• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Interlude: Visiting the Gods

Beerus and Chronoa found that being parents again was actually a welcome change to their daily lives as the God of Destruction and the Supreme Kai of Time for their universe, as both positions were taxing in their own ways, despite the fact that both had taken steps in the past to ensure there was someone that could do their job while they took a few steps back and calmed down. For Beerus it was Frieza and his forces, who were stationed across many of the planets in their universe and kept their eyes open for anything that might disturb the peace, like another villain bent on domination or someone who wanted to blow up a planet, though what was nice was that Frieza did keep him up to date, so that way if some threat was found he could determine if he was needed or if Frieza was perfect for the situation. Chronoa, on the other hand, had the Time Patrol, lead by Future Trunks and Future Gale, helping her out, though they were in the process of gathering powerful warriors to help them keep all of time safe, so they didn't have to call her in every time something happened, as they usually only called her if something major happened, which she'd feel anyway, and so far they hadn't bothered her yet. She was happy with that, because it allowed her to focus a good majority of her time on tending to Neferi and spending time with her, just like Beerus was able to make time so he could relax and play with his daughter, who enjoyed having him around when she played with her toys.

Shin came by every now and then, when he wasn't busy watching the various planets of their universe from his own planet, as it was much easier than doing it on Beerus' planet, and Neferi was happy to see him as well, as he usually had stories about the planets he observed and the species that were developing on those planets, which was interesting for her while also telling Beerus and Chronoa what he had been up to. With Frieza and his forces helping out, taking care of minor threats that usually attacked him for his past crimes, the universe was a safer place already, meaning there wasn't much they needed Goku and Vegeta for, but that didn't stop the pair of Saiyans from training, to prepare for whatever the next threat to their planet was. Considering all the foes that Earth has faced over the years, since the time that Goku first landed on it, the gods knew that it was only a matter of time until a new foe showed up, one that might push the Saiyans to a new level of power and make them an even greater challenge for Beerus in the future. Interestingly enough Beerus discovered that Goku, who had unlocked the basics of Ultra Instinct, still didn't seem any closer to mastering the ability, which was understandable since even the gods had problems mastering the ability, but it gave him something to strive for, even if he didn't appear to be making any progress, or at least that was what Shin told him.

Neferi, as Beerus and Chronoa expected, was quite a handful in the early days, as a few days after she was born they found her flying around the outside of the temple, when they took her outside to play, forcing the pair to chase after her, as Chronoa didn't want to use her time power to stop her, so they could tire her out and let Beerus catch her, which then resulted in them going to bed early that night since they were exhausted. Of course there were times where they had to calm her down, when she cried due to something happening, but for the most part they found that she was happy and spent their time tending to her while also playing around with her various toys, which she enjoyed playing with every now and then. For the most part the only evidence of her power was the fact that she could fly at an early age, which, according to Gohan, was something that Pan did sometime after being born, but that didn't stop them from keeping their eyes open for any signs of her true potential, as they were sure that being able to fly at a young age, without any lessons at all, meant that both Pan and Neferi had a great deal of power inside them. Despite that fact, however, Neferi seemed to be a bundle of energy and had fun playing with her toys, letting either Beerus or Chronoa read to her, or whatever else she wanted to do with her time, allowing the pair to smile and enjoy their time with their daughter, who would also seek out Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale whenever they came by to visit them.

Despite the fact that Rainbow and Applejack were gods, and Gale was growing to be a powerful warrior in her own right, Neferi recognized them as her siblings straight away every time they came to visit, and both Beerus and Chronoa had to smile when they watched their children, all of them, having fun, regardless of how old they were, as it gave them time to bond and to have fun.

One of the things that they discovered was that the call that had caused Rainbow and the others to leave after Neferi was born, about a new threat being discovered in their universe, was only partly correct, as the person they had been called in to deal with wasn't the true threat, rather the person was trying to stop the threat from occurring. Rainbow had determined that Ratchet, Starlight, Chrysalis, and their allies could deal with the threat on their own and had left them to their own devices, while also promising that if the situation changed she'd come back and see what was really going on, and maybe deal with the threat herself. As it turned out she wasn't needed in the slightest, as Ratchet's group was able to assist the person in finding a way to seal whatever they had been fighting against, as Rainbow had no information on the true identity of the threat, but she was happy to see that her friends were capable of protecting the universe and then returned to Equus with the rest of her group. Beerus and Chronoa then learned that nothing had really changed since the end of the tournament, as the planet Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale called home, despite making some changes for the better, had remained the same, and the last villain that had shown their face, a ram by the name of Grogar, had been wiped out by Chrysalis during her last visit to her home planet, making her home safe once more.

During one of their visits Rainbow revealed that she and Applejack had found a gift from Sunset lingering in the space of their universe, not even a few minutes away from Equus and was far enough away that the rest of the planet wouldn't be terrified of a new world appearing so close to them. The gift, as it turned out, was the official type of planet that a God of Destruction lived on and shaped the upper part to fit their needs, just like Beerus had a temple and Caulifa, who was finishing her renovations of her own planet, had crafted a nice house, a cross between the type of houses she was used to living in and a palace, for her and Kale to live in, as well as a training area outside her new home. Rainbow, on the other hand, was running some ideas by Twilight, since she had the power to shape her new domain in the style that she wanted, and they hadn't agreed on anything yet, but they both admitted that they might come to a decision soon, which meant they could get started on shaping it that much sooner. Beerus wasn't surprised that Sunset would correct this mistake, as all of the other universes had a planet that their Kaioshin ruled from, which Twilight had found and passed on to Applejack when she became Rainbow's Angel, and they also had a planet that the God of Destruction ruled from, so this was just Sunset's way of making sure everything was in order.

When Neferi was a little older, and was capable of learning some of the words that were in her books, Chronoa eased her into learning how to read on her own, how to write, and helped her with her words, along with some of the other basic skills that any kid should know, while Beerus assisted in whatever way he could. In addition to that they also spent some time on Earth, because despite the fact that she was the daughter of two gods both Beerus and Chronoa agreed that she needed some friends that were close to her age, even though Pan and Bulla were the only ones that she could really hang out with right now. Interestingly enough they discovered that all three of the young kids were capable of flight, which did come as a surprise to Vegeta and Bulma when they found out that their little Bulla could fly, especially when they watched as all three of the little ones were flying around Capsule Corp, but that just told Beerus that all three of them had to be powerful in their own right. Goku, who came to visit them whenever they came to Earth, was happy to watch Neferi and the others, though at the same time Beerus knew that the Saiyan wanted to ask if he could spar with his daughter, but seemed to have learned a lesson and was holding back, waiting until she was older, before asking the question.

Beerus had to admit that it would be interesting to see what would happen if Neferi and Goku actually fought, but for right now he was focused on raising his daughter with Chronoa and making sure she had all the love and affection that she could possibly need.

For the most part the next couple of years went by without anything major happening in the universe, as no villains had appeared and Frieza ensured that the minor threats were wiped out before they did anything that would require Beerus to deal with them, allowing him and Chronoa to enjoy their time with Neferi. Besides flying at a young age, which was impressive, they were overjoyed when Neferi said her first word, even though it was 'Da' and it was followed by her second word 'Ma', and that was only the start of the various things that their daughter did over the years. It wasn't long before she was actually walking around her room or the living area, the areas of the temple she was allowed to practice in due to her age, and that was only followed by her learning how to walk without falling and crying, which caused the pair to smile as they watched their daughter learn and improve, either on her own or with their assistance. The only interesting part that the pair noticed was that, despite the ability to fly, Neferi didn't display any other skills, like manipulating her ki and firing blasts at the various rocks and trees that Whis could repair in a few seconds, but they knew that, in due time, that would change and they'd be teaching her how to wield her inner power.

When Neferi was five years old, and could read, walk, and talk just fine, both Beerus and Chronoa determined that it was time that they ventured out into the multiverse and introduce their daughter to the rest of the Gods of Destruction, so they would know that something new had happened to the multiverse, as well as introduce Neferi to the beings that Beerus was used to working with, in a sense. Once they came to that decision, and they both agreed on it, Whis went ahead and started contacting the other Angels, to set up a date where the group could visit the various universes and meet the other Gods of Destruction, though while he did that Beerus and Chronoa got their daughter ready for what was going to be the first big adventure of her life. In the past, when she was younger, they would have dressed Neferi up before heading out, but this time around she walked out of her room wearing a dark blue pair of shorts, with a hole in the backside for her tail to slip through, and a purple shirt, though she did have a smile on her face. They assumed that it was due to the fact that they were going to meet the other Gods of Destruction, as she was used to seeing Caulifla and Rainbow in the past, her family members of course, and they were interested in seeing how the other Destroyer Gods reacted to their daughter.

"Beerus, I have gotten permission from the Angels and Gods of Destruction of Universe 1 through 12, as well as 19, for you, Chronoa, Neferi, and myself to visit their universes," Whis commented, where Beerus and Chronoa turned towards him for a moment, as they had been focused on making sure that their daughter was ready, but they were happy to see that the other gods were willing to let them visit them, "they have also expressed an interest in meeting Neferi, since the majority of them are unfamiliar with her and are wondering who she is. The gods of Universe 13 through 18 are apparently going to be busy for the next few days, so that's why they didn't say yes as well."

"I figured that would happen." Chronoa said, as she knew that the other gods would be interested in meeting their daughter, even though it sounded like Whis might not have told them that key fact and a few of the smarter gods might have figured it out for themselves, but she was surprised a few were busy for some time, before she turned her head to the side for a moment, "Neferi, are you ready to meet the other gods?"

"Yes mom!" Neferi replied, where she stopped messing with her shirt and walked over to where her parents were standing, as she had been told about this event and had been looking forward to it for a long time, especially since this was going to be her first time visiting all of the other universes that existed in their multiverse.

Chronoa smiled, as Neferi was so sweet and carefree, though at the same time she was around the same height that Rainbow and Applejack were when they first landed on this world, all those years ago, something that both she and Beerus would remember for as long as they lived, as it started them down a path they never through they would travel, and she was happy to have walked it with the love of her life. Since Neferi was ready, and excited to see the other universes and their gods, both she and Beerus got up from where they were sitting and followed their daughter outside the temple, even though she was following Whis at the moment, who had a smile on his face as well. Normally Shin would be with them, but he was actually busy at the moment, possibly seeding part of the universe to create new planets in the future, so he was going to find out about their trip, and the reactions of the other gods, when the group got back from their adventure. The moment the four of them were outside the temple, and they were all ready to go, Whis surrounded them with the barrier sphere that he had gotten used to using for the larger groups, as he didn't need it when it was just him and Beerus, before they burst into the air, breached the atmosphere, and headed off in the direction of Universe 1, as they were planning on hitting the universes in order, even though they were going to surprise Goku with a surprise visit when they made their way back to their universe.

As they traveled through space Chronoa found that Neferi was interested in all the planets that they were flying by, regardless of whether or not they were capable of sustaining life, since she wasn't familiar with the roles of a universe's Kaioshin and God of Destruction, but she said nothing as her daughter enjoyed the sights they were seeing.

Thanks to that it didn't feel like the journey took very long, which Whis' speed helped with, and before they knew it they were heading down to the planet that was Iwne's home, where Neferi noticed that the area was flat and seemed to center around a golden temple, one that had a golden statue of a four armed creature she didn't recognize. Standing at the front of the temple were a pair of beings that she recognized from the images that Whis had shown her, as the short dwarf-like person was Iwne, the God of Destruction for Universe 1, and the large blue skinned person next to him was Awamo, the Angel that assisted Iwne and trained him to master his powers. Despite the fact that she couldn't see his mouth, or most of his facial features, Neferi assumed that Iwne was excited to see who was coming to his planet, since he clearly knew her father, mother, and Whis, and she hoped that he didn't hate her, otherwise she was sure that her father would have words with his fellow God of Destruction. It only took a few moments for them to touch down on the path that lead to where Iwne was standing, though as soon as they touched the path Whis dismissed the barrier and the group walked forward, where they all smiled as Iwne and Beerus grasped hands, because with the new order to work together all of the gods were much friendlier than they had been in the past.

"Beerus, it's good to see you again," Iwne said, because the last time he and Beerus had been on the same planet it had been when he was offering the gods of the lower ranked universes some tips on how to improve their mortal levels, so they didn't face being replaced in the future, when the next check up meeting happened, "I hear that you, Whis, and Chronoa are going on a tour of the multiverse and that you had someone you wanted all the Gods of Destruction to meet, even though Whis didn't tell us who this person was."

"That, Iwne, is because he didn't want to ruin the surprise," Beerus replied, as Whis had changed over the years since Rainbow and Applejack landed on his planet, just like he, Chronoa, and Shin had changed since that fateful day, before he gestured towards Neferi, "Allow me to introduce our daughter, Neferi."

"Daughter?" Awamo inquired, though at the same time Iwne reached down and appeared to smile as Neferi politely bowed her head to his God of Destruction, showing him that Beerus and Chronoa had spent a good amount of time teaching her how to be respectful.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Neferi." Iwne said, though while he knew why his Angel sounded a little nervous, as this was the first child of a Destroyer God in the history of the multiverse, one that had to be powerful considering the power that Beerus could wield, but he had the feeling that good things would come from this, "Congratulations you two. How old is she now?"

"I'm five!" Neferi answered, as she was capable of answering questions on her own, even though the majority of them would be left to her mother and father, but at the same time she was enjoying herself, as it was fun to meet the other Gods of Destruction and see how they reacted to her presence.

"Is that so?" Iwne inquired, because it was interesting to think about, that she was already five years old and that this was the first time he and the other gods were finding out about her, but he was happy for Beerus and Chronoa, as it was clear that they loved each other and that Neferi would grow to be a fine young lady in no time, "Well then, I look forward to hearing more about you and what you do with your life, as it's not every day that a child of a God of Destruction is born into the multiverse."

Beerus knew that a few of the other Gods of Destruction might be worried about Neferi and her latent power, which they hadn't tapped into yet, because she was his daughter and he was supposedly one of the strongest Destroyer Gods out there, even though Rainbow and Caulifla had definitely knocked him down a peg or two, and that's after witnessing the power that Sunset wielded, before becoming the Queen of All. Thinking about that made him realize that, at some point in the near future, he was going to have to visit Sunset's palace and introduce his daughter to the Queen of All, even if she likely knew of Neferi's existence at this point, but for right now he and the others were focused on what they were doing, which was leaving since Iwne, unfortunately, had a matter he had to tend to and had taken a few minutes out of his busy schedule to let them visit him. He understood that being a God of Destruction meant that Iwne would be busy dealing with threats to his universe, blowing up a planet if necessary, or chatting with his Kaioshin to see if there was something they needed to do to improve their mortal level, and he wasn't about to put Iwne behind, so he and his group bid the gods of Universe 1 farewell before Whis surrounded them with his barrier and burst into the sky so they could begin the journey towards their next destination, Universe 2.

While they traveled between the universes, however, Chronoa did spend a bit of their time telling Neferi about the other universes and what she knew about all of them, as in what they were known for, giving their daughter a chance to learn about the places they were visiting, even if their visits were only going to be for a few minutes.

Thanks to Whis' speed they were able to make good time reaching Heles' planet in Universe 2, which had a temple that was in the style of an Egyptian palace, and, as they expected, the God of Destruction for this universe was waiting outside her temple, also appearing to be eager to see who was coming to her planet. Despite the fact that all the gods were becoming much friendlier with each other there were some who still held a grudge towards him, mostly for what he did during Zeno's hide and seek event a long time ago, so Beerus was surprised that Heles even agreed to this, but at the same time he was sure that she was going to be surprised by who she was going to meet. Sour, on the other hand, did seem much more interested in the short meeting, since he knew that Beerus had changed and had a loving wife, so he might have an idea of what was going on, but he and Heles said nothing as their sphere landed on the walkway, allowing Whis to dispel it so he and the others could approach the gods of this universe. As Beerus expected he spotted a frown on Heles' face the moment she laid eyes on him, something that disappeared after a few seconds, but he decided to pay it no mind as his group came to a stop near their newest host, who would want them gone the moment they were done here, so she could get back to whatever she had been doing earlier.

"Beerus, it's nice to see you again." Heles said, though Beerus knew sarcasm when he heard it, as Heles didn't like him and wanted him gone before something ended up being blown apart, but fortunately they were only going to be here for a few minutes and then they would be off to Universe 3, "Sour told me that you had someone that I, as well as the other Gods of Destruction, should meet... who were you referring to?"

"Our daughter, Neferi." Beerus replied, where he and Chronoa glanced at their daughter for a moment, causing Heles to raise her eyebrow as she focused on Neferi, who smiled and waved at her, showing Heles that she was friendly and that she was only here to meet the Destroyer Gods.

"Hi!" Neferi said, though she did make sure to bow, as she could tell that Heles and her father might not be the best of friends and didn't want to set one of them off on accident, which would likely result in the pair tearing this world apart if they got into a fight.

"...you have a daughter..." Heles stated, where Beerus could see that her mind was thinking about what she was seeing at the moment, though that was when a smile appeared on her face as she took in Neferi's hair, which had grown out over the years and reached the back of her neck, "At least she inherited Chronoa's beauty."

"I'm sure she did." Beerus said, which seemed to surprise Heles for a moment, since he wasn't usually interested in things like this, but after seeing Chronoa's true form, and allowing her to gain the confidence to use it all the time, without using her true power, he was sure that Neferi would be stunning when she was an adult, which was really what his comment was referring to, her future beauty, while not being confined to her current appearance.

That comment really stunned Heles, as she thought about it for a minute or two, before excusing herself as she turned around and headed back into her palace, where Sour shook his head and headed after her, no doubt because Heles couldn't believe that such a beautiful kid was Beerus' daughter. Normally Beerus would have laughed at that, since it wasn't everyday that Heles was so upset over something like this, but instead of sticking around he beckoned to Whis once more, who summoned the barrier around them and lifted them into the air, allowing them to head to Universe 3. While they were traveling he and Chronoa had to make sure Neferi wasn't angry or upset over what had happened, and told her that Heles was of the opinion that Beerus was someone she considered to be ugly, even if there wasn't anything wrong with how he looked, but to their surprise she wasn't upset at all, rather she found it funny that one of the gods felt that she was beautiful, especially since she wasn't fully grown yet. Whis also found it amusing that Heles acted that way, as she considered herself to be the most beautiful creature in the multiverse, but said nothing as they made their way into the next universe and headed straight for the location of Mule's planet.

What surprised Beerus, as well as the others, was that the planet that Mule ruled from looked like a large factory of some kind, which made sense when he thought about what this universe was known for, and when they landed near the entrance of the main building, the 'temple' he found a small red imp working on a new robot, no doubt the next one he intended on using, to replace the old one.

"Lord Mule, you're visitors are here." Camparri said, as he was standing just outside the workshop and bowed his head as Beerus' group came to a stop near the door, which gave him the chance to inform his God of Destruction of the guests they had been expecting since he got the message earlier.

"Hold on a second, I've got one last thing I need to do." Mule replied, which didn't surprise Beerus, as Mule was one of the geniuses of his universe and his personal robots were capable of channeling the power of Destruction without being ripped apart from the inside out, though not a few seconds later they heard the sound of tools dropping as he jumped into the cockpit of his new robot.

Beerus raised his eyebrow for a moment as a tall robot, almost the same height of the old one, Mosco, stepped out of the workshop and approached them, though instead of being bulky and massive in the stomach area this one was built more lean, like an actual person was, and it wore the complete set of attire that a God of Destruction wore... though the circular cockpit that Mule sat in, which was located in the stomach of Mosco, was mirrored on this robot, as the hatch was open and Mule was staring at them.

"Yes, it's complete! I present to you the Mosco Mark VI!" Mule exclaimed, apparently pleased with his work, as every movement he had a command for seemed to be working just fine, and Beerus could see that he was happy to have a group to show it to, especially since he'd have to present his new look to Lady Sunset in the near future.

"What happened to the first through fifth?" Neferi asked, as she understood that this robot was the sixth one in the set that Mule had created, but from the looks of the workshop there weren't any other creations that looked like this robot, hence the reason for her question.

"I retired the Mark I through V when they were no longer needed," Mule replied, though at the same time he tapped a few keys and the robot went still, allowing him to climb out of the cockpit and touch down on the floor for a moment, as he likely had a few tests he needed to run and would do them later, once his guests were gone, "I actually keep them in a special room in my temple, instead of just breaking them down into scrap metal like someone else would do, and one day, if I'm still the God of Destruction for this universe in a few million years, I'll eventually retire the Mark VI for the Mark VII, which would be an even better robot than this one. So, Beerus, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"Whis, Chronoa, and I are touring the multiverse, introducing our daughter to the other Gods of Destruction," Beerus stated, though at the same time he crouched, like he was talking to a kid, and rubbed Neferi's hair for a second, which let Mule focus on who he was referring to, "Mule, this is Neferi."

"You two had a child?" Mule asked, as that wasn't something that he was expecting to hear, though at the same time he thought about what he had seen of the pair, whenever they gathered before the previous ruler of the multiverse, Zeno, not to mention his future counterpart, before coming to their new ruler, Sunset Shimmer, only for him to determine that this was the next logical step, "Well then, congratulations are in order. Neferi, I can already tell that you are going to be one of the smartest beings in your universe, when you're older anyway, and I think that you'll make everything much more interesting for everyone."

Beerus honestly wasn't expecting that sort of reaction, though he was happy that Mule actually liked Neferi, because that gave him some hope that the other Gods of Destruction would react the same way, even though he knew how Caulifla and Rainbow were going to react. Mule, knowing that they had a few more universes to visit before they went back home, climbed back into the new Mosco robot and had it stand up once more, before wishing them the best of luck, where the group wished him luck in getting used to his new robot, and as they departed from the planet they watched as Mule walked back into the workshop and set the robot on the table it had been sitting on, no doubt to do some fine tuning before it became his new suit. Neferi, on the other hand, was happy to see that another god was happy to see her, one that actually seemed to like having her around based on what little she had heard from him, but Beerus was happy to see his daughter being accepted by the other Gods of Destruction, with a varying levels of success so far, and he had the feeling that the remaining gods would be interested in meeting his daughter as well. Chronoa and Whis seemed to be happy with what they had seen so far, and were happy with how Neferi seemed to be reacting with the other gods, so they had the feeling that the rest of the Destroyer Gods would be around the same opinions, meaning that Neferi would have a number of friends in the very near future.

As they headed towards Universe 4, however, Beerus had to wonder what the new temple would look like, as he heard a rumor that Quitela's home was in the style of a mouse hole, which made sense considering the former god in question, so he was curious as to what Al'Drouwn had done to Quitela's former temple.

When they reached Universe 4 they discovered that the new temple was above ground, as it should be, and that it was around the same height as the previous temples they had seen, though there was a few rivers around the temple and a few statues, made out of stone, that seemed to mimic Al'Drouwn's appearance. It didn't take them long to touch down on the ground outside the temple Beerus noticed that the new God of Destruction for this universe was standing near one of the rivers and had his eyes closed, though that was where things got interesting as they watched him. Al'Drouwn raised his hands and the water around him seemed to ripple, before some strands of water broke out of the rivers and wrapped around him, revealing that part of his power allowed him to control the various sources of water, which only made Beerus wonder what else he could do. Cognac, who was standing nearby, actually seemed happy with what was going on at the moment, as in the fact that his new God of Destruction was far better than Quitela had ever been, and unlike the other Angels, who had announced the arrival of Beerus and his group, Al'Drouwn let the water settle down and lowered his arms, where he turned towards them as they touched down and opened his eyes as Whis dismissed his barrier.

"Ah, Lord Beerus, I am honored that you would want to visit my planet," Al'Drouwn commented, though his tone told Neferi that, despite his terrifying appearance due to the octopus tentacles on his face, he was actually quite friendly and he was interested in what his senior god wanted with this visit.

"Please Al'Drouwn, we're equals now," Beerus replied, as he knew that the being in front of him had been a mortal for quite a long period of time, so much so that he was used to using the proper titles when talking to a God of Destruction, a Kaioshin, or even an Angel, and that it would take some time before he snapped out of that habit, "you don't have to use a title when talking to me."

"I understand, it's just hard to kick my old habits." Al'Drouwn said, his tone showing that he was happy that Beerus wasn't upset with his slip up, especially since it was so minor when he thought about it, before he grew serious and returned to what had interested him when Cognac announced this visit, "Now then, Cognac said that you guys had something that you wanted me and the other Gods of Destruction to meet?"

"Yes we did. This is Neferi, our daughter." Chronoa answered, where she reached down and rubbed her daughter's head for a moment, though at the same time Al'Drouwn glanced down at her as well, clearly surprised that the pair had a child, but that was to be expected, since he didn't know them as much as the other gods did.

"Interesting, my lessons indicate that there has never been a child of a God of Destruction before this point in time," Al'Drouwn commented, showing that he knew what the other Destroyer Gods knew, even if he wasn't as experienced as the others, before he shook his head and focused on Neferi, which what could be a smile on his face, "regardless of that fact, it is very nice to meet you Neferi. I look forward to hearing more about you, once you grow up and start following your heart, as I'm sure it will lead you to great things."

Neferi smiled and nodded her head, showing that she sort of understood what Al'Drouwn was talking about, even if she'd truly understand when she was older than she was right now, but Beerus said nothing as the god in front of them revealed that he had been using his water to communicate with the leader of his home world, in case something was happening while he was away, but so far nothing was going on. Al'Drouwn also revealed that he had dealt with a few of the threats that Quitela had left behind, as he determined that his predecessor kept them around because they were useful to him, as well as destroy a few planets that needed to be taken care of, but for the most part his time involved meditating and watching his universe for problems. While all of this was interesting, and it was since they were learning about what Al'Drouwn did with his time, Beerus knew that the god's tone revealed that, while he was happy to entertain them for some time, what he had been doing when they arrived was incredibly important, meaning that something might be happening on his home planet, so he let Al'Drouwn get back to what he had been doing, before he and his group burst into the air and departed from yet another universe, allowing them to head to Universe 5 next.

Fortunately it didn't take them a long time to reach the next universe in the line, though as they entered Universe 5 Whis took them to a familiar planet that had a large dirty brown temple that was in the middle of everything, though as they got close Beerus heard the sounds of a waterfall and found Arack standing near the area that Whis was going to have them land in.

"Beerus, this is quite the surprise," Arack said, as it was unusual that Beerus would be the one to ask the other Gods of Destruction if he, Whis, and Chronoa could visit their domain, even if it was for a short period of time, before he noticed that there was someone else with the group of gods, someone that seemed excited to be here, "Who is this little one? Is she the strongest mortal in your universe now?"

"Honestly, we don't know how strong she is yet," Beerus replied, as they had been focusing on teaching Neferi the basics that every kid her age learned, where he and Chronoa found their daughter was smart enough to follow what they were teaching her, before returning to the other question he had been asked, "but, to answer your other question, this is Neferi, our daughter."

"Really, you two finally crossed that bridge?" Arack inquired, though as Beerus nodded his head, confirming that he and Chronoa finally had a child, Arack nodded, showing that he must have seen this coming and that he know knew the reason behind their visit, to let Neferi meet the other Gods of Destruction, "Well then, Neferi, it's an honor to meet you, and I'm incredibly interested in seeing what you do in the future, since it seems that you're incredibly powerful for someone so young... you might have surpassed the strongest mortal in your father's universe."

Neferi, despite having a smile on her face, knew that there were actually three strong mortals in their universe, two happened to live on Earth and another was constantly changing where they lived, but she was happy to see that another God of Destruction was being friendly towards her, even if Arack felt that she would surpass all of the mortals in their universe, something she had never thought about. Even though he knew that they had to leave, for the other universes, Arack told them that he had been sitting in the middle of his temple, behind the waterfall to be exact, and had been meditating, since he hadn't detected any threats since the check up meeting, but that didn't stop him from doing his duties, as he kept his eyes on his universe and assisted his Kaioshin in maintaining balance. Beerus was happy to hear that things were going good for him, since that meant good things for his universe, and quickly allowed the god to get back to what he was doing, which was followed by Whis surrounding them with his barrier and sent them back into the sky, while at the same time Arack waved at them as they left, before returning to his meditation as they headed towards their next destination, which was Universe 6.

This time around Beerus knew how Caulifla would react when they arrived, as she liked spending time with Neferi when she, Vados, and Kale came to visit, and he was interested in seeing her new temple in person, though as they entered their next destination he quickly spotted the world they were heading towards... where they discovered a decent sized building that was a cross between a house and a palace, with a training area nearby, which just so happened to be where Caulifla was standing.

"Aunt Caulifla!" Neferi said, waiting for them to land near the training area before rushing forward the moment the barrier fell apart, where Beerus watched as Caulifla and Kale, who had been in the middle of training with Vados, stop what they were doing before turning towards them.

"Neferi, it's good to see you again." Caulifla replied, where she opened her arms and let Neferi jump into her arms, because she was happy to be considered Beerus' little sister and was accepted as such by his daughter, even if she had no relation to the little one that was in her arms, who she set down after they hugged each other, "Have you been enjoying your adventure across the multiverse?"

"So far the other gods have been nice." Neferi answered, as she liked the fact that the other Gods of Destruction had been so nice to her, despite their personal opinions and relationships with her parents, before she looked around the area that they had landed in with some interest in her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Kale and I have been training with Vados, to improve our skills and power." Caulifla stated, though at the same time Neferi's comment told her that Beerus and Chronoa were going a different route with their daughter, that instead of jumping into training when she was four, like they did for Rainbow and Applejack, they were letting her get older before they started whatever training they had planned for the future.

"So cool!" Neferi said, showing that she liked the idea of doing what Caulifla and Kale had been doing when her group arrived on this planet, though at the same time she could only imagine doing something like that in the future, whenever her parents let her start training anyway.

"So, when are you starting her training?" Kale asked, because she knew that it was only a matter of time until Beerus and Chronoa starting teaching Neferi how to harness her power, though, at the same time, she also knew that Caulifla was interested in seeing what sort of power her niece had inside her.

"To be honest, we haven't decided yet." Beerus admitted, though now, after seeing how his daughter reacted to seeing Caulifla and Kale train with Vados, and appearing to be very excited over what she had seen, meant that they might want to change that answer, especially since he was also curious as to what sort of power Neferi had, "But, after hearing what a few of the other gods have said, we might be changing that in the very near future."

"Well, if you want a training partner that isn't Whis or your father, let me know." Caulifla stated, as she knew that Neferi might be one of the greatest warriors she had met, even if she had no idea how strong she was, and she was excited to see her niece grow into her power.

Neferi nodded, letting Caulifla know that she would consider the offer, before Vados stepped forward and told them that she found something that needed to be taken care of, where Caulifla sighed and nodded her head, where she watched as Beerus and his group departed from her planet before she, Vados, and Kale did the same thing, only heading in a different direction.

One would assume that they would have skipped their home universe and head to Universe 8 next, but, since they wanted to visit Goku before heading to Liquiir's universe, Whis directed them to the version of Earth that their friends lived on and focused on the area that Goku was currently in. At the same time Beerus knew that seeing Caulifla and Kale sparring with each other, as in throwing a few punches and kicks at their training partner, had inspired Neferi and that they might be starting her training much sooner than they had originally planned. There was also the fact that they might arrive while Goku was in the middle of training, either practicing with Vegeta or with any of his family members, so he guessed that Neferi would have been excited either way, so he started thinking about what sort of training he and Whis could put his daughter through, without hurting her in the process. Being the daughter of a God of Destruction likely meant that she could withstand the nature of training in general, especially when he considered that the Saiyans used to send their babies out to the other worlds around them, allowing them to grow through constant battle, so he guessed that Neferi would be able to resist the training as well, making him interested in what the future held.

When they finally reached Earth a few minutes later, however, Whis brought them down to an area that was near the house that Goku and Chi Chi lived in, though at the same time they discovered that Goku was near where they landed, only he was in the middle of training with two little girls. Both of the girls were around Neferi's height, though one of them was dressed up in the same type of gi that Goku, Gohan, and Goten wore, even if Gohan only wore his when he had to fight someone or protect their universe from being erased, while the second girl was wearing a red shirt and the same colored pants, only she had a small white version of the Saiyan armor over her chest. The attire was more than enough for Beerus to realize that the gi wearing girl, who had black hair, was Pan, Gohan's daughter, and that the armor wearing girl, who had blue hair, was Bulla, Vegeta and Bulma's second child, though it appeared that the pair was in the middle of training with Goku, with Vegeta and the others standing off to the side. By others he meant that Piccolo, Gohan, Videl, Bulma, Chi chi, Goten, and Trunks were standing near Vegeta, watching the young girls train with Goku, though at the same time he had the feeling that Vegeta was helping every now and then, when he saw something that needed to be change or something that needed to be corrected.

Goku was able to block the incoming attacks from Pan and Bulla, which came in the form of punches, before smiling as he pushed them backwards, showing that they had much more to learn before he could teach them the higher level techniques and abilities that he had picked up... but, instead of continuing what he was doing, the group spotted Beerus' group and stopped what they were doing, so they could greet their new guests.

"Lord Beerus, this is quite the surprise." Vegeta commented, though at the same time he and the majority of the group bowed their heads for a moment, because despite the fact that they were friends with the God of Destruction for their universe, on a variety of levels, they also knew to be respectful towards him whenever he visited them, "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

"We're touring the multiverse, letting Neferi meet the other Gods of Destruction," Beerusa replied, where he gestured to his daughter for a moment, who smiled and waved at the people that she knew from the various times she had visited Earth in the past, before focusing on the warriors in front of him, "Caulifla's a little disappointed in me, since we haven't started Neferi's training yet, but when we get home, after visiting the rest of the universes, Chronoa and I intend to figure out a good training program for her, just to help her control whatever powers she has."

"Well, would it be okay if I let her spar against me for a minute or two?" Goku inquired, because it sounded like Beerus and Chronoa had no idea just how powerful their daughter was, meaning Neferi hadn't fought anyone since Bulma attempted to read her power when she was born, so by doing this he could give them an idea on what sort of training to give Neferi when they got home.

Beerus would have said no, since there was no reason for this to really happen, but when he noticed how excited Neferi was to actually fight against someone, instead of catching bits and pieces of him training with Whis to keep his skills intact, he sighed and nodded his head. That, in turn, caused Goku to grin as he moved further away from the building that he and the girls had been practicing near, where Neferi followed after him while Pan and Bulla rejoined their families, as this was the first time that anyone would see the daughter of Beerus and Chronoa fight and they were eager to see what would happen next. Beerus didn't know what to expect, since it seemed incredibly one sided regardless of how someone looked at the fight, because while Goku was incredibly strong, and had a lot more experience, Neferi was the daughter of a God of Destruction, so there was no telling just how much potential rested inside her body. Whis, thankfully, stood near the pair, to act as a referee of sorts, no doubt to make sure that the battle lasted for a minute or two like Goku said and to prevent either of them from being seriously harmed, though he did call up a barrier around the viewers, just to be on the safe side since there was no telling what would happen next.

"Since this is your first time fighting someone, I'll let you have the first attack." Goku said, because it would give him the chance to see just how strong Neferi was for himself, while also giving Beerus the chance to see his daughter's strength as well, and he could tell that Piccolo, at the very least, thought he was insane for doing this, before shifted his stance and beckoned for Neferi to come at him.

Neferi nodded her head and rushed up to where Goku was standing, as in she vanished from where she had been standing a second ago and appeared a step or two in front of her foe, where she raised her right hand and punched Goku right in the chest... which sent the Saiyan flying backwards through the air as he collided into a massive boulder that was near their training area, blowing the entire thing apart in the process, before coming to a stop after crashing into the side of a large tree, one that fell down after he struck it.

"...maybe I should have held back..." Neferi commented, though as everyone looked between her and the area that Goku had stopped in, and took in the wrecked ground that showed the path that Goku had traveled along, she noticed that they were all shocked by what they had seen, even though she was shocked by her own strength as well.

"What incredible strength..." Piccolo said, though as he said that everyone headed over to where Goku was laying, as he was still alive despite the damage his body had taken, which meant it was a good thing he had picked up a few Senzu Beans on the way here, just in case something happened to Goku, Pan, or Bulla.

"You're telling me." Goku moaned, where he let Piccolo place one of the beans in his mouth, allowing him to chew on it for a few seconds before swallowing it, restoring his body to what it had been before Neferi punched him, which let him sit up and look at the group for a few seconds, and that included his opponent, "Wow, you're really strong for your age... I'm kind of interested in seeing what you're capable of when you actually have some training."

"Interestingly enough she gave you a power boost by beating you into that state," Vegeta added, as he could tell that Kakarot's power was now much greater than it had been moments ago, before the bean had been given to him and his wounds had been healed, which spoke volumes of the power that Neferi commanded.

"I can do the same to you if you like." Neferi said, because from what she knew from her lessons a Saiyan's power grew when they recovered from near death experiences, or recovered from a massive beating like this, and it sounded like Vegeta might be worried that she had just put his friend on a higher level than he was.

Vegeta paused for a moment, as it was one thing to fight Neferi before knowing what her power was like and it was another thing to challenge her after having seen Kakarot so easily beaten, from a single attack, but even as he considered that he knew they had a few more Senzu Beans on them, and he could tell that Neferi was being serious. As such he had the others move out of the forest that Kakarot had been thrown into and waited for Whis to summon a barrier around them, allowing him to face Beerus' daughter in an open area without worrying about endangering anyone else with what he had in mind. The fatal flaw in his friend's 'fight' was that he let Neferi attack first, but since he had an idea of her speed and power, both of which were amazing for a five year old that had no training, his plan was simple, lash out at her before she had the chance to fight back, allowing him to best her before anything happened to him. As such the moment Whis called for this battle to start Vegeta summoned his base aura, as he believed that Super Saiyan and the other forms weren't necessary against Beerus' daughter, and rushed towards where his opponent was standing, no doubt watching him and his movements. What happened next was that Neferi, instead of attacking him, jumped and moved herself so she could dodge his attack, like any reasonable opponent would do, but then she followed that up by raising her right leg into the air and brought it down on his back, causing a large crater to form in the ground around them, one that he crashed into the middle of a few seconds later.

"Two Saiyans, in their base forms, defeated so easily..." Piccolo commented, though this time around he felt a little sweat rolling down the side of his head, because if this was Neferi's strength, without any training at all, he could only imagine how much stronger she would be when Beerus and Whis actually trained her, "...she's incredible..."

Beerus had to agree with Piccolo, that Neferi was incredible and that she needed to learn how to wield the power that was just waiting for her to tap into it, though even as he thought about that Piccolo gave Vegeta one of the other Senzu Beans, allowing his wounds to heal and his power to rise to the level that Goku's was at.

"Interesting. A five year old with the power to take down both Goku and Vegeta, while they're in their base forms." a voice said, though as soon as the being spoke Beerus and his fellow gods turned and knelt before Sunset, who had suddenly appeared near the area that they were in, no doubt to see what the big deal was, and the rest of their friends did the same thing a few seconds later, "What's her name?"

"It's Neferi, Lady Sunset." Beerus replied, though while he knew that Sunset had likely seen Neferi the moment she had been born, since she was capable of observing whatever happened in her multiverse, he also knew that it was best to answer the question.

"Is that so?" Sunset inquired, where she smiled for a moment as she focused on Neferi, who happened to be staring up at her at the moment, before she rubbed her head the way she had seen Beerus and Chronoa do over the years, which made Neferi smile as well, "She's got incredible potential, for someone so young... I look forward to seeing what she's able to accomplish in the future."

Beerus had nothing to say to that, as now that he knew how strong his daughter was, without any guidance, he now understood that they needed to train her to master her powers, before she accidentally lashed out at something and blew whatever was bothering her away. Sunset's statement informed him that she was only here to see Neferi when she tested her abilities against Goku and Vegeta, reflecting her surprise at seeing them being bested so easily in their base forms, but she said nothing as she let her energy flow around her, before departing from the area. With that taken care of, and any training being cancelled for the day, Beerus decided that they had already had enough excitement and had Whis contact the remaining Angels of the universes they hadn't been to, so they could reschedule those visits on a day when the other six that had been busy had time for them to come over and introduce Neferi to them. Whis nodded his head before contacting the universes they hadn't visited yet, informing them of the change to Beerus' plans before appologizing for cancelling the visits like this, but, interestingly enough, the other gods were just fine with it, since it appeared that a few things had come up in the other universes, so the visits would have been cancelled anyway. Beerus was surprised by that piece of information, but at the same time it meant that none of the other gods would hold this over his head, since they would have had to cancel on him eventually, before returning to what he was thinking about, since he knew that it was time for him and Whis to start Neferi's training.

After seeing his daughter in action, for a few moments anyway, he knew that she was going to grow up to be an incredibly powerful warrior, one that could rival, or even surpass, Jiren or Rainbow, and that he was interested in seeing what the future held for Neferi.

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