• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Aftermath: Summit of the Gods

Sunset stretched a little as she pulled herself off the chair that she had been sitting in for the last few hours, one that was located in the palace that was now hers, before she exited the part of the palace that she had been in and headed back over to where the throne was located, in the middle of the palace. One thing she had learned, after returning to this place once Sombra had taken care of Yhwach and his army, was that Zeno's palace was massive on the inside, in terms of space, but there was next to nothing inside it, as it appeared that if he wanted something it came to him, instead of him going to the area of the palace that held whatever he was after. Sure, she could do it the same way that her predecessors did, and have the Grand Priest bring her whatever she wanted, but for the most part she was more interested in modifying the empty space that rested inside her palace, like creating a bedroom that was similar to what Celestia had, only with a few changes to suit her tastes, a large beach area, a number of rooms that one would find in a palace, and a massive library that was even larger than Hermaeus Mora's realm. Other than that it had been a busy five days, what with restoring a planet that Tirek had blown to pieces, bringing back the people and gods that called it home, watching a force of warriors commit suicide against a superior opponent, and then hearing that Starlight and Chrysalis found the Lombaxes and brought them back to the Polaris Galaxy, which was great news.

Her universe, without even being there to watch over it and protect it as it's God of Destruction, a role that Rainbow had finally been given and was adapting to being, was growing on it's own and she was happy to see that nothing bad had occurred with her absence, allowing her to focus her attention towards her own duties... which, as she found out, involved going over what her predecessors did and then determining what she could do to fix the damage they caused to the various universes that they were supposed to be watching over.

It didn't take her long to return to where the throne was located, as she had discovered that she could make it so she could be walking for hours or a matter of seconds, meaning the entire palace seemed to be connected to whatever she desired, but some of her changes she had set in stone, so that they only changed when she wanted to make a correction or add something to them, so they didn't disappear on her one day. Of course she did make it so that the zones she had created were far away from the main area of the palace, where she would meet the other gods, if they came to her for a visit, of which there had been none so far, meaning that no one would stumble into the library, the beach, or even her private chambers on accident, not unless she let them go to whatever area they were heading towards. As such it took her a moment or two to go from where she had been, the library to be exact, and reappear near her throne, which had been modified slightly to fit her, since the one she used when addressing the gods in the World of the Void been been sized for her smaller predecessors, and found the Grand Priest waiting by the throne. She wasn't surprised by that, since he was the Angel that helped the ruler of the multiverse, but while most Angels were stronger than their charge, like how Whis was stronger than Beerus, that did not mean that the Grand Priest was stronger than Sunset, as her power was far beyond what he was capable of, as it should be since she was the Queen of All.

The only thing different between her throne and Zeno's throne, besides the size, was the fact that she had dismissed the bodyguards that her predecessors had, allowing the Grand Priest to reassign them to other duties in the palace, as she honestly didn't need such insufficient guards protecting her, not when they couldn't stop someone like Tirek from blowing the antechamber out of the sky and then killing her predecessors... though once that thought passed Sunset brushed it away as she approached the throne, because there was something she and the Grand Priest needed to discuss.

"Ah, Lady Sunset, you have returned." the Grand Priest commented, as he was expecting her to return at some point, since today was a special day that they had been waiting for since the Tournament of Power ended, but he didn't want to rush her while she was working, as he had seen her when she was angry and didn't want that to happen again, "Was the library to your standards?"

"It was." Sunset replied, where she finished stretching her arms and legs before taking her seat on her throne, which was still odd since a few days ago she had been a mere God of Destruction, only to be elevated to the position as the Queen of All, something that she was still coming to terms with, "There's so much to read in it that I could take a decade off, at the very least, and still be nowhere near finished with everything, but right now I don't have the time to waste on reading the material that you previously gathered for my predecessors... it's a shame neither of them liked to read."

"Yes, both versions of Zeno preferred to play games, be it by themselves or with each other," the Grand Priest said, as the previous Kings of All didn't like to read books, as they found them to be incredibly boring, especially ones that had action in them, and everything else that Sunset found to be fun or relaxing had been deemed the same way, hence the reason games seemed to hold their attention, "of course, those games had very real consequences for the universes, but that never bothered them, since they liked blowing planets up with their 'games'."

Sunset nodded her head in understanding, as that was something she was trying to figure out how she was going to fix, especially since she had no idea what other powers she had as the Queen of All, despite the Grand Priest telling her that even he had no idea what limits she had, since all her predecessors did was erase things and had him do everything for them, so all she could do was experiment and see what happened, hence the room designed for just that, far away from everything else so she didn't ruin something she liked.

"Still, I'm grateful you held onto what you had when he told you that he thought reading was boring and kept collecting, in the off chance that he changed his mind." Sunset stated, because she was sure that some of the material in the library no longer existed in whatever universe it came from, considering how many planets were destroyed by her predecessors, which caused the reason she had returned to the Grand Priest to come to her attention once more, "How much longer do you think we should give the erased Gods of Destruction, before we call the meeting to order?"

"I can contact the Angels whenever you want me to." the Grand Priest replied, as that was another thing that was different between Sunset and the previous Kings of All, she actually considered the fact that the gods she now ruled over might be busy and could possibly be late to the meeting, something that would have annoyed her predecessors, while at the same time he called his scepter over to him, to show that he was ready for her decision.

"Very well, contact the Angels of Universes 13 through 18 and inform them that the meeting will be in the next ten minutes," Sunset said, because that was the special event that was going on today, she was summoning the gods of the six universes that her predecessors erased a long time ago, who she had brought back by wishing on the Super Dragon Balls, in addition to the ones that were defeated in the tournament, "that should give them more than enough time to make themselves ready for our meeting. Once they know when the meeting is, and have agreed to come, then you might as well contact the Angels of Universes 1 through 12, and Universe 19, and inform them that I would like to see them in, oh, half an hour, which gives us time to meet the gods of the erased universes."

"As you wish," the Grand Priest said, where he turned his attention to his scepter and focused his mind, allowing him to select the six universes that had been erased by Zeno so long ago, and had also been revived due to Sunset's wish on the Super Dragon Balls, before noticing that the connection was established to his six targets, "To the guiding Angels of Universes 13 through 18, this is the Grand Priest. The Ruler of All has decided that they would like to meet you, the Gods of Destruction you are guiding, and the Kaioshin that assist your Gods of Destruction in maintaining balance in your universes in the next ten minutes."

Sunset said nothing as she heard five voices speak the moment the Grand Priest was done, where she determined that three of the missing Angels were males and that the other three had to be female, though the five that spoke did indicate that they and their fellow gods were almost ready for the meeting, leaving the final Angel absent, meaning that she was either ignoring them or she was speaking with her fellow gods.

"Your Greatness, this is Mezca of Universe 18," the final Angel said, her voice coming from the orb at the top of the Grand Priest's scepter, which was how they all communicated with each other when they wanted to talk, while at the same time Sunset listened to what she had to say, "I must apologize, as the God of Destruction for my universe is currently busy with something at the moment, and I'm afraid that we'll be a little late to the meeting."

The Grand Priest glanced at Sunset for a moment, as this was another chance to see how different she was from her predecessors, as she nodded her head in understanding, indicating that she hoped the Destroyer God of Universe 18 was busy taking care of a threat to their universe and not trying to get out of the meeting, while at the same time the look on her face suggested that they might want to change the time of the second meeting, to which he nodded and turned his attention back to his scepter.

"Very well then, we'll summon you and your fellow gods when they're both ready." the Grand Priest replied, as he knew that Zeno would have been upset over a god opting to be late to a meeting, even if he had to convince the King of All that it was perfectly fine at times, before the connection to the six universes was terminated for the moment, allowing him to focus his mind and reconnect to the other thirteen universes, "To the guiding Angels of Universes 1 through 12, and the formally unofficial universe, this is the Grand Priest. Lady Sunset has something that she would like to discuss with all of you, your Gods of Destruction, and the Kaioshin of your universes, though she will be busy for some time and is scheduling your meeting an hour from this moment. I'll contact you all again when it's time for your meeting."

While the Angels of the twelve universes acknowledged the message, however, Sunset heard Rainbow's voice for a second or two, no doubt questioning the Grand Priest's choice of words, but she wasn't going to criticize him, since they were keeping the existence of the other six universes a secret, one that they were going to reveal in due time. She did notice that the Grand Priest had caught what Rainbow was saying and knew that she was worried, why she had no idea since she wasn't about to punish her home universe, but neither of them said nothing as she focused on the first meeting that was going to take place, the one she had been waiting for since discovering the other six universes had come back due to her wish. She was interested in meeting the other Gods of Destruction that had watched over the six universes that her predecessors had erased, because she was sure that none of them had done anything that required them and their universes to be taken out like that, and she wanted to quell any anger they had, because of that event, before introducing them to the other universes. The Grand Priest, in her mind, had to be happy to have those universes back, since it restored the multiverse to what it had been before the incident millions of years ago, and, as she suspected, her assistant didn't show a single bit of emotion, but she was getting used to that and knew that she'd surprise him one day.

Fortunately Sunset didn't have to wait very long, as the ten minutes were up before she knew it, which was signaled by the Grand Priest letting his scepter float away from where he was standing before he held his hands out, like he did when he was calling the gods of the erased universes back to the World of the Void, before the air in front of the throne shimmered for a few seconds, indicating that the five pairs of gods were being called to her palace.

The first group that arrived, who Sunset assumed were from Universe 13, since that seemed to follow the pattern that the Grand Priest summoned the gods in, were kneeling towards the throne in the manner that all the gods and Angels did, which meant that it was customary for them to do this when they were brought before the King of All, unless they used the platforms that Sunset had used in the past. The first being she looked at was a beautiful white skinned lady that had long blue hair, going to the middle of her back from the looks of it, and she was wearing a pink Kaioshin outfit with a red undershirt and pants, though her attire and the Potara earrings made it pretty obvious that she was the Kaioshin of Universe 13. Next to her was another lady, who actually looked like an anthropomorphic goat with blue colored skin, with a pair of horns that coiled around her ears and pointed at the area in front of her, long white hair that rivaled her Kaioshin's hair, and the traditional attire that a God of Destruction wore, where the bands on her collar were gray colored and her baggy pants contained that same color, though the only thing that really caught Sunset's attention was that her energy made her think of someone else. The final being in the line up was a pale blue skinned lady that wore the cuirass of an Angel, which made sense considering that her hair was white like Whis and Vados' hair was, and the robe under it was light gray colored, though her hair only reached her neck.

Once she finished looking at Universe 13, and took note of what their gods looked like, Sunset turned towards the next group, Universe 14, where she found that the Kaioshin was taller than U13's Kaioshin was, though at the same time his attire was light green colored with a purple undershirt and pants, while his brown hair was cut short, making Sunset think that he might be a warrior Kaioshin, who could actually protect himself from danger. Next to him stood a taller man who seemed to be more of a giant sized man, whose skin looked like it was made out of some sort of metal, like steel or even titanium, while his 'hair' seemed to be made out of gold and was fashioned into the short hairstyle she knew a few of the gods used, and he wore the attire of a God of Destruction, only his bands and baggy pants had a silver color. The Angel of this universe was around the same height that Mojito, the Angel of Universe 9, had, though his muscles were larger than some of the Angels she had seen, which was good since it likely helped him keep his God of Destruction in line if he ever went too far in his duties or a fight, though his robes were also silver colored and his white hair was even shorter than what his sister from Universe 13 did with her hair.

After that Sunset turned her attention to Universe 15, which was where she found that the Kaioshin was white like the Kaioshin from Universe 13, though his hair, which was white colored, was cut short, while his attire was light brown and the undershirt and pants were more of a sandy color, which was a very light reddish yellow color. Kneeling next to him was a person that looked like he was part snake and part human, as he had the body shape of a man while his arms, legs, and his chest had snake scales, where the scales on his back and sides seemed to be dark brown and the scales on his chest and underside of his arms were light brown. Of course she also noticed that the god's hands ended in claws, with a thumb and three fingers, while his feet also ended in claws, despite only having three toes, though he also had a snake's tail which happened to be coiled around his feet at the moment, while his head looked like a king cobra's, while keeping the coloration of his scales, and he wore the attire of a Destroyer God. The final being from Universe 15 was a thin lady that was definitely the Angel, based on the hair color and her skin color, though her hair was longer than those that came before her, as it reached the middle of her back, and she wore a sand colored robe under her cuirass.

Next up was Universe 16, where Sunset found that the Kaioshin for this universe was an inch or two shorter than the Kaioshin from the first universe she was meeting, though his skin was a lime green color and his attire consisted of a maroon colored vest while the clothing he wore under it was dark blue colored. What surprised her a little was the being that was the God of Destruction for that universe, as it seemed that 'his' appearance was that of a being that was made out of energy, light blue energy to be exact, and his form was kept in this state by what appeared to be enchanted cloth that was wrapped over his arms, legs, chest, and head, while leaving a few gaps here and there, which didn't appear to be anything he was worried about, not that he had a face to read. From what Sunset could tell he was also wearing gloves, boots, and the attire of a Destroyer God, all enchanted so he could wear them without anything happening to his body, where the bands on his collar and his baggy pants were scarlet red colored, no doubt to make sure those around him didn't accuse him of wearing nothing, not that he had a physical form to begin with. Next to him was a thin man that was around Whis' height, whose hair reached his ears, while his hair color and skin colored revealed the obvious to Sunset, that he was the Angel of that universe, while his robe matched the scarlet coloration of his Destroyer God's attire.

From there Sunset turned towards the final universe that had arrived, Universe 17, where the Kaioshin was a lady that was slightly taller than Universe 13's Kaioshin, with her blue hair done up in a ponytail that rested behind her head, while her attire was more of a light blue color with yellow being the color the undershirt and pants had. Next to her knelt a being that had digitigrade legs, which were slim and her feet ended with two toes, who didn't seem to have a mouth at all, but at the same time she had a broad chest and shoulders with a slim midsection, though it looked like she had a semi-permeable skin that was covered in scales. In addition to that she had two antennae, or that was what Sunset assumed they were, while her hands consisted of a thumb and three fingers, though her Destroyer attire was sized to fit her frame, since it was different from all the other Gods of Destruction Sunset had seen, where the bands and her baggy pants were golden yellow colored. The Angel for their universe was also a lady, a beautiful one at that, who didn't bother using a ponytail, since she let her long hair flow freely, and the robe she wore was, of course, golden yellow colored as well, almost as if all five of these universes had a color code between the Gods of Destruction and their guiding Angels.

None of the gods lifted their heads, as they were bowing their heads to who they assumed was Zeno, which caused Sunset to glance at the Grand Priest and nod her head, indicating that it was time for them to see who was in charge of the multiverse now as they waited for the final group of gods to arrive from Universe 18.

"You may lift your heads while we wait for the arrival of Universe 18." the Grand Priest said, though even as he said that he noticed another glance from Sunset, one that indicated that they might as well let the gods stand, which was when he nodded his in understanding, "Actually, the Ruler of All has decided that you can stop kneeling as well."

Sunset watched as the gods stopped kneeling where they had been summoned, stood up straight, and faced the throne that they were used to seeing Zeno sit on, though as she suspected the five Angels weren't surprised to see her sitting on the throne, but the Gods of Destruction and the Kaioshin, despite possibly being told the news about Zeno's passing, were shocked when they found Sunset sitting on the throne, with the symbol for All on her attire.

"What's... going on?" the Kaioshin of Universe 13 asked, where she looked around for a few seconds, clearly trying to determine whether or not they were being pranked, while at the same time the Gods of Destruction remained silent as they stared at Sunset, who was observing them as well, "Where's the King of All?"

"Gods of Destruction and Angels of Universes 13 through 17, I'm sure you've heard the news," Sunset commented, as she felt that she could tell these groups the news and figure out what their names were, while they waited for the gods of Universe 18 to join them, where she'd just repeat herself, "I'm sorry to say that my predecessors, the Present and Future versions of Lord Zeno, were killed a few days ago and I, Sunset Shimmer, ascended to the vacant throne, becoming the Queen of All and gaining the power that they wielded before their demise."

"So it's true, the King of All found a future counterpart to be a friend and they were both killed." the serpent god said, though at the same time he sighed for a moment, showing that some of the old gods might actually mourn the passing of the being that ruled everything when they were around, before he focused on the throne, "I decided not to believe it until I saw the truth for myself, and I see no deceit in your eyes, so I know that you are telling the truth, as terrible as it is. Very well then, all hail Sunset Shimmer, Queen of All."

"I hate to admit it, but it seems like you are correct." the energy being commented, his tone revealing that he had been thinking about what he had learned from his Angel and was only now getting confirmation that the tale about the previous Ruler of All being killed by someone, "Lady Sunset, I am Riekafar, the God of Destruction for Universe 16, while this is Zien, my counterpart god, and this is Pache, my guiding Angel."

"Likewise, I am Hyganoth, the Destroyer God of Universe 14," the titanium being said, showing Sunset that now that she had revealed her name to the gods that were in front of her, so they knew who they were talking to, they were going to do the same thing while they waited for the last group to be ready for the meeting, "with my Kaioshin, Ento, and my guiding Angel, Teqi."

"I am Korrix, God of Destruction for Universe 15," the serpent god spoke up, deciding to reveal his name as well, since the others were in the process of doing the same thing, and Sunset appreciated them doing this, so she'd know their names for later, when the second meeting happened, before he moved his hands to his fellow gods for a moment, "and I am accompanied by Feru, who serves as the Kaioshin for our universe, and Lagus, who is my martial arts instructor and my guiding Angel."

"I go by the name Andrellys, and I serve as the Hakaishin for Universe 17," the slim alien-like creature said, though as she spoke Sunset suspected that it was some form of telepathy, since that had to be the only way someone without a mouth could speak, before she continued with the rest of her introductions for her universe, "while this is Xiru, who serves as the Kaioshin for my universe, and this is Sojus, who serves as both my mentor and my guiding Angel."

"And I am Vivien, the God of Destruction for Universe 13," the goat-like god added, though she had been silent since she and her fellow gods arrived, even though Sunset knew that she had been staring at her the entire time, as if she found her interesting or something, "along with Abura, the Kaioshin of my universe, and Pagne, my Angel. Um, if you don't mind me asking, why have you been staring at me since we raised our heads?"

"Have I been doing that?" Sunset asked, as she knew that she had observed each of the gods since they arrived in her new palace, in the area meant for meetings and everything related to her new duties, but she honestly didn't think she was making the Destroyer God of Universe 13 nervous or confused by what she was doing, only for the Grand Priest to nod his head a little, causing her to sigh for a moment, "Sorry about that, I had no idea I was so focused on you, since I was sure I was giving the others my attention as well... but, if I had to hazard a guess, it's because your energy seems oddly familiar to me, despite us never meeting before this moment."

"My... energy felt familiar... that means you encountered one of my kind." Vivien commented, though that was when she sighed as she raised a hand to her head, where Sunset could tell that she was thinking about how Zeno had been the King of All before she and the others, and their universes, had been erased, before coming here and discovering that Sunset had taken the empty throne, before she focused on those around her again, "It appears that there is something I need to tell all of you... do you mind if I explain what I mean?"

"By all means, go right ahead." Sunset replied, as she knew that every God of Destruction came from a race of beings that were native to their universe, but the way Vivien said 'my kind' just now, with a slight bit of hate in her voice that disappeared within a matter of seconds, revealed that something must have happened in the distant past and she was interested in what Vivien had to say, since the tale would reveal why her energy felt so similar.

"Oh, are we going to hear about the planet and the race that you come from?" Riekafar commented, though his tone revealed that he had to be a collector of information, reminding Sunset of Hermaeus Mora, while at the same time he appeared to be very interested in what his fellow Destroyer God had to say, "Most interesting... this ought to be very informative, for us and the new Queen of All."

"Well, to start us off, my race used to call Universe 13 home a long time ago," Vivien said, where Sunset could see that she was delving into the past, something that had to be incredibly painful for her to remember, and the other gods were being silent so they could let her speak, "to be exact we used to live peacefully on a planet in the southern galaxy of the universe I watch over, back when I was a simple resident of the world and a different God of Destruction held the position that I eventually took over. We weren't as technologically advanced as some of the other races of universe, despite knowing that the other planets existed, but we were advanced enough to life comfortably and peacefully with the other races that called our world home, though it wasn't meant to last. You see, members of my race have the power to absorb energy from a number of sources, be it from the other races of our world, the animals that roamed the wilds, or even from the planet we called home, though it all depended on how strong their powers were. I preferred to use my magic for other things, such as healing those that were wounded in some manner and mastering the various spells that we knew about, though I could siphon the energy from whatever was around me, something I rarely did, since it seemed wrong to forcefully drain the life energy from the other races of my world.

However, while there were a large number that shared my opinions on our powers, there was a larger group that consisted of the members of our race that enjoyed siphoning the energy from whatever they could get their hands on, as a few actually had to make contact with their target to use their powers. The evil members of our race continued to siphon the various energies from our planet and the other races that lived alongside us, despite the number of times we pleaded for them to stop what they were doing, and we watched as our world slowly died before our eyes. We wanted to bring an end to their madness and stop them from harming our home, but, upon seeing that they weren't willing to listen to reason, I gathered those that didn't want to see our world die and we approached the area the evil members of our race resided in, sparking a conflict between our two factions. In the end it was short and horrible, as the leader of the evil faction, a sorcerer by the name of Moro, succeeded in drawing the power from our planet, while at the same time the god that was my predecessor noticed that our world was dying and came to intervene, which prompted Moro to weave a hasty spell to make sure he and his followers survived the explosion of our planet, while I, empowered by those that wanted to save the rest of our universe from the evil of our brethren, weaved a spell to counter Moro's spell... one that ended up modifying his spell, keeping most of his followers contained on our doomed planet, along with the majority of my followers, while sending a number of us out into the depths of our universe.

From what I gathered, after surviving the crash on an unfamiliar world, was that the spell scattered the nineteen of us that survived the destruction of our home planet, sending each of us across the stars, and I later found out, from what Pagne told me when she and my predecessor confronted me, that they had been scattered across the universes, both the eighteen 'official' ones and the 'unofficial' one."

"Beings with the power to absorb energy," Sunset commented, because now she knew why Vivien's energy felt so oddly familiar, and while that fact would have worried her, considering what the other being had done recently, she could tell that Vivien wasn't like the being she was thinking about, "reminds me of Tirek and his powers."

"Wait, did you say Tirek?!" Vivien exclaimed, which caught Sunset off guard for a moment, as she wasn't expecting that sort of reaction from saying the name of the being that killed the Kings of All, before Vivien realized that she had nearly shouted at the being that ruled over the multiverse and calmed herself before saying anything else, "Sorry about that, I shouldn't have gotten so excited about hearing the name of one of my brothers."

"What do you mean by 'brothers'?" the Grand Priest inquired, though the reason he was speaking now was that he knew that Sunset disliked Tirek and finding that he had family likely worried her, especially since Tirek was the reason that the Kings of All had been slain during the Tournament of Power, and he was hoping to clear things up before Sunset rushed into something without having all the facts.

"We're not actually related, it's what the survivors, before we were separated, called each other," Vivien replied, as she realized that something was wrong and was quick to inform both Sunset and the Grand Priest as to what she actually meant, while at the same time she was hoping to learn what happened to Tirek, since it had been a long time since she had seen another member of her race, "Like to some of the survivors I would be a 'sister' to them, just like some of the other survivors would be a 'brother' or a 'sister' to me... none of the members of my race that survived the destruction of our home planet were related to each other. Upon discovering that the survivors of my race were scattered across all nineteen universes, regardless of whether they were official or not, Pagne and my predecessor told me that I had the potential to be Universe 13's next God of Destruction, despite the fact that I tried to save my home world, and that by rising to that level I would be able to visit the other universes and seek out the other members of my race. I accepted the offer without hesitation, knowing that it was only a matter of time until Moro, or one of the others that were like him, tried to do something that was more horrible than ending our world, and I spent the next year and a half learning how to be a God of Destruction, before replacing my predecessor.

Once that happened Pagne assisted me in searching the universes, where we offered our assistance to the gods that watched over the other universes so I could seek out the members of my race, and in the end, before Universes 13 through 18 were erased, I had only found four of them, from Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12, though I was forced to help bring an end to their terror, since they were more of Moro's followers... but, since it's been a long time since our erasure, it's hard to tell how many of the remaining fourteen are still hiding in the other universes."

"That means, as of right now, thirteen of them are unaccounted for." Sunset stated, which caused Vivien and the other gods to turn their heads towards her, as they knew that she knew about Tirek, though this wasn't what she was expecting to hear when she decided to call this meeting, that Tirek was part of a race of beings that could absorb energy and they all apparently looked different, since she had to assume that Moro and the other survivors looked different than the two members of the race that she had encountered so far.

Before anyone could say anything the Grand Priest's scepter flashed for a moment and the Angel of Universe 18, who was called Mezca, indicated that she and her fellow gods were ready to be summoned to the meeting, where the Grand Priest glanced at Sunset for a moment, to determine what she wanted to do, before Sunset motioned for him to call in the last of the erased gods, causing him to nod as he told the group to standby as he made the movement to summon them to the area in front of them. Sunset and the other gods watched as the last group appeared before the throne, kneeling like everyone else did, giving her a chance to see that the Kaioshin for Universe 18 was a slim lady with long light red colored hair, while she wore the attire of her position, which was dark green colored, with a dark blue undershirt and pants. The Angel for Universe 18, Mezca, was around the same height as the other Angels Sunset had met so far, making her wonder if there was a standard height or if it was just an odd coincidence, where her white hair reached the bottom of her neck and she wore a dark blue robe under her cuirass. What caught Sunset off guard a little was the being that was the God of Destruction for Universe 18, as instead of it being creatures like Beerus, Liquiir, Mosco, or any of the other gods she had met so far, what was kneeling before her was a teenage girl that looked like she was eighteen years old, whose wheat colored hair was done up in a ponytail and her Destroyer attire was dark blue colored.

Despite her appearance, that would lure anyone into thinking that she wasn't a threat, Sunset could tell that the teenager was much stronger than her appearance would lead one to think, and, judging from the levels she could feel from the other gods, it was possible that she was the strongest of the erased Gods of Destruction.

"Welcome, gods of Universe 18, you may raise your heads and stand at attention." the Grand Priest said, though he was happy to see that all of them had made it and that none of them seemed to be overly angry due to them and their universes being wiped out by Zeno so long ago.

"So it's true, Lord Zeno has been replaced." Mezca commented, though as she made that comment the Kaioshin got up and nodded to the gods of the other universes, showing that she was happy to see them again, while the teenage god got up and stretched her arms for a moment, like she was making sure that her strength was what it used to be, "Allow me to introduce the Kaioshin of Universe 18, Anga, and the God of Destruction that I guide, Tetra. I would also like to apologize for our lateness, as Tetra was in the middle of dealing with a threat to Universe 18 and wanted to be sure it was dealt with before we came to the meeting."

"Is that so?" Sunset inquired, because that was something she liked to hear, that a God of Destruction was busy with a threat to their universe and that's why they were late to the meeting, not because they didn't care to be bothered, before she focused on Tetra for a moment, "Am I ask what sort of threat this person, or group, posed to your universe?"

"Eh, he wasn't anything special, just some smart dude who was annoyed at a planet for ridiculing him as a kid," Tetra replied, though at the same time she stopped stretching, not doubt because she had done what she set out to do, before giving Sunset her full attention, showing that she understood that Sunset was the Queen of All and that it wasn't wise to upset the being that watched over the multiverse, "in fact he built a space weapon of some kind that, according to him, was designed to not only wipe out the planet that annoyed him, but also wipe out the entire star system as well, which would have destroyed at least six planets that were full of life and two more that we were observing, to see if they might develop as well. I found where he was hiding, destroyed him before he could activate his weapon, and then erased his weapon, just to be sure that no one would attempt to use it against a star system or a galaxy, and Mezca assures me that he was the only one that knew how to build the device, though to be absolutely sure about that I found his only base of operations and wiped it out as well, erasing the blueprints in the process."

"It's good to hear that you did a good job protecting your universe from threats," Sunset said, as she determined that Tetra wasn't lying to her, that the tale was definitely true and that she had dealt with someone that was planning on wiping out multiple planets, all because someone ridiculed him as a kid.

"You... aren't mad that we were late to the meeting?" Anga asked, as that was something that she must have been worried about the entire time Tetra was dealing with the threat to their universe, that the Ruler of All, as that was what the Grand Priest had said, would be annoyed that a group was going to be late to the meeting that was being held.

"Why would I be mad?" Sunset replied, though even as she said it she understood why Anga was worried, because she and the others, despite being told the news about Zeno's passing, were still under the impression that Zeno was the one that ruled over the multiverse, and, upon finding her on the throne, they had been worried that she might act the same way as her predecessor, getting annoyed that they were late, "You had a valid reason for being late to the meeting, that being the fact that Tetra was dealing with a threat to some of the planets in your universe, so I won't get mad at you for doing your job and making sure that your universe was safe."

"I like this one." Tetra commented, where she smiled for a moment, or maybe it was a happy smirk, showing Sunset that the god actually liked the fact that she was willing to listen to them and, upon determining that they weren't lying to her, not get angry over them being late, when Zeno would have been annoyed or even furious.

"Now then, there is something else you need to know before this meeting is over," Sunset said, as this was going to annoy Vivien to some degree, since it pertained to Tirek and the death of her predecessors, before noticing that the gods were focused on her once more, "As you know Zeno, and his future counterpart, were slain less than a week ago, but the cause of their demise was likely kept from you, so I could tell you what happened during this meeting, though I will need to tell you what happened that eventually made that event happen. Due to the present Zeno witnessing a martial arts tournament between two universes, with the prize being the Super Dragon Balls, he was inspired to hold his own, one with all of the universes taking part in it, and eventually forgot about it as he returned to his duties, but after the Future Zeno joined him they had the idea to hold the tournament again, only this time four of the universes, 1, 5, 8, and 12, were exempted from entering the battle. The other nine universes were forced to call upon ten warriors to battle each other, in a large battle royale that took place in the World of the Void, under the threat of erasure if their entire team was knocked out of the tournament while the winning team would be allowed to be one of the five universes that survived the pair cutting down on the number of universes they had to watch over."

"So they fought for the amusement of the Kings of All," Korrix commented, showing that he understood where Sunset was going with this, while at the same time the other gods nodded their head in agreement, even though many of them were annoyed that more universes had been erased.

"Indeed, but near the end of the tournament that changed." Sunset continued, as this was the part of the tale that she knew the gods would be shocked by, while at the same time the Grand Priest gripped his scepter and summoned a screen for them to look at, one that revealed the scene that she was talking about, where Vivien's eyes widened as she noticed the being that appeared, holding one Zeno and threatening the other one, "Tirek, the demonic centaur of my home universe, found a gauntlet of incredible power and stole the souls of five powerful beings, including the energy from a powerful weapon, to form a set of six stones that allowed him to teleport to the World of the Void, appearing in the last moments of the Tournament of Power. He tricked me into engaging him for a few minutes, allowing the real him to get to the antechamber that the Kings of All were observing from, where he blasted it out of the air, caused it to crash into the fighting stage, and then stole the power of one of my predecessors, before killing the second with a scythe and stored the soul inside it. Long story short I channeled all my power into shattering the scythe, to induce an explosion that would consume him, and he threw me into the black hole that formed from throwing the attack at him... but, due to my innate power and ability to overcome my foes, I ascended to the level that Zeno was at and returned to the World of the Void, where I eventually struck Tirek down and obliterated him for his crimes."

"So, Tirek is dead..." Vivien said, as she now understood part of what Sunset said earlier, and why she originally seemed cautious when they first spotted each other, because one of the missing members of her race had been directly responsible for the death of both versions of Zeno, "Lady Sunset, I apologize for what Tirek has done, but being slain in such a manner is what he deserved for his crimes... and it makes me want to find the other lost members of my race, to meet them and determine their fates with my own hands."

"Well, you'll have to ask the other gods about that," Sunset replied, since some of the members of her race were lost in the other universes, but when she thought about Beerus and the other Destroyers, even for a few seconds, caused her to glance at the Grand Priest for a moment, "Speaking of which, how much time is left before the second meeting?"

"The gods of the other thirteen universes should be getting ready as we speak." the Grand Priest answered, though at the same time he dismissed the image that revealed the death of the previous Kings of All to the gods that were standing nearby, as there was no reason for him to be showing them the event anymore, before he focused on Sunset once more, because there was another decision for her to make, "Shall I form the larger meeting area and summon the gods to their respective platforms, or should I postpone the second meeting?"

"Go ahead and summon them," Sunset said, as she figured that she might as well get this over with and introduce the old Gods of Destruction to the ones that were watching over the other universes, and then let them all head back to their universes so they could continue their duties until the next time she called upon all of them.

The Grand Priest nodded his head and the six groups of gods that were near them braced themselves as they were teleported to an area where they could observe the meeting that was going to take place, while some of them might have an idea as to what they were going to be talking about, before he waved his arm again and teleported himself to the area that the second meeting was going to take place in. Sunset remained on her throne while the Grand Priest worked, as he used his power to summon the thirteen groups of gods that weren't in the palace to their respective platforms, which were stored in part of the palace and were called upon when they were needed for meetings, and it wasn't long before she felt the energies of the gods of the other universes enter her domain. Once all of them were ready, and in the areas that they usually stood in when these meetings were called, the Grand Priest stood on his smaller platform and floated down into the large meeting chamber, before holding his hands out and calling for all the gods, at least the thirteen that he had just summoned, to gather in the area around him. It wasn't hard for Sunset to feel the energies moving, which meant that the gods were standing on their platforms as they floated down into the meeting chamber, before eventually coming to a stop, meaning that they were now gathered around the area that she would appear in.

"Welcome Gods of Destruction and Kaioshin of the thirteen universes," the Grand Priest said, his voice indicating that he had floated down into the area that the other gods were assembled in, while at the same time Sunset could tell that a few of the gods were nervous, no doubt wondering if she was going to pass judgement on the universes that were erased during the tournament, instead of waiting for the check up date to arrive, "I'm sure that all of you are wondering why this meeting has been called, so soon after the Tournament of Power was called off."

"Of course we're curious, since there's no telling what else might change in the near future." an annoyed voice replied, one that Sunset recognized as Quitela's voice, indicating that he was upset over the fact that he and the rest of the gods that lost the tournament had to improve their mortal levels or face being replaced.

"Change for the better, to be exact." a second voice, Beerus', countered, showing that someone knew that Sunset was working for the betterment of the entire multiverse and that she was willing to replace those that couldn't do their job, even if she didn't want to replace anyone.

"Indeed, though I will let the announcement be made by the one who rules over everything, but first," the Grand Priest said, though that was the moment that Sunset and her throne disappeared from where she was resting, before she appeared on a platform as it came to a stop directly behind the Grand Priest, who had turned and bowed in her direction as the first part of his statement finished, "Lady Sunset has arrived."

"Greetings Gods of Destruction and Kaioshin of the thirteen universes," Sunset said, her voice being heard by every group of gods that were facing her, even though they bowed their heads in respect for a few moments, where some of them did so only because they had no choice in the matter, before they raised their heads and waited for her to continue talking, where she noticed that Toppo was present and Applejack had accompanied Rainbow's group, "As the Grand Priest said, we know all of you are interested in why I decided to call this meeting, and let me make it clear that I am not making any changes to the test that some of you are currently taking part in. The real reason behind this meeting is because of the wish I made on the Super Dragon Balls, the one that brought back all the universes that were erased during the Tournament of Power, as it not only brought back all the universes that were defeated over the course of the tournament, but it also brought back the six universes that my predecessors erased a long time ago. You heard me right, the universes that Zeno erased in a fit of anger all those years ago were brought back with the same wish that brought back all the universes that lost during the tournament."

That caused the Gods of Destruction to turn to their Kaioshin for a moment, clearly shocked by the announcement that she had made, while at the same time Sunset could see that Rainbow was thinking about something else, no doubt recalling what she and Applejack had been told when Beerus and Chronoa were raising them.

"That would mean that Universes 13 through 18 were revived at the same time as the others were," Rainbow said, which caused all of the other gods to turn towards her, as they were either thinking the same thing she was thinking or they had been close to determining what Sunset had said, before another thought came to mind, "Wouldn't that also mean that our universe, which we have been calling Universe 13 since we learned of it's existence, is actually a different number than what we're used to?"

"Yes, that means the universe I hail from, the former unofficial universe that was known as Universe 13 for a long time, will now be known by it's new name, Universe 19." Sunset declared, where she found that a number of the gods understood what she was saying, due to figuring it out for themselves and were glad for the confirmation, before she focused on the next part of the meeting, "Now then, allow me to introduce the Gods of Destruction, Kaioshin, and Angels of the universes that my predecessors erased so long ago."

With that said the Grand Priest waved his hands and six more platforms descended from the ceiling, carrying the six groups of gods that Sunset had met earlier, and as Sunset announced their names and which universe they watched over she could see that a few of the older Gods of Destruction, from the original twelve universes, recognized a few of the gods that had been brought back, meaning that they weren't totally new to everyone. Some of the older gods were a little surprised to see that some of the gods they knew were still watching over the universes that they remembered them watching over, but for the most part it seemed like they might get along with everyone else, which would be great for the entire multiverse if it happened. Sunset also noticed that some of the gods, including Celestia and the others from her universe, glanced at Vivien for a moment before shooting her a glance as well, showing that they knew that her energy felt familiar and she moved her head in such a way that told them that she had learned the reason behind that, something that she would tell them later, before focusing on something else.

"Now that the multiverse has been restored to what it had been millions of years ago, before my predecessor's fit of anger caused some destruction, there is one last thing I want to say," Sunset said, where she noticed that all the gods had turned their attention to her again, as some of the ones that had been present before the tournament happened were clearly hoping for her to change her mind about the test, while the old gods were curious as to what else she had to say before the meeting was over, "As some of you know, one of the first orders I gave was for those that were exempt from the Tournament of Power to assist some of the lower ranking universes, or at the very least offer the gods of those universes some tips on how to improve their mortal level, and since this level of cooperation is unprecedented, in the history of the multiverse, I'd like for all of you to welcome the old gods back to the fold and either offer them some assistance or listen to whatever tips they have to share."

"Allow me to be the first one to welcome you all back to the fold," Liquiir said, where Sunset noticed that the fox god had left his platform and flew over to the others, and that he was fully embracing the changes that she was making to the multiverse, while at the same time Beerus joined him, showing the old gods that, despite the attitudes of some of their fellow Gods of Destruction, the majority seemed open to Sunset's ideas.

Sunset smiled as some of the other Destroyers left their platforms and joined the pair, where she noticed that the old gods were caught off guard by the fact that some of them were acting friendly towards them, while a few, like Quitela, just stood there and grumbled, showing her that a few of the Destroyers weren't keen to follow her ideas... and, while she was observing all of the assembled gods, she noticed that Celestia seemed to have something that she wanted to say, which was going to be interesting.

"Lady Sunset, there is something that we would like to announce before the meeting is over," Celestia said, where she noticed that the other assembled gods, those that hadn't adapted to there being a new Ruler of All, were frightened of her speaking when she wasn't supposed to, before remembering that Sunset wasn't like Zeno and that she was already nodding her head to indicate that she could reveal whatever they wanted to announce, "As you know, I originally took the position as Angel of our universe so I could watch over you and assist in your development, but, now that Rainbow Dash has taken over as the God of Destruction for our universe, I decided that it's time I retired and passed the torch, or scepter in this case, to someone else."

"Is that so?" the Grand Priest inquired, though at the same time he knew that it was only a matter of time until this happened, since Celestia had been picked purely to help Sunset grow into her power as the God of Destruction of their home universe, and now that Sunset was the Queen of All, the highest being in the entire multiverse, it only made sense for Celestia to retire and let someone else take her place as the Angel of Universe 19, and he could tell that Sunset was fine with this happening, "Very well then, who are you nominating as your replacement?"

"Twilight." Celestia replied, where Twilight paused for a moment, as while she had been interested in the return of the missing gods, and seeing how well they were already fitting in with the other gods, she was caught off guard by the fact that her mentor was suggesting that she take her place, "Twilight is a fine Kaioshin, there's no doubt about that, but I can tell that her heart isn't fully aligned with this task anymore, not after having to reseed an entire galaxy, and that she has power that has, so far, remained untapped. Besides, Rainbow listens to her more than she would ever listen to me, so it only makes sense that I would step down and let someone else take my place... and, if she becomes Rainbow's Angel, it opens the way for Applejack to take her place as the Kaioshin of Universe 19."

The Grand Priest glanced back at Sunset for a moment, who nodded her head in agreement, before Celestia held her scepter out and Twilight, while hesitating for a few seconds, took hold of it, where a flash of light consumed her for a moment, though when it was over she emerged with the cuirass of an Angel over her body, and a purple robe rested below it. Once that was done Applejack stepped forward and opened herself to the energies of Creation once more, where this time, instead of taking her Aspect of Creation form, the Kaioshin attire that formed over her body wasn't made out of energy, like it was in the form she had been using for a long time, meaning she had finally taken her rightful place as the Kaioshin of Universe 19. Sunset found it appropriate that Rainbow and Applejack, who had gained the Avatars of Destruction and Creation so long ago, were now finally taking the positions that they had been destined to take, and that she and Twilight just needed to stand aside to let the pair do just that. She also noticed that a few of the gods were surprised that she and the Grand Priest would allow such a thing, but since there were only eighteen Angels, and they were watching over the other universes, it made sense that a powerful mortal from somewhere in Universe 19 would be raised to that rank, and since Celestia was stepping down it made sense for Twilight to take her place.

Sunset remained silent for a time, watching as the gods interacted with either the gods of the six erased universes, to make them feel welcome and to learn more about them, or went over to the platform that Rainbow's group was standing on, to congratulate Twilight and Applejack on their new positions. Chronoa, who came to Beerus' meetings all the time, and was welcome to continue to do so, had a smile on her face as she and everyone from Universe 7 were the first ones to to approach Rainbow and the others, showing that they were happy for Rainbow and Applejack. With that announcement out of the way, and Celestia passing on her position to Twilight, Sunset did wait a few more minutes to see if there was another announcement from one of the other gods, from one of the other universes, but, as the minutes went by and the various gods returned to their platforms, she was able to determine that the gods were done talking and were waiting to see if she had anything else to say to them. The moment she came to that conclusion, however, she called the meeting to an end and allowed the various groups of gods to return to what they had been doing before she had the Grand Priest inform them of the meeting, where she watched the groups disappear from her palace and return to their universes, to either resume their duties or whatever they had been doing before being summoned here.

Once they were all gone Sunset disappeared from the area she was in and returned to the work she had been doing before she approached the throne earlier, as there were a number of modifications that still needed to be made to the palace to make it hers... though at the same time she couldn't help but wonder if anything interesting was going to happen to the one of the universes, or maybe two or more, in the near future.

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