• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Tournament: Survival Tactics

While Chrysalis was busy taking care of the warriors from Universe 2, and both Gohan and Piccolo were busy taking care of the two Namekians from Universe 6, Vegeta parried the incoming attacks that his current opponent, a warrior from Universe 3 that happened to be wearing a white suit with a helmet that covered his face, was throwing at him. Originally part of his suit had been blue colored, with a large red P on his chest and belt, and the blue bits had changed to red when he attempted to fight Frieza, only for him to dash away from the area and leave his foe behind, as Frieza had no desire to fight him since it would have been an easy victory. Of course that had prompted the policeman of Universe 3, Katopesla as he called himself, to target Vegeta next, who engaged him since Sombra's plan called for Kakarot awakening Ultra Instinct once more, as he believed that it was one of the keys to stopping Jiren and eliminating him from the tournament, hence the reason he was fighting Katopesla. The interesting thing that was his foe decided to go into his 'Raging Battle Mode', which was just the red parts turning yellow as a yellow R appeared on his chest, where he claimed that his strength was three hundred times what his normal power was, and Vegeta did find that his punches had more weight to them, but not enough to really do anything to him.

In fact he had purposely lead his foe away from where his friend was supposed to be resting, closer to the edge of the fighting stage so he could eliminate him easily, though that didn't stop the two of them from exchanging blows with each other as they moved around the area they were in, showing that they were seemingly equal at the moment, which would only remain true until Vegeta turned Super Saiyan, where he'd quickly end the fight he was in.

"Not bad. You are a worthy foe!" Katopesla stated, showing that he was observing Vegeta's movements and found that his skill was better than what he originally thought it was going to be when he selected him as his next target, even though at the moment he was parrying Vegeta's attacks as he threw some at his foe, before dodging the next attack and jumped up to the top of a nearby rock pillar, "Behold my hidden ultimate power. Now, at last, I shall unleash it upon you! Mode change! The whirlwind, the raging Ultimate Mode!"

Vegeta stayed where he was for a few seconds as the letter on Katopesla's belt shifted once more, taking on the shape of a U this time around, one that caused the yellow parts of his suit to turn purple, including putting a large purple U on his chest, even though his suit had some yellow strips mixed into the purple bits.

"In Ultimate Mode, both my attacks and my speed are three hundred times what they are in my normal state!" Katopesla added, showing Vegeta what his new form looked like, even though it wasn't much different from the others he had used so far, except for it being a different color, and that he seemed incredibly proud of his power, as he seemed a little distracted by what he had done.

Once Katopesla was done talking, however, Vegeta shifted into his Super Saiyan form and burst through the air, which was where he delivered a powerful punch that knocked his foe backwards, sending him flying to the floor and forced him to land on his feet as he stared up at him again. From that moment forward the two of them returned to what they had been doing before the transformation, as in they exchanged a number of punches with each other as they moved around the area they were fighting in, punches that the other parried with their own. Not even a few moments later Vegeta siezed control of the fight and delivered an upper cut that knocked Katopesla backwards, causing the warrior to land once more as he raised his left arm until his pointer finger was pointed right at him, where his gloves continued to glow as a green circular object, looking like a radar from some of the devices Bulma had shown him, appeared in front of his finger, as he declared that this was his final technique, 'Katopesla the Final Mission'. Instead of wasting his energy and charging a weak Final Flash, which could easily overpower his foe's attack, Vegeta opted to pull his hands together and fired a Galick Gun at his opponent, one that had enough power to overcome his foe's final attack and knocked him backwards when it exploded, no doubt surprising him in the process.

The force of the explosion sent Katopesla near the edge of the fighting stage, where he managed to stop himself from going over the edge and seemed to relax a little since he had saved himself, though that was followed by his legs being kicked out from behind, causing him to fall right over the edge, eliminating him in the process.

Vegeta had to admit that it was odd for something like that to happen, especially since most of the enemy warriors had been taken care of at this point in time, but even so he kept his guard up as he got near the edge of the fighting stage, expecting to find the one that attacked his opponent so he could repay him in kind. What he found was that there was no one around the area that Katopesla had been standing in, even though he could feel the ki of someone else standing close to where he was standing, making him wonder if one of their foes had the ability to make them feel something that wasn't there, to lower their guard or make them face the wrong direction. Of course such a thing would only be chosen by Quitela and his Kaioshin, who seemed to have no problem with using cheap tactics against their foes, even if said tactics had failed thanks to the foes that his warriors had gone up against, and he was sure that he wasn't overthinking the situation. Since his main target had been taken care of, even if he wasn't the one to eliminate Katopesla, he powered down and started to move out of the area that he was standing in, though as he did that something interesting happened, as the warrior that knocked his foe out targeted him and hit him in the chest, attempting to send him over the edge.

What the hidden warrior wasn't expecting was for Goku to appear and grab onto Vegeta's arm, pulling him back onto the fighting stage before using Instant Transmission to get them over to where Androids 17 and 18 were standing, as they were all watching Universe 13 as they conserved their energy, waiting to see what their allies did next.

"Are you alright?" Goku asked, because he had seen that Vegeta was able to hold his own against the warrior he had been fighting earlier, who had been knocked out by someone else, and had rushed to his friend's aid the moment he noticed that the same thing was happening.

"Yeah, just surprised that whoever tripped Katopesla targeted me as well." Vegeta replied, though he was thankful that his friend was so observant, not that it ultimately mattered since he could have caught the edge of the stage and pulled himself back into the fight, to which he looked at the area around them, "Someone definitely attempted to send me off the fighting stage by hitting me in the chest, with enough power since my guard was lowered a little, but this just means that we'll need to be careful."

"Or we could wait for Sombra to come up with a plan." Android 17 stated, as from the area they were standing in they could see the strategist of Universe 13 observing what Vegeta and Katopesla had been going through, showing that he was capable of tracking multiple fights at the same time, and likely had an idea of what they needed to do next, since he was beckoning for someone to join him, someone that wasn't them.

Sombra remained still as his senses followed the 'hidden' warrior that was stalking the fighting stage, no doubt trying to find foes that were caught up in something else to notice them coming and knock them out of the tournament without the warriors noticing what was happening until the last moment, while the Dazzlings approached him, as they were who he was signaling the entire time.

"Is there anything we can do to help you?" Adagio asked, because knowing Sombra, and his ability to come up with plans to overcome anything that was thrown at him, he likely had a plan to deal with the other universes that they were fighting, especially since she and her sisters were interested in what had nearly taken Vegeta out.

"There is a hidden warrior stalking us and the other universes," Sombra commented, keeping his voice low so only the Dazzlings could hear him, because he had instructions for them and he knew it was time for them to do something to show the other universes that they weren't to be messed with, "Adagio, I'm going to use myself as bait to lure our foe out into the open, but at the same time I want you to manipulate the moisture in the atmosphere that the Grand Priest created to summon a rain shower, one that we'll use to find out where our target is located, which should be a null space of some kind. Sonata, Aria, when you see where our foe is hiding I want you to hit whoever is stalking us before they even know what's going on, so we can eliminate them from the tournament and put the pressure on Quitela, since I'm positive that whoever is stalking us is from his universe... and it might force his remaining warriors out into the open."

Adagio glanced at her sisters for a moment, as they were all surprised that Sombra was saying that he was going to act like bait for their foe, before deciding that they were going to put their faith in their team's strategist, to which the three of them nodded their heads, causing Sombra to step out from where they were hiding. The three of them remained silent as they watched their strategist walk out into the open, while at the same time Adagio started to manipulate the moisture like Sombra wanted, quickly causing some actual rain to fall down on the area he was standing in, though he clearly didn't mind as he continued to put some distance between them. It wasn't long before Sonata noticed something in the corner of her eye, where she pointed it out to Aria, who noticed that there was definitely a null space in the rain, just like Sombra said there would be, and the warrior in question seemed to be stalled, no doubt confused by the fact that it was raining in the area he had come to. The pair smiled for a moment as they reacted to the discovery of their foe, as Sonata waved her hands and the wind swept forward, delivering a powerful uppercut to the surprised warrior, as it had come way too fast for them to see it coming and they were stunned that someone had noticed them, before Aria jumped into the air and loosed a large fireball that slammed into their target, knocking the warrior of the fighting stage, allowing Adagio to call off the rain as they regrouped.

Quitela, despite wanting to criticize his warrior for falling so easily, since he believed that Universe 13 shouldn't be this strong and shouldn't have noticed his warrior to begin with, growled as he signaled the remaining two warriors from his universe, as it was all or nothing and he wanted to be the one to take one of Universe 13's warriors out of the tournament, or maybe all of them if he was lucky.

"Is this really all Universe 4 is good at? Cheap tricks?" Aria asked, because so far most of the warriors from Quitela's universe had some tactic that was based off of trickery, not that it mattered in the long run since all of those tricks had failed due to the combined efforts of their alliance.

That was, of course, when several red rings wrapped around the area they were standing in and formed some sort of dome, trapping them inside the area that the remainder of Quitela's warriors wanted to face them in, causing the sisters to glance at the area as the dome turned red. As they took in what was going on, however, they knew that their foes were lucky that Sombra hadn't been trapped inside with them, otherwise they would be knocked off the fighting stage before they were able to do whatever plan their Destroyer God wanted them to do, and that was before red phantoms of the various warriors that had been eliminated so far appeared around them. It was obvious that this was another trick, as the moment whoever was targeting them started talking, about how they were going to pay for their universe knocking off so many enemies, the three of them went on the offensive and found that they were able to break the phantoms apart with little effort, though they did reform after a few seconds. At the same time there was one oddity about this entire thing, and that was the fact that there was an occasion where one of their attacks seemed to hit something else, something that clearly wasn't part of the illusion, meaning there both of their targets were in the area around them and that it wouldn't take too much to knock them both out of the tournament.

In fact Sonata and Aria were the first ones to strike when they determined what was going on, as Sonata sent another gust of wind at the rock wall that one of the warriors, the one that controlled the illusion, was hiding on top of, knocking him into the air before Aria blasted him off the fighting stage, dropping the illusion and the dome instantly. Of course that didn't stop the other warrior from coming at them, to which Adagio smiled as her own energy flared, as the water they were standing near wrapped around them and created a domed shield, one that the warrior actually flew right into since they weren't expecting it. That, in turn, allowed her to instantly freeze the water and create a solid chunk of ice, one that broke into smaller fragments when they pushed their way out of it, though that was when they found that the third warrior from Quitela's universe was a tiny green bug-like warrior, who they just hurled off the fighting stage, causing Quitela to look down at them in shock, since they had dismantled the remainder of his team in a few moments. In that exact moment the God of Destruction for Universe 4 seemed to understand that his opinion of Universe 13, where he said that they were weak and not worth worrying about, had been entirely incorrect, that they were possibly the greatest threat any team could go up against, and that he had been a fool for thinking they were weaklings.

Of course that was followed by Quitela, having lost all his warriors, discovering that his universe was going to be erased as well, causing him to freak out as he glared at his defeated warriors and the gods that had beaten his team, as he declared that he was going to erase them all as a final act of revenge, only for the Kings of All to erase him, the entirely of his team, and all of universe 4 seconds later.

"One more universe left," Sombra commented, as he returned to the Dazzlings side the moment they were done taking out the warriors from Universe 4, because he had faith in their abilities and knew that it wouldn't take them long to deal with Quitela's warriors, though they remained still as he faced their next group of foes, "one more universe stands between our alliance and Universe 11, and, more importantly, the fate of the multiverse."

"Yeah, Universe 3." Sonata replied, because that was the only universe left at this point, besides their universe, Beerus' universe, and the one that Jiren was from, but at the same time she focused on who was in the area that the warriors from the robotic universe were standing in, as this was going to be interesting, "Do you think Trixie can handle all of those warriors on her own, or should we rush over to her aid and help her take some of them out?"

"Trixie is more than capable of handling those enemies by herself," Sombra stated, showing that he also had faith in the abilities that Trixie, who used to be a simple illusionist, now possessed and the skills that she had learned during her time on Azeroth, before he turned back to the area their allies were gathering in, "We'll have a front row seat to Trixie taking on the entirety of Universe 3's remaining warriors and whatever final techniques they have up their sleeves."

"They were smart and managed to remain until there were only a few foes left to face." Adagio added, showing that there was some intelligent beings in Universe 3, as they had chosen to remain on the sidelines and gather information on the various warriors that were still in the tournament, not that such a thing mattered since everyone from their team had been holding back, so any information they had on them would be nullified soon enough, "Besides, they must have noticed that our warriors have rushed to the aid of Beerus' warriors every now and then, depending on what's happening at the moment, so they're probably thinking it's best to target us first, before going after Goku and the others. I almost feel sorry for them, since they had no idea what sort of power Trixie's been keeping hidden since the tournament started."

While the others were chatting among themselves, and getting ready for a show, Trixie stopped in a good sized area that would be perfect for her upcoming battle with Universe 3, as she could feel them coming in her direction, meaning their plan was to use all five of their warriors against a single opponent. It was a good strategy, since overwhelming odds could result in her being eliminated, but she knew that the opposite was true, that the reality of the situation was that her foes were going to be the ones that were knocked off the fighting stage, she just had to see what sort of abilities her robotic enemies were equipped with before she did that, to best plan her attacks. A few seconds later she jumped backwards as a green beam of energy struck the area she had previously been standing in, striking the rock wall further along the path it was traveling and resulted in some decent sized explosions, though it wasn't hard for her to determine that it came from the white capsule-like robot, Koitsukai as the scientist warrior called him. As soon as Koitsukai attacked her a second warrior, a large green robot that had a round body of sorts, Panchia it was known as, tried to tackle her into another rock wall, to which Trixie blinked out of existence and let her foe crash into the wall, only for her to reappear a few spaces away from where she had been seconds ago. It was in that moment that the third robot, one that seemed to look like a pair of legs and used the two balls that were connected to what could be arms, while also going by the name Bollarator, lashed out at her and tried to smash her with it's metallic balls, which she let hit the floor around her as she dodged the attacks, no doubt annoying her foe in the process.

Of course the final member of Universe 3's team, a large red warrior that seemed to be what one would call an android, though not in the same sense of the two androids she was allied with, smashed through one of the nearby walls and charged at her, though as she dodged Viara's charge, by jumping over him, he turned around and grabbed onto her wings, tugging on them to keep her from running away.

"You can't get away from me now!" Viara stated, where it was clear that her foe assumed that he had the win in the bag, that she couldn't do anything to get away from him and would have to submit to being beaten by his team before she was thrown off the fighting stage, but that was where her foe was wrong.

Trixie focused her mind and her wings burst into strands of Arcane energy, like she was resealing them in the tattoos on her back, but the reality was that the consequences of her actions caused Viara to be holding onto nothing, as her wings didn't exist in that moment, freeing her as she turned around and kicked her foe in the chest, sending him flying into a rock wall as her wings reformed from the strands of energy that rested around her.

"Sorry, you can't use my wings against me," Trixie commented, to which she turned her attention to Viara, as out of all the warriors from Universe 3 he seemed to be the best one to target first, before she focused on another power and three mirror images of her appeared in the area near her, where they nodded their heads and headed out to face the three robots that were lurking in the area around her, "though I won't hold it against you, since you had no way of knowing that I could retract and summon them at all, especially if someone tried to grab them and cut them off. I will, however, make sure that you are knocked off the fighting stage without too much delay, that way I can focus on your fellow warriors and whatever tactics they have planned for me."

"You can't beat me with such weak attacks." Viara replied, where Trixie watched as her first foe pulled himself out of the rock wall and faced her, without even a scratch on his body, which was interesting since she had put some decent power into her attack, "I have one of the highest defensive powers in all of Universe 3, though you are free to attack me with whatever attacks you have in your arsenal... you'll never be able to beat me!"

"Is that so?" Trixie asked, because she found that there was something amusing about enemies that declared that they wouldn't be beaten, and that was the fact that someone always came up with a way to bypass their defenses and bring them defeat, before she shifted her stance a little as her horns and hands glowed, "Challenge accepted."

In that instant, when Trixie stepped forward to battle Viara, she called the power of the Arcane to her once more and lashed out with it, in the sense that when she threw a punch or a kick it was a larger version of her own limbs, ones that her foe clearly thought were illusions. In some ways the attacks were illusions, since she couldn't actually enlarge her body without drinking special potions or revealing her true form, but at the same time the power she wielded made sure her attacks did something, as Viara tried to punch through the first fist that came at him and found that he was pushed back by the power she possessed. While her foe was focused on the attacks, which she set into a magical loop for a few moments, Trixie also manipulated the energies around them and loosed powerful Arcane Missiles, roughly the same size as the ki blasts she had seen while also possessing a violet coloration to them, at her opponent, who was knocked back a few steps every time one of them exploded. After Viara took a fifth attack like that, followed by a more powerful Arcane Blast to the chest, Trixie called off the loop she had created and the larger attacks she had created disappeared, but that didn't stop her from going on the offensive with several additional Arcane Blasts, each one rocking her foe's body as they came into contact with him.

What interested her was the fact that Viara's body seemed to have one weak spot, a grate-like section on his stomach area that seemed to be covering a generator or a reactor, she wasn't sure which it was since she couldn't get a good look at it, but the sheer power of her Arcane Blasts cracked the shell and eventually caused it to detonate, causing Viara to collapse on the floor with smoke rising from his body... and, when she was sure that he was still operational, Trixie used her power to grab him and hurled him off the fighting stage, so she could focus on the rest of his team.

Instead of returning to the fight, however, she leaned against a rock wall and watched her mirror images as they fought against Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator, which was pretty much her clones dodging the attacks that her foes were using against them, no doubt confusion the Kaioshin of Universe 3 in the process. It appeared that the three robots thought that if they wounded the mirror images it would appear on her, hence the reason they appeared to be attacking the clones with a good amount of power, but the reality was that she could just call them off and enter the battle whenever she wanted. This was a way for her to observe her foes now that they were actually fighting, to see what sort of tactics they would use against her when she stepped in to fight them, and it seemed like Koitsukai was in charge of gathering information on a foe, or a pair of targets, before giving that out to his fellow robots, but since her clones barely had a fraction of her power, another aspect of her power she told no one about, there wasn't much the robots could gleam from fighting her three clones. Regardless of what was going on Trixie also noticed that the Kings of All seemed to be having the time of their life, as they were talking to each other, or even the Grand Priest, as they observed the latest battle that was taking place, which was the one she was in, before she sighed and determined what she was going to do when she stepped into battle once more.

The moment she decided to step forward was when Bollarator threw his balls at her clones, Panchia flew into the air and loosed a barrage of small missiles in their direction, and Koitsukai fired a beam of energy, one that had some decent power behind it, at their targets... only for her to teleport right in front of her clones and wave her hands, causing the arcane energy to knock all three of the attacks away, blowing two of them up while forcing Bollarator to retract his arms as Trixie dismissed her clones, leaving her as the only Trixie at the moment.

"It seems like the three of you were having fun against my clones," Trixie commented, though she knew that robots didn't actually have fun, she was just referring to the fact that they seemed to be going all out in an effort to smash the three clones she had them fight.

"Your strength, speed, and abilities have been analyzed," Koitsukai stated, showing Trixie that she had been correct in her thoughts, that one of her foes had been busy studying the attack patterns that her clones had used against them, but since none of her clones actually did anything against her that meant her foes had a bad understanding of what she was able to do and were trying to sound like they could beat her easily, "Panchia, Bollarator, and I can take you out."

As soon as he said that both he and Panchia leapt into the air and prepared to fire a volley of blasts down at where Trixie was standing, while at the same time Bollarator would strike her while she was distracted by the smoke caused by the blasts, and then they could knock her off the fighting stage. That was their plan, but it was immediately derailed as Trixie disappeared from where she was standing and flew right between the two airborne threats, who barely had time to turn around as she loosed two powerful Arcane Blasts at them, blowing them both out of the air. Bollarator, seeing his allies falling to the floor, threw his extendable arms, and the balls at the very end of them, up at the spot that Trixie was now occupying, but just as they reached her they hit nothing as Trixie disappeared once more, surprising the robot with how fast their foe was moving. That was seconds before Trixie loosed another powerful Arcane Blast into her foe's back and sent him flying into a rock wall, one that collapsed on top of him, before jumping back a few times so she could see all three of her current enemies, as she would focus on the scientist when he was the last one standing. This was the reason that she had sent her clones after these three, to lure them into a false sense of security for when she used the full power of her base speed and power, and so far it was working like a charm, even though she knew that part of it was also due to the fact that none of her foes had any idea what sort of power she was using, since she was the only one that knew anything about the Arcane and what it was capable of.

Not even a few seconds later she turned her head as both Koitsukai and Panchia got up from where they had landed and jumped over to where their companion was resting, showing her that they preferred to fight together and that they might have another plan in mind for her, now that they had a good idea of what she was capable of in this state... and before she even took a step towards them the scientist loosed a ki blast at her, one that she easily dodged before taking a moment to stare up at him.

"I will admit that you are quite strong, warrior of Universe 13," the scientist said, showing that he believed that he and his robotic allies would be able to turn the tide against Trixie, especially since her abilities were completely new to someone like him, but she said nothing as the leader of Universe 3's team continued talking, "but our battle is just beginning. Are you ready? Plan X, programming phase! Begin!"

For a moment Trixie noticed that the eyes of the robots near her started to glow, showing her that someone was going on with them and that the scientist was responsible, especially since he twirled the scepter he was carrying before pointing the tip of it towards the robots. Her foes then jumped into the air, allowing her to watch as Panchia closed his eyes and pulled both his arms and his legs into his body, before the bottom of his chest connected to the top of Bollarator's head, where the arms holding the balls retracted and used the balls as anchors to keep the two bodies as a single mass, including the connection points in the two robots anyway. Koitsukai then retracted his legs and connected to the top of Panchia's head, where his arms extended more than they had been before that point in time, before the larger robot touched the ground and declared that the three of them had merged into a single being, Koichiarator as the scientist called him. Of course the scientist declared that the functions had been fully unleashed at one thousand two hundred and fifty-six percent, meaning that he believed the combination of the three robots would be able to tackle Trixie and take her out of the tournament, causing her to raise an eyebrow as she focused on the merged warrior.

As she prepared for their battle to continue, however, she heard the Kaioshin of Universe 3 mention that the scientist behind Koichiarator's creation was called Dr. Paparoni and that the merged robot had the combined speed, power, and defense of the three individual robots that went into making him. Not even a few seconds later Koichiarator lashed out with one of his arms, intending to crush Trixie before she could do anything, but that was a flawed thought on his part, as she called the Arcane back to her and summoned a barrier around her, stopping the attack from reaching her, before disappearing from the area she was in and then loosed an Arcane Blast at her foe's back, knocking him forward. It was clear that Dr. Paparoni felt that her Arcane Blast shouldn't have done anything to his 'masterpiece', as in the merged robot should have withstood the attack with ease, but that just meant that he still wasn't used to dealing with the Arcane and the powers that she possessed. After that Koichiarator turned towards her and attacked Trixie again, who simply dodged the incoming attack by flashing to the area behind him, using her Blink spell, and she did so again when her foe tried to get in front of her, forcing her robotic enemy to loose a green beam of energy at her, one that she redirected by opening an equal sized portal in front of her, which fired the beam at Dr. Paparoni, who leapt away before he could be hit.

While Dr. Paparoni sought a new area to stand on, since his pillar had been ruined thanks to Trixie's portal firing her foe's beam at him, Trixie dodged the incoming attacks that were coming her way and struck Koichiarator with her fists from time to time, showing those from her universe that her training with Lyra had done her some good, as her physical attacks did have some power behind them. It wasn't long before Koichiarator threw his left arm down at where Trixie was standing, once more in an attempt to smash her, but this time Trixie snapped her fingers and the Arcane listened, as violet chains burst out of the area to her right and wrapped around her foe's arm, pulling on him enough to divert his attack and let her slam three Arcane Blasts into her foe's chest. The sheer power of her attack knocked the robot backwards, and she let the chain go with him so she could use it against him later, causing Dr. Paparoni to frown as Trixie went on the offensive, unleashing powerful Arcane Missiles and Arcane Blasts at her foe while she used her Blink spell to move around the area at a faster pace, all so her foe couldn't keep up with her. When he was able to stand again Koichiarator charged up his beams and fired them at Trixie, apparently not understanding what happened the first time he tired such a thing, leaving her to open several more portals to take the blasts somewhere else, one knocking her foe backwards, one taking out Dr. Paparoni's current pillar, and the rest slammed into her foe's chest, sending him to the ground and creating a decent sized crater in the process.

Most would assume that she really wasn't doing anything besides toying with her opponents, sort of like Chrysalis was with Universe 2, but the reality of the situation was that she was lining Koichiarator up with Dr. Paparoni, and the moment they were lined up with the edge of the fighting stage she loosed an Arcane Torrent, which was a violet beam of energy that looked like a Kamehameha, that slammed into her foes and blew up the area they were in. What surprised Trixie, as the smoke cleared and revealed the crater her attack had caused, was the fact that none of her foes had fallen off the edge yet, as they were close to it and seemed to be struggling to do anything, causing her to sigh as she walked towards them, because it was time to eliminate them so they could focus on their true enemies.

"Sorry, I know you're just protecting your universe, but I need to eliminate you." Trixie said, though at the same time she waved her hand and the Arcane chains disappeared from Koichiarator's arm, because now that she knew what sort of power they had there was no reason for her to use the chains, hence why she was preparing to eliminate the last warriors from Universe 3 and end their battle.

"I didn't want to use this... but you leave me with no choice." Dr. Paparoni stated, to which he started to laugh as he forced himself to stand once more, because if Koichiarator couldn't defeat a single member of Universe 13, with the great power he had given his masterpiece, then he needed to use their final trump card, hence the reason his scepter glowed once more, "I shall drop you and your entire team from the fighting stage, even if it costs me my life! Observe! This is Universe 3's most powerful and secret final technique!"

Trixie raised an eyebrow as the smoke cleared and revealed that Koichiarator had gotten up as well, with his main eye glowing in response to what Dr. Paparoni was doing, and noticed one other thing off in the distance, as the central pillar for the fighting stage was now down to two segments above the floor, meaning the time limit was getting closer to being over, and so was the actual tournament. Not even a second later, when he was sure that everything was ready, Dr. Paparoni jumped into the air, heading backwards as Koichiarator's entire body started to glow, before he faded into the glowing light and disappeared completely, almost like he was merging himself with his masterpiece. That was followed by the robot's body twisting and reforming as it took on a more human-like form, instead of what it had moments ago, as it formed real arms and legs, no doubt made of flesh and blood, that had a large red stone form on the side of it's arm, before it's chest bulked up and a green one appeared there as well. The creature then started to roar, like it was in pain or something, as an actual head appeared in place of what had been there earlier, which was followed by two antennae forming on it's head, with green stones at the end, and a red one appeared on it's forehead, though all of that seemed to cause the creature some pain, before it's aura burst to life and tore up the area around it, causing Trixie to stand there as she waited for it to take on whatever shape it was moving towards.

When the creature finally calmed down, and stood still for a moment, Trixie was able to see that it's body color was purple, though it had white sections on it's hands, legs, neck, and head areas, while it's upper body and arms seemed to have a black coloration to them, almost as if it was wearing armor of some kind, and it was very large, as it stood much taller than Koichiarator did when he was made... and, at the same time, the Kaioshin for Universe 3 called this warrior Anilaza with a smile on his face, believing that this would save them from being erased.

"I see, so you're the trump card of Universe 3." Trixie commented, though at the same time she moved around the area she was in as Anilaza loosed a storm of ki blasts from his aura, as she was sure that her foe was male, though thanks to her abilities she dodged the attacks as the aura disappeared from her foe's body, "Very well then, I guess it's only fair if I show you something in return."

Trixie called the Arcane energy back into the area around her, causing many of the observers, those that had no idea what she was doing, to wonder what sort of attack she had planned this time around, but then she surprised them by having the energy swirl around her, forming a spherical barrier around her, one that made sure no one could see her until she was ready to be seen. Of course she surprised them when the barrier expanded, becoming larger and larger as the seconds ticked by, before coming to a stop at Anilaza's collarbone, making many wonder what sort of tactic Trixie had planned for the mass of energy she was gathering, even if it was nothing compared to her true power. When the energy started to peel away from Trixie, however, many of the gods were shocked when they found that she had transformed into a massive dragon, one with azure colored scales, including a number that looked like they might actually be made out of crystal, and that she seemed more dangerous than she had been before. Sunset and the rest of her universe understood why that would be something the other universes would think about, because in this form Trixie's control over the Arcane was even stronger than before, even if it seemed like she might be hiding a quarter of her true power and maybe even an additional form, no doubt because she wanted to surprise Jiren.

A few seconds later Trixie's eyes snapped open and she roared as she charged at Anilaza, like she intended to start with a straightforward attack, but as Anilaza raised his hand, so he could smash her into the floor, Trixie disappeared once more, only to reappear behind her foe as she grabbed onto his shoulders and slammed him into the fighting stage, before jumping off, spinning around in the air, and landing a few steps away from her opponent. Despite being the first one to be hurt in some manner, even if it was just a bruise, Anilaza got up and charged at Trixie, where he crashed into the ground in front of her and proceeded to throw a punch at her, only to miss as Trixie actually shrunk herself down to the size of her hybrid form and dodged the attack. That, of course, allowed her to get into a better position as she enlarged back to what her height was in her Aspect form, which she followed up with a much more powerful Arcane Blast to the side, one that knocked Anilaza around and caused him to crash into some rock walls, but that only seemed to bring a smile to his face as he focused on her once more. What happened next was that Anilaza threw a series of punches and kicks at Trixie as she moved around the area they were in, once more using her shrink spell, one that could only be used when she had access to more of her true power, to avoid the attacks and deliver several Arcane Missiles into her foe's chest, forcing the two of them to separate as Trixie returned to her normal size again.

Despite dodging the attacks Trixie could tell that her foe had some incredible power stored inside his body, maybe not as much as Jiren had, and she could see that Anilaza's attacks cracked the floor around them, demonstrating that his strength was higher than what his previous form had given him.

As Anilaza went on the offensive, throwing punches, kicks, and just tearing up the area around them, Trixie showed the gods that her massive form didn't slow her down, as she could easily take to the sky and avoid the punches that came her way, all while moving like an elegant dancer, something the dragons of Azeroth couldn't do. She figured that such a thing came from her own training, the fact that she was the Spell-Weaver, and the fact that she was entirely different from the other Aspects of the planet she and Lyra had been sent to, especially since she had been a unicorn before becoming what she was. While she was in the air, moving around the area that her foe was in and dodging his attacks, Trixie called upon the Arcane and rained destructive blasts down on her opponent, some of them stopping an attack from reaching her and even knocked her foe back a step or two, but all that seemed to do was bring a smile to the giant's face as he continued his assault. One interesting thing Trixie noticed was that his reflexes seemed to be improving as the two of them exchanged blows, as there were a few times where he seemed to sense where she was going and tried to slam a fist into her, but by using her Blink spell Trixie was able to avoid the attack. Occasionally she did use an Arcane Barrier, which was a spherical shield to guard against one of Anilaza's attacks, and even used her Invisibility spell to confuse her foe for a few seconds, where she delivered a powerful Arcane Blast to her opponent's back and caused him to take a step forward, as well as growl as he tried to hit her, only to fail since Trixie had moved once more.

Interestingly enough Anilaza threw a punch in a random direction, not in the one that Trixie was in, and she found that he was trying to hit her by bending space with his power, a hyperspace punch in a sense, to which she stabilized herself in the air and focused on her own power... though as a red portal opened above her, one that Anilaza had created with his immense power, an azure one opened directly below it, allowing the fist to hit her foe in the side of his head and send him into the floor, all while confusing the Kaioshin of Universe 3.

"That's an interesting attack, but you'll never hit me with it." Trixie commented, where she watched as Anilaza got back up onto his feet and shrugged off the damage from his own attack hitting him, like he didn't even care, before he roared and showed her that he was ready to continue the battle.

Trixie was true to her word, as the next couple of attacks that were thrown at her were more of the Hyperspace Punches that Anilaza had just used against her, where she remained still and opened portals in front of the incoming fists, allowing her to redirect each attack as she saw fit, whether that was to cancel out a second attack or just straight up make them hit their owner in rapid succession, while he could do nothing to stop her. In fact it wasn't long before Anilaza tried a new tactic, using his Hyperspace Punch to target the others that weren't fighting him at the moment, showing Trixie that the green stones on his 'ears' seemed to be a sensory device of some kind, like a dolphin would use, but he failed to account for her stopping those attacks as well, since she redirected them right into her foe's body. Anilaza even attempted to throw a dark red colored sphere in her direction, one that separated into a storm of smaller blasts that were racing towards where she was floating, to which Trixie's horns glowed and an Arcane Barrier snapped into existence in front of her, stopping the attack from reaching her. This just showed her that her opponent had a number of attacks that were different from each other, no doubt in an attempt to make whoever he was fighting question what sort of attack he'd use at a given moment and use that weakness to hurt his foes, but right now Trixie didn't bother to wonder about that, as she could counter or redirect anything that he sent at her.

As she suspected the fact that his attacks couldn't reach her seemed to annoy Anilaza, as he was surrounded by a dark red pillar of energy a few seconds later, one that quickly fell apart and revealed that a pair of purple wings had grown from her foe's back, allowing him to fly as well as he stared right at her... before he raised his hands into the air, as the red gem on his forehead glowed brightly, before he called a massive dark red orb into existence, one with the power to destroy a good portion of the fighting stage if it was allowed to make contact.

In the instant that Anilaza shifted his body, like he was going to throw it, Trixie dropped out of the sky and landed on the fighting stage, where she called upon the Arcane energies once more and a violet sphere of energy formed above her head, one that was slightly smaller that her foe's attack. Not even a few seconds later the two of them hurled their attacks at each other, allowing the spheres to collide in the middle of the space between them, where their energies pushed against the other as they fought for superiority, all while Trixie carefully studied her foe one more time. It was during that moment that she discovered that the red gem on Anilaza's forehead had to be powering his attack, because the brightness of the gem seemed to be connected to his attack, as the sphere got larger and stronger as the brightness increased, which told her that one way to win this would be to crush the gem in some manner. Once she decided on what she was going to do, against her current opponent, Trixie summoned the Arcane energies again and used her Blink spell, though as she vanished from where she had been standing those that were observant noticed that a small violet orb floated in the space that she previously occupied, making them wonder what she had planned. Not even a few seconds later she appeared in the air above Anilaza, who seemed incredibly focused on his attack and barely noticed she was there until the last second, giving her time to gather her power into her left claws, before swinging her arm at her foe's head, unleashing three waves of Arcane energy at the same time, ones that slammed into the gem and utterly shattered it.

As Anilaza lost his power source for his attack, much to the concern for his gods, Trixie smiled as the dark red sphere shattered and her attack continued on it's path towards her foe, where she used her power and disappeared from where she was floating, returning to where she had been standing seconds ago, before giving the sphere one final push... one that pushed the sphere into Anilaza's face and detonated, knocking him clear over the edge of the fighting stage, where he separated into the four warriors that went into making him.

"That was a fine show." Sombra commented, to which Trixie turned her head down to her right side, where the leader of their team was standing, and offered him a smile as she recalled her power and reverted back to her hybrid state, all while the Kings of All counted off the warriors of Universe 3.

"Indeed it was, as the Kings of All seem pleased with my performance." Trixie said, where she stretched her arms for a moment as the rest of her team gathered around them, showing that they were ready for the most important battle of the entire tournament, while at the same time the remaining warriors from Universe 7 stood near them as they waited for Universe 3 to be erased as well.

Everyone actually looked up at the stands as the warriors for Universe 3 accepted their fate, showing that they weren't going to fight against this after giving their all to save their home, and Dr. Paparoni was still breathing despite saying that using the final technique would have killed him... but the most interesting thing was that the round hatch-like object on Mosco's stomach opened and revealed the true Destroyer God for Universe 3, a tiny pale red imp-like creature that smiled at his Angel for a moment, before he and the rest of his universe were erased.

"Three universes remain, meaning one of you has to go." a voice said, to which the assembled warriors turned their head towards the source, finding that Toppo, Dyspo, and Jiren had approached them as Universe 3 was being erased, and it was easy to determine that Dyspo had been the one that let them know they were present, "So, whose going to be erased from the tournament next? Will it be Universe 7? Or maybe it will be Universe 13!"

"You would be mistaken," Sombra stated, where he beckoned with his hands a little and the warriors from Universe 7 joined his team, before all seventeen of them faced the three warriors from Universe 11, showing their foes that they were united against a common enemy, "Universe 11, you won't be facing the remaining warriors from Universe 7 or the full team of warriors from Universe 13... you'll be fighting the combined might of our alliance."

"It matters little if you've joined forces with each other." Jiren replied, showing that, as the 'strongest mortal in all of the universes', he believed that he was beyond all of their power and could defeat the large group of enemies that now stood against him and his teammates, "You'll all be knocked off in the end."

Rainbow resisted the urge to chuckle at that statement, as Sombra had a number of ideas that they could use against Jiren when that battle started, and she knew that it would be hard for Universe 11 to take them all out, but for right now she focused on Toppo, because he was the one she wanted to fight next, and she was sure that Belmod would be quite shocked when they unleashed their full power against their foes.

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