• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Aftermath: Beach Party

Sunset sat on the throne that she was now used to sitting on, since becoming the Queen of All and taking over the various responsibilities that her predecessors had, even if the Present and Future Zeno had neglected their duties in favor of playing games almost all the time, and observed the past once more. She knew that her duties were to watch and observe the multiverse, to destroy anything that threatened the balance of everything and to assist in creating new things that would benefit all of creation, but the first thing she decided to do was make a list of the damage that her predecessors did to the various universes before their demise. What she discovered, however, sickened her to some degree, as the various games that the Present Zeno played against his future counterpart, to keep themselves amused until Goku asked about the tournament that had been mentioned during Beerus and Champa's tournament, had some real time consequences for the universes that Beerus and the other Gods of Destruction watched over. One of the games they played involved using planets like they were marbles, though when one planet hit another they were both destroyed in the process, something that didn't bother her predecessors at all and definitely bothered her, hence the reason she started from the beginning, from the moment that the games started when only the Present Zeno existed, and worked her way to before the Tournament of Power, making a list of the universes that were effected and how many planets were destroyed.

Across the twelve universes there were hundreds, if not thousands, of planets that had met their end at the hands of the games that her predecessors played, where some of the planets didn't have life on them, so they would have been ones the Gods of Destruction either left alone or would have wiped out when their Kaioshin had a new planet to add to their universe, and a few even had an intelligent species on them. It appeared that the Grand Priest had done his best to keep the destruction to only the planets that didn't have life, but Zeno did what he wanted and destroyed whatever planets he desired with his games, not caring that he was the one wrecking the multiverse, though to make it fair for the gods of the universes the Grand Priest didn't like Zeno's destruction effect the mortal level of the twelve universes. Thanks to the list that she created, one that was still growing larger the more she observed, Sunset found that it was rather easy for her to reverse the destruction that her predecessors caused and restored a few planets to what they had been before they were obliterated, though she made sure that the Grand Priest informed the gods of the universes she did this to, along with telling them that this wasn't going to be included in the check up meeting. It remained to be seen what the gods did with the planets that were brought back, if they kept them around or just wiped them out again, but for right now there was a vast number of planets that she had to bring back, just to restore the multiverse to what it had been before the games started.

The only interesting thing was that her home universe was the only one spared from these games, no doubt because it had been labeled as unofficial for a long time and Zeno was interested in seeing if they could grow to the point where a God of Destruction would be born, only to get her and Rainbow almost at the same time... though, as it turned out, there was a reason for her becoming a God of Destruction and for Rainbow to gain the Avatar of Destruction, since she had been destined to become the ruler of the entire multiverse.

"Grand Priest, make a note of the following changes," Sunset said, because whenever she got to the point where she was done for the day, as in she was finished watching the past and restoring a number of planets to the universes that her predecessors had messed with, she had the Grand Priest write down the restored planets so he could tell the Angels the news, so they could inform their Gods of Destruction of the changes, and she could see that the Grand Priest was ready for what she had to say, "Today Universes 1, 5, 7, and 9 won't be having any additional planets restored, but I have brought back four planets for Universe 2, three for Universe 3, one for Universe 4, five for Universe 6, two for both Universes 8 and 10, one for Universe 11, and three for Universe 12. Please remind the Angels that I will not be counting the restoration of these planets with the mortal level of their various universes, since that would defeat the purpose of me checking on their Gods of Destruction and seeing how they're doing, while also letting them know where the restored planets are, just in case they don't have the time to locate them on their own."

"As you wish." the Grand Priest replied, though he was pleased to see Sunset so hard at work, restoring the multiverse to what it was supposed to be, which was nineteen universes that she watched over and would assist in whatever manner she could, so long as she didn't play favorites, as that would annoy a few gods if she did that, and he made a note of the changes to the universes that she had been working on, along with which planets she brought back, "So far it seems like you've been bringing back planets that may or may not develop life on them, and not any of the life baring planets that were taken out a long time ago."

"That's partly because you saved as many of those planets as you could, and the fact that we haven't reached that part in the game sessions yet." Sunset stated, though at the same time she closed the viewing screen she had called into existence in front of her and got off her throne, as it was time for her to do something else before she returned to her new duties, which would lessen once she finished repairing the damage her predecessors caused.

"Despite the fact that Zeno eventually got his way." the Grand Priest added, referring to the fact that the previous King of All usually got his way, and if he didn't he'd just start erasing anything or anyone until he got what he wanted, but it was better than letting hundred of life baring planets dying before their time, though once that was done he quickly informed the Angels of the twelve universes that Sunset had worked on, letting them know of the changes, before putting his scepter away as he headed down the same path that Sunset was heading down, "So, are you still planning on doing nothing tomorrow, or are you going to continue working on repairing the damage Zeno caused to the multiverse?"

Tomorrow marked three months since the Tournament of Power, a day she would never forget about, but instead of spending it like her predecessors would have, playing games and wrecking the multiverse without a care in the world, she had a different plan of action, one that involved the beach area she had created. Sunset's plan was simple, she was going to take the day off, because even the ruler of everything needed some time off from their duties, and relax on the beach, enjoying the sun and the water for as long as she desired, and then she would get back to her duties the following day, even if that meant restoring more planets that her predecessor had destroyed. Of course Sunset also knew, from the way he mentioned doing nothing, that the Grand Priest might have no idea what she meant when she said that she was planning on taking a day off soon, one that she had put on the calendar so she would remember it, meaning that she might have to tell him about it before anything else happened. It did make her wonder if he had been serving Zeno from the moment he took this position, without a single day off at all, which meant that he was long overdue for one at the very least, though Sunset felt that he deserved a number of them, just to make up for what he hadn't been given.

As soon as she thought about that, and the fact that the Grand Priest had no idea what she had meant, she came to a stop and decided that she might as well clear some things up, while at the same time noticing that the Grand Priest had come to a stop as well, where she turned so she could face him.

"Grand Priest, how would you like to take a day off from your duties?" Sunset asked, because she felt that if the gods that watched over the universes could take a day or two of from their various duties, since it happened all the time, she might as well offer the same thing to the Grand Priest, to reward him for serving someone that really didn't care about him and to thank him for assisting her in coming to terms with her new position.

"What do you mean by a 'day off'?" the Grand Priest inquired in return, as he had heard the term when Sunset said that she was planning on taking a single day off, to relax in the beach area that she had created, but at the same time it was a term that he wasn't familiar with and was concerned that she might be unhappy with him, even if he kept the concern inside and didn't show it on his face, "Have I not served you well so far?"

"You have been marvelous in helping me adjust to my new role, but taking a day off isn't a punishment," Sunset replied, though at the same time she was shocked to see that she had been right when she thought about the fact that the Grand Priest might not know what a day off meant, "think of it as a reward for all the hard work you've done since you took this position, all those years ago. It's a day where you relax and do whatever interests you, like play games with your friends, go to a movie, maybe visit a place that you haven't had a chance to visit in the past, or whatever you want to do, while not having to worry about work for an entire day... so if you took a day off, like I'm suggesting, you won't have to wait on me or do anything you normally did when serving my predecessors."

"And you're perfectly fine with me taking a day off?" the Grand Priest asked, because now that he knew that Sunset was happy with all the assistance he had given her, in learning about her new powers and what she was able to do, and also understanding all the duties she that came with ruling the multiverse, he could relax a little.

"I can create whatever I want at any given moment, as well as blow away anything that annoys me," Sunset said, as the power of All was impressive and terrifying at the same time, hence the reason all the gods had been terrified of Zeno, even if he only showed off the destructive side of his powers, and she was learning to control her new powers, "so you don't have to worry about me calling on you while you're taking a day off, not when I can provide for myself and my guests."

"If this is what you wish, then it shall be so." the Grand Priest replied, though at the same time Sunset had the feeling that he was actually pleased about this turn of events, that the new ruler of the multiverse cared about him and that he was actually being allowed to take a day off from his duties, something that Zeno likely never gave him, "Maybe I'll take Whis up on his suggestion and visit Universe 7 first..."

Sunset smiled as the Grand Priest went on about visiting each of the universes, to see his children and maybe spend the day with one of them, though it was clear that he was still surprised by this turn of events and really had no idea what to do with an entire day off, but she was sure he would think of something to do. The rest of the day went by with very little happening, other than the Angels of the twelve universes Sunset had restored a few planets to calling in and telling their father that they, at the very least, were happy to see that the universes they helped watch over were returning to what they had been millions of years ago. Of course there were a few remarks from the Gods of Destruction, namely Quitela from the sounds of it, who were slightly annoyed with the planets that Zeno destroyed suddenly reappearing as Sunset undid the damage that her predecessors did, but that was just the Angels reporting what they heard, as none of the Destroyer Gods would do that while the line was open, out of fear that Sunset would hear them. She knew that Quitela didn't like her, even with her being the ruler of the entire multiverse, and she could live with that relationship, because as long as the mouse god did his job she wouldn't do anything to him, though the check up meeting, for the test she imposed on him and the other gods that lost in the Tournament of Power, would decide whether or not Quitela kept his position or if he had to find a replacement.

Eventually the day came to an end, as the palace had a day and night cycle that seemed to match what Sunset was used to, not that she was complaining since it was something she didn't need to waste time putting into the palace, and both Sunset and the Grand Priest retired for the night. One of the first things Sunset had done to the palace was get rid of her predecessor's room, since it felt wrong to sleep in Zeno's bed, and created the room she now slept in, though she was now used to waking up in this place and being able to modify it however she wanted. As soon as she reached her new room she opened the door and slipped inside, where she closed the door, pulled her new attire off so she could set it on the stand nearby, and sat in the nearby chair for a few minutes, reading one of the books that she had brought from her massive library, as a little reading before bed never hurt and there was so much for her to learn about the other universes that she was sure she could spend years reading and only scratch the surface. After reading for about ten minutes, and finishing the chapter she had been working on, she closed the book, turned off the lights that the room had, and then climbed into her bed, where she let herself drift off to sleep after getting under the covers, so she could be well rested for what she had planned in the morning.

When morning arrived, and Sunset rose to meet it, the first thing she did was put her godly attire back on and headed to the dining area of her palace, as she had discovered that Zeno did a number of things from his throne and never seemed to leave it, hence the creation of most of the rooms and areas she had made. The Grand Priest, like usual, was waiting for her, because he never slept, like all of the Angels, and simply stood near the mahogany table that Sunset sat at for about ten to twenty minutes, having her breakfast and something to drink before she started on her duties, but today was going to be different. The moment Sunset was done with her food, and the dishes were taken care of, she turned her attention towards the Grand Priest, who nodded his head in understanding before he bowed towards her, showing that he was thankful that she was considering giving him some time off, before walking away and disappearing, no doubt heading to wherever he wanted to spend his first ever day off. Once that was done Sunset waited for a few minutes before feeling the arrival of a number of familiar energy signatures, which prompted her to stand up and walk forward, where she moved through the palace and appeared at the front gate in a matter of seconds, where she opened the gate and found Rainbow, Applejack, Twilight, and the rest of the displaced, save for Sombra, standing before the front of her palace.

Interestingly enough she found all four of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Gale Wind, standing behind Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity, meaning that they were hoping to bring the troublemakers here and let them have fun, to burn through the excess energy they possessed, but Sunset didn't mind, as the beach area she had created was large enough for all of them and the three crusaders.

"I'm glad all of you could make it." Sunset said, as she was happy to see that almost everyone was here, as she didn't feel like relaxing alone and had extended an offer to a number of the displaced to join her, something that Zeno almost never did, since he only allowed people to come here when he wanted to see them, or when Goku used that button of his, and she wasn't annoyed to see that Sombra wasn't here.

"We weren't the only ones that came today." Rarity replied, though that was when the group parted for a moment and revealed that Fluttershy, who hadn't been displaced by Discord's spell, but had gone through the Ascension Process like the rest of Ponyville, was with them as well, but it was who was sitting near Fluttershy that Rarity was referring to.

Sitting near Fluttershy was a blue furred feline creature that walked on four legs, like a tiger or a lion would, where it had red eyes that helped it hunt down it's prey and sharp claws that would allow it to tear through whatever it was hunting, though that was where the similarities to a normal predator ended. This creature's tail ended in a spade, one that was actually sharp enough to do some damage if something attacked it from behind, and there were four spikes on it's back, each spread out evenly along it's spine, where it could maneuver it's body in a way to fire the spikes at it's prey. The reason Sunset knew that was because this was a Razorback Cat, something that she had encountered while she and Starlight were exploring the Solana Galaxy for signs of the Technomites, a race of tiny, yet hyper-intelligent, beings that had been lead by Otto Destruct, someone that she had helped take down and arrest, and one of the planets they had visited during that quest involved Ryllus, the home of this species. Normally it was impossible to tell one of these feline apart from the others, save for the differences in the frame to indicate their gender, but Sunset looked at the spikes on the feline's back and noticed that they were half the size of what the species was known for, and even noticed that the feline looked happy, before determining who Fluttershy and the others had brought with them.

"Razor!" Sunset said, to which the cat jumped into the air and landed in the middle of the doorway that Sunset was standing in, causing her to chuckle as she rubbed his head for a few moments, as he had been injured while she, Starlight, and Ratchet were exploring Ryllus and, to thank him, Sunset had mended his wounds, which only prompted him to leave his pack and come with her, though she knew that she had been neglecting him due to her duties, something that she was going to have to fix for the future, "Thanks for bringing him back to me... I knew I forgot something."

"He's been kind of sad lately, since you've been busy with your new position, and he got excited when I offered to take him with us," Fluttershy explained, as she always had an affinity for animals and nature, which made sense considering that she was an animal caretaker and tended to everything from a bear to a hydra, and it was possible that her going through the Ascension Process only increased that affinity to new heights, ones that she hasn't explored yet.

"You're right, I have been busy lately, hence the reason I'm taking today off." Sunset replied, to which she stood up and waved for the others to jump up to the doorway and join her, because she wanted to show them the beach area she had created, for times like this, and then they could have some fun, "Come on, I'll lead you guys to the beach, where we can get changed and relax."

Twilight and the others didn't need her to say anything else, as each of them jumped into the air and touched down in the area that Sunset was standing in, and once everyone was at the palace's entrance Sunset turned around and headed back inside, allowing the others to follow after her as the gate closed behind them. Once they were a good distance away from the entrance, which only took a minute of walking to arrive at, Sunset focused on their destination and the air in front of them warped before their eyes, shifting to allow her and her guests to arrive at the area of the palace that she wanted to be in. It took a few seconds before they stepped out onto a sandy beach that rested in front of a large body of crystal blue water, almost like it was pristine or something, with a number of palm trees and other species of trees that one would find at a beach, and it came complete with beach chairs for them to sit on, tables for them to relax at, a volleyball area if they wanted to play a game or two, numerous tools to build sand castles, a building they could get food from, and a second wooden building that was where they could get changed. Her friends were shocked and surprised by what they were seeing, as they clearly weren't expecting her to have made such a large area and create everything that was in front of them, but Sunset was pleased to see that none of them disliked what they were seeing, meaning they could get started with what they had planned.

Of course that meant changing out of the clothing they were currently wearing and slipping into something that was more appropriate for this situation, where Rainbow, Applejack, and Twilight wore the same attire they had been wearing when they were hanging out with Beerus, Whis, Chronoa, Bulma, Goku, and Vegeta. Starlight ended up wearing a light purple two piece swimsuit, Rarity came with a black two piece that had blue diamonds on it, like her Cutie Mark, Chrysalis emerged with a dark green colored version of Starlight's swimsuit, Pinkie had a rainbow colored two piece and Fluttershy had a light green single piece swimsuit. Gilda and Derpy were also wearing their own two piece swimsuits, with the mask symbol of the Cooper Gang, the gang of thieves that they were members of, which were dark gray colored, while Lyra was wearing the same type of swimsuit as well, though her chest piece was golden yellow colored and the lower one was black colored, symbolizing the nature of her powers. Trixie, on the other hand, was slightly different than the others, as she wore a pair of purple swim trunks, as the normal piece of the two piece swimsuit wasn't large enough to fit her dragon tail, while the chest piece contained the same color as her trunks. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were also wearing their own two piece swimsuits, Adagio's being light blue colored, Aria's being fiery orange colored, and Sonata's were light gray colored, before Sunset emerged from the building with a dark black two piece swimsuit, though her top had her sun Cutie Mark on it, just like most of her attire had these days.

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, being the youngest of them, were wearing a single piece swimsuit, which covered their chests, stomachs, and waists, while Gale, her body being in the teenage years, was wearing a green two piece swimsuit, though the four of them were smiling as they rushed towards the water immediately.

"This place is amazing." Twilight said, though as she said that both she and Sunset sat down on some of the chairs as the others moved to do something, as some of them appeared to be in digging into the sand, no doubt to build whatever sand sculptures they were going to make, while a few of them laid in the sun and a few rushed into the water, before she turned her head towards Sunset, "How long did it take you to make all this?"

"This? It took around thirty minutes to an hour to get it the way I wanted it," Sunset admitted, where she shrugged, as she saw no harm in telling Twilight the amount of time it took her to make this entire area and bind it in such a way that kept it contained in it's own area, so it didn't spill out into the library or the throne room for instant, though while she did that Razor laid down next to her and enjoyed the sunlight, "It took me awhile to get used to my new powers, being able to create whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and being able to destroy things with the same speed, but eventually, with some dedication and some practicing and help from the Grand Priest, I was able to partly master using the power of All, though now I think I've got it under control."

Twilight nodded her head for a moment, as from what she had seen, during the reign of Zeno, the power of All was incredibly terrifying, as it wipe out individuals, planets, star systems, or even entire universes in a matter of seconds, and could target everyone from a specific universe, regardless of where that universe's citizens were. The fact that Sunset was able to wield that power, and seemingly master it in only three months, despite her new duties as the new ruler of the multiverse, was another shock that she wasn't expecting, because if Sunset was having any difficulties with her new power she wouldn't have invited them to come to her palace and spend almost an entire day relaxing, she would have been busy getting her power under control. She guessed that this was another reason behind why their universe had two Gods of Destruction so close to each other, one was meant to become the true Destroyer God for Universe 19, which was still weird to think about since they had been going by Universe 13 for a long time, while the second individual had the potential to grow until she became stronger than Zeno, and thanks to Tirek, who got what he deserved, Sunset was now realizing her grand destiny as the Queen of All. She had wondered, like many who knew of the fact that Rainbow had the Avatar of Destruction at the same time that Sunset was the God of Destruction, why there were two beings in their universe with the same power, so close to each other, but she honestly never imagined this outcome.

Still, in her opinion this was for the best, as Sunset appeared to be ruling the multiverse is a different manner than Zeno had done, one that was encouraging friendship and cooperation between the nineteen universes that Sunset was watching over, and their bond with Universe 7 seemed to be the start of something grand.

Sunset, however, put her arms behind her head and closed her eyes for a few minutes so she could enjoy the sun, though not before noticing that Twilight had brought a book with her, no doubt containing some new information that she didn't know in the past. She knew that it was part of who Twilight was, always seeking new information and knowledge to add to her growing library, and she was sort of like her in that way, considering the massive library she had created once she gained a greater mastery of her powers, and she was sure that her friend was never going to change. Another thing Sunset knew was that Twilight would shift the umbrella they were sitting near to make sure the sun didn't focus too much on her, since she liked to read in the shade, and she didn't mind that, because she was planning on doing something else after relaxing and enjoying the sun. At the same time it wasn't hard for her to hear the sounds of the waves, the sounds of the Cutie Mark Crusaders already splashing each other and having a good time, and hear some of the others as they found the volleyball equipment that she had added to this place, for something fun to do. All of that told her that her friends were already having fun and that they were planning on making the most of their time at the beach, before they had to go back home and continue on with their lives, which included saving the day and taking out any villains that might seek to do Equus, or any of the other worlds in their universe, harm or outright destroy them.

When she opened her eyes about ten minutes later, along with stretching her arms a little, she found that Rainbow and Applejack had teamed up to tackle the Dazzlings in a sand castle competition, without the use of their powers, and so far, despite it being two against three, both teams had a decent start on their castles. What interested her was the fact that Rainbow and Applejack had evenly divided the responsibilities of what they needed to do, instead of fighting for who took what task, between them and right now they had built the base structure, which would allow them to gather more sand and construct the walls of their castle. The Dazzlings, who had spent many years working together, during their banishment and during the adventure they had been on, had already done the same thing, but while Sonata worked on finishing the blueprint of the castle, a large one by the looks of it, Aria and Adagio tended to the various walls, floors, and the other parts of their structure, working in perfect harmony with each other. Normally one would assume that the Dazzlings would have an advantage over Rainbow and Applejack, and it seemed like that was the case, but at the same time the pair that was building the second castle was doing a fairly good job of keeping up with the Sirens, making it a real competition between the two groups.

While the five of them were working on their sand castles, however, Sunset noticed that Fluttershy was actually reading a book on animals that Twilight must have given her, to show her about all the species that she had found in their entire universe, while Chrysalis and Rarity were laying near each other, sunbathing by the looks of it, and Pinkie was playing volleyball with the rest of the displaced, only she was using her Six Paths of Eco, her six separate beings, to play against the rest of the displaced.

"Pinkie's clearly having fun." Sunset commented, though that was the point of this entire get together, that they could all have fun and just relax on the beach, something that she had done a few times with her human friends in the past, only with all her adventures and duties had prevented her from really doing that, "And the Cutie Mark Crusaders are having a blast playing in the water, splashing each other and diving into the waves that are coming our way."

"Most of us haven't had a chance to truly relax since the tournament ended, or since their individual adventures came to an end," Twilight replied, as some of the displaced, like Chrysalis for instance, had continued to work for the safety of their universe and chose not to take some time off, which the changeling definitely needed considering what happened to her during her own adventure, and some of them had returned to their prior lives rather easily, only to be called back to the planet they had been sent to for one reason or another, like Lyra and Trixie being called back to Azeroth to help the Alliance and Horde take out whatever enemies were trying to conquer the planet, "So, what have you been up to since taking the position of the Queen of All? Besides making modifications to the palace and welcoming the erased gods of Universes 13 through 18 back to the multiverse."

"I've been observing the past and making notes of what my predecessors did." Sunset answered, though at the same time she glanced at one of the nearby buildings for a few seconds, which was when some of the former bodyguards, who she had assigned to new positions since being guards clearly wasn't their calling, due to failing her predecessors at the end of the Tournament of Power, walked out of the building and started distributing drinks and snacks to her and her friends, which everyone accepted before the guards retired to the building for now, allowing her to take a sip of the fruit smoothie that she had grabbed, "I discovered that the Present Zeno had been playing games with his future counterpart, like their version of chess, shooting marbles, and a number of other games, since Goku came back from the erased future that he, Vegeta, and the girls tried to save. Now this all sounds perfectly fine and innocent, I will admit that right now, but all of these games, in one form or another, involved planets from the twelve universes, where if one planet was destroyed in the game they played it would be destroyed in real time, and if two planets collided with each other, in the case of the marble game, then two planets would de wiped out at the same time."

"That's terrible!" Twilight said, as she couldn't believe that the pair of Zenos had been doing that, and from the sounds of it the Zeno of their timeline had started playing a few of the games by himself, to get rid of his boredom, meaning that he's been destroying planets, from Universes 1 through 12, for a long time, and that it only picked up when his future counterpart joined him thanks to Goku's actions.

"Indeed it is, and that's what I've been trying to fix." Sunset stated, though at the same time she watched as the rest of her friends continued to enjoy themselves and the provisions that had been offered to them, which made her happy to see that everyone was having fun, before she returned to the conversation, "What I mean is that I have been spending a good deal of my time observing the past, making notes of what planets Zeno wiped out and which universe they came from, so I can use my powers to revive those destroyed planets and return them to their homes. I've spent the last few weeks restoring a number of planets to the twelve universes, since our universe was ignored entirely and the other six were gone by this point in time, and I eventually came to the conclusion to take some time off and relax before I return to what I was doing."

Twilight nodded her head and said nothing to that as she sipped on her own drink, as she knew that it had to be stressful watching one's predecessor, and then adding his future counterpart to the mix, playing games that caused real time destruction in the twelve universes, and that restoring all those planets must have taken a great deal of her energy, not that Sunset seemed tired. In fact it appeared that Sunset was just fine, as there were no signs of exhaustion or bags under her eyes, so she had to assume that studying the past must have taken quite a bit out of her and that she wanted to take a break before she delved into the past again, to find more planets to restore. She also knew that Sunset wouldn't count the revived planets against the Gods of Destruction that lost in the Tournament of Power, since bringing them back might even raise their mortal level, but at the same time she was sure that Sunset would tell her and the other gods her decision when the check up meeting finally happened. She had to admit that she was interested in seeing what the ruling was for the universes that were defeated during the tournament, as in whether or not their gods were successful in raising their mortal level, and seeing if any of the Gods of Destruction had to go find replacements that would do a better job of running their universe.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Sunset eventually got up and stared out at the water for a few moments, where she glanced at the water and found that larger waves were starting to form off in the distance, though that only caused Sunset to grin as walked over to the building where they had changed into their swimsuits and revealed that there was another section to it, one that held a number of surfboards.

As the others turned towards her, and noticed what she was doing, Sunset grabbed onto a surfboard that was her personal one, hence the sun marking on it that resembled her Cutie Mark, and headed out into the water, where she swam out to where the large waves were forming and prepared herself. Twilight and the others watched as the waves started to get bigger and morphed into the type of waves that people surfed on, even though Twilight hadn't seen anyone actually do this before and the others might have done it during their down time, though it wasn't long before Sunset disappeared from their view for a few moments. Of course that was before they found her riding the surfboard she had taken out with her, like she had been doing this for a long time or something, and she weaved her way through the wave that she was following, though the smile that was on her face that showed everyone that she was definitely having fun, which only made Pinkie and the others, who were playing volleyball at the time, to stop what they were doing, grab a surfboard and join her. Eventually Sunset came to a stop near the beach and turned so she could face the waves once more, where she watched as the others swam out and greeted the next couple of waves that were coming their way, which let them replicate what she had done, though the only ones that didn't head out there were Rainbow, Applejack, the Dazzlings, Rarity, Chrysalis, and Twilight.

While they were doing that Sunset jumped off the surfboard that she had been using and landed near the pair of sand castles, where she discovered that the two groups were hard at work making the various floors and rooms of the castles, showing that they weren't interested in surfing at the moment.

"So, Rainbow, Twilight told me something exciting happened two and a half months ago." Sunset commented, though at the same time she raised her hand and called over her drink to her, where Rainbow glanced up at her for a few seconds before returning to the part of the castle she was working on, showing her that her friend had developed a level of multitasking that she didn't have some time ago, "Something about a new warrior appearing in Universe 7?"

"Yeah, Frieza ended up finding another pair of Saiyans, Paragus and his son, Broly." Rainbow replied, though as she said that she moved some sand and started creating the next room that Applejack wanted her to create for their castle, while also knowing that Sunset wouldn't leave just yet, "Long story short Paragus tried to use his son against Vegeta, to get revenge because of the fact that King Vegeta sent Broly to a planet to save the universe from his power, even though Paragus believes it's because of the latent power his son possessed at the time, and Broly ended up fighting Goku and Vegeta, under his father's orders. At the end of the fight Paragus was dead, Goku and Vegeta had to fuse into Gogeta to stall Broly enough for Shenron to give him some sense of control over himself and his power, and both Bulma and Frieza got their individual wishes granted, though Universe 7 now has another warrior that can help protect them from whatever threats are still around. Dad also contacted Vados when the fight was over, while we were busy helping Broly relax after the battle, though Applejack and I assume that he's hoping that Kale will agree to be his training partner, so help him get used to his powers and, eventually, master his abilities... though he's been incredibly busy since that day and we haven't had a chance to spend a day with him."

"Well, our dad is the God of Destruction for Universe 7," Applejack said, reminding Rainbow of the fact that their father might be busy with his duties, which would be a good sign if that was the case, while at the same time Sunset had to wonder if he was spending some of his time personally training Broly, "so he's likely busy working with Shin, determining which planets he might need to wipe out in the future, the ones that won't develop the way they're supposed to, and is having Frieza keep an eye out for anyone that might threaten his universe as a whole. He's taking his duties very seriously, to make up for the terrible mortal level that his universe has, thanks to the evil Kid Buu, Frieza, and anyone else that we aren't aware of, so it makes sense that he'd be busy cleaning up his domain and making it a better place for everyone that calls Universe 7 home. We'll visit him when he has time, which Whis will tell us about the moment he discovers it."

Sunset nodded her head as Rainbow went back to her work, as she understood that Beerus was hard at work trying to make up for the fact that he was a terrible God of Destruction in the years leading up to Rainbow and Applejack's arrival in Universe 7, a place they considered their second home, before she headed back over to her chair and levitated her surfboard back to the rack it had been on earlier. From what she knew most of the Gods of Destruction were taking their duties seriously now, since they had grown lazy during the reign of Zeno, something that she intended to fix, though it remained to be seen if the gods that were defeated in the tournament would pass her test. She also found it interesting that more Saiyans had survived the destruction of their home world, as she had been told that the ones on Earth, and Vegeta's brother Tarble, who lived elsewhere in the universe, were the only survivors, which only made her wonder just how many more could have survived the event that wiped out most of their species. The fact that Broly was like Kale, who had an enormous amount of power sleeping inside her, meant that Beerus, Whis, or whoever was training the pair would have their hands full, since she had to assume that Broly, despite having no training in the art of fighting, was either at or above Kale's level of power... though her opinions on the subject were that the pair of Saiyans would eventually gain mastery over their incredible powers, and then move on to defend their universes from villains and other threats.

Once she sat back down on her chair, and rubbed behind Razor's ears to let him know that she wasn't about to forget him again, while noticing that the former guards had brought him some fish to munch on if he was hungry, Sunset focused on what her friends were doing, namely watching Pinkie, of all people, failing multiple times in a row with the surfboard, as five out of her six powers failed, since Pinkamena, the Dark Eco Pinkie, was the only one that succeeded. As far as Sunset was concerned Pinkie had six different personalities and each of them had their own strengths and weaknesses, and it appeared that most of them weren't that great at surfing, though Pinkie later changed that to her and Pinkamena being the only ones that could surf, as she successfully rode the next wave she attempted, while the four remaining colors ended up falling into the water once more. While they were doing that, and the other displaced continued to ride the waves with them, Rainbow, Applejack, and the Dazzlings continued to build their castles, apparently not caring about getting in the water this time around, while the Crusaders decided to take a moment and dry off before they attempted to climb up one of the tall trees that surrounded the area. Of course when they actually got around to that point, and fell into the water from a good height since the tree they picked overlooked the water, they had, somehow, managed to get some sap on them, causing Rarity to sigh as she got up and walked over to them, as she had experience with this sort of thing and it took her a new minutes to get rid of the sap, allowing the Crusaders to do something else as she returned to the area that she and Chrysalis had been laying in.

After that not much else happened, as some of them continued surfing in the water, some of the laid out in the sun or under an umbrella, the two groups continued building their sand castles, while taking a break every now and then to do something else, but Sunset was more than happy to spend some time with her friends. When the two groups were done with their sand castles the entire group gathered to see what they had done, where they quickly determined that both of them had done so well that both of them were winners, which only prompted the Crusaders to fly through the sand and smash the castles down, prompting the two groups to laugh as they continued to enjoy their day off. The former guards did come out every now and then, often to replenish the drinks that Sunset and her friends were drinking, while at the same time offering them snacks and even a big lunch, which everyone enjoyed as they sat around a large table and told stories about their adventures, the parts that they hadn't told the others yet. None of them were worrying about their various responsibilities or duties, or what awaited them when the day was over, and Sunset was happy to see that everyone was enjoying themselves, because it meant that this was a success, though she wasn't surprised to find that Razor was happy as well, which only made her smile even more as time went on.

Eventually, however, the event had to come to an end, as the afternoon gave way for the evening and Sunset called everyone together, to thank them for joining her and spending the day relaxing, before they headed back into the changing building and slipped into their actual clothes again... and, once that was done, Sunset escorted them outside the palace and watched as Applejack teleported them all back to Universe 19, with the use of her Kai Kai ability, the same one that allowed all Kaioshin to get here quickly.

"It seems you had a good time." a voice said, to which Sunset turned her head and found the Grand Priest standing nearby, meaning he must have returned from his own vacation early and was waiting for her friends to leave before revealing himself, or he happened to arrive seconds after the others left.

"Yeah, we had fun." Sunset admitted, because her friends treated her like their friend and not the ruler of the entire multiverse, even though they would be back to that in due time, before she turned towards the Grand Priest and headed back into the palace, allowing the gate to close as Razor followed after her, "So, what did you do with your time off?"

"I visited Whis and a few of my children, just spent some time with them and their Destroyer Gods," the Grand Priest replied, where Sunset quickly determined that he still didn't truly understand the concept of taking a day off to do whatever you wanted, within reason anyway, meaning that she'd have to give him a better idea in the future, before he noticed something new, "It also seems that we have a guest that remained behind."

"This is Razor, my companion from the days I spent with Ratchet and Starlight," Sunset stated, letting her tone tell the Grand Priest that she was no sending him back to Universe 19, to Ponyville, and that he was staying with them, even if she had to make a new area in the palace for him, where the Grand Priest nodded his understanding, "I'll figure out where he can sleep later, but for now I'm going to head to the library and spend some time there, before I go to bed. In the morning, after breakfast, I'll continue my duties as the Queen of All and see what else I need to fix."

The Grand Priest said nothing to that, as he felt that it was more than fair for Sunset to spend the entire day doing whatever she wanted, and watched as both she and her pet headed off to the library, disappearing a few moments later, before he let a small smile grace his face, as Sunset was a far better ruler than Zeno had ever been and he was happy to serve her, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before he found out what her next move was, for improving the multiverse and the lives of those that she now ruled over.

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