks that were laced with love energy for a few seconds, before they struck their destination, even though Chrysalis sucked in the energy and weakened the actual attack, making it appear that nothing had happened to her. Of course Ribrianne seemed to be having some sort of conversation with the Kaioshin of her universe, as she declared to Heles, her God of Destruction, that she wouldn't lose this battle and then formed a heart shape in the air with her body, before firing her 'Pretty Cannon' at Chrysalis. Instead of running or dodging, like any of the other warriors would have, Chrysalis let the attack slam into her and explode, but the love energy that had fueled the attack was hers to suck in, rendering the attack useless, causing Ribrianne to unleash her 'Pretty Love Machine Gun', which was just a rapid ki blast type of attack, where the blasts took on the shape of hearts and each of them were fueled by love energy. Each of them slammed into Chrysalis, but just like the last few attacks she let them hit her as she sucked in their potent love energy, nullifying any damage she would have taken from the attacks while adding the energy to her stores, and since Ribrianne didn't seem to understand that her attacks weren't working she kept to her plan and absorbed all the power that her foe was offering to her.

"That warrior from Universe 2 seems to have a rather high level of love." Iru, the Kaioshin of Universe 8, commented, as he had been paying attention to the battles that were happening before them and found that Ribrianne's power was one that he was interested in, as well as her opponent's ability to take all the attacks and look like nothing was even happening to her, regardless of how many attacks she took.

"Most of the other gods might consider themselves to be the ones that will win, but they're far from the truth." Liquiir stated, though his eyes were drawn to the battle that Chrysalis was in, as he had an interest in all the warriors from Universe 13 and found that their powers were far beyond anything they had seen so far, "Even if Universes 7 and 13 make it to the end of the tournament, and their alliance falls apart, Universe 13 is still going to win the Super Dragon Balls."

"Lord Liquiir, you're rooting for Lady Sunset's universe to win?" Iru inquired, because that was odd in his mind, as he would have thought that his counterpart god would have sided with one of the universes whose Destroyer God he knew, not the newest Destroyer God and her warriors.

"Of course I am. I'd be a fool to root against her, especially after her own battle against Beerus." Liquiir replied, as he was referring to the match that the new God of Destruction had been in, shortly after being introduced to the twelve existing groups of gods, where Sunset tied with Beerus, an incredible feat considering she only had a few years under her belt at the time of their match, "If you carefully observe the match that Chrysalis is involved in at the moment, against Ribrianne and her power of love, you'll notice that the odds have been stacked in the former queen's favor the entire time, since the battle started to be exact, and that she's biding her time before eliminating Ribrianne. There's also the three sisters that never stray too far from each other, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata I believe their called, where one might consider them to be the weakest members of the team, and they might be right, but they would have to separate them from each other in order to eliminate even one of them from the tournament. Trixie, the warrior that seems to be a mix of at least three creatures, is clearly some sort of illusionist, based on what we saw earlier, but even then I can tell that there's more to her than what we've seen so far, and don't get me started on Pinkie... I'm not sure we want to know what her deal is, especially since she's escaped from an alternate dimension and a special prison that Universe 7 devised."

Iru had to admit that his counterpart god had a point on the warriors that he had mentioned, all of them had some sort of power that they were hiding and they were taking advantage of their innate powers to take out any enemies that they came across, before he thought about something else.

"What about the others?" Iru asked, because at this point he was sure that Liquiir was studying all the warriors from Universe 13 and knew something about them, though at the same time he could tell that the other gods were talking among themselves as they watched the battles happen before them.

"Rarity seems like a weakling at first, but that power of hers allowed her to dodge attacks with ease and knock her foe off the fighting stage without wasting a second," Liquiir continued, showing that he was definitely studying the warriors from Sunset's universe, more in the sense that he was interested in them and their powers, because most of these skills and abilities weren't being used by anyone else at the moment, "and there's no telling how strong she really is, so it would be best to keep an eye on her. Rainbow and Applejack, however, might be trouble to deal with, because they were raised by Beerus, Whis, Shin, and even Chronoa, so their base skills aren't to be dismissed, but even then I have the feeling that both of them are hiding a great power, one that will shock us when they decide to reveal what they're capable of. And then there's Sombra, who might be the strongest warrior on their team, whose power seems to be so great that he's been holding back whenever he steps into battle, and there's the fact that he left his blades by Sunset, effectively cutting his power to a quarter of what he's actually capable of."

Iru seemed shocked by that news, and clearly had no idea what to say to it, but Liquiir had only noticed that Sombra had intentionally weakened himself by leaving those blades behind, as he could feel bits of Sombra's energy coming from the pair of weapons, making him wonder what sort of power the warrior actually commanded when he was using them, even if he'd never get the chance to see it since weapons weren't allowed in the tournament.

While the gods were talking among themselves, or watching the battles while commenting on what they saw, Gohan loosed a short burst Kamehameha at the energy sphere that his foe, one of the robotic warriors from Universe 3, fired in his direction, blowing the attack up and letting him land on a rock pillar that tilted a little, which prompted his foe to attack him again, only he decided to jump backwards and hide himself as the area he had been in was blown up. At this point, with only half of the warriors remaining in the tournament, he knew that the strongest warriors from each universe were still on the fighting stage, which meant that Universe 13 had to have a large number of individuals that were around the same level as the ones he and his team were allied with. He, just like the rest of his team, was happy that Universe 13 even suggested that they ally with each other for the duration of the tournament, until they were the last two teams standing, because he had the feeling that they would have knocked many of their warriors off the fighting stage without even trying, if they had been enemies anyway. He also knew that the alliance had calmed Beerus down, as the thought of losing his daughters had been a terrible one and it might still be a reality if both of their universes were knocked out of the tournament, hence the reason they had to focus on winning the Super Dragon Balls.

When Gohan went to move again, however, he felt some ki gather near him and swung his left arm, hitting the side of a ki blast that had been racing towards him, one that he knocked into a rock pillar that no one was standing on, allowing him to turn and notice that his foe was the Yardrat from Universe 2.

"Not bad, warrior of Universe 7." the Yardrat commented, showing that he was happy to find someone that had been able to sense where his attack was coming from, even if he had other plans for their fight, and the open area that they were in was perfect for them to fight in, "I am the warrior that protects universe 2, Jimeze. For the peace of Universe 2, and for the beautiful Lady Heles and the Maidens, I will force you and your team to drop out of the tournament!"

"Many will try to do that, and only a few will succeed." Gohan replied, referring to the fact that it would be hard for the warriors of the other universes to take someone from Universe 7 out of the tournament, especially since Universe 13 rushed in and smashed whoever was trying to knock them off the fighting stage, though at the same time he raised his arms and assumed his battle stance.

For a moment it seemed like Jimeze would do the same thing, as he raised his arms and assumed his own battle stance, but after a few seconds he raised his fingers to his forehead and used Instant Transmission to move elsewhere, which was to Gohan's right, and then moved again when Gohan swung at him, before appearing and disappearing all around the area they were in to confuse his target. Gohan knew that lowering his guard against someone that could use Instant Transmission would be a mistake, possibly even fatal depending on what his foe had in mind for him, though it was hard to keep up with Jimeze, allowing the Yardrat to get behind him and kick him away from where he had been standing, only to use the technique again and kick him back towards where he had been standing a few seconds ago. Jimeze then went on the offensive for a few more seconds, kicking Gohan around the area they were in, using the Instant Transmission to get in place for the following attacks, before hitting him into the air and then loosed a few punches that knocked Gohan right into the floor, showing who had the advantage in this battle. Gohan was mostly caught off guard by the sheer speed that his opponent had when he was using his Instant Transmission, because while his father possessed the same skill he didn't use it in the same manner that Jimeze did, meaning that any knowledge he had on the technique was useless while he was facing this opponent.

"I can see, from your previous battles, that you have the potential to be a great warrior." Jimeze stated, though at the same time he lifted his hand up and charged a ki blast that would knock Gohan off the fighting stage, taking out the fourth member of Universe 7's team, while also making things easier for the rest of his team, "However, you're up against the wrong opponent right now. If, by some miracle, we meet again, maybe I'll teach you my attacks."

Normally this would be the time where a warrior would look at their opponent and fear that they would be knocked off the fighting stage, but all Gohan could do was smile for a moment as Pinkie rushed through the air and intercepted the ki blast the instant Jimeze fired it, flinging the sphere into the air, where it was free to explode without hurting anyway, while also surprising the warrior from Universe 2 in the process.

"I got here just in time." Pinkie commented, as she knew that someone else could have come in and saved Gohan from the ki blast, but at the same time she was the first one to arrive and that meant that dealing with Jimeze was now her responsibility, which was fine with her since it killed some time until she spotted Frost again.

"Very well then, I'll take you out first, then return to him." Jimeze stated, to which he raised his hands and disappeared once more, but when he reappeared behind Pinkie he noticed that his foe had disappeared as well, surprising him since he was sure that nothing was faster than his Instant Transmission.

"Too slow." Pinkie exclaimed, her voice coming from behind Jimeze, who turned around and found that she had gotten behind him, how he had no idea since he had only appeared in the area behind her for a brief second, before he decided that it was a fluke and that he needed to try his technique again.

Gohan pushed himself to his feet as she watched the pair maneuver around the area, where Jimeze would use his Instant Transmission to move to another spot and Pinkie would appear behind him, either saying nothing or repeating the same word she had told him the first time, which only caused him to move again. Pinkie's abilities, from what little he had seen so far, weren't to be underestimated or ignored, as she was a skilled warrior that looked like she had been trained from an early age, much like Rainbow and Applejack, and her armor revealed that she had to be a seasoned veteran of some sort of conflict, granting her the powers that she had access to, whatever those were. He was already impressed by what she could do, as she had broken out of an alternate dimension that one of Universe 11's Pride Troopers had created, resisted the gravity another one had created, broke out of the sealing bottle Frost had forced her into with the stolen Evil Containment Wave, and used some sort of dark energy to knock Magetta off the fighting stage, which only made him wonder what sort of power she was keeping hidden from them. He could tell that Jimeze wouldn't be the one to reveal that piece of information, as Pinkie was constantly appearing behind him whenever he used his Instant Transmission, and he could tell that she was quickly becoming tired of this game, meaning that she might end the battle soon and head off to find someone else to fight.

The end of their game came when Pinkie, instead of appearing behind Jimeze, turned around and kicked the Yardrat in the chest, stunning him for a few seconds, before lifted him into the air, charged some normal energy in her right hand, and then fired a ki blast that knocked Jimeze off the fighting stage, seemingly preventing him from being able to use his Instant Transmission to get back to where she was standing, causing Heles to sigh as she lost another warrior.

"Thanks Pinkie, I don't think I would have lasted much longer against him." Gohan said, as he was happy to have such a powerful ally come to his rescue, and he wasn't ashamed of needing help every now and then, especially since their two universes were after the same thing.

"No problem." Pinkie replied, though at the same time she shrugged, as she had been hoping to find someone else in the area and had failed to find him, because based on what Frost had done so far she knew that he was a threat to the safety of Universe 7 and determined that he needed to be knocked off the fighting stage soon, "I was just hoping to find Frost, so I could eliminate him from the tournament, because he ran away before I could knock him off the fighting stage earlier, and save your team some grief."

"I'm over here." a voice said, where Pinkie and Gohan turned their heads and found Frost standing on top of one of the nearby rock pillars, though at the same time he had his right pointer finger pointed up in the air, where a purplish ball of energy rested above him, one that looked like it could do some damage if it hit them, "Say goodbye!"

"Goodbye." a voice stated, one that caused Frost to stall as a burst of energy slammed into his back and sent him flying off the fighting stage, where Champa had a look of surprise that appeared on his face as Frost appeared on the stands, who was also shocked by what had happened, all while the attack he had been preparing broke apart and disappeared as quickly as it had been formed.

Gohan was surprised to find that Frieza, of all people, had been the one to eliminate Frost from the tournament, but at the same time he guessed it made sense, considering that they had fought in the Tournament of Destroyers and he had likely told Frost to stay away from his team once the tournament started.

"How dare you eliminate me!" Frost exclaimed, where Frieza, Pinkie, and Gohan glanced up at the stands for a second, as Frost was staring down at them with a look of anger in his eyes, like he couldn't believe that he had been knocked out by his counterpart from another universe, "I thought we had a deal!"

"No, you talked and I walked away." Frieza replied, as that was what he and Frost had been doing before the start of the tournament, when the other universes were deciding on what sort of plan they wanted to use, before he sighed and focused on something else, "You wanted me to team up with you, so we could get our 'revenge' on the Saiyans of our universes, and to have some fun as you put it, and I politely declined, by saying that I wasn't interested in turning back to my old evil ways and that I wasn't interested in fighting my own allies. I told you that if you went after my allies I would knock you off the fighting stage, and you not only went after Krillin, but you also went after Master Roshi and Gohan, and left yourself open at the right moment for me to knock you off the stage with ease. You might be good at deceiving people from your universe, Frost, but when it comes to an actual battle you fight like an amateur, though you could be an impressive warrior if you tried something new."

"Amateur?!" Frost stated, where the look in his eyes showed that he must have snapped for a second, meaning that calling him by that word wasn't the best idea in the world, something that none of them knew about, before his energy gathered around his right hand, "You dare treat me like an amateur?! Curse you!"

"No!" a voice rang out, just as Frost readied a beam attack that was pointed fight at Frieza's location, to which one of the Kings of All raised his hand into the air and erased Frost before he could even fire the attack, much to the surprise of everyone that was watching the event unfold, "No attacks from outside. Do it again and we'll erase all of Universe 6."

As Champa bowed his head and proclaimed that he was very sorry, while no doubt mentally cursing Frost in his mind for ruining his image again, Pinkie, Gohan, and Frieza went their separate ways once more, knowing that there were more enemies for them to deal with to ensure the safety of the multiverse... even though something told them that one of the stronger enemies would be moving soon, and that they weren't going to believe what happened next.

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