• Published 21st Jan 2019
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Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer, Celestia, and Twilight Sparkle attend a meeting at Lord Zeno's palace, unaware that the ultimate battle between multiple universes was about to begin... and that they might be dragged into the battle as well.

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Aftermath: The Evil Wizard

Goku and Vegeta separated from each other as their last attacks failed to hit their mark, where the two warriors touched down on the floor of the gravity chamber that resided inside the Capsule Corp building, as it was a place for them to so some light training, as Beerus' planet and the Saiyan afterlife were where they went when they wanted to blow off some steam and get serious. The date was six months after the end of the Tournament of Power, where they fought against Jiren and discovered the true power of Universe 19's warriors, showing them that there were many warriors out there that were far stronger than they were, while at the same time being five and a half months since the day they discovered Broly, the incredibly powerful Saiyan warrior that really didn't like fighting, thanks to what his father put him through. The pair were used to being the strongest mortals in all of Universe 7, with Rainbow and Applejack returning to their home universe, and they had been caught off guard by the sheer power that Broly possessed, as his latent abilities had allowed him to smash through most of their transformations, even forcing them to fuse into Gogeta and access Super Saiyan Blue to knock some sense into him. It had been quite the battle, one that transformed the landscape around them, but at the same time it revealed that they weren't the strongest warriors in their universe, rather there were some still lurking in the parts of the universe that hadn't been explored, and they knew it was only a matter of time until another showed up.

That was why they were training some more, not because of their Saiyan blood or anything, which is what Chi Chi liked to blame their desire for battle on, but rather because they both knew that there might be other dangerous beings out there that could best Super Saiyan Blue and their current level of strength, hence the reason they were training right now, to make themselves ready for whoever showed up next... though as Goku swung his fist at Vegeta, however, his friend raised his hand and caught the attack, while appearing distracted for a moment.

"Kakarot, do you feel that?" Vegeta asked, as he had sensed a powerful ki signature appear near their planet, at the edge of the atmosphere to be exact, and it had caused him to pause for a moment, though at the same time he felt who it was and seemed to relax a tiny bit as he let go of Goku's hand.

"Yeah, it's Frieza again, and he's with a number of unfamiliar signatures this time around." Goku replied, though he had been a little worried for a moment, as Vegeta was much more serious than he could ever be and he had wondered if a new threat had shown up while they were preparing for one, but if it was Frieza they could assume that he was bringing more soldiers down to his base or had new recruits for them to see, "I wonder what he wants this time."

"Vegeta, Goku, could you guys come outside for a moment?" a voice asked, though they both determined that it was Bulma's, which made sense since she was the only one home at the moment, as her father and mother were taking care of both Trunks and Bra right now.

Vegeta glanced at his friend for a moment, as Bulma asking to speak with them, right as they felt Frieza's energy above their planet, wasn't a coincidence, there was a reason why Frieza announced his arrival, to which the pair nodded their heads and shut down the gravity machine, before opening the door to the chamber they were in and walked out into the hallway, where Bulma was standing.

"What's going on?" Goku asked, because he was interested in what was going on at the moment and knew that Vegeta was interested as well, especially since Frieza was involved in some manner, though at the same time he was ready to use his Instant Transmission to get them to the ship before it landed, so he and Vegeta could intercept whoever was heading down to the planet's surface.

"I received a message a few minutes ago, and it's from Frieza." Bulma replied, though her tone revealed that it was a call that she had missed and that Frieza had left a message, no doubt hoping that she would check it before doing anything else, before she held her arm out and tapped on her wrist communicator, making the pair wonder what she had been doing that made her miss the call in the first place.

Bulma, I'd like to say that this is a social call, but, unfortunately, that's not the case. a voice said, showing that Frieza had recorded a brief message when he realized that Bulma hadn't answered his call, and his tone didn't sound annoyed at all, meaning that he was okay with her not answering, Something has happened at the prison that the Galactic Patrol controls and they need the help of a certain individual on Earth to take care of the threat they face, an individual that happens to be Majin Buu. Now, seeing how he's living with Hercule Satan these days, I'm positive that the man will try something when we, and by that I mean both myself and a squad from the Galactic Patrol, arrive on Earth to gather Buu, so I'd like you to ask Son Goku and Vegeta to meet us outside our destination and stop their acquaintance from doing anything stupid. The squad leader has promised me that he'll reveal what's going on once he and his fellow agents have Buu on their ship, as there might be a new threat to the universe and I'm sure Goku and Vegeta would jump at the chance to deal with whoever this threat is.

"That's where the message ends." Bulma said, where she lowered her arm and faced both her husband and one of her best friends, as she knew that if Frieza wanted them to aid him in stopping Hercule, or Mr. Satan as they called him, from doing something stupid then they might as well head out to his house, especially if there might be a new threat to their universe that the Galactic Patrol had been keeping hidden until whatever happened had occurred, "So, are you two going to go greet him, or should I tell him you aren't coming?"

"No, we'll go greet him at Mr. Satan's place." Vegeta stated, though at the same time Goku nodded his head at the same time, showing that they were in agreement, because if Frieza said that there was a new threat to their universe, one that the Galactic Patrol needed Buu for, they knew they had to see what was going on for themselves, "Kakarot, are you ready to get going?"

"Since we might be heading straight for a new threat to the universe, should we get some Senzu Beans before we head to Mr. Satan's place?" Goku asked, because based on what he knew, from the previous villains they had fought in the past, that they could be wrecked in a matter of seconds or have the fight of their lives that ended in them being smashed into the ground, which was when they needed the stamina restoring and wound healing beans, "I'm thinking that we should be prepared for whatever foe we might run into, especially if the Galactic Patrol thinks they need Buu."

"Good idea." Vegeta said, as they hadn't taken any Senzu Beans with them when they rushed to meet Broly when he and his father landed in the ice continent, and his friend had gone to get some after Broly had smashed the two of them into the ground, so his opinion was that they might as well be prepared for whatever was waiting for them.

Goku nodded his head and raised his fingers to his forehead, where he disappeared for a moment, leaving Vegeta to prepare for them heading to Mr. Satan's place so they could see what in the world was going on, before Goku returned with a small pouch, which contained a few Senzu Beans for them to use, before Vegeta grabbed onto his shoulder and they vanished once more, only to reappear outside Herculopolis, the mansion that Mr. Satan lived at. As the two of them glanced around the area, to see if they could find the person they were here to see, they spotted a man that had a decent amount of muscles, a black afro, mustache, and sideburns, though his brown gi was open in a v shape to reveal part of his chest, as he didn't really care who saw him like this. That was Mr. Satan, the person who watched over Buu and made sure that he was well taken care of, and the fact that he was outside, with a phone in his hand, indicated that Bulma had told him about the approaching group that was coming down to his house, though thinking about that caused Goku to glance up at the sky as a circular ship, almost like a ladybug in shape, appeared above them. The three of them stood there for a few moments as the ship descended towards the open courtyard that was in front of them, though when it landed they watched as the hatch opened and a ramp came out, only for Frieza to step out of the ship with another person.

The person standing next to Frieza was a young purple skinned humanoid creature that happened to be wearing a dark blue colored jumpsuit with orange stripes down the sides of the body, arm, and leg sections, and he had white gloves on with a set of boots with the same color, as well as two pieces over his ears that had to be communicators.

"Son Goku, Vegeta, thank you for coming so quickly," Frieza said, to which he and his new friend stopped when they reached the bottom of the ramp, while at the same time Goku noticed that a number of individuals remained inside the ship they had come out of, before Frieza beckoned to the man beside him, "Allow me to introduce Merus, one of the elite patrolmen of the Galactic Patrol, even though he's the number one among the elite. Merus, allow me to introduce two of Earth's greatest heroes, Son Goku and Vegeta, the same Saiyans that beat me on Namek all those years ago."

"It's a pleasure to meet the two of you." the man, Merus, stated, though he did hold his hand out, which let both Goku and Vegeta shake it, as they knew that, since he was in the Galactic Patrol, he was one of the good guys and they could trust him, because if he was the villain Frieza would have blown him to pieces or arrested him for the real Galactic Patrol to imprison for impersonating one of their officers, "Now then, onto why we're here. Due to some negligence on our part, and by that I mean the Galactic Patrol, an incredibly dangerous criminal has broken out of our prison and is now on the loose somewhere in the universe, and we need the assistance of a certain individual in order to stop him. The individual we seek currently resides inside Majin Buu..."

"Slumbers... inside Buu?" Goku inquired, to which he put a hand on his chin for a moment, as he could have sworn he remembered Shin telling him about the past of Buu, back when it was Kid Buu that was tearing up the universe while Beerus was asleep, since he was uncaring at the time, before he remembered what he had been told, "Oh right, Shin told us about this. Back when Kid Buu was running around the universe he absorbed two of the five Kaioshin that were watching over our universe, while killing two more as well, though the two that he eventually absorbed were the South Supreme Kai and the Grand Supreme Kai, or the Great Lord of Lords as the Old Kai called him."

"Oh, so you have heard the story of Buu then." Merus said, though at the same time a slight smile appeared on his face, as that meant good things for them if the heroes that had stopped Frieza, before somehow turning him into a force of good, knew about who slumbered inside the creature that was resting on Earth, "Well then, let me cut straight to the point: the Great Lord of Lords had an ability that allowed him to stop the villain that escaped our prison, and we're hoping that we can either draw out that power or awaken the Great Lord of Lords himself so we can defeat this villain."

Vegeta frowned for a moment, as there was more to this tale than what Merus was telling them, but at the same time it was either due to him being worried that if he told them too much they might not want to risk their friend's life, or that they might chicken out and force him off the planet... but, judging from how Frieza looked, he could tell that the emperor wasn't terrified, meaning he was trying to figure out who this villain was and what he could do to assist the Galactic Patrol in stopping this new enemy, before he came to a decision.

"Very well, we'll help you out." Vegeta stated, while at the same time he noticed that his friend was nodding his head in agreement, showing Merus that they were more than willing to help him and the Galactic Patrol in whatever manner they could, before holding up a finger for a second, "My only condition is that you tell us everything you know about this villain and his powers, so that way we can form an accurate plan of action to take against him, once we determine what his goal is and where he's headed."

"I can do that." Merus replied, as he had withheld that information from Frieza and the emperor still decided to aid him and his squad in their mission, but if he was promising to tell Goku and Vegeta what he knew about this new threat he knew he'd have to tell the emperor as well, though when the Saiyans moved to the side, and beckoned for him to follow, he knew it was time to get serious.

As Goku and Vegeta suspected Buu was still asleep, since he had fallen into this state before the tournament started and they had been forced to seek his replacement, which had been Frieza, though Merus seemed to be anticipating this as he called for some of his squad members to bring the stretcher. This turned out to be a floating metallic bed that allowed them to lift the sleeping Buu off of the bed that he was sleeping on and deposit him on the new one, all without disturbing him, not that such a thing was easy given how much effort Goku had gone through in an attempt to wake Buu up for the tournament, only to utterly fail in that regard. Once that was done, and Merus lead the bed back to the ship, Goku had Mr. Satan inform Bulma that they would be leaving the Earth for some undetermined amount of time and that they would be back when they stopped whatever villain Merus wanted to use Buu against, though the moment Bulma got the message, and promised to tell Chi Chi, Goku and Vegeta followed Frieza aboard the ship and departed from the planet they lived on, leaving Gohan and the others are the primary guardians of Earth for now. While all of that was happening Goku did consider asking Shin, who was back at his sacred world, if he knew anything about the villain that Merus had mentioned, or at least an idea of what sort of powers they could expect, but ultimately decided that Vegeta's plan was better, hence the reason they remained silent as they traveled through space.

It took Merus a few minutes to make sure that everything was set so they could reach their first destination, which was the headquarters of the Galactic Patrol, where they would set Buu down and get to work on figuring out what to do about the Great Lord of Lords, before he turned to face the trio that was helping them out.

"Well then, where do I start?" Merus said, showing that there must be a decent amount of information for them to know about if they were going to help the Galactic Patrol stop the villain that had escaped his cell, before determining where he could start, "Ten million years ago our universe was under assault by a terrifying wizard, who went by the name Planet-Eater Moro and was responsible for the destruction of the entire Iragi star system and over three hundred and twenty planets by the time the Great Lord of Lords and the South Supreme Kai fought him. Our Predecessors, a force known as the Galactic Police, watched as Moro fought the pair on a moon that was close to another planet, where he used actual comets to attack the greatest warriors our universe had to offer at the time, though the officers that watched the battle were under the impression that he was trying to eliminate the Great Lord of Lords, even though he was attacking both his foes at the same time. After what appeared to be the last barrage of comets Moro held his right hand out towards the nearby planet and drained the energy out of it, as in the energy of the plants, the animals, and everything else that called that poor unfortunate planet home, before condensing all that energy into a smaller orb, which he ate and loosed a storm of lightning down upon the Great Lord of Lords and the South Supreme Kai, though the reports indicated that he might have gotten stronger after doing that.

In the end the Great Lord of Lords sacrificed most of his godly power to seal away Moro's magic, which allowed the Galactic Police to capture him and lock him away in the prison he's been resting in for the last ten million years, and don't think they didn't try killing Moro, because they did try it, but no one around that time period was strong enough to end his life, hence why they gave him a life sentence instead."

"And now this Moro is loose in the universe?" Frieza asked, though at the same time he glanced at Goku and Vegeta for a moment, as the three of them agreed on one thing, and that was the fact that Moro's powers reminded them of what Tirek was able to do, or at the very least there were some similarities they couldn't ignore.

"Yes. We theorize that he was able to regain some of his magic before making his escape." Merus replied, where he was pleased to see that Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza were fast to catch onto what he was saying, since it allowed him to save time on explaining things, which they could use to figure out what they were going to do next while they wait for Buu to wake up from his nap, "This is why we need Buu's help, so we can utilize the Great Lord of Lords' technique to seal whatever magic he's regained and then lock him away until we find someone that can kill him."

"What about Lord Beerus?" Goku inquired, because if they needed someone to permanently kill Moro, before he became a threat to the universe again, they could always call in their universe's God of Destruction and blow their target away before he gained more power, "I'm sure that if we explained the situation to him, and the threat that Moro poses to the entire universe, he would seek out your target and destroy him."

"You mean the God of Destruction that Agent Jaco told us about?" Merus replied in kind, where the trio in front of him nodded their heads, indicating that Goku was talking about the individual that wiped out threats to the safety of their universe, be they a single person, an organization, or even a planet, before he shook his head, "No, based on what Jaco told us Lord Beerus might not be reliable, given whatever is happening around him, so we should focus on finding out where our target is heading and either retrieving the Great Lord of Lords' power or awakening that part of him."

Vegeta found it odd that Merus didn't want to involve the one person that could probably truly end Moro, meaning that Jaco likely lied to the Galactic Patrol and told them that he was a very busy person and that they shouldn't bother him at all, which had to have come from Champa's attitude during the tournament he and Beerus had, with five warriors from each universe fighting against each other. At the same time, however, he was thinking the same thing that his friends were thinking, that calling Beerus to deal with Moro might be the best thing to do, since there was no telling how strong he already was and what sort of damage he was planning to the rest of the universe. What interested him was that Merus, upon discovering that Frieza was planning on including him and Kakarot in this operation, had went ahead and made sure that the Galactic King inducted them into the Galactic Patrol as temporary members of the organization, or special members as Merus called it. Basically they were going to be members of the Galactic Patrol until Moro was captured again, at which point they would be dismissed and allowed to return to what they were doing before Merus came to Earth to find Buu, though there was a number of ways for them to be dismissed early, despite the fact that none of them were planning on using their 'special authority'.

The moment Merus was done explaining what they should expect when they arrived at their destination, however, he turned to the pilot and they warped through space, arriving in the space near a space station that was the headquarters of the Galactic Patrol... and, to cut the entire thing short, they were greeted by the Galactic King, a green octopus-like creature with a crown on his head, that went through the ceremony that Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza ignored, before they were given large special bracers that had the symbol of the Galactic Patrol on them.

"This is much better than the uniform you guys wear all the time," Goku commented, as from what he had seen the odd uniforms that the Galactic Patrol wore seemed hard to move in, which would be the wrong move to make since they had no idea what sort of powers or techniques Moro possessed, and it appeared that Merus agreed with his thoughts, as the elite patrolman didn't seem annoyed by his statement.

"It was Frieza's idea," Merus replied, as Frieza was behind the ivory colored bracers that bared the symbol of the Galactic Patrol, something that the Galactic King was okay with since it allowed those that wore them to be recognized by them and everyone else, and these were the only ones in existence at the moment, "regardless of whether your a full fledged member of the organization, or just a temporary member, you need to have our symbol somewhere on your body, and these meet that requirement quite easily."

"Okay, so what's the part about Moro that you haven't told us?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time the group followed Merus back to his ship, as they were going to wait there until they figured out where Moro had gone, and if they needed to eat they could go to the cafeteria or the ship's fridge to get whatever they wanted, "I know that you kept something from us, to make sure we don't run in fear of Moro's power, but we need to know what we're dealing with before we find him."

"Understandable." Merus said, as he knew that there were a few more things about Moro that he needed to tell Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza before they did anything else, and now that the three of them were temporary members of the Galactic Patrol, to help them catch this villain, it was time to tell them everything else, "The prison records indicate that Moro is capable of more than just absorbing the life energy of a planet, as he can actually wield it for direct attacks, ones that are incredibly powerful and equally devastating, and it's said that he's capable of taking the life energy of his enemies from them while he's fighting them, without them being aware of that fact."

"Hold on a second, you mean he could drain our life energy while fighting us?" Frieza inquired, because that just so happened to be something important that they needed to know ahead of time, because if that was the case they would be handing him an enormous amount of power thanks to his Golden form and the Super Saiyan Blue form that both Goku and Vegeta could use in battle, only for Merus to nod his head to confirm his statement, "Well, um, that's a problem for us, since the three of us possess forms of incredible power, and if we were to battle him he'd slowly drain that energy from our bodies, until he could steal the rest of it and restore a decent amount of his own power. This will be like fighting Tirek all over again, and he was able to severely beat us despite the level of power that each of us possessed, and to beat him we needed a being of equal, if not greater, power than what he possessed, and it's not like we can call Sunset from her duties and ask her to take care of Moro for us."

"Tirek?" a voice asked, where the group turned and found a short member of the Galactic Patrol, whose entire body was purple and he wore a light purple suit over his chest, arms, and legs, standing near them, though this was a member that they recognized, "Whose that supposed to be?"

"A being who was capable of absorbing the power of those he targeted," Vegeta explained, as he remembered what Celestia and the other Equestrians had told him and his friends about the centaur that had been a threat to their home world, their universe, and then became a threat to the entire multiverse due to his actions, "Sunset Shimmer viewed him as one of the most dangerous beings in her entire universe, one that offended her twice in the past and she told him that the third time she had to deal with him would be the last time he annoyed her, and she eventually fulfilled her promise to him when he invaded the Tournament of Power, in the World of the Void, killed the Kings of All, and then tried to kill her for wronging him... and then she obliterated his entire existence for his crimes."

"The... King of All?" Jaco inquired, though that was before he remembered the small childish figure that had appeared at the end of the tournament between Beerus and Champa's teams, a being that had frightened the Destroyer Gods with his sheer arrival, before considering what he had been told, "Huh, so he died? Didn't think such a thing was possible. So, who ended up replacing him?"

"Sunset did." Vegeta replied, where he noticed that his friend had been oddly silent, which meant that he was actually considering something at the moment, something that interested him since the last time they had been cornered by an incredibly annoying foe, which had been Zamasu, he used that button of his and called Zeno to save the day, "Kakarot, what are you thinking about?"

"We can't win this fight." Goku stated, because after learning about all the powers that Moro possessed, ones that were confirmed and ones that the Galactic Patrol couldn't verify or deny, he came to the conclusion that none of them had the power to stop Moro and that fighting him was a bad idea, before he noticed that Vegeta and Frieza were shocked that he was admitting defeat before they even found Moro, "What? He's capable of wielding the power of any planets around him against his foes, is capable of consuming that power to boost his own strength and power, we don't know if he's capable of leeching our power or not, and there's no telling what else he's capable of... he's like a more advanced version of Tirek, despite being trapped in a cell for ten million years."

"You know, when you say that we can't win, against a foe like this, that worries me." Frieza admitted, as Goku was one of the strangest warriors he had ever met, because he usually faced the most dangerous beings in the entire universe, and the other universes, without question and always found a way to overcome them, and he had seen that first hand when both he and Vegeta had awakened their Super Saiyan forms and beat him, despite him being one of the strongest beings around before Namek was destroyed, "So, what do you propose we do, instead of fighting him?"

"We call in the big gun!" Goku replied, to which he reached into his gi and withdrew the button that Zeno gave him during Zamasu's attempt to bring about the Zero Mortal Plan, the eradication of every mortal across every universe, and he picked Universe 7 to start with after killing all twelve of the Gods of Destruction, before he glanced down at it for a few seconds as Frieza and Vegeta realized what he was holding, "Honestly, I'm not sure if this is even going to work, since it was made by Zeno and not Sunset, but, after hearing about all the powers that Moro may, or may not, have access to, I think it's worth seeing if we can summon Sunset and ask her to assist us."

Before Vegeta or Frieza could do anything, to stop Goku before he pressed the button, Goku smiled at them, held the button out, and tapped the side that was supposed to summon the Ruler of All to his position, as that was what he had been told when the object had been given to him, before a bright white light flashed before their eyes and Sunset, in all her glory, appeared before them.

"...and there's the class four leviathans of Universe 4 that we should add to..." Sunset said, showing that she had been in the middle of a conversation when Goku pressed the button, where she paused for a moment as she noticed that she was no longer in her palace and shifted her head a little, which was followed by her spotting Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and a number of unknown people standing near her, before she focused on what was in Goku's hand, "I'd ask how you were able to summon me to this location, while I was in the middle of a conversation with the Grand Priest, but it seems that my question is answered immediately. Son Goku, you better have a good reason for interrupting what I was doing."

Goku knew that Sunset wouldn't erase him, since he was technically friends with Rainbow and Applejack, but he also knew that annoying or angering the Queen of All was a bad idea, regardless if it was Zeno or Sunset, which was why he started informing her as to what was going on, starting with the Galactic Patrol coming to Earth so they could locate Buu, due to the Great Lord of Lords that he absorbed millions of years ago. He, Vegeta, and Frieza then went into why the Galactic Patrol needed Buu and the being that was slumbering inside him, because there was a terrible villain that no one could kill, at least in the Galactic Patrol, that had escaped from his cell and he was loose in the universe again, free to do whatever he wanted until someone found him. When she learned of the powers that this villain possessed, and the real reason behind why Goku had pressed his button, Sunset remained silent as she took it all in, clearly thinking about what she had been told, which made the trio worry that she would turn around and teleport back to her palace, before she held her hand out towards Goku, where the Saiyan realized what she wanted and handed over the button. Sunset glanced at it for a few seconds, as she knew the powers that her predecessor had imbued in the device, but said nothing as she thought about what she had been told, knowing that she was worrying the trio and their new friends, before realizing that there was one thing that she hadn't been told yet.

"What's the name of this villain?" Sunset asked, where the trio stared at her for a few seconds, which allowed her to see that they finally realized what they hadn't told her since they started explaining why Goku had summoned her, before determining that they might as well reveal the villain's name as well.

"Moro. The prisoner's name is Planet-Eater Moro." Merus spoke up, as he had been quiet the entire time the trio had been telling Sunset what was going on, because he had been stunned by the fact that a being as powerful as her had come to the ship that they were on and was listening to what they were saying, before noticing an odd look on her face, "What? Is something wrong?"

"You could say that, since Moro and Tirek are members of the same species of beings that can absorb energy," Sunset replied, showing the group that she knew more about Moro than they might have known when they summoned her to their location, while at the same time Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza realized that Moro might be more dangerous than they first thought, especially if Sunset knew about him, "One of the revived Gods of Destruction, for Universe 13 to be exact, is another member of their species, one that tried to stop Moro from destroying their home world, and while most of them died during the explosion of their home world, which your prisoner caused, nineteen of them survived that event. From what I was told four of them had been killed off after the destruction of their home planet, with Tirek making the fifth, but since you've found another one, and he's incredibly dangerous from the sounds of it, I understand why you decided to call on me, despite the fact I was in the middle of a conversation when that happened."

The trio looked at each other for a moment, as they were surprised by the information that they had been told, but based on Sunset's tone they could determine that she trusted the God of Destruction that was like Tirek, meaning that he or she was a good version of that species, before noticing that Sunset was closing her eyes. Goku's eyes widened for a moment as he determined that she had to be feeling the various energies in this universe, no doubt seeking out where Moro was hiding, and wondered if he could do the same thing, before deciding that he might as well leave this to the Queen of All. While all that was happening Goku noticed that their ship had also disconnected from the headquarters, no doubt because Merus and his squad knew that they would be heading out to where Moro was hiding so they could arrest him, before a white beam of energy appeared in the space in front of the ship, where they found the Grand Priest standing inside the pillar, which disappeared a few moments later. The trio watched as he noticed that Sunset was in the middle of something and simply boarded the ship, where Vegeta told the Galactic Patrol that the Grand Priest was with Sunset and that his power wasn't to be underestimated, though that was before Sunset opened her eyes and raised her right hand towards the space in front of the ship.

In the following moment she said the word 'freeze' and the trio noticed that her aura, which was faint at the moment so she didn't freak anyone out by the sudden surge of power she possessed, flared for a second before returning to normal, which meant she had done something they weren't aware of.

"There, I've frozen Moro's ship where it's currently located," Sunset said, though that was before she raised both her hands and her power started to gather around her, as there was something else she needed to do before the first spell wore off, before the trio noticed that her aura was surrounding the entire ship, "Greater Teleportation."

Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza watched as the air around them shimmered for a moment before they appeared in a new part of space, or that was what they assumed had happened and had been verified by one of Merus' squad members stating that their ship was in a new position, surprising them for a moment, and off in the distance they found a small space ship that seemed frozen in time.

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" Goku asked, because even as he asked that question he felt a terrible power, which was incredibly low right now, coming from the vessel that was in front of them, something that he was sure Vegeta and Frieza were feeling as well, even though he was sure that the being they were looking for could feel them searching for his specific energy signature.

"Yeah, that's where Moro is." Sunset replied, where she noticed that the Grand Priest noticed whose name she had said, as he had been there when Vivien mentioned the being that had been responsible for the end of her home world, even though her predecessor had been the one to blow the planet up, which informed him that they were about to deal with a potential threat to the multiverse, before she turned to the side, "Grand Priest, come with me... we'll trap Moro and see if Vivien can talk some sense into him, or if he needs to be erased before he becomes a threat to everything."

The Grand Priest nodded his head as he followed Sunset outside, which was when Goku and his friends got another glimpse at her true power, as they walked out into space, without suits on since that didn't effect them at all, and strands of energy gathered around Sunset as she walked towards the ship she had stalled. Everyone watched as she reached out and started to break apart the ship that Moro was in, as the panels and sections of the ship broke apart like she was in the middle of disassembling it, and the moment she breached the area her target was in several more strands rushed forward and wrapped around Moro. A single sphere of magical energy wasn't enough to seal him away, hence the reason she made sure to use several spheres, trapping Moro in a multi-layered prison that was constructed out of at least five spheres, each designed to restrict the various powers that her target possessed and separate him from the various energies that rested in the air around them. At the same time she noticed that there was a second individual in the ship, a man that looked like he was wearing the ruined armor of the Frieza Force, suggesting that Frieza must have arrested him for trying to continue down the route of evil, but she sealed him inside a single sphere and sent him over to the Galactic Patrol ship, that way they could deal with him as she and the Grand Priest focused on her target.

While she was doing that, however, the Grand Priest summoned his scepter and connected to Pagne, so they could inform Vivien about Moro's discovery and the fact that Sunset was keeping him pinned down, and once that was done he waited for the message to be delivered so he could summon the pair to their location, where Sunset was staring at the being she had been called upon to deal with. Moro, upon seeing that he had been caught, raised his right hand for a few seconds and pulled off the red robe that he was using to cover his body, revealing that his body's frame was scrawny, if not malnourished, and a long white beard that seemed to reach his abdomen. Sunset found that Moro was like Vivien, though instead of being an anthropomorphic goat, like Vivien was, Moro was more like a humanoid goat whose horns were pointed forward on the sides of his head, and the wrinkles on his body revealed that he was elderly, which made sense considering that he was over ten million years old and that he had been cut off from the majority of the energy that he could feed on. Moro was wearing a pair of dark baggy pants at the moment, with a slightly lighter dark pelt wrapped around his waist, the same type of pelt that was wrapped around both of his shoulders, and he had white bandages that were wrapped around his wrists and ankles.

"So, you're the one that stopped our ship and trapped me in this prison," Moro commented, his tone revealing that, while he wasn't happy with her stopping him from doing what he was trying to do, he was impressed by the fact that she was able to trap him in so many spheres, which was what he was currently looking at, like he was studying the magical nature of his new prison, "It has been a long time since I encountered such a skilled magic user, especially one that is able contain me without losing part of their power in the process... most impressive."

"It's been a long time since someone's been impressed by my abilities," Sunset replied, as she wasn't referring to her friends and the other gods, she meant her enemies and threats that she had to take out in the past, when she was the God of Destruction for Universe 19, before she focused on Moro and making sure the spheres stayed up, "I've heard a lot of terrible things about you, which you are no doubt going to tell me are all true, so I won't bother telling you everything that I have been told... though there is someone that will want to talk with you."

"Who are you..." Moro started to ask, though in that moment the Grand Priest glanced to his scepter as Pagne got back to him, which was the moment that he moved his hands for a second and the air near him shimmered, where Moro watched as a very familiar being, dressed in the attire of a God of Destruction, appeared before his eyes, "No... it can't be... you're dead! I verified your death millions of years ago!"

"Lady Sunset, I came as quickly as I could." Vivien said, where she and Pagne bowed their heads in respect, since they were in the presence of the Queen of All and the Grand Priest, before they raised their heads and she focused on the being that was trapped in a series of magical spheres, a being that she instantly recognized, "Moro, we meet again."

"Vivien, the light to my darkness, the good to my evil, the bane of my existence," Moro growled, showing that the two of them didn't like each other, something that Sunset knew from what Vivien told her back when she greeted her and the other revived gods, and that this might end with the two trying to kill each other, or at least attempt to since she was keeping Moro contained in her special prison, "After the destruction of our home world I went into hiding, knowing that you would find a way to locate where I was and come after me, and then I felt your energy disappear entirely a little over ten million years ago, which was when I started absorbing the energy of the planets around me."

"You killed over three hundred planets, with billions, if not trillions of people, because Lord Zeno erased Universes 13 through 18," Vivien replied, as the Grand Priest had quickly told her and Pagne about the number of planets that Moro had destroyed a long time ago, shortly after discovering that information himself, and just hearing who they had found had caused her to stop what she was doing so she could be summoned immediately, before she sighed, "Moro, despite the evil deeds that you have committed, both before the destruction of our home world and after it was destroyed, I know there's a chance for you to turn over a new leaf and abandon this dangerous life you've been leading. There's only fourteen members of our species left, as I had to kill Jor, Venric, Fendar, and Lili shortly after I became a God of Destruction, as they insisted on absorbing the life energies of the people and the planets of the universes they were sent to, and Tirek was killed six months ago, for killing Lord Zeno and his future counterpart."

"Tirek? You mean that weak coward actually grew a pair and killed Zeno?" Moro inquired, though that interested Sunset for a moment, as she and the others from her home world knew that Tirek was not a coward and he certainly wasn't weak, especially since she and Twilight had fought him in the past, and she had done it on three separate occasions, before Moro chuckled to himself, "I guess being separated from me, while retaining my lessons, was enough to force him to grow into a formidable warrior, if he was able to breach the King of All's palace and kill him, not to mention a future counterpart...not that it matters, since you just said he died. I told him he'd die if he wasn't careful, though it does make me wonder who killed him."

"I did." Sunset stated, where Moro glanced at her for a moment, as if he was unsure if she was telling the truth or not, but she honestly didn't care what he felt, since she was thinking that this entire event would be over soon, as it sounded like Moro was going to stick to his old ways.

"If you say so." Moro replied, to which he turned his gaze back to Vivien, showing that he was more interested in speaking to the other member of his species, which Sunset expected, hence the reason she didn't just erase him for ignoring her, thus allowing the conversation to continue, "Besides, my reply to your desire, to get me to forsake my path and join you on your foolish path, is no. Tirek, despite his foolish nature and his lack of ability, since he was always failing me whenever I asked something of him, did have a spark of evil in his heart, which must have grown much larger over time, but I possess a soul of darkness that will never be consumed by the bright light that you possess... not that it matters, since I killed plenty of your followers during our little war, and Azzy had one of the brightest souls I had the pleasure of extinguishing."

"Excuse me?" Vivien asked, as she wanted to be sure of what she heard, because if she had heard Moro right, like she thought she did, than he just admitted to something that happened during the battle their factions had been involved in, something that she discovered during that fight, and she wanted to be sure she had heard him right before she did anything else, while Pagne looked a little worried over what was going on.

"That's right, you had no idea who killed him, and blamed it on me." Moro said, where a smile appeared on his face as he stared at Vivien, as he knew the perfect way to rile her up and free him from his latest cell, so he could continue with his mission, which would start with the beings around him, "Azzy didn't want to see his home world torn apart by our fight, as he knew one was coming and that neither of us would back down, so he infiltrated my base and sought me out, to end my life before the battle even started... I, on the other hand, caught him before he could hurt me, drained the life energy out of his feeble body, and then hung him outside my base, just to show you and your allies what would happen if you continued to challenge me and my forces."

Sunset knew what was going on, Moro was using the death of either Vivien's lover or one of her kids, which she had no idea since she didn't know that much about Vivien's life before the destruction of her home world, and was hoping that this conversation would rile her up... and, as she expected, Vivien growled as her aura flared to life, a mix of both her natural energies and her Energy of Destruction, and her eyes were focused on Moro.

"YOU BASTARD!" Vivien screamed, where she rushed forward, bypassing the short distance between where she and Pagne had landed and where Sunset was holding Moro, before reappearing as she struck the spherical prison with her fist, causing the space around them to vibrate as a crack appeared in the first layer of the prison, "You're the one that killed my sweet Azzy, who wanted nothing more than to save our world from your mad schemes! I'll kill you for that!"

"Yes, I killed your foolish son all those years ago!" Moro stated, where Vivien's anger flared as she applied even more pressure to her attack, breaking through the first layer like it was nothing, which prompted Moro to focus on her and no one else, since she was his ticket out of here, "My plan was to gain enough power so I could invade the King of All's palace, so I could take the throne and rule a multiverse where we could be the gods of everyone, to eat our fill and play with the mortals, as was our right, and your son stood in my way, so it's only natural that I would remove a thorn from my side. At least Tirek has paved the way for me, as he left an empty throne behind, and it's only a matter of time until I gather the power needed to take my rightful place as the Lord of Everything... and, since you insist on standing in my way as well, I'll chain you up in my new prison, with any of your followers that survived the destruction of our home world, and I'll keep killing your son and your followers' loved ones over and over, until I break each and every one of you."

As Vivien raised her arm back, so she could smash through the next layer of the prison, Pagne caught her fist and pulled her away from the prison, though at the same time Sunset sighed and released the spell she had been channeling, allowing the remaining layers to unravel before their eyes... but, just as Moro started to move, she held her left hand out towards him and a white aura wrapped around his entire body, surprising him as he came to a complete stop.

"I can see that this is getting nowhere, and that you won't change at all." Sunset said, because she knew that if she let it go on for much longer Vivien was just going to break the prison and let Moro go, even though the wizard seemed too weak to flee without the aid of someone else, so she was cutting to the heart of the problem, "Besides, there is one massive flaw in your plan... and that's me. You said that the throne was empty, which would imply that there is no one watching over the multiverse, but you never once asked who I was, so I'll tell you: I am Sunset Shimmer, former God of Destruction for Universe 19, though now I am the Queen of All, the new ruler of the entire multiverse."

As Moro started to comprehend what she had just said, about being the Queen of All, and just now noticed the symbol on her attire, the one that allowed others to realize what she was, Sunset closed her left hand into a fist, causing the energy she had used to ensnare Moro to shimmer for a moment, before his existence was terminated and he vanished in the blink of an eye.

"There, Moro is taken care of." Sunset stated, where she lowered her arm and turned to face the gods behind her, as she wanted to calm Vivien down before she and the Grand Priest returned to the palace, even if there was something she had to do before that could happen, "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Vivien. If I had known that Moro was responsible for the death of one of your loved ones, and that he might use that knowledge against you, I wouldn't have asked the Grand Priest to summon you guys to my location."

"It's not your fault, I should have told you everything back during our first meeting." Vivien replied, though at the same time she was now walking around the space that Sunset was in, as it helped calm her down after her Angel had stopped her from letting Moro out of the prison that he had been trapped in, "At least Azzy was avenged, even if I wasn't the one that ended Moro's evil... and it makes me worry about my chances with any of the other survivors, if any of them had been his followers, but I'll cross that bridge when I reach it."

Sunset could tell that Vivien needed some time to relax and calm down, to put this in the past where it belonged, so she said nothing and nodded her head, allowing the Grand Priest to send the pair back to their universe, though once that was done she pulled out Goku's button again and focused her energies on it, but once she was done the only notable difference was that the purple had disappeared and had been replaced by a fiery orange color. Once that was done she headed back to the ship that the trio was waiting in, where she found that the ex Frieza Force soldier had been locked inside the ship's cell, before focusing on Goku as she let him take the button again, who noticed the change immediately, which made since seeing how it was his device to begin with.

"That button will do the same thing that Zeno designed it to do, as in instant teleportation to the front of my palace and the ability to call on me, if something like this happens again," Sunset said, though she did notice that none of the trio were saying anything, as they knew her better than the Galactic Patrol did and knew that she wouldn't have kept it the same way that her predecessor did, which made her a little happy to see that they were quick to catch onto what was going on, "the only change I made is that you won't be able to instantly summon me, as in I'll get an alert whenever that part of the button is pressed, so I can wrap up whatever I'm doing, before coming to see what the problem is."

"Makes sense." Goku replied, as he knew the reason why Zeno never considered that option, since he was bored out of his mind and being called upon was the fastest way for him to reach his first friend, before he put the button back where it belonged and faced the pair of beings that were in front of them, "Thanks for dealing with Moro for us."

Sunset nodded her head, as she knew that Goku wouldn't have summoned her if he felt that he, Vegeta, and Frieza could beat Moro with the powers they commanded, before she and the Grand Priest headed outside the ship, where they disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, leaving the trio to tell the Galactic Patrol what just happened and clean up any mess that this created. Sunset was fine with letting them do that, as she had to focus on what she and the Grand Priest had been talking about before she was summoned to Universe 7, and then, once that conversation was over, they had to make sure things were ready for when the check up day arrived.

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