• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Aftermath: Restoration

Sunset let out a yawn as she climbed out of the bed that she had been sleeping in and stretched her arms, where she found that she was in the same room that Twilight had given her, back when she returned from her adventure with Starlight and first took on the mantle as their universe's God of Destruction. Pinkie's party had been intense, which was common when they were celebrating something fantastic, like saving all of the known universes from being erased, and she was sure that a number of people were passed out all over Ponyville, save for people like her or Sombra. According to what she discovered being an Arrancar meant that Sombra couldn't get drunk and that he didn't need to sleep very much, which usually meant he meditated or actually got some much needed sleep, but that didn't stop him from having fun with Yoruichi, who was happy to see him return to her in one piece, despite his new attire. Normally she would be surprised by something like that, but her universe was home to a Supreme Kai of Time, a God of Destruction, a Kaioshin, four directional Kai, a God of Chaos and his son, and it gave rise to her, who had been a Destroyer God before becoming the Queen of All, so the fact that Sombra was now the God of Death didn't surprise her one bit.

Just remembering her new title made her look over at the stand where she kept her attire whenever she slept in this room, seeing the collar and the sash that bared the symbol for 'All', because despite how she acted after ending Tirek's very existence, and how she had impressed the Grand Priest, she was still surprised that she now ruled over the entire multiverse and the gods that watched over each universe. She was sure that she could do the job, if her first actions were any indication, but she was still new to this position and needed whatever lessons the Grand Priest could offer her, since he was the only one that knew anything about the power she possessed and her new duties. Once she thought about that she let out a sigh as she pulled the collar off of the stand and slipped it over her shirt, before making sure that the sash was put on as well, once more looking like the Queen of All she had been when she first emerged from her destroyed attack and started the final battle with Tirek. It had been quite the battle, since they both were wielding the power that she now possessed, and it was only because of the spirits of the slain Kings of All that she was able to beat Tirek, as they weakened him to the point where her attack could obliterate his body, and then they disappeared, content to let her watch over the multiverse as the Queen of All.

She let out another sigh as she pushed that recent memory back where it belonged, which had been just yesterday, and focused on what she was about to do, to which she turned around and walked out of the room that she would likely never return to, not with the palace she now possessed, and when she walked out into the hallway she noticed that the Grand Priest was standing outside her room, to the right of the door.

"Right, I forgot that the Angels don't need to sleep." Sunset commented, because while she had been told that fact when she met Whis, back when he and Beerus first came to Equus with Rainbow and Applejack in tow, she had forgotten about it since Celestia wasn't like the other Angels and needed sleep like everyone else, "So, did you like Pinkie's party last night? I never got the chance to ask you if you were having fun, since we separated from each other while we were there, though I have to assume that the Kings of All never invited you to partake in their games and whatnot."

"I will admit that it was more lively than I thought it would be." the Grand Priest admitted, as Pinkie had welcomed the two of them the moment they arrived outside Ponyville and beckoned them to join the celebration that was already in full swing, and the various treats that had been offered during the party were better than he was expecting them to be, since he had eaten a few while they were there, "Pinkie Pie... she's an odd one, and she's incredibly powerful in her own way. I can see why one of the things Twilight told me last night was to ignore the temptation to study her in greater detail, as she failed at it and couldn't figure Pinkie out, and I also understand that saying some of the inhabitants of this town are fond of saying, 'it's Pinkie being Pinkie' or something like that."

"She is an odd one, but she is one of the greatest friends anyone could ask for," Sunset said, though as she said that she closed the door behind her and headed down the hallway, intending to head to the ballroom, where whoever was left would be waiting for her arrival, and the Grand Priest fell in behind her.

The Grand Priest nodded his head, showing that he understood what Sunset was talking about, despite the fact that the concept of friendship was entirely new to him, as he followed her down to the ballroom, where they found a number of people up and about already. As Sunset expected she found that Rainbow and Applejack were already up, as Applejack was used to getting up early and that had rubbed off on Rainbow, since they had spent a number of years as sisters in Universe 7, and sitting near them was the rest of their family, as in Beerus, Chronoa, Shin, Whis, and Gale. One would have assumed that Beerus and his fellow gods would have remained in Universe 7, but while he did celebrate a little with his friends from his own universe, since they had survived the tournament and helped restore all the universes, he really wanted to do so with his daughters, and, this was Sunset's personal thought, to get some insight as to how this universe was able to get such a high mortal level and maintain it. Normally Sunset would have answered that question, but since this was Rainbow's universe to watch over now, with Applejack assisting her, she let her replacement do the talking and kept the smile on her face as she and the Grand Priest entered the ballroom. Of course she also noticed that Twilight and Celestia were up as well, and Luna had joined them so she could ask her sister why she wasn't invited to help their universe survive, but she was happy to see that everyone had enjoyed themselves and weren't worrying over the possible erasure of their entire universe anymore.

In fact there was one face she was hoping to see at the moment, Discord to be exact, and sure enough the God of Chaos was sitting at a table with a anthropomorphic hyena that had the same type of wings that Discord had, including the same eyes and a familiar air of power, which meant that he was Diz S. Cooper, Discord's son... and, sitting on the table in front of them, was the gauntlet that had allowed Tirek to invade the World of the Void, and all six stones were still attached to it.

"To think that such an evil creature existed in the multiverse," the Grand Priest commented, though at the same time Sunset nodded her head, because Tirek was one of the most evil beings she had ever encountered, as there was no light in his heart, only pure darkness, and she knew that he would never be a good person, no matter what she and anyone else did to him, "we're fortunate that you destroyed him and erased his very existence, otherwise there's no telling how many planets or universes he would have conquered over his reign."

"We're also lucky that Sunset saved this gauntlet, since it holds the soul of every godly being from Nirn trapped within it's metal," Discord said, showing that he heard the comment, while his expression showed them that he agreed with what they had said, because any bond he had with Tirek had been completely severed when he learned that the planet one of his old friends lived on had been wiped out, and that his friend was dead as well, before he turned towards the gauntlet, or, as Sunset determined, the Mine Stone, "To think that Sheogorath was still alive, trapped in this cursed state and having his powers used in a manner he wouldn't agree with... Tirek got what he deserved, that's all I'll say about him."

"Part of me wishes I could have been there, helping you guys out," Luna stated, as she was interested in the entire tournament as a whole, since it was a chance to see how strong the other universes were while also being the chance to improve one's abilities, before she focused on the gauntlet as well, "but, on the other hand, it sounds like letting those that were displaced by the mirror and Discord's spell was the best idea, otherwise we could have been eliminated before Tirek made his appearance and committed his foul deed."

Sunset knew what Tirek would have done if he succeeded in becoming the ruler of the multiverse, he would have wiped out everything and everyone in an instant, allowing a new multiverse to be seeded for him to toy with, where he would likely torment the new Gods of Destruction and their people until he grew bored of them and started over. It was for the best that he had been wiped out, to save the multiverse from that level of destruction and abuse, but she pushed that thought away and focused on something else, as there was a reason she hadn't gone back to her new palace once Pinkie's part had finished.

"With the gauntlet in hand we can restore Nirn to what it had been before it's destruction," Sunset stated, causing the assembled warriors and gods to turn towards her for a moment, because there was something that she needed to tell them before she got started on trying to fix the mess that Tirek created, "Before I went to bed last night I called the Great Clock and spoke with Orvus, our Supreme Kai of Time, and he's agreed to help us restore Nirn to it's former glory, since he even told me that it wasn't supposed to be destroyed when Tirek wiped it out, meaning it was supposed to have a shining future that was stolen from it. He's also agreed to meet us near the area that Nirn rests in, so he can work his magic at the source of the problem and not from the Great Clock, but not everyone has to come with me, the Grand Priest, and Discord when we go to revive Nirn, so all of you are free to stay here and relax until you're ready to head home."

"Actually, I'd like to come with you." Chronoa said, though her statement surprised no one, as she was the Supreme Kai of Time for Universe 7 and it was rare that any of them took the time to see each other, as all of the gods that were charged with watching over time were generally busy and couldn't afford it, hence why she created the Time Patrol to give herself some personal time, even if she dealt with the larger threats herself, "I'd like to see Orvus again and maybe assist him in reversing the damage that's been caused... after all, having two Supreme Kais of Time working would be much better than one taking on such a challenge on their own."

Sunset guessed that Chronoa was right, that by lending Orvus her power they would be able to do the job quickly and not suffer from having to reverse the damage that Tirek caused, and she wasn't surprised when Beerus, Shin, Whis, and both Rainbow and Applejack agreed to go with them, though while most of their warriors decided to stay behind, and get some rest, Rarity decided to join them as well. She knew the reason behind Rarity's decision, as the Soul Stone that Tirek had talked about housed the soul of the Emerald Herald, someone that Rarity knew from Drangleic, the place she was sent to by the crystal mirror, and she was hoping to restore her friend to her former life as well. Sombra, despite having an entire kingdom that he needed to return to with Yoruichi, stated that they would remain here for some time and say goodbye to them when they returned, while at the same time Chrysalis, who had grown used to a life of roaming the stars thanks to her travels, informed them that she'd be waiting for Ratchet and the others to come pick her and Starlight up, so they could resume their latest adventure. With the main group decided, and the gauntlet was collected by Discord, they walked outside and headed into the backyard of the castle, where they would be free to do what they wanted without having to worry about others see them, before the Grand Priest stepped forward, which was where he summoned a square barrier, much like the cube-shaped ship that Whis had used for Champa's tournament, and covered everyone in it, before lifting them into the air and heading off into space, towards Nirn's resting place.

The journey through space, while being quick in some aspects, was met with silence as everyone that was coming to witness the planet's revival kept quiet as they either thought about what they were doing or what they, as individuals, were going to do when they got back home. Sunset, of course, kept quiet as she thought about the friends that she had made on Nirn, when she was trying to stop Tirek the first time around, and that she should have visited them once her adventure with Starlight was over, because maybe she could have noticed where her foe was hiding sooner. She knew that such a thing didn't matter in the long run, since the outcome of their battle would have been the same, but it would have been nice to prevent Nirn's destruction, to keep her friends and the other people who called Nirn home alive, instead of them being wiped out. Her battle with Tirek had reshaped the land of Skyrim, the land the two of them had landed in, before branching out into the other provinces, breaking the ground and destroying cities, including causing a volcano to erupt once more and ruin more of the land it was located in, so she felt it was unfair for them to suffer another hardship after what Tirek had done to them, but she aimed to set things right. Her thoughts were interrupted as Twilight pointed out into the area of space that was ahead of them, where Sunset raised her head and found that they were coming to a stop as they neared their destination, especially since they were close to where Orvus was floating.

Orvus was one of the Zoni, beings made of pure bio-energy that were quite skilled at using the energies of space and time to do whatever they were tasked with doing, and while they couldn't fully appear in this dimension they did have metal castings that allowed them to float and do what they needed to do, though Orvus was the brightest of the Zoni, he was the only one that had a mouth, and his powers were far beyond what the others possessed, and it was he who created the Great Clock, in the center of this universe, earning him the position as the Supreme Kai of Time.

"This is where Nirn used to be." Sunset commented, to which she got up from where she was sitting and approached the edge of the cube that they were standing in, where the Grand Priest let the edge shift around her and allowed her to step out into the space in front of them, while Chronoa followed after her, before she turned towards the god that was floating nearby, "Orvus, we meet again. How have you been since our last encounter?"

"Busy either correcting inconsistencies in the time stream," Orvus replied, because there were a number of mortals in this universe that were tampering with time, by either using a time machine or gaining the power to control time in some way, and he had to make sure none of them did anything that would result in a disaster happening, before he let out a sigh and bowed his head slightly, "Lady Sunset, it appears that you have been elevated to a higher level. Forgive me for not noticing until this moment."

"It's okay, I'm still getting used to being the Queen of All." Sunset said, as she knew that it was hard to imagine that she, who had once been a God of Destruction, had the potential to rise above her predecessors' power and take control of the entire multiverse, while also gaining the power to erase anything and anyone instantly, if she determined that they were a threat to a single universe or the multiverse as a whole, "Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time for Universe 7, heard what you were going to be doing and offered to come along, to assist you in restoring Nirn to what it had been before Tirek wiped it out."

"Is that so? Well, a second God of Time would make things happen faster," Orvus stated, showing that he had been lost in thought and hadn't noticed Chronoa until this moment, showing that, despite the creation of his own force to keep the time streams safe, which Nefarious was assisting him with, he was still busy and his mind was preoccupied with what he needed to do when he got back to the Great Clock, "Chronoa, are you ready to begin?"

Chronoa nodded her head and the two of them floated away from Sunset, where they braced themselves and let their energies gather around them, which was the moment that the area that Nirn had been resting in shimmered as the two Supreme Kai of Time worked on what they were doing. Sunset watched as time seemed to reverse, as the various fragments of Nirn glowed with the energies that the pair were using and started to pull themselves back to the area in front of them, and it wasn't long before she noticed what she wanted to see, which was the planet that she knew about taking shape before their eyes. The pair were able to bring back the entire planet in a matter of moments, where Sunset noticed that there were purple lines going all over the planet that seemed to be originating from a single spot, which had to be where Tirek tested the power of his Power Stone before he departed from Nirn, and, thanks to the power that the pair were using, the lines were receding to where Tirek had been. That did present a slight problem, because since they were reversing time there was the chance that Tirek would still hanging around and that he might lash out at them if he noticed them heading towards Syrim, but if that was the case either she or Rainbow would take him out. It wasn't long before the various lines and destruction receded, restoring the planet to what it had been before Tirek blew it apart, and when the deed was done, and Nirn had returned to normal, Orvus and Chronoa retracted their energies and lowered their arms, allowing them to turn back towards Sunset for a moment.

"The deed is done, Nirn has been restored." Orvus said, quickly confirming what Sunset was thinking, even though it was easy to figured that out from simply looking down at the planet in front of them, before he readied himself so he could return to the Great Clock, "We've restored the planet to the point before Tirek destroyed it, along with bringing back everyone who didn't perish in the time before the explosion, but it's up to you to determine whose left."

"I know, I was hoping to check the planet myself," Sunset replied, as she wanted to see how many people had been alive before Tirek destroyed the planet, because that would determine what they were going to do next, as there could be enough survivors to justify keeping Nirn or there could be no one and they would have to permanently destroy the planet, though either way the universe would be balanced, "Thanks for your help, Orvus."

Orvus nodded his head and disappeared from the area he had been floating in, once more confirming that he really must be busy in the Great Clock, but at the same time Sunset and Chronoa waited for the cube to catch up to them and cover them once more, before the Grand Priest descended down towards the province that Sunset was interested in visiting at the moment, the snowy one that was known as Skyrim. As they flew through the sky, however, she took a few moments to stare at some of the provinces that were resting around Skyrim, as she could tell that Cyrodiil, the province to the south of their target, was missing the Imperial City, which had collapsed during the earthquakes that had been cause by Tirek unleashing his power the first time around, back when she fought to save this world. Off to the northeast she spotted the volcano known as Red Mountain, which was still spewing more lava and smoke thanks to their battle, covering more of Morrowind in the process, though she was sure that the people who called that land home had their ways around such a thing happening and were living well, despite the conditions that were around them. The other provinces, from what she could tell at a glance, seemed to be fine, but each of them had likely suffered some damage from the battle with Tirek and were still trying to rebuild, just like the people of Cyrodiil had built a few smaller cities around the center of their province, no doubt to replace their lost city.

A few moments later they flew over the border she was waiting for and stared out at Skyrim once more, remembering the adventures she had gone through to gain the power to stop the world from being destroyed, and found that High Hrothgar was destroyed, just like her memories told her, while the majestic Whiterun had been reduced to a crater, thanks to a powerful attack that Tirek had fired at it, but she was fortunate that everyone had been evacuated before their battle had gotten serious.

"Sunset, is that..?" Twilight asked, pointing off to the east of where Whiterun just to rest, where everyone looked at the large city that was constructed around a fort, one that had been rebuilt and improved upon to make sure it didn't fall apart anytime soon, though while most of the group had no idea what they were looking at Sunset smiled, as she recognized it almost immediately.

"Yeah, Fellglow Keep, or, as it's more commonly called these days, Fellglow Hold." Sunset replied, as this had been where she had based her army back when she was fighting Tirek, which had originally started out as a home for refugees from the areas that her foe had wiped out, before expanding into the army that followed her orders, and she noticed that the flags baring her Cutie Mark were still flying, "Grand Priest, put us down outside the walls."

The Grand Priest nodded his head and directed the cube down to where Sunset wanted them to land, though once they had touched down he waved his hand and the barrier disappeared, allowing everyone to touch the ground as they looked at the planet that Sunset had been sent to. While they did that, and spread out a little, Sunset focused her mind and instantly discovered that the planet was suffering without the Nine Divines and the Daedric Princes that kept the world in balance, which meant that it was a good thing they had brought the gauntlet with them. Discord seemed to be thinking the same thing, as the next thing he did was hand over the gauntlet to her, where she stared down at it as it floated in front of her, before she sighed and carefully extracted two of the six stones, only to have the Mind Stone float over to Discord, since it made sense for him to hold onto Sheogorath, and the Soul Stone floated over to Rarity, so she could hold onto her friend as well. Once that was done, and she knew that the rest of the group was ready for what they had come here to do, she turned her attention to the gate they had landed near and approached it, where she found that the guards on the other side were opening it so they could see what was going on.

Most of the guards that protected the nine Holds of Skyrim wore chain mail armor, with different colored clothing on them to set them apart from each other, in addition to shields with their symbols, but Fellglow Hold had been different than the others, as it's color was amber and the emblem was her Cutie Mark, which was why she smiled a bit when she found a pair of guards, wearing the armor of her army, walk out to greet them.

"Hold there travelers, these are mysterious times we live in." one of the guards, a male Nord by the sound of his voice and the body that Sunset could see under the armor, while his partner seemed to be a female Imperial and quietly stood there as she stared at the group that had come to their Hold, "Before we let you into the city we must make sure that you don't pose a threat to the civilians, the Jarl, or to..."

Sunset knew that they were just doing their jobs, as she was sure that many of them remembered living before Tirek destroyed Nirn, some of the likely saw the afterlife that they would be heading towards, and were now shocked by the fact that they were suddenly alive once more, but she wanted to get this visit done with quickly, so she held her right hand out and an ancient wooden staff, one unlike any other in all of Nirn, with a green orb at the top that radiated bits of mana every now and then, appeared before her hand, allowing her to grasp it once more.

"Surely you recognize me now, since only one person was wielding the Staff of Magnus during Tirek's rampage, which reshaped Skyrim and the surrounding provinces." Sunset commented, though she mentally grinned as the guards looked at her with shock in their eyes, as they knew of only one person that could have such a weapon, one that she usually kept locked in a chest, despite the fact that she could summon it whenever she wanted to and never used it since her powers as a God of Destruction had been more than enough.

"L... Lady Sunset Shimmer?!" the guards exclaimed, revealing that they had figured out who was standing before them, as there were only two beings, that everyone in Skyrim knew about, who had horns on their head, one of which was her and the other was Tirek, but she knew that the staff and her sun marking had helped them determine who she was with little effort, before they stood at attention and beckoned for her, and her group, to follow them, "Please, come with us. We will escort you to where Jarl Serana is waiting."

Sunset nodded her head and followed after the guards, with her group following after her and the Grand Priest, but what interested her was that the guards had named Serana as the Jarl of Fellglow Hold, which was strange since she knew that Jarl Korir had been chosen to rule this Hold when Winterhold was utterly destroyed when Tirek destroyed the College of Winterhold, sinking it into the sea with the rest of the once great city. From what she knew Elisif, the former Jarl of Solitude, had been elevated to the rank of Empress, to help unite all the weakened provinces since the battle with Tirek, which made her wonder who had taken over as Jarl in Solitude, as the letter she received after her return to Equus the first time didn't reveal that piece of information. She then pulled herself back to the situation that they were in as they walked down the street of the Hold she had briefly called home, reminding herself that there hadn't been streets when she first took it over, and remembered that there was a mine across the nearby river, where the Orcs were no doubt digging away at the earth and were uncovering more material for the smiths to use in crafting weapons and armor. As they walked she also noticed a few interesting things, as there were a number of Khajiit, cat-like people, and Argonians, lizard-like people, who were now calling the city home, showing that any racism had been tossed aside after the battle with Tirek and that all races were welcome here, which brought a smile to the faces of her group, especially those from Equus.

What caught her interest was the marble statue of a Breton, which was a race of people that looked like Nords, while not having the muscles that Nords had, and generally distinguished themselves by what they were wearing, though unlike the other members of this race the statue had a unicorn's horn on her forehead, she was dressed in some ancient looking armor that was identical to the legendary Dragon Priests that once ruled Skyrim under their dragon masters, and in her right hand rested a stone version of the Staff of Magnus. It was a statue of her from when she was trying to save Nirn, one that she had been told would be crafted at some point in time, and she was surprised to find that it was even here, but at the very least the people had a way of remembering who had saved them from being destroyed. Standing near the statue, dressed in the familiar black and red clothing that Sunset had first met her in, was none other than Serana, one of the most powerful vampires in Skyrim, and the reason she went with vampire and not a normal person, which she had become since she and a few other vampires had been afraid that losing Molag Bal would resort in them expiring and caused them to cure themselves, was because she seemed to have gotten her old powers back, if the orange glow in her eyes was any indication.

The guards had them stop near the statue, which meant that for some time Serana stood in front of it and thought about Sunset, an interesting gesture, before they approached the Jarl of this Hold, who turned her head the moment she heard them coming and seemed to pause when she noticed who was standing near her.

"It's about time you showed up, Sunset Shimmer," Serana said, though at the same time a small smirk appeared on her face as she turned to face the group, where she noticed some odd things as Sunset held her hand out, stopping anyone from doing anything rash, as she was used to this type of behavior from Serana, "I was beginning to worry that you weren't going to show up and deal with Tirek again, since we know he's doing something, even though we're not sure how he escaped from whatever prison you locked him away in."

"He was stealing the powers of the Daedric Princes and the Nine Divines," Sunset replied, to which she stepped forward and stopped when she was near Serana, because right now she had nothing to fear from one of her friends, not with the power she had gained recently, "but you don't have to worry about him anymore. I finally killed him."

"That's a relief, though I hope you made it a slow and painful death." Serana stated, where some of the people behind Sunset seemed surprised that Sunset would call someone like her a friend, considering her personality, but they said nothing as the two stared at each other, "Though you definitely look a lot different than what I remember. What's with the hooves, the ears, the tail, the attire you're wearing, and the other pony related features you have?"

"It's a very long story, one that I don't have the time to tell you and the others." Sunset answered, where she looked around for a moment, because based on what she remembered from the letter she got one of her other friends was the Steward of Hellglow Hold, but right now she didn't see him anywhere, "Where are Bjorn and the others?"

"Despite being my Steward, Bjorn is still a hunter and he tends to hunt with Aela and the Companions." Serana said, though normally when she talked about the Companions she would get a little annoyed, since the group of warriors had some werewolves in their ranks, but these days it seemed like she had grown used to them and actually liked having them around, "Sadly Kodlak died sometime after you disappeared, after your battle with Tirek and after the letter was sent to you, but Vilkas has taken over as Harbinger, until he can find a suitable replacement, and the secret of the Circle being werewolves is out in the open, but everyone in Fellglow Hold has embraced them for who they are, and they, in turn, use their powers to keep the peace that you created, with Bjorn becoming one as well. Raja is still the leader of the Thieves Guild, but right now all their operations are on hold as they made sure all the Holds regain the power they had before Tirek came and shook things up, even though we all know they're waiting for things to settle down so the greatest crime spree in Skyrim's history can begin at last. Fiona, with the return of Molag Bal, regained her vampire powers and started a new coven in Valtheim Towers, just down the road that heads to the east, though I hear they have their own cave that they've dug out and their non-vampire friends keep the road safe, allowing the coven to rest during the day before they head out at night to seek out people that would shatter the peace."

"I take it Molag Bal returned your powers to you as well?" Sunset asked, gesturing to Serana's eyes for a moment, as they were the dead giveaway that she had returned to the state that she had found her in the first time around, though she could determine that if werewolves were accepted in this Hold then so were vampires, especially with a small coven of them down the road from the main city.

"He did, though this time I chose to remain a vampire and call on both the Daedric Princes and the Divines to seek you out and call you back to us," Serana stated, reminding her of the fact that they knew Tirek was at large and that none of them had the power to stop him, not before it was too late anyway, before she considered something, "As for Cicero, he's returned to the Dark Brotherhood and has resumed his position as the Keeper of the Night Mother, though the new Listener, Raja's sister Snowheart, still allows him to do a job every now and then, even if the contracts are still a little low since everyone is still rebuilding. Lydia, however, is busy helping Delphine train the new recruits for this Hold, so she'll be busy for some time, but she'll be happy to know that you had some hand in not only stopping Tirek, but also restoring our world to the point before it was destroyed, because I'm pretty sure something terrible happened."

"You mean besides Tirek stealing the power of all of Nirn's gods?" Sunset inquired, though at the same time she had the gauntlet float over to her once more, as she had shifted it back towards Discord when they first stepped into the city, where she noticed that Serana was staring at it, "Apparently, according to Tirek, the Dwemer created this with the sole purpose of stealing the power of the gods, be they the Divines or the Daedric Princes, and turning the power of six of them into stones that fit in six slots. One reason I came back to Nirn was to revive you guys, since I hated the fact that Tirek got away with destroying your world, while the other reason was to release the souls of the Daedric Princes and the Nine Divines, to restore balance to this world once again."

Serana raised an eyebrow for a moment as Sunset beckoned with her head for a moment, which was when she turned around and headed outside the city that they had been standing in, because what she was going to do next was going to be dangerous, especially when one took into consideration who was trapped inside the gauntlet. When she and her group were outside the city, and she was separated from the group, she pointed the staff at the gauntlet and focused on what she was doing, where cracks started to form in the metal without her having to unleash any of the power that was stored inside the staff, which revealed that her power was far greater than what it had been the last time Serana had seen her. A few seconds went by before she applied a little more pressure with the staff, which was when the gauntlet shattered before their eyes, the fragments turning to dust before they hit the ground, but at the same time the souls that were trapped inside the metal burst into the air and started taking on their true form once more. The wind kicked up for a few seconds as the souls flew through the area that they were in, no doubt because the Daedric Princes were regaining their senses, before Sunset noticed the surge of power as each of them awoke, which was what she was waiting for as a variety of shapes started to form in the space in front of her.

The first Prince that formed was an adult lady that was wearing flowing white robes, with wings that almost looked like they were made of light coming out of her back, and the folds in her robe that allowed them to come out, and a hood that was pulled over her head, but Sunset knew her as Meridia, the Daedric Prince of Life and Infinite Energies. After Meridia formed in front of them a second lady formed beside her, also wearing a robe that flowed in the wind, only being gray colored, but she had no hood over her head and had what appeared to be a circlet that was made out of flowers, with two stones near her, shaped into the image of the sun and moon, revealing that she was Azura, the Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn. The next Prince that formed was a large orc that dwarfed the rest of his kind, though he was wearing the leggings version of the orcish armor that was the specialty of the race that worshiped him, while he carried a massive mace that a normal person would have to use two hands to wield in one hand, though Sunset recognized him as Malacath, the Daedric Prince of the Spurned and the Orcs. When Malacath finished forming, and smiled as he realized that he was alive once more, another male appeared before them, a Nord by the looks of it, though he was dressed in fur armor that had been crafted from a slain animal that he had hunted, his head was covered by a large deer skull, and he had a powerful looking bow with a quiver of arrows on his back, labeling him as Hircine, the Daedric Prince of the Hunt.

After Hircine formed a gray dog followed him, which seemed to surprise some of the people behind Sunset, but she knew that it was Barbas, who was technically part of one of the Princes, which was when a man, wearing a green robe that covered half of his chest and had horns coming out of the sides of his head, appeared next to him, a man that she recognized as Clavicus Vile, the Daedric Prince of Bargains and Power.

Once Vile was present, and Barbas barked in a happy tone for a moment, another Prince formed near them, one that took the shape of a decent sized dragon, like two and a half times the size of Sunset, but the sickly green colored scales identified him as Peryite, the Daedric Prince of Pestilence. After Peryite had formed an equally sized Prince appeared next to him, with horns that wrapped around what could be his ears, where his hands and feet were clawed and he only wore a metallic loincloth that was modeled in the shape of a skull, but the dark look in his eyes, and the cue from Serana, revealed that this was Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Domination. Another lady, as tall as Azura and Meridia, formed nearby, though while she was also wearing a robe, dark gray colored, there were a few spots of blood on her robe and there was a hint of decay around her, which disappeared after a moment, but that was enough to let Sunset know that she was Namira, the Daedric Prince of Decay and repulsive creatures, like spiders and other insects. A fourth lady appeared not even a few seconds later, though this one wore purple colored robes that had shoulder sections that seemed to be shaped like scales in some manner, with a helmet that covered her head while revealing blue strands of energy that had to be her eyes, but Sunset had to guess that she was Vaermina, the Daedric Prince of Dreams and Nightmares. Oddly enough a fifth lady formed after the previous two, but unlike the others this Prince's robe was separated into two halves, revealing her midriff as it were, she had eight spider legs coming out of her back, a crown made to resemble spider legs on her head, and her eyes were red, though the spider web pattern on her robe revealed that she was Mephala, the Daedric Prince of Lies and Secret Murders.

That was followed by a red skinned creature, wearing an incredibly dangerous suit of armor that was made from one of the strongest metals on Nirn, ebony to be exact, and the blood of a Daedra, the lesser creatures that followed the Princes, though his head wasn't obscured by a helmet and he carried a staff that was shaped like a rose, meaning that he was Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of Debauchery. Following Sanguine was a female warrior that was wearing a complete set of ebony armor, complete with a lush red cape that moved in the wind and a longsword that had to be made of ebony, despite it's blade being golden colored, though the air of darkness she gave off, and the sneer that Molag Bal sent her way, meant she was Boethiah, the Daedric Prince of Deceit and Conspiracy. The next Prince that arrived was a lady with fair skin, though she wore a slightly revealing robe that was opened in the middle in a v-like shape, revealing the sides of her breasts to those that were near her, and two ravens seemed to follow her, causing Sunset to guess that she was Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of the Night and Darkness, and Patron of the Thieves Guild. Once that was done another Prince formed in front of them, taking the shape of a large man that was dressed in crystalline armor, which covered his arms, legs, and the rest of his body, while carrying a greatsword that he used in battle, but Sunset recognized him without delay, as it was Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order.

Those were the Daedric Princes that had been trapped inside the gauntlet, but before everything was done eight more beings formed near them, the first taking the shape of a large Nord warrior that was dressed up in some of the most impressive armor that anyone had seen, which meant he was Talos, the Hero-God of Mankind. The next Divine to appear near them was an elderly man that was wearing a red robe and seemed to walk with staff of some kind, while possessing an aura of death that was weak at the moment, meaning that he was Arkay, the Divine of Life and Death. Following Arkay was a beautiful lady that was wearing a light blue robe and had flowing blond colored hair, and her breasts were easily two to three sizes bigger than most of the beings that had formed around them, making Sunset guess that she was Dibella, the Divine of Beauty. After that a scholar appeared next to the other Divines, carrying a book in one hand and a scale in the other, while wearing a robe that was half red colored and half blue colored, though upon remembering what else she had learned during her time in Skyrim, even if it was a long time ago, Sunset determined that this was Julinos, the Divine of Wisdom and Logic. The next Divine was a lady that was wearing a blue robe that flowed with the wind, as did her hair when she finished forming, but the smile she gave Sunset was all the confirmation she needed, as this was Kynareth, the Divine of the Heaves, Winds, and Elements, and she was the one that called Sunset to Nirn the first time around, even if Discord might have helped her with that part.

After Kynareth was a motherly looking lady who smiled as soon as she finished forming, with an aura of compassion that was unrivaled by any of the beings that had come before her, and she wore a green robe that was colored red where her shoulders were, which meant she was Mara, the Divine of Love, Fertility, and Compassion. Following Mara was an older man, not as old as Arkay was, who had a white beard and wore a light green robe that flowed in the wind, though with the beings that had already assembled it was easy to determine that he was Stendarr, the Divine of Mercy, Charity, and Justice. A second old man, about the same age as Stendarr, appeared next to his brother, dressed in a robe that was half blue colored and half orange colored, which gave him an air of wealth based on how elegant his attire looked, which meant that he had to be Zenithar, the Divine of Work and Commerce, though he was also the last soul to form before the wind finally died down and returned to normal, despite the fact that Sunset still had four stones to go through.

"Everyone that has been trapped inside Tirek's gauntlet has been freed, but we're not done yet," Sunset said, causing the Daedric Princes and the Divines to give her their full attention, as they knew, in some manner, that she was much stronger than she had been the last time they had seen her, so they said nothing as she floated her three stones up and readied herself for what she was about to do.

A moment after she said that she focused on the Power Stone and shattered it, caused the soul and the power inside to take it's true form once more, which was followed by a large humanoid creature with red skin, which easily towered over the walls of the city, and had form arms that wielded a different weapon, forming near them, but she knew that this was Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedric Prince of Destruction and Change, the one being the First Oblivion Crisis, as Tirek's damage to this world was celled the Second Oblivion Crisis. As soon as Dagon was formed, and said nothing as he moved away from the group, Sunset called up the Reality Stone and repeated the process, only this time the Prince that she freed took the form of a group of eyes, tentacles, and claws that emerged from a black hole in reality, which was appropriate since this was Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Knowledge, Memory, and Fate. In that instant, when she was done with the second stone, she nodded her head and Discord stepped forward, shattering the Mind Stone that he had been holding onto, forming a humanoid being, maybe a Nord or an Imperial, who was wearing an interesting suit that was split between two colors, the right side being purple and the left side being orange, but his eyes, which had no pupils, meant that he was Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Once that was done Sunset focused on the Time Stone and broke it, causing the energy of time to rush out and regroup a few steps in front of her, where a being that was currently the same size as her formed, but where many assumed it was a man she realized that it was a dragon taking human form, just like what Trixie did in the tournament, and his scales were bronze colored while he wore an elegant robe that covered his body while leaving holes for his wings and tail, meaning this was Akatosh, the Divine of Time and Father of the Dragons.

And just like that it was over, the Daedric Princes, all seventeen of them, and the Nine Divines were brought back to the world they were connected to, allowing them to do whatever they wanted with their lives, while the Space Stone shattered and the energy disappeared, as it wasn't forged from a soul, so there was no being to return to this world, which let her focus on the gods in front of her.

"It is done. Tirek is dead and all of you have been freed from his gauntlet." Sunset said, where all the gods focused on her for a moment, giving her a chance to see that many of them were smiling, since it was impossible to tell for some of them based on their helmets or their appearances, "You can return to your daily lives and continue to assist Nirn in whatever manner you desire."

"Discord." Sheogorath commented, causing the group to turn their heads towards the two chaotic beings, as it had been a long time since Discord and Sheogorath had been in the same place, while at the same time they noticed that the Mad God was glaring at his friend, which was never a good sign.

"Sheogorath." Discord replied, to which he separated himself from the group, allowing everyone to watch as the pair walked some distance away from where they were standing, all while causing Sunset to let out a sigh, as while she wanted to get back home, to wrap up her preparations before heading to her new palace, she wasn't about to miss whatever the pair did, as it would be two chaotic beings clashing for a few seconds.

In the following moment the pair seemed to switch from glaring at each other to being happy, as they ran at each other and started slamming their hands together, like they were playing patty cake or something, before Sheogorath summed a number of stone walls behind Discord and slammed him through all ten of them, before jumping up and down while exclaiming 'My turn! Me next!'. As it turned out Discord was more than happy to play along, as he also called up the same type of walls, in the same quantity, before hitting Sheogorath in the chest and sent him flying through them, which caused them to collapse, just like the sent that he got hit through. Once that was done the pair seemed to combine their energies and the fallen stone formed a tall tower that stretched into the sky above them, so much so that it seemed like they wouldn't be able to see the pair, before Sunset, who could see them like the Grand Priest could, noticed that they clasped their hands together and fell to the ground like they were wrestling with their arms. The force of them doing that caused the tower to collapse beneath them, where the pair seemed obvious to what was going on as they fell back down towards the ground, and smoke covered them for a moment as the stone hit the ground, but once the smoke clear they found Sheogorath standing over Discord with his fingers taking on a v shape, indicating that he had won whatever he and Discord were doing.

The Grand Priest glanced at her and Sunset just shook her head, because as far as she was concerned the chaotic beings, while dangerous in their own right, weren't about the end Nirn from them arm wrestling for a few moments, and with Sheogorath's victory the gods of Nirn started to depart, heading for the planes that they ruled from, while Discord promised that he'd be back someday for a visit, leaving him and his friend with a smile on their faces as the gods of Nirn disappeared before their eyes.

Once they were done with their objective, bringing Nirn back and reviving the gods that were connected to it, Sunset bid farewell to Serana, who told her that she'd tell the others that she stopped by and that she was planning on coming by later in the future, before she and her group returned to the cube and the Grand Priest summoned the barrier that had protected them during their journey here. The moment the barrier was back up, and they were resting inside the cube once more, they lifted into the air and headed for space again, only this time they were heading for the planet that Rarity had been sent to, as they still had the Soul Stone that Tirek had forged and the person whose soul had been turned into the stone came from that same world. Sunset said nothing as they moved through space, as she was letting the others chat about what they had seen, because when she described some of the Daedric Princes to Twilight and Celestia they had been expecting that when they saw the Princes revive themselves, but some, like Mephala, were different from what she knew, meaning they had seen the true forms of the various Princes this time around. She also wanted some time to think about what she was going to do after they finished their quest to shatter the gauntlet and restore the beings that had been trapped inside the stones, because there were only five days left before the meeting with the other Destroyer Gods she had noticed and had asked the Grand Priest to schedule a meeting with.

What surprised her, however, was that the Grand Priest eventually turned his head and indicated that they were drawing close to where the planet Rarity had been sent to was location, where Sunset noticed that it seemed to be in a state of darkness, like the sun had gone out. Based on what Rarity was able to find out, which wasn't a lot to be honest, this planet went through periods of light and darkness, which the nearby sun seemed to be linked to in some manner, which meant that what they were seeing was one of the periods of darkness, which had to be linked to what she did while she was trying to find her way home. The only reason Sunset thought about that was because Rarity had told them that her friend Edric could have sacrificed himself to 'link the fire' and instead chose to take the four crowns the pair had found during their quest, to return home and save both himself and his family from the curse. Despite what little they knew the Grand Priest took them down through the atmosphere, where they breached the gray sky and headed down to the land that Rarity recognized from above, before he angled them towards a ruined village of sorts that had a cliff near it, along with a number of other landmarks. Rarity quickly informed them that this was Majula, the village that she and her friend had spent a good portion of their time in during their adventure, and it was also where she encountered a powerful cat that was actually one of the directional Kais of this universe, before they touched down and the barrier faded.

Once the barrier was down Rarity stepped forward and raised the Soul Stone into the air, where it shattered a few seconds later and the energy rushed into the space in front of her, allowing them to watch as a lady with a brown robe that covered most of her legs, with a dark green hood that covered her head and was attached to a cloak that reached her feet, and she had red colored hair... though a few seconds went by before she opened her eyes and seemed surprised by what she was seeing, as if she thought this was an illusion or something.

"Shanalotte, are you alright?" Rarity asked, because seeing that the lady that had helped her and Edric on their quest like this made her wonder if having her soul stolen from her had caused some damage that couldn't be undone, while at the same time the group waited for her to finish what she was doing.

"Rarity... what are you doing here?" Shanalotte inquired, which meant that the name they knew, the 'Emerald Herald', was just a title and not her actual name, but the group remained silent as the lady looked at the area they were in, before staring at the sun, or what she could see at the moment, "Right, you and Edric reached the throne and defeated the guardians... and then Edric walked away and you, not bound to this world and unable to link the fire, were taken home, letting the fire fade at long last. Then the next thing I remember is this figure, tall, dark, and full of evil, that slammed me into the ground and said something about my soul being exactly what he needed... and then nothing but darkness, like I was stuck in a void, until you broke that stone and freed me."

"I'm glad that you are feeling better, especially after what Tirek put you through," Rarity replied, though at the same time she looked at the world around them, because if she was being honest with herself she didn't think that they should leave Shanalotte here alone, since it appeared the blacksmith and everyone else had left the area, "We came to return your soul to this world, to bring you back to life, but this world seems dead at the moment... are you sure that you want us to leave you here, in this seemingly dark world?"

"It's fine, I can manage on my own." Shanalotte stated, because she knew that Rarity was incredibly generous to complete strangers, if the one lady she and Edric had returned with was any indication, and she knew that if she went back to the world Rarity called home she'd find the same level of generosity being given to her, as in a place to live and some new clothes before she found a job she could do, "This is the natural order for this world, the Fire fades overtime and shrouds the world in darkness, only to return at some point and return life to everything. I can handle living in a world that's full of Hollows, until the Fire returns."

Rarity looked at Shanalotte for a few seconds, wondering who in their right mind would want to live on a world that was shrouded in darkness like this one was at the moment, before deciding that she might as well accept the decision and stepped back onto the cube, where she waved her hand towards Shanalotte as the barrier reformed around them, who smiled and waved back at them as the cube flashed into the sky and disappeared.

The journey back to Equus was unlike the other journeys, as most of the group, while excited about the worlds they had seen and the beings that had been revived when they visited Nirn, remained silent as they headed home, as they knew that Rarity was worried about her friend. Sunset could understand that, because from what they had been told the beings she and Edric had tangled with, a different breed of Hollow than what Sombra was, since he had been sent to a different world and they had a different type in that world, were dangerous and one had to be careful when traversing the land that was known as Drangleic. At the same time she also knew the reason behind why Discord was silent, as he was thinking about what he would do with Sheogorath the next time they were in the same area, since he intended to fulfill his promise this time around, but she found that she didn't much care for whatever Discord was planning and simply let him have his peace and quiet. Everyone else, for the most part, seemed to be thinking about what they had seen recently, as Beerus and the other gods of Universe 7 had never seen a world like Nirn and they would likely be talking about it when they got home, while Rainbow was curious as to what else resided in her universe.

Eventually the Grand Priest returned them to Equus and they descended towards the backyard of the castle, where he dismissed the barrier around the cube and they touched down, allowing everyone to spread out and return to what they had been doing before they left for Nirn, and Sombra and Yoruichi were outside waiting for them.

"It looks like you were successful in your mission." Sombra said, as he noticed that the gauntlet and it's stones were gone, and the smile that was on some of the faces in front of him informed him and Yoruichi that Nirn had been restored to it's previous state, before he turned his attention to Discord, "Since the Tournament of Power is over, and we're no longer needed to help save the multiverse, it's time that Yoruichi and I head back home, though we do need that shortcut you used to reach us the first time."

Discord nodded his head and waved his hand towards the space near them, where a tunnel that would allow the pair to traverse the distance between this world and the version of Earth that they called home opened before their eyes, but not a few seconds later a young man, a high school student, wearing white clothing that Sombra recognized, as it was the attire of a Quincy and was designed for greater maneuverability, though the man's black hair, with bangs over the right side of his head while the rest was tucked behind his left ear, and the glasses revealed who he was.

"Uryu, what are you doing here?" Sombra asked, because Uryu Ishida was one of the friends he had made before becoming the King of Hueco Mundo and he was curious as to what he was doing here, which meant that something must have happened while he was away and someone came looking for him.

"Sombra, thank goodness I've found you." Uryu said, though the look in his eyes told Sombra that this was going to be serious, because whatever had happened had caused one of his friends to come looking for him, across the vastness of space, to enlist his help in protecting their world, "It's Yhwach... he's on the move at last."

While everyone around them had no idea who that was, since Sombra hadn't told them about the possible foes that might appear in his world's future, there was one foe among them that he knew would show up at some point, which was Yhwach, the Father of the Quincy, which meant that the world he called home was in danger once more, and he would be there to meet this foe when he revealed himself.

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